My heart goes out to the guy in the second story. Being cheated on is NOT his fault and doesn't make him unmanly, in fact, exposing the truth would humiliate HIS EX instead. Hope his family finally knows the truth and cut her out since obviously she's being dishonest about their break up too. Possible that she lied and said the breakup came out of nowhere and that's why they don't believe him.
People who are in a relationship with SO with pets should understand that we come WITH pets and you're the outsider if you don't like that you can leave the pet stays😶😶
Exactly. I love my dog, he means the absolute world to me. Anyone who I marry has to learn to love him or at least live with him. If not, you can go, my dog was here first. That woman is obviously projecting. Who would leave someone they love over cats ruining a story? I know what it's like to lose a story you worked so hard on. I once lost 2 years of work and never had the inspiration to try and rewrite it. But even so, to leave the "love of your life" over that? No, she's definitely got something else going on and is blaming the cats. Either that or she's and insane and toxic gaslighter.
Yes, this. If you don't like having pets, and your love interest is perfect for you except for having pets, then they're not perfect for you. If you want a certain lifestyle, make sure you choose a partner who also wants that lifestyle.
Both stories were insane. I agree with the first husband. He did good. Today she's threatening the cats. It could be a family member next. While I think he should have told his family the truth about his ex, his mom and sister are overdoing things.
But It’s also his right to be private about his own stuff. He shouldn’t have to be forced to open up to someone about something that deeply hurt him, and is struggling with, so a family member or anyone for that matter, would finally respect his privacy and his own relationships and feelings. But, also the fact that it’s so hard for him to open up about why he broke up with her because she cheated on him, because it makes him feel unmanly, makes me question who made him feel that way. Plus the sisters reaction and how the family always takes the Ex’s side instead of listening to their son/brother, makes me feel like they’re not the best people to open to about stuff like that, for him at least. They are definitely overdoing things and I don’t understand why.
The guy who got cheated on: I hope he learns being cheated on is *never* his fault and *never* makes him "less of a man". I really hope he cut ties with everyone who treated him like this and gets to move onto better people❤️ *he will NEVER have been in the wrong here.* (To answer, I would tell some people depending on how close I am with them and if it comes up)
@I am me • 25y ago that's fair and he probably should've said something and made things easier, but even when he told his sister, she didn't believe him. What else can a guy do at that point?
If you feel the need to lie about little things like this and even fabricate a whole story just to get what you want instead of sitting down with your partner and talking it out and making compromises, then you are obviously not suited for each other. The wife not only lied and made up a whole story instead of talking to her husband but also tried to gaslight him into thinking he's the bad guy and personally I don't think their relationship will last that long.
This is exactly what red flagged to me. It's not even about the cats. It's about how she handled being upset at the cats - the refusal to talk/be honest, the lying, the gaslighting/manipulation. All of those are separate from/way worse than her disliking his cats & are the true reason to break up. Do not stay with someone who does that to you.
The poor guy in the second story. No wonder he felt emasculated because of his partner's cheating after hearing what his family treats him like. I hope he's ok
That first story though! That woman is pissed at the cats because she did a stupid and didn’t follow a Cardinal Rule of Electronic Work: Regularly Save Your Progress!!! Hell, at this point, most every kid who’s ever had access to a game system knows that you save your progress if you don’t want to lose the work you’ve done. smh. “Rehome the wife” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I feel really bad for the second guy. It must suck to have the person he loved cheat then everyone he knew blame him and his own mother cutting ties with him and choosing someone she barely knows over her own son? I hope he found a way to prove she cheated and stop talking to them.
I don’t understand how the wife’s fan fiction was ruined by a cat walking on the laptop and pressing some buttons. If it had just walked across it the cat probably deleted a few words maybe as well as type random letters but I don’t think it walking across it would’ve ruined it completely. This is from personal experience, my cat Kyle loves to walk across my laptop while I’m trying to do schoolwork or just writing stories or scripts for fun. Basically, unless this cat used the mouse pad thing on the laptop to exit out of the document or whatever I don’t think it was ruined, but if it were to have done that she could’ve just turned on auto save next time and not hold a grudge against the freaking cats and manipulate her husband so he’ll get rid of them.
My stinker of a cat once accidentally sent an email I wasn't finished with, and spammed the letter A like 78 times for good measure, but like..... *WHAT PSYCHOPATH WOULD GET RID OF A PET OVER THAT?!?!* YES HE'S A GREMLIN BUT HE'S *MY* GREMLIN AND I LOVE HIM
I remember this story but there was some things you missed along with other updates. Like where the ex wife had taken out her anger on one of the cats and blaming them for her failed marriage and kicked one of them. The cat was fine btw but it caused all sorts of trauma later down the line for both cats. (I.e them not being as playful, the younger one keeps urinating around the house etc.) And at that point after the therapy session. divorce was already inevitable but the Ex sealed the deal after she texted OP that she was getting her stuff. Op said to wait so he could get home from work and pack her stuff for her. Ex "said I don't think so" and OP came back to his window broken, the cat litter box and cat tree/bed destroyed, ex's stuff gone, and all the cat toys gone. And the Ex had the gall to lie about the theft and said that she doesn't need to pay Op anything and blamed him for it since no money can fix the damage that "he" had caused and that he needs to pay her for her "missing or destroyed laptop" when he confronted her. (He never even mentioned the laptop. And thankfully the cats were with a relative when this all went down.) Unfortunately for her, she forgot that they had gps tracking installed into their cars. OP finds her car with the toys and her "Missing stuff" inside and calls the police. He got the stuff back and I think she spent a few nights in jail for theft. And he did take her to court and won.) But it doesn't end there. After the theft debacle OP had moved and the Ex, who was released at this point didn't take to kindly to not knowing where he was and actually showed up to his parents house threatening to sue OP and fight a legal battle for ownership of the cats if they didn't tell her where he lived. The family didn't fold and she left. And this action actually helped him in court. But Op later had to quit his job since his boss gave him an ultimate of either being fired or quitting after the Ex kept coming to the company and causing trouble. (He has a better job now. But lost a lot of amazing benefits because of quitting his previous job.) Aftermath: Some people who had sided with her originally turned sides after seeing how crazy she was getting. And now shes currently couch surfing/homeless and further worsening her downward spiral since she's now doing drugs after one of the people that let her stay at their place gave them to her. Is also telling altered events to gain sympathy from others. And is refusing mental help when offered. And on Op's side of things, he has a new girlfriend and seems to be having fun but he is seeking therapy since this whole ordeal has resulted in him developing trust issues and anxiety.
Just a PSA for people who are on the fence about animals. If you ask anyone you get into a relationship with to pick their animals or you, just go ahead and leave. Because you are definitely not worth that person's time. It's like asking them to cut ties with their loving family or adopted kids. I'm of the mindset that if a partner demands I pick between my cats or her, I'd start packing her stuff and helping her leave immediately, she can be replaced with someone with a better heart.
If your spouse/SO gives you an ultimatum, that is a red flag and you should definitely take a moment to consider everything. If I had a girlfriend that declared 'it's me or the cat', I would open the door and tell her go on ahead. Not only do I love my cat, but I will not subjected to frivolous demands and I do not appreciate being put in that position to choose like that. My cat loves me unconditionally and even if he is moody sometimes, he will always be my buddy. Girlfriends come and go, pets are forever.
0:05: Bottom line: the wife hates her husband's cats and wants him to get rid of them (and over a ruined fan fiction? Jeezus!). Kudos for him for calling her out on her BS. If you don't like your mate's pets, don't get into a relationship with that person. 7:59: I think it's best to come clean from the beginning and reveal the real reason for him dumping her. Maybe this would have averted this awkward and embarrassing situation. Shame on his family for siding with Sarah.
