I'll be keeping this video up to date in the description at least, so if anything changes check there first :) Kha'zix is one of the best junglers around right now. Mega strong at destroying the enemy jungler and being aggressive early. This video will help you play him to his utmost effectiveness!
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player Is this video talking about high elos or just in general because in Gold it is incredibly easy to carry by evolving Q first and getting isolation kills, where as if i evolved W i would have to rely more on my team to win games...
I think the skill order W>Q>E is good if you only want to farm your jungle. I think that if you want to counter jungle, It's better to max Q first because you will always find the other jungler isolated and you will deal more damage. What can you say about that?
I thin q evolve first is pretty decent for counterjungling, after getting ahead. Main kha'zix speaking here, but just gold elo. I guess it won't work that we'll on higher elo since it gives more opportunities to counterplay.. Yet still nightblue3 does well with it
Daniel Streit evolved Q scales better with your lvl so I don't think that it will make a great difference at lvl 6 but having the reset on the E it's better and let's you play more risky
Nice guide! Still a Kha'Zix jungle main at heart so it helps to know, post-change, what I should be evolving. RIP old Q. On a separate note, that Shyvana dive at 2:15 was amazing. You walked up, did not hit her, took no tower aggro, and she flashed, so you just walked to the right another step. xD
I main Kha and have been for quite a long time. Didn't really teach me anything but it's always nice to see people agree with what I do. My logic in evolving W first is that 50% slow, not for the accuracy or damage but simply the slow as it makes gank almost always successful. I would only ever evolve Q first if 2/3 lanes were winning without me AND I was counterjungling very heavily against a Lee Sin as if you both max and evolve it you can find him and kill him easily. Do not do so if the prerequisites are not met though. Personally I use Armor Pen Marks for that extra bit of damage and go full scaling MR Glyphs as in the jungle the early MR isn't needed quite as much and become worth it very early. I typically go WEQ but as the other was stated QEW in certain situations. I never get my jump first as it sacrifices alot of damage you would've had otherwise and in my test games is less reliable in ganks unless you only gank when you have red buff and even then that is alot of time not having map pressure.
Q-E-R/ E-Q-R is a viable choice if ypu're massively ahead too, because r gives u the extra charge and longer stealth and its good when you're dueling or in teamfights so when u jump in you have an extra second b4 they can turn on you, which gives ur team more time to follow up. Also evo r over w if you have enough wave clear already since thats what evo'd w is mainly used for.
Actually evolving R is great against certain heroes that also have invisibility or charge stuns, since it allows you to approach without being targeted. But mostly evolve it first/second if they are winning their lanes, if not keep it as the third evolution so you wont get bursted by them.
I used to do the WEQ evolution path. But now I used the EQW and I find it very effective as I can reliably game from greater distances and if I get the kill a good free escape. As long as you can memorise the range of the straight spike the utility of the 2 extra spikes other than the slow can wait as the passive procs already. Also guardians of the Sands kha'zix is best kha'zix you'll love the evolved Q sound trust me on that.
Good to know I'm doing everything the easiest/most recommended way, even since before people started picking him again in the LCS after his Q (and W, and R) change :)
I still follow the evolution order Q E R because i think that tripled stealth time does matter more than higher CHANCES on hitting W (this is related to my favourite 1v1 style, not the stand-on-a-distance-and-poke-style:). However in a rare occasion, when I REALLY can't innitiate on some (for instance in lack of Gold/XP or because of lots of hard CC) i take the Q E W route.
Foxy you have no idea how angry my friend (who mained kha when he first got good) got when I told him youre supposed to max his w now XD it was funny to watch
Kha feels so strong right now past 2 ranked games on him have been 18/0/12 and 7/0/5 maxing w first and evolving e first that's my personal preference makes you have really good dive potential and chase
Evolving W does not affect jungle clear speed and substain. It's important to note that evolved W does not work the same way as Grave's buckshot; the damage dealt by evolved voidspike is the same regardless of how many projectiles land on the target. As for the healing power of voidspike, i doubt the aoe of multiple voidspikes stack either.
Dandy evolved e w q last week in worlds, and it's what i've been doing ever since. If you can reliably land your w the gained range and resets on e make it a much better build early. If you can't reliably land w then you should evolve it first. But regardless of what evolution you take maxing w first is definitely the way to go.
