At 57 years of age I can say I am horrible at gaming but I love it. Words like Synergy and things like what stats are best and what gear is best confuse me. I started gaming with my kid, now 27 as a way to bond, well he has moved out the house and gaming is one way we keep our bond. I love playing a Priest want to try my hand at healing. ( Oyy I know they get blamed for everything) but this video helps me understand at least how to build a better toon and what specs to look for. Thanks for you time and effort. Game On!!
just look at gear in a mathematical way. look at stat guides for your character and priorities. one of my favorite things about classic is doing the math and decision making on my own instead of a builtin UI to tell me if its an upgrade or not
Cool story m8 mine is simmilar but im ten years younger then you and the kid (not mine) is now 23-34 . My ex wife was 11 years older than me but we me and the kid also staring gaming togehter every day after work and school we would game and bond now 7 years later we game every day after work but the ex wont talk to me and and she is not happy we are playing together (i think he understand the female mindset lol) Anyways all the best wiches for you and your kis from Norway
Healing is a lot of fun. In Classic it will be more forgiving in the sense that it takes so long to form a group and travel to the dungeons that hopefully most groups will work with you and give you tips if you aren't doing so well. They aren't about to kick a healer and have to wait an hour for another one unless its absolutely necessary. Usually when it gets tough its because some dps guy is standing in fire or something bad. Just remember to keep the tank alive and if you lose a dps in the process oh well haha.
I know this guide is from 2 years ago.. But omg this is hands down the best guide i've ever seen from anybody! please keep making guides you are so so good at it! tyvm
This is the first time I see wand/melee weaving mentioned anywhere. I've always figured this was a private server thing because I never saw anyone use it or talk about it back in vanilla, but then again I NEVER see anyone use it or talk about it on private servers today. Very good job!
I know this is an old post, but I still wanted to leave a comment. I've been playing wow on and off for years. I'm back at it with the release of classic, the best version of wow ever! I've always played dps and tanking toons, but decided to add in a priest this time. Since I knew very little about priest mechanics, I decided to do a little homework. You are right, there still continues to be arguments as to best spec for leveling either holy or shadow; and best to start with wand specialization vs spirit tap. Coming in as an experienced player but a noob to priest, I have tried both now, and agree completely with your guide. Shadow is best for leveling and wand specialization needs to be first if you can either get a drop, AH, or make it yourself with enchanting. There is very little spirit on low level gear, therefore, spirit tap helps very little at lower level; but with wand specialization, I was using your rotation burning down multiple pulled mobs. It was much faster to kill and less mana dependent. Holy with full spirit tap at lower level will still leave you with too much downtime, and in trouble if you pull an ambush. Thank you for the guide.
I'm impressed you included wand weaving. After leveling several priests on private servers, I personally prefer using a slow staff to through a: wand, wand, melee rotation
Honestly, this is easily the best guide i have seen on priest on YT. Very Nice. The spell efficiency and dps lacked a discussion about buffs to shadow/holy damage and spell coefficients. Holy's spell coefficients are high and shadow gets more shadow damage from tree. Your level 60 smite build is meh. The main bonus of the last 7 points is the awesome Spirit buff, however, it better to go holy reach 2/2 by 55 and maybe even SWP again vs any elite its gonna help a lot. Because you don't get the Spirit buff until you are done leveling... I guess if you are planning on solo farming + doing grouping pre raid it is a good spec :P I get it from that aspect. I just always think leveling builds should stop around 56-57 to avoid those great powerful talents that you can get ... but only at 59 or 60.
Yoo Kargoz! Loved the guide, as always. Since you're finished with the class guides, you might be thinking to make different vanilla video's? There is still a ton of stuff that I, and probably other people, would like to know more about, maybe you could take the topics in to consideration when choosing what new video to make :) Possible topics: - How threat works, difference between ranged dps, melee dps and healers, and how threat reset mechanics work - Combat system, how difference in weapon skill and defence skill works in hit and glacing blows % and stuff in Pvp. Also the effect on bosses. - Best in slot guide pre raid, to know what items to look out for while questing. - BiS progression through MC, AQ and naxx, with all the juicy trinkets - Pvp trinket guide - Some info about important proffesion recipies. Like the important flasks needed for raiding, or enchants. Have fun in the beta!
Priest and Rogue are the only classes i haven't played in Classic. But now i want to try it. Especially because of mind control. Beware those who travel to Booty Bay!
A note on the wand speed, yes you can only hit on GCD, but wands also function a bit like actual casted spells, in that they can be cutcast. A faster wand than 1.5 would still be very negligible especially with Power Word: Shield up.
There are so many people running around on private servers too saying like "you need of the owl" or "of the eagle) as well as warriors with staves (oh god I've never ever seen this many warriors with staves) so if you were wondering, these videos already made a HUGE impact. I'd love to see if Paladins level more efficiently since then but no way to play alliance for only to see how they do :) Very well done guides, thanks for your work!
I absolutely cannot believe that I've been playing this game for 12+ years and I never realized u could weave melee and wanding. For anyone interested... with a simple macro like: /cast Shoot /cast Attack you can instantly swap back and forth with attacks with 1 button. wanding triggers gcd so u have to click it, wait for wand swing, then click again, wait for melee swing, then repeat etc etc
@@LukewarmM1lk I was looking for something that would only disable them for this specific macro, cuz I want to hear them normally, i'm used to them. But this is better than nothing. Thanks :D
In terms of Wand Specialization vs. Spirit Tap, I personally believe that putting one point in Spirit Tap is generally a wise thing to do before going all in on Wand Specialization. The reason I say this is that Wand Specialization is the most valuable as it increases kill efficiency. Having one point in Spirit Tap means on some occasions, you gain the full effect of the buff. If Spirit Tap adjusted its value based on talent spent rather than just chance to proc, then I would say ignore it. But since you do get the full effect on a 20% chance, it should be worth putting a point into it.
