Infected Mushroom - Making of Drum n Bassa (Studio Blog)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @jonas_dero
    @jonas_dero 12 лет назад +65

    haha amit's extravert and erez's introvert personalities make them such a funny duo. it's awesome

  • @BrendanRobert
    @BrendanRobert 12 лет назад +12

    It's blogs like this that remind me why I can't get enough of these guys. I was lucky enough to see them live once, and like in this video they play music with passion, integrity and sheer unadulterated joy. I, due to cosmic fortune, met Duvdev face to face and while totally dumbfounded could only muster up "How do you stand all the travel?" And he answered with a smile "It's my life!" I guess it makes sense, since everywhere they go, it's their party! :-D Rock on guys!!

    • @TEJR69
      @TEJR69 3 месяца назад

      12 years has passed and I cannot but wonder, how does this memory holds on to you my man?
      I still haven't seen them live, mainly cus' they don't ever play in the part of the world where I'm from, but their, as you called it "passion, integrity and sheer unadulterated joy" is what always gets my creativity flowin'.
      Been makin' songs, ambients and whatnot for years now and even though I don't even think of posting them somewhere, it's my own passion and joy and these two guys even with 12 years old videos and even older songs keep unlocking that blockade whenever I get stuck in making some of my songs.
      Well anyway, hope life is treating you well!
      And hopefully one day I'll see them live! :^)

    • @BrendanRobert
      @BrendanRobert 3 месяца назад

      @@TEJR69 Oh still the same, really. I'm glad to see that they keep diversifying their style and manage to pay homage to their earlier work all at the same time. I now live in a much more remote area so I'm deprived of a lot of great entertainment options as well, not that it is of any consolation.

  • @yjeizz
    @yjeizz 12 лет назад +2

    Every shot = a different pair of sunglasses. Awesome.

  • @jcarlson517
    @jcarlson517 11 лет назад +7

    You guys have changed the face of music forever. Thank you.

    • @ARTala88
      @ARTala88 3 месяца назад +1

      Thats true

  • @wmsan
    @wmsan 9 лет назад +87

    the glasses changes is priceless LOL.

  • @izeekvonden
    @izeekvonden 12 лет назад +4

    Watching these videos makes me appreciate the songs even more. All the little details that are put into the creation of the songs..amazing!

  • @Peter0Spartan
    @Peter0Spartan 12 лет назад +7

    11:54 I will never hear their music the same ever again, now it's even more awesome!

  • @LebronJahumes
    @LebronJahumes 2 года назад +3

    I've never seen any blogs of these two, but from the artist pictures MusicBee shows you in the "NOW PLAYING" tab, I could already somehow tell that Amit is probably the hyperactive dude and Emit is chill, and I'm happy that this confirms it.

  • @anthonyfelos1222
    @anthonyfelos1222 8 лет назад +12

    These guys are AMAZING! :D

  • @ingmar7389
    @ingmar7389 11 лет назад +108

    I would kill a unicorn for a Making of Heavyweight. Guess that track is too old.

    • @lafeeshmeister
      @lafeeshmeister 6 лет назад +5

      Thinking the same thing.

    • @dbibah
      @dbibah 5 лет назад +1


    • @allowambeBOWWAMB
      @allowambeBOWWAMB 4 года назад +2

      That weird voice you hear in the start is a V-Synth preset for example

  • @kwekker
    @kwekker Год назад +1

    I love the channel names
    "Duvdevina" "duv insanity" "bass wawawa"
    it's incredible

  • @itrabos
    @itrabos 12 лет назад +4

    Respect for sharing and making music 400x quicker to evolve! You've got THIS what I was lookng for for many years. You connect demoscene and commercial success ang real instruments and classical sounds. Heaven!

  • @atombaby1
    @atombaby1 10 лет назад +9

    This shows that they do care about us asking how they do it thanks mushroom

  • @AndrewAnt42
    @AndrewAnt42 12 лет назад +1

    There is no words in the world to explain how awesome this track is

  • @katebroverill4749
    @katebroverill4749 11 лет назад +26

    Erez: "what's wrong with you?"
    Duvdev: "a lot of things."

  • @DeadGreen1
    @DeadGreen1 7 лет назад +4

    Son Maravillosos Artistas, nunca dejen de Crear música tan hermosa y extraordinaria, saludos desde Hondura

  • @thegreenparamour
    @thegreenparamour 6 лет назад +3

    Please do more "making of", they're priceless! Thanks for sharing :)

  • @B1TMAN
    @B1TMAN 12 лет назад +1

    I will never stop listen to your fantastic music! You guys takes the psytrance music to another level

  • @karniielw
    @karniielw 12 лет назад +1

    i like the melodics and the scales combine with high qulity sound engineer :AMAZZZZIN

    @SEIZMICSHIFT 11 лет назад +4

    This is my fav track! So glad I found this video. I was wondering how u did it. I'm addicted!!

