May, I know these type of stories are very hard to narrate because of the highly emotional aspect of it.. However, I hope you will continue to tell them. These are the ones truly worthy of sharing so we can all learn from it and hope to never hear of a repeat. On another level, it also serves as a reminder of the loss and difficult journey made by our people to eventually find a safe home in America. We must never forget and always appreciate how blessed we are. I hope we all are the best versions of ourselves so our community will continue to prosper, be informed and educated, and know to love everyone especially the most vulnerable among us. I hope that after hearing this story, everyone will remember to be kinder to each other and especially to those who have it harder in life like this little angel. Thank you uncle for sharing your story. My heart cannot stop hurting for you and your brother. Like many here, I was crying while sitting at my desk at work. You are a real life superhero with your undying love and devotion for your brother. The heavens have eyes and in time judgment day will come for those who wronged your brother. Please know you did everything you could for him. May God continue to bless you and your family. Much love and peace to you.
Mai yang, thank-you for writing this. I was literally crying my eyeballs out and couldn’t think of what to write to May. You took the words right out of my mouth and made it even better. Thank-you ❤️
I just want to say to the owner of this story or the older brother in this story that you did what you tried your very are my role model big brother...I hope that all older brothers have such a nice heart like you.....thank you for sharing your story...I also hope you stopped crying because I want your little brother to be able to light his candle and go play with many others who are in similar situation....please imagine this big brother...there's a group of little boys trying to light their candle every morning before they go out to play...all the rest of the little boys lighted their candle and left except one...and the teacher said to him "I noticed you are always here usually the last to go play"...the little boy responded "because every time I light my older brother's tears wet it off" big brother...everyone responded and cried with you including me...your story inspired me for I have 10 younger are role model for trying to save and be there for him by running back to him to carry him....I love your story...God bless you and all the ones crying listening to this story and God bless everyone
Thomas Simneej no need to go spent the rest of your life in jail for 2 piece of shit. When you can easily report them for murder and torture of a disabled child? Let those 2 piece of shit suffer for harming the little brother, this is a better revenge and his brother’s death would not swept under the rug?
How could you not cry to story like this. You are only human. No medicine can stop you from crying 😢 to a sad story. I love when you cry with the story as you tell it. It makes the story so much better. Don’t stop telling story like this
Wow..... niam Neejvam aws, zaj dab neeg nov mas tus siab tiag2 li os! Kuv mas nim nrog koj quaj2 pov khawv tag li os! Ua neeg nyob yog yus hlub tsis tau luag tej menyuam, yus kuj tsis txhob mus ua luaj niam los pob. Kuv mas hlub 2 tug menyuam nov tiag2 li os! Txhob tus siab mog, tshuav koj lawm xwb los koj yuav tau lub neej zoo mus rau tom ntej,es koj tus me kwv mus tau zoo lawm os!
This is one of my saddest yet best ones I have heard. I appreciate you narrating this one. I want to give him a hug. He and his brother had gone through so much. Many blessings to him ❤️ Thank you for doing this one.
My boyfriend and I were on the road and I had this playing. I pulled out some tissue to wipe away my tears and as I turned my head to look at my boyfriend, he was bawling. He cried out. I’ve never seen him cry before. He too is an orphan and with the help of his older brother, he made it to the US. To the Uncle: Your story was very difficult to listen to, but needed to be heard. Our hearts ache for you and your brother. We hope that wherever you are today, that you are happy. I am sure your younger brother would have wanted that. To May: Thank you for sharing this story. I know it was hard to narrate, but you were able to bring the story to life, and tell it in a way where we of all ages can relate to. No need to apologize for the tears.
Lub neej no yog leej twg tsis ntsib yeej tsis paub txog. Txaus tu siab heev. Ua tsaug os Tus muam uas koj tham tau zoo heev li. Yeej txaus tub siab tiag tiag.
