Radari KUB sistema PVO iz Mađarske za Vojsku Srbije Radars SA6 Gainful from Hungary for Serbian Army

  • Опубликовано: 15 мар 2024
  • #kub #pvo #madjarska #srbija #2k12 #sa6 #gainful #radar #rston #1s91m #kubM #airdefense #serbianairdefense #vojskasrbije #serbianarmy #hungary #vojska #armija #army #military #naoruzanje #oruzje #armament #weapons
    Coloniam Log In: coloniam.com
    Serbia acquired 2K12 KUB anti-aircraft defense systems from Hungary, which the Hungarian Defense Forces are decommissioning.
    It is about the delivery of radars used within batteries or divisions of the 2K12 KUB anti-aircraft missile system.
    More precisely, it is about the RStON 1S91M missile observation and guidance radar stations that suffered the most from the AGM-88 HARM anti-radar missiles that were massively used in attacks on air defense systems and VOJiN systems of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999.
    That is why their acquisition is necessary in order to activate other divisions of the PVO 2K12 KUB missile system, because now the Serbian Armed Forces use only three divisions of this system within the 250th Missile Brigade of the Serbian Air Force, namely three divisions armed with the Kub-M missile system , located in Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Niš.
    With the formation of the air defense regiment in Kraljevo, there would be no significant movement of these units, because in Kraljevo they would certainly be close to Kosovo and Metohija, and thus the reaction of NATO forces would be avoided.
    One of the priorities for the period from 2010 is the modernization of this Kub-M1 anti-aircraft missile system by installing a device that will enable a passive mode of operation in case of exposure to active electronic jamming in conditions of adversary dominance in the airspace.
    The original 2K12 Kub system was introduced in 1967 in the armament of the armed forces of the former Soviet Union.
    In the Middle East war of 1973, the KUB proved extremely effective in destroying low-flying fighter planes.
    That is why it was on the procurement list for the former JNA, in which it was used since 1975, and most of the divisions of these air defense missile systems were inherited by the Yugoslav Army, then the Yugoslav Army, then the Serbian and Montenegrin Army and finally the Serbian Army.
    Srbija je iz Mađarske nabavila sisteme protivvazduhoplovne odbrane 2K12 KUB koje Odbrambene snage Mađarske povlače iz upotrebe.
    Radi se o isporuci radara koji se koriste u okviru baterija ili diviziona raketnog protivvazduhoplovnog sistema 2K12 KUB.
    Tačnije radi se o radarskim stanicama za osmatranje i navođenje raketa RStON 1S91M koje su najviše stradale od strane protivradarskih raketa AGM-88 HARM koje su se masovno koristile na napade sistema PVO i sisteme VOJiN Savezne Republike Yugoslavije 1999. godine.
    Zato je njihova nabavka neophodna da bi se aktivirali i drugi divizioni raketnog sistema PVO 2K12 KUB, jer sada Vojska Srbije koristi samo tri diviziona ovog sistema u sastavu 250. raketne brigade PVO Vojske Srbije, a to su tri diviziona, naoružana raketnim sistemom Kub-M, locirani u Novom Sadu, Kragujevcu i Nišu.
    Sa formiranjem puka PVO u Kraljevu ne bi dolazilo do značajnijeg pomeranja ovih jedinica, jer bi u Kraljevu svakako bile blizu Kosova i Metohije, a time bi se izbegla i reakcija NATO snaga.
    Jedan od prioriteta za period od 2010. godine jeste modernizacija ovog raketnog sistema PVO Kub-M1 ugradnjom uređaja koji će omogućiti pasivni mod rada u slučaju izloženosti aktivnom elektronskom ometanju u uslovima prevlasti protivnika u vazdušnom prostoru.
    Izvorni sistem 2K12 Kub uveden je 1967. godine u naoružanje oružanih snaga bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza.
    U ratu na Bliskom istoku 1973. godine KUB se pokazao izuzetno efikasnim u uništavanju niskoletećih borbenih aviona.
    Zato se našao na listi nabavki za bivšu JNA, u kojoj se koristio od 1975. godine, a većinu diviziona ovih raketnih sistema PVO je nasledila Jugoslovenska Armija, potom Vojska Jugoslavije, zatim Vojska Srbije i Crne gore i na kraju Vojska Srbije.

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