Thank you for introducing Bashar. Bashar is having workshop in Jan next year in Sedona, Arizona. I will be attending from Florida. His spaceship is above Bell rock. there are also 5 other channelers like Bashar. Will keep u posted how things go.
我當初創業時, 係因為被上司非禮而頂唔順辭工....😅冇得撈之後坐係屋企慢慢諗下野, 然後開始有人主動來搵我接 job, 個時心態好單純只想做好代表作收得都好平下, 因為咁反而慢慢生意越來越好, 好快就上左軋道都估唔到自己最後可以收獲咁大. 所以我好認同, do what you love and tune your right frequency 正所謂同頻共振, 都係我生活入面活生生咁反映了出來.
K: I let him go when he was talking about his political opinions. Really raised an eyebrow. 🤔 Gigi Young: Yes. I believe He was telling people to wear masks and they humanity was prolonging the virus and lockdowns by not obeying. This was bizarre to a lot of people b/c he would often stay away from directly commenting on political and social questions. M: I personally always thought this guy was controlled opposition just like the Dali Lama, Deepok, Sadguru, Abraham Hicks and a few others I'm forgetting. Moti: I couldn't agree more ever since i heard Bashar promoting the hybridisation program a few years ago i had a feeling the entity he is channeling has an agenda that's not favourable for Humanity (the Sassani is a good example) and what Bashar describes is exactly what Rudolph Steiner warned us about the infiltration of Hariman back to our physical dimension through technology and the 8th sphere. B: I find it concerning and a bit sad. and i don't love how good some beings are at confusing people in that classic mix truth with falsities and agenda method - this is very effective and requires a lot of resonance with one's own sense of truth to already be within.. whilst i feel like one would need to totally study what exactly is going on with bashar and darryl etc to really be certain, what i notice is that bashar (and other extradimensionals) seem to struggle with emitting, teaching or embodying true compassion. i think it's because compassion is very human, it is a bridge between our higher and lower selves, born out of the vast waters of living breathing emotion and an embodied heart.. it is the dew that nurtures the heart from the alchemy we do here via our emotions. so this is something these beings cannot ever be truly familiar with. and it shows in their flippancy and bypassing. i also wonder that the current pivotal point of the timelines challenge channelers (and all of us!), and when we cant keep up with our shadow clearing or we're not on path, it interferes with our work so easily - my point is perhaps this is contributing to the pro mask, vaccines, etc agendas being channeled - the channeler's own stance on the issues (*as well as* these beings' esp. bashar agendas). and also as these beings are aspects of the channels own self... if i am currently vibrating at a lower version of myself i am going to channel a lower version of myself... Gigi Young: YES! On everything you said. It's the love energy that many channelers don't have. It's all cold and mental with bursts of motivation and excitement. It's hard to pick it up is your own heart chakra is blocked. I think the issue is that a large amount of ET channelers and channelers are too mental and they confuse the mental gymnastics with genuine alchemy healing which is done through the heart and emotional body. This fundamentally stems from the reality that these beings are from divergent timelines where the emotional body, and compassion, was destroyed and the mind became bloated. You can still see this wound clearly, as you have stated it is basically aligning with a version of yourself from a lower timeline.
