When mind is exposed to mundane Wisdoms It gets enriched with Every manifestation of Life besides Integrates the World humans. A nice begining in the field of Art and Crafts by Government of India is Sure to Promote this Area for the betterment of People of Kashmir who are Connected to it right from Shah Hamdan .World forces are working But our ego are its blovkedes .Nomo Narayana!
Kashmir is called Iran e Sageer.
Plz have a discussion on it.
When mind is exposed to mundane Wisdoms It gets enriched with Every manifestation of Life besides Integrates the World humans. A nice begining in the field of Art and Crafts by Government of India is Sure to Promote this Area for the betterment of People of Kashmir who are Connected to it right from Shah Hamdan .World forces are working But our ego are its blovkedes .Nomo Narayana!