How do you play the game and not get angry? | OW2 Reddit Questions #25

  • Опубликовано: 23 сен 2024

Комментарии • 253

  • @BrainGeniusEditor
    @BrainGeniusEditor 6 месяцев назад +86

    Dumb things that can help give you perspective and maybe keep your anger in check:
    1. Give your opponents credit. Of course you're tilting if you assume all your opponents are lucky scrubs. Maybe, just maybe, they know what they're doing as well as you do.
    2. Play the game in front of you, not the game in your head. Saying "That ult is OP" "that character is cheap" etc. is only going to keep you mad. When you know something is strong, it's up to YOU to anticipate it and play accordingly. Wishing things were different isn't going to patch the game for you.
    3. Watch your replays back and learn. It's incredibly hard to both play the game and reflect on how you are playing the game. You may notice yourself autopiloting into questionable situations, or discover that your teammates were better than you thought.
    4. Understand that online points aren't worth anything. I know "it's only a game" is a funny meme, but it's true, too. This may sound gatekeepy, but I genuinely stopped raging at games online after playing in street fighter tournaments for money. A tiny $25 local tournament pot is infinitely more stakes than 20 games of competitive ranked mode online. If you are getting mad instead of getting better, it's because your pride/ego is hurt.

    • @asaiguess4491
      @asaiguess4491 6 месяцев назад +14

      Giving the opponent credit is what I rarely see. I’ll be playing with my friends and get headshot across the map and I’ll think “Oh wow I just got shit on lol” but my friends will die to the same thing and start screaming that character/map/gamemode/whatever sucks and needs balance changes now and whatnot. Sometimes you just get a game where someone on the enemy team pops off.

    • @yogran1
      @yogran1 6 месяцев назад +8

      Great points. Getting out of that toxic mindset of 'no one knows what they're doing except me' really helped in improving. Once I started expecting my opponents to make good plays, I started playing around them and stopped dying every time my opponents formed a cohesive thought

    • @10Neon
      @10Neon 6 месяцев назад +3

      Sometimes you have to sit back, analyze the situation, then report to your team, "their Widow keeps clicking on our heads. I was not prepared for this possibility."

    • @somethinginnocuous
      @somethinginnocuous 6 месяцев назад +5

      Can also attest that playing fighting games IRL for money will put random online games into perspective. Putting in the hours to drive or fly to a venue, playing hours and hours of bracket, then getting absolutely bodied in your last set will mess with your head if you let it. There's no "gg go next" then.
      All great points. I think another general point would be to deliberately and mindfully separate your thoughts from your feelings. It's totally normal to feel frustrated or disappointed by an outcome but it's detrimental to yourself and your path to improvement to let your thoughts spring immediately from those feelings. Take a moment, acknowledge how you feel, literally say to yourself "I feel angry when ... happened" or "I am disappointed because...", take a breath, then let yourself start to analyze the situation. If you don't give yourself space to feel and process your emotions, they'll seep into your thinking as cognitive biases and end up perpetuating your negative headspace in a vicious cycle.

    • @Spenjira
      @Spenjira 6 месяцев назад

      I agree with everything except for the last point. I think alot of people saying it doesnt matter are juuust givong people cope. NOTHING matters unless you assign it Importance. In order to get better at anything you actually have to care about it. If you tell people not to care about internet points then they won't care about getting better at anything and they won't actually be in any different of a position and will still end up getting pissed off. That coupled with the fact that, in order to have continual and Progressive fun with something that requires skill will, in many cases, require the person to care about it.
      Let's be real, anyone that's above the rank of platinum that says it doesn't matter is coping. You wouldn't be a high rank unless you cared. I don't think anyone can continue to climb without caring. Let's be real here

  • @KaratFengMinecraft
    @KaratFengMinecraft 6 месяцев назад +76

    I constantly jump in overwatch because in minecraft running and jumping actually make you go slightly faster and so it became a muscle memory for me.

    • @hillwoop9101
      @hillwoop9101 6 месяцев назад

      Also bunny hopping from those counter strike montages

    • @tylerbacoka4248
      @tylerbacoka4248 6 месяцев назад

      every game ever... but ya...

    • @420lsdkfslekfaslk
      @420lsdkfslekfaslk 6 месяцев назад

      @@tylerbacoka4248 not really, most games you dont actually move faster while jumping, minecraft is one of the few majorly popular (over 100m players) games that actually makes you go faster

    • @jeepeedurocher
      @jeepeedurocher 4 месяца назад

      Dude same hahhahaha

  • @salinaember9527
    @salinaember9527 6 месяцев назад +209

    ive played almost every online comp game over a decade, but no game has made me rage more than dead by daylight. i ended up quitting (for my mental health) and moved onto overwatch as my chill game. its why i laugh it off when my teammates or opponents are raging in ow2. this is disneyland for me lmao.

    • @borkdogey
      @borkdogey 6 месяцев назад +33

      dbd😭😭😭 what is there to rage about

    • @Noctua8
      @Noctua8 6 месяцев назад +6

      Funny it's the opposite for my bf, he's max rank in dbd too which convinces me his mental is his only weakness 😂

    • @lucienpavone3443
      @lucienpavone3443 6 месяцев назад +3

      stopped playing brawlhalla entirely for the same reasons

    • @salinaember9527
      @salinaember9527 6 месяцев назад +25

      @@borkdogey whats there not to rage about? its almost like the game is intentionally designed to anger you. one of the most toxic gaming communities for a reason.

    • @TauuFps
      @TauuFps 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@borkdogeyeveryone sweats their asses off

  • @rogue_ruggie
    @rogue_ruggie 6 месяцев назад +48

    KarQ: Try to minimize jumping mid fights.
    Me on Lucio: Welp time to play floorcio

    • @scheaepling1341
      @scheaepling1341 6 месяцев назад

      Loool to be fair jumping and wall riding are different, but you made me laugh 😆

  • @panampace
    @panampace 6 месяцев назад +21

    I’m a chill guy and hate people who rage in games but I’ve been shocked to see myself get ragey playing OW (comp) too. Personally I think it’s because it’s an extremely dopamine heavy game that keeps your brain and reflexes going 100% so it just gets really high tension, and when a high tension play results in a failure that little dopamine drop hits hard.