I max my w while evolve my q because your evolved isolated damage scales with your level making it harder to land w but the ganks in the early game are amazing
I actually really like to max W first, but evolve Q, E, W, if I get fed early/ try to counter jungle. Otherwise E, Q, W for making riskyer plays. Imo the W poke isnt really needed till real team fights start... But lets see how things are after his nerf next patch :D
I personally like to max and evolve q first because I like to constantly invade and fight the enemy jungler Max q (and evolve it) -> max w second (but evolve it last) -> evolve e (but max it last)
I actually like the "inferior" build better. I've been playing Kha'Zix since I started League a year and a half ago, and I don't think you should worry about chasing someone and hitting W when you can outright kill them in two hits by evolving Q and maxing it
Hi Foxdrop, I've been wondering if it's be possible for you to make a jungle gameplay of Hecarim or Sejuani in S4. Thanks for the great videos en guides. Keep it up :D
Foxdrop I don't agree with Evolving R being a bad option in every game. If I am against teams who I can't go in against with jump (can't dive) and enemies have who escape with dashes, rather multiple ones (Vayne, Fizz, Yasuo) I find evolving ultimate as the best choice since if they jump multiple times I'm always able to catch up. If I had leap or W I would be able to catch up only once.
For jungling I max wqe and evolve eqw, for laning i max qwe and evolve qew. The extra sustain and aoe damage on maxed w in the jungle makes clearing camps easy, and the extra leap range from evolved e is great for ganks. But the damage boost on maxed and evolved q is too good to pass up in lane.
I main kha and I have tried to evolve all the evolutions first in different games and this is what I experienced. Wings-Much better ganks, easier dives, very good fast executions and dissengage. Spikes (W)-Decent ganks, more AOE alot of great sustain in the jungle but not better than wings in my opinion. Q-Good burst but kinda useless early, only good thing is the longer range early. R-useless.
I've been playing Khazix for a little over a year now he's been my main for ever since I lasted my eyes on him when I started 2 years ago saved up bought him and he's been my best champ followed by Lee I've always stuck to the evolve q first and max it first because I'm always counter jungling and then I get my e and the r for the survivability late game this pulls me scores of 10+/2/5 I am usually the one to get fed when playing Khazix so I wreck late game
I've been doing the Kakao path despite the rework. I just like the damage when dueling, that is, until I decided to join the crowd lol. Still, pretty cool seeing I'm not the only one who still does this :D
I've been maining Kha'Zix as long as I've jungled. I personally have almost always gone the e, q, w path and maxed q first. Kha'Zix is an assassin and I find it unnatural to play as anything else. In my opinion the W evolve doesn't offer that much to take it instead of the CRAZY damage on q or the delicious range and resets on e.
Why would you max Q if you're evolving it? The isolation damage when his claws are evolved scales with CHAMPION level, not ABILITY level. I max W and evolve Q and it's brilliant.
I main Kha'zix and only thing I'll say is don't let others control YOUR gameplay. This guide is useful but I still prefer evolving r just because stealth that Kha'zix needs. And ofc that awesome red color. Just my opinion.
I'm in gold first season and I always go w q e evolve and max, if I was on a 5s team I would do the e w q but honestly so little of most solo queue games is about early grouping/team fights so e max not last is pretty shit IMO at lower elos and by the time it does come down to teamfights you should be 16. Some games when my team is really terrible I'll evolve r last for split pushing, better dueling an escape if you evolve r than q
Foxdrop if you are asking me if i want to max my ulti to look black then yes i will still keep leveling my ulti lv 6 to turn black as fast as possible remember once u go black you never go back
Personally since i started evolving Q first my early game ganks are more successful. The burst damage on evolved Q is a bit insane. I then go E, W. I will try taking W over Q and see how it goes though.
What if you are laning with kha mid? I tend to max WQE and evolve QER. I guess I can evolve QEW but I feel that his R evolve is really handy as a utility if you are fed. His W evolve doesn't give any extra damage when in a dueling situation compared to his R. I think if you know how to position yourself well and find isolated targets for 1v1, I think evolving R may give some more advantage. Please give me feedback so I know.
just saying, like he did say in the video, after the nerfs kha's evolved R was nerfed, you no longer get the damage reduction from it, all it gives you is a funky looking skin and an extra invisibility.
