Top 15: Worst Bionicle Sets

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Here is one of the three top 10/top 15 that me, Ian and TumaLord are doing. The top 10/top 15 was made by all three of us and the video was edited by me (as you can tell)
    TumaLord635 Channel: / tumalord635
    Ian Channel: / channel
    GWAR - Isn't This Disgusting
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Комментарии • 271

  • @chronicler7022
    @chronicler7022 8 лет назад +17

    Most of these sets didn't deserve to be on this list and some of your reasionings for why these sets were bad were assumptions and non-objective views.

  • @slackstarfish8133
    @slackstarfish8133 4 года назад +9

    The Toa Nuva are classics...I came back for nostalgia and this is a joke.

  • @robozxd2857
    @robozxd2857 6 лет назад +10

    Number 11 "correction" ultimate Dume was the REAL design, the movie version, like in mask of light, were completely different designs from known canon (comics for example)

    • @kstanni87
      @kstanni87 2 года назад +1

      The movie Ultimate Dume was just a rehash of the the mask of light makuta model. Still why Makuta is portrayed as a rusty red color we will never know.

  • @GarryDumblowski
    @GarryDumblowski 9 лет назад +18

    The Toa Nuva don't belong on the list. At all. Or, at least, not below the Bohrok Kal.
    Making Chirox and Mutran clones is a terrible idea. It would be a much better idea if Chirox resembled Mutran and Mutran was a more sizeable titan, or of Mutran and Chirox switched roles with Chirox getting a little more complexity added. And tell me, is having arms with two elbows really that much better than completely lacking feet?
    I agree with them switching the colours and names on Gali and Onua, but what I _don't_ agree with is slapping wings on an old set and calling it a new set. You may not like Ultimate Dume's current design, but you have to admit that they should be more original than slapping wings on an old set.
    You realize the Toa Hordika are _supposed_ to be awkward, right? You said it yourself. "The Toa Hordika were meant to be these monstrous beast Toa" And yet you bash them for having bestial elements. I get it, they're not for everyone, but they really shouldn't be included on a partially objective list for these reasons. Oh, and you mentioned the Toa Metru while showing a picture of the Toa Mata.
    You realize Narmoto has broader shoulders and a more buff chest, right? Granted, I can't judge you for your opinion, but I would think you would at least mention that Korgot is a _little_ more slim than another Protector.
    Congratulations. The Rahaga is one of the only sets/ group of sets you mentioned without ignoring either an obvious hole or being a jerk about your opinion.
    Okay, first of all, Gali can't support her weapon because the gears _lost_ friction, not that they never had them. It's bound to happen eventually even with the balljoint- friction additive Onua got. Just replace the pins. And oh lord, that bit about the feminine proportions is really hard to watch. _You_ don't have the right to tell people off because of their opinions, which is exactly what the fanboy joke was meant to do. For shame.
    Oh, look, another fanboy joke. I hope you realize what you're doing to yourself.
    You realize they might have chosen to reuse a Skull Spider mask because they thought it looked good on Skull Slicer? That's how pretty much every piece that's ever been used in more than one set works, aside from structural pieces and parts that were used multiple times between sets released at the same time.
    Do you have any reason to bash Kopaka besides the chestplate? Not that his shield is too big and clunky? Not that he has a hard time raising his arms up? Not that the lower legs limit leg movement? Okay then...
    What, is Jangbricks some sort of all- loving God? I'm pretty sure he's allowed to dislike a set while still letting other people like it. You complain because of a tail function that is supposed to act like some sort of destructive machine of hell, only because it doesn't act like a nearly useless scorpion tail. Granted, it's not for everyone, just like with the Toa Hordika, but you cannot say what they should or should not have done based on accuracy to real life. It's a fantasy world. The creators should be allowed to create monsters freely. And why do you say this is the worst case of the trans- orange being obtrusive and unnecessary? Basher has much more of it at the expense of valuable trans- purple, reducing it to a measly three pieces... Which is what you said when you were discussing him. Skorpio, however, has _tons_ of trans- neon green. I'd argue Basher was far worse.
    So, in conclusion, this list is filled with obvious contradictions and flaws, along with the incredible annoyance of opinion force. You really need to rework this list and reorganize your thoughts, because this is honestly sad.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад +1

      After 2 mouth sense this video was uploaded, we thought to replace the Nuva with Korgot and adding Irnakk and Krekka (who was so bad that we forgotten about him) on to this list. I did notice that fucked up I made of putting in the Mata instead of the Metru. Also I have no idea what you are saying when talking about Chirox but I do not know how Jon think Mutran and Chirox are clones.
      With Ultimate Dume, Jon wasn't talking about LEGO should slapped wings on a old set, he was talking about it looking nothing from the movie and there a some more problem about the set then what Jon said in this video.
      As for the Hordika, because they are meant to be something, doesn't give it a free pass from looking like shit and going on a list like this one (just like the Skull Villains).
      Gali function didn't work when we gotten the set, it wasn't lost friction. By the way we find people who say that Gali is feminine is retarded, plus because you and I have a opinion on something, doesn't mean it can't be challenge by someone else opinion.
      As for the Skull Villain pieces, LEGO have use the same color bone piece, same color add-on armor and that same color skull spider on all of those sets, with out recoloring it to something else.
      Jon made a Journal on deviantART talking about how LEGO is cutting corners
      Those are also reason for Kopaka along with those lower legs.
      The LEGOJang thing is a joke because of him loving just about all of LEGO stuff and Jon didn't say anything about the set not being accurate to real life, granted it does sound sound it does sound like that what he means. But the tail does look ugly as hell and just technic piece with those two weapon pieces and not even blending with the rest of the set.
      As for the trans-neon orange, the reason why Basher wasn't worse because it does look like LEGO tried to make it work while the other just have a random piece of it on them (beside the obvious eyes) which doesn't blend at all, while back in 2007 with Mantax and Takadox because it uses the small skip pieces and made it blend, instead of using some big piece that make it a eyesore.