13:30 so at the start (1-10) I suggest people could get tailoring and enchanting right away. While you grind the first starting zone you could farm linen cloth and make wands. Along the way you will also get many greens to disenchant, make more wands and hurry up to put them in the AH. You will also make a lot of great cloth gear while you level up to 60 and make good $$$ from that new economy.
Would love to see a HC version of this guide!!! Fwiw, I always go enchanting / wand until I craft the Greater Magic Wand. 17.5 dps and 4/5 in wand spec by L13 is way more powerful than casting spells. Who needs mana regen when you're barely casting spells? The killing power of the L13 wand is insane at that level.
Now that you've made a Classic WoW leveling guide for each class, could you compile them as a playlist on your channel? The one currently available is mostly made up by OrcBit videos (???). It would be better if all of the videos from the series are packed in one playlist, instead of having to scroll and search for each video separately. Thank you! Big fan of your guides, you opened my eyes to stuff I never knew like Hamstring/Earthbind kiting and others.
Renew is generally more mana efficient when it comes to the healing/mana cost ratio, but I think it's worth mentioning that PW:S stops melee hits consuming Inner Fire charges.
I feel you on this, and I will most likely at least try each class up to 20, but only will level my Dwarf Priest and Dwarf Paladin to 60. Getting all 9 to 60 and then into End Game would just cost way too much time for my lifestyle. But leveling 2 to max would work great for me, giving each of them enough time to gain sweet extra XP from resting while the other burns it.
@@Ghost3210(before your read take this with humour) hahaha... 'lifestyle' ... are you fucking kidding me bro? Just levelling one toon on this game and attempting end game puts a huge damper on any lifestyle you're trying to cultivate. I mean some days you log on and your literally just running around for hours to get flight paths, get to a dungeon and hand in quests. Just playing on private servers levelling one toon is sucking up more time then I care to admit. If you want a lifestyle, don't look at any screen for more than an hour a day, and give up completely any commitment to even a casual video game. :D . Trust me I know. Been there done that. When your at work you think about WoW. When you have your half hearted night out for drinks your thinking about WoW... when you.... well... you get the idea xD
I myself am definitely going Shadow Priest come Classic. Why? Because Blizzard took my class from me and left me with this trashily designed Voidform bullshit. Classic gives me my old Priest back, the way I remember playing Shadow. Fuck retail.
If you wanna play a braindead easy class that spends 90% of BGs drinking and 10% face rolling with 2 spells and fighting to the death to get a raid spot then shadow priest is the one for you!
Every time I've tried playing on private server I end up with maxed character list of level 30characters. These poor toons shall never leave the leveling purgatory since I have serious problems with procrastination(yes I procrastinate on doing procrastination, please send help)
Man thats a ton of stuff. Really gonna dive in to this more the closer we get to release. Hope you will continue making these awesome kind of guides even tho I know it takes a fking ton of time to do. Really nice presentation! have a sub ;)
7 days into my first wow classic subscription and I am level 35 & have no idea what I'm doin with priest talents. This helps a lot considering I hadn't even thought about re-specing based on leveling needs/ group needs.
You hands down make the best wow classic guides. thanks for all the effort. but weaving melee attacks between wand shots seems super sweaty to me. although I know this rotation exists I will never do that haha.
Remember leveling as disc/holy as priest with the exception of the spirit regen talents on shadow skill tree. I had no issues lvling like that from what i remember. Disc being really good on mana reduce cost on instant spells once you reach that lvl when you unlock it. :) You also get super easy to get a spot in dungeons which is good cause most likely most healable classes will lvl as dps. :)
Nice video, but you can't procc Martyrdom or any ability that relies on you being crit by sitting down. This wasn't known at time of publishing but Blizzard have confirmed it is "fixed" in the build classic will be using. You will still get crit when sitting it just won't procc effects that rely on being crit.
I HIGHLY recommend going spirit tap FIRST. Once you hit 60% chance (3/5) it makes leveling very smooth as your mana and HP regeneration are great... much more useful then 15% extra damage on a wand that's probably doing 20 to 30 dmg, imo.
Thank you for acknowledging the possibility of levelling as Holy. This is my preferred method because I often like to take breaks from questing to heal group content.
Well if a video like this dont make a man subscribe idk! Such a great walkthrough with gooood explainations, nifty tips and what so ever. You've clearly put a lot of work and effort into this dude. Amazing, thanks!
Great video! I played shadow in vanilla, but this time I'm considering staying Holy-Disc 40-60. What would be your recommended rotation? My guess: PW:Shield/Renew-->Holy Fire-->Smite(x3)-->Wand/Melee Weave? Also, when I played I found it more efficient to use Renew/PW:Shield at the end of my spell rotation before wanding. But I wasn't melee weaving. That's a brilliant idea! Again, great video, thank you guys!
@@cfrogers0208 2 points spirit tap, 5 points wand spec, 3 points spirit tap, 3 points shadow focus, 2 points improved pain, 1 point mind flay, 2 points martyrdom. In my opinion, that's the optimal talent build until level 27. From there you can pretty much do whatever until 40 when you will be re-speccing for shadow form. (I know I'm not the guy you asked but I figured I would weigh in anyway).
