Alll of his books are awesome ! You will never regret to have those ❤❤❤ Super recommended and healing. For the first time , i read a book like someone hug and puk puk my self 🥹🥹🥹
Ko Ruby, akhirnya ngupas dari spiritual 🧘🏻♀️ tentang bagaimana merangkul & berdamai lahir, besar, tinggal, dan nanti meninggal di negara yang mental korupsinya belum kelar-kelar uda 4 abad. Walau uda berusaha jadi warga yang baik, taat aturan dan serangkaian effort terbaik lainnya. Semua pasti relate perasaan marah 😡😤 yang dimaskud soal marah saat pejabat lewat di jalanan atau oknum korupsi terang-terangan. Tapi dijawab Bhante ttg our shadow sebenernya kita marah karena kita deep down juga pengen jd orang yg egois kaya gitu; ga mikirin orang. Tapi kita ga bisa; entah karena moral value atau ya karena ga ada peluangnya dll. Approval yang kita cari bukan dari ibu-ayah kita, boss kita, negara kita. Mencoba buat ga terus menjadi mental Victim karena takut dengan ketidakapstian. Melainkan approval dari diri kita sendiri. Terlepas dari belum berdamai... Buku-buku Bhikkhu Haenim Sunim menemani saya selama pandemic. Bahkan saya bikin permainan sendiri. Kalau lagi down, marah, sedih, putus asa, nangis, aku suka buka bukunya terus buka halaman random dan baca part yang terbuka. Pesan di setiap halaman pada bukunya beresonansi sangat universal. Gan en - sujud syukur 🙇🏻♀️
jujur nonton podcast ini sambil nangis karna anger issue ku juga berasa dikupas sampe kedalam. ditambah penyampaiannya yg tidak intimidating.. makasih mas rub udah berani up konten yg ini, karna pasti banyak org yg terbantu juga dengan refleksi melalui podcast ini
Hiiii Fitri, rasa takut malu, takut bahasa inggris cupu, dll, terbayarkan dengan temen-temen semua yang dapet manfaat. Makasih ya sudah mampir & berbagi yang kamu rasakan. Semoga lebih banyak lagi orang-orang terbantu dari episode ini, titip bantu share, in case ada circle mu yang membutuhkan. 🫶
WAH WAH WAH MAKASIH MAKASIH BANYAK KO RUB BISA UNDANG HAEMIN SUNIM AAAAAAAAAA SOOOO HAPPYYYYYY 😭😭😭😭😭 karena aku tinggal di luar pulau, gabisa datang ke book tour nya beliau hiksss so sad makasih banyak udh membuat podcast ini aaaa so happy!! I start my 2025 wish such a great blessings!!!!!
56:52 "Tap into that feeling. You already enough, you don't have to do anything, i will love you till the end of my day. i would never ask you to be more than who you are. You already perfect in my eyes." When I hear those words,I really felt that. I can't help but let my tears fall. I think I really need to hear someone say that to me. Thanks ko Ruby and Haemin for being open and vulnerable to share this meaningful conversation 🤝
Hi Vinsen, thanks for taking the time to write in the comments, and glad you find it meaningful. This is definitely one timeless episode. Hope you can share it with people that matters to you the most. Cheers!
Waktu dibilang, "You are enough." langsung nangis.. kadang bingung juga ya sebesar itu efek sikap orang tua terhadap mental kita. Padahal mereka cuma 2 orang dan mungkin waktu mereka membesarkan anak, they didn't know better. Thank you for opening up, Ruby. It must've been hard. Nggak nyangka sudah sekelas Anda pun masih punya masalah dengan acceptance.. saya pikir cuma orang2 seperti saya yang seperti itu 😅 Saya juga sudah lebih dari 1 dekade berharap menjadi orang tua tapi tidak kesampaian dan sudah menemukan ketenangan karena sudah menerima. Dan setelah ditelusuri, bisa jadi bukan itu yang betul-betul kami inginkan. Kami juga butuh waktu lama untuk menerima bahwa keliatannya orang tua kami tidak akan pernah melihat prestasi kami sebagai prestasi. Semua dianggap biasa saja dan selalu dibandingkan dengan orang lain. Ya tidak apa-apa, seperti kata Seth Godin, jangan terpaku sama hatersmu yang jumlahnya cuma sedikit, jangan biarkan mereka mempengaruhimu utk jadi versi terbaik dari dirimu sendiri. Masih banyak yang support, masih banyak yang appreciate. Dan hari ini saya belajar untuk lebih sayang lagi sama diri sendiri. Terima kasih.
