Father Steven Scheier judgment experience SECOND interview with Mother Angelica

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Visit www.garabandal.org
    Mother Angelica 2nd Interview with Father Steven Scheier
    If you noticed, Fr. Steven Scheier's terrible accident happened October 18, the ANNIVERSARY OF OUR LADY'S FIRST MESSAGE OF GARABANDAL, given to the four girls, Conchita, Loli, Jacinta, and Mari Cruz:
    "Many SACRIFICES must be made. Much PENANCE must be done. We must pay many visits to the BLESSED SACRAMENT, BUT first of all we must be VERY GOOD. If we do not do this, PUNISHMENT awaits us. Already THE CUP IS FILLING, and if we do not change WE SHALL BE PUNISHED."

Комментарии • 612

  • @evitaevita98
    @evitaevita98 4 года назад +138

    Father Steven Scheier just passed away at the age of 72 on April 16th, 2020. May he rest in peace.

    • @kathleenmacellis7253
      @kathleenmacellis7253 4 года назад +13

      Oh my goodness ! I was just going to Google his name to see if he was still alive. Thank you for telling us this sad news .

    • @evitaevita98
      @evitaevita98 4 года назад +8

      @@kathleenmacellis7253 You're welcome! I heard about it on Relevant Radio.

    • @mosaic.emom1234
      @mosaic.emom1234 3 года назад +16

      He is at home now, may God continue to Have Mercy on him and us all, Amen

    • @windfall6253
      @windfall6253 3 года назад +9

      I wonder if he finally made it to heaven considering he was given a second chance.

    • @mosaic.emom1234
      @mosaic.emom1234 3 года назад +10

      @@windfall6253 don't bother wondering, remember what he said.

  • @Tambora1000
    @Tambora1000 4 года назад +51

    RIP, Fr. Setven Scheier, He just passed away on 16 April 2020. He was loved by many believers around the world. I do believe in what he had confessed after his second life and service as a priest. Now he has returned to our Lord Jesus he served. Please pray for us who are still dwelling in the world.

  • @rplee09
    @rplee09 6 лет назад +59

    Wow. The power of the Rosary can not be underestimated. It can defeat armies and stop bullets. Believe and repent. Thank you Mother Mary for your protection and love and mercy on us.

  • @erniekahn1521
    @erniekahn1521 4 года назад +36

    Prayer, Daily rosary, daily Mass, Confession, Penance. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @ChristisLord7777
    @ChristisLord7777 Год назад +27

    I have never told anyone this and I don't know who to tell without judgement.
    Mary visited my family twice last year. My child is high needs non verbal autistic and times can be hard for my wife and I; especially my wife who is a wonderful mum. She is a blessing. I always knew that my child is a blessing from God. I'm so thankful for him.
    During mass while the priest was delivering a sermon I started to day dream and in front of me was a woman standing in blue with a white veil cuddling a child and she was smiling. As I continued to look I realised that child was my own when they were a baby. She didn't say anything but she was telling me that he would be ok and that she was looking after him. I was overwhelmed with joy, hope and love. I was so grateful but a part of me believed it was just a day dream. The next part told me it wasnt.
    Months later at about 1am I heard a woman speaking in my hall way in my apartment next to my sons room. I could hear my child verbalising to her (they are non speaking but they make noise in their own way). This went on for twenty seconds and I assumed it was my wife speaking to our child. I went out of the room. My childs door was open and he was sat up smiling - I told him to go to sleep and he lay down. I then checked on my wife expecting to see her awake too and she was asleep. I returned to my son seconds later and he was now asleep. I was terrified, but I knew that my son was safe and that he was being protected. I knew it was Mary.
    I went away from my faith in my teens and lived a life of sin in my twentys. I had seen hell. I know the devil exists and I had a dark cloud over me for years. Things happened in my twentys that I didn't handle well and I turned to sin to make myself feel better. I lived with shame for many years. I was too ashamed to go to church. I have been on a better path for the past 6 years and I try my best but I often fail. I feel so blessed and I thank god that Mary is there for my family as I don't think I deserve it. I pray every night with my child and will continue to do so until I am not here.
    My child is truly a blessing from god. In the pregnancy we were told that they may not be viable in the first scan. This was the biggest pain that I have ever felt. I promised God that I would change my life for good to save my child. My child was born healthy and every day I attribute that to God.
    A year before this all happened I watched this video and others with this priest. I watch this video every few months to remind myself of my obligation to God. This is why I post this here.
    If you are reading this and watching this video, believe me god exists. Jesus died and lived for our sins and there is a battle for your soul taking place every day, every hour, every minute and every second. God is tireless in fighting for you.

  • @robert112uk
    @robert112uk 6 лет назад +43

    The only reason that the world has not been destroyed yet is because of the patience of the Lord. He is long suffering putting up with the most grievous sins and blasphemies against Himself and against His Mother so that as many as possible will come to repentance and will be saved. Praise Jesus and hail Mary.

  • @takeshikurotaki3441
    @takeshikurotaki3441 4 года назад +32

    R.I.P. Fr. Steven Sceier 🙏
    Pls pray for us.

  • @paddyearly
    @paddyearly 3 года назад +30

    Every Catholic needs to hear this and surrender all to God🙏
    Pray for our Priests, Bishops all the way up to the Pope🙏

  • @robert112uk
    @robert112uk 6 лет назад +78

    I Know that both Hell and purgatory are as real as London or Paris, indeed more so for London and Paris will pass away but Hell will never pass away. If anyone deserved Hell it was certainly me, yet in my distress and darkness I called out to the Lord and He took me back. I have seen many miracles from Him despite being the least worthy to receive them. Blessed are those who have never seen yet they believe. Praise Jesus!

    • @augustinefaithdefender
      @augustinefaithdefender 5 лет назад +2

      Robert Markowski amen 🙏🏻

    • @mountainofthunder92
      @mountainofthunder92 4 года назад +2


    • @mosaic.emom1234
      @mosaic.emom1234 3 года назад +4

      Tell us more please

    • @pyrocyber5621
      @pyrocyber5621 3 месяца назад

      And how exactly do you know that "purgatory" is real? I've studied, read the scriptures, seen nde's...can't fimd a blip of evidence that purgatory exists. Hell (eternal damnation) on the other hand...is real.

  • @sstritmatter2158
    @sstritmatter2158 4 года назад +27

    I remember Mother Angelica growing up - to think she NOW KNOWS all of this. She has met God at the end of her life and my hope she Is enjoying it now eternally. Mother Angelica please pray for us, our Church and me. Amen.

  • @EnricoMRemondini
    @EnricoMRemondini 3 года назад +16

    48:15 "Lord give me patience"... well, I can tell everyone that Father Scheier has been unfair to himself... he had patience and here is why i state this.
    When I called him on the phone, that was in 2014, he was INDEED VERY PATIENT with me, I kept him on the phone for more than two hours...
    Thank you Father Steven, and now I have this privilege of being sure that I have someone like you praying for me !!! Keep helping me ! Thank you for eternity !!!

    • @sliglusamelius8578
      @sliglusamelius8578 3 года назад +2

      Lol I would do something like that. What did he tell you that is different or novel compared to his testimony?! If you don’t mind me asking….

  • @johnayala2540
    @johnayala2540 3 года назад +19

    In early 2000 I had similar experience but I also had a dream that lasted for about 6 to 8 hours of the face of our Lady when I looked up the sky, I saw the face of our Lady Of Guadalupe as big as the size of the sky. She was smiling the whole time but she didn't say a word. I felt her holiness and knew she's from heaven. I've never experience the kind of peace & joy. I remember not wanting to leave but I woke up and realized that it was just dream. I was very sad to lose the vision of the face of our Lady, so I tried to go back to sleep hoping to have the same dream or have the continuation of the dream but I wasn't able to go back sleep that day and I haven't dream of our Lady since then. I was just curious on why I saw the face of our Lady Of Guadalupe instead of the face of Mother Of Perpetual Help since I have more devotion to the latter than the former. But I realized later on that I was just being petty and I should be greatful that I saw the face of our Lady and it should not matter which one I saw.

