I've been listening to short wave broadcasts for years and was happy when the BBC came back on air on the shortwave bands. It just goes to show how unappreciated SW has been over recent years and how useful it is, and it's fun tuning into various stations from around the world.
SW BBC World Service was my only connection with home when I worked in the Middle East in the 1970s. Still got that radio. Must set it up again. Just in case.
Wow! Thanks for this info Fred. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and was bemoaning the lack of English language SW broadcast stations, especially the BBC, during these trying times. This is great news - Thanks for spreading the news
In the 1980's and 90's I was a big fan of the BBC's John Peel music sessions where, Here in Canada I tuned to shortwave and heard many up and coming cool rock bands for the first time where I would not heard of on regular TV and radio stations.
The only music stations worth listening to were the radio ships in the north sea. Radio Caroline is still broadcasting from the Ross Revenge only from the shelter of the Blackwater estuary Essex.
@@colinmcnab6145 I remember many many stories of Radio Caroline, Laser 558, and others from British and European Canadians who came of age in the 1960's and 70's, 80's. In 1987 there was the US based Radio New York International which got shut down by the Coast Guard and FCC within days of it first operation. I don't think pirate radio was ever a big thing here in Canada or US.
I loved SW as a kid, all that morse code and all manner of signals from all over the world. All the languages you used to hear. Looking at cb rigs again now. Great channel Fred and duly subscribed mate.
I’ve been listening to bbc world service in Brasil on 11809kKHz I’m impressed with the signal quality. I’ve got a long wire dipole hooked to my sdr on my pc and love to seat down and be impressed every time I pick it up thinking how far way it’s transmitting from.
Fading and phase distortion is typical in Inonispheric (over the horizon) propagation. GM4 HIG (retired Marine Radio Office). This broadcast may be shaped or beamed to the east and you will get a weaker signal as a result of the Antenna design chosen for best reception across Russia. The main signal will not be in English anyway, but in Russian.
Another massive advantage of radio is anonymity. Internet is wonderful but security forces can farily easily monitor internet to see who is monitoring foreign news sources: radio receivers are basically invisible to hostile security forces.
But they're not every single radio that has an oscillator puts out a small frequency that's how they can track you down for not paying your radio or TV licenses in the UK.
@@beekeeper8474 That "detector van" thing is a myth. They caught people by social engineering or just seeing it on through the window. The license enforcement people never actually had any real detection device
@@joetheprogrammer0 That may be, but technically @Bobbuttons is correct. And years ago, someone came up with a device that would listen in to the local oscillator frequencies of car radios passing by a listening post to tell what stations were being listened to the most by drivers.
@@beekeeper8474 a detector van has never led to any prosecution for TV licence evasion. A prosecution is caused by letting them in / engaging in conversation with the Tvl officer. Many houses don't watch TV live these days - they stream non BBC catch-up. Been doing it this way for 3 years now.
Radio Free America and Radio Free Europe were important means of getting info into blockaded countries. They should have been continued. I'm glad BBC still has the facilities to do this.
It goes to show how important simple systems are. Everyone wants to go digital but there must be redundancy in the system as shown above. DAB radios are 10x as expensive as normal radios and unreliable.
@Rui Albano and you can learn new languages on radio broadcasts if you've the capability or talent for it. I have a keen mind in learning new languages e..g spanish in my case, without any basics in latin or any other roman language. Just concentrate on the spoken word Sounds strange,but it's true. For that reason radio is still, whether it's DAB or even analogue the best media to reach millions of listeners worldwide.
The sad thing is tuning into shortwave radio something we all did in our youth is a basic skill that a lot of the younger generation wouldn't have a clue about but as it turns out can be very important.
@@beekeeper8474, tuning is easy. Knowing when and where to tune is a skill. You have to know about HF ionospheric propagation, looking up broadcast schedules and using SSB mode to tune AM signals if your radio doesn't have synchronous AM detection and it does have a BFO.
Great video Fred, just a quick update to the 2pm to 4pm broadcast from the BBC. It looks like they've moved down to 15730khz, it's only a few Khz down the dial, but just incase listeners thought they were listening to the wrong station. 73 :)
SWL in the old days was magical (as a child) I never realized that it was more for hearts and minds propaganda purposes. Loved getting the weak signals of far away regionals though. Never understood the languages, but loved the music. I don't think that the BBC will be very enlightening to the Russians. Censorship filters at the BBC are Hi Q.
The BBC has some slant and propaganda, but not like VOA and American News and CERTAINLY nowhere in the Leagues of Russia and Occupied Ukraine. A little editorial slant is better than outright lies, at least the BBC tries to hide it.