"You can be grateful and still challenging yourself to become a better you, you dont need to choose, you can do both" Thank you for the insight ko Rob and for giving us this podcast for free, it's really help me to acknowledge what i am feeling right now, the uncertainty and regret it's just part of the journey and we need to see it in a positive way 🙆♂️🙆♂️
Glad you made your way to find this episode and spent your precious time. Hope it moves you, not just from the perspective but also internally as you speak to your inner child.
Well Bung Ruby, saya rasa pelajaran bukan saya dapat dari narasumber yang luar biasa ini tapi dari anda juga. Ketika anda semakin terbuka hati dan pikiran terhadap kelemahan diri ttg amarah anda. Saya merasa lebih respek terhadap anda. Ini pelajaran yang saya jg ambil dari Bung Ruby. Sukses selalu ya 🙏😊
32:10 The simple way to say that reason we get angry at something is because we feel "jealous" of people who are able to do the things we cannot do. As this becomes our value then energetically we attract the same value, that's why we always meet those people around us, as it was mentioned as "shadow". Thank you for enlighting conversation! Really appreciate it!
Dengerin Haemin Sunim ngomong, bawaannya terharu dan pingin nangis wkwkwkk relate sekaliii video kali ini. Terima kasih banyak ko Ruby sudah ngundang Haemin Sunim ke podcast inii 🥹
Ko Ruby, thank you so much for inviting Haemin Sunim. His book truly opened my eyes, especially during a time when I wasn't okay. When the world kept pushing me to run and follow what others said, his words brought clarity. I remember crying once because of the stress from work, and my friend gave me this book back in 2020. One of my fav quote on his book "Why should your life be destroyed by the easy criticism of those who do not know or care about you?" It hit me hard-why did I let it get to me so much?.... again, thank you so much Ko. God bless you and your team! Aamen
I have already had three books. Kata-katanya mudah dipahami/sederhana, dilengkapi illustrasi gambar yang menarik. Isinya tidak rumit. Buku yang universal dan general bisa dibaca semua kalangan dari bermacam agama. Buku yang netral. Ketika kalian membaca kalian bisa menyadari bahwa kebahagiaan dan ketenangan tidak memilih agama apa, status apa. Memanusiakan manusia. Belajar menerima bahwa kita manusia saatnya belajar menerima kekurangan, ketidak berdayaan kita, menyerahkan segalanya ke pada yg Maha Kuasa. Mengajarkan ada waktunya mengejar ada waktunya melepas. ❤. Thank you Haemin Sunim, menjadi salah satu penolong bagi jiwa yang membutuhkan pencerahan 🙏🏻🙏🏻 dan terima kasih Fellexandro Ruby yang sudah menghadirkan beliau 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Indeed. Blessed to have the opportunity to sit down and being deep in conversation with Haenim. Hope it resonates! If you do, help share it to someone who you think might benefit from it. 🫶
Haemin sunim greatest of the great. When i read a book to be honest, ive never felt the unbelieveable sense of empathy and interrelationship between words except from your truly amazing books. And special thanks to mr rub for inviting him into this talk session
Ko Ruby, makasih udah buat podcast ini. Daging semua. Pas bagian inner child, air mataku ga berhenti keluar koh. Serasa lagi dinasehatin tp ga dijudge. Makasih koh. Makasih 😊
Terima kasih Ko Ruby dan tim. Tidak menyangka, saya dapat mendengarkan obrolan dari salah satu penulis yang amat saya kagumi melalui podcast ini. Semoga, saya dapat menerapkan pengetahuan & pelajaran yang saya peroleh dari podcast ini, sehingga dapat senantiasa berusaha menjadi menusia yang lebih baik setiap harinya ✨
After reading one of his books, I ended up purchasing the other two books. His books taught me many things and I never get bored of them. I reread all of his books repeatedly and still never get bored. Thank you for inviting him to your podcast. Haemin Sunim, your books are so inspirational.
"Co- creating dance" ~ the most important message~ about human's culture. Thank You Mr.Haemin Sunim for being the Teacher of Life and to write it and share with all for us. I feel so grateful and really thank you🙏
Even the way Haemin Sunim talk is soooo soothing 🥺 I am blessed to spare my time to watch this episode. Thanks for being vulnerable Ko Ruby, it helps your audience understand better about the inner child part.