Troll has always been overlooked for PvP. Shadowguard can stun with shadow talent and has 20% healing reduction without a cooldown. It might be better than Undead.
100% the most underrated race/class combo ever. Verse warrior, hunter, rogues, pallies, druids, mages ... all but priests and locks Undead does nothing for you. Trolls offer a 30% chance to stun over 9 seconds from a single GCD plus MF level damage, plus shadow weaving stacks if shadow, with no cooldown and pre combat if wanted as well. And all thats is JUST SHADOWGUARD. You also get the damage reduction Plus 20% healing debuff insta cast, no CD, down rank able to like 20-30 mana. And you get a 10-30% cast speed CD. I mean... I get that Undead is really op verse fears and charm. And honestly the way shadow does damage WotF is really nice as they cannot fear you out of face melting. But Troll is very more OP than most people realize. Shadowguard for leveling is better than MF. Its massive. On average its a Stun every 20- 30 seconds from Shadowguard alone.
Shadowguard is the BiS in Horde. No Cooldown, scales 100% spell-power, procs 2 very important talents: Blackout and Weaving. UD Plague has a long cooldown, can be cleansed and dwarfs immune to it. Fear break is good but in PvP, alliance do not have high numbers of fearing classes like Warlock & Priests. Berserk troll can cast Flash Heal at 1 second cast time, huge in PvP, and Shadowguard just procs a lot. Many times, enemy Rogues come and open on my Troll priest and I stun-lock them with Shadowguard.
Hey there Kargoz :) Just wanted to let you know that on the demo at least, you can't melee in between you're wand casts. Just figured I would let you know.
Regarding early wands - just get enchanting. Then you can make a wand at level 5. If you don't want to stick to enchanting, it's easy to drop and replace since you can get other wands beginning shortly after level 10.
I want to level as a holy. It has talents that boost smite/holy fire AND healing. Also a little bit of rp. Still going to get wand spec and spirit tap.
@@Goku_Kiyosaki Priest is a great leveler. Grab both spirit tap and wand spec and you can go deep into the holy. Shadow is not mandatory for leveling. In fact 5/20/5 beats 5/0/25 until shadows gets shadow form. You can continue being holy after 40 if you want.
@@Goku_Kiyosaki While questing- no. But holy gets amazing talents that gives you spell power for spirit. It depends entirely up to you which flavor of priest you prefer and how much grouping you want to do. Shadow will be better in the open world solo. Holy will be better in groups and dungeons. Both can perform well in both scenarios.
God I wish more people were like you; nobody ever quantifies things or sources their statements! "You should do X because it improves Y..." How do you know that? Where are the numbers?! Anyway, thanks for the amazing work. Wish we had a million of you to make videos for every game ^.^
One tip for people who wants to lvl as holy. Pick holy nova. You will use it in dung. Not for dmg or heal, but for activating spirit tap(+s. guidance combo). You arent allways able to steal kill with your other spells like in bc and wotlk (SW:D, Holy Fire). Holy nova has decent range and doesnt cause threat. So if you manage your threat you can stand closer to battle and can easily steal kills. It makes big difference.
Just a note. That although smite might be ideal in terms of Damage Per Mana. But you also need consider mana for the recovery. The slow from MF will prevent more damage taken, there fore less mana used for recovery.
Wow this videos i amazing. The only class that i have never tried is priest, and that's what i will be rolling Classic come. This guide will send me the right way from the start. Thanks alot!
Think "BiS" for PvP on Horde side is arguable. Hex of Weakness is a very underrated spell, the reduced healing is actually really nice and not many people know its a Curse. Shadowguard is like you mentioned very nice as well. Seeing that Fear isnt used as much by Alliance, I'd say only Cannibalism is pretty nice for Undead. From experience, overall I'd say they're tied or even in small favor of Trolls. Undead just looks a lot better. Thanks for the massive info once again.
I have tested the wand/staff weaving. Depending on the weapons speeds you may have to wand once or twice before attacking with your staff. From my experience it is an effective way to increase damage output.
i'm gonna play a priest and rogue in vanilla. can't wait to play it again . How odd is that for a game that came out in 2004. 2020 it's still hypeworthy
The graphs you think are showing mana efficiency are not. Look at the table at 8:15. You can see clearly that even the first rank of Mind Flay is more efficient than every rank of Smite, and Holy Fire is always more efficient than Smite at comparable ranks. The mana efficiency ranking a few slides later should be read: Mind Flay > Holy Fire > SWP > Smite > Mind Blast. Or, after 40 with full Shadow talents it changes to: Mind Flay > SWP > Holy Fire > Mind Blast > Smite. Those graphs were showing something else, I don't know what since the title and axis labels are cut off. Really confused as to why I see so many Priest leveling guides that include Mind Blast (the least efficient spell) in their leveling rotation but exclude Mind Flay (the most efficient). Even with 1 tick lost to auto attack AND no shadow talents it's still more mana efficient than both Smite and Mind Blast.
This is a good guide, but honestly the reason classic wow was so amazing is that people just played to enjoy themselves. Spec how you like, play how you like. You do not need to everything optimally to have a great time in classic wow.
You're about the millionth person to say this. The reality is people at our age want to maximize the value of their time spent in game. That's what this guide is for. There are much fewer shitters in Classic compared to what we saw in Vanilla. There are a lot of people just getting on to explore and relive the game, but more players are seriously trying to get to 60 , get their epic mounts, etc. I watch these videos because I am an adult who doesn't have 8 hours to accomplish what should take 5. You get the idea.