  • @genekelly8467
    @genekelly8467 4 года назад +17

    A humble and good man-may he rest in peace; I thank him for this lecture.

  • @4309chris
    @4309chris 5 лет назад +34

    always wonder why some go out of their way to speak badly about Our Blessed Mother, what has she ever done to them? Respect your mother, did Jesus disrespect her? What pain, shame, and sorrow they must feel if they enter judgement and realize the truth. I pray that nobody is lost in this way and all come to allow the Blessed Virgin some real estate in their hearts and minds, as she desires to show all the glory of her Son and Saviour to us.

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Год назад +1

      Mary Queen of heaven
      The mere fact that worshipping someone called “queen of heaven” is condemned in Jeremiah 7 eliminates the possibility of Mary being the true Queen of Heaven and Earth. This simply does not follow. The existence of a counterfeit queen does not mean there can’t be an authentic one. This reasoning followed to its logical end would lead to abandoning the entire Christian Faith! We could not have a Bible because Hinduism, Islam, and many other false religions have “holy books.” We could not call Jesus Son of God because Zeus and Hera had Apollo, Isis and Osiris had Horus, etc. The fact that there was a false “queen of heaven” worshipped in ancient Mesopotamia does not negate the reality of the true queen who is honored as such in the kingdom of God.
      The Catholic Church does not teach-and has never taught-that we should adore Mary.

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Год назад +2

      We honour Mary we do not worship her
      Worship is: sacrifice. Not! Singing and praying; we pray and sing to Mary; We don’t sacrifice.
      Veneration of Mary can even be seen in the catacombs way before the legalization of Christianity, hence the reason why Christians were forced to worship in secret in the catacombs.

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Год назад +1

      Why it is important to pray to Mother Mary to be intercessor (ask Jesus on our behalf) of our prayers.
      Jesus cannot say no to his Mother.
      Example: When Jesus and his mother were at the wedding at Cana and the wedding people ran out of wine, Mary approached Jesus and said “Son they have run out of wine” and Jesus replied, "Woman, what has this to do with me? My hour has not yet come." His mother then said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you" (John 2:3-5). Jesus ordered the servants to fill containers with water and to draw out some and take it to the chief steward waiter. After tasting it, without knowing where it came from, the steward remarked to the bridegroom that he had departed from the custom of serving the best wine first by serving it last (John 2:6-10). John adds that: "Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and it revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him" (John 2:11).
      Basically; even though Jesus was reluctant to do what he was asked, he went ahead and did what his mother asked of him anyway, therefore, his weakness is his mother’s request; Mary asked for Jesus to perform a miracle on behalf of the bridal party and he did it. So if Mary asks Jesus for something on our behalf, do you think he will deny her? He might say no at first but! He’ll give in to her.
      He might say no to us, but! He won’t, not do, what his mother asks of him, therefore; just ask Mary (his mother) to ask him our behalf and it will be granted.

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Год назад +1

      Aramaic (the language spoken by Jesus and his apostles,) had no word for “cousin,” so cousins and other close relatives were often referred to as brothers.
      The brothers and sisters that they said were actually Jesus' cousins by Joseph's brother (Clopas) . you will notice on the cross Jesus gave his mother to John to care for as his own mother. “Don't you think if she had other children they would have taken care of her” He would have had surviving siblings who would have taken care of her. It would be surprising for Jesus to release his brothers from their obligation to their mother, especially because he criticized the Pharisees for neglecting the support of their own parents in Matthew 15:3-6.
      The New Testament does not say that Elizabeth is Mary’s cousin, the Greek word for which is anepsios. The word used in Luke 1:36 to describe Elizabeth is suggenes (pronounced su-gen-ace), which simply means kinswoman or relative. It tells us nothing about her exact relation within the extended family. All we can tell from the word suggenes is that Elizabeth was some kind of female relative of Mary’s. But whether she was an aunt, a cousin, or a more distant relation cannot be determined from the word.
      Oh and Mary was a common name, so guess what, her sister in law had the same first name.
      John 19:25 New International Version (NIV)
      25 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister Mary, the wife of Clopas and Mary Magdalene.
      Mary was dedicated before her birth to serve the Lord in the temple, as Samuel had been dedicated by his mother (1 Sam. 1:11). This required perpetual virginity of Mary so that she could completely devote herself to the service of the Lord.
      Joseph was a male protector who would respect her vow of virginity. When Mary conceived, Joseph had to answer to the temple authorities. So Mary’s betrothal to Joseph was not in conflict with her vow of virginity.
      When the angel Gabriel tells Mary that she will bear a son, Mary asks, “How shall this be, since I have no husband?” (Luke 1:34). At this point, Mary was engaged to Joseph. Why would she then be so surprised at being told she would conceive? If she were planning on having children with Joseph in the usual way, it wouldn’t make sense for her to ask how she would be able to have a child. This question makes sense only if Mary was already planning to remain a virgin.
      The firstborn was to be consecrated to the Lord (Ex. 13:2); the parents were to redeem every firstborn son (Ex. 34:20). They weren’t supposed to wait until they had a second child to redeem the firstborn, and so the first son born to a woman was called the firstborn regardless of whether or not she had other children later on.
      Mary’s perpetual virginity demonstrates her purity of heart and total love for God.
      Mary’s virginity was “so great an example of material virtue” because it demonstrated her total devotion to Jesus. In Mary, we see an example of the purity our own hearts must have in total dedication to God. Her virginity also tells us something about the Church, which, like Mary, is both mother to the faithful and “pure bride to her one husband” (2 Cor. 11:2).
      Matthew 1:24-25
      Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25 But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
      That doesn't mean that they consumated the marriage after the birth.
      This is used to emphasize what is being described before the until is fulfilled. It is not intended to say anything about the future beyond that point. Here are some biblical examples:
      2 Samuel 6:23: And Michal the daughter of Saul had no child to (until) the day of her death. (Does this mean she had children after she died?)
      1 Corinthians 15:25: For he (Christ) must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. (Does this mean Christ’s reign will end? By no means! Luke 1:33 says, “he will reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”)
      When Paul had appealed to be kept in custody for the decision of the emperor, I commanded him to be held until (Gk. heos hou) I could send him to Caesar.”
      Does this text mean that Paul would not be held in custody once he was “sent” to Caesar? Not according to the biblical record. He would be held in custody while in transit (see Acts 27:1) and after he arrived in Rome for a time (see Acts 29:16). The action of the main clause did not cease with heos hou.

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Год назад +1

      Proof the words Hail Mary were in the Bible.
      The first two passages from Saint Luke’s gospel is greeting of the Angel Gabriel to Mary, originally written in Koine Greek. The opening word of greeting хaĩpɛ , chaíre, here translated “Hail”, literally has the meaning “rejoice or be glad”. This was the normal greeting in the language in which Saint Luke’s gospel is written and continues to be used in the same sense in Modern Greek. Accordingly both “Hail and Rejoice” are valid English translations of the word (“Hail” reflecting the Latin translation and “Rejoice” reflecting the original Greek).
      The Hail Mary prayer is Biblical
      Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee (Luke 1:28) хaĩpɛ , chaíre, here translated “Hail”, literally has the meaning “rejoice or be glad” so highly favoured! The Lord is with you.’
      Blessed out though among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. (Nod in reverence to the name). (Luke 1: 42) She gave a loud cry and said, 'Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.
      Holy Mary, mother of God pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. (we are asking the Mother of Jesus/God to pray for us) it’s ok to pray to Mother Mary and the saints because they are alive in heaven. (not dead).

