Novi moćniji srpski raketni sistem PVO KUB-M - Modernized Serbian 2K12 KUB Air Defense like BUK SAM

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • What changed during the modernization process of the 2K12 Kub-M medium-range anti-aircraft missile system used by the Serbian Army?
    Kub missile batteries are usually found in formation within missile regiments or brigades. There is a Fire Control Battery, which basically consists of an observation-acquisition radar 1RL128D (Sows), a radar for measuring the height of PRV-9 or PRV-16 and the Device for Command and Control of Fire (9S416) which represents the command post of the regiment or brigade. Optionally, other surveillance radars can be used, such as P-15, P-18 or P-19.
    Missile system 2K12 Kub could
    In my opinion, the only meaningful modernization is the air defense system of the Kub M4 version, which is actually the forerunner of the air defense system Buk.
    By modifying the guidance head of the 3M9M and 3M9M3 air defense system KUB-M missiles, the guidance of these missiles on small-sized and slow-flying targets in the air was improved, which increased their accuracy of hitting such targets.
    This modification was made based on the combat experience of these air defense systems in Nagorno-Karabakh, which were destroyed by kamikaze drones and larger unmanned aerial vehicles such as the Turkish Bayraktar-TB2. By replacing one original 3M9M missile of the PVO KUB-M system with three three smaller IR guided missiles, two R-60M and one R-73, it is possible to operate this missile system in passive mode without using radar, when target acquisition and tracking is carried out using a new optoelectronic system with a thermal imaging camera.
    In the passive mode of operation of the PVO KUB-M system, it increases its combat toughness and thus avoids this missile system being destroyed by HARM anti-radar missiles, as in 1999 during the NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia.
    the only meaningful modernization is the Air Defense Kub system of the M4 version, which is actually the forerunner of the Air Defense Buk system.
    The modernized KUB-M will also use the first Serbian IC self-guided missile (modernized Soviet IC self-guided missile of the MiG-21 Vympel K-13 or R-13M).
    The proposal would be to mount the IC self-guided missiles RLN-IC and R-60 and R-73 on a separate launcher, on a truck chassis or a T-55 tank chassis, connect them with the "Giraffe" radar and work in conjunction with a hybrid air defense system PASARS to protect higher-ranked air defense systems like the FK-3.
    Šta se sve to promenilo u toku procesa modernizacije protivvazduhoplovnog raketnog sistema srednjeg dometa 2K12 Kub-M koji koristi Vojska Srbije?
    U sastavu raketne baterije se nalaze protivavionske poluaktivno radarski samonavođene rakete 3M9 u više modifikacija, a u Vojsci Srbije 3M9ME i 3M9M3E.
    Raketne baterije Kub se sastoje od baterija za upravljanje vatrom, koja se u osnovi sastoji od osmatračkog radara 1RL128D (Mečka), radara za merenje visine PRV-9 ili PRV-16 i Uređaja za Komandovanje i Upravljanje Vatrom (UKUV 9S416) koji predstavlja komandno mesta puka ili brigade. Mogu se koristiti i drugi osmatrački radari, poput P-15, P-18 ili P-19. Najbolja modernizacija sistema PVO Kub M4 verzije koji je u stvari preteča sistema PVO Buk. Modifikacijom glave za navođenje raketa 3M9M i 3M9M3 sistema PVO KUB-M poboljšano je navođenje ovih raketa na dronove.
    Modifikacija je urađena na osnovu borbenih iskustava sistema PVO u Nagorno-Karabahu koji su bili uništavani od strane kamikaze dronova i većih bespilotnih letelica poput turskih Bayraktar-TB2. Zamenom jedne rakete 3M9M sistema PVO KUB-M sa tri tri manje IC navođene rakete, dve R-60M i jednom R-73 se omogućava dejstvo ovog raketnog sistema u pasivnom režimu.
    U pasivnom režimu rada sistema PVO KUB-M se izbegava da ovaj raketni sistem bude uništen od strane HARM protivradarskih raketa kao 1999. godine za vreme NATO agresije na SR Jugoslaviju.
    Naravno treba napomenuti da je maksimalni domet raketa R-60M koje se lansiraju sa borbenih aviona do 8 km, a kada se lansiraju sa zemlje njihov domet je prepolovljen što isto važi i za IC vođene rakete R-73E koje imaju maksimalni domet od 30 km, ali kada se lansiraju sa sistema KUB-M imaju dometod 15 km u daljinu i 12 km u visinu.
    KUB-M koristi i prvu srpsku IC samonavođenu raketu RLN-IC nastalu modernizacijom sovjetske IC vođene rakete sa MiG-21 Vympel K-13 odnosno R-13M. Predlog bi bio da se IC samonavođene rakete RLN-IC i R-60 i R-73 montiraju na zaseban lanser na šasiji kamiona ili tenka T-55, uvezati ih sa radarom “Žirafa” da radi sa PVO PASARS radi zaštite sistema PVO FK-3.
    Video credit: Personal Library; Audio credit: › audiolibrary
    #kub #buk #vojskasrbije #serbianarmy #2k12 #sa6 #gainful #cube #куб #бук #9k37 #gadfly #sa11 #sam #airdefense #missile #3m9 #pvo #kosovo #nato #1999 #modernization #modernizacija #ukraine #war #radar #giraffe #zirafa #pasars #rlnic #r60 #r73 #r37 #r77 #strela10 #kov #russianarmy #ruskavojska #armament #weapons #naoruzanje #oruzje #military #army #vojska #armija #arms #nato #harm #t55 #tenk #tank #mbt

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