I agree wholeheartedly with your points about loki's 2 and 3 rework. Those abilities make Loki feel bad to play for me as the 2 both doing low damage and not attracting minions makes it feel very underwhelming to use as an ability for me. I would rather they remove the 2 altogether if it's not gonna taunt minions or do anything meaningful to gods as most gods ignore it. Loki's Low damage, long ass 3 is way too slow to be viable as you mentioned in the video. I was hoping that one of those two abilities would have been changed to like a projectile knife throw or something like that to give him some viable poke potential like other assassin's that have ranged abilities. Currently he feels like a very high risk, low reward God unless you build him bruiser. If that's going to be the case then they might as well turn him into a Warrior, which would be ironic as he'd be a Warrior and Thor being changed into Assassin now, lol.
Regardless who you ask, the consesus is that Loki's 3 is the worst reworked ability. You abuse it's clearing speed in the jungle/solo and then once you get hydras in the late game, you just cancel the ability for hydra dmg. Loki's rework was lazy and missed the point.
60+ star Loki here, i really dislike the rework to this day, even if Loki is still my most played God after it. The 3 has to be the dumbest change they did. They took away what his identity was, burst assasin who obliterates squishies. You also cant pop your 3 in invis to scare the enemy. Loki cant even burst someone nowadays, especially after 9.5, its been even harder to kill anyone unless it was a 3k pot game with full build. I would say (with as little bias as possible) Keep Loki's old kit, keep the changes to his 1, reduce minion damage but increase jungle camp damage on his 2, 3 should be the same and the ult as well. Dont get me started on "ASSASINATE". You arent assasinating anyone, against any decent player this ability is straight up useless unless you get a 2 man or more stun. They can aegis your following damage, use their cc immunities in their kit to immune the stun or just turn around and hit you while you are stuck in the animation, and half the time the cripple doesnt work. Oh and fun fact: Loki after his rework is the only assasin who doesnt have an immediate damage ability, he is all dots! (his ult is 2 staged, not instant damage burst)
I've always held the opinion that Loki should be annoying. His old 2 was infinitely better, aimed strike was a solid basic attack stim, and his ult was annoyingly terrifying. I rarely play him following the rework because his kit just feels uninspired and boring. I find it hard to understand why they hate Loki, yet don't seem to have a problem with gods like Skadi who still has one of the most annoying passives in the game. Argus is equally irritating when playing against a Hera.
Used to be my comfort pick, and always had an average KD of like 6 or so. It was the perfect playstyle for me. Now he's unplayable, and it's really sad when you realize that going crit/attack speed gives him more burst than his whole kit combo. Makes me sad every time I consider going back to him, and realize that he's not an assassin anymore, but a clunky close ranged AoE DoT mage with no burst or damage to make up for it.
Hey fam, I just stumbled upon this video while on my daily dose of old loki copium. 50 stars here, still miss the pve simulator. Good video though! You have my like ^^
Loki has always been my most played god by a mile and I remember quitting after his rework. But I think I was already not that interested in the game anymore and the rework was just the last straw. Just checked the game out again recently to see what has changed since then and what Lokis' current state is. The stealth is nerfed yes, but sure I'm fine with it. I see how it's more fair now. But the thing is because of his stealth ability Loki is still a god designed to assassinate single people. His 3 just feels so bad and clunky to use now. Like either keep his kit full single target burst and adjust his numbers so he isn't op or full on change his kit to an AoE Assassin and maybe lean in more to the "trickster" side with his abilities. But this weird mix where he isn't good at anything just isn't it.