thanks so much Tiffany and welled ❤❤❤ I truly love this series (breakfast with tiffany), keep going! just want to tell u that your sharing gives us strength 💪💪💪
多謝 多謝 和多謝, 非常感恩Wellen 同 Tiffany講解呢個題目。 我正需要呢種心靈平衡既能量. 過去三年發生既事諗都諗唔到但全部發生, 生意倒閉, 離婚,賣屋, 轉行 等等。 對其他人可以輕易講一句天無絕人之路, 但對於當局者黎講係世界未日, 想爬都爬唔起身。 我相信呢條片可以比好多人希望。 多謝🙏🏻
回頭望 越痛越覺醒🤣🤣
信任宇宙 不會犯錯 😊
無錯, 因為會睇到好大既分別
只有保持正念,先會接收到宇宙給你的訊息。所有正在面對生活困難、疾病、情緒問題等的人,祝福你們記起愛,愛是一切的救藥,而愛一直都存在,內心平靜就會找到!Sending you all tons of LOVE ❤❤❤ 記得原諒自己,記得快樂❤
好多謝Wellen Time提供的養份,我經歷緊好多年的強迫症,係好痛苦無助,我覺得呢樣野唔可以用一個病名去了解,因為某D副作用我根本食唔到藥。但係每次透過節目去接觸靈性或宇宙的知識時,都覺得自己在生命認知上有得著,希望慢慢儲起來,希望有一天能醫治自己,多謝主持人和嘉賓的分享
我都有OCD + 抑鬱症,係好痛苦嘅,感覺就如某首歌嘅歌詞“來回地獄又折返人間”,同朋友講佢哋唔太明白,最多同情安慰你…. 可以去認識多D & 了解下佛法,佛法幫咗我好多,希望也可以幫到你,keep fighting, 加油!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🍀🍀
聽完呢一集,頭頂「叮」咗一聲,明白了人生、生存,的意義!超感謝Wellen & Tiffany,謝謝你們慈悲分享,造福於聽眾!
Thank you for introducing Bashar. Bashar is having workshop in Jan next year in Sedona, Arizona. I will be attending from Florida. His spaceship is above Bell rock. there are also 5 other channelers like Bashar. Will keep u posted how things go.
Wellen 有句話確實好啱,比起戰亂及飢餓、我應該更感恩能夠有機會吸收咁多呢啲資訊,希望有生之年能夠聽到有人請到外星人番屋企食飯😂
Wellen & Tiffany 的組合好正, Wellen的問題很有代表性
係,wellen d 問題好高質
Tiffany 分享好正❤!感謝Wellen 😊.
多謝Tiffany嘅分享,一直都好鍾意聽Tiffany嘅節目,都聽Bashar 好耐,做自己係好難,但一做到就會快樂
follow咗Bashar好多年, 呢條片真係好詳細咁講解咗Bashar嘅運作同背景, 實在很精彩, 謝謝❤
我是聽malisheep講Bashar 現在終於知道他是誰了
Wellen time真係好有養份,聽完每次都好relief
🧘我要顯化每個星期都有Breakfast with Tiffany😅
tiffany 要做全職先得😂
失业了一年,听了五次这一段 39:06 我慢慢开始了解自己,并找到了自己忘我的事情❤我开始共感yt推给我的视频的意义,感谢up主
第一次見到有香港channel講bashar, 好感動😄
其實幾年前都有 🇭🇰 RUclipsr 用廣東話講 巴夏 , 但感恩宇宙宙高靈 , 今時今日再安排 Tiffany 有更貼地無私的分享 🌈 ,感恩Bashar 持續給 🌎👥👥訊息
我當初創業時, 係因為被上司非禮而頂唔順辭工....😅冇得撈之後坐係屋企慢慢諗下野, 然後開始有人主動來搵我接 job, 個時心態好單純只想做好代表作收得都好平下, 因為咁反而慢慢生意越來越好, 好快就上左軋道都估唔到自己最後可以收獲咁大. 所以我好認同, do what you love and tune your right frequency 正所謂同頻共振, 都係我生活入面活生生咁反映了出來.
多謝🙏Tiffany提到地球🌍正面向住Galactic centre 有利於人類們揚升!在7/12至12-13 new moon in Sagittarius 期間係conjunct 銀河中心,大家不要嘥咗啲好嘢(能量)喎!