^^ I think its really underrated. If you fall behind as kha and you build tanky early, ult evolution is much more valueable than Q evolution because you aren't going to be doing much damage anyway with evolved Q regardless of isolation.
The problem is that its usefulness is all but nullified when enemies get sweepers. Later on in the game, at least two people (usually more) will get sweepers, making it a risky evolution later on. There are less sweepers early, however you don't really want to evolve your ult over your other abilities early either. Imo it's not worth it regardless, and its 'utility' aspect is unreliable at best later on.
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player well that may be the case in plat or diamond, bu in gold or lower no one buys sweepers and the ult can help nullify agro in a team fight like an akali w.
Lensius I'm in Silver and main kha, I ALWAYS buy an upgraded sweeper no matter what my role because you are better off buying green and pink wards anyways evolving your ult still isnt all that worth it
Gatrax You have to think of the advantages the w evolve gives you over the ult, extra slow more aoe and the ability to hit more targets. The ult means more slows, more sticking power, more escape opportunity, more diving in and out type plays, long stealth alows you to wait out your q cooldown if its 2 seconds, eisier to break focus on you if they don't sweepers and cool colour reskin. In my opinion its not worth evolving w as hydra gives enough clear, i would only evolve w if my team is seriously lacking clear the advantages i have stated are more beneficial otherwise in my opinion. P.S before you say w improves clear, it wont or burst as the spikes dont stack - only one can hit your target and 1 spike has enough aoe to hit the entire camp. The only thing that's going to increase spike damage is leveling it. My main point is that evolving w is inferior to ult most of the time - w evolve is overated.
Although I don't play kha much or jungle really (support main) I prefer the Q E W route, as it is exactly like you said, it feels like old kha. That being said unless you are constantly invading or catching people out I think w e q or e q w would be better all in all. Anyone care to share their thoughts on this?
Is it not entirely plausible (and even good) to evolve your Q first, if you are maxing W first? If I evolve Q-E-W (in that order), while maxing W first, wouldn't I have a) solid isolation damage bc of my evolved Q and b) solid W damage because it's maxed first? That way I have 2 skills that do solid damage (if I can nail the w skillshot, anyways).
How About maxing w and evolve q first? this way your jungle speed will be the fastest also the counter jungle dueling power is huge as long as you dont miss w tho lol
I was really good with the old kha zix, i Max R,W,Q,E, And i evolve E,Q,W because i like the Mobility on E And i Max W because it clears faster and then u max Q second u evolved at on the same Time When it has 5 points
Here is what nightblue thinks: Max q + q evolve if your team has long ranged waveclear, and u think u can kill/snowball off the enemy jungler. Max w + w evolve if your team needs waveclear and u CANT snowball off enemy jungler. Always evolve e second Evolve r third if enmy isnt buying oracles or pinks, and dont have sightseeing abilitys, and u want to reposition in fights.
How I see it (What to evolve first): Never evolve R Evolve Q when snowballing Evolve E when you can gank easily or when there are a lot of teamfights (jump in, reck someone's face, jump out) Evolve W when you can farm without making your lanes lose or if your team needs poke
Prometech1 lol I played 3 games after this, won them all, in the first one there was a varus on my team, later in the game, the enemies went to do baron, so varus and I went to baron pit, killed the two guys that .were fighting it and then killed baron. Was so good.
Undertron Kha is my favourite jungler right now, but when i stopped playing for a while and gave my account to a friend he refunded my kha for rengar and a skin. The sadness is real.
hey fox :-)m njust somthing i would really like to see is that you put a link to the patch notes in the descripsion, if your video has anything to do with a video ;-)
i still believe evolving w is a bad choice. i prefer evolving e -> q -> r as i can gank and stand alone more with e and q when you can stay 2 seconds stealth on late game so you can approach enemy adc or leave the engage safely. if the enemy has true vision then evolving w is a better choice as your ult is wasted
***** if you could use w while on air it would been a perfect combo but they disabled it. with ult you can survive more when you get chased or when you chase someone
hi foxdrp..I just brought kha'zix and i wanted to know which would be the best build. and I am only lvl 15 and its my first account and I dont have any tier 3 runes yet, and my masteries are 14,2,0 so I keep dropping to low health quite soon in the jungle at the start after a buff and a wolf camp..also I have been maxing my q first to engage on a single target more and do more damage while ganking so after I have seen this video I am little confused as to what to do first.
