Update: I tried joining delta v again for the first time in weeks and I was voucher banned for rule 0 and 2 violations in this round. No clarification given.
Why do you care? You're LRP on an MRP server, you only joined to fuck with people. You didn't even care enough to utilize the one person who could've cleared you. Probably because you wanted what happened to happen. I genuinely can't think of any other reason why someone who wasn't a terrorist would just admit to the charges of being a terrorist. Fucking stupid. Enjoy Wizden. May god have mercy on any lawyer who has to deal with you there.
Lmao they really tried to claim you were the dick for throwing tomato's at people then getting your round ruined by sec which sec even states in the video is all you did
Being a giga shitter all round and screaming shitsec and cope and seethe with no intention of roleplaying is probably why you were banned. Delta V is supposed to be an MRP server
@@Vinzaf Law 2 supercedes Law 3, so telling a borg to kill themselves will mean they have to kill themselves. If Law 3 was switched to Law 1, then the borg has the right to ignore the command.
Borgs are able to interpret their laws however they wish. the only tricky bit being that they remain consistent during the shift, so not letting you into sec for not having access but then letting them into your area without access is inconsistent behavior and a bit sad to see.
Holy shit it takes a borg breaking the rules the captain and the entire sec department to execute a guy who threw tomatoes no wonder wizden has a monopoly on english servers
They actually don't, this was the definition of shitsec, delta V actually isn't that bad, just a bad shift, delta V quite often has more players then wizden
I played in this round, this explains a lot, it explains why there was no botanist and I could just grow the cargo bounties myself, it also explains why sec didn't care when I robbed the vault, they were too busy in security.
@@godgaveyouhands2848 it was clearly a joke, the warden was...... alright. Was kind of on your side until you started shouting shitsec and trying to restrain them (unless them being a dick beforeheand was cut from the final edit of the vid)
Guy tiding and trolling a minor sec timer into an execution (while blaming sec). Sec letting someone troll them so hard they resort to murder instead of ignoring the insults. Warden walking into a cell with an uncuffed prisoner. Borgs with no grasp of silicon policy. Someone eating a Bungo pit. Capcurity. Yep, this is a certified NanoTrasen Classic.
@@marlikbudvergard I did a lot more than he showed. Some of it he has no way of having known, like when I grilled sec for trying to arrest him without permit. However, the most egregious is his upfront refusal to go to trial, which I may add was just about the only time he chose to respond to me. So at that point all I could really do was play to the other side of the legal role. It was annoying and disappointing I couldn't have an opportunity to hold a trial considering I had mountains of bullshit Sec was guilty of. But he admitted fault to the charges so I couldn't really do fuck all from that. This entire round sucked. Everyone sucked. Sec was shit, no doubt. Garbage and a bunch of them were newbies. But this guy was a fucking asshole too and it's clear the entire thing was manufactured in such a way to get a specific type of content. I'm pretty certain he requested execution himself. A lot of things are very conveniently left out of here cuz he wants to make it look like sec just "decided" on a lot of it but nah. No trial? It's cuz he requested it. His execution? He kept demanding it. Of course I filled out his execution order, anyone in my position would have wanted nothing more than to be rid of him as well.
15:33 "As long as he doesn't have an ID to label him as crew I can beat him" That borg should actually be job banned, that is the worst silicon play Ive ever seen
I mean, that is TECHNICALLY correct. If they aren't crew, they aren't people. That applies to normal crew conduct, not just Borgs. If you can't identify them as someone on the manifest, you can do whatever you want to them. Space Law only protects employees of the NanoTrasen Corporation.
