Walter Jehne -- Understanding the Water Cycle: And the potential for rapid global cooling

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @janetlewis7202
    @janetlewis7202 3 года назад +13

    Walter this information is stunning and provides a vehicle for everyday folks to take part in changing our climate. You bring us hope for a brighter future all round. Thank you

  • @nl4064
    @nl4064 2 года назад +10

    cant understand why this man isnot speaking at COP 26 we really need his wisdom

  • @kevinmcveigh2784
    @kevinmcveigh2784 3 года назад +6

    Walter is a legend can you please upload more !

  • @bingbangboom1239
    @bingbangboom1239 8 месяцев назад +1

    Extreme weather events are showing a declining trend. When data does NOT support your hypotheses it MUST be wrong.

  • @coachcal4876
    @coachcal4876 2 года назад +2

    How can we simply teach this to the general pop to get buy in? We need models for visuals

  • @DalbyJoakim
    @DalbyJoakim 2 года назад +1

    Sounds to me there is a sign error in the radiation effect analysis presented here. And that it is not even modelled, but only reasoned about.
    But definitely agree we need to allow regeneration of the huge loss in hydrology and carbon capture we cause, on both land and surface water, by our activities.

  • @b_uppy
    @b_uppy 2 года назад +1

    How about a rethink on septic tanks and methane? For example: If we use non toxic products for washing and cleaning we could likely harvest methane for household fuel uses.
    How would we be affecting soil biomes around methane tanks as they are likely processing methane currently? Could diverting this methane have positive effects on plants and soils near septics while also providing non centralized fuel sources?
    Would love to gave Walter talk about this subject. Saw just a brief 10 minute video where he talked about it but it was rushed.

  • @evertkervezee
    @evertkervezee 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for enriching my thinking!

    @MrDAVEGLEDHILL 2 года назад +3

    Has this guy written a book or have a website with all this science explained. everywhere I look there just seems to be lengthy video
    s of him. If his research is to be take seriously it needs to be properly documented with references? Apologies if ive missed it, I haven't searched exhaustively.

    • @b_uppy
      @b_uppy 2 года назад +1

      He is probably using a lot of research done by others as his research basis. It's that he is focusing less on CO2 Mitigation alone and taking a holistic aproach because fewer overall costs and a lot more benefits than can be found with high tech efforts...

  • @1970uma
    @1970uma 2 года назад +1

    hello there.. it was a very enlightening session. could you please post and share the live chat transcripts so we could access the website and other details? Thank you!

  • @emcastanea62
    @emcastanea62 2 года назад +1

    Fascinating and head spinning science on the cycling of water vapor in the atmosphere having orders of magnitude more impact on global solar heat retention and shedding than rising CO2.
    It seems like each hectare of plant productive land that is paved over cannot act as a functional water and carbon sponge anymore. A paved road is bare and sealed land, most of the time even paved with dark heat-radiating asphalt. A paved and bare hectare may have no livings things that can sponge up to 10 tons of CO2 per year out of the atmosphere, right? That may lead to the next question. Is the impact of paving road surfaces then worse than the emissions impact of cars travelling on them?

    • @thurstonhowellthetwelf3220
      @thurstonhowellthetwelf3220 2 года назад +1

      This is the first time I have heard this, really enjoyed your presentation... I was a bit confused about where the heat goes until finally at 1hour 30min it was explained, you create a heat pump where condensation high up radiates heat into space, that's the main mechanism right? Ir radiation from air heated by condensing water vapour and the albido effect from lovely fluffy clouds we have to help make. What are global co2 emissions?, I think you said 8 billion tpa, I read it is more like's confusing ...and depends on accounting used I guess..any thoughts ??Thanks, Ray

  • @evertkervezee
    @evertkervezee 2 года назад

    Hello, At the end of the talk Walter talks of 8 key agency' s.
    I've listened closely but i only hear 5. Could you please tell me what i have missed out?
    **8 key agency's
    1. Cooling regens in the climate by rebuilding the sponge
    2. Stop wildfires by incorporating fungi
    3. Urban agriculture for high nutritional food and food security
    4. Can we review the metrics that we use in governing lands and the globe? By taking responsibility for the consequences of externalities by new accounting systems
    5. Empower Regenerative Agriculture among youth and women.