    • @GarryDumblowski
      @GarryDumblowski 9 лет назад +4

      ***** What I'm saying is that Mutran and Chirox shouldn't be similar to each other, since there's already one Makuta set in 2008 with a basic Piraka build- based design. Vamprah and Chirox try something new, and even if you don't like what Chirox did specifically he should still get something more unique than Mutran.
      Like I said, looking goofy is part of the Hordika's aesthetic. Given this is an objective list, that means you shouldn't be able to use it as a complaint. I'd be fine with it if it were a subjective list, but it isn't. (Speaking of which, I think I mixed up subjective and objective in the original comment) Plus, that's the only case where it happened. The only Skull Villain on here where you mention the skeleton aesthetic is Skull Slicer, and there you have a reasonable complaint about it because he's also supposed to be a gladitorial warrior. Here, you just say the Hordika look stupid without pointing out something that makes them not allowed to look like this besides not fitting your tastes.
      If your Gali never had enough friction, then you just got unlucky. My Gali had enough friction until about a month after I got her. My Kopaka lost his friction almost immediately but my Lewa can still hold his axes extremely well.
      "By the way we find people who say that Gali is feminine is retarded" Yeah, yeah that's nice. I can tell that there's at least one set on here that you only included because you saw someone else post a poor review on it. Maybe it's Onua Mistika? The Rahaga? I wouldn't be surprised if it was Skull Scorpio, given that bit at the beginning. If that's the case, then this list needs an almost complete overhaul. Go out, buy some sets, play with them, and _then_ come back and remake this list.
      "plus because you and I have a opinion on something, doesn't mean it can't be challenge by someone else opinion." That is the biggest lie I've ever heard. No, really. Maybe it's challenged by "The moon is made of cheese"
      If I gave you ten reasons to like Skull Scorpio, which is five more than what you gave, would it get a little lower than #1? According to you, yes, it would. Well I know what the answer is. The answer is no. No matter what I say, I cannot make you like Skull Scorpio any more than you already do. That change has to happen yourself, if it ever does happen. Same with Gali and her proportions. You can't make me think she looks masculine, I can't make you think she looks feminine. That is 100% fact. Maybe one of us will adopt a mentality of the other, but there's no definitive way to do so.
      And what, exactly, is the problem with reusing pieces but not recolouring them? Only in the most extreme cases is that a problem, and the Skull Slicer's mask is _definitely_ not one of the most extreme cases.
      And finally, how is _four giant blotches_ of a very bright pink- orange better than a couple of tiny bright accents on an already bright set? Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the large claw piece or chain on Skull Slicer came in trans- orange before. Trans- orange. The same colour that appears on every single skull villain. Maybe solid purple studs on the Protector of Earth or a silver chestplate on Kopaka or a trans- blue- trans- yellow flame piece could reasonably be seen as avoiding recolours, but the amount of trans- orange that is still added in the Skull Villains is clearly intentional, especially when you consider that one of the trans- orange pieces on Skull Scorpio also comes in trans- neon green... _in the same set._

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      Okay I want to make this perfectly clear, you do know that 3 people made this list which are me, Ian and TumaLord, we made our own script and I did all the editing. If you go and look at the other 2 top list video, you'll notice that all 3 are different people.
      Anyways the reason why Chirox is so low on the list is because I was okay with the set, but I did notice the problem about it and that he wasn't as bad as everything else on the list.
      As for the Hordika, Jon said monstrous beast not goofy pile of shit, when I think monstrous it's not some stupid shit you see nowadays on nickelodeon.
      Me, Ian and TumaLord have the 2015 Gali and her function was like that when we gotten it. Also all 3 of us have these sets, you just randomly assume that we don't have these sets.
      Okay that logic is really retarded "Maybe it's challenged by "The moon is made of cheese"" facts and opinion are two different things.
      Also there was 3 reason why Skull Scorpio is garbage and there more like the build.
      Okay that is a really dumb question, a piece being reuse on like 3 sets okay but if it being reuse on almost all of the sets in the same year, then that just getting lazy. Also Skull Slicer mask was spam all over wave 1.
      Also bone piece 23, Skull add-on armor 11, silver mata add-on armor 13, gold mata add-on armor 11.
      a armor piece like the 3 long armor just make it a eyesore, using small spike will make it not much of an eyesore and make it blend with it. A example of this year set, Lord of Skull Spider uses white spikes and place around to make it blend with the set, instead of just using big white pieces, the big white pieces would make Lord of Skull Spider a eyesore.
      Also it's a no shit I wasn't counting the weapon, also that trans-neon orange chain came in the last year of Hero Factory.