Hey does anyone know what the state of top kha zix is as i used to play him a while back and want to play him top again and am wondering if its worth bothering
Dude that build path is like more than a year old, it was only viable back when mid lane Kha got nerfed (evolved w doesn't proc passive). So you're wasting 30% slow, easy to hit and give vision w, just so you can get stealth for 1 more sec which doesn't even give damage reduction. Think about his builds, they are wastly superior than yours.
ortoni099 Thats what I said....Should try it once. By now I tried it, and I must say I dont evolve my ult anymore (ofcourse depends on how the game rolls)
Wouldn't evolving ult be good for proccing unseen threat and trinity force for damage in duels? Or is it not even worth it for that? those 6 secs of not being able to be hit by auto attacks are pretty good when you're fighting someone stabby.
Thomas Tram Clear speed isn't improved by evolving w, is it? AFAIK, the damage from the spikes don't stack. it just increases the slow and cone. When clearing jungle you're standing right there and the explosion would hit them all anyway, no? Plus, 2 sec could help with the inviso-ganks.
I'm a strange person, I max W, Q, E in that order then evolve Q, E, R, I played a single game maxing W and evolving it and I just didn't like it so I never evolve it now :/
Seems live you ve never played kha with evolving q first ;) cause this is the most destroying spell in early levels if you know how to use it correctly and how to force enemies to separate them selves from their team. I Carry 90% of my games in high elo and on my smurf in plat too cause the early lead i get by evolving q first makes the game nearly unloosable (if thats a word xD) But be sure you tell your Team in champselect to pick at least one char with engage that you can follow up so you can get your dmg of and Zone their carries to isolation without getting focused in the first few seconds Otherwise you should just go for w
I think i'm the only one that makes the honorable mention :P I dont like playing jungle the "common" way let's say, I prefer counter jungling lots more than just farming and ganking.
I'll be keeping this video up to date in the description at least, so if anything changes check there first :)
Kha'zix is one of the best junglers around right now. Mega strong at destroying the enemy jungler and being aggressive early. This video will help you play him to his utmost effectiveness!
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player
Is this video talking about high elos or just in general because in Gold it is incredibly easy to carry by evolving Q first and getting isolation kills, where as if i evolved W i would have to rely more on my team to win games...
I think the skill order W>Q>E is good if you only want to farm your jungle. I think that if you want to counter jungle, It's better to max Q first because you will always find the other jungler isolated and you will deal more damage. What can you say about that?
U said something about the kakao do u have his ign for the KR server?
I thin q evolve first is pretty decent for counterjungling, after getting ahead. Main kha'zix speaking here, but just gold elo. I guess it won't work that we'll on higher elo since it gives more opportunities to counterplay.. Yet still nightblue3 does well with it
Daniel Streit evolved Q scales better with your lvl so I don't think that it will make a great difference at lvl 6 but having the reset on the E it's better and let's you play more risky
I love the small things you put on your videos for example the fiora "dc" and calculated engage :D
0:27 wow, you said that without laughing; legendary, man x'D
EDIT: this was one of your best guides yet!
I really appreciate this Fox, I can't tell you how long I've had teh struggles
Nice guide! Still a Kha'Zix jungle main at heart so it helps to know, post-change, what I should be evolving. RIP old Q.
On a separate note, that Shyvana dive at 2:15 was amazing. You walked up, did not hit her, took no tower aggro, and she flashed, so you just walked to the right another step. xD
I main Kha and have been for quite a long time. Didn't really teach me anything but it's always nice to see people agree with what I do. My logic in evolving W first is that 50% slow, not for the accuracy or damage but simply the slow as it makes gank almost always successful. I would only ever evolve Q first if 2/3 lanes were winning without me AND I was counterjungling very heavily against a Lee Sin as if you both max and evolve it you can find him and kill him easily. Do not do so if the prerequisites are not met though.
Personally I use Armor Pen Marks for that extra bit of damage and go full scaling MR Glyphs as in the jungle the early MR isn't needed quite as much and become worth it very early.
