Interestingly, Mr Doyle has something to say on the performance of SS panzer units as well. Go to Operation Think Tank Part 3, and timestamp 02:10. Arguably the German system of pulling, replacing and retraining was the better one, but ultimately there is only so much that a handful of veterans can do for new tankers absent the resources to train them correctly.
"Have you seen many of these tanks in real life?" - I'm guessing she doesn't know who she's listening to. But all credit to her, she's trying to show interest/engagement, and The Chieftain handles it well - he was friendly and informative.
She's just doing her job, trying to ask questions which help to aid the exposition. Considering that she likely wasn't being paid all that much for this, she's actually doing a pretty decent job. I'm not sure why people here are bitching... Well, actually, I am, it's mostly because of their misogynist views :(
One reason the Hetzer is so popular I think is looks. It looks very slick and cool. It served the German army very well, even though it was difficult to operate.
Actually the JgdPz 38t had an excellent kill to death ratio. I guess cramped is less important than effectiveness. Just like the Russian tanks. The IS series was abysmal to drive and opreate, but it had great armor and gun.
@@beersmurff It didn't need that ridiculous sloped side armour, and even less so the sloped rear armour. So much space was wasted. It would have been even more effective without all of that wasted space.
@@syncmonism Seeing it had 13mm rear and 20mm side armor, yes it did need it. The sheer amount of russian AT-rifles would easily have penetrated 20mm flat side armor from very far. The 20mm sloped, at least gave it a chance to survive. The rear slope is natural, because you need the height for the crew anyways and it is just natural to slope it down over the engine. No space wasted there. And the side slope is over the side sponsons/suspension, so the crew wouldnt have gotten more space if you had made it square/flat. The 38(t) was a small narrow tank to base it on from the start.
The German WWI A7V was captured by Aussie troops, hence why it was in Brisbane, it is a present on display at the Australian National War Memorial (museum) Canberra, but is due back in Brisbane in 2018.
I've personally seen the Mephisto A7v in the "Small town of Brisbane" (2.2 million ppl) & it's quite a sight. Of course it's now at the famed Canberra War Museum which I recommend for any over sees visitors to enjoy.
Lived in Brisbane. It *is* a small town, just with a lot of people in it. I don't care where you're from on the planet, if you go to Brisbane, you will run in to someone from your home town.
Just stumbled across this, It's a great conversation with Anna showing exactly what a good interviewer should do , anticipating the questions the viewer would ask, and moving the conversation along,. Hidden Gem of a video!
Might as well have a Jedi as a Crewman doing the old mind tricks "You do not see us." "Huh, I thought I heard a Maus pass by, was probably my imagination."
I mean to be fair If it was ever actually made and deployed, it's biggest weakness was allied air superiority haha It would just get bumrushed by infantry and armor, then get bombed to hell So since they were on the defensive it would make sense to just set it up sniping and hopefully not have it be spotted from the air I don't think it would be to hide it from anyone while driving haha, anyone within a mile would know
Let me know what the questionable info is, and if I can confirm it, I'll annotate the video with a caption at the appropriate point. I was working from memory.
Y'know for the longest time I felt like the only guy out there who got all misty-eyed over German WWII tech. It feels so awesome to know you're not alone.
I believe there was an option designed for the Maus to become submersible but it required a second Maus to provide the power to the submerged Maus while it was submerged
TheBestRUclipsChannelEverTimesInfinity it actually WAS the Maus. Two would be connected to each other, one providing electrical power to the one going under water.
Yep and it was for when you get next to a bridge and couldn't druve on it so you add a snorkel about the height of the whole thing and a tube connected to the second muas and off you went
Anna is just unbelievably beautiful. She really tried to make it sound like she was interested in all the details but she couldn't really fool me. ;-) It's incredible how much you know about these tanks! I was thoroughly impressed and it was very interesting to listen to. Though it was very short. This is a topic you really need at least 2 or 3 hours to cover adequately ...
True, and this is exactly what I said at 04:45: That most of the German armoured forces were still Pz I and Pz II during the initial stages of the war. The Pz II was certainly the best tank that the Germans could build at the time, but that doesn't stop the fact that by the time the invasions came along, the Pz III and Pz IV had been decided upon as the 'standard' tanks, obsolenting (is that a word?) the Pz I and Pz II. In effect, they used Pz I and Pz II to develop the doctrine to be used.
From 30:30 to the end ---> That's why I like game so much, "History should not be forgotten." Keep up bringing us this amazing material Chieftain. Much love from Brazil!
I live in the small town of 2.3 million people known as Brisbane. I've seen the A7V lots of times. Sadly it got moved back in 2011 due to the massive floods that we had. Should be back in 2017.
I've become somewhat of an expert myself just by playing the games, watching the youtubers, listening and reading all of Nick's articles/panels. The only thing better than Nick's hat, is Nick's hat's hat rack.
I may have mis-spoke. The turrets were actually built by Krupp, but are referred to as the Porsche and Henschel turrets because the turrets that were put onto the first fifty Tiger IIs were originally designed for the Porsche vehicle, Typ 180 (VK 45.02), while the serial production turrets (51 onwards) were purely built for the Henschel chassis. Ferdinand was built on Typ 101 hulls, the turrets for Type 101 were put onto the first Tiger 1s.