That's great ! Short of broadcasting a stronger signal,at the same frequency, there's simply no way to jam it ! And IF that happens, it's easy enough to destroy the jammer at the source. SW is old school that may be the only reliable source, in an emergency
HF broadcasters don't need to occupy every 5 kHz, running megawatts ERP to get out their message. Why have more nations not have maintained a minimal HF service rebroadcasting local programming?
This is good news. I rather suspect that there are a lot of shortwave receivers in the closets of the target nations for these broadcasts. More than in the U.K., and many, many more than in the U.S., where SWL was mostly a fringe hobby. They will figure out how to use grandpa's old radio, no doubt. The news will get through.
We are on British Summertime now - One Hour Ahead Of GMT / UTC. as we put the clocks forward. - So listen to the broadcasts one hour earlier than the stated GMT Time.
The Russians always did jam both the BBC and Voice of America in the 1970's and 80's. I always wanted a Zenith 7000 so got one from the USA 3 years ago, a fortune in delivery costs, unfortunately most s.w. b.c. stations have gone and I suffer bad noise from broadband.
The same is also true for Russian transmitters as some Western people believe that broadcasting by western media is biased towards Ukraine. In the West Russian transmitters are blocked, in Russia Western transmitters are blocked. Maybe shortwave which cannot be blocked (that easily) can help on both sides to get a well balanced view.
This is like listening to Voice of America or Radio Free Europe all over again. BBC World Service broadcast on SW and LW throughout the Cold War and everyone listened
Several stations are broadcasting into Russia and Ukrain now. BBC never stopped B’casting on SW, but aimed into Africa and Far East. [ same with VOA]. Great video. 📻🙂❗️
Here in the UK, this afternoon, I was listening to BBC Radio 5 football commentary relayed by BBC World Service transmitter in Singapore in the 25-metre band (12095kHz). Good reception. Broadcast probably beamed towards India.
@@blacksmock445 Every Saturday afternoon [ Eastern time], I can listen to the Futbol game. It too, may be aimed at India. Not sure. 16 meter band, I believe. 📻🙂
@@CB-RADIO-UK ..In the 1980s, BBC London, Canada, VOA, Berlin, and never forget Radio Havana, Cuba at sundown around 6 Meg? WWII wasn't the last of it. Remind your listeners about the interference coming from Switching Power Supplies like in computers, self-dimming night lights, "wall warts" and T.V.s. electric blankets. If you figure how to safely "ground" your radio in order to bleed-off static, it may well enhance reception! Yeah, soon after I was born in 1958, I quickly became an "Electrics Junkie". 🇺🇸 ✌🏿 😂 😂 😂 👍🏾
Hi Fred, I been sw listening for years and bbc had txers all over the world, like voice of American, radio Moscow name but a few , it’s great that bbc back broadcasting on Sw great vid , 73s mark G8rde
Old school SW listening and communications is vital to world communications in this digital world. This is a perfect example. Thanks for sharing Fred. My shortwave antenna has been down about a month due to damage from a wind event.. I need to get it back up.
Востонавливайте антенны! Скоро мы придем к вам ! История повторяется! Надеюсь вы знаете кто победил в прошлой войне? Или забыли! Тогда мы идём к вам!!!
@@АндрейОдежкин Россия никогда не была нашим врагом, но глубинное государство играет в трехмерные шахматы. Мы стремимся к миру, но у власти есть те, кто выбрал путь войны, чтобы увековечить свою ненависть, жадность и власть.
I Remember Radio moscow in 1982 broadcasting anti British propaganda during the Falklands war , Excellent video and frequency information, who would of thought we would be facing war in Europe in 2022 ,
Add a loop antenna to block the jammer. I don't hear one there. That is pretty much regular shortwave when there is propagation problems. The solar cycle is still near minimum.
They used to, but the Russians took their jamming transmitters off 30 years ago. How long it will take them to get them running again is a matter of time.
Yes i heard the Wood Pecker was back. I doubt its the old set up though as a watched a YT vid on that a while back when kids climbed over it and it look derelict.
I'm listening from 1000 to 1500 UTC on 15735 kHz. It's a much different story than what we Americans are being fed. Using a Yaesu FTdx 1200 and a Cushcraft R5 vertical. Coming from Woofferton according to short-wave info.
2 года назад
> It's a much different story than what we Americans are being fed. Could you elaborate?
@ , the BBC feed features a lot of live, man-in-the-trenches interviews and commentary. Now, knowing how cinematography works and being a fan of "Jakob the Liar" it could all be coming from a sound stage in Liverpool. But, it's different than the filtered, sanitized version as seen on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, and Newsmax.