    • @GarryDumblowski
      @GarryDumblowski 9 лет назад +2

      ***** I can't make you think the Hordika don't look like a goofy pile of shit. I can tell you, though, that you can't put it on an objective- based list. If you wanna complain about the Hordika's appearance, make a subjective list.
      If all three of you couldn't get Gali's friction gears to work, then you were _all_ unlucky, because both me and RolloutReviews got theirs to work for at least a while. And you _clearly_ saw RolloutReview's video, because you used one of his screenshots in your own video. Or none of you realized there were two friction gears. Or some mix of the two.
      I don't randomly assume you don't have the sets. It genuinely seemed like it.
      "plus because you and I have a opinion on something, doesn't mean it can't be challenge by someone else opinion." and "The moon is made of cheese" are both stated as fact. It doesn't mean either of them are correct. I know _exactly_ what facts and opinions are, and it isn't what you seem to think they are. A fact is not a true statement. It is a statement that must be either completely true or completely false. An opinion is a statement that cannot be completely true or completely false. But then again, this statement might be completely wrong because "retarded" isn't a reason why a point doesn't work.
      Have you ever heard of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?" Because that's what seems to be happening here. You seem to believe that if a common external piece is used throughout a whole wave, it can never be used again. _Maybe_ getting a fifth silver Skull Spider mask isn't very friendly to MOCists, but that's pretty much it. And yes, I did read that article. I do agree with many of the signs that Lego is cutting corners... But that Skull Spider mask isn't one of them, especially since all but one of the Skull Spider masks in Wave 1 was used only partially as a mask and more as a spider. This also seems to go against the idea of a custom head, instead of making a new mask for a common head. Lego parts have multiple uses, and you can't complain for using an old part as a new element. Or at least, not on an objective list.
      Guess what? That bit with the three- long shells is exactly what I'm trying to say. You just went against your own point.
      But to be fair, a little after I posted that bit with the intentional trans- orange, I decided it was stupid, but there is one part I still stand by. Skull Slicer's chain. I didn't mention the claws because they're trans- orange. I mentioned the claws because they're not silver or gunmetal. They recoloured them. Which is exactly what you said they weren't doing. Oh, and the trans- bright green bone pieces were also recoloures. And, as far as I know, is also every transparent bone piece that has ever been released in Bionicle Gen 2. And maybe also the green shells on the Protector of Jungle, the orange shells on Lewa, the azure shells on Gali, and a _ton_ of parts on the various Gen 2 Bionicles. It's really only a few parts that they're not recolouring- Kopaka's chestplate, the Protector of Earth's studs, the Protector of Jungle's flames, and maybe a few of the trans- orange parts on the skull villains were not recoloured due to laziness or the aforementioned "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."\
      Although I will admit that I didn't actually know about the chain actually not being a recolour. Thanks for that.

    • @GarryDumblowski
      @GarryDumblowski 8 лет назад

      +Mr. Cup of Fail You know, I have to admit, you were right about the colors, that bright accents actually are only supposed to work on dark sets.
      I still think this list needs a remake though.

  • @0ran9ejuice
    @0ran9ejuice 4 года назад +5

    Top 15 worst microphones
    number 1 you

  • @retektereptest
    @retektereptest 9 лет назад +4

    I didn't expect much but still felt underwhelmed by the end of the vod, gj

  • @maxieprimo2758
    @maxieprimo2758 9 лет назад +7

    Not to mention lego was trying to be creative with skull basher and he knocks of onua's mask easily.

  • @diegodankquixote-wry3242
    @diegodankquixote-wry3242 4 года назад +6

    The list if anyone is wondering
    15. Toa Nuva
    14. Choiroh(sic)
    13. Gali mistake(sic)
    12. Onua mistake(sic)
    11. Ultimate dume
    10. Toa hordica(sic)
    9. Protector of earth
    8. Skrall stars
    7. Rahgai
    6. Gali master
    5. Skullbasher
    4. Gorask
    3. Skull slizer
    2. Skull warrior
    1. Skull scorpio

  • @jonnycarcano
    @jonnycarcano 7 лет назад +4

    Just for the record, I thought the Hordika and the Rahaga were pretty cool.

  • @Reshumbox
    @Reshumbox 9 лет назад +4

    And I will just tell you guys something that you guys over shadowed in the video about Skull Slicer, he is a gladitorial warrior that is true, but he is dead and is decaying, that is why he is so skinny.

  • @maxieprimo2758
    @maxieprimo2758 9 лет назад +4

    Oh, skull grinder created these creatures with his own power, so it makes sense that his main color would be on all of them.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      The problem about the color is that they made it a eye sore instead of making it blend like with Takadox and Mantax having those spikes in a different color.

    • @maxieprimo2758
      @maxieprimo2758 9 лет назад

      Yeah, maybe skull slicer could of had more armour and trans orange add ons?

    • @maxieprimo2758
      @maxieprimo2758 9 лет назад

      Although skull basher could use more trans purple armour though.

    • @thiccphrog5997
      @thiccphrog5997 4 года назад

      @@RiasoXilond Imma boutt make your eyes sore by sending you a trans orange mask

  • @heyguysiguessthatsit4610
    @heyguysiguessthatsit4610 3 года назад +3

    This is the worst bionicle tier list on yt
    Quite an achievement
    Also g2 gali isnt male

  • @alextw2877
    @alextw2877 8 лет назад +6

    Keep in mind, Gali Mistika has ADAPTIVE ARMOR, meaning it changes based on what the user needs. Who cares if a female character is muscular? Why does a female character have to look feminine? You didn't complain about Nokama Metru. The Toa Nuva definitely do not belong up here. 2005 was one of the best years of Bionicle. Gali 2015 has the coolest weapon out of all her versions.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  8 лет назад +2

      The list is going to be remade somewhere in the future (when ever me, Ian and Jon make it, and it was kind of stupid to put the Nuva on the list), but it would have a lot more G2 sets. And it's funny how you say G1er, even though there are stuff in G1 that are crap, and that the con heavily out weigh the pro in G2, and just call people G1er when someone say they don't like G2.
      Also the pro are LoSS, Master Onua, Master Lewa, Skull Basher (which that set is not going to be on the list when ever we remake it), Jungle and Stone Protector, Uniter Onua, Umarak the Hunter and Uxar.
      Anyways , you do know that the Mata to Inika they were meant to be the same or (becuase of Pohatu and Onua) at least close to the same build. Until Mahri that doesn't hold anymore, and the "adaptive armor" doesn't excuses it being ugly as fuck.
      Also I think your mixing up 2005 with 2006, the Hordika were ugly as hell with the short no elbow left arm, gap lower legs and that it look like they been stab throw the heart when using there gimmick.
      Gali 2015 can't hold up her weapon if she doesn't have a good blue pin/axle, and there are a lot of things (like the spike on her lower leg) that get in the way with her function (and my thoughts of that Gali now is that she is better then 2016 Gali).