I randomly got this video recommended, 11 months too late lmao, i started playing smite late season 2, i had the pleasure to see his older model before it got reworked, i didnt played much, but i did enjoy loki the most, i played more Smite in season 3 thanks to professor loki i had better understanding of the God, over the time and got better, i do miss the old loki alot, and wish they would revert some of the older changes, like the dmg reducation on the one, or not being able to give vision on where you are, which is odd since there are alof of Gods, that can just easily do that nowdays, which makes his stealth kinda weak, i rather had the Minion aggro on 2 removed and rather have the added dot dmg field on top of the decoy, you could do so much with it block tower shots, block skill shots, body block enemies, it was a very good tool in the right hands, but the worse ability is his Three, like holy moly the only purpose of that ability is to help him clear, which was his whole issue since his clear on the older kit was pretty bad until you put points into his old 2, the lack of dmg it deals is laughable and sad, either revert his older three and adjust it (deal more dmg to jungle/minions or aoe dmg when hitting minions or jungle) or make the hits less, and let the final hit burst harder, with overall better scaling, his new ult is pretty good, could be better if the first hit also atleast stuns the target or when the stun after is just aoe, people can dodge it easier nowdays, and for an ultimate ability is kinda lack luster, but hey good escape tool :^) The only postive thing i could say about the rework is the interaction with his new 2 that it allowing you to hit backstab, should be a bit faster but better than nothing Overall i do think its a bad rework, im amazed it didnt got reverted yet or atleast some aspects, but i assume we will never see that happen Hi-rez is just happy that loki isnt known as that problem god any longer Despite him being the trickster lol
What they did to my boy was horrible, I used to play smite for 4 years straight... since that useless update came up I literally quit my favorite game, they ruinned everything, it's not our fault that haters don't know how to use him on teamfights....I miss the old days
I like the idea of his 2 being like, one Loki throwing another forward as a projectile. Depending on whether you aim the cursor close or far, it could either be the real Loki throwing the clone as harass, or the clone throwing the Loki as a sort of dash. And then the fake of the two explodes after a short bit, maybe with a debuff that increases follow-up damage taken from Loki. To help with the idea of the clone being misdirection and confusion, and so he still has AoE clear in his kit for Jungle. And then for his 3, I'd do something like a dagger throw that rebounds? Like, you throw it and it pierces minions and applies on hit effects in a short-ish line and has bonus damage and drop off as it moves through targets to prevent it from being as potent through minion waves, all that jazz. Meanwhile, Loki moves freely in all directions like one of Chang'e's dances, and the dagger pops into the air if it hits a wall or an enemy God, and if you catch it by standing at the proper ground location the cooldown is considerably reduced. Same with autoattacking in general reducing the cooldown by a bit. I don't know if you also play LoL but, Draven catching his spinning axes is kind of a similar idea. That way you're still leaning into the idea of Loki as a slippery burst assassin with his 3 being an Auto-Cancel, while attaching far more skill expression to that 3 on the player's side and a far more recognizable animation to react to on the target's side.
Wow wait wtf they gotta hire you ASAP. Your ideas are a lot more creative and in tune with the character than what hi rez came up with, especially your idea for his 2.
they should have just kept old loki. He was already borderline unplayable in ranked games. Now his just has a much lower TTK, and he is much more vulnerable when doing anything with the stealth reveals, non-instant ult, no instant damaging abilities, etc. They basically made a bad character worse, and what was annoying about him before is even more annoying now. The only viable loki build in higher tier ranked games is going solo, dropping 2 on wave and running away over and over again until you can build a lead or get dominated in lane and lose.
Loki rework idea Lokis first ability Loki turns invisible summoning a clone in his place similar to Morgan's ability but the clone has much more health similar to a wukong clone. Invisible functions as it does now. __________________ Lokis second ability Is a short distance teleport to a enemy target or to loki clone that leaves a circle on the ground where loki lands dealing damage over time. If loki activates this ability a second time before its finished casting lokie can switch places with the target. __________________ Lokis third ability Shape shifter. Loki can temporarily become one of the norce gods. The items become whatever build players have set up in custom build for those gods or popular list if no custom build has been set up. __________________ Lokis ultimate. illusion of Chaos. Loki creates a large area where allies and enemies alike look like loki and the enemy team cant leave also while enemys are in this area they have friendly fire enabled.
I think loki got the same treatment that Susanoo got where so many players didn't know how to itemize against him so they decided to make his damage pathetic and incredibly long when they're supposed to be at their core burst gods. Can't think of any other gods that got similar treatment or were gutted that they became borderline unplayable to date and really glad the susanoo changes were reverted.