Glad the BBC did not scrap the old SW kit. Yet more proof that when the chips are down, it will be that „old and obsolete junk that nobody cares about anymore“ that will one day save our bacon. The modern digital stuff is all fine and dandy and I would not want to miss it. But having a fallback that is proven to be reliable…that just seems like a sensible idea. This is why I started studying to get my ham radio license, too.
Could be wrong but I thought a read something about 'beam casting' whereby you can concentrate the signal in one particular direction? If that's the case case the UK would be on the weaker side of the lobe.
SW radio is an essential back up for disseminating important information not just in war but also natural disasters. Look what happened to Tonga when they lost their under sea cable and the Philippines after every typhoon.
I went to the link you provided and am a bit confused. It is currently $69 USD. While it shows the radio with case and the display and knob on the front, other pics show the circuit board with the display and rotary encoder shaft facing up. I get that it might be a kit needing some assembly, but moving the display and encoder to the front of the case would take some serious surface mount soldering. Does anyone have a link to buy this in the USA?
HI. Yes there are two versions of the radio on Banggood. The cheaper one is a bare board kit and the second is a radio completed in a case. Iam pretty sure Banggood ship to USA from CN China.
@@CB-RADIO-UK Thanks for the reply. My concern is for the back log of ships needing unloading on the USA west coast and other supply chain delays. I'd rather buy from an importer who already has them in the USA, even if I pay a little bit more.
Build lots of rhombic antennas all over Europe with gobs of power on HF, the FM band and the TV bands! Get them on the air so a crystal radio set or light bulbs can be heard!
I'd have my radio on except that damn H20 roof leak! 'Brilliant' video Fred. Here in States we have this Emergency code, usually it's a test 13:00 Wednesdays. I drive to work south, look for Mushroom cloud. Cover eyes get low. Silly comment.
HI FRED…Enjoyed your video and I am now a subscriber. I have been a Ham for over 44 years and I see this problem everywhere so I am not just picking on you…NO WAY JOSE…FRED! Can we all use UTC TIME as our method of tracking the time around the World…and NOT GMT or MILITARY TIME or LOCAL TIME! TOTALLY CONFUSING TO ALL!!! UTC was developed so everyone using it knew the time of event no matter where they lived! NASA and everyone else uses it. The WWV Stations use it and broadcast it around the world as do so many others time service! UTC TIME PLEASE! So glad to see that the BBC is again doing SW broadcasting…sometimes OLD SCHOOL IS STILL BEST! KEEP UP THE GREAT VIDEOS AND 73!
In the New Cold War with Russia & China both, SW will be important again - this is the second sign of it, RNZI buying up the half of Australia's old SW frequencies to counter the other half that became Chinese-owned International Broadcasters in the small Pacific territories was the first, RNZI & the BBC really stepped up here.
I bought the Retekess V115, but I'm a little disappointed about its performance. First problem is the fact that the user has to enter the digits every time if they want to change the program, one cannot just "tune around the band" when using the Retekess. The user essentially needs to use the radio as if it were a telephone, whereas an analog-tuning radio allows the user to quickly listen to the band at will (important now, since shortwave stations are changing parameters quickly in reacting to the crisis) The other big problem is the unshielded frequency synthesizer in the radio. It is unshielded, causing the radio to interfere with itself. Strange screeching noises are ubiquitous.
Yes i agree the lack of a manual tuning vfo is a let down. Esp as SW tends to drift. I really like my Tecsun 600 but in fairness it costs about 7 ti,es the price of the V115. However this very week i picked up a Saisho SW 5000 in mint condition from a local charity shop for £20 inc a wall PSU.
Hi. The receiver has a male BNC type socket on the back. The wire will need to be soldered to a female BNC plug. Any single core wire will work. I would start at 30 feet out of a window and go from there.
Cool ! I suppose you could drop thousands of pocket sized shortwave radios into Ukrainian so people to stay informed. Might even try it in Russia. I've seen receivers as cheap as $20.00 on Amazon . Amazon should look into this idea.
Many are going to jam radio broadcasting on Medium Wave, Long Wave & Shortwave from Russia including the Buzzer & RWM with Fire Drakes & such. Keep listening!
