Bf1 is easily the most cinematic game I've ever played. It's like every single match you see moments like this. DICE did an incredible job producing this game.
Yeah it was all in the noise the visuals while good was 20-30 guys running but not *sprinting* *scrambling for cover* without the noise it would lose the effect
The way at least ten or fifteen soldiers are charging downhill into the town with tanks rolling up behind them facing gunfire from the defending team is just perfect in everyway.
Because according to expert or historian i guess that ppl at that time doesn't familiar with world war so they think that it just you run to your enemy and kill it😏👍😂
3:35 That moment when guy comes out from a smoke and see a wide field with a bastion and his comrades hiding from a machine gun fire gives me chills and music multiplies it
4:54 such a cool moment. The soldier flipping in the air, the sound of the shell just before impact, this game really is like playing a movie sometimes and I love it.
Battlefield 1 definitely has an atmosphere that most other games could never match - these charges are definitely one of my favorite aspects of not just BF1, but any FPS I’ve ever played. Merry Christmas to you too!
When there are stalemates, I would for a few minutes to see if we push through with explosives or not. If jot, I give a whistle and start charging, most of the time I end up dying but if team follow me the, the breakthrough is successful. A small sacrafice to win the war
Maybe verdun or beyond the wire if your looking for ww1 immersive games, if immeraive games in general look at red orchestra 2,rising storm, insurgenxy sandstorm, squad, hell let loose, post scriptum, operation harsh doorstop
@@macrofurra in terms of immersion as in "bullets and artillery will kill you so quickly than you cant even blink" Verdun does this in the bag ,But I really apreciates BF1 way of immersion with the brutal bayonet animations, the rousing speeches when you start a battle, win or lose, lose or get an objective all this makes battlefield 1 like what the og commentor said, a masterpiece, but I dont think BF1 can be considered the only masterpiece of ww1 gaming as while BF1 highlights the horrors of war through emotion, verdun gives what it was like to be in ww1, a slow, tiring, exshausting experience where you could get ahnialated in just mere moments and this is one up that verdun has over BF1 although I am a firm believer that these two games should not be compared and should just be seen as equals with different mindsets as these two games show the horrors of war in different gameplay styles and im sure you already know what I mean by this
If you like that kind of gameplay maybe you should try insurgency, it's pretty immersive and gets really terrifying when you are alone surrounded by enemies
@@HansSensei ah, insurgency. And the moment where you're too low on ammo to kill all the enemies swarming around the tiny building you're in but with not enough time to reload. Or do you have time? Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Maybe when you do an enemy will walk through that door you've been looking at for what feels like hours. Or maybe youll be fin- aaand you're shot in the back of the head by a sniper hiding god knows where.
2:20 was the best with the explosion at the start and the player in fronts reaction from that, player on fire running past and the player by the wall directing where to go.
I agree but the Germans did have tanks. Not only would they try to capture british and french tanks to use as "Beutepanzer" but they also had about 20 of the A7V tanks, which saw combat in the battle of amiens to my knowledge. Of course they by far did not have enough tanks to change the course of the war.
The most best thing ever battlefield players loves to hear while they run in that open field with planes flying over and tanks driving by. Makes you pumped up ready for battlefield.
I remember this one time I was playing on Suez. I played as a British Lancer (Hussar Cavalry), and survived from start of match to finish (This was back before they removed damage reduction on Cavalry). I focused the whole match breaking through enemy lines, taking out snipers, causing chaos by randomly lobbing grenades, and generally just being a thorn. Apparently it worked because I evidently became Public Enemy Number 1. The enemy team began focusing me so hard they were neglecting their own defensives and offensives when they saw me - but I played on Suez so much I knew it like the back of my hand and always outmanuevered and outsmarted them. We ended up winning, with me get a 43 kill count with 0 deaths. All because I pissed them off so bad. It was so thrilling and kickass I felt like I was in a movie. I think I still have a screenshot of the leaderboard at the end, I was so astounded that I didn't die.