Problem with shadow priests back in the day is that they weren't very popular if you were looking for a group to do instances -- they were always expected to heal.
Hey your videos are awesome and they are easy to understand, even for me as a german! After i watched all your class guides, i decided to play priest. Now i have a question: Which profession do you prefer for priests and why?
It's good for keeping things from running away from you or slowing enemies getting to you. But you can't truly kite with it because it only slows while you're standing still.
First game I ever played =Classic wow...first toon Troll Priest...tried mainly Holy....let me tell ya.... definitely squishy and super challenging to but the memories ... can't beat them and it has kept me coming back for years... Even if you do not go with one of the tried trees in this video, enjoy what you choose... you won't regret it :)
amazing guide! 2 mistakes i found are: im pretty sure the patch this applys to is 1.12 and not 1.13 (on two slides) and on the slide priest specific tips it says power word shield scales with inner focus. it should say inner fire.
Devouring Plague is stupidly costed. Rank 3 is already around 500 mana... yeah it's about twice the cost of SWP at a given level (ranks are not directly comparable due to slower rank-up of racials). I use it when I pull two mobs. Put it in the off-focus mob, let DP and SWP do their damage while you focus down the other mob. This will give you a mini renew and take the avg. Similar level mob down to half health for you.
im seeing better damage at lvl 30 with by starting with power word shield so theres no interrupt, pulling an enemy with holy fire and immediately casting shadow word pain, then cast mind blast, and then cast another mind flay smite 2 times. after that they should be at around 25-30% health left, which is when i start to wand.
But doesn't this hinder the 5 sec no cast mana regen rule? I'm hearing we use our cast damage abilities and end with SWP into wand in order to start that Regen for next pull? Also, what's up with Devouring Plague while lvling? He doesn't mention it here and I just got the spell but not sure if we use it while lvling?
I recently came back to classic and wanted to relevel an alt next to my main Lock, im now on 22 priest and i really like the class so far. Definitely not a multi mob class but he hits really hard for this low a level. Want to heal raids as Holy/Disc but excited to do Shadow pvp man.
So if I’m going with the Disc shadow build, how good is my healing going to be? Never played priest but I’d assume everyone’s still gonna want me to heal in dungeons and such.
At 57 years of age I can say I am horrible at gaming but I love it. Words like Synergy and things like what stats are best and what gear is best confuse me. I started gaming with my kid, now 27 as a way to bond, well he has moved out the house and gaming is one way we keep our bond. I love playing a Priest want to try my hand at healing. ( Oyy I know they get blamed for everything) but this video helps me understand at least how to build a better toon and what specs to look for. Thanks for you time and effort. Game On!!
Best of luck in your gaming endeavors, MoJo! ^-^
just look at gear in a mathematical way. look at stat guides for your character and priorities. one of my favorite things about classic is doing the math and decision making on my own instead of a builtin UI to tell me if its an upgrade or not
Cool story m8 mine is simmilar but im ten years younger then you and the kid (not mine) is now 23-34 . My ex wife was 11 years older than me but we me and the kid also staring gaming togehter every day after work and school we would game and bond now 7 years later we game every day after work but the ex wont talk to me and and she is not happy we are playing together (i think he understand the female mindset lol) Anyways all the best wiches for you and your kis from Norway
Healing is a lot of fun. In Classic it will be more forgiving in the sense that it takes so long to form a group and travel to the dungeons that hopefully most groups will work with you and give you tips if you aren't doing so well. They aren't about to kick a healer and have to wait an hour for another one unless its absolutely necessary. Usually when it gets tough its because some dps guy is standing in fire or something bad. Just remember to keep the tank alive and if you lose a dps in the process oh well haha.
Going for a priest myself on classic release, and the same age as your kid ! Game on!
Back for fresh classic this month. I am excited to level a shadow priest again.
Welcome back!
@@kargozgaming you should make a video/community post about new classic coming. shit is hype
It's all about that Smite 8)>
I know this guide is from 2 years ago.. But omg this is hands down the best guide i've ever seen from anybody! please keep making guides you are so so good at it! tyvm
This is the first time I see wand/melee weaving mentioned anywhere. I've always figured this was a private server thing because I never saw anyone use it or talk about it back in vanilla, but then again I NEVER see anyone use it or talk about it on private servers today. Very good job!
I know this is an old post, but I still wanted to leave a comment. I've been playing wow on and off for years. I'm back at it with the release of classic, the best version of wow ever! I've always played dps and tanking toons, but decided to add in a priest this time. Since I knew very little about priest mechanics, I decided to do a little homework. You are right, there still continues to be arguments as to best spec for leveling either holy or shadow; and best to start with wand specialization vs spirit tap. Coming in as an experienced player but a noob to priest, I have tried both now, and agree completely with your guide. Shadow is best for leveling and wand specialization needs to be first if you can either get a drop, AH, or make it yourself with enchanting. There is very little spirit on low level gear, therefore, spirit tap helps very little at lower level; but with wand specialization, I was using your rotation burning down multiple pulled mobs. It was much faster to kill and less mana dependent. Holy with full spirit tap at lower level will still leave you with too much downtime, and in trouble if you pull an ambush. Thank you for the guide.
I'm impressed you included wand weaving. After leveling several priests on private servers, I personally prefer using a slow staff to through a: wand, wand, melee rotation
@@brendanhartwig6086 it doesn't work in classic.
Honestly, this is easily the best guide i have seen on priest on YT. Very Nice.
The spell efficiency and dps lacked a discussion about buffs to shadow/holy damage and spell coefficients. Holy's spell coefficients are high and shadow gets more shadow damage from tree.