  • @christianeniss5768
    @christianeniss5768 2 года назад +2

    Wish that you people educated yourself better about CO2 ...,

      @MrDAVEGLEDHILL 2 года назад +4

      please elaborate

    • @PeterTodd
      @PeterTodd 2 года назад +1

      Please, feel free to better educate us, I'm all ears....

    • @b_uppy
      @b_uppy 2 года назад +1

      Wish you were beter educated about CO2. It would help if you had actually listened to the video, lol.

    • @peterclark6290
      @peterclark6290 Год назад +1

      CO₂ is a trace gas (.04%) in the atmosphere. It is the key component for photosynthesis to create sugars which make the plant edible (Brix level) or as exudates to stimulate the protists, bacteria and fungi to find and supply the minerals, water to the plant roots, directly or into the cells. The lowest limit for C₃ and C₄ plants to thrive is 150ppm below which animal life will cease. CAM plants can thrive at lower levels. There have been no recorded harmful atmospheric upper limits. It's GHG impact is small, logarithmic and masked; as the principal GHG is water vapour by a factor close to 98% - which is excellent for life on this planet. To reclaim the deserts this planet more airborne CO₂.
      Net Zero is essentially a suicide pact.

    • @christianeniss5768
      @christianeniss5768 Год назад +1

      Isn't it interesting one year ago I only wrote one sentence which doesn't even tell if I agree or disagree with the subject of the video in this case! All I wrote was was "wish that you people would educate yourself better about CO2...!"
      And here we're one year later and we here Farms being taken of Government's (Holland, Germany etc.) accused to pollute the earth and isn't interesting that in one country the Government's ust CO2 emissions in over countries they use against the farmers overuse of Nitrogen fertilizers and /or farting and burping animals and most people just take these faults presentations and let those government's close those farms! For 2 years I'm warning people everywhere that this faulty propaganda will a) lead to foot shortages and carbon tax (was planned for several years) and now 15 min Cities ( movie hunger Games comes on my mind) and most times when someone like me just mentioned please please educate yourself otherwise you people will be Fooled Again as all this climate change talk has an Agenda and the Agenda is coming after us for one purpose from the very same people I have warned people for several year specially the past 3 years when covid started and all I got from people was 2 word "Conspiracy theories "! And nobody is looking at the proper Science but has just to criticise someone who says please educate yourself! I'll leave you with some of title which are all connected with one Agenda and one little hint is also the just published What'sApp conversations between Matt Hancock and others who worked for the Government ( Governments should they not work for us the people) and the words I leave at the end of the comment are hopefully to start more people to educate themselves so we maybe see what is or isn't! I just say one more thing in regards to pollution, I do think we need to make some changes in our society and how we live as our way of being just consumer we have forgotten how much/ little we really need and all the products we're consume are not very environmentally friendly from the start ( resources, products live span, rubbish we leaving everywhere etc) maybe time if we start changing little things around ourselves ( composting,,using less water around us etc.) I think we all could do something I started 3 years ago to do more gardening and learn how to grow vegetables. Anyway here the title words I will leave for people to research so we hopefully not fall for faulty information and ending up to build our own digital prison in the name of false science " the great reset, agenda 2030, agenda 2050, CBDC's, cash is dirty, Covid is killing, pharm to rescue, Vaccines are needed (daily), Globalists, young global leader programme, Government's, countries are big holding, countries are private Cooperatives (company house ), one world order, tax office in each country is a private company, who is Klaus Schwab, king Charles role , micro ships in c19 vaccine, CO2, fertilizer make of natural gas, fossil fuel just mineral oil, wind turbine cost effective? Victory gardens needed now .........God bless you all