I mean honestly I don't blame the family too much, it's just a misunderstanding. I would react the same way if my family member is dumping serious girlfriends randomly. Not saying OP is a jerk, but it looks like that for his family because they don't know the truth.
@@Outriley So regardless of their personality you'd say that they're lying if they told you when they really were trying to avoid talking about it. Sounds like a you issue. Dude felt hurt and betrayed, then was betrayed further. His family members were shit and his ex was shit.
First story: The op should probably leave the cats to his sis for a little bit just to keep them safe because that... just sounds so toxic and manipulative that it would gaslight him to get rid of pets he may have had before IT even came in the picture. If IT is willing to go as far as lying to op and later on manipulating and gaslighting him for choosing his beloved pets over IT then I wouldn't be surprised if IT was going to go to his house out of the blue and stealing them and putting them in danger, so I think leaving them in a temporary home for a bit would be safer since IT would probably not look for them there. Second story: Just ten seconds in and I already feel bad for the op. I hope he knows that someone cheating on him does not make him any less of a man and that he deserves so much better than that... Hopefully once the truth comes out and people apologize for being complete... to him he'll be able to move on and find someone better. If those... won't believe him like the so called 'sister' then he'll move away to find better people. That 'family' sounds toxic af. Surely one person would assume something happened to him that he would dump that... Hopefully he cuts ties with those... if they believe the... over him.
I have a pet cat and the first story really annoyed me. I can actually relate to the first guy. I have had friends before saying they didn’t like my cat, because when we were hanging out at my house she’d apparently attack them while I had gone to the toilet. Of course I knew that wasn’t true because she was upstairs with my mom hiding under my moms blanket, as my cat is scared of any small sudden movements. It’s safe to say we’re not friends anymore :]
Story 1: If any partner of any kind tries to make you pick between them and someone/thing else, they are not worth picking. Sorry 2: If someone cheats, sing it to the world. That way the blame falls solely upon them for ruining the relationship, as it should.
The guy whose girl cheated on is stupid. When you get cheated on it is NOT “emasculating” and only the cheater looks bad. The guy is not too nice, he is just insecure of his own worth as a man which is really sad.
@I am me • 25y ago I KNOW you did not just say “Abusive relationship? 🥰 Just leave them 🎉✨✨.” 💀 If you’re drowning, just swim!! It’s clear from that alone that you’ve never been with an abusive significant other because it’s never that simple or easy.
Definitely keep your pets over the wife. It was ridiculous her “reason” for wanting to get rid of them then lying to manipulate him. The guy should’ve been honest with his family about her cheating. But if they choose not to believe you I say cut all ties. If family doesn’t have your back then they don’t love you.
His first problem was marrying someone that writes fanfiction... 8/10 times fanfic authors will be crazy and obsessive. If you aren't the same realm of crazy it ain't gonna work.
You don't have to love your SO's pets like they love them, but you need to love your SO enough to respect their feelings for their pets. Your attitude and behavior towards their pets is a reflection of the love and respect you have for your partner.
if it ever came to an ultimatum, my SO, or my pet, my pet wins EVERY time. Hands down. My pets not gonna give me an ultimatum, my pets not gonna get angry and emotionally blackmail or gaslight me...... seriously, good on that guy for wanting a divorce over it.
The thing about lying... if I was in that dude's situation and she had lied for so long about the cats, then no matter what she said about the reason for lying, I wouldn't believe her. I'd just be like "If you make me choose between you and the cats, then you might as well start packing your bags right now."
Story 1 - I think the biggest issue for me was that she had no problem continuously lying to the husband and not even apologizing when she got caught. All trust would have been thrown out the window.
Said she was mad cuz she didn't like being treated like a child, but its strait up childish behavior. That isn't how mentally mature people handle a situation she wasn't willing compromise and only wanted her way or nothing and was willing to lie so she could manipulate OP to do so. Thats a 10/10 get out of my life.
First story: Okay, you can’t lie to someone and then get mad at them for being mad at you like- Then she’s all like “I can’t believe you would chose animals over me!” I would’ve been like “At least the cats don’t complain about you waking them up SEVEN TIMES at night.” (We all know cats complain about us, we just can’t hear it.) But like wtf was “It became my goal to make sure you pick me over them.” Like, every TV show ever? If someone said this to me I would be like “Absolutely I’m going to pick my cats over you honey, my cats are so much better. Like you can have self esteem, I’m all for that but if your acting like your better than my cat, my cat wants to talk with you.” And if they were like “Your such a jerk for picking animals over me.” I would be like “that’s your problem I’m going to go cuddle my cats now.” And to be honest, it’s not even about that cats. It’s the question. Like imagine if your dating and your sibling is living with you and has no where else to go and your partner is like “yeah, if your sibling stays I’m going to leave you.” Like it’s so disrespectful. I would’ve just been like “Okay please leave.” Second story: Okay, so let me get this straight. If you break up with someone, I mean no one should be getting involved except the people that broke up, but if you break up with someone, and everyone gets mad at you for not saying why, and then you say why, now everyone’s mad at you for making up a reason to save yourself. Wow. Like make up your mind. And why is the mom like “I’m cutting ties with you for your behavior.” Like, I get it if your mad at your son okay? But like, you can’t just disown him for jumping out of a widow. (Okay, so in my bathroom there is a window and if you open it you can climb onto the porch and it’s like a 2 foot drop so all I could imagine him doing is just ripping out the screen and then just climbing through the window face first.) And honestly it’s okay for her to invite Sarah, that’s her choice. But you can’t get mad at him for being uncomfortable and deciding to leave. That’s his choice. And what bothers me too is the moms like “Be an adult.” But she’s only telling him that because he’s not doing what SHE WANTS HIM TK DO. Like at that point you should just say “your only an adult if you do what I say.” And then Sarah is like “if we could talk one more time-“ you could’ve had millions of conversations with him if you didn’t cheat on him. P.S, don’t ever blame yourself if someone cheats on you. It’s not your fault that they can’t see your worth. (Also sorry for the long rant lol)
As I always say when two people break up the first one to tell their side always wins They are going to be considered the "good side" and whatever the other person says "excuses of a liar"
Imagine how toxic and manipulating , the first woman was to live with . I'm sure the cat incident was just one of many . Dude , was probably ignoring red flags for years . Never betray your animals for a POA .
The cat story: this is why you always set auto save to every fifteen minutes for any document you’re working on. Also, if the cat deleted the story, it can still be retrieved from the rubbish bin.
My cat loved being on laptop, especially when I was doing school work/ in a zoom class. I just learned to always save my work as soon as he started coming near my laptop and to make sure he didn’t unmute me when I was in class cause he’d sit directly on keyboard. Now I have a desktop and he just sits in front of the monitor.He really loves doing it when I’m watching anime and I tel him that I can’t see what’s being said and that his daddy ain’t no glassmaker 😂😂. Yes I talk to my cat
The first story, its not about her wanting the cats gone. Its the lengths she was willing to go, to get her way. Lies and manipulation comes way to easy for her, and you want to get as far away from those types of people, as possible. Manipulation of that level, and having ZERO regrets to do it, is sociopathic behavior. Run....