Fred Radio Moscow and Radio China has returned to the USA. I also have heard that US VOA is going to be broadcasting again also. On shortwave. Nice to hear old BBC World Service London back. I like the UK pirates Radio Caroline's KBC Broadcasting out of Germany. Their North American service on Absolute Radio and their international Dutch Service on Mi' Amigo radio. That BBC Broadcast might be from their former Radio 1 location down is Sussex out on Orfordness or Orford Village. It is now operating by Radio Caroline and their parent companies Cobra Mist Broadcasting limited. As well as their two radio and wireless networking Service Merlin communications Limited. Caroline operates on 648 KHZ medium wave. Formally Radio 1. They also own and operate the former US Norad facility in Germany. It might be broadcasting on that one. On their Mi' Amigo dutch service or their Absolute radio North American service.
its a normal shortwave signal going in and out is just propagation of the Atmosphere, its like visual or audio weather of how rain comes in waves I use an SDR rsp1a (SDRPlay) USB to a computer .... and I have an ICOM 706MIIG
I always thought it was a mistake to phase out international shortwave broadcasting.
And we were right, it was a mistake. Now let’s bring back all the SW voices of all the Free Nations.
next you will see a retutn to packet radio for computers
Packet Radio still lives,
we call it texting these days.
@@eugenecbell Lets bring back Radio Berlin International!
@@peterberrett181 yes, that’s would be fine as well
I've been listening to short wave broadcasts for years and was happy when the BBC came back on air on the shortwave bands. It just goes to show how unappreciated SW has been over recent years and how useful it is, and it's fun tuning into various stations from around the world.
But bbc was always on air
Way to go, Fred!! I'm in Ontario Canada and I'm getting a smaller Tecsun this week. Gonna follow and subscribe. Cheers!
SW BBC World Service was my only connection with home when I worked in the Middle East in the 1970s. Still got that radio. Must set it up again. Just in case.
Wow! Thanks for this info Fred. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and was bemoaning the lack of English language SW broadcast stations, especially the BBC, during these trying times. This is great news - Thanks for spreading the news
Great news but the motivation is saddening
Yes they brought it back to push propaganda
The only English broadcasts I ever seem to find is Radio Romania.
@@GeoNeilUK Besides China Radio International CRI you mean? They are all over the air!
I pick up Cuba in English. News and baseball news
In the 1980's and 90's I was a big fan of the BBC's John Peel music sessions where, Here in Canada I tuned to shortwave and heard many up and coming cool rock bands for the first time where I would not heard of on regular TV and radio stations.
I find myself wishing that they'd bring back their interval signal. Old times, Big Ben, and who could forget "This is London!"
I was Too BBC World Service was a Favorite...Pop Goes the Beatles was always Fun
The only music stations worth listening to were the radio ships in the north sea. Radio Caroline is still broadcasting from the Ross Revenge only from the shelter of the Blackwater estuary Essex.
@@colinmcnab6145 I remember many many stories of Radio Caroline, Laser 558, and others from British and European Canadians who came of age in the 1960's and 70's, 80's. In 1987 there was the US based Radio New York International which got shut down by the Coast Guard and FCC within days of it first operation. I don't think pirate radio was ever a big thing here in Canada or US.
I loved SW as a kid, all that morse code and all manner of signals from all over the world. All the languages you used to hear. Looking at cb rigs again now. Great channel Fred and duly subscribed mate.
Thanks bud
I’ve been listening to bbc world service in Brasil on 11809kKHz I’m impressed with the signal quality. I’ve got a long wire dipole hooked to my sdr on my pc and love to seat down and be impressed every time I pick it up thinking how far way it’s transmitting from.
Fading and phase distortion is typical in Inonispheric (over the horizon) propagation. GM4 HIG (retired Marine Radio Office). This broadcast may be shaped or beamed to the east and you will get a weaker signal as a result of the Antenna design chosen for best reception across Russia. The main signal will not be in English anyway, but in Russian.
Another massive advantage of radio is anonymity. Internet is wonderful but security forces can farily easily monitor internet to see who is monitoring foreign news sources: radio receivers are basically invisible to hostile security forces.
But they're not every single radio that has an oscillator puts out a small frequency that's how they can track you down for not paying your radio or TV licenses in the UK.
@@beekeeper8474 That "detector van" thing is a myth. They caught people by social engineering or just seeing it on through the window. The license enforcement people never actually had any real detection device
@@joetheprogrammer0 That may be, but technically @Bobbuttons is correct. And years ago, someone came up with a device that would listen in to the local oscillator frequencies of car radios passing by a listening post to tell what stations were being listened to the most by drivers.
Unless your phone is nearby, then they know.
@@beekeeper8474 a detector van has never led to any prosecution for TV licence evasion.
A prosecution is caused by letting them in / engaging in conversation with the Tvl officer.
Many houses don't watch TV live these days - they stream non BBC catch-up. Been doing it this way for 3 years now.
