I like your contents, you are good. Nevertheless, I don’t think ur solution is correct. You should have also included the velocity term so that you also include the height needed to generate the velocity required. What you did will only cover the h needed to maintain the pressure required. the h needed should cover pressure-required, velocity required, and losses. Ultimately, the resulting value of the problem should be greater. What do you think?
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Love the course content Emmanuel!
I like your contents, you are good. Nevertheless, I don’t think ur solution is correct. You should have also included the velocity term so that you also include the height needed to generate the velocity required. What you did will only cover the h needed to maintain the pressure required. the h needed should cover pressure-required, velocity required, and losses. Ultimately, the resulting value of the problem should be greater. What do you think?
I'll check it ouy, thanks for your input!
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For sure, I can make you a proposal, please re-send the email