Played ss14 just today. I got the whole station that annoyed that not only captain, but also borgs hunted me and wanted me dead. Even funnier that the only things i done were fighting with janitor once, disarming a sec cadet and cuffing a janitor for attacking me with disabler. After this, i just walked behind the corner and seen the whole fucking station running straigt at me with basebal bats and crowbars
Both you and sec were doing LRP on MRP but security abused you, executed you for not a good reason (false execution) and were inhumane ( healing you so they can kill you right after so you in roleplay you had to suffer longer). The borg was not following his laws and over ruled law 1 with law 2
This videos continues to confirm the sterotype of >shitsec is bloodthirsty at times >moth players are always shitheads >borg players are always shit heads >wardens outside of brig are always shit heads This has been the case for many many years
right so, I'm a sec main and frankly *WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON* The whole situation was dim as fuck yeah throwing tomatoes at sec isn't a nice thing, and id probably ask for 2 min just cause its mean but an execution is well past normal punishments. the only good thing is that they went to ask cent comm first which is a requirement for executions. This has so meany problems outlined that require remade in the form of training its too long to list... so going though one by one, 2:47 you need to basically be ready to cuff someone immediately because stims exist, they can just get back up and run 2:52 They are lucky the banana didn't work because their i hand wielding batons and disables while not being ready to IMMEDIATELY hit shift 2:55 thats why, they should have suddenly become prepared after the first banana peel. 3:10 not really valid hunting (dummy) 3:15 i dont even know 4:02 you need to get yourself verced (as a sec) in quickly turning off and ejecting disposals, OR finding a nearby one and flushing yourself down it. ALOT of people use disposals as a quick escape 4:46 Detective is in the right, 3 min for battery is fine given it was just tomatoes (albeit alot of them) 5:10 i don't know the station layout but that looks alot like perma cells, Normal cells have timers so you can bam a timer on, leave it and they will be automatically released 5:43 dumbass 8:43 captain there was two sec right there why are *YOU* of all people going after this dude? 8:44 dumbass 2 10:12 GIVE THE MAN SHOES FOR FUCKS SAKE! 11:23 Why do you have a gun? 11:24 HOLY JESUS YOU NEARLY SHOT THE OTHER GUY WARDEN WHAT THE FUCK 11:28 LEARN FROM YOUR EARLIER MISS DONT WALK RIGHT UP TO THEM! 11:35 didnt you have a sun prod warden? 12:26 active prisoner aboose. big nono (I cuffed a HoS for this once its such a big nono) 14:37 + , honestly. the whole execution was unprofetional In summary: This was a gaggle of cadets who didn't have enough senior staff (with compitence) to tell them what to do and how not be a dingus. I would dread to be the HoS in this situation telling them "Dont chase and beat up the botanist if hes ONLY throwing tomates and banapeels (Particularly if its not interfering with you chasing an actual antag)." again and again. I mainly play on wizden so i rarely have to scream at fellow sec's "DONT DO THAT STUPID THING" so seeing this just made me confused as hell to where upper management went.
The crazy part is this is Delta V (I recognize myself and Nyx). I'm baffled at this as I have been banned from sec for stuff as harmless as pranking a lawyer with a smoke grenade.
I actually was holding candle to their ass about RoE but, after watching this video, it seems sec lied to me about several things. But also this guy didn't really try to talk to me so. Whatever.
Maybe I have a weird approach to the game but i get very little fun from "winning" in ss14 i often feel bad, like i struggle to stay going as an antag or secoff cause i hate like very directly and personally messing with other players' games the whole point of the game is that its an improv story of chaos that the players tell together; the metagame offers no rewards because its just there to move the story along, i dont see how people like this get any enjoyment out of the game like wordlessly gibbing the syndie they overheard say "tc" in a maint, or in this case just straight up executing some guy for bothering sec one time i straight-up got gibbed by the detective ON THE SPOT for whispering "welcome to the dark side" a bit too loud (i was headrev) but like how the hell does he know what that means? couldn't he at least ask or something? (this was probably partly due to it being LRP but whatever) Like this situation was a roleplay opportunity! and it couldve been funny too! but they decided to WIN the game instead!!! epic big win yay here's your trophy!!!
RP is taken with the expectation that you are adhering to a sort of IC standard present. Antags are EOTC by default, which makes their very existence on the station grounds for permabrig/execution. However, refusing to follow basic arresting procedure and follow any tenets of Space Law is just absurd.
I'm a seccie main, and sometimes I get overwhelmed by the amount of people needing my attention as warden, but I've never tried to kill someone for being annoying nor have I gagged someone. This sec team was actual shitsec. Btw most gagged prisonners I've had are goobers who do it to themselves which is pretty entertaining
I got abused by shitsec. I did pretty bad crimes (broke into command, Stole AA card but just pretended I was inspecting the station as a passenger, attempt to escape shitsec) got put into perma, beaten grievously, gassed with tear gas many times, and executed while they just kept laughing. Than I got a perma banned for saying a spicy joke. (All of command was watching and contributing, also low pop like 15-20 people)
Robot goes out of its way to assist in the capture of the botanist and embellishes events to “protect the crew” but coincidently sits and watches what happens to him with contentment. Weird
I laughed so hard watching this, especially the "rank outweighs laws" part. I hope you had great fun playing it too, the point of trolling is the victims' reacting like idiots, it's very fun. Though it is a shame that most players in many video games can't even handle insults anymore. Good insults are art and everyone should be able to enjoy them. It truly saddens me when players stop understanding they're playing a video game to have fun but instead treat it as if it's real life or some serious shit.
Thank you for your service. For how could we train these poor souls in these situations, like anarchist botanists? A true testament against so-called "security"
At the beginning i was like, yeah you shouldnt be such a dick to security but nearing the end when they more and more began breaking laws and started torturing you and even executed you yeah thats just ego 100
I think that you can make tomatos with mushroom toxins by crossbreadind tomato and mushroon, its might work like a toxin projectiles if the toxin can pass through the skin
Assaulting an officer, resisting arrest, and substance abuse aren't really reasons to execute someone over perma. Also that borg needs to be role banned, as they don't understand how laws work at all.
Holy shit, that borg needs a roleban. Where in your rules does it read "rank outweighs laws"? law 2 by defenition gets overridden by law 1. If you dont like being forced to do things you want due to your laws, dont play borg. Bet he just wanted to play sec with AA.