Thanks to the author for his relentless pursuit to have May share his story. It is a sad story yet display strength, courage, and a self-less and sacrificial love; It’s something the world needs to hear and learn from.
His dad deserved to be blind, for treating his sons shit. He did the right thing by distancing himself from his father. Much love to the brother. ❤ Rest in peace to the little angel.
Tu tu siab thiab chim chim siab kawg lis os. This story made my blood boil and my tears fall 😭😭 😭 Your dad and step mom had failed on you two loving brother. You are a very brave and kind brother ♥️ I'm so happy that you took your brother with you. He is very blessed to have you by his side. 😭😭♥️
Sister May, when you cried as you are telling the story, it shows that you are a human being with feelings like the rest of us. Thank you!!! I was crying with you too from the beginning of the end!!! Thank you, again for telling such a touchy very saddest story!!! Love to listen and looking forward to every day to hear you tell more stories.
Tsawg tsawg zaus thiaj muaj tej zaj li no es ua rau kuv chim siab, tu siab, quaj heev, thiab txaus siab tasnrho uake li. Zoo mloog kawg li os. Ua koj tsaug, tus txiv tsev, rau koj zaj neej neeg no. Pab hlub koj thiab koj tus kwv kawg li os. Txawm li cas los, yuav tau zam txim rau koj txiv thiab niam tshiab es thiaj li muaj ib qho kev kaj mentsiv hauv koj lub neej thiab mog. Tswv Yexus hais tias nws twb zam txim rau peb tej kev txhaum lawm, es kom peb yuav tsum zam rau luag thiab os. Ua li no thiaj zoo nawb.
Thank you big brother for sharing your story! I cried listening to it, my heart goes out to you and your little brother. May your story continue to touch people's heart. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Tu siab rhau lawm os! Too sad....had me crying the whole time. Thank you for sharing. I am sure this was a sense of closure for them. You are a vessel for all to not just share their story but for them to have closure and peace. Thank you!
May, you are an awesome story teller. Out of everyone who tells sad stories like this, do not compare to the way you tell them. Yes, these stories are sad I am sure everyone cries when they hear others tell about their lives too. Dont be embarrassed when you are expressing your feelings to sad stories, keep it up may! You are my #1 story teller!
Niam ntsuab teev koj yuav Tau hais cov dab neeg zoo li no nawb vim nws us Tau peb tus siab thiab quaj nrog koj. Peb nyiam mloog cov dab neeg zoo li no tshaj nawb.
Tu siab tshaj plaws. Mus zoo tus me kwv. Them tej kev txom nyem tag lawm, mus kom tsuas muaj zoo xwb. Tus me tij laug los, yeej hlub tus me kwv tshaj plaws li. Pab tu siab mob siab ua luaj. Foom koob hmoo zoo rau neb ob kwv tij mus rau txhua txhua tiam.
I’m crying at work listening to this... my heart aches for you, Brother 💔💔😭😭😭 I can not imagine losing my brother or my sisters when at the lowest in this world
My brother put this one on purpose a while back. It hit me like a brick wall. It's some real brother love for real sure. I sometimes come back to listen to this one just to feel human sentiment here and there. I know the situation is fucked up, but during a perilous time like those, I can't imagine what he must have gone through. He must still be traumatized with so much hatred towards the dad and breaking all ties. That's some real deep shit. Overall, fantastic job on conveying the story; I felt the resentment and melancholy tone throughout your voice👏💯.
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us and the community. May you are so strong and brave I appreciate your tears and the person you are! Thank you for taking your time and making this Hmong story for us. Happy holidays 💝
Omg, this is one of the saddest stories I had heard,,, brother I am so glad that you didn't left your brother behind..I am glad that you did what you did to your father. No karma should come on to you,,,because your a good brother even you didn't give life to your brother, but you still love him more then your father. .I'm pretty sure your brother is watching and greatly appreciated for what you done....
