I thought he was for sure dead when that Lux Q hit...then she auto attacked twice instead of once and popped E the moment he got out :3 All Hail the Defts
Watch Sneaky's Penta to see how you actually play Ezreal. I'm guessing Rekkles hasn't put in many game of Ezreal, judging from this video anyway. The only reason he got away with playing like this is because his team was just miles ahead of the enemy.
I don't like Penta's when it's teams just running over the other. Rekkles got caught, then Lee went too HAM, got killed. And then Rekkles could just followup his team and pick off the other 4.
When I checked the korean bootcamp site that lists all the players, it said that Sneaky was currently at 100 LP D1; he's currently 96 LP and Rekkles is 93. Rekkles also has played 50 more games than Sneaky has in SoloQ so i'm pretty sure he'll catch up in time; Hai already passed him and is in Challenger with about 20 less games played :P
Penta ki
rekkles makes challenger soloq on euw seem like bot games.. now he's doing that to KR soloq.. not surprised.
korea sucks as you do
EU > KR > NA
Gets beaten by Forgiven all the time in EUW soloq.
shieldblood Rekless is still in Master tier but Hai is Challenger in KR already. NA=KR>EU :^)
Krassen Kolev
forg1ven is not even top 10 on EUW anymore...where is he? Hes not even challenger atm
that BM in the end tho
wow this guy is good
i think fnatic should recruit him as an adc instead of puszu
Not sure if troll...
TehIdiotOne you took the b8 again m8 u gotta learn
Nosbet selfreport leaked Haha you're so funny :D I don't know if you're aware that someone reads your comments...but that shit is just hilarious xD
Patrick Deck what kind of comments are we talking about here?
About pointing out that someone got baited by trolls
XJ9 - he was fed, all he did was auto attack, im mentally unstable , hurdurdur
Why the hell does he do that much damage with three items
It happens when you are 2-4 levels above everyone else 8)
Levels, enemy gold, and baron.
Jacob Skuratovski
"above plat" loled.
Jacob Skuratovski U wot. I have a friend who is silver and rarely misses in teamfights. You just need to know how to aim lol.
I am not a FNC fan but this was really nice, better than Sneaky's imo
I thought he was for sure dead when that Lux Q hit...then she auto attacked twice instead of once and popped E the moment he got out :3 All Hail the Defts
The BM in the end
Thats why i love him :)
Watch Sneaky's Penta to see how you actually play Ezreal. I'm guessing Rekkles hasn't put in many game of Ezreal, judging from this video anyway. The only reason he got away with playing like this is because his team was just miles ahead of the enemy.
here in 2022 watching and realizing how old I and lol have became
max disrespect at the end
1:04-1:10, such a jerk.
Is there any way I can get the replay file for this?
K Rexi How?
DatJellyFish Probably.
Hey, just go to www.op.gg/summoner/userName=Group%20of%20Deft and click on the replay button from the game you want.
EasyBooy Thanks man.
Thought it was a lolreplay file though :( nvm then
ezreal does damage :O
I don't like Penta's when it's teams just running over the other. Rekkles got caught, then Lee went too HAM, got killed. And then Rekkles could just followup his team and pick off the other 4.
pentasteal o:
What game was this?
sneakys was better
Mathijs Moonen sneaky is currently D1 100 LP i don't think its that much lower than master tier
Mathijs Moonen d1 100 master 20 lp literally the same thing
When I checked the korean bootcamp site that lists all the players, it said that Sneaky was currently at 100 LP D1; he's currently 96 LP and Rekkles is 93. Rekkles also has played 50 more games than Sneaky has in SoloQ so i'm pretty sure he'll catch up in time; Hai already passed him and is in Challenger with about 20 less games played :P
Mathijs Moonen im pretty sure lmq is in china scrimming from there
Mathijs Moonen they are in china
What build was he using?
cdr boots, triforce blade lw
2 adc carry in 1 team? yep this is definetly bronze in japan
Fnatic will rekk anuses at worlds they practiced so much
Dat lee
AP ezreal?
AD. at the start of the video you see his build.
Haha, so many likes by idiots who don't realize the enemy team was me and my bronze 5 friends giving a penta. we do this every day etc.
maximum disrespect
dat bm
And then, loose. xD
c9 sneakys way 1000x better.. sigh eu fanatic fuckign succks
rekkles don't play chinease
Maokai broken