Thank you for making this series and going into the basics. Im really enjoying it. I have zero experience with rigging and animation in general and I feel like I can transfer the knowledge to ControlRig as well.
This seems super handy! I've always disliked figuring out beforehand the requirements for shots that "we might need to do". Looking at this I would be happy to just go and build custom rig solutions per shot basis.
Great but couldn't get it working with the bone capture node added
Thank you for making this series and going into the basics. Im really enjoying it. I have zero experience with rigging and animation in general and I feel like I can transfer the knowledge to ControlRig as well.
This seems super handy! I've always disliked figuring out beforehand the requirements for shots that "we might need to do". Looking at this I would be happy to just go and build custom rig solutions per shot basis.
Thanks alot for your tuts.
If use full body ik is there any way to switch between ik an fk body?
How you integrate a collision object like the ground or an animated piece of geometry?
Cool, thanks!
ممنون !
FABRIK is just an alternate algorithm for solving IK.