I bought his book 2 years ago, never imagined that I could feel like having a real conv with him through this video. Thank you for this, its beautiful fyi I put my (4 yo me) pic as my phone wallpaper now, as a reminder for my inner child that I am enough. - I am exactly where I need to be I am exactly where I want to be
Identify your emotion , accept that feeling then let go❤❤ this guy is on enlightenment level, pain is envitable but suffering is your choice, live in present moment ... Love it
Udh baca bukunya❤ dan kaget banget tau2 liat beranda diundang dipodcast ko fellex..kebetulan lagi butuh banget buat asupan jiwa...terima kasih sudah mengundang beliau dan membuah hari sabtuku menjadi lebih baik😊😊
Aku lagi dimasa strugle sebagai kakak sekaligus anak pertama sebut saja generasi terhimpit. Tapi sejak awal kerja mimpiku ingin menjadi anak yang baik, kakak yang menjadi contoh yang baik buat adik-adik termasuk membiayai pendidikan mereka. Di tengah perjalanan aku ngerasa ini sebagai beban, aku menyalahkan kenapa harus aku yang anak pertama, kenapa aku yang jadi kakak, dan kenapa aku yang menanggung semuanya, bahkan aku nyalahin diri sendiri kenapa aku mau ngambil peran ini. tapi setelah dengerin ini aku ngerasa tujuan awal aku dulu memutuskan mengambil peran ini karna aku bisa bahagia kalau aku bisa berperan seperti sekarang dan aku harus rilex dan menikmati perjalanan ini, karna aku percaya sama keputusanku.
Thank u so much Ruby for bravely discussing such a vulnerable and important topic. It takes immense courage to open up about something so personal and potentially painful, but your honesty is truly inspiring!! This video not only sheds light on healing inner child wounds but also creates a safe space for others to reflect on their own journeys. You're making such a positive impact by sharing your experience. A huge thank you as well to Haemin Sunim for sharing his wisdom and insights, they are so powerful and comforting🤍✨
Mas Ruby... pertanyaan2nyaaaa kenaaaaaa bangeedd 🥺🥺 Pertanyaan yg biasanya dlm pikiran dan hati saja, tp bisa diungkapkan dan Mr Haenim jg kasih jawaban yg bikin refleksi, membuat kita jd punya mindset, pov lain, yg bisa jd selama ini ada tp kita abaikan. Thx u Mas Ruby 🥰🥰
Free therapy right here 🥹😅😂 aside from the fruitful convo between ko ruby and haemin i wanted to give shoutout to the videographer and prod team!!! The quality of the video and the grid is so pleasing to the eyee. Kudoo team
I have read 2 of Haemin Sunim books, i havent read the third one. 2 of the books i read in 2020 during pandemic. On that moment, i have a lot of issue, my heart was really hurt and condition was chaos because the problem i had with my in laws. Unintentionally i got your book and read these 2 books. It was really enlight and open my mind eventhough all of dark cloud already swan arround in my mind and my heart. Thank you haenim, and keep on writting everything related about life.
Podcast yang sangat bermanfaat sekali seperti menbaca buku tapi dengan media bercerita , tolong banyakin konten seperti ini. Sangat menambah pengetahuan!
I did, i took pictures my young. I said that your are worthy in past and now. I was trying to recall many bad conditions, and talk to little me the truth in behind circumstances. So, I could change the taste of memories (that before i thought was hard memories). Keep health growing 😊.
AAAAAAA😭🥹 kenapa bisa pas banget, recently lagi baca bukunya, baru kemarin malam sampe di page 32! pagi ini buka youtube ketemu video ini dirilis 21 hours ago sm Ko Ruby😭🙏🏻 thank you, Ko! the best🙌🏻
HAEMIN SUNIM!!? What a good day to start the year! I have his book and it's really good! Woah, it makes me wanna read it again for self-reminder. Thank a lot Ko Ruby, God Bless You, for always provide us meaningful content for fellow humans who continue to grow and want to learn to be better humans so we can be meritorious for others too. GBU all!
Pagi tadi aku buka yt langsung muncul podcast ini. Langsung tonton premiernya, dan tidak ada kalimat yang nggak KEREN!!. Makasih ya ko udh undang Haemin Sunim 🥹🫶🏻
You are enough, You are worthy, so blessed thanks a lot. kadang memang standar dunia push kita untuk jadi yg terbaik jadi ambis dll, tapi apa iya itu bener yang memang kita pingin? karena setiap org emg berharga
awalnya kaget pas baca tulisan di cover video ko ruby, "dua laki-laki berbicara dari hati ke hati" kayak wah tumben nih ko ruby bahas beginian... eh pas buka videonya dan baca tittle video, MAKIN KAGET. aku belum nonton videonya, TAPI UDAH PGN BILANG MAKASIH SM KO RUBY UDAH MENGUNDANG HAEMIN SUNIM!
