The young master was so smooth with his confession, such a beautiful one coming from a young gentleman, who was not that polite when entering his majordomo’s room to go through his things as he wanted to find the drawing and he was so jealous of Jom drawing James and he was petty about it and tried to ignore Jom, just to confess with so many heartfelt words but it was later when he said the simplest “I like you” that made Jom run away, because Yai was being blunt. Jom really thought about his own love for Yai and what it would entail as he knows the society is gonna be hard on them once they know, but Yai doesn’t care snd he would bear anything as he doesn’t want to be apart from the one he loves. “Do you want to be a piece with me?” it was the line Yai used to ask Jom to be his lover and the series has the most precious and thought out dialogue 💗
The young master was so smooth with his confession, such a beautiful one coming from a young gentleman, who was not that polite when entering his majordomo’s room to go through his things as he wanted to find the drawing and he was so jealous of Jom drawing James and he was petty about it and tried to ignore Jom, just to confess with so many heartfelt words but it was later when he said the simplest “I like you” that made Jom run away, because Yai was being blunt. Jom really thought about his own love for Yai and what it would entail as he knows the society is gonna be hard on them once they know, but Yai doesn’t care snd he would bear anything as he doesn’t want to be apart from the one he loves. “Do you want to be a piece with me?” it was the line Yai used to ask Jom to be his lover and the series has the most precious and thought out dialogue 💗
WholeAss I seriously need to get into this one! How he backed up Jom and his voice 🥰
Jealousy is the key to love ❤️ 😊😅
Jealousy is the best policy 😉😉😉
Lol 😂 best policy to get confession out of a stubborn person 🤣
Love you fangleng & Xioqi🤗🤗
Name pls😢
I feel you linger in the air
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