  • @inarisound
    @inarisound 4 года назад +1

    Guys you are so awesome

  • @neniv
    @neniv 12 лет назад +1

    This video is awesome brothers, thanks for sharing your musical expertise!

  • @kiffermachon
    @kiffermachon 12 лет назад +1

    This is why you two are masters, you have fun, passion, love and skill in and with everything you do! Keep it up! Viva la Israel!

  • @lolsauce1331
    @lolsauce1331 12 лет назад

    These videos are amazing! I love seeing what goes into making a high quality track.

  • @DeefexNYC
    @DeefexNYC 10 лет назад +12

    LOL! It's also kind of funny how he just yells out AMAZING!

  • @epi42O
    @epi42O 12 лет назад

    you guys are amazing and so are these videos, please dont stop! i can only imagine how many people you have already influenced, but with videos like this im sure you'll influence many many many more people just as creative! much love

  • @smilistit
    @smilistit 12 лет назад +1

    החלטתי לכתוב בעברית, כי גם ככה זה בשבילכם.. ;)
    במקרה נתקלתי בסרטון הזה.. אני בכלל לא ממש בקטע של יצירת טראקים, אני מודה..
    אבל אני כן ממש אוהבת את המוזיקה שלכם!! למען האמת, אתם יוצרים את הטראקים היחידים שאני ממש יכולה להתחבר אליהם ולרקוד עם כל הלב.. רוב האחרים נשמעים לי מונוטוניים מדי וזה משעמם לי באוזניים..
    בכל מקרה, אתם גדולים שהעלת את זה מלכתחילה במטרה לעזור לאנשים ליצור מוזיקה - מטרה מבורכת! וחוץ מזה, הרגתם אותי, גמרתם אותי!! אני יושבת, צופה ומתפוצצת מצחוק על השטויות שלכם.. תמשיכו כך.. ;-)

    • @ashley_noveyplush
      @ashley_noveyplush Месяц назад

      Speaking in english because I don't speak hebrew sorry...
      But since I listen to infected mushroom all the music I used to listen to seems so empty compared to their tracks !

  • @karajo664
    @karajo664 4 года назад +1

    You guys are the best ever thanks for exist u guys are a gift for the entire world

  • @SecondUniverse101
    @SecondUniverse101 12 лет назад

    i visited israel 2 weeks is the most beautiful country i've ever seen(jerusalem, desert, tel aviv, haifa, sea) and i love your mentality and everything.
    i think about to life there one day:)

  • @jeffrey4325
    @jeffrey4325 5 лет назад

    You guys are awesome, you should make more of these videos!

  • @davidgtr
    @davidgtr 12 лет назад

    Thank you!!! Its so great when Top artist show their production skills

  • @HeavyDrop
    @HeavyDrop 5 лет назад

    Complexity !

  • @deadstar21
    @deadstar21 12 лет назад

    This is an excellent blog! One of my favorite bands, using my favorite software, ON PC, and talking about Israel and extinct plug-ins? This making me unreasonably happy!

  • @marcoantoniogregorioalonso6908
    @marcoantoniogregorioalonso6908 2 года назад

    Infected mushroom change the world!

  • @baklap141
    @baklap141 8 лет назад +9

    Nice video , gave me some new idea's how to do some things.
    You guys use really a lot effects 😅 and how you use the voices layered on the synths is also very cool to make it sound more full is really awesome.
    I always asked myself how you get that very unique sound.

  • @balob
    @balob 12 лет назад

    i love the sounds, feels like your old school style

  • @vide0rama
    @vide0rama 12 лет назад

    I love this video, wathing it again and again. It helps me to tune on the creative mood.

  • @gr8ape
    @gr8ape 12 лет назад +1

    I love these videos, ive been making electronic music since i was a teen and youve always inspired me, keep it up :D

  • @gabimiranda3780
    @gabimiranda3780 8 лет назад +6

    love this track so fucking much

  • @djarjuna2183
    @djarjuna2183 8 лет назад +4

    You Guys are my Hero's......

  • @jorgepireslab71
    @jorgepireslab71 12 лет назад

    voçes sao os melhores ha muitos anos que vos oiço parabens continuem Portugal BOMM FESTIVAL...

