  • Опубликовано: 26 июл 2024
  • the kids might not remember this day when they're older.. but i will forever :)
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Комментарии • 674

  • @sush1keen
    @sush1keen Год назад +454

    i was in the kids' shoe before, now i am 22 and studying and i stilll remember all those times when people brought us out for shopping raya. thank you so much aisyah for making these anak syurga happy. it really means a lot to them, and for me too. i instantly cried watching your video aisyah seeing how generous you are. you're such an inspiration to everyone. i hope i could be like you one day, being able help the people in need too. sending love to you all the way from germany & selamat hari raya aisyah

  • @nayzi414
    @nayzi414 Год назад +157

    not until i read aisyah's description box "the kids might not remember this when they're older but i will forever". damnn terus laju nangis weh😭😭

  • @amalinarozan
    @amalinarozan Год назад +812

    I belum habis pun tengok the whole vlog tapi mata ni dah start banjir. Im so proud of you Syah. Dalam rezeki kita mesti ada rezeki orang lain. Before you spent thousands for your mom and now for anak2 yatim. I want to do what you do one day. Thank you for being an inspiration. Not to forget Nana and Nawal sbb banyak bersabar layan anak2 tu semua. Korang mudahkan urusan orang, Allah akan mudahkan urusan korang. Love love love~

    • @memoryla
      @memoryla Год назад +2

      omg same i baru tgk sikit dh mengalir ye

  • @wendyjonis1048
    @wendyjonis1048 Год назад +1074

    You can choose the easiest way to make a donation but instead, you do the hustle and bustle to bring all the kids down to the mall and choose things they desire. Hats off to you, Nana & Nawal... .

  • @ninajoseph94
    @ninajoseph94 Год назад +431

    teruskan bersedekah syah… terharu nya tengok budak2 comel tu dapat makan sedap2, shopping, dlm bulan ramadan pula tu. spread love ❤❤❤❤

  • @zlkhapov
    @zlkhapov Год назад +816

    thank you baby for giving back to society.. this is really inspiring for us to be like you!!! AAAA SAYA NANGISSSS

  • @farranadira
    @farranadira Год назад +172

    this is so wholesome, u couldve just donated the money but u rented a bus, brought the kids to mall and let them choose their clothes & toys by themselves! this wasnt easy to do as I myself did participate in this kind of event before, handling kids wasnt easy 😹 thank you aisyah, nana and nawal for making this! hope u guys being rewarded for your good deeds in this holy month

  • @mi5shx
    @mi5shx Год назад +402

    This is officially THE MOST WHOLESOME THING IVE EVER WATCHED ON THE INTERNET!! They’re so adorable 😭😭 may god bless you all 😭🤍

  • @gobidesertful
    @gobidesertful Год назад +45

    Tahniah Ibu Bapa Aisyah kerana telah mendidik Aisyah menjadi anak yang sangat pemurah. Aisyah sangat bertuah dikelilingi dengan kawan2 yg sangat baik. Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi, merahmati dan menyayangi Aisyah, family n kawan2.

  • @mrjoemarc
    @mrjoemarc Год назад +230

    Terharu bila tengok adik2 ni happy bila dibawa shopping raya. Goodjob Aisyah and Nana. Keep doing a good things. Semoga korg dimurahkan rezeki. You always inspiring me. I hope suatu hari nnti sy pun mampu berbagi seperti ini. 😊

  • @nanaxiee4044
    @nanaxiee4044 Год назад +151

    not even big vendors, celebrities or any other influencers can do such big things like 3 of you just did. i am beyond grateful to see someone like 3 of you doing this. very inspiring. kudos to all of you. May allah swt pay you multiple rezeki for what u guys just did in the future. amin ya rabb 😊😊

  • @zueeeothman161
    @zueeeothman161 Год назад +229

    Alooooo comelnya semua!❤❤❤ Thank You So Much and Well Done Aisyah, Nana and Nawal for making all of them super happy during this holy month of Ramadan, semoga korang and family terus dimurahkan rezeki selalu so that boleh share dgn mereka yang memerlukan 🥰❤️ Seeing them smile is very precious, MashaAllah🤍😭 Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin jugak korang❤❤❤ Rest well Aisyah lepas ni and take care of your health tau❤❤❤

  • @najjynaz
    @najjynaz Год назад +158

    Your parents raise u guys so well!! Thank you for treating this anak soleh, inshaAllah rezeki u akan melimpah ruah lagi after this amiin yra!