I'm allergic to cats. It's not a huge allergy where I could have an anaphylactic reaction but it's enough that if I touch them or they sleep on my bed I will get itchy and scratch myself to the point of bleeding. I would sneeze and cough and my nose bleeds sometimes. My recently ex boyfriend has a cat who HATES me big deal. I can't be less than a foot close to him or he will show me his teeth and try to scratch me so I just don't approach him. I don't like cats for being allergic to them but the only thing I always refused was to have him at my place for obvious reasons. Once he had to go camping to a guys friends weekend and claimed no one could watch his cats for three days so I needed to have him during the weekend. I said no that I couldn't do it especially since I worked night shifts this weekend and I didn't want to have this responsibility on top of working and being allergic. Plus the cat clearly doesn't like me so he wouldn't be happy staying with me. I asked if his sister could take him but apparently she wanted to spend the weekend chilling with her bf so she wasn't going to. His mom lives with him because she had cancer 3 years ago but is completely healed for over a year now and so i told him to leave him home with his mom. He said that I was selfish and mean to his mom for suggesting it. for trying to pin the responsibility on her when she s so tired from her condition (which she no longer has). He left angry and didn't respond to my texts the whole weekend. His sister called me to say I was selfish and could just suck my allergy up for just 1 weekend to please my bf. His mom also called saying that my bf told her I had insulted her and wanting to know why. I explained what happened and she said she would have been genuinely happy to take care of the cat for him since she lives at his place rent free and likes animals. When he came back from his weekend bf told me that had I betrayed him by turning his own mom against him and now both my (ex?)bf and my SIL are mad at me. Was I wrong?
No, you weren’t wrong. There were plenty of other options for who could care for your bf’s cat, who wouldn’t have been made miserable by its presence. And if your bf didn’t want you talking to his mom he shouldn’t have lied to her about you insulting her. I’m guessing he had an agenda, he wanted you and the cat to “reconcile” because he doesn’t believe your allergies are that bad, and “surely his cat will warm up to you if you just spend time together” and you thwarted his plans by refusing to take the cat. It’s understandable that he wants his gf and his pet to get along, but the way he tried to go about it was childish and underhanded, as was badmouthing you to his family and trying to pit them against you. It also shows a lack of care for your feelings and wellbeing, dismissing your allergies and other concerns like that. All in all not a relationship I would recommend staying in.
If she's acting like that over a cat walking over her keyboard and ruining a stupid fanfiction then I'm hoping she never has kids. Now that I think about it... I wonder what she was typing on cause I accidentally drop things on my keyboard sometimes but I just press undo. 🤔
It's most likley just another lie, one she picked because it can't be disproven easily. Reason might just be she wanted to see if she could get him to choose her over the cat for the sake of her ego.
She emotionally and mentally manipulated him and at least once accidentally gaslighted him (and shows she is will to if not already has purposely gaslighted him) she is mentally and emotionally abusing him. He has every right to get rid of her.
5:35 as a fellow fanfiction reader/ writer? Ik the frustrations u feel when u loose your work, some people might think 'its just a fanfic' but soo many authors r soo God damn dedicated to it, n set their own deadlines, they want to make sure they get the perfect story on time for their readers, their dedication is literally out of this world. Sometimes some chapters/stories r literally attached to u by your heart (for any reason) u treat it like their own babies that they have created N also it takes tons shi- of time like a single story could be 200k+ words n BOOM now lost because of smtg I have seen soo many authors loosing their work, from hurricanes, house getting destroyed, house catching on fire, stolen property, or just work vanishing from the device. But it's no reason to hate the cat, I mean u can be a bit angry with the cat for loss or maybe a bit pouty with it, but u don't just hate em for it, just think of it as a natural disaster, mourn on it for sometime But then accept it, that it was beyond a cats understanding to know that laptops importance There's an anime (my roommate is a cat) where the cat loves sleeping on the main characters laptop (cus it's warm n cats like warm things), he was also an author himself, he was also annoyed at his cat for a 'couple mins' for sitting on his laptop but then MOVED ON I understand the pain u feel when losing it, but u gotta be mature n except the fact that, that shi- just happen n MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE
1st wife seems like the type to be mad at her husband for cheating on her in HER OWN dream. Like really? She would also, for sure, come up with more things she wants you to choose her over. This would not be the 1st or last time she would pull this. Better to cut ties now. If the pet is in their lives 1st then the pet is always 1st! Let everyone know they cheated! I kept quite and I don't recommend it at all. His mom and grandma thought so highly of him. I told my family but not his and now I'm in the wrong.
Not saving or backing up files is grounds for divorce. What could the cat possibly have done to lose so much work? I doubt it went into file manager and deleted the document. I think she even made up the original story. How can you trust someone that is a liar and tries to manipulate you like that.
Can't applaud the guy in the first story enough. He's NOT a bad husband. SHE is a bad wife. Protect your fluff babies. And this is coming from an avid fanfiction writer. I learned throughout my school years to always, always, ALWAYS back up my work. It's the human's responsibility, not the animals'.
I would ABSOLUTELY tell everyone if someone cheated on me! Like you said, I'd tell everyone because everyone deserves to know they're a trash person! LOL
That second story had so many issues. My biggest issue is that the only people that get to decide the fate of a relationship are the two in it. Family members attempting to force someone to stay in a relationship that they have made clear is over and done, is disrespectful, uncaring, and manipulative. If the family likes her so much, they can form their own relationships with her. Or perhaps they did already, and care for her than their relationship with him. In which case they need to be honest with him, instead of blaming him.
The guy in the 2nd Story should have sucked it up, and told his Mother and Sister shortly after it happened. It shouldn't have been emasculating to tell his Family, since there aren't any 'Sexual Feelings' in those Relationships, the longer he waited to tell them then it makes it look like he was just making up a 'Story' to cover up why they broke up, and it gave time for the 'Ex' to weasel her way into the Families Good Graces instead of being treated like the Outcast that she should have been.
My brother and his wife kept inviting me over to their house and taking me out to movies but not doing the same with my other two siblings. They took me to see The Hobbit movies even though that is more of my sister's area of interests.They got into a few fights with mom, telling her she is going senile and told me I should get rid of my cat and they would get me my own puppy. On my 16th birthday, I saw them on our couch looking through the mail that I had just brought my mom from the mailbox before going to the bathroom. The two of them were discussing having me move in with them as if it was already decided that would be happening. They didn't see me behind them. What they were looking at was my SSI benefits. I refused to go to their house again.
I'd pick my cat over all guy even the guy I'm currently with and adore. I brought this cat home as a kitten and raised him like a child. The kitty is willing to endure dangerous situations (like the time I had an accident with my motorcycle and it fell on top of me, he was more scared I was hurt than or the bike and sat near my face and inspected my body while meowing as loudly as he could for help. When the pain was manageable I managed to get out from underneath the bike and walk it home and my cat followed near my feet) he follows me everywhere in the house and sits with me. He he never begs for attention except when its food time, he doesn't wake me up in the mornings (I have NEVER seen such a considerate cat in all my life) .... Basically he is my baby with fur even though he is 13years only this year. Even if he was so old that he needed special foods and treatment etc, unless he is in pain that can't be treated I'd never put him down at the vets. This is why I respect most of the people who look for the cat whisperer guy or Victoria from that bad dog show instead of getting rid of their pets. I don't believe in hell but that bitch is going to have some seriously bad karma in her life until she changes her ways and if she doesn't I hope she is reincarnated as a cat (like in that Nine Lives movie) for the rest of her lives.
My husband got a cat before we were married. I’m HIGHLY allergic to cats. 3years after he got the cat we married I went on allergy medicine I didn’t force him to get rid of the cat. 12 years later she’s finally on her last days and I’m going to miss her…but I still hate her and she still blames me for stealing her man
I had three cats when I met my future husband, and I made it quite clear that my cats were very important to me. Turned out he was also a cat lover, and since we got married almost 25 years ago we've had cats who we both love. Not sure what would have happened if he'd been cat-allergic, but that's a completely different issue than someone who hates cats and wants them gone. Two years ago he underwent allergy testing, and he's allergic to lots of plants and to dogs, but not cats.