    • @illurian5616
      @illurian5616 6 месяцев назад +1

      Man i have the same thing - my friends all tell me that the only time they've ever seen me rage is in OW and it makes me want to stop playing because I don't rage at anything irl. Something about this game just brings out the worst in me.

    • @ReadMeinMind
      @ReadMeinMind 6 месяцев назад

      From my understanding, getting rage in a game has little to do with neurotransmitters (chemicals that effect physiological responses) but instead a cognitive response to the feeling that “you’re not good at the game”, which then makes you mad

    • @D_Jilla
      @D_Jilla 6 месяцев назад

      And its also a very competitive game

    • @ElusiveTy
      @ElusiveTy 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@ReadMeinMind Pretty much. It's people not handling competition very well. It's also easy for people to slip into an 'I vs them' mentality against their team when they have an inflated sense of self. Many people also fail to realise that variance happens. Everyone has bad games, including themselves. Teammates will too and they might just be having an off game. People also don't seem to realise that it's impossible in a well-functioning competitive matchmaking system to win EVERY game. Losses WILL happen and ideally winrates will be kept around 50%. If someone doesn't know how to handle losing, they're going to be upset about 50% of the time. It's usually the people that get most childish about it (being a dick to the enemy team when they win) that are the biggest assholes to their teammates (when they start to lose) - again, an inflated sense of self.

    • @jonasdowner
      @jonasdowner 6 месяцев назад

      can you explain to me how the brain changes your mood without neurotransmitters?
      Leave the science to the scientists

  • @dragonmaster951753
    @dragonmaster951753 6 месяцев назад +3

    To hopefully help the "when does high ground matter" if you ignore your team and stay high ground, you'll notice you rarely get challenged in low ranks. I was introducing ow2 to some new players and they kept wanting to fight on cart. When they saw that I sat on high ground as Ana for 5 fights in a row without taking damage, they realized why it was so important. I didn't drop just because they did, I would just shoot at the enemy who kept trying to kill my tank and failing until they eventually looked up.
    On numbani similar concept. Stay high ground and play safe. If the entire enemy team runs straight for the cart, just stay high ground and shoot them. Half of them won't recognize you and the other half will call you out in hopes someone else fights you but they don't cause they have to kill/heal the tank.

  • @mcolossus4607
    @mcolossus4607 6 месяцев назад +6

    1.Don't play Comp.
    2.Don't play genji
    3.if there's Sombra in enemy team leave the game

    • @th0rn42
      @th0rn42 6 месяцев назад +1

      But you get banned for leaving too many matches, qp or comp regardless😔😔

    • @nailinthefashion
      @nailinthefashion 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@th0rn42step 4. Find new hobbies while you enjoy being banned lmfao

  • @ToxiicRulo
    @ToxiicRulo 6 месяцев назад +7

    Love this series. Perfect to play the audio while in the office lol😂

  • @ReedoTV
    @ReedoTV 6 месяцев назад +19

    The only wasted hours in Overwatch are the ones you don't enjoy

    • @Thandwar
      @Thandwar 6 месяцев назад +4

      so.. 95% of them

  • @lucienpavone3443
    @lucienpavone3443 6 месяцев назад +5

    the random jumping is kinda universal to any game, when i first started playing ow i would spam the left and right sticks like cod slide cancelling even tho nothing would happen, took a couple months to get used to

  • @drbiohazmat
    @drbiohazmat 6 месяцев назад +12

    About the jumping, the word for it is a stimulant. It's not just ADHD, but since ADHD does crave dopamine since we're naturally much lower on it than the average person, any immediate reward action is a big stimulant and can become a habit. For instance, jumping in a game grants the immediate reward of a sense of movement and speed, as well as urgency or adrenaline. It's also another action we physically are taking to press a button while adrenaline and energy are higher, getting some excess out.
    A tick, however, from what I understand, is an involuntary action that can't often be suppressed. And if it is, it causes the person anything from anxiety to genuine physical discomfort or distress.

    • @ketchubb
      @ketchubb 6 месяцев назад +1

      It is just something to do. I used to jump nonstop back in ow1 and I had to compromise with myself. Now, I spam jump any time there arent any enemies. It's just kinda fun.

  • @zartoru_
    @zartoru_ 6 месяцев назад +2

    14:40 I see what they're saying, but there's so many things to take into account. It happened to me fairly recently, we lost a game on which I was like 42-7 as Sombra, always in the ennemy team back line killing them, which I thought would help my team win the fight, but we almost every single team fight. I was like "wth how can my team loose fights when they are in 4v3 and the ennemy team doesn't get healed" (not in chat ofc because I'm not one to be blaming my team, I'm usually not that good and this game was just a rare occurence of me popping off)
    The truth is the ennemy team won their 3v4 by just shooting Zarya together, melting her almost instantly going from a 4v3 to 1 dps and 2 supp v 1 tank and 2 dps (which obviously wasn't going to end well)
    This made me realise that while yeah, killing supports is great, being with your team to help them win their fight also is, I could've switched to Mei to help my Zarya get closer stuff like that

  • @Fluffyguy958
    @Fluffyguy958 6 месяцев назад +4

    Im currently right on the line between gold 3 and 2. I started playing in the second half of last year and built a pc in like September. Im not some PC vet but it certainly feels like each game swings wildly different in terms of skill level and I'm glad other ranks are seeing it and I am not alone. Last season I was starting to push into mid platinum ranks. And it feels like some games my tank plays like a brand new bronze player and others its like I have a washed up masters player.

