I’d say it’s rare as hell! Only Emerson Hardwood I saw in the wild was in my pediatrician’s office in the 90’s. It was an Alaska-type. Had a sloped-ceiling kit, and just an on/off wall switch set to medium/reverse. Very steep ceiling between skylights. I’m 38, well-traveled, and never saw a Hardwood since.
One of my favorite wood housing fans
Really love the finish combination and really shines
I’d say it’s rare as hell! Only Emerson Hardwood I saw in the wild was in my pediatrician’s office in the 90’s. It was an Alaska-type. Had a sloped-ceiling kit, and just an on/off wall switch set to medium/reverse. Very steep ceiling between skylights. I’m 38, well-traveled, and never saw a Hardwood since.
I’ve always thought these were gorgeous especially the cherrywood one
I bet it does crank out GREAT air!