Agreed my pets are like my children and if someone tried to get me to decide between him and my pets... guess who I will be showing the door. I feel so bad for the poor guy that was cheated on and then humiliated again by his own family. It doesnt matter if the family liked Sarah or not they are supposed to support him and his decisions whether they know the reason or not.
I've been watching you for so long and I never once got bored of watching you, you always bring a smile to my face with your videos I really love you Ellen and Will always be one of my all time favorite RUclipsrs 💕❤❤❤❤
To inculcate with a wall of silence another person's deleterious behavior is to provide cover for their nefarious actions. This then makes you an enabler allowing them to perpetuate their destructive actions on other unsuspecting people.
You are so sweet. It's like you've never been in relationship with a narcasist before. The guy with the cats needs to move himself and the cats out till he can be rid of her. The other guys family is being manipulated into blaming him. He needs to set some firm boundaries for his family or cut ties with them.
The cat story reminded me of a similar situation with my dad. In approximately 2010, my dad was playing a computer game and excitedly called me into the room to show me that he had just defeated a particularly powerful enemy. Then a cat walk past the computer and brushed its tail against the monitor. It was a touch screen so the the cat actually closed the game with its tail and my dad lost his game without getting to save it or anything. He was very disappointed, but at the time I thought it was really funny because a few months before that I had been writing an essay that I needed to write as part of my college application and I asked my dad what he thought of it. He tried to point at something in my essay and brushed his finger against the touch screen and in so doing accidentally deleted my essay and I had to start over again from scratch. That was quite annoying, so I felt that the cat wrecking his game was fitting.
I could never ask my partner to choose either a cat or me. Although my first girlfriend wanted me to end my lizard and get a snake. I love snakes, but I loved my beardie. I stil do. I knew she didn't care for me at all at that point.
Last conversation with a boyfriend years ago: “When we marry, we can buy that house and I’ll remodel it and you can furnish and decorate our new home. Of course, your dog won’t be allowed inside.”
Some people get rid of pets for stupid reasons. My cat had a kidney infection and a bladder infection so it hurt to pee, I found out because she was trying to pee all over the house but hardly anything came out. We took her to the emergency vet and they told us that people often take their cats to the animal shelter and give them up when this happens. It breaks my heart that people do this when their cat is in pain and sick and in need of medical help.
You know those drawing things where you scratch at the black and then there's color underneath? Well, I have some of those, so I decided to draw Ellen because I needed to get my drawing practice in anyway, and oh my goodness I am IN LOVE! It turned out super great! 😅10/10, will definitely be using her again as a reference in the future 🤣
I love you and your videos so much Ellen. You really make me smile whenever I'm sad or feeling down. You are amazing. I hope your day is going good!!!! 💗🤗
10:32 this guy has bigger problems than his ex. I am beginning to see just how he might have got the idea that being cheated on is somehow emasculating and his fault - his family are toxic af. If your son breaks up with his gf out of the blue, cuts off all ties and says he doesn't want to see her any more, you do NOT invite her over to any family event again. Still less cut ties with him after he complains. His problem isn't his ex. It's his horrible family.
Our pets aren't seen as just pets they are extentions of the family I can't see liking a person but not their family member animal I agree leaving those kinds of people is for the best:)
As a dire hard writer of fanfics AND original novels! THIS IS BULLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd never demand you get rid of a animal cause of a story.... even if they ripped up the only copy!!
Guy # 1 is at least smart enough to walk away! Guy #2 just wanted to walk away; his actions could have been a win-win if his ex would have left him alone. As for his mother & apparently his family, they have no concept of loyalty! He needs to walk away from all of them & not look back!! He should get a lawyer to send her a letter telling her that if she doesn't leave him alone then they will go after her for harassment!
bro i would leave the partner and keep the cats. cats >>>> romance y'all cats are so much better edit: hey dont diss fanfic writers /lh we're not all that horrifically self centered 💀💀
3:03 "I hate people" I would have stopped the sentence right there 😆 and I totally agree, I have pets so don't even try to get between me and them because you would not like my decission on who stays and who leaves.
I would tell! My exes have cheated on me, but I got them arrested because they were 21 and I was 19 and he cheated on me with a 13 and a 16 year old girl. Not to mention he only dated me to get closer to my little sister and “just for something to do in town” since we lived in a small town where there is absolutely nothing to do.
The gal who tried to come between the fellow and his beloved cats should beware that there are folks that would butcher her and feed her remains to the cats. After all, if there is no body, there is no crime.
My heart goes out to the guy in the second story. Being cheated on is NOT his fault and doesn't make him unmanly, in fact, exposing the truth would humiliate HIS EX instead. Hope his family finally knows the truth and cut her out since obviously she's being dishonest about their break up too. Possible that she lied and said the breakup came out of nowhere and that's why they don't believe him.
The ex-girlfriend sounds like a real manipulator to get his family on her side.
What a bloody cheek !
@@flowerjpotter1629 he was probably taught by his family it’s emasculating
id breakup with the whole family tbh, believeing the SO over their own child is crazy.
People who are in a relationship with SO with pets should understand that we come WITH pets and you're the outsider if you don't like that you can leave the pet stays😶😶
Damn right
Exactly. I love my dog, he means the absolute world to me. Anyone who I marry has to learn to love him or at least live with him. If not, you can go, my dog was here first. That woman is obviously projecting. Who would leave someone they love over cats ruining a story? I know what it's like to lose a story you worked so hard on. I once lost 2 years of work and never had the inspiration to try and rewrite it. But even so, to leave the "love of your life" over that? No, she's definitely got something else going on and is blaming the cats. Either that or she's and insane and toxic gaslighter.
Yes, this. If you don't like having pets, and your love interest is perfect for you except for having pets, then they're not perfect for you. If you want a certain lifestyle, make sure you choose a partner who also wants that lifestyle.
Both stories were insane.
I agree with the first husband. He did good. Today she's threatening the cats. It could be a family member next.
While I think he should have told his family the truth about his ex, his mom and sister are overdoing things.
@I am me • 25y ago oh shut up already. You think people can just leave their abusers, you don't get to have an opinion on this.
@I am me • 25y ago agreed
But It’s also his right to be private about his own stuff. He shouldn’t have to be forced to open up to someone about something that deeply hurt him, and is struggling with, so a family member or anyone for that matter, would finally respect his privacy and his own relationships and feelings.
But, also the fact that it’s so hard for him to open up about why he broke up with her because she cheated on him, because it makes him feel unmanly, makes me question who made him feel that way. Plus the sisters reaction and how the family always takes the Ex’s side instead of listening to their son/brother, makes me feel like they’re not the best people to open to about stuff like that, for him at least.
They are definitely overdoing things and I don’t understand why.
@@darlingm9967 You made a typo. It wasn't "he cheated on her", she cheated on him.
@@AMStryx thank you🤗
The guy who got cheated on: I hope he learns being cheated on is *never* his fault and *never* makes him "less of a man". I really hope he cut ties with everyone who treated him like this and gets to move onto better people❤️ *he will NEVER have been in the wrong here.* (To answer, I would tell some people depending on how close I am with them and if it comes up)
@I am me • 25y ago Agreed.
@I am me • 25y ago agreed
@I am me • 25y ago that's fair and he probably should've said something and made things easier, but even when he told his sister, she didn't believe him. What else can a guy do at that point?
