Energy crisis: The outlook is 'very, very tough,' says asset management firm

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • John Aylward, CIO at Sona Asset Management, says the question is whether policy will be good enough.

Комментарии • 66

  • @alexnesun
    @alexnesun 2 года назад +9

    The economy that can withstand thousands of sunctions Vs Thousands of economies that cannot handle one sunction, just one sunction

    • @dodiirawan5473
      @dodiirawan5473 2 года назад

      What economic indicator you use to describe Russia economy is doing well?, GDP, Inflation rate?,

    • @danielhutchinson6604
      @danielhutchinson6604 2 года назад

      @@dodiirawan5473 How is the US doing on paying off that $30 trillion debt?
      The GDP covers part of it now, and the image of stability seems to face challenge, as the BRICKS Guys now are creating their own IMF.
      Who can the Western Powers exploit to support the Fiat Currency that needs a constant flow to satisfy Creditors?
      The US would not be challenging Russia in Ukraine if it was not worried about how the Federal Reserve Note, is doing as a Reserve Currency?
      The reality of Economic Warfare seems to be revealing the power of resources?
      The US seems to have pissed away all that fueled the ability to propose a Marshall Plan?
      Who is left to exploit, when BRICS Nations can assemble an IMF of their own?
      The Western Powers seem to be runnung low on Gas to pour into the Diamler Auto?
      "Could be bad." .......Troy Tschudi

    • @JABelms
      @JABelms 2 года назад

      @@dodiirawan5473 It says it's withstanding. I live in a 3rd world country (Philippines), giving an example of how rich a small European country is moot when you can't even supply your people with enough gas

  • @KT-zx9jr
    @KT-zx9jr 2 года назад +7

    Green energy is the key bad policy to blame

  • @jimbeam4111
    @jimbeam4111 2 года назад +6

    It’s much better to do business than to do war.

  • @darylb5564
    @darylb5564 2 года назад +2

    They were taking down their nukes and replacing that capacity with solar. If you are all about green at any cost this sounds like an amazing idea. For those with a map it’s pretty clear that Berlin is 1,000 miles from the arctic circle and this is probably the worst idea since someone said let’s get our energy form the Russians… they’ve probably forgot all about ww 2.

  • @garo52
    @garo52 2 года назад +1

    Wti oil is $80 today ..that is no 'crisis' price for sure.

  • @johnchen9930
    @johnchen9930 2 года назад +2

    The hostess is very beautiful, and not a dumb blond.
    It was very stupid for EU/NATO & US to announce Russian oil price cap starts Jan 2023, OPEC+ oil prices will be the gauge. In order NOT to compete with suppressed Russian oil price in Jan 2023, OPEC+ will continue price boosting production cuts, so it will be at a very good position in Jan, $120/B could be possible in Dec 2022 when winter starts. There is a total of $1.5T margin calls through out EU, each nation will try to get new big loans to survive. Thus EACH one is on its own, i.e. to finance $60B new loan is much easier than the entire EU to negotiate $1.5T financing. Each European nation will negotiate oil/gas prices with Russia individually to ensure supply and fair prices, thus avoid old loans margin calls.
    Bottom line, NATO and EU will be hollowed out by their own members financially, but still wants US nuke umbrella Paper Tiger leverage protection against Russia. So a hollow NATO/EU shell will survive like the League of Nations. 🤨🤔

  • @liya7568
    @liya7568 2 года назад +11

    Stop sanctioning Russia and worry about your own citizens

    • @Isinlor
      @Isinlor 2 года назад +1

      We are worried about wars of conquest coming back to Europe. We didn't do enough when Russia attacked Georgia in 2008 and we certainly didn't do enough when Russia illegally annexed Crimea in 2014. Now we have to deal with the consequences of that appeasement. Appeasement of Hitler gave us the second world war. We are living in a very peaceful period of European history. Even with Russian invasion it's unprecedented peace from the perspective of the European history before WWII. The whole world is actually quite peaceful. We must not allow wars of conquests to succeed or soon we will wake up to a nuclear winter and energy prices will be the least of our worries.