Thank you Ruby , this is a very inspiring and enlightening episode 😊. I attended one of Haemin's book meet session, and this podcast is exactly the extension that I need 😊 thanks and good job as always. And coincidentally I also have similar trauma of feeling not good enough, and this episode really help me to move further on processing my issue. Thank you.
Oh my God, I feel like I’ve discovered such a gift, stumbling upon this channel and watching it all the way through. This podcast isn’t just good and entertaining to watch, but the depth of knowledge in this conversation is truly priceless-finding the root of anger and trying to resolve it, understanding that ego is just an illusion. Only those who have made peace with themselves can reach that point, and I hope we are all guided towards that path. Happiness is today, not something we wait for when we reach our goals. That’s such a powerful realization for me. Haemin Sunim, kamshamnida. You’ve opened my eyes to the fact that there’s so much inner work I need to do by asking myself the right questions. Ko Ruby, God bless you. Thank you for asking questions that truly resonate with me and for creating such a meaningful podcast. May God always protect and guide you.
Perlu share banyak banyak ke orang orang sekitar, gila ini isinya gabisa ditemuin di podcast lain, normally gasuka non fic book but maybe ill try haemin’s
Jadi penasaran sama bukunya
mau beli ah
Have a read! Beli pake link Product yg di tag di kiri bawah video ya. Simple way to support. We get an affiliate share from it. 😉🙏
@@FellexandroRuby Ko, lowongan contributor untuk konten IG dan Tiktok nya masih buka nggak ya?? Kok emailnya gw cek nggak aktif ya Ko??
Alll of his books are awesome ! You will never regret to have those ❤❤❤
Super recommended and healing.
For the first time , i read a book like someone hug and puk puk my self 🥹🥹🥹
Itu buku dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris
@@juliamanise4846bantu jawab kak, semua buku beliau sudah ada terjemahan bahasa Indonesia nya kok, yuk beli!
Ko Ruby, akhirnya ngupas dari spiritual 🧘🏻♀️ tentang bagaimana merangkul & berdamai lahir, besar, tinggal, dan nanti meninggal di negara yang mental korupsinya belum kelar-kelar uda 4 abad. Walau uda berusaha jadi warga yang baik, taat aturan dan serangkaian effort terbaik lainnya.
Semua pasti relate perasaan marah 😡😤 yang dimaskud soal marah saat pejabat lewat di jalanan atau oknum korupsi terang-terangan.
Tapi dijawab Bhante ttg our shadow sebenernya kita marah karena kita deep down juga pengen jd orang yg egois kaya gitu; ga mikirin orang. Tapi kita ga bisa; entah karena moral value atau ya karena ga ada peluangnya dll.
Approval yang kita cari bukan dari ibu-ayah kita, boss kita, negara kita. Mencoba buat ga terus menjadi mental Victim karena takut dengan ketidakapstian.
Melainkan approval dari diri kita sendiri.
Terlepas dari belum berdamai... Buku-buku Bhikkhu Haenim Sunim menemani saya selama pandemic. Bahkan saya bikin permainan sendiri. Kalau lagi down, marah, sedih, putus asa, nangis, aku suka buka bukunya terus buka halaman random dan baca part yang terbuka.
Pesan di setiap halaman pada bukunya beresonansi sangat universal.
Gan en - sujud syukur 🙇🏻♀️
jujur nonton podcast ini sambil nangis karna anger issue ku juga berasa dikupas sampe kedalam. ditambah penyampaiannya yg tidak intimidating.. makasih mas rub udah berani up konten yg ini, karna pasti banyak org yg terbantu juga dengan refleksi melalui podcast ini
Hiiii Fitri, rasa takut malu, takut bahasa inggris cupu, dll, terbayarkan dengan temen-temen semua yang dapet manfaat. Makasih ya sudah mampir & berbagi yang kamu rasakan. Semoga lebih banyak lagi orang-orang terbantu dari episode ini, titip bantu share, in case ada circle mu yang membutuhkan. 🫶
Relate.. Perasaan nggak ada sedih2nya, positive vibes bgt. Tp rasanya ngena bgt ke hati sampe mewek 🥺
WAH WAH WAH MAKASIH MAKASIH BANYAK KO RUB BISA UNDANG HAEMIN SUNIM AAAAAAAAAA SOOOO HAPPYYYYYY 😭😭😭😭😭 karena aku tinggal di luar pulau, gabisa datang ke book tour nya beliau hiksss so sad makasih banyak udh membuat podcast ini aaaa so happy!! I start my 2025 wish such a great blessings!!!!!