    • @orcciezaj
      @orcciezaj 8 лет назад +2

      I bet 70% of the list will be G2 sets but I don't give a shit because G2 was a bad series (with a few gems )

  • @amazin8187
    @amazin8187 9 лет назад +5

    I'm surprised G2 Pohatu and the Bohrok-Kals and vas aren't on the list. :P

    • @amazin8187
      @amazin8187 9 лет назад

      +Ian Gorix It's all your fault, Ian :P

    • @Saiyangoddess72
      @Saiyangoddess72 9 лет назад

      +Ian Gorix
      the fact the you think the vahs are not that bad

    • @Saiyangoddess72
      @Saiyangoddess72 9 лет назад

      ***** and the feet

    • @kingghidorah102
      @kingghidorah102 3 года назад

      I surprized Pohatu Phantoka didn't make to this list

  • @bionabot
    @bionabot 7 лет назад +3

    I kind of feel bad now, I liked those sets.. 😓

  • @twilight_phantom2969
    @twilight_phantom2969 9 лет назад +4

    personally I like gali 2015

  • @thiccphrog5997
    @thiccphrog5997 4 года назад +2

    my mans puts like half of the G2 skull sets on the lists

  • @Saiyangoddess72
    @Saiyangoddess72 9 лет назад +4

    the nuva were by fact better than the Mata also you are very clearly biased I'm only at #15 so let's see the rest of your bs list

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      The Nuva are bestially not any different from there Mata. Also where the biased you speak of, could you elaborate at that.

    • @mercentin1499
      @mercentin1499 9 лет назад

      +Riaso Xilond im not agreeing want you said

    • @thiccphrog5997
      @thiccphrog5997 4 года назад


  • @AmazingDirtHunter
    @AmazingDirtHunter 9 лет назад +19

    JESUS CHRIST you really hate G2! I love it! I think they are the best Toa, Great size, Gears that (mostly) stay up, great weapons, dual weapon FUNCTIONS, Very neat masks, and I also like CCBS, anyway, good video.

    • @philipvarkey7136
      @philipvarkey7136 9 лет назад +8

      +AmazingDirtHunter finally someone who likes G2

    • @yaoyao9
      @yaoyao9 9 лет назад +2

      +AmazingDirtHunter I personally like G2, but it feels... underwhelming. The selection of newly introduced pieces are low, and it just doesn't do a whole lot to really differentiate itself from HF. What did we get for the old school Bionicle tribute piece? A single piece of double studded armor that looks like a Vahki leg after my car ran over it. LEGO is approaching this one with way too much caution and doing a bit too little to try and make the line unique.

    • @yaoyao9
      @yaoyao9 9 лет назад

      +AmazingDirtHunter I personally like G2, but it feels... underwhelming. The selection of newly introduced pieces are low, and it just doesn't do a whole lot to really differentiate itself from HF. What did we get for the old school Bionicle tribute piece? A single piece of double studded armor that looks like a Vahki leg after my car ran over it. LEGO is approaching this one with way too much caution and doing a bit too little to try and make the line unique.

    • @ignacedelaet6977
      @ignacedelaet6977 9 лет назад

      +AmazingDirtHunter you are so right about that ccbs is the best and the G2 is even better, you are so on,

    • @matej7706
      @matej7706 6 лет назад

      Alliiiiii eww pennywise fan

  • @maxieprimo2758
    @maxieprimo2758 9 лет назад +6

    Also, skull slicer has FOUR ARMS!! We have never seen anything like this before and everyone hates on it? I like herofactory and ccbs and bionicle 2015!

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      XT4 have 4 arms, there was a picture of XT4 in the video.

    • @maxieprimo2758
      @maxieprimo2758 9 лет назад +1

      I mean the gearbox.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      You said four arms, nothing else. and the function having four arms make a problem with it, like stuff getting in the way with Gali function.

    • @yaoyao9
      @yaoyao9 9 лет назад

      +Colin McGreevy Not to mention that Nocturn had it too

    • @maxieprimo2758
      @maxieprimo2758 9 лет назад

      I'm talking about the gearbox!

  • @maxieprimo2758
    @maxieprimo2758 9 лет назад +15

    Gali looks more female than any other form of hers.

    • @purplegreencream
      @purplegreencream 7 лет назад

      Colin McGreevy i for see mug of that besides how the armor is placed on the legs

  • @Crazipar_Zipar
    @Crazipar_Zipar 8 лет назад +13

    I liked Gali 2015

  • @xuanathan
    @xuanathan 6 лет назад +1

    You do realise that onua was not originally bulky, right? That was whenua.

  • @kinnikuman-devilman_fan_2002
    @kinnikuman-devilman_fan_2002 Год назад +1

    I admit the Bionicle polybags weren't for anybody but since I did thought they were enjoyable in my unpopular opinion?
    I think their parts would make nice parts for my Mech MOC when I get some on eBay lol.

  • @boysansbacher
    @boysansbacher 8 лет назад +1


  • @RarEcringE
    @RarEcringE 5 лет назад +2

    Mistaka? more like mistaka
    I hate my self

  • @elpretender1357
    @elpretender1357 8 лет назад +1

    Why I think that I am the only one who liked the rahaga? They where nice to me and I loved the rothuka spinners. Anyway, bionicle, for be the most popular creation of lego, had commited too much mistakes.