I think the best case scenario for everyone would be current Loki with the old 3. And if hi Rez wanted to make him exclusively a jungled having the 2 taunt jungle minions. Like you mentioned the new 3 is just so garbage and until it’s changed I’ll continue playing him solo with a cheesy, rage inducing poke build.
I played Loki on arena 2 times after like 2 years of not playing, then I threw the towel because it was like cock and ball torture , literally the next game I got matched against "Loki" with special characters in his name that mains Loki, he was playing tanky loki with gladiators, crushers , infusion sigil and jotuns.... and unironically he was only there to apply crushers and gladiators over and over while being tanky and annoying AND UNIRONICALLY he was DOING GOOD not playing him assasin, he is literally a glorified spell caster now and unless you get to that ultra late game where you have every on hit item under the sun and 400 attack damage good luck one shotting anyone. This is literally the Old AATROX situation in League of Legends, some people liked him but others were mad because THEY weren't able to play him and he seemed either too weak or too op depending on the patch, so they reworked him and guess what 90% of his players ARE STILL OLD AATROX PLAYERS , IT DIDN'T MAKE ANYONE NEW PICK UP THE FUCKING CHAMPION, same with Loki
The 1 is fine, the 2 change is fine though (I wish they kept the minion taunt just because it was a unique thing for Loki and the bigger hit box for easier body blocking but it’s alright), the 3 is horrible and should be reverted immediately, and the ultimate should be reverted. The cripple doesn’t work half the time, his stun duration is/was already one of the worst stun duration’s in the game so there was no need to slow down his ult, and he still can’t team fight despite it being “AOE” on his small cone unless you are support Loki setting up for Ra ult or something but for god sakes why would you ever do that. If you want jungle clear on Loki just make it so his 2 deals more damage to jungle camps, then he can still be played out of the solo lane in jungle without taking away the true assassins ability to assassinate. You said the ult is fine because they wanted to slow down his burst but that’s the problem- again you said it yourself look at all the other assassins in the game, they do more burst and are easier to use. Just look at Thor or Bastet. There’s no reason Loki should be much worse than they are just because the community doesn’t like him.
I recently returned to smite after quitting when they started adding/changing items every tuesday patch. Since early s2 i really enjoyed playing with loki but the recent rework feels so bullshit its unreal. The old loki favored experienced players who took time to hone their skill and movement so they dont get caught out of position. Now with you open the ingame buy menu with so many items that just counter his abilities and make a joke of what he can build himself. He used to be a "single target" god which is rare today in smite since every ability now is an aoe attack with some dot passive that makes his 1 completely unusable
It's funny how they just shrank and rebranded his Decoy for Danza lol. If they had given THAT move to Loki with the potential taunt I think it probably could have stayed and it would have given him some teamfight potential. The new 3 is just awful though. Leaves you way too exposed for way too long. Loki should be popping in and out of a battle.
He feels extremely odd rn. His time to apply his dmg is still .9 seconds or 900 milliseconds, yet his actual time for the target to die is exactly 2 seconds. Feels off to play against and even more off-putting playing as. They never did what was said would be done. His ult rarely actually does anything in a teamfight. They said his decoy was supposed to make people choose whether they should or shouldn't go through it but we all know it's and unintimidating and the blind is useless. New decoy is only for auto cancels or clearing wave/minions. He was frustrating to play against yet he still has the same time to apply dmg. I don't understand it, good idea but terrible execution.
pers rework coming up on its 2 year anniversary. never see her anymore lol. reworked failed pretty hard. loki rework was not nearly as devastating to his overall identity as some others like nu wa and pers… i do think the loki rework might be one of their better ones. hes still annoying, i agree the change to his 3 is a bit… odd.. but besides that i think it was overall good
I usually ask permission when using clips, but given that the section in the video it was used in was rather negative, I didn't know how to ask it in a way that explained how it'd be used and not make it seem like I was coming after you 😭 hope you're OK with me using it
i see no issue here, i one shotted ppl back then and i one shot ppl now. dont even need his 3. with enough AA cancel u only touch his 3 in jungle clears
So initially you said the problem was his jug clear took forever because his two needed to wait to be popped but now by using his 3,2 you can actually play him in jug if they only did the reworks you mentioned nothing about your original concerns are addressed, you only knocked him out of solo lane
Nice video. I'm a Loki with 54+ stars on my main account with more on my previous, I acknowledge the "PVE" flaws with the old kit however even at a gold level view of it you can clearly tell it's inferior to the previous and it's impossible to argue against logically, you lose many factors with the rework like PVP, aesthetics, and clear. Old Loki could manipulate the map, one shot, and heavily affect players psychology with presence. New Loki loses everything and makes him pathetic in all spheres when compared to the old one. No one knew how to play him or versus him not even higher level players (this is admitted countless times in older videos of pros and masters.) I also dislike the parroted arguments for the rework like: "Wasn't viable" "Never has been good" "You can go tank" which none of them make sense. If Loki was truly "better" then how would this rework make him feel better to play against The reality is if old Loki was played by a skilled player, he was broken, this is the case for some designs of the Gods in SMITE's development.