Lebay banget luh
@@MibaJalinakenapa lo ngga ikut bahagia saat orang lain bahagia? apa masalah hidup lo terlalu berat
duh ikutan seneng bacanyaa
@@bektiprasetio7 terlalu mendewakan
56:52 "Tap into that feeling. You already enough, you don't have to do anything, i will love you till the end of my day. i would never ask you to be more than who you are. You already perfect in my eyes."
When I hear those words,I really felt that.
I can't help but let my tears fall. I think I really need to hear someone say that to me.
Thanks ko Ruby and Haemin for being open and vulnerable to share this meaningful conversation 🤝
Hi Vinsen, thanks for taking the time to write in the comments, and glad you find it meaningful. This is definitely one timeless episode. Hope you can share it with people that matters to you the most. Cheers!
Waktu dibilang, "You are enough." langsung nangis.. kadang bingung juga ya sebesar itu efek sikap orang tua terhadap mental kita. Padahal mereka cuma 2 orang dan mungkin waktu mereka membesarkan anak, they didn't know better.
Thank you for opening up, Ruby. It must've been hard. Nggak nyangka sudah sekelas Anda pun masih punya masalah dengan acceptance.. saya pikir cuma orang2 seperti saya yang seperti itu 😅
Saya juga sudah lebih dari 1 dekade berharap menjadi orang tua tapi tidak kesampaian dan sudah menemukan ketenangan karena sudah menerima. Dan setelah ditelusuri, bisa jadi bukan itu yang betul-betul kami inginkan. Kami juga butuh waktu lama untuk menerima bahwa keliatannya orang tua kami tidak akan pernah melihat prestasi kami sebagai prestasi. Semua dianggap biasa saja dan selalu dibandingkan dengan orang lain. Ya tidak apa-apa, seperti kata Seth Godin, jangan terpaku sama hatersmu yang jumlahnya cuma sedikit, jangan biarkan mereka mempengaruhimu utk jadi versi terbaik dari dirimu sendiri. Masih banyak yang support, masih banyak yang appreciate.
Dan hari ini saya belajar untuk lebih sayang lagi sama diri sendiri. Terima kasih.
1 jam podcast tidak berasa, pesan kesannyabdamai kristen, katholik, hindu,budha,konghucu, semuanya damai² yaa
"You can be grateful and still challenging yourself to become a better you, you dont need to choose, you can do both" Thank you for the insight ko Rob and for giving us this podcast for free, it's really help me to acknowledge what i am feeling right now, the uncertainty and regret it's just part of the journey and we need to see it in a positive way 🙆♂️🙆♂️
Glad you made your way to find this episode and spent your precious time. Hope it moves you, not just from the perspective but also internally as you speak to your inner child.
Well Bung Ruby, saya rasa pelajaran bukan saya dapat dari narasumber yang luar biasa ini tapi dari anda juga. Ketika anda semakin terbuka hati dan pikiran terhadap kelemahan diri ttg amarah anda. Saya merasa lebih respek terhadap anda. Ini pelajaran yang saya jg ambil dari Bung Ruby. Sukses selalu ya 🙏😊
32:10 The simple way to say that reason we get angry at something is because we feel "jealous" of people who are able to do the things we cannot do. As this becomes our value then energetically we attract the same value, that's why we always meet those people around us, as it was mentioned as "shadow".
Thank you for enlighting conversation! Really appreciate it!