  • @SamChaneyProductions
    @SamChaneyProductions 8 лет назад +1

    I finally got that Nord modular G2!! Currently trying to master the awesome formant filter synths you guys created for Classical Mushroom. Also PC for the win! I use Live in Windows 10 and it works great.

  • @samuelcastelli5782
    @samuelcastelli5782 7 лет назад

    I completely love this song lol. And you guys going into it helps me with my music making!
    You're awesome, IM.

  • @raytheonorion
    @raytheonorion 10 лет назад +15

    That this exists is amazing.

    • @djtyros
      @djtyros 9 лет назад +3

      ***** You forgot to capitalise................AMAZING

    • @tinol6090
      @tinol6090 7 лет назад

      damn right! just discovered it and now I want to start making electronic music :'D

  • @BabaChiro
    @BabaChiro 12 лет назад +6

    i am also an israeli producer... i am 17 years old and you are my inspiration..
    i don't know what would i do without music... i would go insane probably. everytime i hear a song i like to imagine the notes and how it was played since i also play guitar for 4 years now...
    יש כאלו שאומרים שאני חכם ושאני צריך להשקיע בלימודים כי אני עושה 5 יחידות הכול. אבל כל מה שאני רוצה לעשות בחיים זה מוזיקה... זה המקום מפלט שלי כשהכול חרא וכשהכול טוב זה הופך הכול לטוב יותר, תודה למוזיקה.

  • @diddly3677
    @diddly3677 12 лет назад

    its out now! its on their new album called army of mushrooms and its probably my fav album this year! well worth a buy :)

  • @DanielVince
    @DanielVince 4 года назад


  • @namaro539
    @namaro539 12 лет назад +1

    You should really do more tracks like this one. It's so awesome :D

  • @Xerr0X
    @Xerr0X 12 лет назад

    This is will be the best track till now, I feel it!

  • @nailed999
    @nailed999 11 лет назад

    Didnt know that this music could have more mystery then it already had. Amazing

  • @andreegabrielsson9667
    @andreegabrielsson9667 6 лет назад

    Happy to see that Emmaboda festival shirt on Erez. I hope to see you at that festival again now in 2018!

  • @matthewholloway81
    @matthewholloway81 12 лет назад +1

    Just discovered Infected Mushroom, it's awesome! :D

  • @GilAmran
    @GilAmran 12 лет назад

    For you it's boooorrrinnngg, for us it's THE dream come true!

  • @Xerr0X
    @Xerr0X 12 лет назад

    You guys are awesome! Please come to the Netherlands with your new tour, I would love to see it and many dutch people agree! :D

  • @ozpeled2815
    @ozpeled2815 8 лет назад +18

    erez and amit are opposites..which is great

  • @Dougie-
    @Dougie- 11 лет назад +2

    I love it when established producers take their time to reveal working methods and learn people some of their secrets. Thank you for your videoblog! Plz keep'em coming :)

  • @juandprez
    @juandprez 11 лет назад +2

    Men¡¡¡ I mean like, those textures, all these timbres, that you create with the effects, guys you are amazing¡¡¡¡¡ I love you¡¡¡¡¡

  • @annimsk
    @annimsk 11 лет назад

    Colombia loved youuu guys!!!

  • @vout23
    @vout23 12 лет назад

    i was thinking this method today!!! wow!! thanks for the tip anyway!! it helps me a lot!!

  • @KasperdelaRie
    @KasperdelaRie 12 лет назад

    Please come to the Netherlands with your new show!

  • @SkyesbuTshadmaAcidkit25
    @SkyesbuTshadmaAcidkit25 10 лет назад

    5:13 great. thanks for advice

  • @Acidx1337
    @Acidx1337 12 лет назад

    Great stuff, I'm really looking forward to the album!

  • @v-future1444
    @v-future1444 11 лет назад +5

    when you judge someone for being arrogant, you're seeing yourself reflected in that person

  • @will3287
    @will3287 12 лет назад

    This is so much amazing... Why the release is soooooo faaaaaar!!!

  • @philinmotion
    @philinmotion 12 лет назад

    Oh WOW, I'm lovin' this one !!

  • @ManaclawSR
    @ManaclawSR 12 лет назад

    Can't wait for tomorrow.

  • @Meteorotaki
    @Meteorotaki 12 лет назад

    That track sounds awesome

  • @Suzukisenpai
    @Suzukisenpai 12 лет назад

    Very cool video! Thanks guys!! You are the BEST!!
    Cheers from Russia! We love you!!

  • @diddly3677
    @diddly3677 12 лет назад

    you guys should make tutorials on how to do that vocal thing in full detail its frickin awesome!