  • @7385sofea
    @7385sofea Год назад +135

    masyaAllah . Alhamdulillah. antara org2 yg dekat dgn baginda rasulullah adalah org2 yg menyantuni anak yatim. 🥹🥹 thanks aisyah Nana. i sendiri x terfikir utk buat mcm u alls buat. Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki yg luas , kebahagian dunia akhirat .. hidup dlm redha Allah swt 🤲 love sgt content ni

  • @syazaraihanah130
    @syazaraihanah130 Год назад +114

    Thats why i love her. She is so pure and kind. Aisyah is so inspiring. I hope i can do the same one day. I shaAllah aminn.

  • @kuaina_
    @kuaina_ Год назад +11

    Daripada start video one thing stuck on my head ‘ya Allah kecik2 diaorang dah jadi anak yatim😢’ and till the end of the video i cannot stop saying ‘ALHAMDULILLAH’ happy sangat2 tengok semua anak2 yatim, semua cikgu happy and senyum je through the end of the video, mesti you rasa lega kan syahh sebab dapat buat ni, semoga satu hari nanti i pon dapat buat benda yang sama berkongsi rezeki dengan orang yang memerlukan, thankyou aisyah, nana and nawal for making this video, may Allah bless you guys, semoga setiap langkah korang diberkati digandakan lagi rezeki yang korang hulurkan kepada mereka, happy tak terkata tengok diorang lega walaupon sendiri punya hajat belum tercapai in sya Allah satu hari nanti🤍

  • @blosemvader
    @blosemvader Год назад +115

    I cryyyy! Semoga Allah luaskan rezeki aisyah, nana & nawal sebab happykan anak2 yatim ni. Semoga korang semua berjodoh dengan org yg baik2 sebaik korang jugak ❤️❤️❤️

  • @athirahzulkafli9564
    @athirahzulkafli9564 Год назад +82

    i dont know, but i smile for the whole vlog. so much love, kindness, family, hardwork, caring, pure, sincere, happiness in this vlog. Thank you aisyah for spending your time with the kids 😍. Thanks to nana and nawal also for helping a lot to taking care of the kids 🤣 (part kejar2 tu i mmg laugh out loud) Hahaha

    • @noyuzaid
      @noyuzaid Год назад

      Same goes to me! Im keep smiling for this whole video. And at the same time being so sad and thanks to aisyah nana and nawal for this kind of good example. May Allah swt bless all of you guys and for us as well. ❤

  • @amylianadheera991
    @amylianadheera991 Год назад +109

    I am so proud of you Aisyah & Nana. Love you lots, wishing you guys eternal blessings amiin

  • @DanialHakimi99
    @DanialHakimi99 Год назад +16

    Ya allah kau murahkan lah aisyah dengan rezeki mu.. tak terhingga nilainya bersedekah .. dpt mampu melihat dan tumpang gembira hope i can be rich as aisyah and buat banyak kebaikan amin

    • @razzzels
      @razzzels Год назад +1

      Truee!!! Dpt tgk dia sedekah to anak yatim pun dh happy gila 😭

  • @nurinawin17
    @nurinawin17 Год назад +67

    May all the kids growing up well and can give back to the community one day just like aisyah did 😊❤

  • @faizahzulkeppeli2825
    @faizahzulkeppeli2825 Год назад +181

    literrally im crying watching the whole video. Proud of you girls. Semoga one day i pun dapat buat benda yg sama . Amin ya rabbal al amin .

  • @tyraina
    @tyraina Год назад +40

    so touched 😭 super proud of yall (aisyah,nawal, nana). semoga dimurahkan rezeki my loves 🤍

  • @whoszlkha7486
    @whoszlkha7486 Год назад +47

    SO PROUD OF YOU GUYSSS!!! semoga allah permudahkan urusan you guys dan semoga anak anak tu jadi anak yang berjaya satu hari nanti aamin ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ SUKA SANGAT TENGOK VIDEO AISYAHHHH NI

  • @athirahzainuddin7183
    @athirahzainuddin7183 Год назад +45

    It’s only 7 minutes and iam crying so hard looking at these kid’s faces. So cute and so happy for them. Mashaa Allah..So proud of you Aisyah and thankyou so much for everything.🤍🤍 Thankyou also Nana and Nawal for always been there🤍🤍🤍 may Allah bless everyone🤲🏻