  • @jpinehurst9402
    @jpinehurst9402 6 месяцев назад +1

    You mentioned an MMR reset, but didn't they actually not do anything to MMR? I mean, they said rank was going to middle out closer to Gold 3, and I won 9 and drew 1 in my placements and it dropped me to Bronze 3 from Silver 2, which implies that there was no change at all/it was just a flat drop.

  • @drphdmd7064
    @drphdmd7064 6 месяцев назад +12

    6:12 thats my comment!
    Edit: not the post, the COMMENT lmfao

    • @ketchubb
      @ketchubb 6 месяцев назад +2

      As an additional note, watching pro players on the hero i want to play helps me visualize what I need to do in a match. Sure, I may not be able to keep up with their skill but just kinda knowing what is possible will help you a ton. I frequently review my own replays and that also helps a lot. But knowing what good play on a hero looks like is crucial to playing them effectively.

    • @rent0
      @rent0 6 месяцев назад

      Glhf! Learn your techs! Like extending/turning punch and how to use that with your slam to “tech” to fly across the whole map from spawn :) makes dying not suck as much if you get back super fast.

    • @VampiresAreRealGuys
      @VampiresAreRealGuys 6 месяцев назад

      i havent watched them myself but ive heard Awkward's unranked to gms are good to learn from

  • @gabrielaganon3160
    @gabrielaganon3160 6 месяцев назад +5

    I'm pretty avg (around gold 2 - plat 5), but interestingly, the climb on dps is WAY easier than on supp or tank for me, which has never been the case before. As a matter of fact, the highest I achieved so far (plat 5) is on dps, the first time I've ever been able to do so (it was my worst role). Whether its bc I've improved, the insanity of the role rn, the "clumping" of players at this rank, or a combo of the above, I'm still gonna try to improve for sure.

    • @TheLaggyShaggy1
      @TheLaggyShaggy1 6 месяцев назад +2

      Because of DPS being just generally better than the other classes right now you(when you play DPS) are actually contributing a greater percentage to the win or loss of a match so you might not have been “bad” on dps before, simply the role provided less overall impact to the match.(This is how I got top 500 on support when they were super strong a couple seasons ago, I wasn’t great I just had to be better than the other support regardless of the other classes skill level)

    • @wicked5999
      @wicked5999 6 месяцев назад

      I've found tank is the hardest around mid plat, when you get to diamond tank gets a lot easier to win with

  • @somaraparicio3537
    @somaraparicio3537 6 месяцев назад +3

    22:24 zen fan here. Vs snipers you sit in spawn and hope to hit or take off-angle and hit them with the respawn button

    • @marshalldrew4809
      @marshalldrew4809 6 месяцев назад +2

      Keep half-peeking and just waste their time. If they hold sights on you, keep teasing them. If they switch targets, you can probably make it to cover if you time it right.

  • @lucky_-1y
    @lucky_-1y 6 месяцев назад +2

    The editor cooked with the Tekken 7 customization OST for this video

  • @Htiy
    @Htiy 6 месяцев назад +4

    For me, I had the same thing happen with overwatch as clash royale. Eventually I just got so used to loss streaks that I stopped caring as much

  • @oliviakye3797
    @oliviakye3797 6 месяцев назад +1

    "youre never gonna have below 45% win rate", i currently only have 45% or below, besides a 100% wr on Hanzo from a single match

  • @Tantemify
    @Tantemify 6 месяцев назад +1

    i cant control my anger after i lose the game. this is something i have been trying to address for a long time to no avail

    • @mylegguy8115
      @mylegguy8115 4 месяца назад

      You’re too focused on not losing. When your complete focus is not losing that’s when your worst habits and in-game ticks start happening that cause you to feed and lose. You gotta sharpen the sword/axe and watch replays to keep your game sharp.

  • @josewolf9884
    @josewolf9884 6 месяцев назад +1

    I had a game with a friend playing JQ and me playing Bap. Midfight, he would start jumping while shooting, also indirectly dodging my direct hit heals. I had to remind him to stop jumping whenever he started doing so, not only because of the healing loss but also because he was making it himself harder to shoot and land the knife. My only tip for that other than unbounding the key is to have someone behind you call you out when you start to "jump spam" .

  • @e3vL1
    @e3vL1 6 месяцев назад +2

    I constantly jump bc it's a habit I picked up in other online games. During games jumping like strafing gives opponents less chances at headshots in lower levels

    • @e3vL1
      @e3vL1 6 месяцев назад

      It's like zig zagging when running away from physical predators in rl

  • @ttvkillakween3852
    @ttvkillakween3852 6 месяцев назад +1

    How i stopped getting mad is just telling myself "you cant win them all" bc you literally cant win every game

  • @saaaaaaaaalt838
    @saaaaaaaaalt838 6 месяцев назад +3

    I used to rage a lot at the game back in the day. Probably cause I'm older too but the biggest thing for me is that I simply don't care about my rank any more. I played a LOT pre role lock OW1 and used to rage. Now I'm the very definition of a filthy casual. I come back when I get the itch.
    I got in my mind that comp was too stressful but I'm honestly having more fun with that. Games are longer and there's a longer wait time between to unwind. My rank has even increased since the mmr thing but I know I suck and I'm not trying to get better at the game.

  • @Verbona.
    @Verbona. 6 месяцев назад +16

    8:34 “I have a positive wintate this season but I’m below where I placed” just goes to show how broken the ranked system still is lol. I understand “easier” games give you less SR but if you have a positive win rate you should be climbing and not falling, no matter the circumstances, especially since the OW2 ranked system only takes into account win/loss and not individual stats/contribution.