@I am me • 25y ago honestly the best choice for him
If you feel the need to lie about little things like this and even fabricate a whole story just to get what you want instead of sitting down with your partner and talking it out and making compromises, then you are obviously not suited for each other. The wife not only lied and made up a whole story instead of talking to her husband but also tried to gaslight him into thinking he's the bad guy and personally I don't think their relationship will last that long.
This is exactly what red flagged to me. It's not even about the cats. It's about how she handled being upset at the cats - the refusal to talk/be honest, the lying, the gaslighting/manipulation. All of those are separate from/way worse than her disliking his cats & are the true reason to break up. Do not stay with someone who does that to you.
The poor guy in the second story. No wonder he felt emasculated because of his partner's cheating after hearing what his family treats him like. I hope he's ok
It certainly makes you wonder how the mother and sister treated him on a normal day or while growing up.
That first story though! That woman is pissed at the cats because she did a stupid and didn’t follow a Cardinal Rule of Electronic Work: Regularly Save Your Progress!!!
Hell, at this point, most every kid who’s ever had access to a game system knows that you save your progress if you don’t want to lose the work you’ve done. smh.
“Rehome the wife” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
But who would want the wife? Personally I’m not seeing any redeeming qualities in her. Bet her family won’t take her back either.
Why would anyone believe the second story after the first lie? Dump the manipulative lier.
Was gonna say the same thing most programs that you right In have this neat new little feature called the save button
Most games now have so many checkpoints, you lose almost no progress. Not like games back in the past.
@@tiffanyhaddox7499 Guess, she’ll be a stray lol
I feel really bad for the second guy. It must suck to have the person he loved cheat then everyone he knew blame him and his own mother cutting ties with him and choosing someone she barely knows over her own son? I hope he found a way to prove she cheated and stop talking to them.
I don’t understand how the wife’s fan fiction was ruined by a cat walking on the laptop and pressing some buttons. If it had just walked across it the cat probably deleted a few words maybe as well as type random letters but I don’t think it walking across it would’ve ruined it completely. This is from personal experience, my cat Kyle loves to walk across my laptop while I’m trying to do schoolwork or just writing stories or scripts for fun. Basically, unless this cat used the mouse pad thing on the laptop to exit out of the document or whatever I don’t think it was ruined, but if it were to have done that she could’ve just turned on auto save next time and not hold a grudge against the freaking cats and manipulate her husband so he’ll get rid of them.
My stinker of a cat once accidentally sent an email I wasn't finished with, and spammed the letter A like 78 times for good measure, but like.....
My cats don't do that. Well one of them
@@Your.favvv_brooke WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING
@@bismuthezoid BECAUSE ITS FUN LOL
I remember this story but there was some things you missed along with other updates.
Like where the ex wife had taken out her anger on one of the cats and blaming them for her failed marriage and kicked one of them. The cat was fine btw but it caused all sorts of trauma later down the line for both cats. (I.e them not being as playful, the younger one keeps urinating around the house etc.) And at that point after the therapy session. divorce was already inevitable but the Ex sealed the deal after she texted OP that she was getting her stuff.
Op said to wait so he could get home from work and pack her stuff for her. Ex "said I don't think so" and OP came back to his window broken, the cat litter box and cat tree/bed destroyed, ex's stuff gone, and all the cat toys gone.
And the Ex had the gall to lie about the theft and said that she doesn't need to pay Op anything and blamed him for it since no money can fix the damage that "he" had caused and that he needs to pay her for her "missing or destroyed laptop" when he confronted her.
(He never even mentioned the laptop. And thankfully the cats were with a relative when this all went down.)
Unfortunately for her, she forgot that they had gps tracking installed into their cars. OP finds her car with the toys and her "Missing stuff" inside and calls the police. He got the stuff back and I think she spent a few nights in jail for theft. And he did take her to court and won.)
But it doesn't end there. After the theft debacle OP had moved and the Ex, who was released at this point didn't take to kindly to not knowing where he was and actually showed up to his parents house threatening to sue OP and fight a legal battle for ownership of the cats if they didn't tell her where he lived. The family didn't fold and she left. And this action actually helped him in court.
But Op later had to quit his job since his boss gave him an ultimate of either being fired or quitting after the Ex kept coming to the company and causing trouble. (He has a better job now. But lost a lot of amazing benefits because of quitting his previous job.)
Some people who had sided with her originally turned sides after seeing how crazy she was getting. And now shes currently couch surfing/homeless and further worsening her downward spiral since she's now doing drugs after one of the people that let her stay at their place gave them to her. Is also telling altered events to gain sympathy from others. And is refusing mental help when offered.
And on Op's side of things, he has a new girlfriend and seems to be having fun but he is seeking therapy since this whole ordeal has resulted in him developing trust issues and anxiety.
So basically she is a working class version of Amber Turd! Maybe after Amber is bankrupt, the two of them can rent a trailer together.
WOW... just WOW!!!
Jesus... She sounds like a textbook narcissist. Possibly sociopathic or psychopathic, too. That is a special kind of double dipped psycho. 😨
Just a PSA for people who are on the fence about animals. If you ask anyone you get into a relationship with to pick their animals or you, just go ahead and leave. Because you are definitely not worth that person's time. It's like asking them to cut ties with their loving family or adopted kids.
I'm of the mindset that if a partner demands I pick between my cats or her, I'd start packing her stuff and helping her leave immediately, she can be replaced with someone with a better heart.
If your spouse/SO gives you an ultimatum, that is a red flag and you should definitely take a moment to consider everything. If I had a girlfriend that declared 'it's me or the cat', I would open the door and tell her go on ahead. Not only do I love my cat, but I will not subjected to frivolous demands and I do not appreciate being put in that position to choose like that. My cat loves me unconditionally and even if he is moody sometimes, he will always be my buddy. Girlfriends come and go, pets are forever.
There are people who try to get rid of the kids too. Self centered people are like that. Run as fast as you can.
The first story makes me so sad. If someone, even my SO told me to get rid of my cats, that wouldn’t fly. I love my little kitties!!! 🐱
Dude same! I have four fur babies and I adore them 💜
@@cashwalk7253 aww! I have 2 lil fur babies 🐱
ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!
@@trainsntile aww! What kind are they?
0:05: Bottom line: the wife hates her husband's cats and wants him to get rid of them (and over a ruined fan fiction? Jeezus!). Kudos for him for calling her out on her BS. If you don't like your mate's pets, don't get into a relationship with that person.
7:59: I think it's best to come clean from the beginning and reveal the real reason for him dumping her. Maybe this would have averted this awkward and embarrassing situation. Shame on his family for siding with Sarah.
I mean honestly I don't blame the family too much, it's just a misunderstanding. I would react the same way if my family member is dumping serious girlfriends randomly. Not saying OP is a jerk, but it looks like that for his family because they don't know the truth.
@@Outriley So regardless of their personality you'd say that they're lying if they told you when they really were trying to avoid talking about it. Sounds like a you issue. Dude felt hurt and betrayed, then was betrayed further. His family members were shit and his ex was shit.
@@aregolas now that I think about it, maybe you are right. If OP never did something like this before, his family should have trusted him over his gf.
First story: The op should probably leave the cats to his sis for a little bit just to keep them safe because that... just sounds so toxic and manipulative that it would gaslight him to get rid of pets he may have had before IT even came in the picture. If IT is willing to go as far as lying to op and later on manipulating and gaslighting him for choosing his beloved pets over IT then I wouldn't be surprised if IT was going to go to his house out of the blue and stealing them and putting them in danger, so I think leaving them in a temporary home for a bit would be safer since IT would probably not look for them there.