  • @NadhirahNasser
    @NadhirahNasser Год назад +22

    This video deserve 100million thumbs ups. You have moved me since you give your mother cash dalam kotak tu.. so funy yet moving.. And this video gaves me the same impact, but greater. Keep on doing great things CA, and keep this kind soul of yours. The world need it.❤

  • @tinyelf56
    @tinyelf56 Год назад +24

    Lets not skipping all her ads so that she can do more videos like this. Thank you Aisyah❤️

  • @eqaa.b
    @eqaa.b Год назад +42

    Terharu sangat watching this video! Really an inspiring video n Great initiative, teamwork korang hebat! Semoga murah rezeki Aisyah, Amin..
    Not to forget Nana and Nawal too❤

  • @SalamNamaste00
    @SalamNamaste00 Год назад +3

    Sebak melihat anak2 ni kegembiraan memilih baju dan makanan. Semoga bertambah Murah rezeki aisyah. Nana pula nampak penyayang dgn kanak2. Good job Aisyah & Nana...you all mmg boleh memberi inspirasi pada yg lain.

  • @esabelsalvatore6147
    @esabelsalvatore6147 Год назад +20

    My heart cannot take this, comelnya semua. 🥺 With this kind of content, you deserved millions of subscribers, Aisyah. Good job Nana & Nawal as well, mesti penat nak kejar anak-anak tu 😂 Saya doakan kita semua disini dimurahkan rezeki so that we can also do good deeds like this.

  • @misguided710
    @misguided710 Год назад +4

    I teared watching this episode especially kids choosing their own toys. Allahu.. Aisyah such an inspiration person. Murah rezki you.. May Allah bless you tenfold with all wonderful deeds. Semoga sentiasa panjang umur dan sihat slalu.

  • @munirahmulud4196
    @munirahmulud4196 Год назад +4

    Bila tengok muka anak anak kecik ni, rasa sedih tapi kagum.. complicated.. proud of you syah buat diorang happy..

  • @iemabd1841
    @iemabd1841 Год назад +6

    It's a good effort from 3 of you tho! Ramai sangat budak2 tuu 😂 Next time maybe you can ask help from your fans volunteer to join your event aisyah. At least Nawal & Nana tak terkejar sangat nak jaga dorang 🤣

  • @zueyiii32
    @zueyiii32 Год назад +7

    Alhamdullilah aisyah, murah rezeki u syah.. ❤❤❤❤
    Seronok tgok anak² ni dapat baju raya, duit raya, mainan baru, makan pizza..
    Percayalah Allah akan gandakan lagi rezeki you syah..
    Dan yang paling penting, syah jangan sombong.. insyaallah peminat akan menghargai usaha keras u, syah 🤲🏻♥️
    Selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin buat yang baca mesej ni.. 🥰

  • @sophiaselamat3626
    @sophiaselamat3626 Год назад +9

    I'm so proud with you aisyah! please make this an annual content every ramadhan... Allah bless all your family and you!

  • @fatin4547
    @fatin4547 Год назад +1

    omg aisyah this is so nice of you. im literally crying watching this vid. thankyou for makes them happy throughout the day!❤

  • @fai.7747
    @fai.7747 Год назад +7

    aww so sweet, dalam masa yang sama you bagi peluang dekat orang lain untuk sedekah jugak . Thanks for the inspiring video 💐

  • @fazirabasir5651
    @fazirabasir5651 Год назад +29

    ya Allah syah, i have been watching your vlogs dari zaman you kecik lagi and this is my first time commenting sbb dah tak tahan jadi follower buat kerja blkg tabir je selama ni hahaha. Aisyah, i really wanna tell you how much I appreciate what you did & watching you blossoms into a woman you are now makes me super duper proud of you. i am older than you but you and your vlogs inspired me so so muchhhh, terkeluar air mata i sbb terharu sangat tengok the whole content of this video. you are so amazing, keep on doing what you are doing my love, you are truly an inspiration. prolly tht one influencer who live by their motto “keep smiling, stay positive and dont forget hidup kena chill” 🥹

  • @irdinatashaa
    @irdinatashaa Год назад +8

    your heart is sooo pure aisyah 🥺 may allah bless your kind soul! im sure dalam ramai ramai doakan you ni ada doa yang makbul. Keep it up queen! you inspired all of us to be kind like you! ❤