    • @liya7568
      @liya7568 2 года назад +4

      @@Isinlor yes how buying high priced gas from China working for Europe when China is buying gas from Russia the European people are going to suffer with high energy prices . You need to keep up the only people these sanctions is affecting is European citizens.

    • @Isinlor
      @Isinlor 2 года назад

      @@liya7568 Russia does not have the pipeline infrastructure to supply gas to China in the quantities it was supplying it to Europe. The quantities Russia was capable to supply to China, China still needs for themselves. The gas that was meant to go to Europe Russia is just burning away. The biggest issue is that we were happily buying Russian gas when prices are going nuts. We must stop buying it altogether. It makes 0 sense to pay 2x for half the gas quantity or 10x for 10% of the gas. If we buy 0% we will pay 0 and that's were we need to be. Long term we need to get out of fossil fuels altogether and become energy independent. We can not allow dictatorships around the world blackmail us. We need to invest in nuclear, solar and wind power. And we need to do it like we are in economical war, because we are.
      Also how far are you willing to go under Russian blackmail? Blocking Finnish and Swedish membership in NATO? Withdrawing NATO support for Ukraine, Baltics and Poland? Supplying Russia with weapons? What if Russia decides that they need a land corridor between Belarus and Kaliningrad? Should Poland and Lithuania give up our lands? My home? Hitler wanted a land corridor between Gdańsk (Danzig) and mainland Germany. He already got Austria and Sudetenland, so why not corridor to Gdańsk? Poland said no, Hitler made a deal with Soviets and that's how the second world war started. Let's not repeat our mistakes, ok? My country lost 20% of population to that war, every fifth person gone.

    • @nvbnvb2240
      @nvbnvb2240 2 года назад

      .....Stop? ..... increase and send un peacekeepers to ukraine if russia attacks them send in Nato we are done with the russian trolls Not evrything revolvs about economics.....There is no point in having values if ur not willing to defend them.....Its thanks to the weak response of the eu when they invadit cremea that we are in this position to start with....Abully only understands a bloody nose....A lot of Europeans are willing to assist ukraine and use less energy....And ass energy get more expensive overall thats good it will finaly force goverments to do the right thing and produce there own energy needs on there own teritory.....Russian vodka soaked r......ds are just hurting themselfs...A lot of Europeans are tired of the eu leaders be pussys a lot of europeans support a lot taugher action against russia including me.

    • @liya7568
      @liya7568 2 года назад

      @@Isinlor they constructed a bridge where China is getting gas. They don't have gas as natural resources. Look up you sound uneducated in fact India and China have been buying Russian gas and oil in huge amounts since the sanction just Google read educate yourself . Whether Europeans like it or not they are buying Russian resources with higher prices just through a third party?😂😂

  • @Indomitablespirit108
    @Indomitablespirit108 2 года назад

    What's Pelosi buying or selling! Give us a heads up!

  • @belfasta
    @belfasta 2 года назад +15

    Sanctions on Russia must be removed immediately and European leader's should get on their knees and beg for forgiveness

    • @nvbnvb2240
      @nvbnvb2240 2 года назад

      increase and send un peacekeepers to ukraine if russia attacks them send in Nato we are done with the russian trolls Not evrything revolvs about economics.....There is no point in having values if ur not willing to defend them.....Its thanks to the weak response of the eu when they invadit cremea that we are in this position to start with....Abully only understands a bloody nose....A lot of Europeans are willing to assist ukraine and use less energy....And ass energy get more expensive overall thats good it will finaly force goverments to do the right thing and produce there own energy needs on there own teritory.....Russian vodka soaked r......ds are just hurting themselfs...A lot of Europeans are tired of the eu leaders be pussys a lot of europeans support a lot taugher action against russia including me.

    • @fleurieuestates5764
      @fleurieuestates5764 2 года назад +2


    • @Rejectsocialism
      @Rejectsocialism 2 года назад

      European leaders should are fools and should have listened to Trump.