This game is nuts. I didn't buy it when it came out despite having heavily played BF3 and 4 because I've never been into WW1-2 games, but now that I bought it two weeks ago, I sure as hell regret it. The game is still alive, but I can't imagine how amazing it must've been playing it at launch. Most cinematic and compelling multiplayer experience I've ever had.
These kinds of experiences in BF1 to this day are what I live for in this game, and I have been searching obsessively for a compilation of these on YT. I get a massive rush when I hear the screams and watch the terrifying charge of a crowd of soldiers through gunfire and explosions into the frontlines of combat. I don't know how else to describe it, it's thrilling and it's addictive.
I remember early frontlines. We were about two hours into the match. We were pushed back all the way but managed to hold the line. Our team built up at our base and we charged one final charge. We managed to capture the points and eventually win the match.
and this is why operations is single handedly one of the best game modes DICE has ever created. The bound to bound objectives make each defense/attack meaningful and intense. BF1 has the best atmosphere out of all other battlefields
thanks for these clips, I could watch them all day. 5 years ago, you could have shown me any of shots and I would have assumed it was a pre-scripted cinematic
Appreciate it man - I love watching BF1 charges too! I seem to be getting a lot of support on this video, so who knows, maybe I’ll make a Part 2 in the near future! What’s your favorite clip from the video?
@@youcanthavethisusername probably the one at 4:58. It has a little bit of everything; the charge, explosions, tanks. Just wondering, are servers still pretty active these days?
@@oscarr5734 I thought that clip was pretty sick too - I was so hype when I got that. The servers are still up and running and the player count seems fine, it’s just a little hard to get into DLC maps and certain less-popular game modes. There are still plenty of Conquest and Operations servers though
That feeling when you're advancing on the enemy, trying your hardest to survive, and a sudden explosion sends bodies flying past you, screaming. Teammates charging, screaming, their bayonet running down the enemy. Machine gun fire, gas, smoke, explosions going on all around. Truly immersed in the PTSD.
BF1 even now, has UNMATCHED atmosphere, rushing to objectives with ominous music playing along, entire map wrecked by war even before you get to the first enemy, it sends chills down my spine every single time I play it, even today....Not a single game has come even close to bf1 when it comes to atmosphere and the stuff I mentioned and I don't think any game ever will.
Bf1 feels like a movie every time you play it, where you could be a medic who, sadly, cannot save every dying solider, or you could be a support helping with repairing tanks.
I did this on river somme with my friend broshark I suicide bombed an enemy trench line then 2 smoke grenades were tossed at my corpse and out of the shadows emerged my whole team to finish the job Edit: my friend broshark was a flame trooper and stormed that trench while saying for the Sultan
Bfv definitely has a pretty cool atmosphere too, I mean storming iwo jima is sick. Staying behind the Sherman's, using flamethrowers to clear the tunnels, or lying down in a firefight with an MG in the muddy jungle to help push up
Never once have I been unsatisfied with operations. At the end of each round I am absolutely spent from the adrenaline rush of charging the enemy lines
I love when your team is struggling to take a sector and you manage to get it with less than half your forces remaining, then the war cry. I always put the 'go, go, go' command in
The battlecry made operations game mode so amazing with its first introduction. That and my whistle as squad leader, was the only reason blueberries pushed in battlefield. We need that immersion back.
I've never played this game but I've seen so much gameplay that makes me think a large part of getting people to want to play as a team is to make playing as a team the most exciting immersive goosebump-raising way to play the game.
I long for the adrenaline rush I would get when I would hear the squad leader blow their whistles and everyone automatically got up and started running. Sadly, I doubt I'll ever see that in a game ever again. 😪
Bro first time headphones recommended actually makes a difference this is beautiful giving me goosebumps and shi this is so cool I don't think I'll ever get tired of this game
This is what Battlefield is about. It's nlt scrpited, no one actually organized anything. You all collectively follow your teammates. BF1 in particular has at least one of these momdnts per match, when you all for some reason understand that you just need to charge forward and somehow you actually make it.