I typically go WEQ but as the other was stated QEW in certain situations. I never get my jump first as it sacrifices alot of damage you would've had otherwise and in my test games is less reliable in ganks unless you only gank when you have red buff and even then that is alot of time not having map pressure.
Will defenitly be passing this video on! Thanks foxdrop :3
Q-E-R/ E-Q-R is a viable choice if ypu're massively ahead too, because r gives u the extra charge and longer stealth and its good when you're dueling or in teamfights so when u jump in you have an extra second b4 they can turn on you, which gives ur team more time to follow up. Also evo r over w if you have enough wave clear already since thats what evo'd w is mainly used for.
Actually evolving R is great against certain heroes that also have invisibility or charge stuns, since it allows you to approach without being targeted. But mostly evolve it first/second if they are winning their lanes, if not keep it as the third evolution so you wont get bursted by them.
I used to do the WEQ evolution path. But now I used the EQW and I find it very effective as I can reliably game from greater distances and if I get the kill a good free escape. As long as you can memorise the range of the straight spike the utility of the 2 extra spikes other than the slow can wait as the passive procs already. Also guardians of the Sands kha'zix is best kha'zix you'll love the evolved Q sound trust me on that.
The evolved q isolated ad ratio is HUGE so i find it very good in the mid lane
Man... that porn joke was too much for me.
Good to know I'm doing everything the easiest/most recommended way, even since before people started picking him again in the LCS after his Q (and W, and R) change :)
Love the redtube reference. My favorite category is personality
I still follow the evolution order Q E R because i think that tripled stealth time does matter more than higher CHANCES on hitting W (this is related to my favourite 1v1 style, not the stand-on-a-distance-and-poke-style:). However in a rare occasion, when I REALLY can't innitiate on some (for instance in lack of Gold/XP or because of lots of hard CC) i take the Q E W route.
Foxy you have no idea how angry my friend (who mained kha when he first got good) got when I told him youre supposed to max his w now XD it was funny to watch
Kha feels so strong right now past 2 ranked games on him have been 18/0/12 and 7/0/5 maxing w first and evolving e first that's my personal preference makes you have really good dive potential and chase
Wooooow! That serious Redtube refference hahaha. Im cracking up!
Evolving W does not affect jungle clear speed and substain. It's important to note that evolved W does not work the same way as Grave's buckshot; the damage dealt by evolved voidspike is the same regardless of how many projectiles land on the target. As for the healing power of voidspike, i doubt the aoe of multiple voidspikes stack either.
Thanks for the video man! I love playing Kha'Zix, and this surely helps alot. I was a bit uncertain about the evolutions. Big fan \0
no one noticed the redtube thing at 0:29 ?
I died when he said that lmfaooo. "For those who browse RedTube through the categories section..." 😂😂😂
Dandy evolved e w q last week in worlds, and it's what i've been doing ever since. If you can reliably land your w the gained range and resets on e make it a much better build early. If you can't reliably land w then you should evolve it first. But regardless of what evolution you take maxing w first is definitely the way to go.
I max my w while evolve my q because your evolved isolated damage scales with your level making it harder to land w but the ganks in the early game are amazing
I really like the Kakao path and iam using it all the time
I actually really like to max W first, but evolve Q, E, W, if I get fed early/ try to counter jungle. Otherwise E, Q, W for making riskyer plays. Imo the W poke isnt really needed till real team fights start...
But lets see how things are after his nerf next patch :D
Nice, have been waiting on this since you said you would do this :)
I personally like to max and evolve q first because I like to constantly invade and fight the enemy jungler
Max q (and evolve it) -> max w second (but evolve it last) -> evolve e (but max it last)
howd you know i wanted a video on this fox? your good your good
I been doing the E Q W Evo path since 4.15 while of course maxing W 1st
I actually like the "inferior" build better. I've been playing Kha'Zix since I started League a year and a half ago, and I don't think you should worry about chasing someone and hitting W when you can outright kill them in two hits by evolving Q and maxing it
Hi Foxdrop, I've been wondering if it's be possible for you to make a jungle gameplay of Hecarim or Sejuani in S4. Thanks for the great videos en guides. Keep it up :D
Foxdrop I don't agree with Evolving R being a bad option in every game. If I am against teams who I can't go in against with jump (can't dive) and enemies have who escape with dashes, rather multiple ones (Vayne, Fizz, Yasuo) I find evolving ultimate as the best choice since if they jump multiple times I'm always able to catch up. If I had leap or W I would be able to catch up only once.