  • @nurhapizhaazhar9764
    @nurhapizhaazhar9764 Год назад +12

    Masyaallah seronoknye anak² yg comel.. semoga Allah melimpahkan rezeki untuk Aisyah sekeluarga dipermudahkan segala urusan.indah nye jika setiap insan rasa bertanggungjawab macam Aisyah.. setiap rezeki Kita ada juga rezeki insan lain😊😊

  • @elmalissa617
    @elmalissa617 Год назад +3

    Thank you aisyah, nana dgn nawal sebab happykan dan menyantuni anak2 yatim. Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan korang dan semoga sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki.

  • @qiqikhsyri9865
    @qiqikhsyri9865 Год назад +7

    AISYAH I AM SO SO SO PROUD OF YOU NANA N NAWAL!!! May Allah always bless all of you guys.. sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki dan surround by all kind hearts people.🤍🤍

  • @syafirasalleh1229
    @syafirasalleh1229 Год назад +2

    akk menangis syah n nana tgk video ni xtahu nak cakap mcmne happy tgk ank2 tu dpt keluar mcmni..tq syah sbb buat mereka happy❤️ u such a big heart women smg di temukan jodoh yg baik tuk kalian aamiin

  • @syafiqahsyamsul
    @syafiqahsyamsul Год назад +4

    Ya Allah, aku je ke yang menangis dari mula sampai habis. 🥹 Semoga you selalu di murahkan rezeki. Terima kasih sebab make them happy. I’m proud of you Aisyah and Nana and Nawal. Congrats for your mama and papa for having you. Thank you so much! ❤

  • @mazihannordin6745
    @mazihannordin6745 Год назад +1

    Tq so much Aisyah. Nana n nawal too. Hanya Allah yang mampu membalasnya setiap kebaikan yang kamu lakukan. Dari belanja mama sue, nana, anak kak yong, u memang pemurah. I akan nangis bila tengok u belanja your mama. 10k, kitchen aid n the latest 30 gift. Moga Allah sentiasa merahmati mu anak. I sebaya your mom. I boleh rasa apa mama u rasa. Bila tengok mama u nangis non stop masa your graduation air mata i mengalir laju. Ada ke mak mak yang tengok vlog Aisyah selain i. I never miss your vlog. Tq again Aisyah, nana n nawal.

    @BBAJIKSUE88 Год назад +27

    you are so pure, aisyah. so lovely :(

  • @mamacita4025
    @mamacita4025 Год назад +2

    never once i regretted stanning u since u were on keek. thank u for doing this aisyah ure so inspiring ❤

  • @nurkhalilahbintimahmoda9691
    @nurkhalilahbintimahmoda9691 Год назад +2

    Ya Allah first time rse nak comment.. first ever.. Nak nangis rasa.. thats kids is so happy.. love to see them.. aeon pon sgatt2 baik.. Ya Allah, moga Allah merahmati kalian semua sbb gembirakan anak2 soleh solehah ni.. We're cryin.. teruskan buat macamni.. Allah will give u more rezq.. ❤❤❤ keep on doin this aisyah..

  • @nurimanhaziqah
    @nurimanhaziqah Год назад +16

    This is so touching 😭💗 may Allah bless y’all always, you inspired me a lot 💗

  • @normalaabdulrahman1356
    @normalaabdulrahman1356 Год назад +3

    im crying so happy aisyahh happykn anak” yatim comel mcm ni🥹 so proud of u tq syahhh ❤

  • @nurhidayahnoorzain2035
    @nurhidayahnoorzain2035 Год назад +1

    Seronok tengok bila anak2 kecil ni suka dan gembira. Semoga aisyahhh sentiasa dimurahakn rezeki dan diberkati sentiasa. Suka tengok aisyahhh, nana dan nawal layan anak2 kecil ni. Lot of love ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @nanajournals89
    @nanajournals89 Год назад

    Alhamdulillah.. you're amazing aisyah! Sy tgk half way pun dh nangis. Tq sbb buat ni tuk dyeorg. So inspired.. moga dipermudahkan segala urusan & dimewahkan rezeki aisyah berlimpah ruah.. aamiin yra ❤️ 🤲🏻 great job to aisyah,nana & nawal 🎉