    • @truuskikomo5227
      @truuskikomo5227 6 месяцев назад +2

      You should not climb if you win all equal matches and lose favored ones…

    • @whaloob
      @whaloob 6 месяцев назад +1

      Winning 2+ and losing 1 should not have you breaking even basically no matter what, I agree at that extreme, and to that end, I think the modifiers might be a tad too strong right now. But what about winning 20 and losing 19? Sure, you have a positive winrate, but if for some reason you are “expected” to win every single one of them, maybe you SHOULD lose a little rating in this case. The absolute only way you can make positive winrate guarantee SR gain is to make all wins and losses equal value, but remember that your rating is a matchmaking tool first and something to be proud of second, and accounting for which team is likely to win according to ratings helps to more quickly and precisely dial in player ratings.

  • @JugsMcNasty
    @JugsMcNasty 6 месяцев назад +1

    The only times I get angry is when I'm driving or when I play Overwatch😂

  • @PrimeKeroHS
    @PrimeKeroHS 6 месяцев назад

    In regards to my ranked position this season: I've played on and off since day 1 of OW1 (so it's not a new account) and I've played a lot of games since OW2 came out. Each season I've bounced between high silver to mid gold. Fast forward this season, I've placed as Gold 5 for support but Plat 3 for DPS, in which I was low gold for last season. Most of my games since finishing my placements as dps have been me feeling completely swamped- all the games are drastically faster now and I'm seeing people in my games on the opposing team with diamond/masters/GM titles as opposed to when I jump on my support role and am queued into silver to gold averages.
    I honestly don't know how I've managed to not derank even subdivisions as DPS as I literally feel like I'm drowning each game and am struggling to keep up with the pacing, but I've been very glad the game has put me there, because I've been learning a lot.

  • @leipomon
    @leipomon 6 месяцев назад +4

    I got upset playing yesterday because I had 30 minutes to play and my first quick play match pitted me against a top 10 dps player + I couldn’t leave without being penalized

  • @JesseHallett
    @JesseHallett 6 месяцев назад +2

    Jumping does make you faster! Not in the direction you're trying to go of course. But the forward walk and vertical jump sum to a velocity vector that is technically larger than walking alone.

  • @SnowyRequiem
    @SnowyRequiem 6 месяцев назад +7

    I see people agreeing that they used to/still get mad and rage at games and their reasoning, but i have a totally different reason that I haven't seen.
    Basically, I still struggle with getting upset at games like overwatch because I care too much. It's not even about rank or anything because I don't even remember the last time I looked at my rank.
    I just try at every game, and when I lose it feels like all that effort was for nothing. It feels bad, and when that happens 15 times in a row I don't just feel bad, I feel angry at myself, the game, whatever I can really. It's such a weird thing because I can't help but try, I literally cannot just play for fun. I have to play my absolute best every time. But mix that with I suck at FPS games (I lack the skill of aiming which I feel is 50% of the skill needed, despite playing FPS games since 2015 when I got into FPS games) and I haven't learned enough about Overwatch itself (200 hours in total) for me to master other important skills
    I know its cope, but it genuinely is something I struggle with

    • @10Neon
      @10Neon 6 месяцев назад +1

      If you're trying your absolute best every game, then when you lose, you should feel calm and satisfied knowing you did your best. How can you feel mad knowing that a win required more than your best?

    • @SnowyRequiem
      @SnowyRequiem 6 месяцев назад +1

      @10Neon That's one way to look at it, but it's more of being frustrated with myself for basically not being good enough for all that effort to matter. I know it sounds stupid but thats why it's an issue lol

    • @Spenjira
      @Spenjira 6 месяцев назад +4

      Let me be one of the first people to tell you that the way you feel is completely natural.
      You know what the cope is? The people trying to convince themselves they don't care, the people that actually don't care are probably in low gold and below. You have to care to climb. People just don't want to be seen as someone that cares too much about a video game when, in reality, every Hobby Sport or job, regardless of its actual importance to society, needs care in order to progress and get better at.
      Video games isn't different, people just imply that it is so that they can pretend they don't care.
      This is 100% true and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
      Where they might be right is caring too much. Try to be rational. Check your win-loss ratio often. Only measure by the last 10 shown. Take regular breaks to do other things. (angry that they dont put morw time into developing prop hunt).
      If I'm having a bad game or few games I will definitely stop and just take a break to hang out with cats or to watch a few RUclips videos. This is KEY!
      Force yourself to do it!
      When you come back after 5 or 10 minutes you will feel a lot better.
      Also if you are a group queuing and you don't know that the person(s)is as good or higher than you then lower your expectations.
      Again, do not let anyone tell you that you care too much about internet points or any such BS like that. Caring is how you get better. Ask anyone that is ranked high if they just play flippantly or if they actually think and try.
      If they say they just get on and do whatever and they are GM4 they are lying flat out

    • @SnowyRequiem
      @SnowyRequiem 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@Spenjira I appreciate the kind words

  • @Lorenzo_I.
    @Lorenzo_I. 6 месяцев назад +6

    18:25 Flats 👀

  • @dboyedoe
    @dboyedoe 6 месяцев назад +14

    KarQ? More like BIG DAWG

  • @TomatoCarrot14
    @TomatoCarrot14 6 месяцев назад

    I think that question 1 a suggestion would be to play based on what games you played before. If you never have played a fps game, then play soldier or cassidy/ashe/widow so you can learn whether you are better at tracking or at timing shots. If you have played fps before then play tracer. This game is really hard to aim in and people will need to adjust to constantly moving and changing your position

  • @mylorddio8272
    @mylorddio8272 6 месяцев назад +3

    HOT TAKE: 6v6 was better, and the only reason why people said it was bad was because Blizzard was terrible at balancing the meta

    • @triantulas
      @triantulas 6 месяцев назад +1

      1 tank 2 dps 2 support is better.

  • @alexander2019.
    @alexander2019. 6 месяцев назад

    Jumping in video games is just a common video game habit we all have. Shooting red barrels, exploring and finding useless spots, jumping to move around(Sometimes it's faster), never using the first save file in a game, mashing a button when unnecessary(especially during loading screens, leaning IRL to avoid attacks.