Dengerin Haemin Sunim ngomong, bawaannya terharu dan pingin nangis wkwkwkk relate sekaliii video kali ini. Terima kasih banyak ko Ruby sudah ngundang Haemin Sunim ke podcast inii 🥹
Pleasure is mine. Ikut seneng podcast ini relate di kamu. Titip share ya, supaya makin banyak orang yang punya keresahan yang sama yang terbantu. 🫶
Ko Ruby, thank you so much for inviting Haemin Sunim. His book truly opened my eyes, especially during a time when I wasn't okay. When the world kept pushing me to run and follow what others said, his words brought clarity. I remember crying once because of the stress from work, and my friend gave me this book back in 2020. One of my fav quote on his book "Why should your life be destroyed by the easy criticism of those who do not know or care about you?" It hit me hard-why did I let it get to me so much?.... again, thank you so much Ko. God bless you and your team! Aamen
I have already had three books. Kata-katanya mudah dipahami/sederhana, dilengkapi illustrasi gambar yang menarik. Isinya tidak rumit. Buku yang universal dan general bisa dibaca semua kalangan dari bermacam agama. Buku yang netral. Ketika kalian membaca kalian bisa menyadari bahwa kebahagiaan dan ketenangan tidak memilih agama apa, status apa. Memanusiakan manusia. Belajar menerima bahwa kita manusia saatnya belajar menerima kekurangan, ketidak berdayaan kita, menyerahkan segalanya ke pada yg Maha Kuasa. Mengajarkan ada waktunya mengejar ada waktunya melepas. ❤. Thank you Haemin Sunim, menjadi salah satu penolong bagi jiwa yang membutuhkan pencerahan 🙏🏻🙏🏻 dan terima kasih Fellexandro Ruby yang sudah menghadirkan beliau 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you for inviting Haenim Sunim! what a grateful friday 🙌
Indeed. Blessed to have the opportunity to sit down and being deep in conversation with Haenim. Hope it resonates! If you do, help share it to someone who you think might benefit from it. 🫶
I hope lbh bnyak podcast spt ini. Thx u for sharing! 🙌 ✨
aku sudah baca bukunya lama, memang keren luar biasa isinya, sangat menyejukkan.
Haemin sunim greatest of the great. When i read a book to be honest, ive never felt the unbelieveable sense of empathy and interrelationship between words except from your truly amazing books. And special thanks to mr rub for inviting him into this talk session
combo experience, kemaren ikutan booktournya di surabaya, sekarang doi mampir di channel kecintaan. Thankyou ko rub sudah menghadirkan beliauu
Hadiah tahun baru🎉🥰 salah satu penulis favorit, saat lg down baca buku beliau bener”nenangin. Thank you ko sdh undang
The things you can see only when you slow down save me from my inner child. Thanks for Dian Sastrowardoyo yang udah ngenalin buku ini
Thankyou for inviting Haemin Sunim koh Rub❤ so grateful to hear the podcast in early 2025. Terus bertumbuh dan belajar menjadi leboh baik.
You're welcome. Glad it make a positive mark on you. Btw, I gotta thank Gramedia team for having him over on a media trip. Saya nebeng aja haha.
Thankyou Haemin Sunim. Your books are literally what i need when i am looking for wisdom
Ko Ruby, makasih udah buat podcast ini. Daging semua. Pas bagian inner child, air mataku ga berhenti keluar koh. Serasa lagi dinasehatin tp ga dijudge. Makasih koh. Makasih 😊
Terima kasih Ko Ruby dan tim. Tidak menyangka, saya dapat mendengarkan obrolan dari salah satu penulis yang amat saya kagumi melalui podcast ini. Semoga, saya dapat menerapkan pengetahuan & pelajaran yang saya peroleh dari podcast ini, sehingga dapat senantiasa berusaha menjadi menusia yang lebih baik setiap harinya ✨
After reading one of his books, I ended up purchasing the other two books. His books taught me many things and I never get bored of them. I reread all of his books repeatedly and still never get bored. Thank you for inviting him to your podcast. Haemin Sunim, your books are so inspirational.
"Co- creating dance" ~ the most important message~ about human's culture. Thank You Mr.Haemin Sunim for being the Teacher of Life and to write it and share with all for us. I feel so grateful and really thank you🙏
Even the way Haemin Sunim talk is soooo soothing 🥺 I am blessed to spare my time to watch this episode. Thanks for being vulnerable Ko Ruby, it helps your audience understand better about the inner child part.
I bought his book 2 years ago, never imagined that I could feel like having a real conv with him through this video.
Thank you for this, its beautiful fyi I put my (4 yo me) pic as my phone wallpaper now, as a reminder for my inner child that I am enough.
I am exactly where I need to be
I am exactly where I want to be
Identify your emotion , accept that feeling then let go❤❤ this guy is on enlightenment level, pain is envitable but suffering is your choice, live in present moment ... Love it
Udh baca bukunya❤ dan kaget banget tau2 liat beranda diundang dipodcast ko fellex..kebetulan lagi butuh banget buat asupan jiwa...terima kasih sudah mengundang beliau dan membuah hari sabtuku menjadi lebih baik😊😊
Mas Rubiii thank youuu for having Haemin Sunim.. What a great podcast to start 2025 🎉🎉 Semoga Tuhan Berkati podcast ini
Terimakasih sudah mengundang Mr. Haemin. Sedang baca bukunya Btw
The legend himself! This was the most unexpected guest we've got so far ❤
Best episode ever! Thankyou Haemin Sunim & Om Ruby! ❤
Aku lagi dimasa strugle sebagai kakak sekaligus anak pertama sebut saja generasi terhimpit. Tapi sejak awal kerja mimpiku ingin menjadi anak yang baik, kakak yang menjadi contoh yang baik buat adik-adik termasuk membiayai pendidikan mereka. Di tengah perjalanan aku ngerasa ini sebagai beban, aku menyalahkan kenapa harus aku yang anak pertama, kenapa aku yang jadi kakak, dan kenapa aku yang menanggung semuanya, bahkan aku nyalahin diri sendiri kenapa aku mau ngambil peran ini.