  • @sithmakuta2579
    @sithmakuta2579 9 лет назад +1

    I originally thought that slicer was a horrible set until I got him in person and get you got the recolors you wanted.

  • @manuelignaciocaceres2369
    @manuelignaciocaceres2369 9 лет назад +2

    Not hating on gen 1 cause that is my favorite generation but if your saying skull slicer is scrawny and that gali can't hold up her weapon or doesn't look feminine at all well look at any 2001 set especially gali 2001... Those sets are scrawny and can't hold up their weapons and gali doesn't look feminine either so why is there no 2001 sets cause they are just as bad if not worse

  • @TheAxelandx1
    @TheAxelandx1 9 лет назад +15

    why isn't Irnakk on this list? that thing is a crime against humanity

    • @Trimondius
      @Trimondius 9 лет назад +1

      +AxelBro Damn right.

    • @pripdipstick
      @pripdipstick 8 лет назад

      He used a unique piraka head.... and everyone loves those. (Me included)

    • @TheAxelandx1
      @TheAxelandx1 8 лет назад +1

      Profdoomsday an exclusive piece doesnt make a set good.

    • @pripdipstick
      @pripdipstick 8 лет назад +1

      Well I do like his features too, even if his colour scheme is kinda messy.

    • @TheAxelandx1
      @TheAxelandx1 8 лет назад +1

      Profdoomsday it;s not all about the colorscheme , he has restricted legs , always crouched, the big hand with the zamors is floppy and the hand with the shooter has 2 skakdi heads on there for no aparent reason

  • @jacehightower2087
    @jacehightower2087 9 лет назад +9

    not a fan of this list

    • @biobladestudios671
      @biobladestudios671 9 лет назад +2

      +Crylex M.O.C.S yeah me too i disagree this whole list also hes a gali hater shes in 3 spots

    • @jacehightower2087
      @jacehightower2087 9 лет назад +1

      +BioBladeStudios XD

    • @biobladestudios671
      @biobladestudios671 9 лет назад +1

      hes not a fan of spooky scary skelotons either XD

    • @Saiyangoddess72
      @Saiyangoddess72 9 лет назад +3

      TTV did this list better. all they did was insult a real list should mention the good as well as the bad. bad is only supposed to be the order not the only thing talked about

    • @jacehightower2087
      @jacehightower2087 9 лет назад +2

      +Sirocco Ferrari good to find someone i can agree with

  • @roguetoa9787
    @roguetoa9787 7 лет назад +2

    invest in a new mic

  • @sithmakuta2579
    @sithmakuta2579 9 лет назад +1

    Korgot looks feminine and it brings something new to bionicle.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      Hey dude can you just edit that one comment you made instead of making 20 of them

  • @rhyperiorhunter7339
    @rhyperiorhunter7339 5 лет назад +1

    the toa nuva did not have much posability because the build that allows for that was still one year away

  • @BurningAzure
    @BurningAzure Год назад

    4:33, He says while showing a picture of the Toa MATA!

  • @sithmakuta2579
    @sithmakuta2579 9 лет назад +9

    The 2015 mask look more feminine then the Kau Kau.

    • @thiccphrog5997
      @thiccphrog5997 4 года назад +1

      yeah, but can you make a scuba diver moc with the 2015 mask? DIDN'T THINK SO.

  • @dunkanbulk14
    @dunkanbulk14 9 лет назад +1

    instead of trans orange, they should have used other colours like trans dark red or hell why not introduce trans black or trans purple

    • @GarryDumblowski
      @GarryDumblowski 8 лет назад

      +dunkanbulk14 Trans- purple already existed.

  • @solekman916
    @solekman916 3 года назад +2

    Why do people hate skull warrior?

  • @thiccphrog5997
    @thiccphrog5997 4 года назад +2

    In my opinion, I like the toa nuva, and skull warrior gives me the chance to make great undead/ice mocs.

  • @infraredtoa9105
    @infraredtoa9105 8 лет назад +1

    skull warrior kicks ass.

  • @ArsxnIV
    @ArsxnIV 8 лет назад +1

    do a best bionicle sets list

  • @ITAlife98
    @ITAlife98 8 лет назад +1

    Where are the KardaToran? They were just huge chunks of plastic.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  8 лет назад

      Even though they have big plastic pieces, they are not bad, the detail of them are good, they have the best movable arm limbs out of all the other Matoran and it isn't common within MOCs there pieces are useful. (I have 3 MOCs that uses there pieces that are coming this year 9DRC)

    • @ITAlife98
      @ITAlife98 8 лет назад +1

      +Mr. Cup of Fail They're shit. Look at TTV's list and you'll see how horrible they are. Plus, good for MOCs? Their pieces break because of their new mold. Boring color schemes, big head which sticks out too. THEY'RE SHIT!!!

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  8 лет назад

      I know the video you are talking about, because I made a commentary on it. Plus I proof there torso are good for MOCing with my Teridax revamp and two up coming MOCs in this year 9DRC, and the Darth Vader helmet with that mask MOC, I'm pretty sure I can proof the limbs aren't useless as well. Plus it's mainly the lime green that are easy to break, just like Nuparu light gray arm and legs.

    • @ITAlife98
      @ITAlife98 8 лет назад

      But seriously! I will never change my opinion that Solek is the biggest shame of BIONICLE!

  • @nouks4045
    @nouks4045 8 лет назад

    the more silver lego spams, the more i starting to hate silver

  • @metegungor8771
    @metegungor8771 9 лет назад +1

    wait, kopaka as a honorable mention, just because of a grey chest piece? really?

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      Well there also the lower legs that sticks out badly and the mask that doesn't fit with the rest of his bulky look.