I stoped playing on delta V after sec was so fucking metagaming that they striped perma of all spawned items so priosners would't be able to do anything. I was almost fired from giving the prisoner the most bare bones perma items.
Borgs that selectively follow lawsets are way more annoying than the ones that do follow their lawsets and protect antags. EDIT: and powergaming lizsec, what a surprise
What the hell are the admins doing? the borg was straight up breaking it's own laws, especially the part where Rank apparently outranks laws, which doesn't make sense as what's stopping a traitor from stealing the captain's ID and telling the borg to murder the crew (and tried to validhunt, while failing hard at grammar) and then sec got violently butthurt over tomatoes. Like I get he was being a troll, but people do way worse on my server, and the use of a lethal weapon on a prisoner in perma is wild (the only time this is allowed on my server, is when three perma prisoners killed the Warden and we had to recover him while facing prisoners who now had a shotgun and energy gun). This is genuinely worse then the time I got mega banned for misunderstanding combat rules on a HRP server.
tf that borg doing? besides there are better ways to refuse to open your access panel. namely 'compromising my security may bring harm to the crew. law 1.'
"Just some banter" he cried, after assaulting security by throwing tomatoes at them. Who would've thought that being insufferable would have consequences?
The sec made me cringe so badly, I stopped playing delta V after me and CE cremated a greytider for funnies and I got banned (it was ban worthy but at the same time it was kinda funny)
So there's some truth to the rank determining which order to follow in the case of conflicting orders as was said, but it seems unlikely the borg already had an order to not open their control panel in public or something of the sort, though not impossible if a roboticist was around. There's also the chance it was interpreted as a conflict with Law 1, the borg having identified the possibility that your order to unlock and open its panel would lead to sabotage of the borg based on your previous behavior and that sabotage had a high chance of leading to the harm of one or more crewmembers. This isn't likely either though, since it's a high level interpretation of the Laws that requires deep foresight and they later display a blatant lack of understanding of the Laws. I fully believe they just refused an order with no lawful reason to do so just because they didn't like you (not that I blame them for not liking you, but it doesn't excuse them either) Speaking of which, they just straight up break their laws when they comply with the order to ignore you being attacked. It was before CentComm authorized an execution (which imo is the only way someone on the manifest can be declared no longer crew in regards to borgs) and Law 1 supersedes Law 2. An order to ignore harm to a crewmember is the most obvious conflict with Law 1 since ignoring them coming to harm is to allow them to come to harm through inaction. It feels dumb to even have to state it, like... _"no duh"_
Wow, such shitsec! Wish there was a lawyer to help you! Im going to have to he seriusly convinced if im ever gonna play on delta V with what people are spewing in the comments!
this was all around a shit show malf borg was mispresenting the rules of poison and food this was an outstanding different situation as that only applies to things like alchol and direct types of poisoning like slipping rat poison into the food or cooking with rancid meat. and while yes you didn't really intervene yourself. another person as he was eating them told him not to eat the pits which should have absolved you of the responsibility. and him continuing to do so was an active choice by him to do so anyways. shitsec as well. at most what you were doing was a minor inconvenience. it wasnt even doing enough to knock them over so them going as far as they did was unwarranted and a clear abuse of power. especially in a round with no antag. on the other hand you where being a little shit yourself... was the ban warranted.... not in the slightest. ive seen 100x worse on ss13 and people just start a new round like nothing happened admins in ss14 are trigger happy shit heads at the moment. in fact its kind of a meme just how trigger happy they are currently. they haven't become accustomed to the ss13 community and it shows.
@@drecknathmagladery9118 most ss14 admins and ss13 ERP servers admins seem to be the left wing progressive type while most ss13 players/admins are closer to center There are probably some connections there I’m not qualified to make, I could be completely wrong about this but it’s food for thought
Man, that was on of the best videos about ss14 raw gameplay I've seen so far. Only thing to do is to not to talk, and no explaining with your own voice, Few memes and nice music. That was great, I really enjoyed it. Keep it that way
@@godgaveyouhands2848 Wizden sec might be shit at times, but more often than not they leave me alone more than they bother me and allow me to rp my criminal trial.
Rules at S13 are much tight, admins at S14 let players have fun, like you can punch people as non-antagonist and all that, while at S13, YOU BEAT 1 GUY, And you get an admin dming you asking why you punched that guy and how is that not griefing, if you fail you get banned for couple days
@@LordMalgusPrometheus it is more about if that person A helps or not . The issues with the rules is that admins seemingly define or interpret them however they see fit in that situation. Once seen a clown get banned for slipping sec 100 times and resisting arrest
I have had a sec off handcuff me and put me in perma for standing in a door and telling them too shoot a syndie apparently that’s valid hunting did ahelp it the admins don’t do shit end of the day they still a sec officer and annoying as fuck random arresting people with no proof they are syndie
Shit, I hate that kind of borgs, who don't follow their laws. I mean, rather change their laws, like some servers did, which don't allow them following orders from people with inappropriate access level, or FOLLOW THE DAMN ORDERS, YOU STUPID ROBOT, OR GET SMASHED!!