For jungling I max wqe and evolve eqw, for laning i max qwe and evolve qew. The extra sustain and aoe damage on maxed w in the jungle makes clearing camps easy, and the extra leap range from evolved e is great for ganks. But the damage boost on maxed and evolved q is too good to pass up in lane.
thanks dude i was needing this :D
"Calculated engage" rofl, you are the best
lmao. i love the salt and jokes in this while still keeping it informative.
I main kha and I have tried to evolve all the evolutions first in different games and this is what I experienced.
Wings-Much better ganks, easier dives, very good fast executions and dissengage.
Spikes (W)-Decent ganks, more AOE alot of great sustain in the jungle but not better than wings in my opinion.
Q-Good burst but kinda useless early, only good thing is the longer range early.
i still love Evo EQW, still i'll try out the others evo. Ty Fox love your videos :3
I've been playing Khazix for a little over a year now he's been my main for ever since I lasted my eyes on him when I started 2 years ago saved up bought him and he's been my best champ followed by Lee I've always stuck to the evolve q first and max it first because I'm always counter jungling and then I get my e and the r for the survivability late game this pulls me scores of 10+/2/5 I am usually the one to get fed when playing Khazix so I wreck late game
I've been doing the Kakao path despite the rework. I just like the damage when dueling, that is, until I decided to join the crowd lol. Still, pretty cool seeing I'm not the only one who still does this :D
erm kakao route max what?
erm kakao route max what?
Ng Yiyang KaKAO route has the same skill order. WQE. Evolves EQW
i fucking love, these quick 3 min guides.
I've been maining Kha'Zix as long as I've jungled.
I personally have almost always gone the e, q, w path and maxed q first.
Kha'Zix is an assassin and I find it unnatural to play as anything else.
In my opinion the W evolve doesn't offer that much to take it instead of the CRAZY damage on q or the delicious range and resets on e.
Why would you max Q if you're evolving it? The isolation damage when his claws are evolved scales with CHAMPION level, not ABILITY level. I max W and evolve Q and it's brilliant.
I main Kha'zix and only thing I'll say is don't let others control YOUR gameplay. This guide is useful but I still prefer evolving r just because stealth that Kha'zix needs. And ofc that awesome red color. Just my opinion.
oohhhh, gotta show my friend this... and dat redtube shoutout (lol)...
Thanks man really helped me
I'm in gold first season and I always go w q e evolve and max, if I was on a 5s team I would do the e w q but honestly so little of most solo queue games is about early grouping/team fights so e max not last is pretty shit IMO at lower elos and by the time it does come down to teamfights you should be 16. Some games when my team is really terrible I'll evolve r last for split pushing, better dueling an escape if you evolve r than q
Foxdrop if you are asking me if i want to max my ulti to look black then yes i will still keep leveling my ulti lv 6 to turn black as fast as possible remember once u go black you never go back
I do E, Q, W, Max Q.
I only evolve ult when they have a zed or something so that i can deny his deathmark damage.
Personally since i started evolving Q first my early game ganks are more successful. The burst damage on evolved Q is a bit insane. I then go E, W. I will try taking W over Q and see how it goes though.
which is better?
pro and cons ?
u r best mr.Drop
3:16 Foxdrop the boy who lived
What if you are laning with kha mid? I tend to max WQE and evolve QER. I guess I can evolve QEW but I feel that his R evolve is really handy as a utility if you are fed. His W evolve doesn't give any extra damage when in a dueling situation compared to his R. I think if you know how to position yourself well and find isolated targets for 1v1, I think evolving R may give some more advantage. Please give me feedback so I know.
just saying, like he did say in the video, after the nerfs kha's evolved R was nerfed, you no longer get the damage reduction from it, all it gives you is a funky looking skin and an extra invisibility.
Thnx dude, this is quite helpfull
Foxdrop bad ass!!!!
TY Foxii you are the best
Ty very much, very nice guide. Ty bro
The purpose of Ult is the utility and how much time it buys for your cooldowns to be up. 6 seconds are ALOT
^^ I think its really underrated. If you fall behind as kha and you build tanky early, ult evolution is much more valueable than Q evolution because you aren't going to be doing much damage anyway with evolved Q regardless of isolation.