Your level 60 smite build is meh. The main bonus of the last 7 points is the awesome Spirit buff, however, it better to go holy reach 2/2 by 55 and maybe even SWP again vs any elite its gonna help a lot. Because you don't get the Spirit buff until you are done leveling... I guess if you are planning on solo farming + doing grouping pre raid it is a good spec :P I get it from that aspect. I just always think leveling builds should stop around 56-57 to avoid those great powerful talents that you can get ... but only at 59 or 60.
Yoo Kargoz! Loved the guide, as always.
Since you're finished with the class guides, you might be thinking to make different vanilla video's?
There is still a ton of stuff that I, and probably other people, would like to know more about, maybe you could take the topics in to consideration when choosing what new video to make :)
Possible topics:
- How threat works, difference between ranged dps, melee dps and healers, and how threat reset mechanics work
- Combat system, how difference in weapon skill and defence skill works in hit and glacing blows % and stuff in Pvp. Also the effect on bosses.
- Best in slot guide pre raid, to know what items to look out for while questing.
- BiS progression through MC, AQ and naxx, with all the juicy trinkets
- Pvp trinket guide
- Some info about important proffesion recipies. Like the important flasks needed for raiding, or enchants.
Have fun in the beta!
"i couldnt be more excited to exist right now" cracked me up, and i agree! keep up the amazing work, really helpful.
Priest and Rogue are the only classes i haven't played in Classic. But now i want to try it. Especially because of mind control. Beware those who travel to Booty Bay!
A note on the wand speed, yes you can only hit on GCD, but wands also function a bit like actual casted spells, in that they can be cutcast. A faster wand than 1.5 would still be very negligible especially with Power Word: Shield up.
There are so many people running around on private servers too saying like "you need of the owl" or "of the eagle) as well as warriors with staves (oh god I've never ever seen this many warriors with staves) so if you were wondering, these videos already made a HUGE impact. I'd love to see if Paladins level more efficiently since then but no way to play alliance for only to see how they do :) Very well done guides, thanks for your work!
I absolutely cannot believe that I've been playing this game for 12+ years and I never realized u could weave melee and wanding.
For anyone interested...
with a simple macro like:
/cast Shoot
/cast Attack
you can instantly swap back and forth with attacks with 1 button.
wanding triggers gcd so u have to click it, wait for wand swing, then click again, wait for melee swing, then repeat etc etc
This is really cool, but the error sounds generated by this are driving me insane. Is there a fix for that?
@@caraviaa You can disable "Error speech" in the settings.
@@LukewarmM1lk I was looking for something that would only disable them for this specific macro, cuz I want to hear them normally, i'm used to them. But this is better than nothing. Thanks :D
I tried testing this in the closed beta. Didn't work for me like on pservers.
Only tried on pserver.. We'll see on Tuesday
In terms of Wand Specialization vs. Spirit Tap, I personally believe that putting one point in Spirit Tap is generally a wise thing to do before going all in on Wand Specialization. The reason I say this is that Wand Specialization is the most valuable as it increases kill efficiency. Having one point in Spirit Tap means on some occasions, you gain the full effect of the buff. If Spirit Tap adjusted its value based on talent spent rather than just chance to proc, then I would say ignore it. But since you do get the full effect on a 20% chance, it should be worth putting a point into it.
Disagree, you don't want to be level 20 before you can use Spirit tap to it's full affect, imo 5/5 spirit tap asap is mandatory
I remember my friends ( Mega churchy ) parents would Not Let him be a Horde Priest LOL
They said that it was NOT Christian LMFAO.
Wtf? But a Warlock is christian?
@@throttle1000 only if its a human white male lol
But... It wasn't a Christian server either... Well not with those ninja looters and gankers btw.
Well they werent wrong.
13:30 so at the start (1-10) I suggest people could get tailoring and enchanting right away. While you grind the first starting zone you could farm linen cloth and make wands. Along the way you will also get many greens to disenchant, make more wands and hurry up to put them in the AH. You will also make a lot of great cloth gear while you level up to 60 and make good $$$ from that new economy.
Would love to see a HC version of this guide!!! Fwiw, I always go enchanting / wand until I craft the Greater Magic Wand. 17.5 dps and 4/5 in wand spec by L13 is way more powerful than casting spells. Who needs mana regen when you're barely casting spells? The killing power of the L13 wand is insane at that level.
Came back for the fresh server or classic classic lol great video for someone who hasn’t played in a while!
Leveling my first ever shadow priest in wow classic. Found this at level 38 and really helped me to figure out where I was heading.
Awesome to hear, glad it helped!
Now that you've made a Classic WoW leveling guide for each class, could you compile them as a playlist on your channel? The one currently available is mostly made up by OrcBit videos (???). It would be better if all of the videos from the series are packed in one playlist, instead of having to scroll and search for each video separately. Thank you! Big fan of your guides, you opened my eyes to stuff I never knew like Hamstring/Earthbind kiting and others.
Thank you for the playlist!
im not sure how youve done it but youve got me watching all your new guides even though im only going to play warlock and druid lol
Renew is generally more mana efficient when it comes to the healing/mana cost ratio, but I think it's worth mentioning that PW:S stops melee hits consuming Inner Fire charges.
I wish I could be your Chair....
And also prevents spell push-back while casting your Smites and Mind Blasts.