The environment destruction in this game was top notch. There’s massive shell holes, buildings break up in pieces, scorch marks from fire weapons. They really went all in!
I remember playing the Kaiserlacht operation when the game first came out, every time I could I’d blow my whistle and me and my squad would rush forward, and sometimes others would rush forward with us. I died a lot, but it was cool as hell!
Bf1 is easily the most cinematic game I've ever played. It's like every single match you see moments like this. DICE did an incredible job producing this game.
@Samuel Navas I agree, although it's sad to say 😔
A very underrated Battlefield. It's like a movie...
Meanwhile in Battlefield V........a tumbleweed rolls.
Hmmm not really, they did it better in bfv
@@vicho5960 How so?
Kind of cool and scary knowing that there was probably people who just rushed enemy lines without looking back. We really take our lives for granted.
They will be remembered
Less we forget
@@bred3319 *pulls out reverse card*
Most of them not by choice (especially those in the British Empire).
That scream at 4:35 then the entire squad screams too. Wow.
It's so awesome
Motivation and inspiration come from on person from another
genuinely awesome. thanks for the timestamp
Just wow....
Queen at Live Aid circa 1985
0:53 That one man riding on top of a tank towards victory
That was Adolf Hitler
@@redpillamerican4361 hes early
Is anybody gonna tell Joseph? No, we’ll all I’ll say is it’s World War 1
Wait actually now that I think about it Hitler served as an infantry man in World War 1 so yeah that could of been him
*For king and country!!*
1:40 holy shit the scream and then the “move it boys!” Followed by more screaming and then everyone collectively decides to go in.. chills
@White Rose - Absolute chills.
It's kind of sad too, ww1 soldiers were young boy's. Must be sad commanding them:(
Best battlefield ever
Mr Robot was an amazing show
@@ARCtrooperblueleader like reznov once said ACCEND FROM DARKNESS
2:25 A soldier on the right got shellshocked so hard he went into a berserk mode
This game is awesome
And a few seconds later you got a guy on fire lol
@@truthbetolds6113 Canadian
@@truthbetolds6113 I have.
@@genghiskhan.2265 bruh that's literally an american
WHat shocks me the most is , this is all multiplayer and not a script. BF1 sound design was immaculate, hopefully BF6 will be fun
Yeah it was all in the noise the visuals while good was 20-30 guys running but not *sprinting* *scrambling for cover* without the noise it would lose the effect
exactly BFV sounded like a team deathmatch in COD lmao. Bf1 was the best
From the looks of the new reveal trailer, it definitely will be fun
@@ulti05 bf2042
open beta here, not atmospheric so far because its conquest
4:37 the flowers, screams and explosions...
Oh i love this game so much
0:45 Now that was good.
That was one of the most cinematic charges I've ever seen
It looks like one of those background war charges games like this have,except you were in it this time
It looks like when your a sniper or something and the battle is happening in the background
Looks like a cutscene
The way at least ten or fifteen soldiers are charging downhill into the town with tanks rolling up behind them facing gunfire from the defending team is just perfect in everyway.
5:01 the tank landing with an explosion is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen
Fr tho those particles make it look like a first person movie
Bf1 my friend, we all enjoyed that
It was such a meaty explosion too
05:02, that tank jumping and the other soldier's running behind was truly a battlefield moment
WW1 momento
Bless that man, using the tank as intended
@@Floppy1932 Sbinalla?
That was badass
As a squad leader. I love spamming whistle when my team are winning or charging at an objective
This is why I liked your comment. Because we think JUST alike.
The only battlefield where I actually enjoy being squad leader.
@@AnakinSkywakka YES.
How do you spam the whistle?
2:32 Charging enemy lines while burning! What a madlad!😳
Just thought I would randomly say you can hear screams of pain after he runs past the burning American.