Radio Free America and Radio Free Europe were important means of getting info into blockaded countries. They should have been continued. I'm glad BBC still has the facilities to do this.
They still have several transmitters around the world. They do f.ex. transmit on 1386kHz together with others in russian for Ukraine.
From the sounds of this it's a low power i.e. 1500 Watts not the booming >10,000/50k Watts I remember.
Great news about the BBC. I bought my first receiver during the summer of '68.
It goes to show how important simple systems are. Everyone wants to go digital but there must be redundancy in the system as shown above. DAB radios are 10x as expensive as normal radios and unreliable.
sdr radios are rediculosly inexpensive
I keep a CB radio in my pickup truck... It's a free form of communication...📻📻📻📻📻📻📻📻📻📻
I remember when DARPA had to send a memo stopping all field comms proposals that relied on IP networking
@@Glasshopper not so repairable either
@Rui Albano and you can learn new languages on radio broadcasts if you've the capability or talent for it. I have a keen mind in learning new languages e..g spanish in my case, without any basics in latin or any other roman language. Just concentrate on the spoken word Sounds strange,but it's true. For that reason radio is still, whether it's DAB or even analogue the best media to reach millions of listeners worldwide.
The sad thing is tuning into shortwave radio something we all did in our youth is a basic skill that a lot of the younger generation wouldn't have a clue about but as it turns out can be very important.
Turning a dial is a skill?
@@beekeeper8474 of a very basic kind, figuratively speaking, plenty wouldn't have a clue even though it is quite simple
@@beekeeper8474, tuning is easy. Knowing when and where to tune is a skill. You have to know about HF ionospheric propagation, looking up broadcast schedules and using SSB mode to tune AM signals if your radio doesn't have synchronous AM detection and it does have a BFO.
@@beekeeper8474 Ever submitted an IT ticket?
SO True I still Have a SW Radio that works Great
Great video Fred, just a quick update to the 2pm to 4pm broadcast from the BBC. It looks like they've moved down to 15730khz, it's only a few Khz down the dial, but just incase listeners thought they were listening to the wrong station. 73 :)
SWL in the old days was magical (as a child) I never realized that it was more for hearts and minds propaganda purposes. Loved getting the weak signals of far away regionals though. Never understood the languages, but loved the music. I don't think that the BBC will be very enlightening to the Russians. Censorship filters at the BBC are Hi Q.
SW was a great hobby for sure. Just a long wire was all that you needed to bring inside your home the WORLD.
The BBC has some slant and propaganda, but not like VOA and American News and CERTAINLY nowhere in the Leagues of Russia and Occupied Ukraine. A little editorial slant is better than outright lies, at least the BBC tries to hide it.
That's great ! Short of broadcasting a stronger signal,at the same frequency, there's simply no way to jam it ! And IF that happens, it's easy enough to destroy the jammer at the source. SW is old school that may be the only reliable source, in an emergency
Shortwave has always been the best, you can't Beat Old Technology.
WTWW went off air though, 5.085 actually was a good thing for SW.
The wah-wah agc interphasic thing is clouds passing overhead the apogee(s) of the signal. Also, ion storms. It's normal for the band.
Signal was not "pushed." What you are hearing is called "Selective Fading," a fairly normal condition that occurs on certain signal paths.
HF broadcasters don't need to occupy every 5 kHz, running megawatts ERP to get out their message. Why have more nations not have maintained a minimal HF service rebroadcasting local programming?
This is good news. I rather suspect that there are a lot of shortwave receivers in the closets of the target nations for these broadcasts. More than in the U.K., and many, many more than in the U.S., where SWL was mostly a fringe hobby.
They will figure out how to use grandpa's old radio, no doubt. The news will get through.
We are on British Summertime now - One Hour Ahead Of GMT / UTC. as we put the clocks forward. - So listen to the broadcasts one hour earlier than the stated GMT Time.
The Russians always did jam both the BBC and Voice of America in the 1970's and 80's.
I always wanted a Zenith 7000 so got one from the USA 3 years ago, a fortune in delivery costs, unfortunately most s.w. b.c. stations have gone and I suffer bad noise from broadband.
The same is also true for Russian transmitters as some Western people believe that broadcasting by western media is biased towards Ukraine. In the West Russian transmitters are blocked, in Russia Western transmitters are blocked. Maybe shortwave which cannot be blocked (that easily) can help on both sides to get a well balanced view.