How can anybody that beautiful seem so intelligent and interested in tanks?? I'm seriously baffled and somewhat in love! ................. Oh, and Anna Prosser also did good. ;-D
You are correct on 'light', I mis-spoke. They did start the war, but they didn't anticipate that the invasion of Poland would start it. German industry was still uparming its armed forces, and the Panzer fleet showed it particularly. Even by the invasion of France, the Pz I and II fleet still heavily outnumbered the PzIII and IV fleet.
cant believe he brushed over the stug like that. That was the most beloved TD the germans had. Let me put it this way, the thing was so important to infantry moral that only a certain number of them could leave the front at a time. Amazing TD. Other than that though, great video, love watching these.
See youtube video "Operation Think Tank Part 4" and go to 14:30 in. Hilary Doyle is the chap answering, if you're not familiar with the name he's basically the final word on German WWII vehicles.
Actually Pz.I and II were perfectly capable light tanks of that time, not the best, but better than many others, and never were intended to be just training vehicles (that was true on american M2 Medium which was considered obsolete right when it was time to begin production). Also Porsche transmission worked just fine, the main problems were caused by faulty air-cooled engines. They could and eventually did use standard Maybach engines (same family as on Tigers and Panthers) but those were underpowered and demanded serious hull modifications. There were some lesser problems (including rivalry in german command) but the main cause of the fail of VK3001p, 4501p and 4502p (in all configurations) were crappy engines.
I don't understand why you would have an historical overview like this with the co-host being historically ignorant-- not even aware of World of Tanks. The Audience is the one who you explain the basics to, not your cohost. The relentless barrage of "Hm" and "Mk" and "Alright, alright", and fake giggles is absolutely MADDENING Richard, dear lord.
I would argue, yes, training tanks. Not only for the use of training the panzertruppen who did not have the full-sized tanks because the engineers hadn't figured out how to build them yet, but also because even the Pz II undertook many changes as the engineers solved problems by practical experience. That said, I will grant that the initial production run did have a tactical requirement as, effectively, machinegun destroyers.
It's a Dev account, not intended for actual play. It has access to everything so it can quick load and test anything they want. Or in this case show whatever they want. In one of the other vids with one you see that they can even select what map and gametype to go into instead of joining the regular MM pool.
OK, if it's the photo I think it is (Link is bad, but I presume it's the one with the hole in the lower right turret front), there are multiple stories behind that one. Contenders are 17pr in combat, 90mm in combat, and a post-combat test fire, depending on which account you want to believe.
you are indeed correct when you say that the last surviving A7V tank (named Mephisto) is located in Brisbane Australia, how we got hold of it is pretty simple, is was nocked out during the second battle of villers breatonaux and subsequently captured by an Australian battalion who wanted to deny it to the Germans. After the fighting was over the British wanted the tank for the imperial war museum, but the Australians put it on a troop carrier back to Brisbane. so in the short of it we nicked it!
PzII was the best the Germans could build at the time, but they had well decided by war's start that the medium tank should be PzIII, with the PzIIs just kept to make up the numbers and to train up the future PzIII crewmen pending the delivery of III. And I never said PzII had Christie, that's why I went to the BT tank when I was talking about it.
Small town in Australia, called Brisbane. Brisbane is the Third Largest City in Australia and the Capital of Queensland, so its not that small. Also the A7V tank (Mephisto s/n: 506) is at the Queensland Museum (In Brisbane). The reason why its there is because the tank was captured at the Second Battle of Villers-Bretonneux on 24 April 1918 by the 26th Battalion of the 7th Brigade who was mostly from Queensland, shipped it back to Australia after the War. Apart from that nice video, keep it up.
Not to mention the Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck which did some very serious damage. The Germans also developed surface to air rockets, and the first TOW missile used for anti shipping which was a wire guided cruise missle
I don't think it abour queer or steer, ita about being legitimate. If WG couldn't find a bimbo at rhe museum into gunpowder and steel, WG could email some of the females who play their game like Rita Gamer and have them come along: simple really...
Well earned and does it really matter. He is rewarded for his hard work. I contribute every other month myself its my way of saying Thank you to all for such a great game
I remember hearing that the Maus was fitted with a snorkel. It was too heavy for the bridges and plenty tall and water tight. So it could drive through the water up to its turret or even if it gets deep enough, a snorkel could be out on.
exactly, though they had a great system of pulling unites out of the fight to refit. the newest equipment was sent to newer unites that had just been raised (hitler had a fetish of haveing more divisions on paper) which left unites that could have made use of the best equipment out in the cold
The T32 has incredible turret armor and good enough gun depression to make use of it in a hull down position, but the hull armor lets it down and unless the map has hills it can go hull down behind, lower tier tanks will have a field day penetrating the frontal hull armor. If it is able to go hull down though, it can withstand pretty much anything. Face-hugging higher tier tanks is also fun. But the gun lets it down, and what it's good at can be done just as well by the T29 - at a lower tier.
The only remaining A7V is in the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, was in puckapunyal in victoria. It was captured by an australian infantry battalion from no mans land during WWI
It ended up in Brisbane as it was captured by men of the 26th battalion who were local to the Brisbane area, a lot of trophies ended up spread across the country captured by battalions this is obviously the most famous.
Great vid, mate. A lot of info, and all of it clean and free of the usual myths that are so common around this subject. And you pulled it out improvising it :D BTW, I´ve seen a photo of a KT with multiple frontal hits and an alleged penetration on the turret, from a M 36... or so they say; although it looks more like a test done to an abandoned vehicle... >_>
Based on accounts by Guderian and several other commanders it served both as an improvement over the Pz 1B and was used to train their crews until the Pz IIIC and Pz IIIE started coming in more numbers to their units. So the Chief is correct. The Pz II was never used as a stop gap and was integral to the original Panzer units formations
Hello. Chieftain I am glad that you have put the jingles right over some historical facts I have been trying to do this for some time but he has now banned me from his site. As they say a little knowledge is a dangerous tool and his case very. Some examples of this is the centurion tank was deployed at the Falklands campaign . Only light Rec tanks were deployed.
