Do Twin Flames Have to Be Together? 5 Things To Consider

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 41

  • @azmomconnection
    @azmomconnection 2 года назад +3

    "Being with a twin flame is an inner journey."
    I am so interested in this part, friends! The individual work and fulfillment of being the ultimate expression of love yourself, on your own. Very interesting what this content points to over and over.

    • @twinsoulpoets
      @twinsoulpoets  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for your comment! We will definitely be sharing more of our thoughts/perspectives on this. We are discovering and exploring ways to enhance our inner journeys all the time!

  • @user-ff3nr7jq6k
    @user-ff3nr7jq6k 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience! It’s much appreciated. You're the first TF couple I see that really radiates this kind of TF energy. I’ve seen some couples here on RUclips but never felt this resonance with them and I’m not saying they’re not TF, I just didn’t feel it from them. With you I’ve felt it since the moment I first saw you both! Meeting your TF is such a beautiful and bizarre experience. So I just have some doubts from time to time if I’m still sane🤪😅

    • @twinsoulpoets
      @twinsoulpoets  2 года назад

      Wow, thank you! Your words are so kind, we appreciate the encouragement a lot. Integrity and just sharing openly and honestly from our experience is really important to us, so I'm glad that you can feel that :)

  • @animalfinatic9366
    @animalfinatic9366 2 года назад

    Twin Flame connection is all about freedom 💗

  • @libertaddepercepcion1111
    @libertaddepercepcion1111 2 года назад +2

    What a beautiful video. I celebrate your love and mission ❤️

    • @twinsoulpoets
      @twinsoulpoets  2 года назад

      Thank you for the high vibrations ✨🙌🏾🙌🏻✨

  • @marioag23
    @marioag23 2 года назад +3

    I love watching your videos !! I met my twin flame back in 2020 and I haven’t stopped thinking of her since. Your messages always bring peace and understanding to me, this journey has not been easy but it’s been a beautiful one. Thank you both for what you do I absolutely love your content, please keep making more 🙏🙏🙏❤️
    PS. Congrats on reaching 2000 subscribers !!! 🎉🎉🎉

    • @twinsoulpoets
      @twinsoulpoets  2 года назад +1

      Thanks Mario glad that you are enjoying our content, we will definitely keep it coming, and have lots of cool things in store for 2022! ☺️☺️

  • @CrystalTwinStar
    @CrystalTwinStar 2 года назад +3

    To me, accepting that we are not meant to unite with our ultimate partner sounds very disempowering and underestimating the power of the Divine.

    • @twinsoulpoets
      @twinsoulpoets  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for sharing your perspective. We believe that Twin Flames are ultimately always connected. From our perspective one of the most powerful divine gifts comes from the empowering growth that a Twin Flame can inspire. Of course, everyone has the right to accept what resonates and release what does not and every Twin Flame journey is different. 💫💫

    • @pinkishdiamondz
      @pinkishdiamondz 2 года назад +2

      I definitely agree, IF, that person is your true twin. A lot of people say it doesn't have to be romantic but I find that hard to accept as well. I don't see how you can explore the level of intimacy that comes with it without being... Intimate lol. It's a lot. I absolutely believe that if it is God ordained, it will ultimately be....if one goes against God's will, they will likely suffer. Just my two cents.

    • @CrystalTwinStar
      @CrystalTwinStar 2 года назад

      Thank you for sharing your "two cents"!
      Not only am I grateful for your concurring with me, but also that you used that phrasing!
      It's a sync and validation for me!
      Lately I have noticed that when I write a post or share a video, my Twin shares something that has two of the same key words as my posts.
      My guide gave me the words "two cents"!

    • @CrystalTwinStar
      @CrystalTwinStar 2 года назад

      Also, too add to what you shared:
      Our Twin is the ultimate partner and encompass everything. There's nothing they aren't, so romantic love is naturally included in that.
      I even remember hearing a pastor once discussing the different types of love and he said the partnership that is ordained by God will incorporate all five types of love.
      So again thank you!

    • @animalfinatic9366
      @animalfinatic9366 2 года назад

      @@pinkishdiamondz I think you're being too shallow, trying to put love in a box is judgemental enough, platonic, romantic, whatever it is, love is love. If a parent truly loved their child then they wouldn't have to go seeking it in a man, woman, etc. That's why people are so wounded. And that's the problem with today's definition of "intimacy", it's always sex to most people when really it should just be unconditional love that takes many forms. So, no, love doesn't have to be romantic for it to be love, actually the platonic relationships are the most substantial because it builds your idea of love and unfortunately people grow up in unhealthy environments where they seek the wrong version, therefore twinflames can be any kind of connection and trying to separate it in terms of platonic and romantic is just focusing too much on the surface.

