He recorded most of the instrumentals and vocals for the album himself. Theres a video of him singing and playing piano, super talented. He also released a full album movie. Just an insanely talented kid. Edit: sisyphus is a Greek legend about a king who was being punished by the gods and had to roll a boulder up a mountain. Hence all the mountain wordplay through the song. Checkout his styles of rap videos where he imitates other rappers
Not just rolling it up once and being done, once he got to the peak the Boulder would roll back down so he would repeat the process over and over for all eternity in the underworld
Nah FMTY got some skips. Summit P1 and P2 are bad. And so is alone together, where’d you go, all the interludes take them selves too seriously and don’t sound good. But most of the rest are either good or decent. Sisyphus is one of the best songs of the year so far tho.
@@yeeyee9294 gotta agree. I’m a fan but after the first couple of listens I feel like there are skips, but for the interludes and where’d you go I have to disagree but it’s just a matter of opinions.
This music video, is exceptionally deep and representative for the meaning of the track. If you look closely, the beginning scene of the video, is exactly the same as the last shot. The only difference is the lack of mist, this signifies the mental struggle and climb, where he reaches the 'summit' and his 'peak' as an artist, the mist clears and you can see, that there is still a massive climb for him to be where he wants to be.
Quadeca just dropped a new album and is very good he is also a very dynamic artist he can make sad songs fast rapping songs everything you really should check Quadeca out more.
Everyone usually calls him Quad. I would recommend checking out "I don't care", "Alone together", "This is not a diss track" and "Illy Mode" with Scru Face Jean. Quadeca is a legend. I think you would be pleasantly surprised with how many sounds and flows he has. Great reaction. Keep up the grind
I would recommend to check out his whole album called "From Me To You", especially the track "Maybe Another Day.." That track has this really soothing guitar line that I think you would enjoy. You could also check out his earlier album called "Voice Memos" which is a little less experimental and more rap-based.
Please react to Quadeca's music video of Man on my Left Shoulder. This used to be Quadece's favorite song that he made, I am not sure if it still is after he dropped his new album.
If you want a pop Quadeca song, listen to People Pleaser. Another great pop song he has is Shades Of Us but a music video for that is going to come out soon so maybe wait to react to that. Two other great songs of his are It's All a Game and Maybe Another Day A very experimental/ambient, singing song of his is Can't You See. Looking forward to more Quadeca reactions :)
@@MatthewRunaway I mean hey, you're in the audio ballpark. Gated reverb is a thing, and the song is pretty washed out at times, maybe the word planted itself in your head. Gating is a common engineering thing for vocals and other primary sources like drums, I'm sure you've dealt with and talked to plenty of engineers and that word is just lingering around. Congrats on your personal music by the way! Wishing you all the best
So I just found this vid from Quad's and this was recommended. The way you said his name is great, I had to look at it to figure out how you got to that pronunciation 😂 🤣 Then to add a bit of fun facts to add to this song. Sisyphus is a Greek king who was punished by Zues to roll a Boulder up a mountain for the rest of eternity. That is the tie in between the title and the lyrics. P.s. I love your little "nerdy" breakdown throughout.
People Pleaser, Can't You See?, Alone Together, It's All a Game and candles on fire are all really good and different things from Quadeca, all from his recent album.
Sisyphus was cursed by the gods to ousha Boulder up a mountain for all eternity, and whenever he reaches the peak the Boulder falls back down, the whole song is climbing his mountain, fear of reaching the peak and falling, and not putting his stuff onto someone else cause they have their mountains too. But yeah he for sure put a ton of the effort into the production, tried finding his own lane. A poppy song from that album is candles in the rain. But you can get a good idea of his versatility from his "styles of rap" videos. He doesn't produce all the beats in those but I believe he still does the production on his mixing and stuff
I think a good song to listen to by Quadeca would be shades of us, another song off of his recent album. Smiling at the ground could be a good one too. Those are too of his more poppy songs, though smiling at the ground has these very all over the place rap verses, the chorus is super catchy and has a punk/pop rock beat to go along with it.
Do you think you could listen to more of quadeca? I’ve known him a long time, definitely take a listen to more of his songs from his 2019 album voice memos and maybe shades of us from his recent album :) These days & the man on my left shoulder from voice memos is one of his best by far
I think this new setup looks good but the video is a little overexposed, you could turn the exposure down or make the white light on your left side a little dimmer.
Matthew, please I've been subbed for a while and you never really check any of the songs I request. IM A KID I CANT BE ON PATREON----- PLEASE REACT TO ALONE TOGETHER FROM QUADECA. if u see this. People pleaser by quadeca also sounds fabulous. Please don't hesitate to check it out.
To whoever requested this on patreon you're a hero
IKRR- I SAW THIS AND IT WAS SO HARD FOR ME TO BELIEVE- IM SO IN LOVR WITH QUAD- we need to get him to react to the album.
these days, man on my left shoulder, smiling at the ground, shades of us, i dont care, alone together are all beautiful songs
It’s crazy how he produced & mixed the whole song and directed the music video. 🐐
He produced and mixed the whole album
@@bnoru1291not the whole album, songs like burning bridges are bought from yt producers but most of the really good beats and songs are fully him
@@googol181 he bought the rights to the beat, but only took some parts and would branch out and use those parts and make his own beat.