The problem is that its usefulness is all but nullified when enemies get sweepers. Later on in the game, at least two people (usually more) will get sweepers, making it a risky evolution later on. There are less sweepers early, however you don't really want to evolve your ult over your other abilities early either.
Imo it's not worth it regardless, and its 'utility' aspect is unreliable at best later on.
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player
well that may be the case in plat or diamond, bu in gold or lower no one buys sweepers and the ult can help nullify agro in a team fight like an akali w.
Lensius I'm in Silver and main kha, I ALWAYS buy an upgraded sweeper no matter what my role because you are better off buying green and pink wards anyways
evolving your ult still isnt all that worth it
You have to think of the advantages the w evolve gives you over the ult, extra slow more aoe and the ability to hit more targets. The ult means more slows, more sticking power, more escape opportunity, more diving in and out type plays, long stealth alows you to wait out your q cooldown if its 2 seconds, eisier to break focus on you if they don't sweepers and cool colour reskin.
In my opinion its not worth evolving w as hydra gives enough clear, i would only evolve w if my team is seriously lacking clear the advantages i have stated are more beneficial otherwise in my opinion.
P.S before you say w improves clear, it wont or burst as the spikes dont stack - only one can hit your target and 1 spike has enough aoe to hit the entire camp. The only thing that's going to increase spike damage is leveling it. My main point is that evolving w is inferior to ult most of the time - w evolve is overated.
nice vid man!
Is it a good idea to max and evolve Q first in order to go in the enemy's jungle and try to fight him 1v1??
Although I don't play kha much or jungle really (support main) I prefer the Q E W route, as it is exactly like you said, it feels like old kha. That being said unless you are constantly invading or catching people out I think w e q or e q w would be better all in all. Anyone care to share their thoughts on this?
I usually go QWE or WQE, seems to work for me most of the time
Is it not entirely plausible (and even good) to evolve your Q first, if you are maxing W first? If I evolve Q-E-W (in that order), while maxing W first, wouldn't I have a) solid isolation damage bc of my evolved Q and b) solid W damage because it's maxed first? That way I have 2 skills that do solid damage (if I can nail the w skillshot, anyways).
really nice interesting vid. keep up :)
How About maxing w and evolve q first? this way your jungle speed will be the fastest also the counter jungle dueling power is huge
as long as you dont miss w tho lol
That calculated engage
I was really good with the old kha zix, i Max R,W,Q,E, And i evolve E,Q,W because i like the Mobility on E And i Max W because it clears faster and then u max Q second u evolved at on the same Time When it has 5 points
Here is what nightblue thinks: Max q + q evolve if your team has long ranged waveclear, and u think u can kill/snowball off the enemy jungler.
Max w + w evolve if your team needs waveclear and u CANT snowball off enemy jungler.
Always evolve e second
Evolve r third if enmy isnt buying oracles or pinks, and dont have sightseeing abilitys, and u want to reposition in fights.
How I see it (What to evolve first):
Never evolve R
Evolve Q when snowballing
Evolve E when you can gank easily or when there are a lot of teamfights (jump in, reck someone's face, jump out)
Evolve W when you can farm without making your lanes lose or if your team needs poke
I agree, but I would add this to 'Evovle W': If your team needs wave clear.
ye well, problem is you'd need to hit the wave from the side, otherwise the only the 2 first minions get hit orso
Ye well what if you are being pushed on by enemy team and can't walk around easily?
TryBeforeQuitting just buy a ravenous hydra do it all the time its so good,you have major split push potential.
Hey foxdrop , how did you get your passive at 0:32 ?
*Immediately gets rekd by a Varus*
Prometech1 lol I played 3 games after this, won them all, in the first one there was a varus on my team, later in the game, the enemies went to do baron, so varus and I went to baron pit, killed the two guys that .were fighting it and then killed baron.
Was so good.
Undertron Kha is my favourite jungler right now, but when i stopped playing for a while and gave my account to a friend he refunded my kha for rengar and a skin. The sadness is real.