    • @metegungor8771
      @metegungor8771 9 лет назад +1

      ***** OK I guess. I really don't see anything wrong with it but opinions. But despite that, what do you think makes him worse than a set like umbra.

    • @metegungor8771
      @metegungor8771 9 лет назад

      ***** though I will admit, the golden mask destroys his color scheme.

    • @thiccphrog5997
      @thiccphrog5997 4 года назад

      yeah seriously, because of 1 piece he's an honorable mention

  • @kogames6645
    @kogames6645 9 лет назад +2

    funny I actually don't hate any of these

  • @Sevenizer1
    @Sevenizer1 9 лет назад +4

    I liked Gali Mistika. They look like different classes in First person shooter games.

  • @jaycewilkinson6221
    @jaycewilkinson6221 9 лет назад +1

    I don't see how you couldn't like skull basher and warior Or why soul Scorpio isn't on this list

  • @gir12301
    @gir12301 8 лет назад

    What about Ketar? He wasn't out during this recording though.

  • @irltrashcan6394
    @irltrashcan6394 8 лет назад +1

    I entirely disagree about this list for 14 out of the 15 sets Lego just can spend that much money on perfecting every little flaw everything has its flaws but, I do agree that the Makuta combiner just sucked sooooo muck

  • @sithmakuta2579
    @sithmakuta2579 9 лет назад

    Skull Scorpio isn't that bad once you replace the colors.

  • @keilo0696
    @keilo0696 7 лет назад +1

    The Mikrophone is sooooo bad

  • @Reshumbox
    @Reshumbox 9 лет назад +8

    I do agree with most of this list, but I find all of the reasons for the G2 sets(exept for Skull Scorpio) to be in it to be just whiny complaints with no real solution on how to solve the problems. I Know it is called "the top 15 worst bionicle sets" but that is no excuse to offer some solution to the problems. And I find it kinda funny that you guys take none of the criticism that has been given to you guys in the past in to considderation. Instead you guys squat out every old argument from before and some new ones that are self refuting. Like the one where tumalord said "and none of the trans orange pieces have been recolored trans bright green", my response to that was basically "4 of them have never been trans orange eather, so what is your problem?"

    • @diegodankquixote-wry3242
      @diegodankquixote-wry3242 4 года назад +1

      The trans orange unites all the skull villains with sharing the same color

  • @japanischesbadezimmer317
    @japanischesbadezimmer317 5 лет назад +2

    Yes, we did it! 200 dislikes.

  • @metegungor8771
    @metegungor8771 9 лет назад

    nice list. though it seemed like the whole time through, I was thinking the same thought, "there are bigger fish to fry"

    • @metegungor8771
      @metegungor8771 9 лет назад +1

      also to be honest, galis mask constantly changed and she never ever looked femenine in g1.

    • @metegungor8771
      @metegungor8771 9 лет назад +1

      also the picture at 07:25 looks pretty feminine to me.

  • @ignacedelaet6977
    @ignacedelaet6977 9 лет назад

    hey how about making a moc put it on youtube, so we can trash and make i look stypid,

  • @Reshumbox
    @Reshumbox 9 лет назад

    Btw, in my previous comment I was talking about Skull Slicer.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      You do know RUclips added a edit button right.

    • @Reshumbox
      @Reshumbox 9 лет назад

      ***** not on phones, which is what I am using to wright these comments at the moment.

  • @beann143b6
    @beann143b6 8 лет назад

    plus you said roodaka proberly spelt it wrong but you said it was liked due to dirty reasons what you thing they should have done on the same on gali

    • @purplegreencream
      @purplegreencream 7 лет назад

      Nathan Bean no becuase gali 2015 doesn't look feminine while roodaka has more feminine features

  • @Saiyangoddess72
    @Saiyangoddess72 9 лет назад

    I don't know about #14 but #13 should be higher

  • @nodead9126
    @nodead9126 8 лет назад

    All the sets are eye sores I got a eye sore from swing this set on the video

  • @izzysiler8502
    @izzysiler8502 9 лет назад

    I thought the new sets were interesting not the best(obviously) and i thought the orange helped the skull sets except skull warrior ew....protecter of earth was ok...i guess?

  • @Saiyangoddess72
    @Saiyangoddess72 9 лет назад +2

    #8 stop complimenting the stars

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      Complimenting? Do you have ears?

    • @Saiyangoddess72
      @Saiyangoddess72 9 лет назад

      ***** you were being too nice the bionicle stars deserve all your hate and more.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      Me? Dude, this is Jon part of the 3 top 10/15 and I did the Stopmotion and editing for all 3 videos.
      Anyways Jon didn't even once say a nice thing about the Stars, not one. The thing he said about the Stars are "The Stars was all around hated as sets, bionicle ended with a fart and return with a fart".

    • @Saiyangoddess72
      @Saiyangoddess72 9 лет назад

      ***** he should have insulted them more

    • @biobladestudios671
      @biobladestudios671 9 лет назад

      +Riaso Xilond ultimately the biggest fart is you

  • @blakesneattoys1857
    @blakesneattoys1857 8 лет назад +1

    thos are good sets ! at least most

  • @mycuriousuploads7655
    @mycuriousuploads7655 7 лет назад

    You really have to make 15 Lists

  • @obotprime339
    @obotprime339 6 лет назад

    Good list, but needs a little more refining. For example, maybe work on you mic settings.

  • @SigmundFreudGaming
    @SigmundFreudGaming 3 года назад

    lol I can smell the bias

  • @theriptilegammer2393
    @theriptilegammer2393 8 лет назад +1

    Get better audio

  • @ScarHydreigon87
    @ScarHydreigon87 9 лет назад

    i used a protector of earth for my moc

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      Okay that's random and have nothing to do with this video at all.