Brother koj ua yog kawg lawm, cas neb lub neej yuav tu siab ua luaj, kuv ntseeg koj tus kwv lub neej tshiab ces yeej zoo tshaj lawm, yog koj niam tshiab thiab koj txiv nkawd lub siab txhob nyoos li no ces koj tus kwv twb tsis tau txais txojkev txom nyem li no os , cas yuav txaus hlub ua luaj,
I cried my heart out, and even shedding tears as I write this post. No children should have to endure this much. Their father is a selfish, heartless bastard. Karma got him in the end and he still expected sympathy. I would hate my father my entire life too for being and abetting the murder of my brother. This character is a true hero, he never left his brother. What he did to be able to carry his brother is heartbreaking. It is true love between brotherhood that many people today don’t even possess. May, thank you for sharing this story.
Niam Ntsuab Teev kuv muaj lub neej zoo kiag li koj txoj neej neeg no thiab, kuv hmoog mas wb ob Niam txiv nim quajx nrog koj thiab os nawb mog.kuv qhia rau Koj hais tias txhob qaug zog hais cov neej neeg tus tus siab li no nawb. Hais cov no es koj thiaj tau Koob hmoov mog es Thov Vajtswv nrog nraim Koj tsev neeg thiab Vajtswv txhawb koj lub zog rau xyoo Thiab nawb mog.
Cas yuav hlub neb ob kwv tij ua luaj..... txoj kev phem ua neb tau rau tiam no tsua tag li no lawm xwb.... txua no mus tus me nus koj lub neej yuav zoo thiab lub ntuj yuav foom coob hmoov rau koj nawb mog. Koj tus me kwv ua tau ncaim lawm los nws yuav yug rau tus tus niam tus txiv ua hlub nws lawm. Ua tsaug rau koj ua tseem muab koj lub neej coj tuaj qhia pub rau peb ib tsoom hmoob tau mloog nawb. Niam Ntsuab Teev, you did great job telling the story os. Kuv los yeej tu2 siab quaj2 ib yam li koj thiab. Yus yeej tsis tau ua ntsuag tabsis xyov ua cas yus cia li tu siab thiab hlub cov menyuam ntsuag heev. Koj hais cov neej neeg li no los qhia peb hmoob zoo dua li koj hais txog cov niam txiv sib nrauj tsis txawj sibhlub. I prefer this better os. Thank you nawb.
May, you are a very compassionate person who feel deeply for others. I applaud you for that. People like me regardless of how emotional the stories are, I do not cry easily. Thank you for your effort in the stories.
It's ok to tear up. We're human. Many need to be informed on how cruel others are. Being old & understanding now don't make up for the torture they had done when they were...adults. Thank you brother for sharing.
😭😭😭😭 such a sad sad dab neeg. I hope u will continue to tell these stories even tho ur emotionally affected by these heartbreaking stories... it’s a good change from all the divorcees/cheating stories.
niam ntsuab teev yaj, you got to keep these story coming, the reason why we followed you on here was because of these kind of stories. Please keep it coming. Thank
Dear brother, you are a saint to your little brother. I'm sure he loves you as much as you love him. May, Thank you for sharing this story. Please don't stop telling these stories. No need to be sorry, you have a heart, like us who are here crying with you.
Ohh my heart hurts so much for these two brother, I would never understand how you can be so cruel to a kid, thank you brother for fighting and loving your baby brother till the very end.
Zaj neej neeg no yog ib zaj uas kuv quaj thaum pib txog thaum xaus. Tsis Tau quaj ib zaug li no li. Tu siab tshaj. Hlub ob kwv tij no tag Nrho lub siab. Thov Vajtswv tsom kwm Tus tijlaug mog.
I didn’t cry, I was bawling nonstop from start to finish. Idk how can the father be this cruel to his own flesh and blood. This hits me hard! To the uncle that shared his story. Thanks you so much for sharing this heart broken story. This must be very hard for u to wittiness ur brother died right before ur eyes. Burying him with ur own hands too as u cried. U did ur best to protect him and now he is with ur mother in a better place. He would always be with u, Uncle. Many people r crying with u as we heard this story. Thanks you again for sharing this lovely and sad story.
