December 2023 聖經研討會 聚會#4:《默示錄》天庭奧景與被宰的羔羊 (默 4-5)

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • 要知道天堂是怎樣的嗎? 不要錯過這次《聖經研討會》聚會!聚會中,我們看見天上聖祭繼續展開,進入了聖道禮儀部份。讀經分別是有關舊約聖父的創造(默4的四活物),和新約聖子的救贖(默5的羔羊)。耶穌召喚若望:「你上到這裏來!」(4:1) 。他立即從地上被引領進入天上,並在「神魂超拔」中(4:2)看見天庭奧景,得知「這些事以後要發生的事」,即默示錄跟著要描述的末世事情。地上彌撒禮儀奧妙地參與著那在天上聖城耶路撒冷所舉行的禮儀(教理1090)。彌撒中,我們會像若望般聽到耶穌召喚而「上到這裏來」嗎?會打開心靈讓聖神使我們「神魂超拔」而看見天上事物嗎?在信德的眼眸裡,我們也會像若望般看見天庭奧景:看見主禮的是in persona Christi耶穌本人;看見被祝聖的餅酒是基督聖體聖血;看見在我們週圍的不只是參禮的會眾,也站著聖母瑪利亞、天使和聖人,與我們一起欽崇天主!
    2023-24年第四次 BSP聚會RUclips 首映 - 我們誠意邀請大家一起觀看我們今年第四次 BSP 視頻。請觀看預定於2023年12月21日星期四晚上 8:00 (美東時間) 舉行的 RUclips 首映。(因聖誕假期,這月份的BSP 視頻改在星期四 播放。)無論您是多年參加者還是第一次參加,下面的資料為您參與 BSP 會有很大幫助。
    2023-24年課程 - BSP 在 2023 年 9 月至 2024 年 6 月的每個月的第 4 個星期五每月進行一次(某些月份的實際日期可能會因公眾假期而有所改變,確切日期請參閱BSP網站的時間表。今年,我們研討的是《默示錄》上。(下一年研討《默示錄》下。)
    BSP 網站 - 自2002年九月開始至今,BSP已舉行超過20年。關於 BSP 的更多資料;今年的 時間表和課程資料;往年的錄音 、錄影和筆記;請溜灠BSP網站。BSP 網址
    BSP#4聚會 RUclips 首映 - 聚會將於 2023年12月21日星期四,美國東部時間晚上 8:00 在 RUclips 首映。
    如何收看 BSP RUclips 首映 - 要收看,只需在預定時間單擊此鏈接: / @cmccbsp
    Want to know what heaven is like? Don’t miss this BSP session! During the session, we see that the holy liturgy in heaven continues to unfold and enter the liturgy of Word. The scriptural readings are about the creation of the Father in the Old Testament (the four living creatures in Revelation 4), and the redemption of the Son in the New Testament (the Lamb in Revelation 5) respectively. Jesus calls out to John: “Come up here!” (4:1). He was immediately taken up from the earth into heaven, and saw the mysteries of heaven "in the Spirit" (4:2), and learned " what must happen afterwards", which are the end-of-time events that Revelation goes on to describe. The liturgy of the Mass on earth mysteriously participates in the liturgy celebrated in the heavenly city of Jerusalem (Catechism 1090). During Mass, will we, like John, hear the call of Jesus and "come up here"? Will we open our hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to “transcend” us to see heavenly things? In the eyes of faith, we will also see the mystery of heaven like John: we will see that the Mass celebrant is Jesus himself in persona Christi; we will see that the consecrated bread and wine are the Body and Blood of Christ; we will see the people around us are not just the congregation attending the ceremony, but the Virgin Mary, angels and saints, are also there worshiping God with us!
    RUclips PREMIERE BSP SESSION#4 - We cordially invite you to join our 4th BSP session this year by watching our RUclips Premiere scheduled for 8:00 p.m. (ET), on Thursday, December 21, 2023. Whether you've been following us all these years or are just joining for the first time, the info outlined below will be useful for your BSP participation.
    2023-24 PROGRAM DETAILS - The BSP is conducted monthly on the 4th Friday of each month from Sept 2023 to June 2024 (actual dates for certain months maybe different due to public holidays, see our time schedule on the BSP website for the exact dates: This year, we will study "The Book of Revelation" part one.
    BSP WEBSITE - BSP has been conducted for more than 20 years since September 2003. For more info on the BSP; this year's schedule and program details; audios, videos, and notes for previous years; please visit the BSP website:
    RUclips PREMIERE OF SESSION #4 - The session will be premiered on RUclips at 8:00 p.m. (ET) on Thu, December 21, 2023.
    HOW TO JOIN THE BSP RUclips PREMIERE - You can watch the BSP video together with the other BSP participants through the Zoom meeting (see below). But if you prefer to watch the RUclips premiere, simply click this link at the scheduled time: / @cmccbsp
    Come, join us in the sacred cyber space to rejoice in the word of God from the safety and comfort of your home!
    Blessings and peace,
    Edmond Lo
    BSP Navigator
    • 【教理三十】之 《按聖經看聖體奥蹟》
    筆記 (聚會#4):
    聖經研討會 RUclips 頻道:
    / @cmccbsp
    Edmond Lo's Blog: elodocuments.b...

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