  • @fatihacherazak
    @fatihacherazak Год назад +5

    Terima kasih Aisyah buat semua ni 🥺 semoga makin murah murah murah lagi rezeki you, Aamin ya mujib ❤️✨

  • @irahshaqirah2157
    @irahshaqirah2157 Год назад +4

    super duper proud of how far you’ve come! ❤

  • @shmrzwdd
    @shmrzwdd Год назад +3

    awww thankyou so much aisyah sedekah dekat anak2 yatim semua ❤ i doakan you,your friends and all your family diberkati dan dikurniakan rezeki setinggi gunung aamiin

  • @shakinahyusof2797
    @shakinahyusof2797 Год назад +7

    Awww aisyah & nana. Thank you sebab berkongsi rezeki. Semoga rezeki Aisyah & Nana selalu dimurahkan ✨

  • @if8704
    @if8704 Год назад +7

    I'm smiling from the beginning until the end of the video. Happy to see anak2 soleh & anak2 solehah happy. Good job & thank you Aisyah, Nana & Nawal. May Allah bless you guys always! ❤❤❤

  • @afeqahamira507
    @afeqahamira507 Год назад +4

    Now i know why your rezeki murah, you love giving happiness to people ❤️ May Allah always bless you guys. Aamiin 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻

  • @chavervale
    @chavervale Год назад +4

    Dari awal video dah sebak. Thank you Aisyah, Nana & Nawal for doing this. May your rezqi dilipat gandakan oleh Allah Taala. Aminn. Thankk you for the vlogs bulan ni jugak. ❤❤❤

  • @suriatyali513
    @suriatyali513 Год назад +5

    Keep up the good work (aisyah , nana & nawal). Mulianya hati korang, full of humility and selflessness. May Allah grant abundance of health, wealth & happiness to each of you 😍😍

  • @ardillainsyira8691
    @ardillainsyira8691 Год назад +4

    OH MY AISYAH!! I bangga dengan u ohmy!! I rasa terharu giler dengan video nii😭 so sad and touched to see the kids smiling! As a teacher myself, i can imagine all the kids smile to their ears! Alhamdulillah I’m inspired to be like you one day! Moga u selalu murah rezeki insyallah! Soo soo proud❤

  • @azizah231190
    @azizah231190 Год назад +17

    Terharu sgt tgok vid kali nie..semoga dimurahkan rezeki buat aisyah,nana dan nawal…selamat hari raya…tqsm for all your efforts utk semua vid sepanjang bulan ramadhan..sis sgt happy dgn semua vid aisyah

  • @msbmi
    @msbmi Год назад +45

    im so touched🥹🥹 its a good feeling to share rezeki w other ppl and put a smile on their face☺️ smoga aisyah & nana slalu dimurahkan rezeki 🫶🏻

  • @sunnyS23
    @sunnyS23 Год назад +1

    The most wholesome video for these Ramadan daily posts, Aisyah! You did such a great job. May Allah bless you, Nana & Nawal ❤❤

  • @rosieposiehere
    @rosieposiehere Год назад +3

    Love this so much aisyah nana nawal!😭💕 may Allah always ease everything for you guys!!!

  • @art.of27
    @art.of27 Год назад +6

    aisyahhhhhhhhhh, im so proud of you, and im very sure that your parents reallyy prouddd of youuuu as welllll, may Allah showering you with happiness dunya and akhirat❤️

  • @nurdianasaini1944
    @nurdianasaini1944 Год назад +2

    I kenal Aisyah masa pregnant. Ingat lagi masa tu vid Aisyah selalu kena kecam sebab cakap “kasar” dengan mamasue. I pun rasa Aisyah rude masa tu. Tapi i tertarik betul tengok perwatakan dia, dia tak pernah melenting dengan apa org komen, dia sentiasa terima wpun dia tak pernah komen apa2 berkaitan kecaman tu. I perasan dia mcm diam2 berubah. Tengok la Aisyah yang sekarang ☺️ Kebetulan anak i perempuan, i letak nama Nur Aaisyah 😂 sekarang 6 tahun dah 🥰

  • @sofeaaedi
    @sofeaaedi Год назад +3

    Syah you make me cry watching your video. Such a pure heart and I always pray to God to be good as you. Your trademark stay positive and hidup kena chill is real because you really spread the positive vibes. Hopefully more rezq for you syah.