Second story: Just ten seconds in and I already feel bad for the op. I hope he knows that someone cheating on him does not make him any less of a man and that he deserves so much better than that... Hopefully once the truth comes out and people apologize for being complete... to him he'll be able to move on and find someone better. If those... won't believe him like the so called 'sister' then he'll move away to find better people. That 'family' sounds toxic af. Surely one person would assume something happened to him that he would dump that... Hopefully he cuts ties with those... if they believe the... over him.
Don’t say or do something you wouldn’t want to get called out on if you don’t like getting called out on things.
I have a pet cat and the first story really annoyed me.
I can actually relate to the first guy.
I have had friends before saying they didn’t like my cat, because when we were hanging out at my house she’d apparently attack them while I had gone to the toilet. Of course I knew that wasn’t true because she was upstairs with my mom hiding under my moms blanket, as my cat is scared of any small sudden movements.
It’s safe to say we’re not friends anymore :]
What's the problem with just saying "Hey I really don't like your cats, can we hang out at my place?"
@@katrinascarlet5637 Apparently that’s too difficult for people to admit 🤷♀️
Story 1: If any partner of any kind tries to make you pick between them and someone/thing else, they are not worth picking.
Sorry 2: If someone cheats, sing it to the world. That way the blame falls solely upon them for ruining the relationship, as it should.
The guy whose girl cheated on is stupid. When you get cheated on it is NOT “emasculating” and only the cheater looks bad. The guy is not too nice, he is just insecure of his own worth as a man which is really sad.
@I am me • 25y ago I KNOW you did not just say “Abusive relationship? 🥰 Just leave them 🎉✨✨.” 💀 If you’re drowning, just swim!! It’s clear from that alone that you’ve never been with an abusive significant other because it’s never that simple or easy.
Nope we aren't victim blaming rn.
@I am me • 25y ago just leave. Yeah Yeah totally how it works.
Are you freezing to death in the tundra? Just get warm. 💀
It's not the guys fault he believed ot was emasculating, blame society for putting that mentality on men in the first place.
@@corazon.c yes, exactly!!
Men wouldn't be afraid to speak up if we weren't shunned and immaculated for it.
Definitely keep your pets over the wife. It was ridiculous her “reason” for wanting to get rid of them then lying to manipulate him. The guy should’ve been honest with his family about her cheating. But if they choose not to believe you I say cut all ties. If family doesn’t have your back then they don’t love you.
His first problem was marrying someone that writes fanfiction... 8/10 times fanfic authors will be crazy and obsessive.
If you aren't the same realm of crazy it ain't gonna work.
A strong and under-remarked aspect of that story.
You don't have to love your SO's pets like they love them, but you need to love your SO enough to respect their feelings for their pets. Your attitude and behavior towards their pets is a reflection of the love and respect you have for your partner.
if it ever came to an ultimatum, my SO, or my pet, my pet wins EVERY time. Hands down. My pets not gonna give me an ultimatum, my pets not gonna get angry and emotionally blackmail or gaslight me...... seriously, good on that guy for wanting a divorce over it.
I really hope there is a positive update for the second story. I hope in the end everyone understood that the op was right.
The thing about lying... if I was in that dude's situation and she had lied for so long about the cats, then no matter what she said about the reason for lying, I wouldn't believe her. I'd just be like "If you make me choose between you and the cats, then you might as well start packing your bags right now."
Story 1 - I think the biggest issue for me was that she had no problem continuously lying to the husband and not even apologizing when she got caught. All trust would have been thrown out the window.
Said she was mad cuz she didn't like being treated like a child, but its strait up childish behavior. That isn't how mentally mature people handle a situation she wasn't willing compromise and only wanted her way or nothing and was willing to lie so she could manipulate OP to do so. Thats a 10/10 get out of my life.
First story: Okay, you can’t lie to someone and then get mad at them for being mad at you like-
Then she’s all like “I can’t believe you would chose animals over me!” I would’ve been like “At least the cats don’t complain about you waking them up SEVEN TIMES at night.” (We all know cats complain about us, we just can’t hear it.) But like wtf was “It became my goal to make sure you pick me over them.” Like, every TV show ever? If someone said this to me I would be like “Absolutely I’m going to pick my cats over you honey, my cats are so much better. Like you can have self esteem, I’m all for that but if your acting like your better than my cat, my cat wants to talk with you.” And if they were like “Your such a jerk for picking animals over me.” I would be like “that’s your problem I’m going to go cuddle my cats now.” And to be honest, it’s not even about that cats. It’s the question. Like imagine if your dating and your sibling is living with you and has no where else to go and your partner is like “yeah, if your sibling stays I’m going to leave you.” Like it’s so disrespectful. I would’ve just been like “Okay please leave.”
Second story: Okay, so let me get this straight. If you break up with someone, I mean no one should be getting involved except the people that broke up, but if you break up with someone, and everyone gets mad at you for not saying why, and then you say why, now everyone’s mad at you for making up a reason to save yourself. Wow. Like make up your mind. And why is the mom like “I’m cutting ties with you for your behavior.” Like, I get it if your mad at your son okay? But like, you can’t just disown him for jumping out of a widow. (Okay, so in my bathroom there is a window and if you open it you can climb onto the porch and it’s like a 2 foot drop so all I could imagine him doing is just ripping out the screen and then just climbing through the window face first.) And honestly it’s okay for her to invite Sarah, that’s her choice. But you can’t get mad at him for being uncomfortable and deciding to leave. That’s his choice. And what bothers me too is the moms like “Be an adult.” But she’s only telling him that because he’s not doing what SHE WANTS HIM TK DO. Like at that point you should just say “your only an adult if you do what I say.” And then Sarah is like “if we could talk one more time-“ you could’ve had millions of conversations with him if you didn’t cheat on him.
P.S, don’t ever blame yourself if someone cheats on you. It’s not your fault that they can’t see your worth.
(Also sorry for the long rant lol)
U wrote a whole story💀😭
@@lailajaden8778 I can’t help it 😂😂
As I always say when two people break up the first one to tell their side always wins
They are going to be considered the "good side" and whatever the other person says "excuses of a liar"
Imagine how toxic and manipulating , the first woman was to live with . I'm sure the cat incident was just one of many . Dude , was probably ignoring red flags for years . Never betray your animals for a POA .
The cat story: this is why you always set auto save to every fifteen minutes for any document you’re working on. Also, if the cat deleted the story, it can still be retrieved from the rubbish bin.
My cat loved being on laptop, especially when I was doing school work/ in a zoom class. I just learned to always save my work as soon as he started coming near my laptop and to make sure he didn’t unmute me when I was in class cause he’d sit directly on keyboard. Now I have a desktop and he just sits in front of the monitor.He really loves doing it when I’m watching anime and I tel him that I can’t see what’s being said and that his daddy ain’t no glassmaker 😂😂. Yes I talk to my cat
Don't we all? (talk to our cats, that is)
The first story, its not about her wanting the cats gone. Its the lengths she was willing to go, to get her way. Lies and manipulation comes way to easy for her, and you want to get as far away from those types of people, as possible. Manipulation of that level, and having ZERO regrets to do it, is sociopathic behavior. Run....