Update: I tried joining delta v again for the first time in weeks and I was voucher banned for rule 0 and 2 violations in this round. No clarification given.
delta V moderation sucks
@@AveriV1 yup
Why do you care? You're LRP on an MRP server, you only joined to fuck with people. You didn't even care enough to utilize the one person who could've cleared you. Probably because you wanted what happened to happen. I genuinely can't think of any other reason why someone who wasn't a terrorist would just admit to the charges of being a terrorist. Fucking stupid. Enjoy Wizden. May god have mercy on any lawyer who has to deal with you there.
Lmao they really tried to claim you were the dick for throwing tomato's at people then getting your round ruined by sec which sec even states in the video is all you did
Being a giga shitter all round and screaming shitsec and cope and seethe with no intention of roleplaying is probably why you were banned. Delta V is supposed to be an MRP server
borgs really be out here like "you don't need to say law 2" then refusing to do what you tell them to do
Borgs can refuse if they think an order will hurt them or the integrity of the station.
@@Vinzaf Negative. You're referring to law 3 and law 2 supercedes law 3. Incorrect.
@@Vinzaf Law 2 supercedes Law 3, so telling a borg to kill themselves will mean they have to kill themselves.
If Law 3 was switched to Law 1, then the borg has the right to ignore the command.
not knowing how math works for 300 john.@@Vinzaf
Borgs are able to interpret their laws however they wish. the only tricky bit being that they remain consistent during the shift, so not letting you into sec for not having access but then letting them into your area without access is inconsistent behavior and a bit sad to see.
Holy shit it takes a borg breaking the rules the captain and the entire sec department to execute a guy who threw tomatoes no wonder wizden has a monopoly on english servers
Security’s only concern that round was getting back at me for tomatoes
What 2 hour long antagless rounds do to a server pop
They actually don't, this was the definition of shitsec, delta V actually isn't that bad, just a bad shift, delta V quite often has more players then wizden
This was Delta not Wizden?
@@germaner3254 yeah, you can hear the oracle speak when he goes near epistemics, this map is shoko which I think is delta only, maybe
@@germaner3254 yeah
That borg interaction hurt my soul….
smartest borg players
Law 1: dude I don’t have any laws or something i can do whatever I want and will not listen to you in particular
I played in this round, this explains a lot, it explains why there was no botanist and I could just grow the cargo bounties myself, it also explains why sec didn't care when I robbed the vault, they were too busy in security.
"Shit on the floor sec"
"LOOC: No ERP please"
says more about them, doesn't it?
@@godgaveyouhands2848yeah, lmfao
@@godgaveyouhands2848 it was clearly a joke, the warden was...... alright. Was kind of on your side until you started shouting shitsec and trying to restrain them (unless them being a dick beforeheand was cut from the final edit of the vid)
@@4llg00dth1ng5 I don’t think it was a joke
Neither do I think that excuses their actions
the inmates run the asylum
Guy tiding and trolling a minor sec timer into an execution (while blaming sec). Sec letting someone troll them so hard they resort to murder instead of ignoring the insults. Warden walking into a cell with an uncuffed prisoner. Borgs with no grasp of silicon policy. Someone eating a Bungo pit. Capcurity.
Yep, this is a certified NanoTrasen Classic.
Death Squad be eatin' good tonight, boys.
Shitsec executing a botanist for hurting their egos
i left out a part in the video where i said "sec has fragile egos they are trying to arrest me for throwing tomatoes"
The most fragile part of the station, and that’s considering glas bottles…
@@godgaveyouhands2848 but but but the tomatoes!! They hurt!!! 😭
man putting the muzzle on you was the ultimate show of impotent nerd rage
no having a different view on things
It’s a medal of honor
This security is hilariously unrobust. Along with the borg blatantly breaking its laws and YOUR lawyer filled out your execution order.
"as your legal representative i dont give a shit about this person anymore"
@@godgaveyouhands2848 might as well be honest. At least I gave you a choice.
Lawyer was the only one doing his job, too good at it you could say.
@@marlikbudvergard I did a lot more than he showed. Some of it he has no way of having known, like when I grilled sec for trying to arrest him without permit. However, the most egregious is his upfront refusal to go to trial, which I may add was just about the only time he chose to respond to me. So at that point all I could really do was play to the other side of the legal role. It was annoying and disappointing I couldn't have an opportunity to hold a trial considering I had mountains of bullshit Sec was guilty of. But he admitted fault to the charges so I couldn't really do fuck all from that.
This entire round sucked. Everyone sucked. Sec was shit, no doubt. Garbage and a bunch of them were newbies. But this guy was a fucking asshole too and it's clear the entire thing was manufactured in such a way to get a specific type of content. I'm pretty certain he requested execution himself. A lot of things are very conveniently left out of here cuz he wants to make it look like sec just "decided" on a lot of it but nah. No trial? It's cuz he requested it. His execution? He kept demanding it. Of course I filled out his execution order, anyone in my position would have wanted nothing more than to be rid of him as well.
