NATIONS SAYS Listen to God's Word;, unfair paintings, sculptures, or anything that is in heaven above, down to earth, Thou shalt not bow down to them nor serve them, BECAUSE, GAD, before the Lord who do so, [it 2 is a commandment that we must respect the]. Satan is the King of this world and he conned the whole planet [otk.18; 4-5, 1 Timothy 4, 1, 2; 5-6., Hebrews 7; 25, 12; 24, 2solunjan. 2; 9-12, 2 Timothy 4; 1-4, Joshua 24; 14-19,? Isaiah 19, 3, 41; 28-29, 43; 11-13, Hosea, 13, 4, Malachi 2;1
NARODE DOBRI PREVARENI STE SOTONA JE CAR OVOGA SVETA matej.4;8-10, 1jovanova 5;19,0tkrivenje.12;12. nekom je dato da pozna carstvo nebesko,nekom nije.matej13;11-15.CUVATI SE PREVARE.2solun.2;9-12.STRAZITE NAD BIBLIJOM I NA DATIM ZNACIMA.luka.21;34-36.NISU HTELI ISTINU,bibliju,ZATO CE IM BOG POSLATI SILU PREVARE,sotonu, DA VERUJU LAZI.2solun.2;11-12.NEPUSTAJTE SE ZAVESTI OD TUDJIH NAUKA.jevrejima.13;9.BOG NEDAJE NIKAKAV NATPRIRODNI ZNAK DO NJEGOVOG POVRATKA,SVI ZNACI SU SOTONSKI.matej.12;38-39..
NATIONS SAYS Listen to God's Word;, unfair paintings, sculptures, or anything that is in heaven above, down to earth, Thou shalt not bow down to them nor serve them, BECAUSE, GAD, before the Lord who do so, [it 2 is a commandment that we must respect the]. Satan is the King of this world and he conned the whole planet [otk.18; 4-5, 1 Timothy 4, 1, 2; 5-6., Hebrews 7; 25, 12; 24, 2solunjan. 2; 9-12, 2 Timothy 4; 1-4, Joshua 24; 14-19,? Isaiah 19, 3, 41; 28-29, 43; 11-13, Hosea, 13, 4, Malachi 2;1
NARODE DOBRI PREVARENI STE SOTONA JE CAR OVOGA SVETA matej.4;8-10, 1jovanova 5;19,0tkrivenje.12;12. nekom je dato da pozna carstvo nebesko,nekom nije.matej13;11-15.CUVATI SE PREVARE.2solun.2;9-12.STRAZITE NAD BIBLIJOM I NA DATIM ZNACIMA.luka.21;34-36.NISU HTELI ISTINU,bibliju,ZATO CE IM BOG POSLATI SILU PREVARE,sotonu, DA VERUJU LAZI.2solun.2;11-12.NEPUSTAJTE SE ZAVESTI OD TUDJIH NAUKA.jevrejima.13;9.BOG NEDAJE NIKAKAV NATPRIRODNI ZNAK DO NJEGOVOG POVRATKA,SVI ZNACI SU SOTONSKI.matej.12;38-39..