I'm allergic to cats. It's not a huge allergy where I could have an anaphylactic reaction but it's enough that if I touch them or they sleep on my bed I will get itchy and scratch myself to the point of bleeding. I would sneeze and cough and my nose bleeds sometimes. My recently ex boyfriend has a cat who HATES me big deal. I can't be less than a foot close to him or he will show me his teeth and try to scratch me so I just don't approach him. I don't like cats for being allergic to them but the only thing I always refused was to have him at my place for obvious reasons. Once he had to go camping to a guys friends weekend and claimed no one could watch his cats for three days so I needed to have him during the weekend. I said no that I couldn't do it especially since I worked night shifts this weekend and I didn't want to have this responsibility on top of working and being allergic. Plus the cat clearly doesn't like me so he wouldn't be happy staying with me. I asked if his sister could take him but apparently she wanted to spend the weekend chilling with her bf so she wasn't going to. His mom lives with him because she had cancer 3 years ago but is completely healed for over a year now and so i told him to leave him home with his mom. He said that I was selfish and mean to his mom for suggesting it. for trying to pin the responsibility on her when she s so tired from her condition (which she no longer has). He left angry and didn't respond to my texts the whole weekend. His sister called me to say I was selfish and could just suck my allergy up for just 1 weekend to please my bf. His mom also called saying that my bf told her I had insulted her and wanting to know why. I explained what happened and she said she would have been genuinely happy to take care of the cat for him since she lives at his place rent free and likes animals. When he came back from his weekend bf told me that had I betrayed him by turning his own mom against him and now both my (ex?)bf and my SIL are mad at me. Was I wrong?
No, you weren’t wrong. There were plenty of other options for who could care for your bf’s cat, who wouldn’t have been made miserable by its presence. And if your bf didn’t want you talking to his mom he shouldn’t have lied to her about you insulting her. I’m guessing he had an agenda, he wanted you and the cat to “reconcile” because he doesn’t believe your allergies are that bad, and “surely his cat will warm up to you if you just spend time together” and you thwarted his plans by refusing to take the cat. It’s understandable that he wants his gf and his pet to get along, but the way he tried to go about it was childish and underhanded, as was badmouthing you to his family and trying to pit them against you. It also shows a lack of care for your feelings and wellbeing, dismissing your allergies and other concerns like that. All in all not a relationship I would recommend staying in.
If she's acting like that over a cat walking over her keyboard and ruining a stupid fanfiction then I'm hoping she never has kids.
Now that I think about it... I wonder what she was typing on cause I accidentally drop things on my keyboard sometimes but I just press undo. 🤔
It's most likley just another lie, one she picked because it can't be disproven easily.
Reason might just be she wanted to see if she could get him to choose her over the cat for the sake of her ego.
She emotionally and mentally manipulated him and at least once accidentally gaslighted him (and shows she is will to if not already has purposely gaslighted him) she is mentally and emotionally abusing him. He has every right to get rid of her.
the instance girl from first story walked away instead of talking about what is what, she is out the door, she was half the way out already by lying.
It’s called deflecting and some people use it once someone calls them out on lying.
The last guy: Your not the bad guy but you probably should have said what really happened earlier if you wanted them to believe you
5:35 as a fellow fanfiction reader/ writer?
Ik the frustrations u feel when u loose your work, some people might think 'its just a fanfic' but soo many authors r soo God damn dedicated to it, n set their own deadlines, they want to make sure they get the perfect story on time for their readers, their dedication is literally out of this world. Sometimes some chapters/stories r literally attached to u by your heart (for any reason) u treat it like their own babies that they have created N also it takes tons shi- of time like a single story could be 200k+ words n BOOM now lost because of smtg
I have seen soo many authors loosing their work, from hurricanes, house getting destroyed, house catching on fire, stolen property, or just work vanishing from the device.
But it's no reason to hate the cat, I mean u can be a bit angry with the cat for loss or maybe a bit pouty with it, but u don't just hate em for it, just think of it as a natural disaster, mourn on it for sometime But then accept it, that it was beyond a cats understanding to know that laptops importance
There's an anime (my roommate is a cat) where the cat loves sleeping on the main characters laptop (cus it's warm n cats like warm things), he was also an author himself, he was also annoyed at his cat for a 'couple mins' for sitting on his laptop but then MOVED ON
I understand the pain u feel when losing it, but u gotta be mature n except the fact that, that shi- just happen n MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE
1st wife seems like the type to be mad at her husband for cheating on her in HER OWN dream. Like really? She would also, for sure, come up with more things she wants you to choose her over. This would not be the 1st or last time she would pull this. Better to cut ties now. If the pet is in their lives 1st then the pet is always 1st!
Let everyone know they cheated! I kept quite and I don't recommend it at all. His mom and grandma thought so highly of him. I told my family but not his and now I'm in the wrong.
So he needs to ask himself...who brings you more anxiety, your wife or your cats? Get rid of the one that loses.
Not saving or backing up files is grounds for divorce. What could the cat possibly have done to lose so much work? I doubt it went into file manager and deleted the document.
I think she even made up the original story. How can you trust someone that is a liar and tries to manipulate you like that.
Can't applaud the guy in the first story enough. He's NOT a bad husband. SHE is a bad wife. Protect your fluff babies. And this is coming from an avid fanfiction writer. I learned throughout my school years to always, always, ALWAYS back up my work. It's the human's responsibility, not the animals'.
I would ABSOLUTELY tell everyone if someone cheated on me! Like you said, I'd tell everyone because everyone deserves to know they're a trash person! LOL
If she'll do that to pets, imagine what she can do to a child! You don't want a narcissist like her in your life, and don't have children with her.
8:00 why would someones parent believe their kids lying cheating ex instead of their kid??
The first couple sounds like a divorce is happening soon.
He should’ve just told his family instead of hiding it
Unless your pet is ATTACKING your significant other, you are completely okay for keeping your pets. If you have evidence, then that's great.
That second story had so many issues.
My biggest issue is that the only people that get to decide the fate of a relationship are the two in it.
Family members attempting to force someone to stay in a relationship that they have made clear is over and done, is disrespectful, uncaring, and manipulative. If the family likes her so much, they can form their own relationships with her. Or perhaps they did already, and care for her than their relationship with him. In which case they need to be honest with him, instead of blaming him.
The guy in the 2nd Story should have sucked it up, and told his Mother and Sister shortly after it happened. It shouldn't have been emasculating to tell his Family, since there aren't any 'Sexual Feelings' in those Relationships, the longer he waited to tell them then it makes it look like he was just making up a 'Story' to cover up why they broke up, and it gave time for the 'Ex' to weasel her way into the Families Good Graces instead of being treated like the Outcast that she should have been.
The second story is almost exactly what happened to my dad and i feel so awful for him
My brother and his wife kept inviting me over to their house and taking me out to movies but not doing the same with my other two siblings. They took me to see The Hobbit movies even though that is more of my sister's area of interests.They got into a few fights with mom, telling her she is going senile and told me I should get rid of my cat and they would get me my own puppy. On my 16th birthday, I saw them on our couch looking through the mail that I had just brought my mom from the mailbox before going to the bathroom. The two of them were discussing having me move in with them as if it was already decided that would be happening. They didn't see me behind them. What they were looking at was my SSI benefits. I refused to go to their house again.
I'd pick my cat over all guy even the guy I'm currently with and adore. I brought this cat home as a kitten and raised him like a child. The kitty is willing to endure dangerous situations (like the time I had an accident with my motorcycle and it fell on top of me, he was more scared I was hurt than or the bike and sat near my face and inspected my body while meowing as loudly as he could for help. When the pain was manageable I managed to get out from underneath the bike and walk it home and my cat followed near my feet) he follows me everywhere in the house and sits with me. He he never begs for attention except when its food time, he doesn't wake me up in the mornings (I have NEVER seen such a considerate cat in all my life) .... Basically he is my baby with fur even though he is 13years only this year. Even if he was so old that he needed special foods and treatment etc, unless he is in pain that can't be treated I'd never put him down at the vets. This is why I respect most of the people who look for the cat whisperer guy or Victoria from that bad dog show instead of getting rid of their pets.