Prometech1 damn ;__; sorry btuv
Undertron lol dw bought him again and he is so fun still. almost got penta too, nerfed too much my ass.
i normally go WQE i find it makes clears faster and im more of a poke person tapping them down then burst
i evolve my R instead of W
Mostly because i buy trinity force and with the evolved R i can use it more :P
Great vid
I personally like evolving my ult. I guess it's all personal prefference?
if you evolve E first you still max W first?
amazing introduction =P
hey fox :-)m njust somthing i would really like to see is that you put a link to the patch notes in the descripsion, if your video has anything to do with a video ;-)
Very helpful
Lol, 5 min ago I played vs that fizz in ranked xD whats the chances
Only evolve R for split push if your team has none
Question, is CDR better than MR cause for kha'zix?
i still believe evolving w is a bad choice. i prefer evolving e -> q -> r as i can gank and stand alone more with e and q when you can stay 2 seconds stealth on late game so you can approach enemy adc or leave the engage safely. if the enemy has true vision then evolving w is a better choice as your ult is wasted
***** if you could use w while on air it would been a perfect combo but they disabled it. with ult you can survive more when you get chased or when you chase someone
Fox, y doesn't maxing w, q, then e and evolving q, e, then w work?
Q Max, Q Evolve is so 1 Track Mind. The others are a lot better over all and are more versatile, especially for something as hectic as SoloQ. IMO
hi foxdrp..I just brought kha'zix and i wanted to know which would be the best build. and I am only lvl 15 and its my first account and I dont have any tier 3 runes yet, and my masteries are 14,2,0 so I keep dropping to low health quite soon in the jungle at the start after a buff and a wolf camp..also I have been maxing my q first to engage on a single target more and do more damage while ganking so after I have seen this video I am little confused as to what to do first.
Hey does anyone know what the state of top kha zix is as i used to play him a while back and want to play him top again and am wondering if its worth bothering
oh boy... redtube? srs?
Foxy your opinions on fiora top?
I actually dont evolve W. I go QER. Ofcourse im still in silver so not much pink warding etc. I also max Q first. Should try another path once :)
Dude that build path is like more than a year old, it was only viable back when mid lane Kha got nerfed (evolved w doesn't proc passive). So you're wasting 30% slow, easy to hit and give vision w, just so you can get stealth for 1 more sec which doesn't even give damage reduction. Think about his builds, they are wastly superior than yours.
ortoni099 Thats what I said....Should try it once. By now I tried it, and I must say I dont evolve my ult anymore (ofcourse depends on how the game rolls)
Wouldn't evolving ult be good for proccing unseen threat and trinity force for damage in duels? Or is it not even worth it for that? those 6 secs of not being able to be hit by auto attacks are pretty good when you're fighting someone stabby.
To me, if I would evolved my ult, it will be when I think I can just go 1v1 anyone. But to do that, I usually sacrifice my spikes upgrade.
Umm this is jg khazix but like in aram i would evolve ult w is just for clear speed
Thomas Tram Clear speed isn't improved by evolving w, is it? AFAIK, the damage from the spikes don't stack. it just increases the slow and cone. When clearing jungle you're standing right there and the explosion would hit them all anyway, no? Plus, 2 sec could help with the inviso-ganks.
well i guess but 3 spikes could kill em all
They all die anyway. It's an AoE whether it's evolved or not. Unless I've been super wrong for a long time.
Ballsy Kha´Zix here evolving wings at lvl 16 ^^ i know it sounds stupid but in silver its very effectiv
i love u foxdorp
I'm a strange person, I max W, Q, E in that order then evolve Q, E, R, I played a single game maxing W and evolving it and I just didn't like it so I never evolve it now :/
nice vid relly helpfull :)
Seems live you ve never played kha with evolving q first ;) cause this is the most destroying spell in early levels if you know how to use it correctly and how to force enemies to separate them selves from their team. I Carry 90% of my games in high elo and on my smurf in plat too cause the early lead i get by evolving q first makes the game nearly unloosable (if thats a word xD)
But be sure you tell your Team in champselect to pick at least one char with engage that you can follow up so you can get your dmg of and Zone their carries to isolation without getting focused in the first few seconds
Otherwise you should just go for w
I think i'm the only one that makes the honorable mention :P
I dont like playing jungle the "common" way let's say, I prefer counter jungling lots more than just farming and ganking.
so then do you get w first now
Why not jungle zed?