WTF did they do to my boy?!?!?!?! I come back to play smite 2 to this OMFG he was so fun before now just garbage. Im So let down..... and no boots anymore? Wtf😅 uninstall
6:28 - i meant to clarify, i meant better in all aspects, balance, how he feels to play, how he feels to play against, etc.
I agree wholeheartedly with your points about loki's 2 and 3 rework. Those abilities make Loki feel bad to play for me as the 2 both doing low damage and not attracting minions makes it feel very underwhelming to use as an ability for me. I would rather they remove the 2 altogether if it's not gonna taunt minions or do anything meaningful to gods as most gods ignore it.
Loki's Low damage, long ass 3 is way too slow to be viable as you mentioned in the video. I was hoping that one of those two abilities would have been changed to like a projectile knife throw or something like that to give him some viable poke potential like other assassin's that have ranged abilities. Currently he feels like a very high risk, low reward God unless you build him bruiser. If that's going to be the case then they might as well turn him into a Warrior, which would be ironic as he'd be a Warrior and Thor being changed into Assassin now, lol.
Loki was my first real main but since they reworked him I struggle with him to the point that I can't play him at all
Same I completely quit smite because of the rework. Loki was my main character then they did this mess uninstalled.
Regardless who you ask, the consesus is that Loki's 3 is the worst reworked ability. You abuse it's clearing speed in the jungle/solo and then once you get hydras in the late game, you just cancel the ability for hydra dmg. Loki's rework was lazy and missed the point.
Thank you for your input, professor!
This 3 are soo horrible, I feel like Loki do not have a third hability ;-;
60+ star Loki here, i really dislike the rework to this day, even if Loki is still my most played God after it. The 3 has to be the dumbest change they did. They took away what his identity was, burst assasin who obliterates squishies. You also cant pop your 3 in invis to scare the enemy. Loki cant even burst someone nowadays, especially after 9.5, its been even harder to kill anyone unless it was a 3k pot game with full build. I would say (with as little bias as possible) Keep Loki's old kit, keep the changes to his 1, reduce minion damage but increase jungle camp damage on his 2, 3 should be the same and the ult as well. Dont get me started on "ASSASINATE". You arent assasinating anyone, against any decent player this ability is straight up useless unless you get a 2 man or more stun. They can aegis your following damage, use their cc immunities in their kit to immune the stun or just turn around and hit you while you are stuck in the animation, and half the time the cripple doesnt work. Oh and fun fact: Loki after his rework is the only assasin who doesnt have an immediate damage ability, he is all dots! (his ult is 2 staged, not instant damage burst)
What's up Nik lmao
I've always held the opinion that Loki should be annoying. His old 2 was infinitely better, aimed strike was a solid basic attack stim, and his ult was annoyingly terrifying. I rarely play him following the rework because his kit just feels uninspired and boring. I find it hard to understand why they hate Loki, yet don't seem to have a problem with gods like Skadi who still has one of the most annoying passives in the game. Argus is equally irritating when playing against a Hera.
Used to be my comfort pick, and always had an average KD of like 6 or so. It was the perfect playstyle for me. Now he's unplayable, and it's really sad when you realize that going crit/attack speed gives him more burst than his whole kit combo. Makes me sad every time I consider going back to him, and realize that he's not an assassin anymore, but a clunky close ranged AoE DoT mage with no burst or damage to make up for it.