  • @marialacsamana3998
    @marialacsamana3998 3 года назад +7

    A very extraordinary experience that Fr. Scheier had gone through its a real miracle that he's still alive welcome back, Father I was born & raised a Roman Catholic & a great believer in these things unfortunately, I don't have the EWTN station here on my phone or our local TV I live here in Europe in Belgium for 36 years now I love your channel, Mother Angelica I love & miss you somuch thanks a million

  • @marcomricci
    @marcomricci 7 лет назад +9

    Pray to Mother Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus with every breath and every thought as we reach out to the Holy Spirit to guide us through the opportunities of our lives.Father Scheier was reminding us of our role as a community of prayer and service to our world and his testimony is humbling to all Catholics and the concept of Ecumenism to unite people in prayer and good deeds.Life is truly miraculous and wonderful...Thy Will be done!

  • @dann2547
    @dann2547 9 лет назад +25

    After 50 years... I was touched also! Of course, it has changed all my life! Thank you Father for witnessing! I know that what you say is the truth!

  • @servantxc
    @servantxc 10 лет назад +36

    Excellent testimony of how our Blessed Mother intercedes and does everything possible to help us get into heaven! The blessed virgin Mary is the woman God is speaking of on Genesis 3:14-15 The Lord God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you among all animals and among all wild creatures; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. 15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike your head, and you will strike his heel."

  • @johnnyutah218
    @johnnyutah218 8 лет назад +42

    Please, let's receive Our Lord kneeling and in the Tongue. Always. Receiving Our Lord standing up is like challenging Our Blessed Lord. Receiving communion in the hand is a Sacrilege.

    • @thecatholicrabbi4170
      @thecatholicrabbi4170 5 лет назад +6

      Johnny Utah I can't kneel, I am handicapped and feet don't work well

    • @traditionalcatholic4275
      @traditionalcatholic4275 5 лет назад +6

      @@thecatholicrabbi4170 - you are the exception. Those that can should.

    • @thecatholicrabbi4170
      @thecatholicrabbi4170 5 лет назад +5

      @@traditionalcatholic4275 Tell you a funny story, but when I stick my tongue out to recieve communion, every priest gets this massive smile on their face. One day I decided to try and kneel too, and went to go down on my knees and fell to the floor. Nobody looked at me, the priest helped me up and everyone continued as if nothing happened.

    • @kimvinhvu7209
      @kimvinhvu7209 5 лет назад +1

      Thank you Johnny! I pray each day for this too.

    • @kimvinhvu7209
      @kimvinhvu7209 5 лет назад +1

      Agree totally! Thank you Johnny!

  • @americanwoman8947
    @americanwoman8947 8 лет назад +20

    Every Man, Woman and child on this earth needs to watch this and learn the singular priority of our lives here on earth.
    I miss you Mother Anjelica..Now all 3 of my Mothers are in heaven.
    Thank You Blessed Mother
    I miss you Mom.
    And Praise be to Jesus...The world needed to hear this Priest's Testimony.
    Our Priests up to the holy Father need our prayers.
    Our Church is in great trouble...
    They are not being the Shepherds we need them to be.
    Many are leading their parishiners to hell. Because we should know our truths and if a Priest is telling us his feel good opinion or The teachings of Jesus.
    If you are an adult who is able to reason...You are accoubtable for your own soul...
    "Guard your salvation with fear and trembling."
    We know we can no longer trust our Priests.
    First lesson..
    Judas Iscariat first Priest in Hell was one of the first 12 Priests.

  • @EscodaSpanish
    @EscodaSpanish 9 лет назад +32

    It is not a coincidence that I viewed the full- length yes after praying the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy 3 PM Philippine time . was about to share another religious movie but by acident this came out .I know it is not a coincidence .I

  • @Klesik1
    @Klesik1 10 лет назад +15

    “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few."
    (Matthew 7:13-14)

  • @Muffin_-wr4ll
    @Muffin_-wr4ll 3 года назад +9


  • @jimt1380
    @jimt1380 10 лет назад +20

    Amen, Amen, Amen. God bless you for speaking the truth.

  • @theresafinamore4861
    @theresafinamore4861 2 года назад +4

    Mother Angelica thank you for reminding us to make a good confession and remember we will all one day face God at his judgement seat alone we pray when we see him he will open his arms and say welcome into my kingdom. Amen

  • @rincon27weirdoG
    @rincon27weirdoG 8 лет назад +26

    Mother is so adorable!

  • @donnaconroy8810
    @donnaconroy8810 6 лет назад +12


  • @chito53
    @chito53 10 лет назад +21

    Father Steven Scheier, I accompany your apostolate with my humble prayers.... please talk to Jesus on my behalf too and please bless me from afar!

    • @futonfave
      @futonfave 10 лет назад +4

      chito...you can talk to Jesus yourself. He is waiting for YOU to tell HIM what you need to tell HIM

  • @manuelvargas467
    @manuelvargas467 Год назад +5

    Thanks mother and father Jesus and Mary love you 🕊💝😇

  • @santinasongbird8551
    @santinasongbird8551 8 лет назад +11

    VERY important video❣ Only the BLESSED will get it. ✝😇✝

  • @aurorafria
    @aurorafria 9 лет назад +14

    I know only one thing is difficult to save your soul, a saint said from 100, 000 people one only is worth of indulgence..and this worries me but i still have faith, and devotion to Virgen Mary.

  • @jacksquat2878
    @jacksquat2878 9 лет назад +37

    I rarely respond to anti-Catholic bigotry anymore, because the comments are always the same, "Jesus is savior, not Mary" "I worship Jesus not Mary." It's clear this priest has interpreted his experience that our blessed Mother intervened for him and he doesn't worship Mary. No different than the plethora of Prophets of the Old Testament who intervened for people who God was set on condemning such as when Lot asked God if He would spare Sodom if He found 10 righteous men, Jonah, the book of Hosea are all illustrations of God's Prophets intervening for Israel. Yes God has ultimate authority to do whatever He wants. No one is saying any different. Give me a break.

    • @Tyalbo
      @Tyalbo 9 лет назад

      ChristiLucem This man is a liar. You will meet Jesus one day. I hope at that time you will
      not tell him that you loved the vatican so much, that you followed it, instead off scripture.
      Are you expecting Jesus to support the vatican ? Do you belive Jesus will support a man calling himself God ?
      No, Jesus will throw them to Hell one by one these priests, and he is the king. The doctrine not in scripture
      teached by the satanworshipping vatican to fool people astray are easy to get away from if YOU LOVE the truth
      and Jesus our king.
      But people often love what they want to be true, and ignore the true truth.
      I repeat, i hope you are not at that day wanting to tell Jesus that, you loved the teachings from the vatican.

    • @jacksquat2878
      @jacksquat2878 9 лет назад +8

      Tyalbo From your comments you are obviously very ignorant and have no idea what the Catholic Church teaches. The Vatican teaches nothing. There are no "teachings from the Vatican." There is the Bible, and Tradition:
      "Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the TRADITIONS which ye have been taught, whether by WORD, or our EPISTLE." ( II Thessalonians 2:15 KJV)
      But let me ask which of the thousand Protestant denominations do you belong to? Or do you belong to a "Bible only cult?" Or did you get a wild hair and just create your own little "church."
      We Catholics believe that Jesus is God, Second Person of the Holy Trinity. I usually find bigots like you much of the time have issues with the Trinity because it sounds "too Catholic" and that bothers bigots.
      If you have a particular issue with doctrine then bring it up and I'll be happy to refute you. Thus far you've just made asinine ad-hominem rants like a little girl. Either put up or shut up.