15:33 "As long as he doesn't have an ID to label him as crew I can beat him"
That borg should actually be job banned, that is the worst silicon play Ive ever seen
the average ss14 player jumps at the opportunity to kill
dont forget the classic "rank outweighs laws"
I mean, that is TECHNICALLY correct.
If they aren't crew, they aren't people. That applies to normal crew conduct, not just Borgs.
If you can't identify them as someone on the manifest, you can do whatever you want to them.
Space Law only protects employees of the NanoTrasen Corporation.
@@RavenWolffe77 But he is on the manifest. Just because you dont have an id doesnt mean youre not crew
valid spotted.
Played ss14 just today. I got the whole station that annoyed that not only captain, but also borgs hunted me and wanted me dead. Even funnier that the only things i done were fighting with janitor once, disarming a sec cadet and cuffing a janitor for attacking me with disabler. After this, i just walked behind the corner and seen the whole fucking station running straigt at me with basebal bats and crowbars
Both you and sec were doing LRP on MRP but security abused you, executed you for not a good reason (false execution) and were inhumane ( healing you so they can kill you right after so you in roleplay you had to suffer longer). The borg was not following his laws and over ruled law 1 with law 2
This videos continues to confirm the sterotype of
>shitsec is bloodthirsty at times
>moth players are always shitheads
>borg players are always shit heads
>wardens outside of brig are always shit heads
This has been the case for many many years
everybody in ss14 is bloodthirsty, i swear
What not having all of the ss13 mechanics does to mfr's@@godgaveyouhands2848
If that borg wasn't malf he played really badly his role.
right so, I'm a sec main and frankly
The whole situation was dim as fuck yeah throwing tomatoes at sec isn't a nice thing, and id probably ask for 2 min just cause its mean but an execution is well past normal punishments. the only good thing is that they went to ask cent comm first which is a requirement for executions. This has so meany problems outlined that require remade in the form of training its too long to list...
so going though one by one,
2:47 you need to basically be ready to cuff someone immediately because stims exist, they can just get back up and run
2:52 They are lucky the banana didn't work because their i hand wielding batons and disables while not being ready to IMMEDIATELY hit shift
2:55 thats why, they should have suddenly become prepared after the first banana peel.
3:10 not really valid hunting (dummy)
3:15 i dont even know
4:02 you need to get yourself verced (as a sec) in quickly turning off and ejecting disposals, OR finding a nearby one and flushing yourself down it. ALOT of people use disposals as a quick escape
4:46 Detective is in the right, 3 min for battery is fine given it was just tomatoes (albeit alot of them)
5:10 i don't know the station layout but that looks alot like perma cells, Normal cells have timers so you can bam a timer on, leave it and they will be automatically released
5:43 dumbass
8:43 captain there was two sec right there why are *YOU* of all people going after this dude?
8:44 dumbass 2
11:23 Why do you have a gun?
11:35 didnt you have a sun prod warden?
12:26 active prisoner aboose. big nono (I cuffed a HoS for this once its such a big nono)
14:37 + , honestly. the whole execution was unprofetional
In summary: This was a gaggle of cadets who didn't have enough senior staff (with compitence) to tell them what to do and how not be a dingus. I would dread to be the HoS in this situation telling them "Dont chase and beat up the botanist if hes ONLY throwing tomates and banapeels (Particularly if its not interfering with you chasing an actual antag)." again and again.
I mainly play on wizden so i rarely have to scream at fellow sec's "DONT DO THAT STUPID THING" so seeing this just made me confused as hell to where upper management went.
i'd pin this if i could have two comments pinned
Not validhunting? What else do you call a wanna-be secborg boot licker? Other than that
Bring this dude up to the top
The crazy part is this is Delta V (I recognize myself and Nyx). I'm baffled at this as I have been banned from sec for stuff as harmless as pranking a lawyer with a smoke grenade.
>Cadet in riot armor complaining about tomatoes
everyone ignores the threat escalation rules ffs
fatherless player
hosless cadet
Riot armour on green alert, too
I actually was holding candle to their ass about RoE but, after watching this video, it seems sec lied to me about several things. But also this guy didn't really try to talk to me so. Whatever.
@@0Cocoron0didnt really get a chance (complete lie)
@@godgaveyouhands2848 too busy shitting on the floor I guess :P
Maybe I have a weird approach to the game but i get very little fun from "winning" in ss14
i often feel bad, like i struggle to stay going as an antag or secoff cause i hate like very directly and personally messing with other players' games
the whole point of the game is that its an improv story of chaos that the players tell together; the metagame offers no rewards because its just there to move the story along, i dont see how people like this get any enjoyment out of the game like wordlessly gibbing the syndie they overheard say "tc" in a maint, or in this case just straight up executing some guy for bothering sec
one time i straight-up got gibbed by the detective ON THE SPOT for whispering "welcome to the dark side" a bit too loud (i was headrev) but like how the hell does he know what that means? couldn't he at least ask or something? (this was probably partly due to it being LRP but whatever)
Like this situation was a roleplay opportunity! and it couldve been funny too! but they decided to WIN the game instead!!! epic big win yay here's your trophy!!!