Man your guides are really fucking me on what to play. Everything looks so dope. That intro song is amazing btw
Ugh all these class guides are killing me. Every video i watch i am like "oh this is a cool class im gonna play that when classic comes out"
I feel you on this, and I will most likely at least try each class up to 20, but only will level my Dwarf Priest and Dwarf Paladin to 60. Getting all 9 to 60 and then into End Game would just cost way too much time for my lifestyle. But leveling 2 to max would work great for me, giving each of them enough time to gain sweet extra XP from resting while the other burns it.
@@Ghost3210(before your read take this with humour) hahaha... 'lifestyle' ... are you fucking kidding me bro? Just levelling one toon on this game and attempting end game puts a huge damper on any lifestyle you're trying to cultivate. I mean some days you log on and your literally just running around for hours to get flight paths, get to a dungeon and hand in quests.
Just playing on private servers levelling one toon is sucking up more time then I care to admit.
If you want a lifestyle, don't look at any screen for more than an hour a day, and give up completely any commitment to even a casual video game.
:D . Trust me I know. Been there done that. When your at work you think about WoW. When you have your half hearted night out for drinks your thinking about WoW... when you.... well... you get the idea xD
I myself am definitely going Shadow Priest come Classic. Why? Because Blizzard took my class from me and left me with this trashily designed Voidform bullshit. Classic gives me my old Priest back, the way I remember playing Shadow. Fuck retail.
If you wanna play a braindead easy class that spends 90% of BGs drinking and 10% face rolling with 2 spells and fighting to the death to get a raid spot then shadow priest is the one for you!
Every time I've tried playing on private server I end up with maxed character list of level 30characters. These poor toons shall never leave the leveling purgatory since I have serious problems with procrastination(yes I procrastinate on doing procrastination, please send help)
Man thats a ton of stuff. Really gonna dive in to this more the closer we get to release. Hope you will continue making these awesome kind of guides even tho I know it takes a fking ton of time to do. Really nice presentation! have a sub ;)
7 days into my first wow classic subscription and I am level 35 & have no idea what I'm doin with priest talents. This helps a lot considering I hadn't even thought about re-specing based on leveling needs/ group needs.
Amazing wow guide mate, thank you! Priest has always been my favourite class. Love from the UK
Thank you so much for this! I clicked for a lvl 25 rotation, but left with a TON of knowledge ♥ Subbed!
You hands down make the best wow classic guides. thanks for all the effort. but weaving melee attacks between wand shots seems super sweaty to me. although I know this rotation exists I will never do that haha.
20:00 that is a pserver bug only, in the beta sitting doesn't allow for those abilities that trigger on crit to trigger.
Remember leveling as disc/holy as priest with the exception of the spirit regen talents on shadow skill tree. I had no issues lvling like that from what i remember. Disc being really good on mana reduce cost on instant spells once you reach that lvl when you unlock it. :) You also get super easy to get a spot in dungeons which is good cause most likely most healable classes will lvl as dps. :)
Can't believe I'm watching this video again!
Nice video, but you can't procc Martyrdom or any ability that relies on you being crit by sitting down. This wasn't known at time of publishing but Blizzard have confirmed it is "fixed" in the build classic will be using.
You will still get crit when sitting it just won't procc effects that rely on being crit.
I HIGHLY recommend going spirit tap FIRST. Once you hit 60% chance (3/5) it makes leveling very smooth as your mana and HP regeneration are great... much more useful then 15% extra damage on a wand that's probably doing 20 to 30 dmg, imo.
Yeah i go 3/5 Spirit Tap, then 5/5 wand, then 4th and 5th point in Spirit Tap.
Thank you for acknowledging the possibility of levelling as Holy. This is my preferred method because I often like to take breaks from questing to heal group content.
You can heal all pre-raid dungeons as shadow though.
I hope he makes videos like these on professions
These are by far the best, most thorough and most optimal guides i have found, bravo sir!
Lot of work have done, huh? Discussion on stream was hot, great work as always, and thanks for the guide
1 year later. Video is still relevant. Can't wait to play my priest. This is an excellent video man.
Well if a video like this dont make a man subscribe idk!
Such a great walkthrough with gooood explainations, nifty tips and what so ever. You've clearly put a lot of work and effort into this dude.
Amazing, thanks!
Great video! I played shadow in vanilla, but this time I'm considering staying Holy-Disc 40-60. What would be your recommended rotation? My guess: PW:Shield/Renew-->Holy Fire-->Smite(x3)-->Wand/Melee Weave? Also, when I played I found it more efficient to use Renew/PW:Shield at the end of my spell rotation before wanding. But I wasn't melee weaving. That's a brilliant idea! Again, great video, thank you guys!
Quivers don't boost wands, it's another pserv bug ^^
@@zao9256 id like to see in what order do you grab skills. i'm interested.
@@cfrogers0208 2 points spirit tap, 5 points wand spec, 3 points spirit tap, 3 points shadow focus, 2 points improved pain, 1 point mind flay, 2 points martyrdom. In my opinion, that's the optimal talent build until level 27. From there you can pretty much do whatever until 40 when you will be re-speccing for shadow form. (I know I'm not the guy you asked but I figured I would weigh in anyway).
If it doesn't suit your playstyle or preferences, that's one thing, and completely valid. But complete garbage? Please.
Really appreciate the juicy guides man!
Solid breakdown of the priest class. Thanks lad
Any time!
if you go enchanting tailoring you get a pretty good lvl 5 wand early no matter if the server is fresh or not. soo still prefer wand talent early imo
thanks a lot! our (russian) community are really appreciating your guides
upd: im from burger channel
Troll has always been overlooked for PvP. Shadowguard can stun with shadow talent and has 20% healing reduction without a cooldown. It might be better than Undead.