    • @Tyalbo
      @Tyalbo 9 лет назад

      ChristiLucem Well, i accept to
      be a girl if seeing the truth makes me one.
      Just smack me down to the floor and watch me be laughed at by the hole party.
      Feel the pride, how smart and awsome
      you are. But have you not seen the
      priests worship Lucifer ?
      Well, anyway as we are just a week
      from the sudden destruction in
      1 Thess 5 : 3 the time is short to get
      closer to the truth for you and have
      your eyes opened and hearth cleansed.
      Afterall, we may be very close to see
      Isaiah 17 : 1, and we surely are close
      to see Russia defeat USA as written
      in Revelation 18.

    • @afriendingod9672
      @afriendingod9672 9 лет назад +6

      +ChristiLucem I agree. One thing I believe, is that asking Mary to intercede for us and forward our prayer request to Jesus, along with praying to Jesus ourselves is a great way to go. Mary, without a doubt, is NOW the most powerful woman that ever lived. God listens to her. Case in point... This video with Fr. Scheier. AND... how many times has she appeared to us since her Assumption to tell us to smarten up, or hellfire awaits? Guadalupe, Equidor, Lourdes, Mt. Carmel, Fatima... the list is endless. Some scholars speculate there have been over 2500 separate apparitions reported... the first in 40AD all the way up to recent times. AND... that's not including the repeat appearances in the same location. Medjugorie alone for example she has appeared an estimated 1700 times since the early 80's. No... Those "Christians" who bad mouth Mary... I think are in for a big surprise when they stand in front of Christ.

    • @ryanmascarenhas1
      @ryanmascarenhas1 8 лет назад +1

      +Tyalbo Dear Tyalbo, it's been 2 months since your prophecy that the end would occur in 1 week. Whoever revealed that information to you must be suspected. You have also ignored what ChristiLucem said in regards to the Bible. The Bible teaches to follow the Church.

  • @deborahdunn9951
    @deborahdunn9951 4 года назад +6

    You know....I am happy and grateful to be Catholic....but Lord is working hard also through the other Christian churches. They teach the 10 commandments! God is working..we cannot predict how he will send the Spirit to save the world. Let us not be egotistical over our fellow Christians. Let us thank God for all His Grace's, and all work together for the conversation and salvation of every soul

  • @keats27
    @keats27 Год назад +1

    RIP Father Scheier. Thank GOD he sent you back. And thanks to the Blessed Mother for her eyes of mercy and love for her Son.

  • @michelleishappy4036
    @michelleishappy4036 Год назад +5

    Father Scheier, pray for us!

  • @davidaimer314
    @davidaimer314 3 года назад +7

    Father Steven Scheier 2nd. EWTN
    Importance of judgement
    Importance of staying catholic even taking good things from other christian assemblies
    32:00 Mary is anxious giving graces to her children. Most of the tim, we just have to ask
    34:00 The only goal is heaven. We need to change our priorities
    35:00 Nothing and nobody is worth to lose heaven
    36:00 Mary at Medjugorge says that nothing or nobody comes before Jesus
    38:00 The only person I need to please is Jesus
    39:00 responsibility in wrong advice
    41:00 Jesus justice when he give what we deserve. Jesus mercy when he says "mother he's yours"
    43:00 self knowledge serves to nothing if do not want to change our manners to act
    45:00 importance of confession
    47:40 importance of venial sins
    Father Steven Scheier's Judgment Experience
    - Mary takes her mother role very seriously

  • @benjab7527
    @benjab7527 4 года назад +15

    Hail Mary...Queen of heaven..

    • @michaelgoudeau9671
      @michaelgoudeau9671 3 года назад

      Ttyyyyyyÿ Look put ÿtlt try try you out with the little girl that I op

    • @michaelgoudeau9671
      @michaelgoudeau9671 3 года назад

      I have a baby au

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Год назад +1

      ​@@michaelgoudeau9671 You are an atheist. Atheist's aren't deep thinkers, they wander aimlessly through life with no real thoughts or sense of purpose and are living a meaningless selfish life. Maybe you think that by putting Christian's down you might get some sort of argument; in hope that someone might validate your existence.

  • @snortyhogbottomputtingthef7701
    @snortyhogbottomputtingthef7701 10 лет назад +34

    MARY bring Jesus 2 the human race. She is in the Bible & part of the gospel story. SOME people (we all know who) Think they can insult his Mother, & still have Jesus reward them & let them into the Kingdsom where he dwells WITH THE MOTHER HE LOVES......

    • @terranceemily9111
      @terranceemily9111 9 лет назад +11

      Pray daily for the conversion of sinners. You have to remember Jesus' UNFATHOMABLE embracing mercy (which Mary helps us to realize through her prayers for us). He suffered greatly and died for our sins! he rose from the dead in a forgiveness that continues to awe mankind. We only have Mary in the first place because of God's great mercy for us. We only have our lives because of his mercy and to that we must die, because we are all sinners ALL OF US. and that is why Jesus is here to forgive us for being sinners. Place all your HOPE and all of your TRUST and all of your FAITH into the merciful sacred heart of Jesus. Say this prayer everyday with deep sincerity from the heart given to you by your own God. "Jesus, I trust in you" ~ Saint Faustina. You can either enter through the doors of God's mercy or His judgment. I wish you all a blessed life through Christ our savior!

    • @ritadonnelly7765
      @ritadonnelly7765 7 лет назад

      snorty hogbottom

  • @silviaudoka1172
    @silviaudoka1172 7 лет назад +9

    For All Those talking about the Catholics been lost.. with non biblical facts(eg purgatory and other traditions) you yourself are you safe?? how sure are you of the said heaven??, Why rant and accuse others of going wrongly when you yourself might not be right. please let's be matured and realistic, if you don't believe it exit, fine, but know that ALL the Catholic Church believes and practice is THE TRUTH, your non believing attitude Changes NOTHING. we are all in the same battle together, Brethren let's not fight but help each other

  • @marialee9068
    @marialee9068 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you Fr Scheier for your testimonial. May he rest in peace with our Blessed Mother. Thank You dearest Mother.

  • @fasustinasmith5414
    @fasustinasmith5414 8 лет назад +6

    Thank you for letting me comment on this beautiful video. Thank You You Tube.

  • @belindaweiss1831
    @belindaweiss1831 Год назад +1

    Than you lord God Jesus Christ for your Merciful love for all of your children prayers gives inspiration to do it everyday.let’s all do the good word leave to us on earth. Thanks Sister Angelica for all your reflections. 🙏❤️✝️

  • @deborahdunn9951
    @deborahdunn9951 4 года назад +7

    Pray for priests.

  • @asyangelina7367
    @asyangelina7367 3 года назад +5

    RIP Father Steven.

  • @mariajoao5242
    @mariajoao5242 6 лет назад +4

    Thank you Maria for sharing this video.

  • @mosaic.emom1234
    @mosaic.emom1234 3 года назад +6

    James Martin needs to hear these words and think.

  • @jdastro
    @jdastro 7 лет назад +5

    So true about the changes Fr. Sheier mentions. I'll definitely do some reading on Fr. Sheier.

  • @butterification
    @butterification 11 месяцев назад +1

    Wow ❤I can't believe how PERFECT it is to hear this today

  • @nothingbuttthis
    @nothingbuttthis 8 лет назад +6

    Very eye opening

  • @ROSE-vc9ox
    @ROSE-vc9ox 8 лет назад +9

    Fantastic. Absolutely true.This man is honoring the miracle.