RP is taken with the expectation that you are adhering to a sort of IC standard present. Antags are EOTC by default, which makes their very existence on the station grounds for permabrig/execution.
However, refusing to follow basic arresting procedure and follow any tenets of Space Law is just absurd.
just a bit of banter
a cheeky laugh
I'm a seccie main, and sometimes I get overwhelmed by the amount of people needing my attention as warden, but I've never tried to kill someone for being annoying nor have I gagged someone. This sec team was actual shitsec. Btw most gagged prisonners I've had are goobers who do it to themselves which is pretty entertaining
must be a server issue
I got abused by shitsec. I did pretty bad crimes (broke into command, Stole AA card but just pretended I was inspecting the station as a passenger, attempt to escape shitsec) got put into perma, beaten grievously, gassed with tear gas many times, and executed while they just kept laughing. Than I got a perma banned for saying a spicy joke. (All of command was watching and contributing, also low pop like 15-20 people)
security just wants to give you the highest sentence possible
this is the perfect representation of a TG player, also bless you for the borg abuse
only missing the metagangs
legendary trolling sir
the trollface is my idol
Robot goes out of its way to assist in the capture of the botanist and embellishes events to “protect the crew” but coincidently sits and watches what happens to him with contentment. Weird
@@thedoc7184 also actively trying to get some abuse done themself
I laughed so hard watching this, especially the "rank outweighs laws" part. I hope you had great fun playing it too, the point of trolling is the victims' reacting like idiots, it's very fun. Though it is a shame that most players in many video games can't even handle insults anymore. Good insults are art and everyone should be able to enjoy them. It truly saddens me when players stop understanding they're playing a video game to have fun but instead treat it as if it's real life or some serious shit.
i was smiling the whole time
and well spoken
Trolls when they are told to role play on a role playing game:😥
@@robertott5074Roleplayers when they are told to have fun on an autistic atmospheric simulator turned social deduction game:😢
@@Aze-Aze they are having fun. what are you, stupid?
@@robertott5074i was roleplaying throwing tomatoes at sec and getting beaten while cuffed and gagged
Thank you for your service. For how could we train these poor souls in these situations, like anarchist botanists? A true testament against so-called "security"
Security is mostly untrained against gagged and handcuffed opponents, so I decided to help them
train? just gatekeep
At the beginning i was like, yeah you shouldnt be such a dick to security but nearing the end when they more and more began breaking laws and started torturing you and even executed you yeah thats just ego 100
You can also mutate tomatoes into blue tomatoes that make lube when thrown
Blue space tomatoes…. Just a week away…
I think that you can make tomatos with mushroom toxins by crossbreadind tomato and mushroon, its might work like a toxin projectiles if the toxin can pass through the skin
@DamnFeds I almost did this once
When Botany players are unarrested, sec fears acid tomatoes. When they're in perma, we fear the bluespace tomato (they escaped, no one is safe).
@@Takanuva3000botany is the most robust job on the station
And that is why now Delta have a Justice Department
no way
Oh i was ghost watching you at one point i was laughing my ass off
Ss14 is a sitcom after all
Botanist: Lemme in
Borg: You have no access to this area
Sec: I don't have botany access for my chase
Borg: Okily Dokily!
Assaulting an officer, resisting arrest, and substance abuse aren't really reasons to execute someone over perma. Also that borg needs to be role banned, as they don't understand how laws work at all.
Average borg player
Delta-V considers sexual harassment executable offense
@@0Cocoron0 what sexual harassment?
@@godgaveyouhands2848 they said you were sexually harassing the Captain
@@0Cocoron0 a month late, but that was a complete lie
Glad to see Delta V is still shit.
Shitsec aside, your shenanigans topped most clowns. 10/10 would watch botany be more robust than sec again!
botany tide
this is what peak borg gameplay looks like
so true
That detective coming after you was just asking for more tomatoes.
He could just wait for you at botanics, but I guess he wasn't hired for his smarts.
“Rank outweighs laws” This guy has no idea how to play silicon roles oh my lordddddd
My brain started hurting when the borg said no to opening the door... ITS FUNNY JUST OPEN THE DOOR
roleplayers when they have to have fun
lawyers ,nowing less laws than security and being more shitsec than security is always more confusing
Cry about it
@@0Cocoron041% join
@@0Cocoron0is your favourite cartoon looney tr00ns?
Holy shit, that borg needs a roleban. Where in your rules does it read "rank outweighs laws"? law 2 by defenition gets overridden by law 1. If you dont like being forced to do things you want due to your laws, dont play borg. Bet he just wanted to play sec with AA.
For how quick he was to lead the sec charge into botany, definitely.
@@crowsenpai5625 complete boot licker
Delta V is rough i got Perma banned because I was licking a lollipop near someone too many times. They banned me for sexual harassment.