By the way我係新followers
可能我自己好細個都見過uFO,每隔幾年就見一次,所以都無咁奇怪😅所以真係有人Channeling 到佢地真唔出奇,加上自己都有成日靈修,讀過動物傳心同易經塔羅牌等等有趣嘅課程,自小都感應到阿漂嘅存在,從小又鐘意睇神秘學等等與外星有關嘅野,所以一見到你地嘅Channel 真係好開心,太多資訊好好聽,又有Tiffany 咁多有力嘅証明,令我覺得原來自己並不弧單,世界真有其事,🎉🎉🎉要繼續努力,每集都睇幾次,重會分享比同路人睇,多謝你地吖❤❤❤愛你地吖
我明白你既孤單, 我都同你一樣, 太多另類經歷有時內心都會孤單. 但自從懂得調頻, 明白所有事宇宙都有安排, 它就是要我來快樂的, 就慢慢不覺得孤單了. 祝你生活愉快.
42:00 好正,依家就係做到就做,然後順住做,回報未係錢,但係有好多愛,亦覺得原來咁樣都可以咁自在。最近去旅行,一係屋企人包埋我去,一係老公包我去,同我以前要一個人包晒全家去好唔同,而我樂得同家人好開心咁過咗幾日,又可以好好咁放鬆。最近我雖然要變動自己嘅基金,基金經理同我講,你都要諗下要儲返200萬安老喎,我就覺得有個金錢的流動,而我可以發揮潛能去做好眼前的事,原來個世界就會幫你安排好晒。
thank you
除咗祥哥外,Tiffany 亦係我最喜歡嘅Wellen Time 嘉賓之一!
很有養分的分享…. 多謝Tiffany 和Wellen ❤
內容似深又似淺,要時間消化吓, 鍾意主持 现實又真實地講"錢", 這字眼,(太多片刻意5提的)多謝Tiffany分享, 可否講完英文生字後,+中文解釋, 因英文差。
本集又要謝謝嘉賓主持Tiffany, 及Wallen做一個咁好的channel🍭
Tiffany 🎉
感謝Wellen & Tiffany 🙏
多謝Wallen 同 Tiffany分享.
我係2016年開始大量接觸spiritual topics (正正是Tiffany 提及嘅solar flare powerful時段🙏🏻), Bashar 就係果陣睇最多。多謝Wellen同Tiffany討論Bashar, 精簡地介紹及remind咗我一啲好重要嘅訊息😊講解好精準清晰!
勁鐘意Tiffany分享佢的經歷. 人生係自己付予意義, 活出最好的自己.
終於又等到Tiffany, 多謝wallen同Tiffany分享,獲益良多!
多謝你地🙏🏻 早兩日有緣認識到Basha Chanel, YT 又彈左呢條片出嚟,解答到近期click 住我的問題❤祝大家生活愉快
好鍾意 Tiffany 講解,多謝❤❤
多謝!Wellen Time👍
多謝 Wellen & Tiffany ... 今集好正,解決我好多迷惘 ❤
Good show!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
我6日之前聽到其中一個Daryl嘅 interview,要我哋準備自己,揚升將會喺2024年發生,佢有講Quantum entanglement、Mandela Effect、The Great Shift、人類嘅將來!非常有趣。之前有睇過Daryl嘅嘢,但係唔知佢嘅背景,好多謝你兩位清楚解釋❤❤видео.htmlsi=U2wLOxTHJekg5jrg
🙏🏻🙏🏻感恩Wellen ‘Tiffany分享咁好嘅訊息,呢集番睇左好多次,好值得深究👍🏻👍🏻
扮 Darryl ... 笑到顛左 🤣
Wellen 演技咁好既😂😂上次冇睇畫面, 只聽, 今次先睇到畫面
Tiff, 正!即睇👀
我都因為一張寫住Choose Happy嘅貼紙頓悟左。
你係Wellenshar,謝謝你 !🙏🤩
吸引力法則,我第一樣係想起愛, 而不是錢
Very Nice session, learn a lot !!!!! 有個低級obsevation, 你兩個cushions好鬼正!
K: I let him go when he was talking about his political opinions. Really raised an eyebrow. 🤔
Gigi Young: Yes. I believe He was telling people to wear masks and they humanity was prolonging the virus and lockdowns by not obeying. This was bizarre to a lot of people b/c he would often stay away from directly commenting on political and social questions.