Hey fam, I just stumbled upon this video while on my daily dose of old loki copium. 50 stars here, still miss the pve simulator. Good video though! You have my like ^^
Loki has always been my most played god by a mile and I remember quitting after his rework. But I think I was already not that interested in the game anymore and the rework was just the last straw. Just checked the game out again recently to see what has changed since then and what Lokis' current state is. The stealth is nerfed yes, but sure I'm fine with it. I see how it's more fair now. But the thing is because of his stealth ability Loki is still a god designed to assassinate single people. His 3 just feels so bad and clunky to use now. Like either keep his kit full single target burst and adjust his numbers so he isn't op or full on change his kit to an AoE Assassin and maybe lean in more to the "trickster" side with his abilities. But this weird mix where he isn't good at anything just isn't it.
I randomly got this video recommended, 11 months too late lmao, i started playing smite late season 2, i had the pleasure to see his older model before it got reworked, i didnt played much, but i did enjoy loki the most, i played more Smite in season 3 thanks to professor loki i had better understanding of the God, over the time and got better, i do miss the old loki alot, and wish they would revert some of the older changes, like the dmg reducation on the one, or not being able to give vision on where you are, which is odd since there are alof of Gods, that can just easily do that nowdays, which makes his stealth kinda weak, i rather had the Minion aggro on 2 removed and rather have the added dot dmg field on top of the decoy, you could do so much with it block tower shots, block skill shots, body block enemies, it was a very good tool in the right hands, but the worse ability is his Three, like holy moly the only purpose of that ability is to help him clear, which was his whole issue since his clear on the older kit was pretty bad until you put points into his old 2, the lack of dmg it deals is laughable and sad, either revert his older three and adjust it (deal more dmg to jungle/minions or aoe dmg when hitting minions or jungle) or make the hits less, and let the final hit burst harder, with overall better scaling, his new ult is pretty good, could be better if the first hit also atleast stuns the target or when the stun after is just aoe, people can dodge it easier nowdays, and for an ultimate ability is kinda lack luster, but hey good escape tool :^)
The only postive thing i could say about the rework is the interaction with his new 2 that it allowing you to hit backstab, should be a bit faster but better than nothing
Overall i do think its a bad rework, im amazed it didnt got reverted yet or atleast some aspects, but i assume we will never see that happen Hi-rez is just happy that loki isnt known as that problem god any longer
Despite him being the trickster lol
that stealth with the buffed auto attack and old ult with crit was literally unbeatable I miss those times....
He was a lot more hype back then for sure
@@Shenmoki agreed he was just perfect back then
I just want them to put his old skin back in the game
yeah i'm not sure why they haven't added some of the original models back yet. i'm sure people would love to play as OG Guan, Hel, Loki, Anubis, etc
What they did to my boy was horrible, I used to play smite for 4 years straight... since that useless update came up I literally quit my favorite game, they ruinned everything, it's not our fault that haters don't know how to use him on teamfights....I miss the old days
I like the idea of his 2 being like, one Loki throwing another forward as a projectile. Depending on whether you aim the cursor close or far, it could either be the real Loki throwing the clone as harass, or the clone throwing the Loki as a sort of dash. And then the fake of the two explodes after a short bit, maybe with a debuff that increases follow-up damage taken from Loki. To help with the idea of the clone being misdirection and confusion, and so he still has AoE clear in his kit for Jungle.
And then for his 3, I'd do something like a dagger throw that rebounds? Like, you throw it and it pierces minions and applies on hit effects in a short-ish line and has bonus damage and drop off as it moves through targets to prevent it from being as potent through minion waves, all that jazz. Meanwhile, Loki moves freely in all directions like one of Chang'e's dances, and the dagger pops into the air if it hits a wall or an enemy God, and if you catch it by standing at the proper ground location the cooldown is considerably reduced. Same with autoattacking in general reducing the cooldown by a bit. I don't know if you also play LoL but, Draven catching his spinning axes is kind of a similar idea. That way you're still leaning into the idea of Loki as a slippery burst assassin with his 3 being an Auto-Cancel, while attaching far more skill expression to that 3 on the player's side and a far more recognizable animation to react to on the target's side.
