  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • A great analogy to explain how this 3D reality actually works is to compare it to a mirror. We stand in front of a mirror and it simply reflects our image. The reason I use this as a perfect analogy is because the only function of this mirror is to simply reflect whatever it is shown reality. The 3D world works the very same way through the focus of our consciousness. This determines what we experience as our manifested 3D reality. So here's the thing. We as humans can become a little trapped or caught in a loop of frowning in the mirror and having the mirror reflect back this frown in the form of not so pleasing life circumstances or experiences, which then causes us to frown some more. And so the cycle continues. So how can we put a stick into the spoke of this continuous cycle, this wheel, which seems to have taken on its own momentum.
    We give the mirror 3D reality information through a smile or a frown. And in turn, the mirror reflects back experiences too. Match or reflect this information. In order to override this unwanted loop, we must first decide to give the mirror new information, irrespective of what it is reflecting back to us from before. So in other words, we must decide how we want to feel and feel that way without any conditions based upon whatever the mirror or 3D reality is reflecting back to us. You see, when we come back to the realisation that we are the source, the only creator of our life experience, we then take back our power into our own hands and realise that no amount of feeling sorry for ourselves, feeling like a victim, feeling justified and feeling bad, feeling righteous, or anything that is going to continue the old loop based on the information previously given to us.
    This is the only way you will experience a change of results in the outside world. It starts with one decision to stop basing how you are feeling, how you are choosing to feel on outside condition. You must decide how you want to feel and make it unconditional. This is the only way because remember, life reality, it's simply a mirror. It's simply reflecting back to you more of the same. And the only way to pull the plug on this cycle is to give it new information. And this new information can only be given once you've made the decision to feel this preferred way. Simply because
    Speaker 2 (02:58):
    You want to feel this preferred way. That is your choice, that is your decision. And here's the thing, reality will reflect back to you an echo echo of the past, which in a sense could be seen as like a test. And this test will show whether you've really changed as a person or not. If you've really changed, then your response is going to be the response of the new person, the new reality loop you are inserting. And it is important to note that just because reality is unlikely to reflect straight straightaway evidence of this change, that this does not mean the new information you are giving the mirror has not been received or is not taking effect. It very much is. But no, there is an echo. And this echo is simply an echo of the past information. You have been cycling to this mirror and this is a gift, an opportunity for you to show yourself that you have changed, you are a new person, you respond differently. And so the old information phases out becomes dormant and the new information becomes active and sets a whole new baseline for the experiences and realities reflected back to you through the 3D mirror.

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