This song played as Antonio’s mom passed away from cancer. He started off with singing love is gone to her to not forget her smile to seeing him sing. We came to visit her and she told Antonio that I was a good friend to him and that I need to look after him now since she wasn’t going to be around anymore. I heard it all and smiled. She played this song as she let go slowly. We watched her the whole time. She was so beautiful. She was so peaceful. I told her: “goodbye josaine. I will never forget you.” She smiled at me and then she was gone.
R.I.P. Stephen Hillenburg (1961-2018)
every technological advancement from the wheel to smart phones, from the Paleolithic era to the Industrial Revolution led to this masterpiece.
fr though
This song played as Antonio’s mom passed away from cancer. He started off with singing love is gone to her to not forget her smile to seeing him sing. We came to visit her and she told Antonio that I was a good friend to him and that I need to look after him now since she wasn’t going to be around anymore. I heard it all and smiled. She played this song as she let go slowly. We watched her the whole time. She was so beautiful. She was so peaceful. I told her: “goodbye josaine. I will never forget you.” She smiled at me and then she was gone.
R.I.P Stephen Hillenburgs 😞
o my god i burst out laughing hearing spongebob sing with passenger's accent! 😂
It pretty good
Sorry for reupload I had to fix some issues
It good