tapi setelah dengerin ini aku ngerasa tujuan awal aku dulu memutuskan mengambil peran ini karna aku bisa bahagia kalau aku bisa berperan seperti sekarang dan aku harus rilex dan menikmati perjalanan ini, karna aku percaya sama keputusanku.
Kak i feel u.. cerita kamu sama persis kayak aku🫂
this podcast is a free therapy. amazing i am speechless. thank you ko & haemin sunim
It’s like a new year gift jirrrr💖✨
Thank u so much Ruby for bravely discussing such a vulnerable and important topic. It takes immense courage to open up about something so personal and potentially painful, but your honesty is truly inspiring!!
This video not only sheds light on healing inner child wounds but also creates a safe space for others to reflect on their own journeys. You're making such a positive impact by sharing your experience.
A huge thank you as well to Haemin Sunim for sharing his wisdom and insights, they are so powerful and comforting🤍✨
Mas Ruby... pertanyaan2nyaaaa kenaaaaaa bangeedd 🥺🥺 Pertanyaan yg biasanya dlm pikiran dan hati saja, tp bisa diungkapkan dan Mr Haenim jg kasih jawaban yg bikin refleksi, membuat kita jd punya mindset, pov lain, yg bisa jd selama ini ada tp kita abaikan. Thx u Mas Ruby 🥰🥰
Free therapy right here 🥹😅😂 aside from the fruitful convo between ko ruby and haemin i wanted to give shoutout to the videographer and prod team!!! The quality of the video and the grid is so pleasing to the eyee. Kudoo team
I have read 2 of Haemin Sunim books, i havent read the third one. 2 of the books i read in 2020 during pandemic. On that moment, i have a lot of issue, my heart was really hurt and condition was chaos because the problem i had with my in laws. Unintentionally i got your book and read these 2 books. It was really enlight and open my mind eventhough all of dark cloud already swan arround in my mind and my heart. Thank you haenim, and keep on writting everything related about life.
Thank you for inviting Haemin Sunim kak😭😭❤
one of my fav writer 💖Thanks for inviting Haemin Sunim and to raise this topic, brings healing. Happy new year Ko!
Podcast yang sangat bermanfaat sekali seperti menbaca buku tapi dengan media bercerita , tolong banyakin konten seperti ini.
Sangat menambah pengetahuan!
🙌💯❤ i’m crying rn😭. thank you for existing Haemin Sunim!!
Makasih ko Ruby dan timnya yang udah undang Haemin Sunim 😭
Semoga kalian dapet pahala yang guede, dan selalu sehat.
I did, i took pictures my young. I said that your are worthy in past and now. I was trying to recall many bad conditions, and talk to little me the truth in behind circumstances.
So, I could change the taste of memories (that before i thought was hard memories). Keep health growing 😊.
AAAAAAA😭🥹 kenapa bisa pas banget, recently lagi baca bukunya, baru kemarin malam sampe di page 32!
pagi ini buka youtube ketemu video ini dirilis 21 hours ago sm Ko Ruby😭🙏🏻
thank you, Ko! the best🙌🏻
Almost crying, thank you for this podcast i want to heal my inner child
Thank you so much for having him and sharing your both thought in any specific topic. His book is as warm as your both conversation fr❤
HAEMIN SUNIM!!? What a good day to start the year! I have his book and it's really good! Woah, it makes me wanna read it again for self-reminder. Thank a lot Ko Ruby, God Bless You, for always provide us meaningful content for fellow humans who continue to grow and want to learn to be better humans so we can be meritorious for others too. GBU all!