    • @happywinnings537
      @happywinnings537 8 лет назад

      We are to TEST ALL SPIRITS, this is why the BIBLE was given to us so we can do our own reading and get to know the BIBLE for our very LIFE depends on knowing who GOD is!!!
      According to the BIBLE, he's not BIBLICAL!!!
      We might as well believe that Lucifer and JESUS were spiritual brothers???
      Get it together before it's too late🌼

    • @ROSE-vc9ox
      @ROSE-vc9ox 8 лет назад

      Well, the voice of uncharity, talks again. No. YOU get it together. And repent. I rebuke YOU. In Jesus Most Holy Blood. He's going to show YOU, cause He's merciful enough, how wrong you are.

    • @happywinnings537
      @happywinnings537 8 лет назад +1

      Have you read the BOOK OF REVELATION????????
      Mary is not even mentioned!!!!!!!!!!
      Yessssssss indeed... Don't get it TWISTED!!!!
      You speak without any Scriptures to confirm your BLAHBLAHHAHA Belongs????????

    • @happywinnings537
      @happywinnings537 8 лет назад

      "FLEE FROM EVIL!!!"
      🌸🌸🌸 BIBLE 🌸🌸🌸
      Rose, LOVE MUST BE WITH TRUTH!!!!!!!!!
      If you are ALL LOVE and NO TRUTH where would that LEAD you??????
      You might as well be a Mormon or jw or stay as a Catholic because, TRUTH IN CHRIST JESUS IS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND!!!!
      You Blahhhhahahah for the FREE with no BIBLICAL FACTS!!!!!
      You did say that you feel like Mary is your spiritual mother based on the relationship between Mary and John at the CROSS????
      Can you please confirm by quoting the SCRIPTURES????????
      You are getting
      This point priests?????
      A female voice to his rescue??????????
      I dare you to read THE BOOK OF REVELATION!!!! This talking about the end times, and sadly your lady in waiting?????? Not even mentioned!!!
      I went to GENESIS TO REVELATION, Mary is not found as to be a middle person!!!
      If you really read the BIBLE, you will come away not seeing anything between HUMANS & GOD!!!!
      HE IS THE WAY!!!
      HE IS THE TRUTH!!!
      HE IS THE LIFE!!!!
      You see how many people are LOST because they listen to men such as these people??????????
      Look at j.s of Mormonism and muhammed of the muslims?????????
      They take the WORD OF GOD THE BIBLE and TWISTED!!!!!!!!!
      So did the Catholics!!!!
      That's why I urged you greatly to start reading the BIBLE for yourself!!!
      You will come away seeing how men TWISTED the BIBLE and it is IDOLATRY AT BEST!!!
      You see... the BIBLE even says that we can't bid you GOD'S SPEED BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      You may think you believe in GOD THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLYSPIRIT???????
      But if you are calling on Mary, which is not BIBLICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
      YOU ARE OF THE EVIL ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      You can claimed rebuking me in HIS NAME??????????
      But, I don't fear you!!!!
      🌼🌼🌼 BIBLE 🌼🌼🌼
      Well then, I do pray that you READ THE WORD OF GOD, THE BIBLE because you need to SEE WHERE you have gone wrong!!!!
      I believe, from reading the BIBLE, this poor priest was FOOLED by satan himself!!!

    • @mariateresa9965
      @mariateresa9965 2 года назад +1

      @@happywinnings537 Protestant?🙏✝️🌹

  • @ellahope6494
    @ellahope6494 9 лет назад +32

    Be the best priest at your Church preach Hell, let parishioners know the truth teach them well about their faith .

  • @MyJustOpinion
    @MyJustOpinion 3 года назад +4

    I moved from the east coast to the west coast, I was completely surprised people were not kneeling during the consecration. I was completely dismayed. You would think who the heck started this practice? How this did this 2,000 y/o practice changed?

  • @antoniettadimarco8005
    @antoniettadimarco8005 4 года назад +2

    They are humans/sinners like us ...
    May our loving Father God protect them and their journey in life as they persevere in spreading The Word.

  • @erniekahn1521
    @erniekahn1521 4 года назад +4

    Praise God!

  • @cookeeee1962
    @cookeeee1962 2 года назад +4

    The Holy Spirit ( spouse of Mary ) prays for us when we cannot.

  • @sleepinglioness5754
    @sleepinglioness5754 8 месяцев назад +1

    God love both Father Scheier and Mother Angelica. I miss her so much.
    If God was going to send Father Scheier to an eternity of hell, I am very fearful.
    God love you Father Scheier and Mother Angelica. Please pray for us.

  • @erniekahn1521
    @erniekahn1521 4 года назад +3

    A beautiful story of conversion! Penance, penance, penance!

  • @tomlavelle8340
    @tomlavelle8340 2 месяца назад

    The most powerful testimony I’ve ever heard.

  • @7basement
    @7basement 6 месяцев назад

    god did love him.what a beautiful person. thank you so much .your words I needed

  • @MichElle-sd6gj
    @MichElle-sd6gj 8 лет назад +3

    No Mother Mary, no Jesus Christ. This why God gave us Mother Mary so seek the intercession of Mary, Universal Mother (MUM) at all times. God bless Mother Angelica's soul. What an amazing, powerful & "dressed like Mother Mary" Nun. If only we Christians imitated her!!!!!!!!

    • @tomfromeriej4611
      @tomfromeriej4611 8 лет назад

      +Mich Elle You are in a Cult. GET OUT you idol worshippers! Show me in the Bible where Mary does intercession!!???? Jesus says NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME

    • @vinceonyoutube
      @vinceonyoutube 8 лет назад

      John 2:1-5
      "And the third day, there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee: and the mother of Jesus was there. And Jesus also was invited, and his disciples, to the marriage. And the wine failing, the mother of Jesus saith to him: They have no wine. And Jesus saith to her: Woman, what is that to me and to thee? my hour is not yet come. His mother saith to the waiters: Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye."
      2 Mac 15:11-12, 14 ... deceased Onias and Jeremiah interceded for Jews.
      "Onias who had been high priest, a good and virtuous man, modest in his looks, gentle in his manners, and graceful in his speech, and who from a child was exercised in virtues, holding up his hands, prayed for all the people of the Jews"
      "Then Onias answering, said: This is a lover of his brethren, and of the people of Israel: this is he that prayeth much for the people, and for all the holy city, Jeremias the prophet of God."
      Jer 15:1; Rev 8:3-4 ... saints' intercession.
      "And the Lord said to me: If Moses and Samuel shall stand before me, my soul is not towards this people: cast them out from my sight, and let them go forth."
      "And another angel came, and stood before the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given to him much incense, that he should offer of the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, which is before the throne of God. And the smoke of the incense of the prayers of the saints ascended up before God from the hand of the angel."

    • @sdboyd
      @sdboyd 8 лет назад

      +TomfromErie j Show me in the Bible where revealed truth can only be found explicitly in the Bible. I Timothy 3:15 says that the Church is the pillar of truth. Catholic dogma doesn't contradict Holy Scripture. It only contradicts your fallible interpretation of Scripture.

    • @MichElle-sd6gj
      @MichElle-sd6gj 8 лет назад +2

      Jesus Christ said "I am The Way, The Truth & The Life".

    • @oliviapyne2406
      @oliviapyne2406 4 года назад +1

      @@tomfromeriej4611 the hail mary for a start which is in the bible askin her to help and pray for us to the lord

  • @anarodriguez6529
    @anarodriguez6529 6 лет назад +6

    We need prayer, conversion, fasting, fasting

  • @reypenaranda894
    @reypenaranda894 4 года назад +2

    Praise be Jesus and Mary...