Wow wait wtf they gotta hire you ASAP. Your ideas are a lot more creative and in tune with the character than what hi rez came up with, especially your idea for his 2.
they should have just kept old loki. He was already borderline unplayable in ranked games. Now his just has a much lower TTK, and he is much more vulnerable when doing anything with the stealth reveals, non-instant ult, no instant damaging abilities, etc. They basically made a bad character worse, and what was annoying about him before is even more annoying now. The only viable loki build in higher tier ranked games is going solo, dropping 2 on wave and running away over and over again until you can build a lead or get dominated in lane and lose.
Loki rework idea
Lokis first ability
Loki turns invisible summoning a clone in his place similar to Morgan's ability but the clone has much more health similar to a wukong clone. Invisible functions as it does now.
Lokis second ability
Is a short distance teleport to a enemy target or to loki clone that leaves a circle on the ground where loki lands dealing damage over time. If loki activates this ability a second time before its finished casting lokie can switch places with the target.
Lokis third ability
Shape shifter.
Loki can temporarily become one of the norce gods. The items become whatever build players have set up in custom build for those gods or popular list if no custom build has been set up.
Lokis ultimate.
illusion of Chaos.
Loki creates a large area where allies and enemies alike look like loki and the enemy team cant leave also while enemys are in this area they have friendly fire enabled.
Haha fun idea! But would be waaaayyyy to overpowerd
A litle strong lol, but the ult is 🔥 and Will give alot of funny reactions
I think loki got the same treatment that Susanoo got where so many players didn't know how to itemize against him so they decided to make his damage pathetic and incredibly long when they're supposed to be at their core burst gods. Can't think of any other gods that got similar treatment or were gutted that they became borderline unplayable to date and really glad the susanoo changes were reverted.
Loved the old loki
I think the best case scenario for everyone would be current Loki with the old 3. And if hi Rez wanted to make him exclusively a jungled having the 2 taunt jungle minions. Like you mentioned the new 3 is just so garbage and until it’s changed I’ll continue playing him solo with a cheesy, rage inducing poke build.
Yes. Havent played him since.
I played Loki on arena 2 times after like 2 years of not playing, then I threw the towel because it was like cock and ball torture , literally the next game I got matched against "Loki" with special characters in his name that mains Loki, he was playing tanky loki with gladiators, crushers , infusion sigil and jotuns.... and unironically he was only there to apply crushers and gladiators over and over while being tanky and annoying AND UNIRONICALLY he was DOING GOOD not playing him assasin, he is literally a glorified spell caster now and unless you get to that ultra late game where you have every on hit item under the sun and 400 attack damage good luck one shotting anyone.
This is literally the Old AATROX situation in League of Legends, some people liked him but others were mad because THEY weren't able to play him and he seemed either too weak or too op depending on the patch, so they reworked him and guess what 90% of his players ARE STILL OLD AATROX PLAYERS , IT DIDN'T MAKE ANYONE NEW PICK UP THE FUCKING CHAMPION, same with Loki
The 1 is fine, the 2 change is fine though (I wish they kept the minion taunt just because it was a unique thing for Loki and the bigger hit box for easier body blocking but it’s alright), the 3 is horrible and should be reverted immediately, and the ultimate should be reverted. The cripple doesn’t work half the time, his stun duration is/was already one of the worst stun duration’s in the game so there was no need to slow down his ult, and he still can’t team fight despite it being “AOE” on his small cone unless you are support Loki setting up for Ra ult or something but for god sakes why would you ever do that. If you want jungle clear on Loki just make it so his 2 deals more damage to jungle camps, then he can still be played out of the solo lane in jungle without taking away the true assassins ability to assassinate. You said the ult is fine because they wanted to slow down his burst but that’s the problem- again you said it yourself look at all the other assassins in the game, they do more burst and are easier to use. Just look at Thor or Bastet. There’s no reason Loki should be much worse than they are just because the community doesn’t like him.