I listened on 5875 khz tonight on my ATS25,the signal was quite strong,I also used my Antron 99 😀
I didn’t know that BBC has returned to SW! Thank you. I don’t have a normal AM Radio, but I will use my FT-857D instead for that purpose 😁
This is like listening to Voice of America or Radio Free Europe all over again. BBC World Service broadcast on SW and LW throughout the Cold War and everyone listened
The signal dropout QSB "B"utterfly effect from Ionosphere in-stability
Several stations are broadcasting into Russia and Ukrain now.
BBC never stopped B’casting on SW, but aimed into Africa and Far East. [ same with VOA].
Great video.
Here in the UK, this afternoon, I was listening to BBC Radio 5 football commentary relayed by BBC World Service transmitter in Singapore in the 25-metre band (12095kHz). Good reception. Broadcast probably beamed towards India.
Every Saturday afternoon [ Eastern time], I can listen to the Futbol game. It too, may be aimed at India. Not sure.
16 meter band, I believe.
Well said , an informative video for our younger folk , not used to this excellent method of mass communication
Thank you kindly!
@@CB-RADIO-UK ..In the 1980s, BBC London, Canada, VOA, Berlin, and never forget Radio Havana, Cuba at sundown around 6 Meg? WWII wasn't the last of it.
Remind your listeners about the interference coming from Switching Power Supplies like in computers, self-dimming night lights, "wall warts" and T.V.s. electric blankets. If you figure how to safely "ground" your radio in order to bleed-off static, it may well enhance reception! Yeah, soon after I was born in 1958, I quickly became an "Electrics Junkie". 🇺🇸 ✌🏿 😂 😂 😂 👍🏾
Hi Fred, I been sw listening for years and bbc had txers all over the world, like voice of American, radio Moscow name but a few , it’s great that bbc back broadcasting on Sw great vid , 73s mark G8rde
Woofferton in South Shropshire near Ludlow is active on SW.
Old school SW listening and communications is vital to world communications in this digital world. This is a perfect example. Thanks for sharing Fred. My shortwave antenna has been down about a month due to damage from a wind event.. I need to get it back up.
Could not agree more Andy. Best of luck with getting your antenna back up.
Востонавливайте антенны! Скоро мы придем к вам ! История повторяется! Надеюсь вы знаете кто победил в прошлой войне? Или забыли! Тогда мы идём к вам!!!
@@АндрейОдежкин Россия никогда не была нашим врагом, но глубинное государство играет в трехмерные шахматы. Мы стремимся к миру, но у власти есть те, кто выбрал путь войны, чтобы увековечить свою ненависть, жадность и власть.
I Remember Radio moscow in 1982 broadcasting anti British propaganda during the Falklands war , Excellent video and frequency information, who would of thought we would be facing war in Europe in 2022 ,
Yes, I remember hearing on Radio Moscow about British concentration camps in Northern Ireland. I think even the Provos laughed at that one.
Full kudos to BBC for this. Well done!
top info as always fred got my little sw radio on right now.
Good ole BBC!! 100 years of reliable news this year!
lol the report nothing
Am reacts not on the outside antenne from the retekess. Used only the ferrite antenne
As I'm new to SW, anything special about the wire? Gauge, how high, dipole or what? I live in the USA, east coast.
Nope just a single core wire strung up outside will work for SW. I would try 30 foot to start with as modern radios are easy to overload.
Thanks for the info. 😀
Add a loop antenna to block the jammer.
I don't hear one there. That is pretty much regular shortwave when there is propagation problems. The solar cycle is still near minimum.
Getting stronger though. Iam expecting a lot of propagation on 11m this summer.
This was my first thought two weeks ago: This they cannot block.
They used to, but the Russians took their jamming transmitters off 30 years ago.
How long it will take them to get them running again is a matter of time.
Brilliant will listen to this.
I have a tecsun s88 shortwave radio.
Love going through the bands...
The buzzer has been playing up lately..
Yes i heard the Wood Pecker was back. I doubt its the old set up though as a watched a YT vid on that a while back when kids climbed over it and it look derelict.
Yes, I. m all excited now!!
I actually went and got my SW receiver . I picked up “the buzzer “ last night and it was being jammed by Ukraine . It’s really interesting
Cool you can pickup bbc on fm from a gansville ga on 89.1 time 12 to 1 EST
Really? on FM? I will try in Toronto then...
Since War is now happening eastern Europe , history is repeating itself in the present !!! Amazing , thanks for opening up the band !!!✍🏻🤨
@Alexej Svirid What are you taking about ? All I got from that load of rubbish was biblical quotes. Strive to do better my man !
I'm listening from 1000 to 1500 UTC on 15735 kHz. It's a much different story than what we Americans are being fed. Using a Yaesu FTdx 1200 and a Cushcraft R5 vertical.
Coming from Woofferton according to short-wave info.