  • @michaelpryor78
    @michaelpryor78 Год назад +1

    Mary's like the mother who sneaks an extra cookie for us when Dad isn't looking

  • @karenkropf2844
    @karenkropf2844 8 лет назад +37

    Hallo "happy winnings": read the Wedding of Cana in the Gospels: The Mother of God; MARY, brought Jesus's attention to the lack at that wedding and appealed to Him to remedy it! That was her intercession then-> jewish weddings last 7 days long ; if the wine ever runs out it is most disturbing for the Bride Pair and the guests! Also at the foot of His cross, Jesus gave His Mother to John: John represents all of the followers of Jesus Christ. What does a mother do? She cares for her childrens' needs, teaches them, protects them etc. The Blessed Virgin Mary is indeed OUR Mother. She loves us and wants to bring us to follow her SON and to gain eternal life. She intercedes for us by bringing our needs to her Son's throne in heaven and by bringing heavenly graces to us to help us in our spiritual journey in life. I was raised a Catholic but only a few years back -- due to personall experi9ences, have grown to love my True Mother in Heaven because I have "experienced" her big time. Learn to pray The Rosary and learn to appreciate, love and call upon Our Mother, "happy winnings". She is YOUR MOTHER as well! She is real! She is Pure! She is Love!

    • @happywinnings537
      @happywinnings537 8 лет назад

      Hhhhhhhaaaa WOWWWWW????????
      You are greatly mistaken!!!
      Don't get it TWISTED!!! Get it together before it's too late!!!😞

    • @xavierfrancis1126
      @xavierfrancis1126 8 лет назад

      excuse me.. @happy winnings.. go to st paul's letter 1 timothy 3: 14-15.... you'll know which is the foundation of truth..!

    • @happywinnings537
      @happywinnings537 8 лет назад +1

      Hhhhhhhaaaa... NO THANKS!!!!
      She's not my mother!!!
      How do you know that what you experienced is not the satan and his angels????????
      What makes you so sure?????????
      You see, what I'm trying to say to you, is that the BIBLE says that we TEST ALL SPIRITS WHETHER THEY ARE FROM GOD OR NOT!!!
      The stories of the BIBLE, dead saints don't come back to life, especially the way Mary has been showing and popping around???????
      Please stay reading the WORD OF GOD THE BIBLE!!!!!
      Just remember, satan comes to KILL and DESTROY!!!!!
      He also comes as an angel of light!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I believe that is who you have been having an spiritual affair with!!!!
      You must FLEE FROM evil!!!!!!!!
      DON'T trust your FEELINGS!!!!!!!!!
      Trust the WORD OF GOD!!!!!!!💛💜💜💝💚💙💗🌸

    • @happywinnings537
      @happywinnings537 7 лет назад

      +Bibu Dhanraj
      Anyways, if you look at your Catholic Church history??? I pray that you would, the pope...??????
      It's a joke!!!!
      You must READ the BIBLE ALONE and look at your Catholic Church, the only thing BIBLICAL is they believe the FATHER, SON AND HOLYGHOST!!!
      The way you Catholic Church worship is purely rituals!!!

    • @xavierfrancis1126
      @xavierfrancis1126 7 лет назад +3

      Hahaha.. You're so funny.. Even after giving proof from Bible you're still denying truth.. How sad...! God bless you man... Catholic church is foundation of truth.. refer 1 Timothy 3 14-17

  • @flamingofernandes2127
    @flamingofernandes2127 9 лет назад +8

    Thank u jesus and our mother marry jesus mother

    • @ryanmascarenhas1
      @ryanmascarenhas1 8 лет назад +1

      +innerbeauty Dear innerbeauty, when the Word of God became incarnate, He was fully God and fully man. The Blessed Mother gave birth to the Word Incarnate. Therefore, the Blessed Mother became the Mother of God.

    • @vinceonyoutube
      @vinceonyoutube 8 лет назад

      It is more to do with Mary being OUR mother as Jesus said in John19:26 "When Jesus, therefore, saw his mother and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, thy son." Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, thy mother." "
      Jesus has emphasised the importance of "Family". Evil is working hard against this as can be seen these days with the attacks on Family with the push for so-called "gay marriage". It is an attempt by the devil to pervert and destroy what God instituted.

  • @BronxCat
    @BronxCat 8 лет назад +7


  • @c.stephendiz4009
    @c.stephendiz4009 4 года назад +3

    I really am grateful for the video. I saw the same video done prior in another episode.. They are both great. The only concern is when Fr. Scheier, describes God's judgment........perhaps "ACCUSE" is not the best word to use Perhaps GOD justifies, or give judgement......
    Often the enemy is called the Accuser. BLESSINGS and great video.

    • @mosaic.emom1234
      @mosaic.emom1234 3 года назад +3

      Yes you're right, but maybe we become His enemy via sin

  • @ellahope6494
    @ellahope6494 9 лет назад +6

    I tell you folks go to confession even if not mortal. A person can have habits saying Lords name in vain go confess. angry get a good book about sins. Stay Holy you are a people separated out. No one knows when we could die.

  • @allusujith7
    @allusujith7 Год назад +1

    Fr Chris Alar brought me here 💖🤗✝️

    • @jesusloveseveryone888
      @jesusloveseveryone888 Год назад

      I love Father Alar! He helped bring me back home to the Catholic Church. I was deeply lost in “Sola Scriptura” Protestantism. 🙏🏼✝️🕊️

  • @irenedunyoh-asare9855
    @irenedunyoh-asare9855 7 лет назад +1

    Luke 1:48 For he took notice of his lowly servant girl, and now generation after generation forever shall call me blest of God.

  • @EscodaSpanish
    @EscodaSpanish 10 лет назад +3


  • @dankinsman1748
    @dankinsman1748 10 лет назад +2

    It makes sense because the Apostle Peter wrote in his letter in the new testament " God's judgment starts in His own house" Just being a priest or bishop won't save you. Your walk with Jesus will

  • @daisydupre4873
    @daisydupre4873 3 года назад +3

    RIP 🙏♥️

  • @pasqualescalcione7075
    @pasqualescalcione7075 3 года назад +2

    WOW. JUST WOW!!!!!!!!!

  • @archsword2446
    @archsword2446 6 лет назад +7

    The saints are not really dead because they received communion and eat the flesh and blood of Christ because Jesus is the Bread of life and God wants us to pray for one another and NOTHING can separate us from the love of Christ.

  • @Vote2024again
    @Vote2024again 4 года назад +6

    Wonder what Mother would say now, during Covid-19........

  • @FlashVirus
    @FlashVirus 10 лет назад +10

    Wow very moving near death experience

  • @AmericanPatriot-1776
    @AmericanPatriot-1776 8 лет назад +21

    Not everything is in the bible. Our Lady's appearance at Fatima is not in the Bible. Did it happen. . . yes!
    In those 6 appearances to the three peasant children they were told prophecies which were meant to better humanity and cure the worlds peoples and also to warn us. God's Mother is always by His side looking out for us as well, and when we appeal to Her for Her to intercede for us to Her Son, She does! To those hose unbelievers out there. . . you should try talking to Her once in a while, and if you are sincere, She will answer you.

    • @bmanboyle1
      @bmanboyle1 8 лет назад

      God bless you and i will pray for you in my rosary

    • @xavierfrancis1126
      @xavierfrancis1126 8 лет назад

      you please wake up and read 1 timothy 3 14-16... you'll know the truth..! god bless you...!