+magnum wolf It was recovered by Queensland troops who were determined for it to be brought back to Queensland, against all British intentions. Thus it sat outdoors at the Queensland Museum, Brisbane for decades. Recently it was sent to the railway museum at Ipswich for restoration before being loaned to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra for the centenary of World War 1.
Hey! Brisbane's not small... By Australian standards... :P Also we have Mephisto (the A7V in question) because it was a Queensland (the state Brisbane is the capital of) regiment that captured it. We took it home as a war-prize.
The A7 german tank is in the brisbane museum at was captured by ANZAC troops & brought over here after ww1.its got bullet holes all over it,& took a direct hit on the roof when it was disabled in no mans land & used as a snipers nest.
The surviving A7V is the 'Mephisto' which is housed in the Queensland Museum in Brisbane, Australia. It was captured by the Australian 26th Battalion of the 7th Brigade, whose members were mostly from Queensland. After capture, the British wanted to bring it to the Imperial War Museum, but the Australians quickly transferred it to a ship along with the 26th Btn. and returned to Brisbane.
Can u talk a bit more about the suspension systems used in tanks? From WWI until now. Like the tortured bars the leaf springs the Christie suspension etc.
Is it possible to hear something about the JagdPanther? It's one of my favourite tanks, and you just skipped it :( Loved the video though and learned a lot of new stuff! Awesome man!
Only a handful of PZIV (MarkIV Specials) were at El Alamein. PzIVF2 was the 1st version with the 75L43 and appeared in early - mid 1942. According to accounts the Germans only had 5 at the battle and the rest were mixes of Pz IIIH, IIIJ, Pz IIF's and Italian Tanks. The Brits out numbered the Germans 4 to 1 if not more.
The A7V Sturmpanzerwagen known as Mephisto was immobilised in an area close to Villers-Bretonneux called Monument Wood. In July 1918 a detachment of soldiers from the 26th Battalion, mainly comprised of Queenslanders, helped recover the abandoned tank and drag it back to the allied lines. It was sent to Australia as a war trophy, arriving at Norman Wharf in June 1919 where it was towed by two Brisbane City Council steamrollers to the Queensland Museum, then located in Fortitude Valley. It remains the sole surviving A7V tank in the world (From the Queensland Museum site) Mephisto is short for the name of the demon Mephistopheles, to whom Dr Faustus sold his soul.
00:45 "Now what basically happened is way back in World War I, you had that little disagreement goin' on in Europe..." I laughed out loud. :-D Apt that the lol-tractor was on screen at the moment.
Hi Chieftain, I noticed two very minor mistakes when you were talking about the panzerjager 1 (at about 24 minute mark). The gun mounted was a 47mm Skoda weapon but the conversion was completed by german firms not Skoda. You also mention in passing that the LT-38/Panzer 38t (TNH) was manufactured by Skoda this is common misconception, it was actually designed and manufactured by a now defunct czech company called CKD (renamed BMM during the war). You can blame jingles for me being here too.
I just Love this series! Understanding the history of these tanks makes them even more fun to play! And some background information cant be bad :D. Pls make these for the russian and french too.
What a stupid idea to have a pretty woman on screen just because she is pretty. She doesn't know anything about tanks and doesn't care,she's just there to collect her pay.
lol 4:30 tier II tank is one of my current tanks in the game, and I still can't believe its only a training tank. I keep winning with that tank, its fast, accurate, and shoots really fast after an upgrade. Although its a light tank that keeps beaten by a long range (the one that only stays at the base just like an artillery) still its efficient to use.
I'm really glad I joined after full release these graphics look like an early 2000's game damnit I was really hoping you'd talk about the SPGs I want to know about my Hummel dangit
"ha,hum,hu,yeah" x 100. At first her "responces" didnt bother me. But at 20 mins in the video it started scraping my brain too freaking bad to even care what was been said. I get it - she dont give a damn and thats fine but atleast be quiet if you cant saysomething ffs.
thanks for honoring the 1st Cav. wearing one of our Stetsons, it suits you, mount up we'll take you on a charge with us! SFC Bosse, 1st Cav. Al-Taji, Iraq Dec, 2003- April, 2005. 1st Team!
And that is the part that made me give a like, because that is a fact, which is not know by the wide public. I am happy, that someone mentioned that finally!
FYI but I would imagine you know this. The take you mention that is sitting outdoors in Aberdeen, MD. The US Army Ordinance Museum was all taken down and sent to Ft. Lee Virgina. The entire US Army Ordinance Corps was packed up and sent to Ft. Lee. If you get a chance you will have a grand time at that Museum. I did my Training in Aberdeen Proving Grounds.
+Panzer_ Bill The Museum should be open... From the "ordmusfound dot org ;phase III is scheduled to be completed by December 15, 2011. The APG facility remains open so ordinance junkies can still get their fix until these stalwarts of two World Wars and other conflicts complete their move. The new facilities will be on the Fort Lee campus near the site of the Women’s Army Corp and the Quartermaster’s Museums." I feel albeit jealousy to all those new recruits who no longer have to "guard" all those tanks in an area of an acre and a half field.
I can't find a museum website for the tanks at Fort Lee, but the wikipedia site states: "As of September 2015, the museum is completely closed to all non-military visitors, but the remaining outdoor displays are open to members of the military with ID."
