I hate it when an AI reads a story in English. Our language is complex, and filled with a million traps for non-native language speakers, and they fall into EVERY, SINGLE, ONE OF THEM! I begin by chuckling at the poor choice of heteronymsmade by the AI , but end up angry at the AI for it's lack of knowledge, when I should actually be angry at the programmer or whoever input the data to the computer. I don't know if they still use the same phrase but back in the 1970s, we used to say, "Garbage in = garbage out!"
A Galactic John Wick.
I hate it when an AI reads a story in English. Our language is complex, and filled with a million traps for non-native language speakers, and they fall into EVERY, SINGLE, ONE OF THEM! I begin by chuckling at the poor choice of heteronymsmade by the AI , but end up angry at the AI for it's lack of knowledge, when I should actually be angry at the programmer or whoever input the data to the computer. I don't know if they still use the same phrase but back in the 1970s, we used to say, "Garbage in = garbage out!"