  • @johndrippergaming
    @johndrippergaming 6 месяцев назад +9

    But I'm always angry 😡 😈

  • @goonjar34
    @goonjar34 6 месяцев назад +2

    12:12 it’s called headglitching

  • @Guile_The_Exile
    @Guile_The_Exile 6 месяцев назад

    Fantastic choice of music with that first tune my boy...

  • @Paul-zh2jp
    @Paul-zh2jp 6 месяцев назад +7

    it's only a game. why do you have to be mad?

  • @nailinthefashion
    @nailinthefashion 6 месяцев назад +1

    Some people need to accept that no one wins 9 out of 10 games. Top 500 people still lose. For me it’s jut frustrating when I wanna chill as Mercy but the team needs a cracked out Ana/Bap to even have a win condition lmao

  • @marc-andreblais5818
    @marc-andreblais5818 6 месяцев назад +2

    i agree with the last guy, as a tracer main, pharah is pretty hard to deal with, and my second goto dps is mei wich doesnt help at all.

    • @salinaember9527
      @salinaember9527 6 месяцев назад

      i find that mirroring pharah with pharah sort of works.

    • @amanormaybeadragon
      @amanormaybeadragon 5 месяцев назад

      Echo is a direct counter to Pharah

  • @josephreynolds2401
    @josephreynolds2401 6 месяцев назад +1

    Not in line with this vid, but Ive noticed more "bad" behavior after the positive response to the new patch who I can only imagine are people who are jumping on the hype train of the new patch. More than a week later, match quality dipped drastically. Wondering if anyone picked up on this? I was winstreaking really hard and plateaued all at once, only 2 divisons after placement and definitely felt the vibe shift in teammates after week one.
    Week one: Fantastic teams.
    Week Two: Bark, bite, and stand-main-and-feed teams.

    • @mylegguy8115
      @mylegguy8115 4 месяца назад +1

      It happened to me this season after they announced the new Tank changes for May. At the start of the season I went on an insane win streak. Climbed from plat 5 to plat 1 but now I went on a 4 lose streak. With some sprinkled losses after hitting Plat 3-4.

    • @josephreynolds2401
      @josephreynolds2401 4 месяца назад

      @@mylegguy8115 I keep telling people. Patch hoppers are the main source of bad behavior because they don't stay long enough to learn. I got teams that stand main all game overnight after the announcement.

  • @TheRealOGnick
    @TheRealOGnick 6 месяцев назад +10

    This update saved OW for me ngl

    • @Zathren
      @Zathren 6 месяцев назад +2

      I've heard a lot saying it's the worst update in OW history.
      It's like we're playing different games. I hope every yearly update is this good.

    • @Entropied
      @Entropied 6 месяцев назад

      How? Everyone has dumb amounts of health now,increased projectile sizes means people can yolo shots and be rewarded.

    • @TheRealOGnick
      @TheRealOGnick 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@Entropied dive is meta. I play Moira, sombra, tracer, Lucio, dva, Winston etc. I’m EATING this update lmao. Game requires more game sense and cover usage now it’s better

    • @TheRealOGnick
      @TheRealOGnick 6 месяцев назад

      @@Zathren fr I’ve loved it man. It’s been soooo fun. Definitely a breath of fresh air especially with the new ranked system im flying through ranks right now

  • @Philinnor
    @Philinnor 6 месяцев назад +2

    GM can't relate with lower player experience. They don't have to deal with messed up matchmaking because of constant smurfing. They don't see as much throwers or trolls because they are not in GM. They don't see as much drunk or high one tricks. They have a more sanitized version of the game. They are in their own bubble.

  • @SpacePirate549
    @SpacePirate549 6 месяцев назад +1

    9:01 I've been consistently gm5 for the past couple of seasons (was masters for a few seasons before that, climbed out of gold -> diamond in early ow2), and am currently fighting for my life in diamond 1 after the resets trying to get back to masters. I'm just trying to remind myself that even the best streamers are (for the most part) stuck at the top of masters still. I agree that the games feel similar to before the patch; it's very much felt like an uphill battle for me. It's tough. But eventually we'll get back. and proportionally, even though it's a lower rank, I'm technically about as far from the gm1 players as I was before the reset. Just at a lower visible rank right now

    • @wicked5999
      @wicked5999 6 месяцев назад

      Same. Was masters last season, but after the reset I'm actually taking a long time to climb back up from diamond, even though it took me no time at all last season

  • @ShashKetchum94
    @ShashKetchum94 6 месяцев назад

    Used to get pretty angry back in 2017-18 while playing Paladins(potato pc couldn't run ow) but then slowly I taught myself to just focus on me and doing my best in the game, as long as I'm doing my best and satisfied with my performance there would be no reason to get mad at my teammates coz for 1 tilting them won't make us win the game and 2 arguing would just make me and probably them as well play worse. Helps a lot especially when I'm on dps, you die during a duel? Replace "Aaaah why didn't I get healed" with "Aahhh fuck I missed that shot" or "Ffs he's getting pocketed" and just say it out loud. Its helped me so remain calmer so much, there's always the odd outburst coz nobody's perfect but it's always out loud and not in voice or team chat. Win or lose just focus on your performance, if you did your best and lost, oh well it happens you're not gonna win everything.

  • @plaguepixel
    @plaguepixel 6 месяцев назад +2

    I stopped raging in games long ago. Those 10 year old Tekken 5 PS2 days are over. Every time I feel like I'm getting angry, mad or upset in this game I remind myself how cringe it is to feel this way while playing a god dam video game. If you are playing a game and you feel negative emotions, maybe its time to STOP, play a different game or just take a break, its just a game bro

  • @nesquicc626
    @nesquicc626 6 месяцев назад +2

    true mercy ! i started on Dva mercy then put in like hundreds of hours on ana and now im a crazy good widow ❤you can do it too !