*Sounds like you,Armin Arlert..*
Basically me when I get home from school
Because according to expert or historian i guess that ppl at that time doesn't familiar with world war so they think that it just you run to your enemy and kill it😏👍😂
4:00 when the whistle goes, with the charge and them all screaming in sync. That is what made BF1 the best
"I don't care what you got at home son! You aren't home anymore! Now get out of this trench before you're shot for cowardice!"
@@theonlyMoancoreThat was strong.
0:21 Nobody really talking about this part, you can really sense he feels power in such intimidating armor as he laughs manically.
Heavy from tf2 but in battlefield. "Hueee, huaaaa! Cry some more!"
I love how detailed this game was, even the guy flinched when an explosion occurred near them.
Its the little things that can make something truly great
This was an awesome charge with everyone trying to blast each other to bits with AT rockets.
They are all Italians respect
Looks like a fucking movie
3:35 That moment when guy comes out from a smoke and see a wide field with a bastion and his comrades hiding from a machine gun fire gives me chills and music multiplies it
When you hear that damn whistle, you can see like 200 enemies in your front but you don’t care at all, you just keep going, it’s like automatic
that's ww1 for ya, either go over the top on the sound of that whistle or be killed by your officer for not going
1:28 so often I find myself in a spot like this thinking what can I possibly do to move forwards? this game feels so real sometimes
It’s for reasons like this that I love Battlefield 1
ikr, it triggers my survival sense lmaooo
4:54 such a cool moment. The soldier flipping in the air, the sound of the shell just before impact, this game really is like playing a movie sometimes and I love it.
More like a scary moment actually.
0:50 this moment is seriously the most realistic fight, omggg
then you see the dude just vibing on top of the tank
@@Nugcon confusing the enemy tactics, the brits wouldn't expect a mobile suppressor
Yeah, lagging and teleporting back was one of the main causes of death in WW1
@@renanleandro5914 I remember when my friend's great-grandfather died because he got out from the combat zone
Battlefield 1 just has that atmosphere BFV lacks. Merry Christmas btw lol
Battlefield 1 definitely has an atmosphere that most other games could never match - these charges are definitely one of my favorite aspects of not just BF1, but any FPS I’ve ever played. Merry Christmas to you too!
@@youcanthavethisusername absolutely. I also really like the soundtrack the war to end all wars. It’s just beautiful and perfectly fits this game.
@SilverstoneGames - Well said.
@@youcanthavethisusername - Beautifully said.
Best atsmophere in the game
4:53 imagine the PTSD after seeing that
Yeah in real life his body would've been cut into pieces...
every time someone slams a door he instantly thinks of that moment he saw a man no older than he was get incinerated by a 75mm shell
Imagine it being a close-friend or brother
I’ll be honest every time I heard the whistle and screams, I would start to bayonet charge😂
Same, just to get into the effect.
that's the unwritten rule
When there are stalemates, I would for a few minutes to see if we push through with explosives or not. If jot, I give a whistle and start charging, most of the time I end up dying but if team follow me the, the breakthrough is successful. A small sacrafice to win the war
To this day, im still trying to find a game that has this kind of atmosphere. BF1 is a masterpiece
Maybe verdun or beyond the wire if your looking for ww1 immersive games, if immeraive games in general look at red orchestra 2,rising storm, insurgenxy sandstorm, squad, hell let loose, post scriptum, operation harsh doorstop
@@danelassiter6809honestly verdun inmersión is short compared to this
@@macrofurra in terms of immersion as in "bullets and artillery will kill you so quickly than you cant even blink" Verdun does this in the bag ,But I really apreciates BF1 way of immersion with the brutal bayonet animations, the rousing speeches when you start a battle, win or lose, lose or get an objective all this makes battlefield 1 like what the og commentor said, a masterpiece, but I dont think BF1 can be considered the only masterpiece of ww1 gaming as while BF1 highlights the horrors of war through emotion, verdun gives what it was like to be in ww1, a slow, tiring, exshausting experience where you could get ahnialated in just mere moments and this is one up that verdun has over BF1 although I am a firm believer that these two games should not be compared and should just be seen as equals with different mindsets as these two games show the horrors of war in different gameplay styles and im sure you already know what I mean by this
Hell yeah it is.