@@frain9744 yes, my point being the production wasnt 100% on his side. i wasnt trying to undermine him
He just dropped an album. It’s definitely worth checking out.
He recorded most of the instrumentals and vocals for the album himself. Theres a video of him singing and playing piano, super talented. He also released a full album movie. Just an insanely talented kid.
Edit: sisyphus is a Greek legend about a king who was being punished by the gods and had to roll a boulder up a mountain. Hence all the mountain wordplay through the song. Checkout his styles of rap videos where he imitates other rappers
lmao he’s not gonna know most of the references
Not just rolling it up once and being done, once he got to the peak the Boulder would roll back down so he would repeat the process over and over for all eternity in the underworld
AND ALL OF FROM ME TO YOU(arguably the best project to come out this year so far)
Nah FMTY got some skips. Summit P1 and P2 are bad. And so is alone together, where’d you go, all the interludes take them selves too seriously and don’t sound good. But most of the rest are either good or decent. Sisyphus is one of the best songs of the year so far tho.
@@yeeyee9294 im guessing youre just not a quadeca fan lmao
@@ScrubRB i am, I’m just not delusional and can see flaws in the things I enjoy.
@@yeeyee9294 gotta agree. I’m a fan but after the first couple of listens I feel like there are skips, but for the interludes and where’d you go I have to disagree but it’s just a matter of opinions.
This music video, is exceptionally deep and representative for the meaning of the track. If you look closely, the beginning scene of the video, is exactly the same as the last shot. The only difference is the lack of mist, this signifies the mental struggle and climb, where he reaches the 'summit' and his 'peak' as an artist, the mist clears and you can see, that there is still a massive climb for him to be where he wants to be.
Man sisyphus sounds futuristic . FIREEEE
Quadeca just dropped a new album and is very good he is also a very dynamic artist he can make sad songs fast rapping songs everything you really should check Quadeca out more.
still no juice :(
Candles on Fire! Is so good you NEED to check it out
Everyone usually calls him Quad. I would recommend checking out "I don't care", "Alone together", "This is not a diss track" and "Illy Mode" with Scru Face Jean. Quadeca is a legend. I think you would be pleasantly surprised with how many sounds and flows he has. Great reaction. Keep up the grind
Yeah I don’t care would be a good one
"Not a diss track" is the name of one of the songs. My bad. Keep up the good work homie
@@sethipock6275 its a very sad story
I got here so fast
YOU HAVE TO SEE Quadeca - man on my left shoulder
You HAVE TO check out I DON'T CARE and Candles on Fire! from Quadeca
I would recommend to check out his whole album called "From Me To You", especially the track "Maybe Another Day.." That track has this really soothing guitar line that I think you would enjoy. You could also check out his earlier album called "Voice Memos" which is a little less experimental and more rap-based.
Certain parts of the song gave me the chills. Wow
I love that all the people reacting to this song realize the amount of layers. No joke there is 800 layers, as said on his tiktok
I believe quadeca showed on a video that the song had over 700 layers. Some were left un used but most of the layers were still used
Please react to Quadeca's music video of Man on my Left Shoulder. This used to be Quadece's favorite song that he made, I am not sure if it still is after he dropped his new album.
If you want a pop Quadeca song, listen to People Pleaser.
Another great pop song he has is Shades Of Us but a music video for that is going to come out soon so maybe wait to react to that.
Two other great songs of his are It's All a Game and Maybe Another Day
A very experimental/ambient, singing song of his is Can't You See.
Looking forward to more Quadeca reactions :)
Hey matthew you should react to rapstar by polo g
I absolutely love Quadeca!
I thought this said syphilis by Juice WRLD and i was like BRUH YES NOW but then it wasnt
Still love Quadeca tho 👍
What you're trying to describe is actually an arpeggiated synth
You’re 100% right! Sometimes I use the word gated. Idk why lol
@@MatthewRunaway I mean hey, you're in the audio ballpark. Gated reverb is a thing, and the song is pretty washed out at times, maybe the word planted itself in your head. Gating is a common engineering thing for vocals and other primary sources like drums, I'm sure you've dealt with and talked to plenty of engineers and that word is just lingering around.
Congrats on your personal music by the way! Wishing you all the best
This song reminds me of sayonara by Aries really unique sound to it
12:10 candles on fire
Maybe check out Candles on Fire! Or Burning Bridges/ Long Day (ft. Idk) by him.
You absolutely have to listen to the song Alone Together by Quadeca!!!
Alone together the worst track off the album tho
@@yeeyee9294 definitely not lol
I am still waiting for that Brakence reaction 😆 Hopefully one day
He did it all on his own
Bro ive been wanting this from day one so glad he did this hoping for my
So I just found this vid from Quad's and this was recommended.