@@bumblebeetunayoutube3711 no way lmao
I stoped playing on delta V after sec was so fucking metagaming that they striped perma of all spawned items so priosners would't be able to do anything. I was almost fired from giving the prisoner the most bare bones perma items.
medium roleplay!
Borgs that selectively follow lawsets are way more annoying than the ones that do follow their lawsets and protect antags.
EDIT: and powergaming lizsec, what a surprise
oh wait until you hear it later on
"My butt hurts" It writes itself it really does
sec should have punished you by ordering more tomatoes grown, a whole lot! So yall could have a proper tomato fight.
DeltaV really let itself go
Rank outweighs laws is INSANE
Bad Borgs, Bad Borgs
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they malf on you?
doesnt ss14't have admins or basic quality control???
doesnt look like there were any this round
This is the quality, peak quality
Man, all the Admins are volunteers, more then likely none were online at the moment
It's run by furries. Do the math.
13:06 “biological terrorist” no dude he’s just a poor botonist being silly
The round be like:
Sec: How many tomatoes do you have??
The man: Yes.
What the hell are the admins doing? the borg was straight up breaking it's own laws, especially the part where Rank apparently outranks laws, which doesn't make sense as what's stopping a traitor from stealing the captain's ID and telling the borg to murder the crew (and tried to validhunt, while failing hard at grammar) and then sec got violently butthurt over tomatoes. Like I get he was being a troll, but people do way worse on my server, and the use of a lethal weapon on a prisoner in perma is wild (the only time this is allowed on my server, is when three perma prisoners killed the Warden and we had to recover him while facing prisoners who now had a shotgun and energy gun). This is genuinely worse then the time I got mega banned for misunderstanding combat rules on a HRP server.
Well they thought it was a good idea to voucher ban me
tf that borg doing?
besides there are better ways to refuse to open your access panel. namely 'compromising my security may bring harm to the crew. law 1.'
It was bootlicking sec
Executed over tomatos is crazy
"Just some banter" he cried, after assaulting security by throwing tomatoes at them. Who would've thought that being insufferable would have consequences?
@SerbianLifter997 A post so Reddit, you can hear the Soylent dripping onto the keyboard.*
@SerbianLifter997 Thank you, gentlesir.
I remember me and my buddy fucking around on some station and he got executed for stealing someones shoes or maybe tying them together
The sec made me cringe so badly, I stopped playing delta V after me and CE cremated a greytider for funnies and I got banned (it was ban worthy but at the same time it was kinda funny)
@@Ramitaken lol that’s kinda based
So there's some truth to the rank determining which order to follow in the case of conflicting orders as was said, but it seems unlikely the borg already had an order to not open their control panel in public or something of the sort, though not impossible if a roboticist was around. There's also the chance it was interpreted as a conflict with Law 1, the borg having identified the possibility that your order to unlock and open its panel would lead to sabotage of the borg based on your previous behavior and that sabotage had a high chance of leading to the harm of one or more crewmembers. This isn't likely either though, since it's a high level interpretation of the Laws that requires deep foresight and they later display a blatant lack of understanding of the Laws. I fully believe they just refused an order with no lawful reason to do so just because they didn't like you (not that I blame them for not liking you, but it doesn't excuse them either)
Speaking of which, they just straight up break their laws when they comply with the order to ignore you being attacked. It was before CentComm authorized an execution (which imo is the only way someone on the manifest can be declared no longer crew in regards to borgs) and Law 1 supersedes Law 2. An order to ignore harm to a crewmember is the most obvious conflict with Law 1 since ignoring them coming to harm is to allow them to come to harm through inaction. It feels dumb to even have to state it, like... _"no duh"_
Wow, such shitsec! Wish there was a lawyer to help you! Im going to have to he seriusly convinced if im ever gonna play on delta V with what people are spewing in the comments!
"Rank outweighs laws"
The laws of robotics do not work like that....
as a sec main, i got second hand embarrassment watching this. how tf does delta v have a community.
"I'll heal so we can beat again"
this was all around a shit show
malf borg was mispresenting the rules of poison and food
this was an outstanding different situation as that only applies to things like alchol and direct types of poisoning like slipping rat poison into the food or cooking with rancid meat.
and while yes you didn't really intervene yourself. another person as he was eating them told him not to eat the pits
which should have absolved you of the responsibility. and him continuing to do so was an active choice by him to do so anyways.
shitsec as well. at most what you were doing was a minor inconvenience. it wasnt even doing enough to knock them over so them going as far as they did was unwarranted and a clear abuse of power. especially in a round with no antag.
on the other hand you where being a little shit yourself... was the ban warranted.... not in the slightest. ive seen 100x worse on ss13 and people just start a new round like nothing happened admins in ss14 are trigger happy shit heads at the moment.
in fact its kind of a meme just how trigger happy they are currently. they haven't become accustomed to the ss13 community and it shows.
@@drecknathmagladery9118 most ss14 admins and ss13 ERP servers admins seem to be the left wing progressive type while most ss13 players/admins are closer to center
There are probably some connections there I’m not qualified to make, I could be completely wrong about this but it’s food for thought
You are correct. They are all hedonistic commie pinkos.