A last note, I ground up the German line so I could get a Tiger and was hugely disappointed at first. It was nothing like the history books and I had to accept the fact that game balance was the goal. It is in fact an excellent tank once you get the hang of how to use it best. Hang just behind the heavier armored tanks and use your sniping and faster reloads along with better accuracy to provide support, I am still trying to get there in action despite knowing what to do
Just for your info +The_Chieftain the A7 Is in Canberra our nations capital, in our National War memorial, which for us is like a combination of the Arlington national cemetery and the Imperial War Museum.
This is a completely tangential comment. In any case, Guard units were regular divisions/armies which had proved themselves in combat. "Guard," was therefore an award and upgrade. There were 11 Guards Combined Arms, and 6 Guards Tank Armies. After "Deep Battle" was adopted, it was only Guards or other heavily equipped units which would engage German tankers. Conscript Units would flank past and murder retreating infantry/airfields/HQ/supplies, etc. Source: Tank Tactics, by Jarymowicz.
Pz II was the best that the German military could produce in the mid 1930s. The Germans knew that they were not satisfactory for the complete range of missions that the tank was to perform, but they were simply incapable of building those tanks. Indeed, they noted that the main reason for the continued production of the PZ II beyond the intial 200 was to avoid the loss of the skilled engineers by keeping them busy while the designers worked out the technical difficulties on the larger vehicles.
Su-152's were used in ambush situations. 700m was normal for engagement range, 12,000m for indirect fire. Su-152's HE shells weighed ~43 kilos, or ~100lbs. Do you have any idea what 40 kilos of high explosive does? There is a reason the SU/ISU 152's were nicknamed "Beast killer." The first 12 produced knocked out 10 Tiger I's and 7 Ferdinands at Kursk.
Do you plan on doing a video on infantry anti tank weapons of WW2? Just curious, I used to study them quite frequently. I especially love how the Molotov cocktail was invented and named after Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov. There are also the German anti tank rifles, the British Boys anti tank rifle which was used quite successfully against Japanese armor, the PTRS and PTRD rifles. The German Infantry had to dig holes in pre WW2 and have tanks roll over the holes to get used to the feeling.
Due to time limitations, I had to prioritise what I wanted to talk about. We are familiar with T92, but I am not in a position to comment about its possible inclusion or exclusion.
I didn't see that too much. German tanks are often spoke too highly of. Don't get me wrong, I love them. Got a Panther II sitting in my garage right now that I love. They are just exaggerated too often, nice to see someone talking about them realistically for a change.
Well tbh female presenters on any gaming show/conference are sadly mostly there for looks and presentation. I don't like it, I think it would be better to have actual gamers, but planners seem to think sex sells. Which it does... I actually don't mind her too much because well she doesn't know much about game and tanks, but at least she's not pretending to know. Presenters who tries to come off as genuine gamer when clearly reading from a scripts are the worst. This presenter does it to lesser degree.
I agree about the "oh yeh" "really" "mm" conversational fillers she throws out, but when she makes comments or asks questions they are generally useful. Especially if the purpose is to interest a broader audience than the die-hard gamers who already know this stuff.
Also the Tiger couldn't penetrate an IS-2 beyond 300 meters, yet in this game it is equipped with the L/71 (which it never was equipped with) and can easily penetrate the IS-3, IS-8 and pretty much anything with good aim.
Strategic, dude. Strategic.
The_Chieftain Very strategic.
Did you statically get n those panties
Interestingly, Mr Doyle has something to say on the performance of SS panzer units as well. Go to Operation Think Tank Part 3, and timestamp 02:10. Arguably the German system of pulling, replacing and retraining was the better one, but ultimately there is only so much that a handful of veterans can do for new tankers absent the resources to train them correctly.
"Have you seen many of these tanks in real life?" - I'm guessing she doesn't know who she's listening to. But all credit to her, she's trying to show interest/engagement, and The Chieftain handles it well - he was friendly and informative.
She's just doing her job, trying to ask questions which help to aid the exposition. Considering that she likely wasn't being paid all that much for this, she's actually doing a pretty decent job. I'm not sure why people here are bitching... Well, actually, I am, it's mostly because of their misogynist views :(
As if you - in 2012 - knew about Nic's expertise.
One reason the Hetzer is so popular I think is looks. It looks very slick and cool. It served the German army very well, even though it was difficult to operate.
Actually the JgdPz 38t had an excellent kill to death ratio. I guess cramped is less important than effectiveness. Just like the Russian tanks. The IS series was abysmal to drive and opreate, but it had great armor and gun.
@@beersmurff It didn't need that ridiculous sloped side armour, and even less so the sloped rear armour. So much space was wasted. It would have been even more effective without all of that wasted space.
@@syncmonism Seeing it had 13mm rear and 20mm side armor, yes it did need it. The sheer amount of russian AT-rifles would easily have penetrated 20mm flat side armor from very far. The 20mm sloped, at least gave it a chance to survive. The rear slope is natural, because you need the height for the crew anyways and it is just natural to slope it down over the engine. No space wasted there. And the side slope is over the side sponsons/suspension, so the crew wouldnt have gotten more space if you had made it square/flat. The 38(t) was a small narrow tank to base it on from the start.
Boy, it sure would be interesting to see a historical overview of tanks in the WoT garage now.
"some small town in australia, brisbane I think"
Anthony Smith Brisbane isnt a small town, its a city. :)
just add the word "outside" brisbane
The German WWI A7V was captured by Aussie troops, hence why it was in Brisbane, it is a present on display at the Australian National War Memorial (museum) Canberra, but is due back in Brisbane in 2018.