So few games actually treat war as serious as this and it's kinda sad.
@@vicho5960 *yes*
This game is the only non horror game that makes me panic, and it's because of scenes like this
If you like that kind of gameplay maybe you should try insurgency, it's pretty immersive and gets really terrifying when you are alone surrounded by enemies
It really does give the “Horrors of War” vibe that most other FPS just can’t give us
My internet ruins the experience for me by making me stay in the same place over and over again
@@HansSensei ah, insurgency. And the moment where you're too low on ammo to kill all the enemies swarming around the tiny building you're in but with not enough time to reload.
Or do you have time? Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Maybe when you do an enemy will walk through that door you've been looking at for what feels like hours. Or maybe youll be fin- aaand you're shot in the back of the head by a sniper hiding god knows where.
2:20 was the best with the explosion at the start and the player in fronts reaction from that, player on fire running past and the player by the wall directing where to go.
There also was gas
This is so immersive it makes me sad. And I know WW1 was not fought like this... It was worse.
It's like this but with more tanks, artillery, and then troops confused and don't know where to go just follow and forward
Well it was certainly more boring and horrible
This is the eastern front. It fought like these but with more artillery and infantry and less smg
@@Kitxnethere was actually barely any tanks in combat, and only the allies had tanks. The triple axis did make some tanks but it didn’t see combat.
I agree but the Germans did have tanks. Not only would they try to capture british and french tanks to use as "Beutepanzer" but they also had about 20 of the A7V tanks, which saw combat in the battle of amiens to my knowledge. Of course they by far did not have enough tanks to change the course of the war.
The most best thing ever battlefield players loves to hear while they run in that open field with planes flying over and tanks driving by. Makes you pumped up ready for battlefield.
i love how when a sector gets taken all you hear is whistles and war cries
and then the BADASS MUSIC
Me: why is there no sounds??
My grandpa with the airpods:
Damn bro how old your grandpa?
@@theonlyMoancore 94
@@justarobloxnoob2678 WW1 happened over a 100 years ago, I reckon he is a WW2 Vet or Korean war or 'Nam Vet?
@@astrosherlock374 'nam vet
Battlefield 1, to me, is what every battlefield game should be like.
Makes me want to reinstall the game. I miss operations so much.
Do it we need more players
@@icantthinkausername1136 I will come back too
@@icantthinkausername1136 my PSN is over
I never left. See you in the trenches
Operations is BASED
This game can be beautifully intense.
Nice video.
Definitely agree. Thanks for the comment!
2:14 this part is too epic
So much heart went into this game.
4:53 now thats some ptsd
I remember this one time I was playing on Suez. I played as a British Lancer (Hussar Cavalry), and survived from start of match to finish (This was back before they removed damage reduction on Cavalry).
I focused the whole match breaking through enemy lines, taking out snipers, causing chaos by randomly lobbing grenades, and generally just being a thorn. Apparently it worked because I evidently became Public Enemy Number 1. The enemy team began focusing me so hard they were neglecting their own defensives and offensives when they saw me - but I played on Suez so much I knew it like the back of my hand and always outmanuevered and outsmarted them.
We ended up winning, with me get a 43 kill count with 0 deaths. All because I pissed them off so bad. It was so thrilling and kickass I felt like I was in a movie.
I think I still have a screenshot of the leaderboard at the end, I was so astounded that I didn't die.
Nice one king
This game is nuts. I didn't buy it when it came out despite having heavily played BF3 and 4 because I've never been into WW1-2 games, but now that I bought it two weeks ago, I sure as hell regret it. The game is still alive, but I can't imagine how amazing it must've been playing it at launch. Most cinematic and compelling multiplayer experience I've ever had.
It truly was epic mate.