    • @happywinnings537
      @happywinnings537 8 лет назад

      Amazingly, you can claimed EVERYTHING & ANYTHING!!!!!!!
      Let's do look up people who have claimed seeing angels, muhammed of the muslims and j.s of the Mormons to name a few!!!!
      The trouble with the
      claimed of these characters, is the OBJECTS of DEVOTIONS!!!!
      Mary BECOMES the main focus, so she might as v well have been the one that died for your SINS!!!!!!
      If the BIBLE has been SEALED, not to ADD OR SUBTRACT?????
      Why are they still adding stories????????
      When is as an experience becomes BIBLICALLY CORRECTED????????
      I'm not doubting that MIRACLES happen, what I'm saying is...??? Can we add them to the BIBLE????
      YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @xavierfrancis1126
      @xavierfrancis1126 8 лет назад

      happy winnings​ Keep adding??? Please read 2 Timothy 3 14-17... You'll understand

    • @happywinnings537
      @happywinnings537 8 лет назад +1

      Hhhhhhhaaaa... you are GREATLY MISTAKEN!!!!!
      Your rostisery chicken prayers hits the ceiling and falls on the floor for satan and his fallen angels to eat it up like you wouldn't believe it!!!!!!💣💣💣💣💣💣

  • @joe7324
    @joe7324 8 лет назад +6

    To other Christian denominations, it appears the Roman church adores Mary. We pray with Mary to the Trinity. Mary was/is the 1st Christian. She is the "highly favored" one. It simply appears to many carrying and bowing to statutes crosses the line into a graven image.

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Год назад +1

      Joe Mary Queen of heaven
      The mere fact that worshipping someone called “queen of heaven” is condemned in Jeremiah 7 eliminates the possibility of Mary being the true Queen of Heaven and Earth. This simply does not follow. The existence of a counterfeit queen does not mean there can’t be an authentic one. This reasoning followed to its logical end would lead to abandoning the entire Christian Faith! We could not have a Bible because Hinduism, Islam, and many other false religions have “holy books.” We could not call Jesus Son of God because Zeus and Hera had Apollo, Isis and Osiris had Horus, etc. The fact that there was a false “queen of heaven” worshipped in ancient Mesopotamia does not negate the reality of the true queen who is honored as such in the kingdom of God.
      The Catholic Church does not teach-and has never taught-that we should adore Mary.

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Год назад +1

      Joe : We honour Mary we do not worship her
      Worship is: sacrifice. Not! Singing and praying; we pray and sing to Mary; We don’t sacrifice.
      Veneration of Mary can even be seen in the catacombs way before the legalization of Christianity, hence the reason why Christians were forced to worship in secret in the catacombs.

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Год назад +2

      Joe : Why it is important to pray to Mother Mary to be intercessor (ask Jesus on our behalf) of our prayers.
      Jesus cannot say no to his Mother.
      Example: When Jesus and his mother were at the wedding at Cana and the wedding people ran out of wine, Mary approached Jesus and said “Son they have run out of wine” and Jesus replied, "Woman, what has this to do with me? My hour has not yet come." His mother then said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you" (John 2:3-5). Jesus ordered the servants to fill containers with water and to draw out some and take it to the chief steward waiter. After tasting it, without knowing where it came from, the steward remarked to the bridegroom that he had departed from the custom of serving the best wine first by serving it last (John 2:6-10). John adds that: "Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and it revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him" (John 2:11).
      Basically; even though Jesus was reluctant to do what he was asked, he went ahead and did what his mother asked of him anyway, therefore, his weakness is his mother’s request; Mary asked for Jesus to perform a miracle on behalf of the bridal party and he did it. So if Mary asks Jesus for something on our behalf, do you think he will deny her? He might say no at first but! He’ll give in to her.
      He might say no to us, but! He won’t, not do, what his mother asks of him, therefore; just ask Mary (his mother) to ask him our behalf and it will be granted.

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Год назад +2

      Joe : Aramaic (the language spoken by Jesus and his apostles,) had no word for “cousin,” so cousins and other close relatives were often referred to as brothers.
      The brothers and sisters that they said were actually Jesus' cousins by Joseph's brother (Clopas) . you will notice on the cross Jesus gave his mother to John to care for as his own mother. “Don't you think if she had other children they would have taken care of her” He would have had surviving siblings who would have taken care of her. It would be surprising for Jesus to release his brothers from their obligation to their mother, especially because he criticized the Pharisees for neglecting the support of their own parents in Matthew 15:3-6.
      The New Testament does not say that Elizabeth is Mary’s cousin, the Greek word for which is anepsios. The word used in Luke 1:36 to describe Elizabeth is suggenes (pronounced su-gen-ace), which simply means kinswoman or relative. It tells us nothing about her exact relation within the extended family. All we can tell from the word suggenes is that Elizabeth was some kind of female relative of Mary’s. But whether she was an aunt, a cousin, or a more distant relation cannot be determined from the word.
      Oh and Mary was a common name, so guess what, her sister in law had the same first name.
      John 19:25 New International Version (NIV)
      25 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister Mary, the wife of Clopas and Mary Magdalene.
      Mary was dedicated before her birth to serve the Lord in the temple, as Samuel had been dedicated by his mother (1 Sam. 1:11). This required perpetual virginity of Mary so that she could completely devote herself to the service of the Lord.
      Joseph was a male protector who would respect her vow of virginity. When Mary conceived, Joseph had to answer to the temple authorities. So Mary’s betrothal to Joseph was not in conflict with her vow of virginity.
      When the angel Gabriel tells Mary that she will bear a son, Mary asks, “How shall this be, since I have no husband?” (Luke 1:34). At this point, Mary was engaged to Joseph. Why would she then be so surprised at being told she would conceive? If she were planning on having children with Joseph in the usual way, it wouldn’t make sense for her to ask how she would be able to have a child. This question makes sense only if Mary was already planning to remain a virgin.
      The firstborn was to be consecrated to the Lord (Ex. 13:2); the parents were to redeem every firstborn son (Ex. 34:20). They weren’t supposed to wait until they had a second child to redeem the firstborn, and so the first son born to a woman was called the firstborn regardless of whether or not she had other children later on.
      Mary’s perpetual virginity demonstrates her purity of heart and total love for God.
      Mary’s virginity was “so great an example of material virtue” because it demonstrated her total devotion to Jesus. In Mary, we see an example of the purity our own hearts must have in total dedication to God. Her virginity also tells us something about the Church, which, like Mary, is both mother to the faithful and “pure bride to her one husband” (2 Cor. 11:2).
      Matthew 1:24-25
      Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25 But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
      That doesn't mean that they consumated the marriage after the birth.
      This is used to emphasize what is being described before the until is fulfilled. It is not intended to say anything about the future beyond that point. Here are some biblical examples:
      2 Samuel 6:23: And Michal the daughter of Saul had no child to (until) the day of her death. (Does this mean she had children after she died?)
      1 Corinthians 15:25: For he (Christ) must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. (Does this mean Christ’s reign will end? By no means! Luke 1:33 says, “he will reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”)
      When Paul had appealed to be kept in custody for the decision of the emperor, I commanded him to be held until (Gk. heos hou) I could send him to Caesar.”
      Does this text mean that Paul would not be held in custody once he was “sent” to Caesar? Not according to the biblical record. He would be held in custody while in transit (see Acts 27:1) and after he arrived in Rome for a time (see Acts 29:16). The action of the main clause did not cease with heos hou.

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Год назад +1

      Joe : Proof the words Hail Mary were in the Bible.
      The first two passages from Saint Luke’s gospel is greeting of the Angel Gabriel to Mary, originally written in Koine Greek. The opening word of greeting хaĩpɛ , chaíre, here translated “Hail”, literally has the meaning “rejoice or be glad”. This was the normal greeting in the language in which Saint Luke’s gospel is written and continues to be used in the same sense in Modern Greek. Accordingly both “Hail and Rejoice” are valid English translations of the word (“Hail” reflecting the Latin translation and “Rejoice” reflecting the original Greek).
      The Hail Mary prayer is Biblical
      Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee (Luke 1:28) хaĩpɛ , chaíre, here translated “Hail”, literally has the meaning “rejoice or be glad” so highly favoured! The Lord is with you.’
      Blessed out though among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. (Nod in reverence to the name). (Luke 1: 42) She gave a loud cry and said, 'Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.
      Holy Mary, mother of God pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. (we are asking the Mother of Jesus/God to pray for us) it’s ok to pray to Mother Mary and the saints because they are alive in heaven. (not dead).