100% the most underrated race/class combo ever. Verse warrior, hunter, rogues, pallies, druids, mages ... all but priests and locks Undead does nothing for you. Trolls offer a 30% chance to stun over 9 seconds from a single GCD plus MF level damage, plus shadow weaving stacks if shadow, with no cooldown and pre combat if wanted as well. And all thats is JUST SHADOWGUARD. You also get the damage reduction Plus 20% healing debuff insta cast, no CD, down rank able to like 20-30 mana. And you get a 10-30% cast speed CD.
I mean... I get that Undead is really op verse fears and charm. And honestly the way shadow does damage WotF is really nice as they cannot fear you out of face melting.
But Troll is very more OP than most people realize. Shadowguard for leveling is better than MF. Its massive. On average its a Stun every 20- 30 seconds from Shadowguard alone.
Shadowguard is the BiS in Horde. No Cooldown, scales 100% spell-power, procs 2 very important talents: Blackout and Weaving. UD Plague has a long cooldown, can be cleansed and dwarfs immune to it. Fear break is good but in PvP, alliance do not have high numbers of fearing classes like Warlock & Priests. Berserk troll can cast Flash Heal at 1 second cast time, huge in PvP, and Shadowguard just procs a lot.
Many times, enemy Rogues come and open on my Troll priest and I stun-lock them with Shadowguard.
Shadowguard have no heal like plague
Hey there Kargoz :)
Just wanted to let you know that on the demo at least, you can't melee in between you're wand casts.
Just figured I would let you know.
Regarding early wands - just get enchanting. Then you can make a wand at level 5. If you don't want to stick to enchanting, it's easy to drop and replace since you can get other wands beginning shortly after level 10.
I will try playing as a priest for the first time , this guide will help me a lot thank you for the good work .
Wand/melee combo doesn't seem to work well in actual Classic
Yea, i agree with that. Its not working like in a guide. Wand and staf or MH wep have same cooldown time
Im pretty sure i melee inbetween, must have a look again.
They won’t even sell me a wand till I’m lvl 15.. maybe my troll looks too young for his age lol
@@farkwah641 Check the auction house for some lower level ones
Farkwah bruh go to an auction house, most servers should have tons of Wands by now. Look for a fire wand if you’re just starting off
Here I am playing priest on WoW Classic. How time flys.
Great video. Covers all of my questions as a new player on priest
Playing through vanilla the first time back in the day...had no idea it was this deep.
I want to level as a holy. It has talents that boost smite/holy fire AND healing. Also a little bit of rp. Still going to get wand spec and spirit tap.
Works well if you do a ton of grouping.
Toaster N'Friends so basically being a solo priest is a bad way to level ? And what about solo mage ?
@@Goku_Kiyosaki Priest is a great leveler. Grab both spirit tap and wand spec and you can go deep into the holy. Shadow is not mandatory for leveling. In fact 5/20/5 beats 5/0/25 until shadows gets shadow form. You can continue being holy after 40 if you want.
Esteban Failsmore so once you get shadow form can 5/20/5 still beat shadow form ?
@@Goku_Kiyosaki While questing- no. But holy gets amazing talents that gives you spell power for spirit. It depends entirely up to you which flavor of priest you prefer and how much grouping you want to do. Shadow will be better in the open world solo. Holy will be better in groups and dungeons. Both can perform well in both scenarios.
Thank's for a great guide! I especially absolutely love the smite spec since shadow doesn't seem fit in terms of flavor for my priest.
Amazing presentation, well laid out and systemised. Now I really want to try leveling priest :).
Really really good video! Played human mage and orc warrior in vanilla, looking forward to dwarf priest in wow classic :)
God I wish more people were like you; nobody ever quantifies things or sources their statements!
"You should do X because it improves Y..." How do you know that? Where are the numbers?!
Anyway, thanks for the amazing work. Wish we had a million of you to make videos for every game ^.^
One tip for people who wants to lvl as holy. Pick holy nova. You will use it in dung. Not for dmg or heal, but for activating spirit tap(+s. guidance combo). You arent allways able to steal kill with your other spells like in bc and wotlk (SW:D, Holy Fire). Holy nova has decent range and doesnt cause threat. So if you manage your threat you can stand closer to battle and can easily steal kills. It makes big difference.
Just a note. That although smite might be ideal in terms of Damage Per Mana. But you also need consider mana for the recovery. The slow from MF will prevent more damage taken, there fore less mana used for recovery.
Wow this videos i amazing. The only class that i have never tried is priest, and that's what i will be rolling Classic come. This guide will send me the right way from the start. Thanks alot!
Is this guide current for WoW: Classic? I think these are private server numbers.
youre communication skills are so good yet you are not going slow. thank you so much!!!!!
12:08 a few things. (
Awesome job, most of if not all of your guide will be relevant to classic which would be great. Thanks!
the /sit macro will not work in classic, the shadow/disc talent is garbage and most of what he said is....garbage...
Think "BiS" for PvP on Horde side is arguable. Hex of Weakness is a very underrated spell, the reduced healing is actually really nice and not many people know its a Curse. Shadowguard is like you mentioned very nice as well. Seeing that Fear isnt used as much by Alliance, I'd say only Cannibalism is pretty nice for Undead. From experience, overall I'd say they're tied or even in small favor of Trolls. Undead just looks a lot better. Thanks for the massive info once again.
@18:00.. u can still get a want if u pickup enchanting at lunch.. by time ur 10 u should be able to make ur 1st one
I have tested the wand/staff weaving. Depending on the weapons speeds you may have to wand once or twice before attacking with your staff. From my experience it is an effective way to increase damage output.
