Why doesn't my boss like me? Avoid this pitfall! [2018]

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 14

  • @donnellpatterson316
    @donnellpatterson316 5 лет назад +3

    This brought tears to my eyes. It hurts so much.

    • @JakeBee
      @JakeBee  4 года назад

      Office politics are tricky for sure. About the time you figure it out you retire....

  • @JakeBee
    @JakeBee  6 лет назад +4

    Hey all, thanks for watching! If you have any thoughts or feedback on these ideas, put them down below and start the conversation! Do you have a good relationship with your boss? What did you do to foster that relationship? Any breakthrough moments?

  • @straytenwhitenormell7759
    @straytenwhitenormell7759 4 года назад

    I'm a "go above & beyond" type of hard worker.
    I'm never late & I don't call off.
    I'm pleasant & polite to my co-workers.
    I don't gossip, swear a lot, & do what I'm told.
    In other words, in EVERY job I've ever had, my bosses never liked me.
    They looooove the slackers, the ones who come in late, miss work a lot, & are rude & obnoxious.

  • @ccmeaston
    @ccmeaston 5 лет назад +7

    I started a new job about 3 months ago. I like everything about it.... except.... the one toxic person in the company, and it happens to be my manager...ughh ! I'm doing everything I'm told. Working extra hours. Coming in on weekends. Like any new job, the learning curve is steep - but my manager seems to be frustrated in sitting with me and training me to do the work. I wish I could have seen this personality during the interview process because I certainly would not have taken the job - I'd rather be unemployed. I'm already thinking of leaving. It's too bad because the other 99.9% of the job/company/people are great. It's just this .1% that's making it all miserable.

  • @wuwei473
    @wuwei473 6 лет назад +3

    It's a shame but at your absolutely right. Meritocracy is sometimes secondary in the modern world.

    • @JakeBee
      @JakeBee  6 лет назад

      Yeah it’s hard to find a place where promotions are based on merit, but they do exist! Hopefully I can find a slot to add some career videos every so often. It’s definitely a passion of mine. Thanks for watching!

  • @JokinJoe
    @JokinJoe 5 лет назад

    So I just got a new job and we haven’t even officially opened yet. It’s a new business. He hired me with a pretty good pay rate because he liked my experience and he thought I was good. He talked to me like I was going to move up in the company. Now, I’ve never had a problem with any job before this. I was always considered a hard worker who got things done. But, I can already sense that my new boss already doesn’t like me. Out of our small crew, he doesn’t give me any training or any chance to show my abilities. He loves the rest of my coworkers, but he always takes a shot at me. He makes jokes about me that humiliate me in front of others. He calls me fatso, he told me to come in for a meeting and I came in when he asked-but I walked in just as the meeting ended, he doesn’t give me many shifts compared to the others (which is weird when the business is launching this week and I need to be trained), and he straight up told me that he doesn’t like me, but then said it was a joke. There’s some truth to every joke.
    It sucks because I’ve had no chance to demonstrate any ability to him. I can sense that he thinks I’m either stupid or inexperienced... I’ve worked harder jobs than this. But I can’t possibly learn when I don’t ever get the chance to learn. I’m thinking about quitting because I can’t see myself being the punching bag of awful jokes. It’s starting to take a toll on my self esteem. I’m at the brink of losing my home and I can’t afford to quit right away, but I’m thinking of job hunting again. I know most people would say to tough it out and build a relationship with the boss, but when it’s this bad from the beginning, and I’m being shamed for my appearance, and he has little interest in me learning, and I’ve done nothing but bring a professional attitude to work, then I think I’d rather be somewhere that appreciates what value I bring to the table.

    • @JakeBee
      @JakeBee  5 лет назад +2

      joe - that sounds like a bad situation. I would say don’t quit but at least be looking. At the same time consider talking to HR if the company is big enough to have that. The treatment you describe is harassment and should never be allowed in the workplace. I lead 5-8 people at any given time and would never disrespect them in front of their peers, or anywhere for that matter. Shoot me an email if you’d like to discuss further. Remember you have rights, no one should feel bullied in the workplace or any environment.

  • @rosierose5351
    @rosierose5351 5 лет назад +1

    Idgaf if my boss doesn't like me, i dont like him either and he knows it.

    • @JakeBee
      @JakeBee  4 года назад +1

      That's certainly one way to approach it. Although if someone is seeking advancement they have to care what the boss thinks.

  • @jasmines2250
    @jasmines2250 4 года назад

    My two lead supervisors hated me from day one and idk why! I work very hard, I have a positive attitude and bubbly personality. One boss is in a different state than me and I’ve only saw her 3 time the whole year so I don’t even interact with her but yet she keeps cutting my hours, she looks for something I’m doing wrong, she harasses me when I step away from the phones just to use the bathroom. The lead that’s in the same building as me gets mad if I ask questions so I stopped asking then she got mad because i stopped asking questions. No matter what I do it’s not enough. She finds something wrong like i was 1 minute late and she lied to the bigger boss about me. I had the flu and was demanded to work but when others call out sick they have so much compassion and understanding for them. For me if I call out one day they cut my hours as a consequence. I also noticed how warm and friendly they are towards others but towards me they are very cold and stand offish. When the bigger boss is here she treats me differently so it’s obvious that she hates me but idk why. This job makes me feel so depressed to the point that I wish I didn’t exist anymore but I can’t quit because I have to pay my rent. It’s already bad enough getting yelled at over the phone all day by customers because I work in a call center but to have two shift lead managers that hate me makes it worse. One is in a completely different state and hated my guts the minute i started the job. My performances is good so it can’t be work related. I’ve gotten shout outs from the ceo of the company for my performance and that makes them look good since they are my boss so idk what their deal is. Idk anymore but I do know my mental health is declining. It’s the holidays and the lady cut my hours to less that 20 a week. I’m getting 40 hours in one paycheck. Idk what to do because if I tell HR it will get worse but I haven’t had luck with finding a new job. 😞

    • @JakeBee
      @JakeBee  4 года назад +1

      I would definitely recommend starting the year with a focused job search. It sounds like it's time for you to go somewhere you are appreciated! Sometimes you just end up with a crappy boss and there's nothing you can do but move on. I'm sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. Good luck!

    • @jasmines2250
      @jasmines2250 4 года назад

      Jake Bee Thanks! I have a job interview coming up this week. Do you have any advice to avoid this in the future? This is the second time I ended up with a terrible boss.