  • @kensurrency2564
    @kensurrency2564 2 года назад

    this is exactly what i needed right at this moment. wow guys. thank you!

    • @twinsoulpoets
      @twinsoulpoets  2 года назад +1

      So happy this helped, remember that the journey and growth in love always comes from within and sometimes the greatest gift our twin offers us is to remind us to return to our true selves and find that love within.

  • @mariabella19
    @mariabella19 2 года назад +5

    I understand the part about feeling grateful that they came into your life and ignited your Soul.
    I met mine in 2019 and haven't seen him since early 2020. I do feel grateful, most days.
    And just now recently in 2022 is my life coming together and i'm fully coming into my life purpose and fulfilling my mission.
    But, if I'm not meant to be with him, why do I still miss him?
    And if Twin Flames don't have to be life partners or together in the physical, then who can I be with?
    What other connection will feel this way? I love people. And I currently have someone who is close to my Twin Flame, some communities call them a False Twin Flame. And he's wonderful, he's such an amazing part of my life. And I feel so connected to him and other people.
    I feel a Oneness with everyone. But, it's still not the same as with Nick.
    I get so confused when I hear people say this.
    Everything points to, you should be life partners with your counterpart.
    And I see people who are not with their Twin Flames or people who have met their Twins and got together briefly and broke up. It just doesn't look right.
    The aura when people are with their Twins, is different. Fully Divine and Holy.
    When I see people loving someone that isn't their Twin, it looks so off.
    So, if not with my Twin, if I let go and accept that we aren't meant to be life partners, does that mean I go the rest of my journey on my own?
    Alone, in the physical sense?
    Henry, the guy i'm friends with, who I'm close too. I have so much love for him, so so so much love, it's so intense.
    But, he's not Nick.
    And even before I knew about Twin Flames or met mine, I always felt sex to be this sacred act with just one person.
    I feel like this is supposed to ONLY happen with a Twin Flame, not like with other people.
    So, if we don't have to be together, and I get it, I have lived it/am living the experience of receiving the Twin Flame connection/gifts even when he's not physically here.
    But, it still feels like what's the point?
    I had Christ Consciousness last year in July into August 2021. And My Twin Flame came to my living room to tells me he does yoga and I aligned with Christ, during this time.
    Why would he come to me in a vision to tell me that?
    Whenever I feel happy and present, all my thoughts go to him, still. It's been 2 years.
    But, I keep hearing, you don't have to be together, sometimes, they just come into your life to help you with your growth and then leave.
    But, I feel like that's Soulmates, aka everyone else you meet. I feel like ultimately, the Divine plan always is for you and your Twin to be life partners and teammates. Yin/Yang. In the physical not just spiritual.
    I just feel confused.
    I want to let go. But, he always comes back. This love I feel for him feels eternal and I have nothing to compare it to.
    I'm 32, been dating since I was 17. Dated men and women from all over the world. I feel like I've seen and done so much of what there is to experience on Earth. And yet still, my experience with Nick is incomparable.
    And every time I meet someone who I could potentially date, they are just an echo of Nick. Everything is an echo of Nick.
    Maybe i'm creating the echo and the Universe/God is just reflecting, but it feels like God's way of saying "have Faith".
    I have Faith alright, in me, In God and Christ.
    It's confusing. I'm trying to move on, maybe date someone else, for real. Instead of just being partially in a relationship with someone else, like my heart wasn't there when I have tried to date in 2020 and 2019.
    But, I feel ready now. And everything in my life is coming together.
    I'm just having trouble letting go of Nick.
    I don't understand.