I don't believe in hell but that bitch is going to have some seriously bad karma in her life until she changes her ways and if she doesn't I hope she is reincarnated as a cat (like in that Nine Lives movie) for the rest of her lives.
Some people in these stories are so childish and immature i cant💀😭. Anyway Ellen i love u, and Coco, wish u the best
My husband got a cat before we were married. I’m HIGHLY allergic to cats. 3years after he got the cat we married I went on allergy medicine I didn’t force him to get rid of the cat. 12 years later she’s finally on her last days and I’m going to miss her…but I still hate her and she still blames me for stealing her man
I had three cats when I met my future husband, and I made it quite clear that my cats were very important to me. Turned out he was also a cat lover, and since we got married almost 25 years ago we've had cats who we both love. Not sure what would have happened if he'd been cat-allergic, but that's a completely different issue than someone who hates cats and wants them gone. Two years ago he underwent allergy testing, and he's allergic to lots of plants and to dogs, but not cats.
Agreed my pets are like my children and if someone tried to get me to decide between him and my pets... guess who I will be showing the door. I feel so bad for the poor guy that was cheated on and then humiliated again by his own family. It doesnt matter if the family liked Sarah or not they are supposed to support him and his decisions whether they know the reason or not.
I've been watching you for so long and I never once got bored of watching you, you always bring a smile to my face with your videos I really love you Ellen and Will always be one of my all time favorite RUclipsrs 💕❤❤❤❤
To inculcate with a wall of silence another person's deleterious behavior is to provide cover for their nefarious actions. This then makes you an enabler allowing them to perpetuate their destructive actions on other unsuspecting people.
He should get rid of the wife, he can always find another one.
You are so sweet. It's like you've never been in relationship with a narcasist before.
The guy with the cats needs to move himself and the cats out till he can be rid of her.
The other guys family is being manipulated into blaming him. He needs to set some firm boundaries for his family or cut ties with them.
The cat story reminded me of a similar situation with my dad. In approximately 2010, my dad was playing a computer game and excitedly called me into the room to show me that he had just defeated a particularly powerful enemy. Then a cat walk past the computer and brushed its tail against the monitor. It was a touch screen so the the cat actually closed the game with its tail and my dad lost his game without getting to save it or anything. He was very disappointed, but at the time I thought it was really funny because a few months before that I had been writing an essay that I needed to write as part of my college application and I asked my dad what he thought of it. He tried to point at something in my essay and brushed his finger against the touch screen and in so doing accidentally deleted my essay and I had to start over again from scratch. That was quite annoying, so I felt that the cat wrecking his game was fitting.
I’m a writer and have 4 cats. Yea, they tick me off sometimes, but they are still my babies-I get angry, release it and move on. 🤷♀️
A fan fiction? Lmfao I think I died🤣🤣. That was hilarious lmao💀
His wife is the reason animal shelters are overcrowded. She needs to be gotten rid of instead of the cats.
I so agree with you. A 60 year old woman tried it with new guy. Her heartbreaker was totally perfect. You have to love what they love.
I could never ask my partner to choose either a cat or me. Although my first girlfriend wanted me to end my lizard and get a snake. I love snakes, but I loved my beardie.
I stil do.
I knew she didn't care for me at all at that point.
Last conversation with a boyfriend years ago:
“When we marry, we can buy that house and I’ll remodel it and you can furnish and decorate our new home. Of course, your dog won’t be allowed inside.”
Honestly if someone doesn't like your pets they're not for you
Some people get rid of pets for stupid reasons. My cat had a kidney infection and a bladder infection so it hurt to pee, I found out because she was trying to pee all over the house but hardly anything came out. We took her to the emergency vet and they told us that people often take their cats to the animal shelter and give them up when this happens. It breaks my heart that people do this when their cat is in pain and sick and in need of medical help.
Omg just get rid of the wife. The cats treat you way better
You know those drawing things where you scratch at the black and then there's color underneath? Well, I have some of those, so I decided to draw Ellen because I needed to get my drawing practice in anyway, and oh my goodness I am IN LOVE! It turned out super great! 😅10/10, will definitely be using her again as a reference in the future 🤣
I love you and your videos so much Ellen. You really make me smile whenever I'm sad or feeling down. You are amazing. I hope your day is going good!!!! 💗🤗
I hope the guy from the first story leaves that asshole of a partner. I'm very happy when he said he would likely want a divorce!
10:32 this guy has bigger problems than his ex. I am beginning to see just how he might have got the idea that being cheated on is somehow emasculating and his fault - his family are toxic af. If your son breaks up with his gf out of the blue, cuts off all ties and says he doesn't want to see her any more, you do NOT invite her over to any family event again. Still less cut ties with him after he complains. His problem isn't his ex. It's his horrible family.
She is childish, selfish, petty, manipulative, and a liar. Pretty strong reasons to divorce.
A spouse that tries to separate you from your pets needs to be divorced asap, they are a control freak and it won't end there.
Man I feel bad for these guys
Our pets aren't seen as just pets they are extentions of the family I can't see liking a person but not their family member animal I agree leaving those kinds of people is for the best:)
As a dire hard writer of fanfics AND original novels! THIS IS BULLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd never demand you get rid of a animal cause of a story.... even if they ripped up the only copy!!
Guy # 1 is at least smart enough to walk away! Guy #2 just wanted to walk away; his actions could have been a win-win if his ex would have left him alone. As for his mother & apparently his family, they have no concept of loyalty! He needs to walk away from all of them & not look back!! He should get a lawyer to send her a letter telling her that if she doesn't leave him alone then they will go after her for harassment!
bro i would leave the partner and keep the cats. cats >>>> romance y'all cats are so much better
edit: hey dont diss fanfic writers /lh we're not all that horrifically self centered 💀💀
@I am me • 25y ago i agree with that. as long as ur not harming anyone and are only writing for fun..but publishing illegally is not okay
I really love your hair it looks so pretty and it suit you well!! ❤❤
If you give someone an ultimatum you better be ready to accept their decision
You're pretty as always ✨✨ again, love the hair. I liked the red a little👌better but this color looks good on you too ✨✨
3:03 "I hate people" I would have stopped the sentence right there 😆
and I totally agree, I have pets so don't even try to get between me and them because you would not like my decission on who stays and who leaves.
Let the dog decide if he’s a good person. Had 2 dogs at different times who really didn’t like someone. I always trust my dogs.
I would tell! My exes have cheated on me, but I got them arrested because they were 21 and I was 19 and he cheated on me with a 13 and a 16 year old girl. Not to mention he only dated me to get closer to my little sister and “just for something to do in town” since we lived in a small town where there is absolutely nothing to do.
Second. I love you Ellen!! You have caused my addiction to stories like this! Also, how is your day?
Here's your silver medal! ====> 🥈
it's not about "cat over her" it's about her having no business with her husband's will and being absolute about hers.
The gal who tried to come between the fellow and his beloved cats should beware that there are folks that would butcher her and feed her remains to the cats. After all, if there is no body, there is no crime.
that's how I judge a person's character, if they don't like animals... I don't like them... goodbye...
I just hope all stories had updates in order to see if people who were wronged found their justice.
i had a girlfriend who tried to get me to get rid of my dogs. she found her stuff out front and the key was changed.
First save save save, I met a woman with two dogs. Now, we have the same two dogs and two cats we raised since kittens. A good four great years.
This is my motto
If someone doesn't love animals it's a small turn off
But if they don't mind animals being hurt?
Then a no no
He's really going to see her malicious and lying side when she starts talking about him to her divorce lawyer and the judge.