  • @LucisUnus
    @LucisUnus 12 лет назад

    Thank you! That's very interesting. I can't wait for the new album. :)

  • @baby13sc
    @baby13sc 12 лет назад

    if your doing it two track style, and not with a vst stereo splitter, you have to move one of the synths out of timing with the other with the one panned left and one panned right. but, only move it enough to get the sound you want. take it off snap and move it in small amounts. hope this helps

  • @Ofordgabings
    @Ofordgabings 7 лет назад

    Excellent track

  • @philinmotion
    @philinmotion 12 лет назад

    I noticed too. But what I didn't notice is that he initially had them. I thought he'd put on sunglasses along the way, because I noticed the reflection later on.

  • @alidasher
    @alidasher 12 лет назад

    no problem. me neither. been waiting for far too long but its worth the wait cuz the album might be their best work to date and thats saying something. till then i think ima put another couple hundred listens on the preview from itunes. :)

  • @Surfiler
    @Surfiler 12 лет назад

    Continue to sell the dream!
    Never stop, I pray you! Continue until I die, all you do is ... It has no words!

  • @isaacperetz5984
    @isaacperetz5984 4 года назад +1

    10:12 Why is that so well edited?!

  • @HelenaBirgitta1
    @HelenaBirgitta1 12 лет назад


  • @TchokoNorris
    @TchokoNorris 7 лет назад +1

    ahhh the garden!

  • @Soopcan42
    @Soopcan42 10 лет назад +3

    @10:12love how his face pops on the computer screen, or im just trippin.

  • @moonsterpl
    @moonsterpl 12 лет назад

    Do we like it? We love it!!!

  • @aomimezura11
    @aomimezura11 12 лет назад

    These guys are awesome.

  • @Zikepv
    @Zikepv 4 года назад

    Maaaan I love you guys so much

  • @iwatchdubstep
    @iwatchdubstep 12 лет назад

    Your the most high profile tutors ever

  • @dr.feelgood8380
    @dr.feelgood8380 5 лет назад +2

    What is the song called he starts singing at 1:25? I’ve been searching my ass off.

  • @dantenorth
    @dantenorth 12 лет назад

    This is the first time I've ever heard Erez speak oO Feels mystical

  • @jvarik
    @jvarik 12 лет назад


  • @maggot1111666
    @maggot1111666 6 лет назад +11

    “Not sure about hairy but cool” LOL

  • @o.p.f.7668
    @o.p.f.7668 9 лет назад

    Long time fan here, saw you guys at Empire Ballroom in Vegas, what a great show! I ran down from the balcony to come right up front and shout the lyrics to 'Becoming Insane" when you played it. You guys are talented and hilarious, you should have your own television show, you're far more entertaining than most of the twats out there.

  • @chickendejinca
    @chickendejinca 12 лет назад

    this is so gonna kick ass

  • @yodirtymudda
    @yodirtymudda 12 лет назад

    Cant wait to see you guys at wemf again this year. gonna be fucking unreaaal

  • @SageMinimalist
    @SageMinimalist 12 лет назад

    it was awesome

  • @FrizzlerGuy
    @FrizzlerGuy 12 лет назад

    I am very hyped for this new album haha

  • @saarbarak123
    @saarbarak123 12 лет назад

    this is amazing! please make more! :)

    @NMROSTA 10 лет назад +5

    Wow! Thanks for the good advice how to work with the gate fx. I hope Propellerhead woud have that dinasour as a RE ;)

    • @JohanBrodd
      @JohanBrodd 10 лет назад +2

      Already available! Connect the Subtractor's modulation EG's CV output to the CV in to the volume for the 14chan mixer on the channel you wanna use. Set the volume to 0, and let the Subtractor's modulation envelope handle the volume level to handle the gate. Takes some time to get right, but when done the right way, it's really amazing how good it sounds!

  • @robotaholic
    @robotaholic 11 лет назад +1

    their mics on this video are totally amazing- i have bose headphones on and they sound fucking grt

  • @luciamartinez6222
    @luciamartinez6222 9 лет назад

    Chingones!!me encantan :) saludos de cancun

  • @zacke91
    @zacke91 12 лет назад

    So fucking excited for this album

  • @shirazoldchannel
    @shirazoldchannel 12 лет назад

    sweet song

  • @mck-gr
    @mck-gr 12 лет назад

    Very cool plugin!!Just found it..!|
    Thanks for the vid!
    Very cool job!

  • @problem_
    @problem_ 12 лет назад

    epic work