  • @michelynelaflamme8088
    @michelynelaflamme8088 7 лет назад +6

    POURQUOI ne pas traduire en français? Ce serait enrichissant et bénissant. Merci.

  • @ritakirwanmahon3481
    @ritakirwanmahon3481 Год назад +1

    AMEN 🙏🙏🙏

  • @cathyboyle9352
    @cathyboyle9352 8 лет назад +3

    I was wondering what happened to Fr Schier after the dissolving of the Intercessors of the lamb,,this program someone asked was given somewhere from 1995-1997.and in this time fram came Fr John Coropi as well. Anyone have any idea where Fr Corpoi is these days

  • @autobotsNdecepticons
    @autobotsNdecepticons 2 года назад +3

    15:50 to 28:45--nailed it. Everything here is how things have been my entire life.

  • @angelaponcedeuntiveros8841
    @angelaponcedeuntiveros8841 4 года назад +2

    Bueno yo comparto esta pelicula por ds una pelicula muy bonita y con sentido relijioso muchas gracias

  • @robert112uk
    @robert112uk 6 лет назад +3

    With this post vatican 2 church the salt has become tasteless. Only Jesus can make it salty again! Hell is never preached about, nor purgatory. Holy Communion is given out by eucharistic ministers, and then the people stand and receive in the hand. All these sacrileges have severely diminished reverence for the Blessed Sacrament. Once the Blessed Sacrament has been reduced to a mere meal between friends, and not the Body, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, then the church has virtually been destroyed. It is as if because of the grievous sins committed in the world the devils who are unseen have unusual power. He who stands firm to the end will be saved says the Lord of hosts. Hail Mary and praise Jesus.

  • @codyglicknahnah
    @codyglicknahnah 2 месяца назад

    New respect for the Mother of God. She’s my hero.

  • @afriendingod9672
    @afriendingod9672 9 лет назад +2

    This reminds me a bit of of Don Piper's story... 90 Minutes in Heaven! That one is in theatres right now. Don just witnessed the Pearly Gates from the outside however, he didn't actually meet Jesus in judgement like Fr. Scheier.

    • @mosaic.emom1234
      @mosaic.emom1234 3 года назад +1

      Regardless of the story, nothing compared to the real version

  • @glenallen623
    @glenallen623 7 лет назад +3

    i think i have suffered quite enough in this life

    • @cristinameccariello9375
      @cristinameccariello9375 4 года назад

      If you offer your sufferings to God you will go to Paradise, if not you will suffer also in Purgatory! Make the right choice! It is up to you!

  • @ellahope6494
    @ellahope6494 9 лет назад +5

    Go back to the Baltimore Catechism let the kids have a Bible show them the commandments, older prophecies of Messiah. Manna in Old is Eucharist in New

  • @francescaderimini4422
    @francescaderimini4422 Год назад

    I attended the First Saturday Mass the other day. The entrance song was Amazing Grace. Why am I doing a Mass for reparations of blasphemy against the Blessed Mother if we are singing a song written by a person who did not believe that the BVM is the daughter of the Father, the Mother of Jesus and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit!

  • @Laura-pi6ht
    @Laura-pi6ht 7 лет назад +2

    I'm scared , If a Priest can go to Hell, what chance do we?????

    • @rewhis
      @rewhis 7 лет назад

      Laura catholic is false

    • @mariajoao5242
      @mariajoao5242 6 лет назад +2

      Do not be afraid the bible tells it many, many times. Be good. Observe the 10 commandments given us by Moses, and love others as you love yourself. Live in the presence of God. Make sure you do His Holy Will, every moment of your life, And pray...pray...pray...so that God help you to put this into practice. Obey the teachings of the Catholic Church, ask the Blessed Mother to lead you always, and protect you always. Ask the saints to intercede for you, and imitate their virtues. Don't forget that you have your guardian angel as well to help you. God Bless you. I am in the same boat. Rejoice, because God loves us all....even our Christians brothers and sisters all over the world. Let's pray for them as well...

    • @oliviapyne2406
      @oliviapyne2406 4 года назад

      You needto understand that we are the same as priests... we have the same rules and he lived a life of breaking them rules and had no time to repent only by the grace of God and the love of our mother this man was saved

  • @paweltrawicki2200
    @paweltrawicki2200 5 лет назад +1

    In my parish it's all about Discipleship something that i never heard about in the
    1950s.Its feel good good Catholicism and there is no reverence for the fact that
    you are in Church and Jesus is in the Tabernacle.Maybe i am anachronistic in my thinking but this is not the Catholicism that i grew up with.Believe me i am happy to depart this world,because this world has pass me by

    • @darrelldw713
      @darrelldw713 4 года назад +1

      Try to find a Traditional Latin Mass parish and feel like coming back home after a long exile.

    • @paweltrawicki2200
      @paweltrawicki2200 4 года назад

      Thank you@@darrelldw713

  • @robertbolton9450
    @robertbolton9450 Год назад +1

    The closest thing to a female catolic priest. MOTHER ANGELICA.

  • @wavewaker2
    @wavewaker2 Год назад +1

    He said “ my wife” did I heard it right? Somebody please correct me or further explain, thanks.

    • @allusujith7
      @allusujith7 Год назад +1

      Yes the fr said wife, but i think when a priest says his wife he means he is representative of the ultimate Priest our lord Jesus Christ right, as the church is the wife of our lord likewise, the parish ( Church)of this priest is his beloved wife !

    • @martawalkowiak773
      @martawalkowiak773 Год назад +2

      My life is what he said.

  • @GuardianA-hole
    @GuardianA-hole 4 месяца назад

    Im a member of the Holy Rosary Confraternity. Im just losing faith in it and its Promises. Im suffering mentally, emotionally and physically and its getting unbearable

    • @pyrocyber5621
      @pyrocyber5621 3 месяца назад

      Call upon Jesus. "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

  • @helengalloway9511
    @helengalloway9511 2 года назад +1

    Fr. I wonder if you at one time went to Holy Spirit Seminary in Toledo Ohio, I believe you stayed at our house one weekend with my son Kevin Bond please pass this on to Fr. Mom Bond

  • @pasqualescalcione7075
    @pasqualescalcione7075 Год назад


  • @Rose3499
    @Rose3499 8 лет назад

    Yes, this is been happenning a lots of the faithful in the church, included me, a lots of hurt from the church...they way how the run the Community, in the church, no judgement it is the truth.? Rose Pura Funtanares

    • @simleoangelodavis1290
      @simleoangelodavis1290 5 лет назад

      You dont know,what is worship. I can assure you that...please seek the truth.....

  • @kingirene1700
    @kingirene1700 8 лет назад +2

    There is no such place as purgatory. Please repent of your sins now and except Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. After you die it's too late. Please read your bibles and find out for yourselves. Read the New Testament the 4 gospel, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John where Jesus will teach you about salvation. God bless you.

    • @oliviapyne2406
      @oliviapyne2406 4 года назад +2

      Theres tons referencesof purgatory in the bible

  • @mya5980
    @mya5980 3 дня назад

    By the Sign of the Holy Cross✝️ from the Enemy Deliver Us, ✝️Oh Lord Almighty GOD, in the Name of the Father👑 and of the Son✝️ and of the Holy Spirit 🕊️🛐 AmenCardinal Raymond Burke Our Lady of GUADALUPE Novena 🙏🏼🛐 Request March 12, 2024 - December 12 Return to Our Lady of GUADALUPE Novena🙏🏼