> It's a much different story than what we Americans are being fed.
Could you elaborate?
@ , the BBC feed features a lot of live, man-in-the-trenches interviews and commentary. Now, knowing how cinematography works and being a fan of "Jakob the Liar" it could all be coming from a sound stage in Liverpool.
But, it's different than the filtered, sanitized version as seen on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, and Newsmax.
Broadcast is haunting. Great video.
Couldn't the BBC broadcast on frequencies very close to Russian frequencies inviting Russia to block their own frequencies
I figure if civilization falls apart SW and AM will be survivors, as with the amateur bands.
Glad the BBC did not scrap the old SW kit. Yet more proof that when the chips are down, it will be that „old and obsolete junk that nobody cares about anymore“ that will one day save our bacon. The modern digital stuff is all fine and dandy and I would not want to miss it. But having a fallback that is proven to be reliable…that just seems like a sensible idea. This is why I started studying to get my ham radio license, too.
Copy that
great video fred ille tune in brother thank you
Much appreciated
To me the reception is the usual SW signal affected by variations in the ionosphere.
War is horrible to say the least, but I'm please Shortwave is coming back.
In the 70's I used to listen to the BBC World Service on shortwave in Brazil, I miss those days so much.
I just picked up a Saisho SW 5000 radio for £20. Not the same anymore.
Could be wrong but I thought a read something about 'beam casting' whereby you can concentrate the signal in one particular direction? If that's the case case the UK would be on the weaker side of the lobe.
I tried listened to BBC on 15.735, I actually heard it on 15.729/730 at 13:30 GMT/9:30 AM EDST.
Thanks, Dave. I'm in Toronto so I'll follow you advice.
Brilliant bit of news. Well done mate.
What about WLW receiver to monitor Russian nuclear attack order to submarines? 10 - 20 kHz frequency.
This is a Genius level move by the BBC !
Yeah, gotta get that anti-Russia propaganda out there, somehow.
I have the AM FM Retekess, the Retekess has some amazing sound especially on FM.
SW radio is an essential back up for disseminating important information not just in war but also natural disasters. Look what happened to Tonga when they lost their under sea cable and the Philippines after every typhoon.
That's the SW radio I use ,
Built a dipole that loops the garden
Fantastic wee radio 👍
I went to the link you provided and am a bit confused. It is currently $69 USD. While it shows the radio with case and the display and knob on the front, other pics show the circuit board with the display and rotary encoder shaft facing up. I get that it might be a kit needing some assembly, but moving the display and encoder to the front of the case would take some serious surface mount soldering.
Does anyone have a link to buy this in the USA?
HI. Yes there are two versions of the radio on Banggood. The cheaper one is a bare board kit and the second is a radio completed in a case. Iam pretty sure Banggood ship to USA from CN China.
@@CB-RADIO-UK Thanks for the reply. My concern is for the back log of ships needing unloading on the USA west coast and other supply chain delays. I'd rather buy from an importer who already has them in the USA, even if I pay a little bit more.
I heard the 5875khz....also on 15mhz too...via Kiwi SDR and a Sangean 909x
Miss Radio Luxemburg.... good music
Ah now you are talking. Plus radio Caroline
@@CB-RADIO-UK there is a station on Luxemburg old freq....transmitting from kopenhagen.... try to give the freq a new era....
@@CB-RADIO-UK Radio-Caroline is still a thing
Oh wow ! Mind you i bet its not the same though :-(
Build lots of rhombic antennas all over Europe with gobs of power on HF, the FM band and the TV bands! Get them on the air so a crystal radio set or light bulbs can be heard!
It's being transmitted from wooferton in the UK
Yup, that's what i did read too.
I haven't heard Russia or Ukraine on my ham radio, used to hear them all the time. Only a few digital stations from Russia is all I hear lately
Short wave is a vital part of real news and genuine information
Strong signal here in Finland also on 5875khz
I'd have my radio on except that damn H20 roof leak! 'Brilliant' video Fred. Here in States we have this Emergency code, usually it's a test 13:00 Wednesdays. I drive to work south, look for Mushroom cloud. Cover eyes get low. Silly comment.
Copy that Brian.
Radio is and always will be king. As is cash. In the Ukraine and in Russia, electronic transactions can be shutdown.
HI FRED…Enjoyed your video and I am now a subscriber. I have been a Ham for over 44 years and I see this problem everywhere so I am not just picking on you…NO WAY JOSE…FRED! Can we all use UTC TIME as our method of tracking the time around the World…and NOT GMT or MILITARY TIME or LOCAL TIME! TOTALLY CONFUSING TO ALL!!!