I've personally seen the Mephisto A7v in the "Small town of Brisbane" (2.2 million ppl) & it's quite a sight. Of course it's now at the famed Canberra War Museum which I recommend for any over sees visitors to enjoy.
Lived in Brisbane. It *is* a small town, just with a lot of people in it. I don't care where you're from on the planet, if you go to Brisbane, you will run in to someone from your home town.
Just stumbled across this, It's a great conversation with Anna showing exactly what a good interviewer should do , anticipating the questions the viewer would ask, and moving the conversation along,. Hidden Gem of a video!
She could be a bit better, but... probably not really HER fault. She's doing the best she can I think.
When brings up the Maus, look at the equipment fitted. Who the hell puts a bloody camo net on a Maus??
Might as well have a Jedi as a Crewman doing the old mind tricks "You do not see us." "Huh, I thought I heard a Maus pass by, was probably my imagination."
@Mactrip100 they were talking about the game's maus and dude, you two are necroposting
I mean to be fair
If it was ever actually made and deployed, it's biggest weakness was allied air superiority haha
It would just get bumrushed by infantry and armor, then get bombed to hell
So since they were on the defensive it would make sense to just set it up sniping and hopefully not have it be spotted from the air
I don't think it would be to hide it from anyone while driving haha, anyone within a mile would know
Let me know what the questionable info is, and if I can confirm it, I'll annotate the video with a caption at the appropriate point. I was working from memory.
The huge crew of the A7V, Germany's first big tank, did include a brass oompah band to keep morale up.
Y'know for the longest time I felt like the only guy out there who got all misty-eyed over German WWII tech. It feels so awesome to know you're not alone.
I believe there was an option designed for the Maus to become submersible but it required a second Maus to provide the power to the submerged Maus while it was submerged
Skystalker there indeed was, amazing how far technology has come since.
that was the Tiger
TheBestRUclipsChannelEverTimesInfinity it actually WAS the Maus. Two would be connected to each other, one providing electrical power to the one going under water.
Yep and it was for when you get next to a bridge and couldn't druve on it so you add a snorkel about the height of the whole thing and a tube connected to the second muas and off you went
@Ionor Rea's Tech Evolution Archive wow never knew that thx for the info
Anna is just unbelievably beautiful. She really tried to make it sound like she was interested in all the details but she couldn't really fool me. ;-)
It's incredible how much you know about these tanks! I was thoroughly impressed and it was very interesting to listen to. Though it was very short. This is a topic you really need at least 2 or 3 hours to cover adequately ...
True, and this is exactly what I said at 04:45: That most of the German armoured forces were still Pz I and Pz II during the initial stages of the war. The Pz II was certainly the best tank that the Germans could build at the time, but that doesn't stop the fact that by the time the invasions came along, the Pz III and Pz IV had been decided upon as the 'standard' tanks, obsolenting (is that a word?) the Pz I and Pz II. In effect, they used Pz I and Pz II to develop the doctrine to be used.
From 30:30 to the end ---> That's why I like game so much, "History should not be forgotten."
Keep up bringing us this amazing material Chieftain.
Much love from Brazil!
I live in the small town of 2.3 million people known as Brisbane. I've seen the A7V lots of times. Sadly it got moved back in 2011 due to the massive floods that we had. Should be back in 2017.
Send pics over the pond for us, eh? :D lulz
It's 2018 now. Did you guys got it back?
Sad that the Blitz Removed the Leichtraktor, I still love that little thing.
I've become somewhat of an expert myself just by playing the games, watching the youtubers, listening and reading all of Nick's articles/panels. The only thing better than Nick's hat, is Nick's hat's hat rack.
I love these early days of the pc version, good times , good times. plus fun game with some historical vehicles and not so lol.
I may have mis-spoke. The turrets were actually built by Krupp, but are referred to as the Porsche and Henschel turrets because the turrets that were put onto the first fifty Tiger IIs were originally designed for the Porsche vehicle, Typ 180 (VK 45.02), while the serial production turrets (51 onwards) were purely built for the Henschel chassis. Ferdinand was built on Typ 101 hulls, the turrets for Type 101 were put onto the first Tiger 1s.
If you can tell me the instance, I will put a notation up on the video, but I have not seen confirmation of such an event.
How can anybody that beautiful seem so intelligent and interested in tanks?? I'm seriously baffled and somewhat in love!
Oh, and Anna Prosser also did good. ;-D
"You want to have as few holes in your armor as possible." You nailed it!
Thanks Jingles for making me aware of this channel. And thanks Chieftain for making the videos
You are correct on 'light', I mis-spoke. They did start the war, but they didn't anticipate that the invasion of Poland would start it. German industry was still uparming its armed forces, and the Panzer fleet showed it particularly. Even by the invasion of France, the Pz I and II fleet still heavily outnumbered the PzIII and IV fleet.
cant believe he brushed over the stug like that. That was the most beloved TD the germans had. Let me put it this way, the thing was so important to infantry moral that only a certain number of them could leave the front at a time. Amazing TD. Other than that though, great video, love watching these.
See youtube video "Operation Think Tank Part 4" and go to 14:30 in. Hilary Doyle is the chap answering, if you're not familiar with the name he's basically the final word on German WWII vehicles.
Actually Pz.I and II were perfectly capable light tanks of that time, not the best, but better than many others, and never were intended to be just training vehicles (that was true on american M2 Medium which was considered obsolete right when it was time to begin production). Also Porsche transmission worked just fine, the main problems were caused by faulty air-cooled engines. They could and eventually did use standard Maybach engines (same family as on Tigers and Panthers) but those were underpowered and demanded serious hull modifications. There were some lesser problems (including rivalry in german command) but the main cause of the fail of VK3001p, 4501p and 4502p (in all configurations) were crappy engines.