Your literally saying what he said dumbass
That is excellent, such a nice and pretty presentation. Thanks man!
"I'm really, really happy with life right now" :')
You won't be soon..
i'm gonna play a priest and rogue in vanilla. can't wait to play it again . How odd is that for a game that came out in 2004. 2020 it's still hypeworthy
The graphs you think are showing mana efficiency are not. Look at the table at 8:15. You can see clearly that even the first rank of Mind Flay is more efficient than every rank of Smite, and Holy Fire is always more efficient than Smite at comparable ranks. The mana efficiency ranking a few slides later should be read: Mind Flay > Holy Fire > SWP > Smite > Mind Blast. Or, after 40 with full Shadow talents it changes to: Mind Flay > SWP > Holy Fire > Mind Blast > Smite. Those graphs were showing something else, I don't know what since the title and axis labels are cut off.
Really confused as to why I see so many Priest leveling guides that include Mind Blast (the least efficient spell) in their leveling rotation but exclude Mind Flay (the most efficient). Even with 1 tick lost to auto attack AND no shadow talents it's still more mana efficient than both Smite and Mind Blast.
Great guide, only one thing i found out, priests cant equip quivers
Love your guides, and content. But why in the tool tip for a classic wow priest guide is the priest wearing T6?
Sweet! Been lookin forward to this spicy vid.
Salty called he want his other 2 flavor profiles back YA NOYD
this is a pretty darn good priest guide my dude
I think Devs removed the /sit crit thing.
They did, yes.
@@Kodama867 thank allfather
This is a good guide, but honestly the reason classic wow was so amazing is that people just played to enjoy themselves. Spec how you like, play how you like. You do not need to everything optimally to have a great time in classic wow.
That's all fine and dandy, till you get into a raiding guild.
Absolutely. However, for the competitive player, guides like this are very helpful.
You're about the millionth person to say this. The reality is people at our age want to maximize the value of their time spent in game. That's what this guide is for. There are much fewer shitters in Classic compared to what we saw in Vanilla. There are a lot of people just getting on to explore and relive the game, but more players are seriously trying to get to 60 , get their epic mounts, etc.
I watch these videos because I am an adult who doesn't have 8 hours to accomplish what should take 5. You get the idea.
Problem with shadow priests back in the day is that they weren't very popular if you were looking for a group to do instances -- they were always expected to heal.
Hey your videos are awesome and they are easy to understand, even for me as a german! After i watched all your class guides, i decided to play priest. Now i have a question: Which profession do you prefer for priests and why?
Mindflay is really good when low hp enemies flee.
It's good for keeping things from running away from you or slowing enemies getting to you. But you can't truly kite with it because it only slows while you're standing still.
The Forsaken Cannibalize is not 200% health regen but 35% HP over 10 seconds while eating a dead humanoid.
First game I ever played =Classic wow...first toon Troll Priest...tried mainly Holy....let me tell ya.... definitely squishy and super challenging to but the memories ... can't beat them and it has kept me coming back for years... Even if you do not go with one of the tried trees in this video, enjoy what you choose... you won't regret it :)
POGCHAMP thanks for the great guides :) i can't decide what to roll!
amazing guide! 2 mistakes i found are:
im pretty sure the patch this applys to is 1.12 and not 1.13 (on two slides)
on the slide priest specific tips it says power word shield scales with inner focus. it should say inner fire.
1.12 is the last patch in vanilla. 1.13 is the patch for classic, since it technically is a new build of the wow client.
Devouring Plague is stupidly costed. Rank 3 is already around 500 mana... yeah it's about twice the cost of SWP at a given level (ranks are not directly comparable due to slower rank-up of racials). I use it when I pull two mobs. Put it in the off-focus mob, let DP and SWP do their damage while you focus down the other mob. This will give you a mini renew and take the avg. Similar level mob down to half health for you.
Protect this man at all costs.
11:30 Imo get a staff slow enough to fit 2 wand shots in, I only got to 48 as a Lock but consistently had most DPS every instance I ran.
im seeing better damage at lvl 30 with by starting with power word shield so theres no interrupt, pulling an enemy with holy fire and immediately casting shadow word pain, then cast mind blast, and then cast another mind flay smite 2 times. after that they should be at around 25-30% health left, which is when i start to wand.
Thats EXACTLY what i find to be best rotation.
This also is what I've been doin.
But doesn't this hinder the 5 sec no cast mana regen rule? I'm hearing we use our cast damage abilities and end with SWP into wand in order to start that Regen for next pull?
Also, what's up with Devouring Plague while lvling? He doesn't mention it here and I just got the spell but not sure if we use it while lvling?
I would appreciate if you could see the tooltips for the talents when you go through them :D
I recently came back to classic and wanted to relevel an alt next to my main Lock, im now on 22 priest and i really like the class so far. Definitely not a multi mob class but he hits really hard for this low a level. Want to heal raids as Holy/Disc but excited to do Shadow pvp man.
So if I’m going with the Disc shadow build, how good is my healing going to be? Never played priest but I’d assume everyone’s still gonna want me to heal in dungeons and such.
Thanks for the guide! From the Soviet person to you thanks!
What’s next, level 60 guides??
Can't wait, haven't found any yet :(
Love the video and well done on the others!
Been waiting for this! Thank you!
Wow great work! This will be a tresure when classic releases
Great video! Do you happen to have something like this for a healing priest? For grouping/raiding? Thanks!