  • @TheUrbanSpaceman
    @TheUrbanSpaceman 6 лет назад

    How cud u cretehsize y favrit bencal

  • @lordjaller1897
    @lordjaller1897 8 лет назад +2

    You must really hate G2...

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  8 лет назад

      Almost everything of G2, The Stone & Jungle Protectors, Lewa, Onua and LoSS are the best sets. 2016 is doing something different to give G2 it's own identity instead of looking like copy of Hero Factory, but there are still bad sets in it like Gali (again), Lewa and Creator of Water and Stone.

    • @lordjaller1897
      @lordjaller1897 8 лет назад

      Personally I hate Lewa, Onua, Gali, and all of the Protectors. Lewa's neck is virtually nonexistent (AKA no good posing for you!), Onua is more ape than Toa, the Protectors are all clones, and for some reason my Gali's arms just fall of whenever I touch her. The only sets of G2 2015 I like are Pohatu and Tahu. (Kopaka has too much gold on his upper body in my opinion...) I do agree that G2 2016 is a lot better than the last year, but I do hate Kopaka, Umarak, and Gali. Kopaka is too silver on the legs and gold on the top, Umarak looks like a multi-colored version of Skull Basher, and Gali's shoulder and knee are just annoying.
      Also I don't really hate Skull Army (With the exception of Scorpio and Slicer. Scopio's color scheme is shit and Slicer looks like Lewa puked all over him...) Basher, though ineffective in the bashing of Toa's masks, has a pretty solid color scheme and looks the most intimidating of all of the Skull Army. (And I'm fine with the translucent orange, as long as it is in small quantities.) Skull Warrior, with the exception of his random orange, also has a good color scheme and a nice bow with it. Kulta I'm also fine with except for his mask. It looks out of place and should be replaced.

  • @Trimondius
    @Trimondius 9 лет назад

    I was expecting someone to say bashers function is almost exactly as dragon bolts,well played sir,well played.Also wheres Krekka?

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      We forgot Krekka...
      He was that bad, that he's forgettable

    • @Trimondius
      @Trimondius 9 лет назад

      Couldnt have said it better myself.

  • @matej7706
    @matej7706 6 лет назад +1

    What's the problem about this video?

  • @folisk179
    @folisk179 9 лет назад +2

    Im surprise Krika and G2 Pohatu isn't in the list.

  • @Madsenfilms
    @Madsenfilms 8 лет назад +1

    Pedojang? What? Why do you have to be so mean?

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  8 лет назад

      You obviously do not know this, but Jon and many other people found out that Jang was a Pedo when he was selling his stuff on ebay.

    • @friesfan8625
      @friesfan8625 8 лет назад

      +Mr. Cup of Fail why do you hate the toa nuva and onua mistika

    • @pepsiman9593
      @pepsiman9593 8 лет назад +4

      +Mr. Cup of Fail what proof do you have? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I just want to see if you have anything to back up your argument.

  • @sikerow3180
    @sikerow3180 7 лет назад

    What bionicle is it in the intro? The gold one

  • @wilcoghlin7410
    @wilcoghlin7410 7 лет назад +1

    this channel is terrible! the sets on this list are on here for only 2 or 3 reasons that barely effect the set.

  • @Saiyangoddess72
    @Saiyangoddess72 9 лет назад

    I also agree with 12

  • @beann143b6
    @beann143b6 8 лет назад

    do hero factory

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  8 лет назад

      Did you stop the video before it show the link to the top 10 worse hero factory sets...

  • @indentss
    @indentss 9 лет назад +1

    How about you make toys or Mocs so I can pick on it. How about you apply at Lego and see what goes on, tell me how that goes, send them this video with the application.

  • @n_zentario8865
    @n_zentario8865 8 лет назад +1

    i agreed lol

  • @jackclancy6577
    @jackclancy6577 8 лет назад +3

    your mike is awful !

    • @purplegreencream
      @purplegreencream 7 лет назад +1

      Jack Clancy it's fine to me

    • @Blue91233
      @Blue91233 5 лет назад +1

      At least its quality ranks up with Micheal P.

  • @KnightedSilverWolf
    @KnightedSilverWolf 8 лет назад

    No best?

  • @yaoyao9
    @yaoyao9 9 лет назад

    The Av-Matoran not being here is a complete travesty.
    Really? No Vahki? They recycled both Mata joints and the Rahkshi torso, only introducing a new head, tools, and legs.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      The Av-Matoran aren't even mad, and note that I am working on a commentary on that one part of TTV video, because there reason of the Av-Matoran being number one is piss poor.
      As for the Vahki, they only have one piece of the Rahkshi torso, everything else of the torso is different and have a recolor of that Matoran Torso piece.

    • @yaoyao9
      @yaoyao9 9 лет назад

      +Riaso Xilond I got one single Av-Matoran back in '08, and back then I was convinced that it was the worst set possible. I can say now that my opinion hasn't changed.
      Compared to previous (and much superior) $5 sets, the Av-Matoran (and also the Agori and Stars somewhat) were major letdowns. Gone was the unique building system shown in both the Rahaga and the Voya-Matoran and even the Mahri Nui denizens, and in its place was the huge, chunky parts that were almost impossible to MOC with due to their pre-bent stature. Furthermore, The piece count fell drastically, from what used to be at least 20 pieces to now just being around 13. Finally, the drab color scheme killed any leftover value. The headpiece is ridiculous and never used again, the masks barely resembled their Great counterparts (a theme of 2008), and the overall builds were just lazy.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад +1

      You want to know what else have chunky parts... the mata and nuva. Also in Matoran standard, the Av-Matoran was in fact the best movable Matoran, plus the reason why those other Matoran pieces was higher is because of those small technic bits.
      Another thing in TTV video, Mesonak said that they have a lack of creativity, yet giving the Inika and Piraka builds a pass, those were just humanoid build with a small change in 2009 with Skrall and Strakk. Now note that I do agree with him about that head they have, but as for the size made no fucking sense, do to the fact that all the Matoran and toa heads was like that.
      As for the mask, dude, the Toa Metru mask didn't resembled their Noble counterparts.