    • @mariabella19
      @mariabella19 2 года назад +3

      It feels like puzzle pieces. When I see someone with an almost perfect Soulmate, there's always a piece of the puzzle missing. Like the two puzzle pieces fit together so well, but there's just this indescribable, little chunk of the pieces missing. With Twin Flames, it's a perfect fit. And I see that.
      Why does it feel to me like it's the way the Divine intended. For all Twins to be together physically on Earth? It just looks and feels right, especially when they are in Harmony. Like being around One person.
      And I see people who have lasted a while or been together long and are not Twin Flames, it never looks right. It never feels right.
      I've also dated men that were the most incredible, loving humans. But, something in me always felt like something was missing from me. And granted this was before meeting my Twin Flame, before finding God and aligning with Christ. Now I wonder what dating would be like, now that i've come into my Wholeness.
      I do agree with a lot of points, that's why I didn't date Nick, we were not ready.
      And I often wonder after what iv'e been through the past 2 years and surely him too, because we are mirrors and our journeys are parallel. If we got together now, would it be healthy?
      But, how could all Twin Flames not be meant to be together? If when I see people with Soulmates, something always goes off and wrong. And I see people who grow into themselves, their Twin Flames appear out of nowhere.
      I shouldn't view it as, if you are not in harmony with your Twin, not just physical Union, but actual spiritual harmony, One with yourself ect, if you are not, then something is off. But, I can't help it.
      When I see Twins not together, including myself, I think something is off.
      That person has things inside them that are unhealed.
      For me, I asked God if I could find my life purpose alone and then come together with Nick, because i didn't want to go through the pain of getting together prematurely and then breaking up and having a back and forth.
      I was an atheist when I met him, but I knew immediately. And then my childhood memories came back of my Soul calling out to him, as long as I could remember. I had written poetry about him when I was really young, ect. Before I even knew.
      And was always drawn to Twin Flame couples, I could feel them and I knew the connection, it was so familiar to me. Even before consciously knowing. Even before being awakened.
      I constantly get people in Twin Flame relationships coming to me for help, asking for assistance, even if they don't know they are Twin Flames.
      It just feels like to me, that when a person heals themselves and goes back in time and heals all their traumas and faces all their blocks, their Twin Flame naturally aligns. So, when they are not in harmony, something is off.
      Like that's God's way of saying, you have self-work to do. And obviously we are always evolving, growth is infinite. But, there comes a steadiness after a while. Where it's not so much pressure growth, but gentle change. Gentle uplifting.
      Even Twin Flames together, who are not in harmony, it means they have work to do on themselves.
      I don't see Union as a requirement per say, but something that happens when you both have healed. Like if you are not, it means something is blocked in you. You're not aligned with God or present in the here and now or with your own life purpose.
      I feel Twin Flames are meant to be a team on Earth, complements and no Soulmate can be that. Just them.
      It feels like only they are your Divine counterpart. Yes, we are ALL ONE. Every single one of us, but you and your Twin are like One snowflake, each snowflake, unique in itself, is a Twin Flame and together every snowflake forms the blanket of snow.
      And if you were to take that snowflake and cut it in half, just half the snowflake, that makes no sense to me.
      Why would this design happen? If Sacred and Divine Union with your Twin is not the goal? And for it to be total, in my opinion, you have to be together physically too. Or your physical marriage is a sham. You'll just be married to someone's body.
      And Earth, as above so below, mimics the spiritual, so you have legally binding documents ect. you get medical rights over them, your names become "One", it all mimics the spiritual connection of Twin Flames. But, it would only be Earthly (corporal) not spiritual. With a Twin Flame, if you both grow into yourself, it would be total Oneness. Physically, emotionally, spiritually.
      But, unlike Twin Flames, you can break the bodily contract. You can get a divorce. Because it isn't real. The body isn't permanent, and if being with a Soulmate is like just being with a body, it isn't real. With your TF, you can't break it, ever. So, if you choose Earth marriage, it would be a physical manifestation of your marriage in the Spirit realm, just on Earth. That's beautiful.
      What other beauty can compare to that?
      What would be the point of a Soulmate, if not solely for growth? Growth to prepare you for your Twin Flame, to prepare you for your Sacred Union, for your Divine counterpart.
      For that love, like a venn diagram, two whole circles, meeting in the middle. For love where there is no neediness, where your happiness is your responsibility, but they add to your happiness. For that completion.

    • @pixiebird7357
      @pixiebird7357 2 года назад +2

      Everything you have written resonates. I am reeeally trying now to let go and trust, but I just simply don't want to date or be with anyone else and I fully feel I'm meant to be with my TF. I trust and will keep deepening this trust in what is. I feel my TF all the time too, I sense him, he's always close by, so it's quite challenging to move into the realm of dating others. He wants me to move on though because of my age (40), he wants me to find what he can't give me at 24 😭. It sounds crazy writing these age differences, but it just works and we don't even look different ages. I'm doing it though, I'm letting go and going with my flow, I have to otherwise him and I would of been stuck in this place of being together but not 'really' being together. He has truly given me my biggest challenge.. To let go and let Love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I just want to be with him always in the 3d too