Pagi tadi aku buka yt langsung muncul podcast ini. Langsung tonton premiernya, dan tidak ada kalimat yang nggak KEREN!!. Makasih ya ko udh undang Haemin Sunim 🥹🫶🏻
Thank you Mas Ruby, sangat berharga banget episode kali ini. Thank you
You are enough, You are worthy, so blessed thanks a lot. kadang memang standar dunia push kita untuk jadi yg terbaik jadi ambis dll, tapi apa iya itu bener yang memang kita pingin? karena setiap org emg berharga
Terima kasih mas Ruby sudah menghadirkan Haemin Sunim 😇
thank you so much Ruby and Haemin! Gave me plentiful insights, philosophical and practical. ❤
awalnya kaget pas baca tulisan di cover video ko ruby, "dua laki-laki berbicara dari hati ke hati" kayak wah tumben nih ko ruby bahas beginian... eh pas buka videonya dan baca tittle video, MAKIN KAGET. aku belum nonton videonya, TAPI UDAH PGN BILANG MAKASIH SM KO RUBY UDAH MENGUNDANG HAEMIN SUNIM!
So happy Kak Ruby having Haenim Sunim here. Thanks a lot for making this podcast and sharing the valueable knowledge in this early 2025 🤩
WAAAAAHHH makasih banget sudah undang Haemin Sunim!
ini pertama kali aku liat wajah haemin sunim dengan jelas, padahal suka bgt sama buku2nya
KEREN BANGEEET ka rubyy bisa ajak haemin sunimm
Its the greatest podcast i first watch in 2025! ❤
Ko ruby..thank you for making this podcast di awal tahun enlighting, semoga kita di 2025 bs jadi manusia yg seutuhnya dalam memandang hidup
Thanks Ruby! Grateful to watch Haenim Sunim.
This episode is golden. Thank you sooo much
Kaa rubiii thanks for inviting Haemin Sunim❤❤❤❤
Watching this from East Nusa Tenggara, thank youuu so much for this, definitely will check those books 🧡🧡🧡
Podcast ngena dihati terberkati bgd ko tengkyuuu🤍🤍🤍
Suka bgt sm buku2nya haemin sunim...
Whoa, such a gift of happy new year. Thanks Ruby✨
Starting the year right with a zen-ful mind. You're welcome! Hope it resonates. Titip share ke temen-temen yang mungkin butuh juga ya.
Thank you Ruby , this is a very inspiring and enlightening episode 😊. I attended one of Haemin's book meet session, and this podcast is exactly the extension that I need 😊 thanks and good job as always. And coincidentally I also have similar trauma of feeling not good enough, and this episode really help me to move further on processing my issue. Thank you.
GILA AMPE SHOCKED DIPIKIR CHANNEL LUAR BS INTERVIEW SM HAEMIN SUNIM. Thanksss kohh sudah do this interview huhu, starting 2025 with haemin podcast
Sebagai salah satu anak dari asian parenting, denger podcast ini setidaknya bikin hati sejuk sebentar ❤❤
Oh my God, my favourite author ❤
Oh my God, I feel like I’ve discovered such a gift, stumbling upon this channel and watching it all the way through.
This podcast isn’t just good and entertaining to watch, but the depth of knowledge in this conversation is truly priceless-finding the root of anger and trying to resolve it, understanding that ego is just an illusion. Only those who have made peace with themselves can reach that point, and I hope we are all guided towards that path.
Happiness is today, not something we wait for when we reach our goals. That’s such a powerful realization for me.
Haemin Sunim, kamshamnida. You’ve opened my eyes to the fact that there’s so much inner work I need to do by asking myself the right questions.
Ko Ruby, God bless you. Thank you for asking questions that truly resonate with me and for creating such a meaningful podcast. May God always protect and guide you.
very soothing. thank you for this deep conversations
Oh my favorite writer ❤
“And i think i really met you” ngena bgt
My favorite author, I read all of his three books :)
YaAllah berkah tahun baru, terima kasih Koh!
udah baca bukunya...bagus...keren banget bisa datengin haemin sunim
emang baguss nyesel beli..thank you🙏
Haemin Sunin's book really worth to read. I did read one and it always can be repeatedly re-read😊
Aku pembaca buku-bukunya beliau, bikin tenang bgt
Keren bgtt sih ini 😭😭
Perlu share banyak banyak ke orang orang sekitar, gila ini isinya gabisa ditemuin di podcast lain, normally gasuka non fic book but maybe ill try haemin’s
MasyaAllah daging bangett❤❤❤
like a therapy for myself too, i cried for an hour straight😭
Gila kerenn speechless ❤
berarti kayak dalam islam yang bilang "semakin kamy bersyukur semakin banyak rasa syukurmu akan ditambah" ya..
OMG THIS IS SO GOOD🥹 I feel like I was in a therapy..
Thank you Capt, Thank you Haemin. 🙏🏻
Keren Ruby 👍👍👍
Wah ♥. Thankyou so much Koo!
Bagus sekali 😢