    • @yaoyao9
      @yaoyao9 9 лет назад

      +Riaso Xilond Chunky? No. The Mata and Nuva were complete chunks, but at least the pieces are rather slim and easily compatible with most other pieces. The AV-Matoran had 3 limb types - two of which were fat, and incredibly difficult to use with other pieces. Lego themselves gave up on attempting to use the monstrosities for combiners like Makuta Spirah.
      While the Av-Matoran are technically the most movable, the articulation doesn't mean much when it can barely achieve a hunched look, as if crouching for combat. While the 2003 Matoran looked awkward doing it, the Av-Matoran completely trump them but just looking like they are bending over to show you their butt. The Voya-Toran, though limited, were able to achieve much more character-based poses with great sets like Piruk and Dalu.
      The Inika and Piraka builds WERE great, and the continued reuse of it shouldn't be blamed on the inventor. That's like saying that the Mata build should be trashed because the Nuva re-used it, or that the Metru build should be looked down upon when Lihkan and the Toa Mangai used it.
      And finally, the mask argument assumes that I like the Metru Masks. I don't. The only time I've actually seen masks that are faithful to the originals are in the Gen 2 Toa, and only a select few (Kopaka, Pohatu, Tahu, Onua). Also, the Metru were able to overcome the design issue by having sets like Nokama and Onewa with extended necks. Try and get the Av-Matoran to look around with those big chunks on a scrunched head is the perfect recipe for mask degradation due to rubbing and collisions.
      Why are you always referencing TTV in these comments? It seems like this video was created just to spite them. It seems erroneous that you would assume that my opinions would come from TTV. As I've said, I've had these problems with the Av-Matoran since '08, before I even knew TTV existed. As such, using TTV as a basis for your argument is using a flawed basis.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  9 лет назад

      This video was in the works before TTV uploaded there 10 top video and I only referencing TTV number 1 and number 10 of there worst bionicle sets list.
      Now as for the Mata and Nuva, have you forgotten that they only have 3 limb types as well and there limbs was useless as well, I haven't seen those limbs being use beside on a titan or really shitty MOC that uses it for lower arm/legs. (Also there was only 3 combiners in 2008).
      The Voya Matoran have horrible poses, almost all of them just look like they was trying to take a shit while standing up and the 2003 can't even have a hunched at all.
      I didn't say anything about reusing it Inika and Piraka builds, I'm talking about giving those a pass of lacking creativity but bitching about the Av-Matoran having the lack of creativity.
      The mask part I was pointing out a flaw in that, because the Metru mask did not resembled their Noble counterparts (you just poll that assuming out of no where), plus because there Kanohi are the same as there Toa, doesn't mean they have to resemble the mask because in the G1 Universe the Kanohi do not have to be made in said shape, example is Toa Krakua who have the Kanohi Suletu in the shape of the Kanohi Hau.
      Nokama and Onewa have a very small change, that like saying changing the HF 2.0 upper arm armor upside down makes it more creative when overall it's just the same lack of creativity we seen already.

  • @theriptilegammer2393
    @theriptilegammer2393 8 лет назад

    Is this a troll

  • @GlorifiedShed
    @GlorifiedShed 7 лет назад

    bull crap. no offence but, I swear you just want to diss bionicle.

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  7 лет назад

      You do know this is a video of the worse bionicle sets, should be obvious that it going to be on the worse bionicle sets.
      Plus the list is also out dated and is unknown when me and my friends are going to make a updated list... that I'm 100% sure the majority of the list is gonna be G2 sets.

    • @GlorifiedShed
      @GlorifiedShed 7 лет назад

      G2 aint bad

    • @GlorifiedShed
      @GlorifiedShed 7 лет назад

      Yes it weren't the best as far as story goes

    • @GlorifiedShed
      @GlorifiedShed 7 лет назад

      The sets were good though(other than ketir)

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  7 лет назад

      As I said in my reply, the majority of G2 sets, obviously I'm not talking about all. Which the only good sets that are in G2 are like 5 or something and if you watch my reviews on the G2 sets you would know which ones. (If you want to see those G2 review that I said are good, just to make it easier to know which ones, they are Skull Basher, LoSS, Onua Master and Umarak the Hunter.)

  • @redbooyzortiz5066
    @redbooyzortiz5066 8 лет назад +1

    This sucks

  • @woundedzilla1517
    @woundedzilla1517 6 лет назад

    I like and agree with you list more than ttv

  • @starlord3853
    @starlord3853 5 лет назад

    Gotta say 2005 was forgettable and shitty like you said. The hordika are forgettable, the visirak are bland, and this year has what I consider the WORST titan sets in bioncile. Ugly arms, weird proportions, exposed joints, and sidorak being deplorable. The only thing that makes this year somewhat cool is the combiners for the titans. THE SHADOWED ONE. Hell yeah. There is my opinion of 2005. What is yours people?

  • @KraataCollector
    @KraataCollector 8 лет назад +3


  • @mycuriousuploads7655
    @mycuriousuploads7655 7 лет назад

    This a bandwagon video

    • @RiasoXilond
      @RiasoXilond  7 лет назад +1

      This video is dead, look at the date of the video.

  • @aki7411
    @aki7411 5 месяцев назад

    Bro quit yapping