M: I personally always thought this guy was controlled opposition just like the Dali Lama, Deepok, Sadguru, Abraham Hicks and a few others I'm forgetting.
Moti: I couldn't agree more
ever since i heard Bashar promoting the hybridisation program a few years ago i had a feeling the entity he is channeling has an agenda that's not favourable for Humanity (the Sassani is a good example)
and what Bashar describes is exactly what Rudolph Steiner warned us about the infiltration of Hariman back to our physical dimension through technology and the 8th sphere.
B: I find it concerning and a bit sad. and i don't love how good some beings are at confusing people in that classic mix truth with falsities and agenda method - this is very effective and requires a lot of resonance with one's own sense of truth to already be within.. whilst i feel like one would need to totally study what exactly is going on with bashar and darryl etc to really be certain, what i notice is that bashar (and other extradimensionals) seem to struggle with emitting, teaching or embodying true compassion. i think it's because compassion is very human, it is a bridge between our higher and lower selves, born out of the vast waters of living breathing emotion and an embodied heart.. it is the dew that nurtures the heart from the alchemy we do here via our emotions. so this is something these beings cannot ever be truly familiar with. and it shows in their flippancy and bypassing. i also wonder that the current pivotal point of the timelines challenge channelers (and all of us!), and when we cant keep up with our shadow clearing or we're not on path, it interferes with our work so easily - my point is perhaps this is contributing to the pro mask, vaccines, etc agendas being channeled - the channeler's own stance on the issues (*as well as* these beings' esp. bashar agendas). and also as these beings are aspects of the channels own self... if i am currently vibrating at a lower version of myself i am going to channel a lower version of myself...
Gigi Young: YES! On everything you said. It's the love energy that many channelers don't have. It's all cold and mental with bursts of motivation and excitement. It's hard to pick it up is your own heart chakra is blocked.
I think the issue is that a large amount of ET channelers and channelers are too mental and they confuse the mental gymnastics with genuine alchemy healing which is done through the heart and emotional body. This fundamentally stems from the reality that these beings are from divergent timelines where the emotional body, and compassion, was destroyed and the mind became bloated. You can still see this wound clearly, as you have stated it is basically aligning with a version of yourself from a lower timeline.
thx Lorraine
❤Tiffany 真係好正😊
偉大 follow my bliss 感謝🙏🏼
感謝兩位好正嘅分享 🙏感恩🙏
其實公司同賺錢能力,不用是相對的。很多人也真的非常輕鬆,但是工作時間非常少 很多人以為只有金融律師,會計醫生才會賺錢 所以一直好忙
thanks so much Tiffany and welled ❤❤❤ I truly love this series (breakfast with tiffany), keep going! just want to tell u that your sharing gives us strength 💪💪💪
Bashar講人對世界的認知好似佛學的saying “萬法唯心造” 一樣~ 所有都係我地對三界的interpretations
Eeee......我老師 明就仁波車 都出埋鏡喎!多謝❤
謝謝Wellen 同Tiffany 的分享,很棒很棒😅 我也是博士的多年讀者,不知將來會否有緣與妳相見呢😅❤
Tiffany 💪💪👍👍
呢集內容好正 👍🏼👍🏼,又一次令我明白,每一個覺醒嘅人,都經歷過或大或小的靈魂暗夜。我好鍾意你哋解釋吸引力法則,坊間太多講呢個題目,我呢排內心有質疑,因為如果呢個係宇宙法則之一,點解啲人成日講吸引錢/物質、愛情,錢只不過係呢個三維時空,能量交換嘅工具,錢或其他自己想吸引返嚟嘅嘢,其實都會睇到底層我哋想要乜嘢,感謝你哋及時提醒解答 ❤
44:40 嘉賓說中了
我鍾意呢一集,多謝Wellen n Tiffany 🩵