UTC was developed so everyone using it knew the time of event no matter where they lived! NASA and everyone else uses it. The WWV Stations use it and broadcast it around the world as do so many others time service!
UTC TIME PLEASE! So glad to see that the BBC is again doing SW broadcasting…sometimes OLD SCHOOL IS STILL BEST! KEEP UP THE GREAT VIDEOS AND 73!
Yep UTC was used in the description on the video.
5.875 has just started at 2000 UTC
I'm in the u.s. I think that's like 5 or 6 hours ahead of me
In the New Cold War with Russia & China both, SW will be important again - this is the second sign of it, RNZI buying up the half of Australia's old SW frequencies to counter the other half that became Chinese-owned International Broadcasters in the small Pacific territories was the first, RNZI & the BBC really stepped up here.
We don't need to know where the BBC is Broadcasting from.
" Loose Lips Sink Ships."
In other words Shut up about That!
I bought the Retekess V115, but I'm a little disappointed about its performance.
First problem is the fact that the user has to enter the digits every time if they want to change the program, one cannot just "tune around the band" when using the Retekess. The user essentially needs to use the radio as if it were a telephone, whereas an analog-tuning radio allows the user to quickly listen to the band at will (important now, since shortwave stations are changing parameters quickly in reacting to the crisis)
The other big problem is the unshielded frequency synthesizer in the radio. It is unshielded, causing the radio to interfere with itself. Strange screeching noises are ubiquitous.
Yes i agree the lack of a manual tuning vfo is a let down. Esp as SW tends to drift. I really like my Tecsun 600 but in fairness it costs about 7 ti,es the price of the V115. However this very week i picked up a Saisho SW 5000 in mint condition from a local charity shop for £20 inc a wall PSU.
i wonder if radio america is back on the radio ?
How is a wire attached to the antenna? Is it simply wrapped around? How long and thick does the wire need to be? Thanks!
Hi. The receiver has a male BNC type socket on the back. The wire will need to be soldered to a female BNC plug. Any single core wire will work. I would start at 30 feet out of a window and go from there.
Its not the length or width of the wire that's important Tyro.......Its how its used is the deal breaker........
The cool thing is that those signals aren't optimised to come this way but I can hear them in the south west too.
Nice I want one of these shortwave radios
Just over £50. Link in the description.
Cool ! I suppose you could drop thousands of pocket sized shortwave radios into Ukrainian so people to stay informed. Might even try it in Russia. I've seen receivers as cheap as $20.00 on Amazon . Amazon should look into this idea.
In Western part Poland we can hear MW LW 200 kHz radio BBC even during day hours, outiside of city and with car engine off.
It has been 198 kHz for a while now...
I still got valve radios 👍, appreciate your short wave news
Good to hear
If there is a EMP everyone will wish they had a tube radio
Yeah thats a good point actually
You can be sure that it will happen at some point.
I sent a crt6900 to a friend in Lviv!🤗👍🏼
Many are going to jam radio broadcasting on Medium Wave, Long Wave & Shortwave from Russia including the Buzzer & RWM with Fire Drakes & such. Keep listening!
Unbiased news from the BBC that's a laugh.
Fred Radio Moscow and Radio China has returned to the USA. I also have heard that US VOA is going to be broadcasting again also. On shortwave. Nice to hear old BBC World Service London back. I like the UK pirates Radio Caroline's KBC Broadcasting out of Germany. Their North American service on Absolute Radio and their international Dutch Service on Mi' Amigo radio. That BBC Broadcast might be from their former Radio 1 location down is Sussex out on Orfordness or Orford Village. It is now operating by Radio Caroline and their parent companies Cobra Mist Broadcasting limited. As well as their two radio and wireless networking Service Merlin communications Limited. Caroline operates on 648 KHZ medium wave. Formally Radio 1. They also own and operate the former US Norad facility in Germany. It might be broadcasting on that one. On their Mi' Amigo dutch service or their Absolute radio North American service.
Thanks, I'll give this a go on my FT- DX 1200.
Don't think it's much secret it's transmitted from Wooferton.
Proper AM at 300kW from Woofferton Transmitting Station Shropshire UK
its a normal shortwave signal going in and out is just propagation of the Atmosphere, its like visual or audio weather of how rain comes in waves
I use an SDR rsp1a (SDRPlay) USB to a computer .... and I have an ICOM 706MIIG
Don't forget the Retekess V115 has a better cheaper version, the Hanrongda K603 is exactly the same but with bluetooth.
I think it would be dim to advertise where the transmitter is. I wonder🐻 who else would be interested? 🤔
It's from Wooferton