I don't understand why you would have an historical overview like this with the co-host being historically ignorant-- not even aware of World of Tanks. The Audience is the one who you explain the basics to, not your cohost. The relentless barrage of "Hm" and "Mk" and "Alright, alright", and fake giggles is absolutely MADDENING Richard, dear lord.
The way WG buffs and nerfs for balance and appeal, I don't think they can call their 3D model go-karts dressed up as tanks historical in any way.
I would argue, yes, training tanks. Not only for the use of training the panzertruppen who did not have the full-sized tanks because the engineers hadn't figured out how to build them yet, but also because even the Pz II undertook many changes as the engineers solved problems by practical experience. That said, I will grant that the initial production run did have a tactical requirement as, effectively, machinegun destroyers.
It's a Dev account, not intended for actual play. It has access to everything so it can quick load and test anything they want. Or in this case show whatever they want. In one of the other vids with one you see that they can even select what map and gametype to go into instead of joining the regular MM pool.
OK, if it's the photo I think it is (Link is bad, but I presume it's the one with the hole in the lower right turret front), there are multiple stories behind that one. Contenders are 17pr in combat, 90mm in combat, and a post-combat test fire, depending on which account you want to believe.
you are indeed correct when you say that the last surviving A7V tank (named Mephisto) is located in Brisbane Australia, how we got hold of it is pretty simple, is was nocked out during the second battle of villers breatonaux and subsequently captured by an Australian battalion who wanted to deny it to the Germans. After the fighting was over the British wanted the tank for the imperial war museum, but the Australians put it on a troop carrier back to Brisbane. so in the short of it we nicked it!
PzII was the best the Germans could build at the time, but they had well decided by war's start that the medium tank should be PzIII, with the PzIIs just kept to make up the numbers and to train up the future PzIII crewmen pending the delivery of III. And I never said PzII had Christie, that's why I went to the BT tank when I was talking about it.
I didn't?
Look up the two aticles on the Hatch named "The Ghosts of Ft Knox" and "The Patton Museum"
Hey man, amazing video I hope that you make more of these to educate people like myself and others who want to learn more about these tanks.
Small town in Australia, called Brisbane. Brisbane is the Third Largest City in Australia and the Capital of Queensland, so its not that small. Also the A7V tank (Mephisto s/n: 506) is at the Queensland Museum (In Brisbane). The reason why its there is because the tank was captured at the Second Battle of Villers-Bretonneux on 24 April 1918 by the 26th Battalion of the 7th Brigade who was mostly from Queensland, shipped it back to Australia after the War.
Apart from that nice video, keep it up.
Not to mention the Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck which did some very serious damage. The Germans also developed surface to air rockets, and the first TOW missile used for anti shipping which was a wire guided cruise missle
I don't think that woman has any clue of what the chiftion is taking about
I know this is a year old, but this is the next best thing to real life (or in some cases even better). More please! ^^
Jingles sent me here as well, and you got a vid of exactly what i asked jingles to post :) got my sub
1:15 "some small town"
Yeah, someone needs to belt him over the head with a atlas
Poor girl sounded so bored. I don't get it why was she there?
Just get peppidee or micromaus
You complain when there are no girls, and you complain when there ARE girls. MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Are you gay, or are you straight?! (Or maybe bi?)
I don't think it abour queer or steer, ita about being legitimate. If WG couldn't find a bimbo at rhe museum into gunpowder and steel, WG could email some of the females who play their game like Rita Gamer and have them come along: simple really...
I love history, Thanks jingles
Well earned and does it really matter. He is rewarded for his hard work. I contribute every other month myself its my way of saying Thank you to all for such a great game
I remember hearing that the Maus was fitted with a snorkel. It was too heavy for the bridges and plenty tall and water tight. So it could drive through the water up to its turret or even if it gets deep enough, a snorkel could be out on.
exactly, though they had a great system of pulling unites out of the fight to refit. the newest equipment was sent to newer unites that had just been raised (hitler had a fetish of haveing more divisions on paper) which left unites that could have made use of the best equipment out in the cold
I love those ambient sounds: mhmh, mhmm, ooh, okay, ok, wow and occasional right!
The T32 has incredible turret armor and good enough gun depression to make use of it in a hull down position, but the hull armor lets it down and unless the map has hills it can go hull down behind, lower tier tanks will have a field day penetrating the frontal hull armor.
If it is able to go hull down though, it can withstand pretty much anything. Face-hugging higher tier tanks is also fun.
But the gun lets it down, and what it's good at can be done just as well by the T29 - at a lower tier.
The only remaining A7V is in the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, was in puckapunyal in victoria. It was captured by an australian infantry battalion from no mans land during WWI
It ended up in Brisbane as it was captured by men of the 26th battalion who were local to the Brisbane area, a lot of trophies ended up spread across the country captured by battalions this is obviously the most famous.
Great vid, mate. A lot of info, and all of it clean and free of the usual myths that are so common around this subject. And you pulled it out improvising it :D
BTW, I´ve seen a photo of a KT with multiple frontal hits and an alleged penetration on the turret, from a M 36... or so they say; although it looks more like a test done to an abandoned vehicle... >_>
Based on accounts by Guderian and several other commanders it served both as an improvement over the Pz 1B and was used to train their crews until the Pz IIIC and Pz IIIE started coming in more numbers to their units. So the Chief is correct. The Pz II was never used as a stop gap and was integral to the original Panzer units formations
I was a tad north of you, Balad APR-DEC 2004, and Mosul Jan-Feb 2005.