    • @AshSmash123
      @AshSmash123 2 года назад +1

      Yes, all because british politians thought it's the "right" thing to do declining everything from Russia energy & gas included. Now England is in the shit!.

    • @nvbnvb2240
      @nvbnvb2240 2 года назад

      @@AshSmash123 uk hes same problem as Germany to low investment in energy security.....atleast they started correcting(new nucliar plants) it before the sanctions hit.ofc there not finnished and now they stand with there pants down...+the Decline is mainly comming from leaving the Eu block the econemy didint had time to adjust yet so you get a tripple wammie-high debt-energy insecurity(for now)-and bre exit issues

  • @hypercube717
    @hypercube717 2 года назад +6

    There is an obvious solution. Everyone in the world can see this.

    • @nvbnvb2240
      @nvbnvb2240 2 года назад

      yes re activate nucliar centrals and break down nordtrash 1 and nordtrash 2

    • @Martincic2010
      @Martincic2010 2 года назад +2

      @@nvbnvb2240 ..Be realistic, do you really think that Europe will be able to remain competitive if it doesn't look at the problem as an adult? What they are not saying is that Europe has been trying for years to find an alternative to Russian gas but has not achieved anything economically viable. The choice is simple grow and negotiate peace or impoverish

    • @richiemcd83
      @richiemcd83 2 года назад +1

      Lift sanction off Russia. Sorted.

    • @nvbnvb2240
      @nvbnvb2240 2 года назад

      @@Martincic2010 Europe hes been reluctant to invest in crytical energy / defence....Witouth nucliar we would long be beyond the point of no return...Nucliar is most cost affective on the long term ofc it creates a huge up front cost.....Its never wise to outsource critical parts of 1 state aparatus that is valid for fighter jets as it is for energy....the moment you outsource you loose control ... mayby look at it as a men and a nation that takes responsebilety for there action...instead of sacrofysing others while cowerdly standing in a corner ....Germany made a mistake when it closed it nucliar centrals...A wise men recognises the mistake and corrects it...

    • @Martincic2010
      @Martincic2010 2 года назад

      @@nvbnvb2240 IThis takes years to do.. YEARS how much GDP will Europe have lost by then? Do you think the market they are going to lose will wait? Once lost, you can't recover China / USA will be unbeatable there will be no more space for Europe
      And it's not that the Europeans didn't try much of the good standard that Europe achieved in the last 50 years, it was because they had access to cheap raw material from Russia

  • @arkboi2145
    @arkboi2145 2 года назад

    *sighs* ...So, before everyone angrily stabs me with your pitchforks, just hear me out:
    On one hand, sure, yes, "green energy" or renewable energy that reduces our overall global footprint and helps fight the negative effects of climate change IS indeed a good thing. It's the ideal to strive for that is the morally correct choice. However, right now, it is really just an idea.
    On the other hand, the primary issue with it is that there isn't the infrastructure to fully support a society switching totally towards green renewable energies yet. Not only are the materials and construction of the technology extremely expensive and labor-intensive, but the technology really just isn't fully there yet to get the most energy out of the solar, wind, hydro, motion, and biofuels as efficiently as possible. Furthermore, a drawback of these energies is their absolute reliance on environmental conditions. For example, you NEED clear to mostly clear skies with a good amount of daylight hours to collect enough energy from solar panels. Furthermore, those solar panels must constantly be cleaned and maintained. But what happens during the winter or rainy months? Well, there goes your reliance on solar power for a bit. What happens on the days when there are calm and still skies with little-to-no gusts of wind? Well, there goes the wind-turbine power. The simply fact of the matter is that right now, "green" or renewable energies are purely supplemental. They in no way, shape, or form can replace a large society's main source of energy. We NEED coal, oil/petrol, and nuclear. Those are our primary sources of power with the greatest energy generation and output. At least for now.
    The key here is practicality and realism. I have no doubt that sometime in the future, we will do away with burning wood, or using coal and oils for energy and will be completely using 100% green renewable energies for mundane everyday things and using some alternative power source (dark/red matter, gravity, etc., etc.) for larger undertakings like intersolar to intergalactic space travel. But right now, in 2022, that isn't the reality. Yes, as a society, we've advanced from wood and fire, to steam, to coal, to wind, to solar, to geothermal, to oil/petrol, to hydroelectric, and finally to nuclear. But that is where we are currently at. By shutting down nuclear facilities and oil pipelines, cities are essentially cutting off their arms and legs. Sure, you may be able to make do and get by, but not well or easily. There are many other more effective ways of fighting the negative impacts of climate change and reducing our global footprint that we could be implementing right now than this.
    I agree with Rowan Dean from Skynet News Australia. There absolutely is a crisis regarding the lack of logic, sense, and rationality. There are FAR too many idiotic people out there with Intelligence, but who completely lack Wisdom.