  • @davidw789
    @davidw789 6 месяцев назад +1

    Unfortunately I have the problem of getting tilted not by the game but by things people say so I have 100% disabled voice and text chat and find it way easier to stay in a good mood playing

    • @mylegguy8115
      @mylegguy8115 4 месяца назад

      Imagine for 3 hours a day listening to sweaty nasally geeks complain and rage every game. That gets annoying very fast so I did the same.

    • @mylegguy8115
      @mylegguy8115 4 месяца назад

      I much rather enjoy the voice lines of the game’s characters as it is a more immersive gaming experience.

  • @bobothebob4716
    @bobothebob4716 6 месяцев назад +2

    Also realize that a lot fewer people are playing OW2 right now, making the lower ranks feel sweaty. Out of about 100 people on my friends list (diamond to masters) only about 5-10 are active these days. Lots are playing L.E. or Helldivers2. During periods where OW is in a slump it becomes much harder to rank up, as only the tryhards remain.

  • @marcusgames4518
    @marcusgames4518 6 месяцев назад +1

    No one talks team chat in competitive (at least in placements)

  • @TLBreezy
    @TLBreezy 6 месяцев назад +1

    honestly after the pharah changes its much easier to kill her as reaper/tracer now, not saying that's an ideal matchup but its no longer a wasted effort doing 2 damage when she was in the sky box

  • @rubeushagrid1329
    @rubeushagrid1329 6 месяцев назад +1

    Im new to the game and want to watch some or karqs older zen streams where they were educational where can I find those ?

  • @mylegguy8115
    @mylegguy8115 4 месяца назад

    It’s actually easier to get eliminated with jumping excessively because that movement is very predictable. What goes up must come down and usually in a straight line which is easy to track.

  • @Dingle.Donger
    @Dingle.Donger 6 месяцев назад +2

    That first guy who wasted 300h on Mercy - Just lower your sens. It's probably too high.

  • @androyakorsik3292
    @androyakorsik3292 6 месяцев назад

    When I play very well (for what my standards are) and still lose, I take it philosophically,
    If I think I played good I always think what I could have done *more*.
    When my tank lacks presence, or my dps lacks damage, or my healer lacks healing, I just accept it because I understand how hard is to be consistent in games like overwatch.
    Even on my main I have shitty games where I can’t play properly, and so it applies to allies too.

  • @moristory
    @moristory 6 месяцев назад

    My spam jump habit came from playing too much Halo 3 Swat where if your head was dead level, you got 1 shot instantly.
    Sadly it seems the same can not be said for this game.

  • @sybrenroorda3865
    @sybrenroorda3865 6 месяцев назад

    I feel like jumping in OW is like switching weapons in CSGO

  • @xComet4
    @xComet4 6 месяцев назад +2

    Love these vids, and love the shirt KarQ ❤

  • @Auraknight228
    @Auraknight228 6 месяцев назад +1

    When I am on a losing streak I always say don't worry this is my senkai boost we will get em next sesh... Next sesh never comes😢

  • @morevrai
    @morevrai 6 месяцев назад

    Nah mercy movement is a gift bestowed to a certain breed

  • @Spenjira
    @Spenjira 6 месяцев назад +2

    All my mercy mains. Want to branch out? Try moira, sombra and symmetra. Sombra especially. For some reason she feels alot like mercy.

    • @marteenee88
      @marteenee88 6 месяцев назад +1

      Same gameplay mentality for Sombra I feel: awareness of teammates, assisting, and when to when to actually pop the glock

    • @Spenjira
      @Spenjira 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@marteenee88 I also think that, since they changed Mercy super jump to be omnidirectional, that it feels a lot like the translocator when you're trying to escape. That and everything you said about awareness. 100% agree

    • @nailinthefashion
      @nailinthefashion 6 месяцев назад +1

      And Dva as well if you wanna tank. Situational awareness and knowing when to bomb or just die and fly back is easier with my rez mindset. I trying to branch out now that the game is fun again lmao I’ve been strictly playing Mercy/Weaver after the big Kiriko nerfs

    • @Spenjira
      @Spenjira 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@nailinthefashion actually true! I debated whether to add diva in there or not because I play Deva as well but I'm not sure if it's because I also played Mercy. If you think so then there must be a connection

    • @marteenee88
      @marteenee88 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@nailinthefashion haha you dropped Kiriko? I picked her up and love her. I see more of her than LW

  • @komos3719
    @komos3719 6 месяцев назад

    Usually my anger is at my teammates but that's because I solo queue so I'm making assumptions and having expectations of them that may not be reasonable.

  • @benjaminmelgaard7575
    @benjaminmelgaard7575 6 месяцев назад +1

    i think they should do a full reset of the ranks of everyone
    i feel like there are soooo many people that are just not at the rank they should be at: i dont personally care what rank i am just that it feels like my team is the same rank as me and that im not being carried half the time and the other half im being dragged down by my team
    (im plat 4 on all roles)

  • @Sheila_Chu
    @Sheila_Chu 6 месяцев назад

    Bro said rekourses

  • @psouza4
    @psouza4 6 месяцев назад +1

    Karq, my dude, solid content but I think you completely missed the point of the "how to play without getting angry" post... he's not-so-subtly hinting that his teammates are dragging him down. How do you not get mad [at your teammates] for ruining the game experience game after game when it doesn't matter how well you play. Read his post again -- I think he's saying (and what I wanted to hear from you, personally) was how do you suffer consistently bad, throwing, and toxic teammates who don't care about the game on the same level that you do? You answered how you don't get upset in general and/or at yourself for your own performance and expectations, but in a team-based game where your team isn't on your side too often, how do you actually handle that?

  • @justanotherasian8908
    @justanotherasian8908 6 месяцев назад

    4:50 I melee pretty much every surface walking to point lol

  • @tylerjudd1574
    @tylerjudd1574 5 месяцев назад

    I’ve dropped about a full rank sense the new system as well

  • @WhereIsYourID
    @WhereIsYourID 6 месяцев назад +2

    Jumping in OW is similar to Y-Ying in COD. Its just habit. Y-Ying can be more detrimental, where as jumping in OW is harmless. But that guy is thinking too hard aboutit, every game has a pointless mechanic people spam out of habit.