The way you said his name is great, I had to look at it to figure out how you got to that pronunciation 😂 🤣 Then to add a bit of fun facts to add to this song. Sisyphus is a Greek king who was punished by Zues to roll a Boulder up a mountain for the rest of eternity. That is the tie in between the title and the lyrics.
P.s. I love your little "nerdy" breakdown throughout.
Love quadeca. Recommended songs- maybe another day, candles on fire, people pleaser, longday
People Pleaser, Can't You See?, Alone Together, It's All a Game and candles on fire are all really good and different things from Quadeca, all from his recent album.
If you can check out Soul Train by quadeca on his quadeca exclusives channel you’d be happily surprised by his vocal range
Sisyphus was cursed by the gods to ousha Boulder up a mountain for all eternity, and whenever he reaches the peak the Boulder falls back down, the whole song is climbing his mountain, fear of reaching the peak and falling, and not putting his stuff onto someone else cause they have their mountains too. But yeah he for sure put a ton of the effort into the production, tried finding his own lane. A poppy song from that album is candles in the rain. But you can get a good idea of his versatility from his "styles of rap" videos. He doesn't produce all the beats in those but I believe he still does the production on his mixing and stuff
Quadeca is a RUclipsr and u should definitely react to his "15 styles of rapping" where he makes impressions of other artists!
Biggest song on Apple Music is Uh Huh on RUclips it’s Insecure which is the KSI diss track
YESSS you need to react to more quadeca
You should check out: Candles on Fire or Its all a game
pls react to more quadeca. also, he produces all his tracks himself
This song actually has over 700 layers to it
I think a good song to listen to by Quadeca would be shades of us, another song off of his recent album. Smiling at the ground could be a good one too. Those are too of his more poppy songs, though smiling at the ground has these very all over the place rap verses, the chorus is super catchy and has a punk/pop rock beat to go along with it.
Since day one I watched you I recommend quadeca
Quadeca 🐐
Oh my god!
Do you think you could listen to more of quadeca? I’ve known him a long time, definitely take a listen to more of his songs from his 2019 album voice memos and maybe shades of us from his recent album :) These days & the man on my left shoulder from voice memos is one of his best by far
matt needs to react to some songs off MBDTF
I think this new setup looks good but the video is a little overexposed, you could turn the exposure down or make the white light on your left side a little dimmer.
didn't thought that i would find thins on this chanel
Our boy did QUAD!!!
There was a Easter egg at the end it was the same picture at the start.
Do more Quadeca please
Not a diss tracks Is really good, ego search, uh-huh & schoenberg ft mixed. And all his styles of rap vids.
Keep up the great content
shoutout to the patreon who requested this lol
Quadeca - Quad - Ek- A. Sisyphus - Sys - y - fys
You should definitely react to it's all a game by quadeca
Saw the title and thought that there was no way someone actually requested quad!
Shades of us is pretty pop
React to the whole album!
His whole album is like this
I'll check your song bro
U should react to under the sun
You should start doing Q&A live with your fans maybe once a month. Just a thought. Keep up the good work
You should do “I don’t Care” by Quadeca. It’s pretty damn good
Do shades of us
you need to react to people pleaser by quadeca
React to more tracks by Quadeca
React to Polo G “Rapstar” song of the year probably
Defo going to be polo's song of the year but let's wait to see what other people will drop. There's still a lot of time
@@Prod.J9 idk I just really like this song and the lyrics
Bro polo g has made that same song like a dozen times lmao, he starting to act like dababy, needs to diversify his lyrical and instrumental focus.
You should check out the RUclips cypher with a bunch of you tubers who do music, I recommend the one with Dax, no life shaq, and crypt
Just to let you know, Lil TJAY dropped a new album!!There's some bangers on there I think you'd like. Keep up the grind bro!!
You should listen to his biggest track which is "insecure" where he disses ksi. Its what he got famous for.
You should react to some of quadeca’s songs on his new album from me to you
U need to react to rapstar by polo g its gonna be an all time classic
Hey Matthew, u should react to after me by jxanesdeath it's so underrated
you should do nuketown by ski mask + juice wrld, im interested to see what u think!!
Finish the death race for love album reaction please
That album isn’t very good
Rod Wave Tombstone Plzz!!
Matthew, please I've been subbed for a while and you never really check any of the songs I request. IM A KID I CANT BE ON PATREON----- PLEASE REACT TO ALONE TOGETHER FROM QUADECA.
if u see this. People pleaser by quadeca also sounds fabulous. Please don't hesitate to check it out.
He should react to the shades of us video
You gotta react to Juice wrld- Nuketown
It’s pronounced like quwa deck ah
Check him out
Great reaction!! Check out Savannah Dexter "Heaven's got a back road" ❤️
😂 pronunciation - 100
you gotta listen to polo g’s new song “Rapstar”
React to $not - Whipski ft. Lil Skies
Need to react to rap star by polo g
react to whipski by $not feat lil skies, its great
React to It's all a game
kwaadeca sisseefoos
React to love hurts by lil tjay
React to there she go by Justin bieber ft lil uzi vert. It just released