Hello. Chieftain I am glad that you have put the jingles right over some historical facts I have been trying to do this for some time but he has now banned me from his site. As they say a little knowledge is a dangerous tool and his case very. Some examples of this is the centurion tank was deployed at the Falklands campaign . Only light Rec tanks were deployed.
the a7v "mephisto" is at the Brisbane museum.
NVM its now at the Australian War Memorial.
+magnum wolf It was recovered by Queensland troops who were determined for it to be brought back to Queensland, against all British intentions. Thus it sat outdoors at the Queensland Museum, Brisbane for decades. Recently it was sent to the railway museum at Ipswich for restoration before being loaned to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra for the centenary of World War 1.
I really need more of these videos.. it's amazing.
She gets paid to giggle and say hmm yeah.
Right .....
@@strydyrhellzrydyr1345 7 years ago. Seven. I was a child back then....
Hey! Brisbane's not small...
By Australian standards...
Also we have Mephisto (the A7V in question) because it was a Queensland (the state Brisbane is the capital of) regiment that captured it. We took it home as a war-prize.
The A7 german tank is in the brisbane museum at was captured by ANZAC troops & brought over here after ww1.its got bullet holes all over it,& took a direct hit on the roof when it was disabled in no mans land & used as a snipers nest.
PLEASE go over the late tier german TDs in detail! There's so much awesome lore behind it, it's a shame your time ran out.
The surviving A7V is the 'Mephisto' which is housed in the Queensland Museum in Brisbane, Australia. It was captured by the Australian 26th Battalion of the 7th Brigade, whose members were mostly from Queensland. After capture, the British wanted to bring it to the Imperial War Museum, but the Australians quickly transferred it to a ship along with the 26th Btn. and returned to Brisbane.
Can u talk a bit more about the suspension systems used in tanks? From WWI until now. Like the tortured bars the leaf springs the Christie suspension etc.
Is it possible to hear something about the JagdPanther? It's one of my favourite tanks, and you just skipped it :(
Loved the video though and learned a lot of new stuff! Awesome man!
Great video, I enjoy learning from these tanks and videos with a lot of interesting facts, keep them coming!
Only a handful of PZIV (MarkIV Specials) were at El Alamein. PzIVF2 was the 1st version with the 75L43 and appeared in early - mid 1942. According to accounts the Germans only had 5 at the battle and the rest were mixes of Pz IIIH, IIIJ, Pz IIF's and Italian Tanks. The Brits out numbered the Germans 4 to 1 if not more.
29:45 -"oops that's a premium, you didn't see that"
The A7V Sturmpanzerwagen known as Mephisto was immobilised in
an area close to Villers-Bretonneux called Monument Wood. In July 1918 a
detachment of soldiers from the 26th Battalion, mainly comprised of
Queenslanders, helped recover the abandoned tank and drag it back to the
allied lines. It was sent to Australia as a war trophy, arriving at
Norman Wharf in June 1919 where it was towed by two Brisbane City
Council steamrollers to the Queensland Museum, then located in Fortitude
Valley. It remains the sole surviving A7V tank in the world
(From the Queensland Museum site) Mephisto is short for the name of the demon Mephistopheles, to whom Dr Faustus sold his soul.
Sure, if you can see them. But if the tank has sideskirts, that puts the kaibosh on that plan.
Drives me nuts. Why not get one of the like, 5 women who DO know about this kind of thing instead of some floozy eye candy?
00:45 "Now what basically happened is way back in World War I, you had that little disagreement goin' on in Europe..."
I laughed out loud. :-D Apt that the lol-tractor was on screen at the moment.
I feel you chieftain, I love a good read on WWII
Hi Chieftain, I noticed two very minor mistakes when you were talking about the panzerjager 1 (at about 24 minute mark). The gun mounted was a 47mm Skoda weapon but the conversion was completed by german firms not Skoda. You also mention in passing that the LT-38/Panzer 38t (TNH) was manufactured by Skoda this is common misconception, it was actually designed and manufactured by a now defunct czech company called CKD (renamed BMM during the war). You can blame jingles for me being here too.
Excited about my E100! Wish he was able to talk about it......
I just Love this series! Understanding the history of these tanks makes them even more fun to play! And some background information cant be bad :D. Pls make these for the russian and french too.
What a stupid idea to have a pretty woman on screen just because she is pretty. She doesn't know anything about tanks and doesn't care,she's just there to collect her pay.
lol 4:30 tier II tank is one of my current tanks in the game, and I still can't believe its only a training tank. I keep winning with that tank, its fast, accurate, and shoots really fast after an upgrade. Although its a light tank that keeps beaten by a long range (the one that only stays at the base just like an artillery) still its efficient to use.
I'm really glad I joined after full release these graphics look like an early 2000's game
damnit I was really hoping you'd talk about the SPGs I want to know about my Hummel dangit
"ha,hum,hu,yeah" x 100.
At first her "responces" didnt bother me. But at 20 mins in the video it started scraping my brain too freaking bad to even care what was been said.
I get it - she dont give a damn and thats fine but atleast be quiet if you cant saysomething ffs.
thanks for honoring the 1st Cav. wearing one of our Stetsons, it suits you, mount up we'll take you on a charge with us! SFC Bosse, 1st Cav. Al-Taji, Iraq Dec, 2003- April, 2005. 1st Team!