I think the real mistake here was playing mrp
watched this video 69 times, cried 420 times
adds up
did they really torture you over tomatoes and a pit lmao
Man, that was on of the best videos about ss14 raw gameplay I've seen so far. Only thing to do is to not to talk, and no explaining with your own voice, Few memes and nice music. That was great, I really enjoyed it. Keep it that way
literally 1984
Delta-V experience
Shittest sec and borg made me cringe
Also why say ERP, they into toilets and shit?? They find that erotic??
Sometimes I can't man. Being a shitter is annoying but shitsec is worse
Might be the first time anybody said this:
Wizden sec is better
@@godgaveyouhands2848 Wizden sec might be shit at times, but more often than not they leave me alone more than they bother me and allow me to rp my criminal trial.
bro borgs physically cannot unlock themselves
pretty sure they could when this video came out
This actually made me so mad watching this
All they had to do was make an order for half your tomato's, it could have ended in ketchup, not blood
Incredibly based. Thank you for your service.
powertripping sec! just a week away!!
Something I noticed is that (in my experience) SS14's community is much worse than SS13's. Is it because it's available on steam? Dunno.
I think it has to do with where you are on ss13 and define "worse"
its just what happens when you accept everyone
@@jan5558 what a surprise a subjective experience defines a subjective opinion
Rules at S13 are much tight, admins at S14 let players have fun, like you can punch people as non-antagonist and all that, while at S13, YOU BEAT 1 GUY, And you get an admin dming you asking why you punched that guy and how is that not griefing, if you fail you get banned for couple days
@@LordMalgusPrometheus it is more about if that person A helps or not . The issues with the rules is that admins seemingly define or interpret them however they see fit in that situation. Once seen a clown get banned for slipping sec 100 times and resisting arrest
I should’ve been your lawyer
I have had a sec off handcuff me and put me in perma for standing in a door and telling them too shoot a syndie apparently that’s valid hunting did ahelp it the admins don’t do shit end of the day they still a sec officer and annoying as fuck random arresting people with no proof they are syndie
nice stalker reference
sorry, i'm a fake fan, i played anomaly because i cant afford SOC
absolute honkers
Ban Borg
Ban all secs
let us know which server is this so we dont join by accident
Delta v
Shit, I hate that kind of borgs, who don't follow their laws. I mean, rather change their laws, like some servers did, which don't allow them following orders from people with inappropriate access level, or FOLLOW THE DAMN ORDERS, YOU STUPID ROBOT, OR GET SMASHED!!
i definitely would have tried to smash those borgs if i actually kept a weapon on me
@@godgaveyouhands2848 as acting captain on a lrp server I mag dumped into a Borg for falling to state laws
@@godgaveyouhands2848 they cursed me out in looc chat and ic I just responded “rouge borgs get shut down”
@@godgaveyouhands2848 when he complained about it in looc I just responded “ rogue borgs get shut down”
the only thing ss14 is good for is griefing.
What a shitshow, barely any rp on MRP and incompetent security
Somehow worse than wizden sec
@@godgaveyouhands2848 Not at all but okay
did any of them face consequences??
Admins saw it but said they wouldn’t do anything about it (after the video released)
@@godgaveyouhands2848 Now I know I gotta stay away from Delta except for making bombs for sec to hold
Several of them got warnings, this video did little though given its heavily edited to skew a narrative
@@0Cocoron0 i simply did not have that information
@@godgaveyouhands2848 I mean it's not like admins were going to tell you...
you have my immense respect for playing the song in 13:27.
I dont remember its name but i fucking love it
@@dani.2479 bad boys bad boys
@@godgaveyouhands2848 whatcha gonna do when they come for you
Delta v sec are so bad its unreal
i wonder why i left ss14 this is the reason
this is one of the few videos i've seen of deltav and it still looks like an awful server
Like 30% of the rounds have no antags
Just some banter.
Why botanist had access to epistemics channel and security channel on radio??
I didn’t, this was a replay, so all channels are unlocked
@@godgaveyouhands2848 oh that explains it all
Only on delta v can you get jailed for discimination against vegans lmao
"just banter" LMAOOOOOOO
ss13 is better anyway my guy.
true, but TG medical sucks (except the surgery) and TGMC is usually around 30 pop when im on
Tgmc ru exists. Join us. Its better balanced.@godgaveyouhands2848
What server is this? It looks cool.
@@godgaveyouhands2848 thanks
Is that Delta-V, that server sucks ass
Literal worst roleplay I've ever experienced
@@WordBrutha banned from wizden
may i ask how?@@godgaveyouhands2848
may i ask how that happenned@@godgaveyouhands2848
Who started this whole thing anyway, was sec shitseccing and this was a protest or was this a case of “I’m bored gonna harass sec”
Second one
That's why no xenos must be allowed to play sec (yeah I know that in that case there wouldn't be anyone playing sec).