I recently returned to smite after quitting when they started adding/changing items every tuesday patch. Since early s2 i really enjoyed playing with loki but the recent rework feels so bullshit its unreal. The old loki favored experienced players who took time to hone their skill and movement so they dont get caught out of position. Now with you open the ingame buy menu with so many items that just counter his abilities and make a joke of what he can build himself. He used to be a "single target" god which is rare today in smite since every ability now is an aoe attack with some dot passive that makes his 1 completely unusable
had to return to this comment to announce my 7 day account suspension. cant be toxic in smite anymore. shit game
The 3 should be a copy that does the animation. Continues the flavor, keeps the ability and gets rid of the animation taking ages.
I miss the 3 more than anything
It's funny how they just shrank and rebranded his Decoy for Danza lol. If they had given THAT move to Loki with the potential taunt I think it probably could have stayed and it would have given him some teamfight potential.
The new 3 is just awful though. Leaves you way too exposed for way too long. Loki should be popping in and out of a battle.
am nr 1 loki
He feels extremely odd rn. His time to apply his dmg is still .9 seconds or 900 milliseconds, yet his actual time for the target to die is exactly 2 seconds. Feels off to play against and even more off-putting playing as. They never did what was said would be done. His ult rarely actually does anything in a teamfight. They said his decoy was supposed to make people choose whether they should or shouldn't go through it but we all know it's and unintimidating and the blind is useless. New decoy is only for auto cancels or clearing wave/minions. He was frustrating to play against yet he still has the same time to apply dmg. I don't understand it, good idea but terrible execution.
Personally I feel like Loki was a one trick pony before with his one shotting ultimate and his original 2 felt so useless
pers rework coming up on its 2 year anniversary. never see her anymore lol. reworked failed pretty hard. loki rework was not nearly as devastating to his overall identity as some others like nu wa and pers… i do think the loki rework might be one of their better ones. hes still annoying, i agree the change to his 3 is a bit… odd.. but besides that i think it was overall good
i actually like rework perseph but i agree it's a failed rework that completely destroyed the dynamics of the character in a multitude of ways
Fun fact that was my video 🤣
I usually ask permission when using clips, but given that the section in the video it was used in was rather negative, I didn't know how to ask it in a way that explained how it'd be used and not make it seem like I was coming after you 😭 hope you're OK with me using it
@@Shenmoki it's fine don't worry man, if you asked i would've said yes.
i see no issue here, i one shotted ppl back then and i one shot ppl now. dont even need his 3. with enough AA cancel u only touch his 3 in jungle clears
That's fuckin pathetic, shouldn't be forced to do that, that ability is TRASH, new 3 sucks
You would lose to an old loki.
I mean isn't loki supposed to be annoying for both sides in the lore if that's the case then why did they change him?
that's what im wondering!
I absolutely hated it now it’s ok
So initially you said the problem was his jug clear took forever because his two needed to wait to be popped but now by using his 3,2 you can actually play him in jug if they only did the reworks you mentioned nothing about your original concerns are addressed, you only knocked him out of solo lane
Nice video.
I'm a Loki with 54+ stars on my main account with more on my previous, I acknowledge the "PVE" flaws with the old kit however even at a gold level view of it you can clearly tell it's inferior to the previous and it's impossible to argue against logically, you lose many factors with the rework like PVP, aesthetics, and clear.
Old Loki could manipulate the map, one shot, and heavily affect players psychology with presence.
New Loki loses everything and makes him pathetic in all spheres when compared to the old one. No one knew how to play him or versus him not even higher level players (this is admitted countless times in older videos of pros and masters.)
I also dislike the parroted arguments for the rework like: "Wasn't viable" "Never has been good" "You can go tank" which none of them make sense.
If Loki was truly "better" then how would this rework make him feel better to play against
The reality is if old Loki was played by a skilled player, he was broken, this is the case for some designs of the Gods in SMITE's development.
People complain about Loki when he wast even really used in comp play tbh 😂 Loki just that dude on god !
Just stumbled onto this and his third isn't even this on my game, I believe they changed it to an even worse thing
tf are you smoking
All their reworks feel awful.
new loki SUCKS.
WTF did they do to my boy?!?!?!?! I come back to play smite 2 to this OMFG he was so fun before now just garbage. Im So let down..... and no boots anymore? Wtf😅 uninstall