And that is the part that made me give a like, because that is a fact, which is not know by the wide public. I am happy, that someone mentioned that finally!
FYI but I would imagine you know this. The take you mention that is sitting outdoors in Aberdeen, MD. The US Army Ordinance Museum was all taken down and sent to Ft. Lee Virgina. The entire US Army Ordinance Corps was packed up and sent to Ft. Lee. If you get a chance you will have a grand time at that Museum. I did my Training in Aberdeen Proving Grounds.
+Andrew Arndts
Is the Museum open? I thought it still wasn't built.
+Panzer_ Bill The Museum should be open... From the "ordmusfound dot org ;phase III is scheduled to be completed by December 15, 2011. The APG
facility remains open so ordinance junkies can still get their fix until
these stalwarts of two World Wars and other conflicts complete their
move. The new facilities will be on the Fort Lee campus near the site of the Women’s Army Corp and the Quartermaster’s Museums." I feel albeit jealousy to all those new recruits who no longer have to "guard" all those tanks in an area of an acre and a half field.
I can't find a museum website for the tanks at Fort Lee, but the wikipedia site states: "As of September 2015, the museum is completely closed to all non-military visitors, but the remaining outdoor displays are open to members of the military with ID."
+Panzer_ Bill try ordmusfound dot org wikepedia isn't the most up to date nor correct info.
A last note, I ground up the German line so I could get a Tiger and was hugely disappointed at first. It was nothing like the history books and I had to accept the fact that game balance was the goal. It is in fact an excellent tank once you get the hang of how to use it best. Hang just behind the heavier armored tanks and use your sniping and faster reloads along with better accuracy to provide support, I am still trying to get there in action despite knowing what to do
Just for your info +The_Chieftain the A7 Is in Canberra our nations capital, in our National War memorial, which for us is like a combination of the Arlington national cemetery and the Imperial War Museum.
At the time I recorded the video (several years ago), it was in Brisbane. I've been to the AWM, also several years ago.
This is a completely tangential comment. In any case, Guard units were regular divisions/armies which had proved themselves in combat. "Guard," was therefore an award and upgrade. There were 11 Guards Combined Arms, and 6 Guards Tank Armies. After "Deep Battle" was adopted, it was only Guards or other heavily equipped units which would engage German tankers. Conscript Units would flank past and murder retreating infantry/airfields/HQ/supplies, etc.
Source: Tank Tactics, by Jarymowicz.
Actually, the Mantlet on the turret is very strong and it covers up about half the turret front as well
Pz II was the best that the German military could produce in the mid 1930s. The Germans knew that they were not satisfactory for the complete range of missions that the tank was to perform, but they were simply incapable of building those tanks. Indeed, they noted that the main reason for the continued production of the PZ II beyond the intial 200 was to avoid the loss of the skilled engineers by keeping them busy while the designers worked out the technical difficulties on the larger vehicles.
I wish you talked more about the TDs. It was really interesting
Su-152's were used in ambush situations. 700m was normal for engagement range, 12,000m for indirect fire.
Su-152's HE shells weighed ~43 kilos, or ~100lbs. Do you have any idea what 40 kilos of high explosive does? There is a reason the SU/ISU 152's were nicknamed "Beast killer." The first 12 produced knocked out 10 Tiger I's and 7 Ferdinands at Kursk.
Do you plan on doing a video on infantry anti tank weapons of WW2? Just curious, I used to study them quite frequently. I especially love how the Molotov cocktail was invented and named after Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov. There are also the German anti tank rifles, the British Boys anti tank rifle which was used quite successfully against Japanese armor, the PTRS and PTRD rifles. The German Infantry had to dig holes in pre WW2 and have tanks roll over the holes to get used to the feeling.
Due to time limitations, I had to prioritise what I wanted to talk about. We are familiar with T92, but I am not in a position to comment about its possible inclusion or exclusion.
I didn't see that too much. German tanks are often spoke too highly of. Don't get me wrong, I love them. Got a Panther II sitting in my garage right now that I love. They are just exaggerated too often, nice to see someone talking about them realistically for a change.
Yeh, it'd be easier to listen to without her 'oh yeh' 'really' 'mm' *I have no idea what youre talking about...*
Well tbh female presenters on any gaming show/conference are sadly mostly there for looks and presentation. I don't like it, I think it would be better to have actual gamers, but planners seem to think sex sells. Which it does...
I actually don't mind her too much because well she doesn't know much about game and tanks, but at least she's not pretending to know. Presenters who tries to come off as genuine gamer when clearly reading from a scripts are the worst. This presenter does it to lesser degree.
I agree about the "oh yeh" "really" "mm" conversational fillers she throws out, but when she makes comments or asks questions they are generally useful. Especially if the purpose is to interest a broader audience than the die-hard gamers who already know this stuff.
I like making her say "oh yeh", "really" and "mm".
Keep going with the TD's!
Ferdinan v. Jagpanther 2
JPanther II is not real thats why they didnt discuss it.
in the game they should have a way that you can take the tracks off the bt-2 if it gets tracked maybe a consumable
why? BTW if you don't know her she is the 2011 Miss Oregon, an E-sport figure and also the manager of SC2 team EG.
Also the Tiger couldn't penetrate an IS-2 beyond 300 meters, yet in this game it is equipped with the L/71 (which it never was equipped with) and can easily penetrate the IS-3, IS-8 and pretty much anything with good aim.
I want to redress one of your points.
A Tiger II was penetrated frontally in combat by a 17pdr APDS
The conversation with your dad is FUNNY!
i always come back here for a good laugh