Considering this thing cost $200 it’s a little bit weird that it doesn’t measure PM 2.5 particles carbon monoxide nitric oxide ozone PM 10 particles volatile compounds etc. Also depending on where you live opening up a window is literally going to expose you to more pollutants. To what standards are these things calibrated? Does each device come with a certificate of calibration from an independent lab? This thing is a toy pretending to save people’s lives.
Considering this thing cost $200 it’s a little bit weird that it doesn’t measure PM 2.5 particles carbon monoxide nitric oxide ozone PM 10 particles volatile compounds etc. Also depending on where you live opening up a window is literally going to expose you to more pollutants. To what standards are these things calibrated? Does each device come with a certificate of calibration from an independent lab? This thing is a toy pretending to save people’s lives.