2:32 that high pitched scream and 'oh god' are terrifying
i love when you are on the british side, you can hear pipes playing on the background
I've been playing this game on and off since launch and I somehow never noticed that
All I could think throughout this video was:
“Man this guy likes pistol carbines”
at 0:48 , now that shit looked incredible
Who else charges towards the frontlines when a whistle and battle cry goes off when playing BF1? That shit was so immersive and crazy.
Avarage ASMR Fan vs Avarage War Cry and explosion sounds enjoyer
This is what men likes
But war cries and explosion sounds are asmr 😳
Me both sides
(Im a girl who enjoys both Boyfriend ASMR and things such as this)
0:48 this one is the best one with the tanks and players raiding the town going downhill
5:18 supersonic soldier
6:30 "Вот патроны, это тебе"
И что? Тут собраны моменты от разных людей. А кто его знает? Может этот чел играет с впн.
@@starfall6686 я просто написал русский комментарий для иностранцев, что такого?
@@vicho5960 nah, don't listen to him. He's another Russian that is trying to show off on English video
@@starfall6686 Oh ok
These kinds of experiences in BF1 to this day are what I live for in this game, and I have been searching obsessively for a compilation of these on YT. I get a massive rush when I hear the screams and watch the terrifying charge of a crowd of soldiers through gunfire and explosions into the frontlines of combat. I don't know how else to describe it, it's thrilling and it's addictive.
I remember early frontlines. We were about two hours into the match. We were pushed back all the way but managed to hold the line. Our team built up at our base and we charged one final charge. We managed to capture the points and eventually win the match.
and this is why operations is single handedly one of the best game modes DICE has ever created. The bound to bound objectives make each defense/attack meaningful and intense. BF1 has the best atmosphere out of all other battlefields
German warcry: wrhaaaaa
Italyan: *screams in spaghetti*
Well i mean you're right
*Tenno Heika,Banzai!
The charge at 2:14 was absolutely crazy especially when that guy ran in front on fire 🔥
thanks for these clips, I could watch them all day. 5 years ago, you could have shown me any of shots and I would have assumed it was a pre-scripted cinematic
Appreciate it man - I love watching BF1 charges too! I seem to be getting a lot of support on this video, so who knows, maybe I’ll make a Part 2 in the near future!
What’s your favorite clip from the video?
@@youcanthavethisusername probably the one at 4:58. It has a little bit of everything; the charge, explosions, tanks. Just wondering, are servers still pretty active these days?
@@oscarr5734 I thought that clip was pretty sick too - I was so hype when I got that. The servers are still up and running and the player count seems fine, it’s just a little hard to get into DLC maps and certain less-popular game modes. There are still plenty of Conquest and Operations servers though
@@youcanthavethisusername did u use any mods recording this video?
@@artemgorew Nope, these are all 100% real charges from BF1 without any mods or sound effects added in
That feeling when you're advancing on the enemy, trying your hardest to survive, and a sudden explosion sends bodies flying past you, screaming. Teammates charging, screaming, their bayonet running down the enemy. Machine gun fire, gas, smoke, explosions going on all around. Truly immersed in the PTSD.
BF1 even now, has UNMATCHED atmosphere, rushing to objectives with ominous music playing along, entire map wrecked by war even before you get to the first enemy, it sends chills down my spine every single time I play it, even today....Not a single game has come even close to bf1 when it comes to atmosphere and the stuff I mentioned and I don't think any game ever will.
BF1 sound design is like a holywood movie, the screams and cries gives you that intense combat atmosphere.
Merry christmas everyone
Best one out of all of em in my opinion
i was once playing and was at the end of the round
i swear, there was no room to move, bullets everywhere, explosions, it was just like real ww1
Bf1 feels like a movie every time you play it, where you could be a medic who, sadly, cannot save every dying solider, or you could be a support helping with repairing tanks.
I did this on river somme with my friend broshark I suicide bombed an enemy trench line then 2 smoke grenades were tossed at my corpse and out of the shadows emerged my whole team to finish the job
Edit: my friend broshark was a flame trooper and stormed that trench while saying for the Sultan
Would love to see a clip of that. That sounds awesome as heck.