  • @speculawyer
    @speculawyer 2 года назад

    Nick Cage look-alike! 😂

  • @goletra
    @goletra 2 года назад +1

    So Ukraine is winning? No?

  • @usazar
    @usazar 2 года назад +2

    Pissing on green energy policies while giving a clean chit to Putin is typical Right wing tankies behavior.

    • @cosmofox
      @cosmofox 2 года назад +1

      or maybe you really have no clue.

  • @somashekars7928
    @somashekars7928 2 года назад +1

    I think the energy crisis is exaggerated. Germany is rich & can afford higher energy costs without any problem.

    • @TheBlackIdentety
      @TheBlackIdentety 2 года назад +3


    • @liya7568
      @liya7568 2 года назад +5

      They became because of industries using cheap gas.

    • @ch0293
      @ch0293 2 года назад

      We're in a mess war that may take years to finish as both sides can invest as much so only this alone will generate a very negative impact during the time, besides with the sanctions, Europe mostly highly dependent on Russia gas will start harder pollutants like coal and the dwindling fossil fuel agenda is paused, they'll invest alot of money back on fossil's fuels to generate cheaper energy, or the whole West unite to invest 90% on renewables funds which is impossible with a conflict nearing world war 3, high military expenses and corruption. If there's a peace agreement its still possible, but that is lacking empathy, Russia the invader has to pay.
      Europe will have to bear with high inflation for some time as the energy crisis won't finish soon so we're going to get alot poorer as the bills will keep rising much faster than wages
      If the climate temperature keeps rising as it is and probably will since we're causing more emissions than before. Droughts, lack of drinking water, and losses on crops will get common so food stocks would vanish soon and inflation would burn.
      When it gets to that point it'll be like a blame game and the worse will happen

    • @Riddingwithvivian
      @Riddingwithvivian 2 года назад +4

      Germany won't be rich for long if it can't make anything to export without any Natural gas

    • @istheyear-ry1el
      @istheyear-ry1el 2 года назад +3

      are u in the stage of denial?

  • @ch0293
    @ch0293 2 года назад

    We're in a mess war that may take years to finish as both sides can invest as much so only this alone will generate a very negative impact during the time, besides with the sanctions, Europe mostly highly dependent on Russia gas will start harder pollutants like coal and the dwindling fossil fuel agenda is paused, they'll invest alot of money back on fossil's fuels to generate cheaper energy, or the whole West unite to invest 90% on renewables funds which is impossible with a conflict nearing world war 3, high military expenses and corruption. If there's a peace agreement its still possible, but that is lacking empathy, Russia the invader has to pay.
    Europe will have to bear with high inflation for some time as the energy crisis won't finish soon so we're going to get alot poorer as the bills will keep rising much faster than wages
    If the climate temperature keeps rising as it is and probably will since we're causing more emissions than before. Droughts, lack of drinking water, and losses on crops will get common so food stocks would vanish soon and inflation would burn.
    When it gets to that point it'll be like a blame game and the worse will happen

    • @nvbnvb2240
      @nvbnvb2240 2 года назад

      yes killing nucliar was Merkel dumbest discission

  • @samwalton4598
    @samwalton4598 2 года назад

    This is so uplifting I think I will jump out the window now! ➿