    • @salinaember9527
      @salinaember9527 6 месяцев назад

      i get where theyre coming from. in valorant, the habit is to take your knife out, spam stab the air, or just keep switching back and forth between your weapon and knife. its why i personally cant watch any val streamers. it gets on my nerves.

    • @WhereIsYourID
      @WhereIsYourID 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@salinaember9527 For sure I get it too, but I still wouldnt think too hard about it unless its actively getting you killed like doing it in team fights. Which thats just a bad habit, focus on not doing it and eventually you stop I went thru that when I first started playing too, then I noticed I kept dying and my accuracy was terrible. Now I do it only as a non-fight movement mechanic

    • @mrazbyte3150
      @mrazbyte3150 6 месяцев назад +2

      What? Why would you let yourself be easier to hit, make it make sense.

    • @Zathren
      @Zathren 6 месяцев назад +2

      Huh?! Spamming jump in OW is terrible! It makes your hot box very predictable and good players capitalize on it by dinking your head!

    • @FenrirLupo
      @FenrirLupo 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@mrazbyte3150 Low and high elo players experience the game very differently. I've seen metal ranks spam the jumping a lot, and it works, because at those ranks they struggle with their aiming. Opposite of diamond and upwards, where those with good aim can easily predict the trajectory of the jump, which is why you see more AD strafing instead without the jumping.

  • @zeroxtx2855
    @zeroxtx2855 6 месяцев назад

    18:12 you might with rein this season tbh

  • @Tankology73
    @Tankology73 6 месяцев назад

    KarQ you were thinking about get rich quick

  • @alfredoperez9017
    @alfredoperez9017 6 месяцев назад

    If you can't kill phara with hitscan use echo .

  • @MrWinters10
    @MrWinters10 6 месяцев назад +1

    The shirt tho! I need it

  • @Sebboebbo
    @Sebboebbo 6 месяцев назад +2

    Da king is back baby he neva miss

  • @tylerbacoka4248
    @tylerbacoka4248 6 месяцев назад

    managing expectations sounds like cooperate shrill mind control has won, i think it's more you would rather want everyone to like you instead of hate you. Would love to see Karq actually speak what he's really thinking. Would be something like this "This dudes positioning, FUCK, How can you miss so many fucking shots, FUCK, why you going solo to get 3on1 FUCK..>!!!! like any actual normal human being thinks playing this puppet show game...

  • @Ajoi14
    @Ajoi14 6 месяцев назад

    "It's just QP" is an annoying statement KarQ. I have a very busy life that I could only play QP to enjoy and get the credits. The more people throw my games, the more games I gotta play to end challenges....

  • @Jaydash-
    @Jaydash- 6 месяцев назад

    People would probably end up improving their situational awareness if they just played mercy for 300 hours😂

  • @jamesfoster6506
    @jamesfoster6506 6 месяцев назад +3

    About the anger one. This game right now is very steamrolly. For both ends

    • @Noctua8
      @Noctua8 6 месяцев назад +4

      This is actually a sign your mental throws games because this has never been true for me

    • @Zathren
      @Zathren 6 месяцев назад +1

      I'd disagree. In fact, the game has never felt more balanced to me. Sure I get some games where the enemy is just better, that inevitable. But I've had a lot of swing victories too.

    • @marc-andreblais5818
      @marc-andreblais5818 6 месяцев назад

      ive had 3 games back to back where not a single person on my team made a kill, how is that not steamrolly@@Noctua8

    • @Entropied
      @Entropied 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@Noctua8high ranked streamers get rolled and then roll the next game. So you’re saying they’re weak mentally also?

    • @Dr__Gamer1212
      @Dr__Gamer1212 6 месяцев назад +3

      this is exactly how it feels for me right now. me and my friends have either rolled or gotten rolled a majority of the games with about 10% being close and thus fun.

  • @yobbolk
    @yobbolk 6 месяцев назад +1

    I love this shirt on you.

  • @jsht6628
    @jsht6628 6 месяцев назад +1

    Dont want to get mad at Overwatch 2? Play valorant. I have never feared for the safety of my monitor until playing valorant ranked

  • @Henry94863
    @Henry94863 6 месяцев назад

    You make a comment about regressing to the mean and understanding that having a bad run reflects a good run you’ll have later. I know what you’re trying to say but it’s literally wrong and you might as well really explain
    Playing more does not make it more likely you achieve an average result later on, or will get good teammates and go on a huge win streak later. It already happened and it means nothing. your absolute variance in results actually increases the more you play and it becomes more and more unlikely your result is equal to or close to the average result. The real takeaway is a more basic understanding of variance. things out of your control should not be rationalized- falsely saying to yourself that you will have a good run eventually is literally wrong, adds entitlement tilt and repeats the initial problem of unrealistic expectations. the real path is to minimize thoughts or care for things out of your control

  • @Zathren
    @Zathren 6 месяцев назад +3

    The easiest way to stop getting angry is two fold.
    1st, it's a video game. It doesn't effect your real life what rank you are.
    2nd, remember that 90% of the time, YOU could have done BETTER. Once you stop blaming your dumb teammates for doing the exact same dumb things you do regularly, the anger melts away and forces you to "git gud" or go play something else.

  • @maddogct
    @maddogct 6 месяцев назад +1

    For the longest time W+jump was faster than W alone. It’s become ingrained into a lot of players muscle memory.