  • @nurfazura3404
    @nurfazura3404 Год назад +1

    So proud dngan aisyah cara dia berkongsi rezeki dngan semua orang 😊 semoga aisyah dilimpah kan rezeki yang luas dn diberikan kesihatan yang baik❤

  • @surayaanuar
    @surayaanuar Год назад +2

    It’s a lot of hard work for you guys to make the daily content, editing & posting for Ramadhan. I’m not your biggest fan during your earlier years Aisyah but as you matured and have more content with Nana I love you & everybody on your YT so much! ❤ Seeing your subscribers grow makes me happy too.. you guys totally deserve it. Thank you for all the hard work.

  • @tyraharishan8668
    @tyraharishan8668 Год назад +6

    This is the cutest vlog ever. 🥺🤍 Been watching Aisyah’s vlog since 7/8 years ago I guess? I rarely leave a comment on yt but this vlog caught my eyes the most. Thank you girls for being so thoughtful and generous towards the kids. You guys mmg awesome lah! 💓

  • @dalmhad3277
    @dalmhad3277 Год назад

    Maa shaa Allah. Salute aisyah nana nawal..keep it up..happy 40 knk2 tu... Alhamdulillah

  • @JellyDonutSquirt
    @JellyDonutSquirt Год назад

    You inspire me so much! You really deserve all the success in the world and I hope you know what an amazing person you are! 🥺

  • @hidayahramlee7303
    @hidayahramlee7303 Год назад +5

    Goodjob aisyah for giving back to the society. Well done!!! Semoga semakin dimurahkan rezeki aisyah!

  • @xtrabae
    @xtrabae Год назад +4

    Excited sangat masa nampak title. Ya Allah limpahkan la rezeki Aisyah, nana and nawal ❤

  • @izzahhaziqah5224
    @izzahhaziqah5224 Год назад +2

    Thank you Aisyah,Nana and Nawal fr bringing joy to them fr this Hari Raya. May Allah bless you always and given you more rezeki yg berlipat ganda ❤❤

  • @AzizOthman
    @AzizOthman Год назад +1

    ya Allah, happy tgk video kali ni n sebak jgk tgk excited dorg shopping, Thanks u guys

  • @tihamohamad6224
    @tihamohamad6224 Год назад +7

    I nangis during this video😢 what a kind of heart that korang miliki❤

  • @sharifahfaiqah2308
    @sharifahfaiqah2308 Год назад

    Goodjob to all three of you...slalu pasang niat nk buat mcm ni one day kalau ade rezeki lebih...insyaallah..doakan sy juga dilimpahi rezeki supaya dpt bantu org lain jugak..

  • @archivesfrom92
    @archivesfrom92 Год назад

    The most awaited video every Ramadhan! Good job, Aisyah, Nana and Nawal. Allah blessed you, Aisyah for sharing your rezeki with the unfortunates. I feel touched. May Allah grant all of you good health and more wealth. Kalau Mama Sue join sekali buka puasa mesti best, sedih tengok, sedih in a good way.

  • @wannurdayanawanmahmud3587
    @wannurdayanawanmahmud3587 Год назад +7

    Im so much proud of u Aisyah ❤ semoga Allah Swt sentiasa berkati usia u, diberi kesihatan yg baik, dimurahkan rezeki yg melimpah dan selamat/berjaya dunia akhirat aminnn ya rabbal ‘alaminnn. Xoxo

  • @nursyazwani7387
    @nursyazwani7387 Год назад +1

    Dear 3 girls. I loves you gais, saya jarang comment. Kalini nak jugak comment. Video ni tak sampai habis pun dah buat saya menangis teruk. Bayangkan banyaknya air mata saya sepanjang video ini berdurasi. Cemburunya saya dengan kebaikan aisyah. Im so proud to see all of your effort. 40 kanak2 mendoakan awak apatah lagi followers awak. Such a pure hearts. Love you 😘 im crying 😭 respect!

  • @AwieHasmawi-ne6vl
    @AwieHasmawi-ne6vl Год назад +1

    Ya Allah best yer Aisyah muda2 dh mmpu buat mcm ni.. may Allah bless u more..

  • @msyazwan2114
    @msyazwan2114 Год назад +1

    Aisyah 😢 semoga dengan asbab kebaikan kamu, Allah SWT balas dengan sejuta lagi kebaikan kepada kamu. Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati dan melindungi kamu. Pahala berbuat baik kepada anak yatim sangatlah besar dan semoga Allah SWT menerima sedekah kamu ini. Amiin. So so proud of you.