    • @mariabella19
      @mariabella19 2 года назад +1

      @@pixiebird7357 I completely understand and I don't find it crazy at all. Twins come in all age differences, all races, circumstances, genders ect. Ect
      I follow a lot of Twin Flames on youtube. I like to hear their interpretation of the TF journey. Listen to their philosophies. We all chose Love as an Ascension Path. And I learn so much from everyone.
      Anyway, the ones I follow are 12 years apart. And I only follow TFs if they are actual Twin Flames.
      There's a lot of people out there who think their Twin is their Twin but they are not.
      Honestly, if I'm not going to be with Nick, I'm going to be on my own and make the most of it.
      I tried dating before consciously knowing about Twin Flames and AFTER.
      I can't. I never could. Even before, my Soul knew I had a match out there. A perfect compliment.
      I believe Twins are meant to be together and that the vibration of the Universe would reach incredible heights as more Twins get together physically. And put out frequencies of Real Love. Love that is unconditional and eternal and Divine.
      I call Twins Godmates. And if two aren't together it means they have healing left to do.
      In my case it's foundational and I don't know if my life aligning recently would help it. I let it go and surrender to God. God knows what God is doing and I Trust is Divine timing and the Divine plan.
      I still feel like we are together so I can't date anyone else. And I don't want to. I don't think people are meant to date or even have sex with others aside from your Twin. And I knew this as a child too, but forgot sometime between childhood and adulthood. And after meeting Nick, these memories of me knowing this came back.
      Anything outside of a Twin Flame relationship, to me, is settling and choosing the Matrix.
      I refuse to settle. I deserve my highest possible timeline.
      If I can't have All, I'd rather have nothing and create a life in which I'm happy in it.
      I do want him and miss him terribly.
      But, it is what it is.
      I know there's a reason why we aren't together.
      I do agree, however, that some schools make people feel bad about not being with your Twin. Like your words have less value or you are less, but it's not true.
      I'm exactly where I'm meant to be and I Am enough, no matter what.
      I can feel this and still choose to not be with someone else.
      I can't do it.
      I just trust God. And keep the Faith that God wants me to be happy and if we aren't meant to be in this lifetime, God has bigger plans for me.

    • @mariabella19
      @mariabella19 2 года назад +2

      @@pixiebird7357 I posted something else too. Another reply. Im not sure if it was deleted my by youtube or accidentally by me or Twin soul poets. Because I originally had a link in it.
      But, this isn't to take away from anyone's youtube channel, I follow every Twin Flame couple I come across, because they all teach me things. Everytime, I learn something new.
      I'm a channel, thankfully. I asked God for Twin Flames of all experiences and God responded. I wanted to really understand the connection.
      (Not youtube channel, just a TF channel...and no, I don't do services or private channeling). I've only told some people who their TFs are.
      But, I'm tuned into this particular spiritual gift.
      Anyway, there are youtubers, the ones that are 12 years apart called Twin flame international.
      And in my original post, I had recommended the netflix show Love & Anarchy. Also, Twin Flames with an age gap. Even if fictional, it's one of the best TF representations I've ever seen.
      I'll ask God if I can receive Twins with an even larger age gap.
      I received Twin soul poets after asking God for Twin Flames of different races and more TFs who aren't white. I'm Afro Latina and wanted to see more people closer to me represented. So, God sent me them and a few others.
      But yeah, check them out. Their connection. They might have good advice catered to your specific experience. With their age gap. I think they have a video about it.

  • @animalfinatic9366
    @animalfinatic9366 2 года назад

    Very positive I love this

    • @twinsoulpoets
      @twinsoulpoets  2 года назад +1

      We appreciate the positive feedback

  • @aintsajames7036
    @aintsajames7036 Год назад

    Beautiful 🌌

  • @MAZ9404
    @MAZ9404 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for this information 🙏😃

  • @twinsoulpoets
    @twinsoulpoets  2 года назад +3

    5 Things To Consider 👇🏾👇🏻
    1) 1:15
    2) 2:27
    3) 3:08
    4) 4:33
    5) 6:35

  • @deemadeem5662
    @deemadeem5662 2 года назад +2

    Together have the same face

  • @animalfinatic9366
    @animalfinatic9366 2 года назад

    I don't think people really like this video or appreciate it as much as it should because it's so truthful 💗

  • @kcsnipes
    @kcsnipes 2 года назад +1

    I appreciate this information ! I wonder if a tf doesn’t want to be in union then can the other person who does want union, with enough self love, move on and find a soul mate and forget about their tf ? Heck with enough self love do you even need a soulmate or karmic relationship ?

    • @twinsoulpoets
      @twinsoulpoets  2 года назад +2

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It’s a great point… rather than needing someone to feel loved and valued, all relationships can ultimately become a reflection of and supplement to self love.

  • @deemadeem5662
    @deemadeem5662 2 года назад +1

    What is your birthday 🎂

    • @azmomconnection
      @azmomconnection 2 года назад +1

      They're both Cancers, like June 20th and 21st I think. They mentioned it i think in the twin flame signs video.

  • @HashimsCricketStack
    @HashimsCricketStack 2 года назад +1

    I think Hamilton's been working out. He is looking a bit rip :)

    • @twinsoulpoets
      @twinsoulpoets  2 года назад +2

      Lol thanks, been trying to stick to 100 push-ups a day

    • @HashimsCricketStack
      @HashimsCricketStack 2 года назад

      @@twinsoulpoets that’s awesome! I am sure you’re also adding variations to your push ups🔥

  • @benjaminbrewer2569
    @benjaminbrewer2569 2 года назад