@@peachypie8734 wish I recorded it but I dont have the footage
I love this clip 4:30
It looks realistic
I just come to videos like these from time to time to remember what a real battlefield was like.
0:50 holy shit that's what you call a fucking Assault !!! goosebumps
Same man
The sounds of the screams are of hatred for the enemy, unimaginable adrenaline, fear of death and excruciating pain.
dude getting hit with the arty and proceeding to bayonet charge at 2:26 sends me chills
BF1 is my favorite Battlefield. This reinforced that fact. ❤️
3:22 1:36 4:59 2:16
Bfv definitely has a pretty cool atmosphere too, I mean storming iwo jima is sick. Staying behind the Sherman's, using flamethrowers to clear the tunnels, or lying down in a firefight with an MG in the muddy jungle to help push up
All to be ruined by a screaming screeching woman that takes you out of the moment
@@NonStopEpik agreed the woke bullshit in this game wasn't needed, nor was it wanted by it's players.
For me, the pacific dlc is the only part that somewhat reaches the immersion of bf1. Base game bfv is just bad
Nah, bf1 is better in every way.
@@PadmeGaveMeHIV Facts Bro Facts. I'm getting Hell Let Loose when it comes out for console.
Its terrifying sitting with your squad watching the whole enemy team charging down a hill toward you
Never once have I been unsatisfied with operations. At the end of each round I am absolutely spent from the adrenaline rush of charging the enemy lines
This game had the best voice acting.
watching this brought back awesome memories of me playing this game.
I miss you BF1
I love when your team is struggling to take a sector and you manage to get it with less than half your forces remaining, then the war cry. I always put the 'go, go, go' command in
Storming through the bunker has got to be my favorite
I am STUNNED how i can but still can‘t IMAGINE the horrors that must‘ve come with these battles back then
The battlecry made operations game mode so amazing with its first introduction. That and my whistle as squad leader, was the only reason blueberries pushed in battlefield. We need that immersion back.
This what makes battlefield special, modern battlefield may not have war cries, but a jet fly by our head still give me chill
2:20 i love this part
I've never played this game but I've seen so much gameplay that makes me think a large part of getting people to want to play as a team is to make playing as a team the most exciting immersive goosebump-raising way to play the game.
BF1 hit so different.
some how when we hear those cries, we all now we need to move one direction..forward..
I read “war crimes and charges”and got excited.
The absolutely scale of BF1 feels incredible, you never feel like the sole survivor hero but instead just another ant in a colony
I long for the adrenaline rush I would get when I would hear the squad leader blow their whistles and everyone automatically got up and started running. Sadly, I doubt I'll ever see that in a game ever again. 😪
Bro first time headphones recommended actually makes a difference this is beautiful giving me goosebumps and shi this is so cool I don't think I'll ever get tired of this game
The whistleblows + The war cries were epic 🔥
This is what Battlefield is about.
It's nlt scrpited, no one actually organized anything.
You all collectively follow your teammates.
BF1 in particular has at least one of these momdnts per match, when you all for some reason understand that you just need to charge forward and somehow you actually make it.
The one reason I try and play as squadleader- to hear that awesome whistle whenever we capture obj
BF1 was the best BF ever. Masterpiece.
Just began playing again. Everything is same, it just perfect. Atmosphere, maps, guns, vehicles(not you mortar truck) and horses!
meanwhile in BF2042 we have "Well well well, that was fun"
The environment destruction in this game was top notch. There’s massive shell holes, buildings break up in pieces, scorch marks from fire weapons. They really went all in!
I remember playing the Kaiserlacht operation when the game first came out, every time I could I’d blow my whistle and me and my squad would rush forward, and sometimes others would rush forward with us. I died a lot, but it was cool as hell!
This is literally one of the best things to come out of operations.
Every time I heard this it set my blood on fire! BF1 operations was amazing, won't get that feeling anywhere else.
I just love this game so fucking much this stuff happens like every game
This and Star Wars battlefront 2 feel like playing a movie