    • @breezybuster2174
      @breezybuster2174 6 месяцев назад

      It’s never been faster

    • @marcosrodriguez.9753
      @marcosrodriguez.9753 6 месяцев назад

      @@breezybuster2174in some shooters it is so it’s probably muscle memory translating over from other games

    • @maddogct
      @maddogct 6 месяцев назад

      In FPS games of the past it was.@@breezybuster2174

    • @amanormaybeadragon
      @amanormaybeadragon 5 месяцев назад

      Jumping seems pretty intuitive to me. Someone aiming at your legs will miss, someone aiming at your head will hit your body. Ive avoided many widow headshots just from playing on a pogo stick

  • @angelfabrizioavinagarcia5821
    @angelfabrizioavinagarcia5821 6 месяцев назад

    The only 2 games that have make me rage have been overwatch and gears of war I quit cause that game took my mental health

  • @tyconnolly
    @tyconnolly 6 месяцев назад

    It comes from wow for me lol

  • @hellos2youse
    @hellos2youse 6 месяцев назад

    @KarQ multiple videos you've tried to recall this and keep calling it confirmation bias. It's called, "Counting the hits and ignoring the misses," because a person remembers the few outliers they pay attention to but ignores the many more examples they're not being conscious of.

  • @yessir6360
    @yessir6360 6 месяцев назад


  • @itsali654
    @itsali654 6 месяцев назад

    Why does console get neglected, why can’t they ever address the xims I had a pocket sojorn ximming go 56-5 vs my real diamond tm8s

  • @jaydenpopa3188
    @jaydenpopa3188 6 месяцев назад

    Hey KarQ

  • @kernoleary1394
    @kernoleary1394 6 месяцев назад

    I thought jumping literally made you move faster which is why i do it. MY LIFE IS A LIE??

  • @tylerbacoka4248
    @tylerbacoka4248 6 месяцев назад

    the number one way to get better at overwatch is to spend money on the game, even if you suck the game doesn't care you spent $$$, should work out great for you, open the wallet!!!! GET SKINS!!!!!! sell your soul

  • @the-real-pawook
    @the-real-pawook 6 месяцев назад +5

    "Who cares, it''s QP" - people who play only QP care? The majority of the playerbase (according to OW devs)? These ranked players are something else.. Here is a comparison: you, a professional football player join a game in a local school and start rolling on the floor like Hammond because "who cares it's a school game", does that sound ok? The proper answer should have been FFA Deathmatch. In that mode the only person affected by your skill is you, the fights are more intense, you spawn is quicker, you learn hero mechanics faster and you are not ruining games for other players who do care. I did 1k hours on lucy in FFA before attempting to dive the enemy backline in a 5v5 and you know what? I didn't care who I was dueling or what are my cooldowns because I learned all of that in advance, not to mention that it was much more fun to do in FFA

    • @turtlej25
      @turtlej25 6 месяцев назад


    • @Phouchg
      @Phouchg 6 месяцев назад +7

      He's right here though. Qp is where you practice new heroes. You should still do your best and try to win. But there is no better place to practice new heroes.

    • @turtlej25
      @turtlej25 6 месяцев назад

      @Phouchg obviously that's not what he said though not at all, and flats Saya the same thing that it doesn't matter so they are wrong we should care NO MATTER THE GAMEMODE FUCK THEM FOR TRYING TO SOUND HIGH AND MIGHTY

    • @the-real-pawook
      @the-real-pawook 6 месяцев назад

      @@Phouchg yea, I updated my comment, I think FFA is much better since the result is the same and you are not affecting anyone else while you learn

    • @thetaco_007
      @thetaco_007 6 месяцев назад

      @@Phouchg Imo the term "practice new heroes" is to vague. There are way better ways to learn the basics and mechanics of a hero than qp. Come into qp when you have a good grasp of how the hero works and have some muscle memory with him. QP in that regard is only useful for practicing positioning etc. (gamesense stuffs).

  • @imquitesmelly8753
    @imquitesmelly8753 6 месяцев назад

    Played a game last night 22k DMG closest person was 9k on enemy team. We lost still, reasons why I'm stuck in gold. I only died 4 times to

    • @marteenee88
      @marteenee88 6 месяцев назад

      This is a teamwork game. No offensw I encounter Tank and DPS like you: that care more of their kill-death ratio.
      This isn't COD or an FPS.

    • @AngrySecs
      @AngrySecs 6 месяцев назад +1

      Without context your stats mean nothing. You could be shooting the tank the entire game and just farming damage. Focus on your own game and not your teammates. You're gonna have bad teammates that drag you down, but if you are better than gold, you will climb out of gold. Simple. Stop blaming other people.

    • @VampiresAreRealGuys
      @VampiresAreRealGuys 6 месяцев назад

      @@AngrySecs i mean if you have more than double the damage of the next person and arent getting caught out of position its probably not your fault, could be a target priority issue but thats a pretty huge gap

    • @AngrySecs
      @AngrySecs 6 месяцев назад +1

      @VampiresAreRealGuys trust me I've seen soldiers and bastions absolutely farm damage off of shooting tanks. It looks good on paper but it doesn't actually do anything. This season with the passive that might actually be an okay strategy tho lol

  • @Crazycazper
    @Crazycazper 6 месяцев назад

    Play vs bots 6:56

  • @upsetti6404
    @upsetti6404 6 месяцев назад

    Never been this early before xD

  • @jarydjarjarsfasha2998
    @jarydjarjarsfasha2998 6 месяцев назад


  • @KingArthur101
    @KingArthur101 6 месяцев назад

    How much money does blizzard pay you for being on your hands and knees so often?

  • @amanormaybeadragon
    @amanormaybeadragon 5 месяцев назад

    Stop calling him lucy please thats a girls name 😭 my boy deserves better

  • @ZarelidT
    @ZarelidT 6 месяцев назад

    Asking how to not get angry just seems like theirs no hope for you kinda question.

    • @zenmello7616
      @zenmello7616 6 месяцев назад


    • @ZarelidT
      @ZarelidT 6 месяцев назад

      @@zenmello7616 cause that just means you don’t know how to not get angry at anything in life and if you’ve made it this far without realizing you don’t always have to get angry at things theirs just no hope.