  • @nurnajihah6924
    @nurnajihah6924 Год назад +32

    You guys really have a kind heart, so lovely 😊 selamat hari raya u guys

  • @balqisnazri4694
    @balqisnazri4694 Год назад +2

    She has the biggest most biggest heart 😭😭😭 🤍🤍🤍🥹🥹🥹🤍🤍 untung siapa dpt aisyah as her wife, dah la pandai masak, baik hati, peramah, educated, lawaa, semua semua la 😭

  • @nurfatinatilliabintiamerud5371

    Saya pun nak komen sepenuh melayu. Mulia sungguh hati awak Dan kawan2 awak. Hebat keluarga awak besarkan awak sebab tengok awak sangat ikhlas bila memberi. Moga Allah lindungi awak, mesti anak-anak kecil ni x lupa awak and akan doakan awak selalu. Awak sangat memberi inspirasi.

  • @iitgciitmb
    @iitgciitmb Год назад +1

    love ur description under the video ❤ very unforgettable memories were madee

  • @senahlopa3864
    @senahlopa3864 Год назад +2

    alhamdullilah...semoga aisyah di murahkan rezeki lagi..dan di redhai oleh allah...proud of u..

  • @adamhakimy4073
    @adamhakimy4073 Год назад +3

    im literally crying while watching this sumpah terharu about what you doing this to all the kid im so proud of you 🥺semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan aisyah 🥺❤️❤️

  • @PuspaLatha-pl4co
    @PuspaLatha-pl4co Год назад +4

    Im soo proud of u girls, keep it up... Have been watching ur channel but first time texting, touched once watched this memories😢

  • @LelesKoronob2
    @LelesKoronob2 Год назад +1

    Sebaknya tgo vdeo ni.. Semoga korang sentiasa dlm lindungan Pencipta. Terima kasih orang baik.

  • @haslindasamat487
    @haslindasamat487 Год назад +1

    allahuakbar kecik2 lg bebudak ne😭..
    terimakasih aunty aisyah gembirakn anak2 ne🥰.moga sentiasa dimurahkn rezeki diberi umur yg berkat🤲🏻

  • @raihanaazman1265
    @raihanaazman1265 Год назад +1

    Honestly dari awal video sampai habis rasa proud dengan aisyah dan the geng. Moga dimurahkan rezeki selias lautan buat kalian. Aamiin.

  • @ainnurazmi5735
    @ainnurazmi5735 Год назад +1

    this is my first time comment on aisyah's video even though i dah watch her yt videos since 2016 because i was so so so so proud of her and u guys did amazing! Thankyou Aisyah, nana & nawal for making the kids happy. May Allah bless u guys..

  • @zyyrss
    @zyyrss Год назад +19

    you really have a very kind heart! ❤✨

  • @nurulasyiqin9803
    @nurulasyiqin9803 Год назад +2

    Nanti buat la content like thatt lagi. Seronok tengok dorang happy❤ smeoga aisyah dimurahkan rezeki yg lebih untuk membahagiakan org lain🙂😚

  • @msrbar88
    @msrbar88 Год назад

    Mashaallah.. Alhamdulillah.. Aisyah your Hati so Mulia..rezeki u Kongsi with your family and the orphanage .. may Allah swt reward you with abundance of rizq❤ may you reap the rewards in the hereafter as well.. Aamin.. also, my hubby keep on saying “you nie tgh pregnant asyik tgok cupcake Aisyah punye video je. Nanti Anak kite muke mcm Dia.” I said “
    Tkp pe cupcake Aisyah so pretty 😍 and May our child have a heart of gold like you too!” Aamin 🤲🏻🤲🏻 I pray that you will get your life partner soon.. and may your soulmate be as kind as you💕

  • @LizNasri
    @LizNasri Год назад +4

    So proud of u Aishah!!! Love from Singapore
    Semoga Allah berkhati dan pintu rezeki dibuka seluas luasnya untuk kamu...Aamin❤

  • @atikahsulaiman1168
    @atikahsulaiman1168 Год назад

    Im proud of you aisyah, nana & nawal🫶🫶🫶 rasa tumpang happy tgk video ni, they are so cute!!!