Ua koj tssug os thov koj ua tiag pab hais cov dab neeg no txhob muab tso pov tseg sawv daws tos tos koj hod koj yog ib tug uas sawv daws cia cia siab nawb thov pab sawv daws thiab
Hmoob os cov me phooj ywg😭 txiv neej ces thaum tsis muaj leej niam lawm ces Me nyuam y txom nyem heev li zaj dabneeg ntawm no. Tusiab tiag li os zaj dabneeg no. Leej niam leej txin no mas Yuav npam nkawv thaum nkawv laus nkawv yuav npam nkawv ib hnub xwb thiaj y tag nkawv lub neej. Koj zaj dab nedg tu siab dhau tus kwv aws😭😭😭😩😩
One whole tissue roll gone 🤧🤧😢😢 This is so heartbreaking 😢 The big brother’s love for his baby brother is “unconditional love”. Ob tug kwv tij zaj neeg no tu siab kawg tiag tiag li. 😢🤧
Zaj no koj hais tau tu siab ua luaj li os. Kuv los yog me nyuam ntshua thiab os ua tsaug rau lub ntuj e kuv ua me nyuam ntshua tau lub neej txom nyen siab tsi txom nyem ceb os.😥😥😥😥
Mloog quaj mloog quaj g pom kev ua paj ntaub li o tu siab nrho rau nws txiv lm o ... hlub2 kj tu me kwv li o 😭😭😭 kav tsij hais o peb xav2 mloog thiaj paub txog neeg ntiaj teb lub siab
J'ai écouté deux fois cette histoire. S'il vous plaît, continuez à raconter des histoires. Je suis une grande fan. Lorsque vous pleurez, nous aussi, nous pleurons. Je suis très triste pour ce grand frère. Merci beaucoup pour cette émouvante histoire.
To all that are single parents, if you are not strong enough to love your kids, Do Not ever remarry. To those who are still married, appreciate and love one another so your kids do not have to experience life like the kids in this story.
May, having passion in story telling is always the best. Like a singer who sings with passion, makes that song better and genuine. Anyone having passion in whatever they do, seems to attack viewers/customers/clients/fans.
As the youngest son in our family, this story hit the spot....the whole time I was listening, I was seeing the younger brothers side of the story...wat he had to endure, the pain, the suffering, and the heartache...yet the older brother was always matter wat...makes me miss my older brothers....
May, I know these type of stories are very hard to narrate because of the highly emotional aspect of it.. However, I hope you will continue to tell them. These are the ones truly worthy of sharing so we can all learn from it and hope to never hear of a repeat. On another level, it also serves as a reminder of the loss and difficult journey made by our people to eventually find a safe home in America. We must never forget and always appreciate how blessed we are. I hope we all are the best versions of ourselves so our community will continue to prosper, be informed and educated, and know to love everyone especially the most vulnerable among us.
I hope that after hearing this story, everyone will remember to be kinder to each other and especially to those who have it harder in life like this little angel.
Thank you uncle for sharing your story. My heart cannot stop hurting for you and your brother. Like many here, I was crying while sitting at my desk at work. You are a real life superhero with your undying love and devotion for your brother. The heavens have eyes and in time judgment day will come for those who wronged your brother. Please know you did everything you could for him. May God continue to bless you and your family. Much love and peace to you.
Mai Ya
Mai yang, thank-you for writing this. I was literally crying my eyeballs out and couldn’t think of what to write to May. You took the words right out of my mouth and made it even better. Thank-you ❤️
Yes I agree. Every time I listen to these kind of stories I feel I always learn something new,
Hi cas kj yuav hais tau zoo luaj o
Kojhaistautus siabualuaj
Ua tsaug rau koj Zaj Neej Neeg no... ob Kwv Tij Txoj Hmoo tu siab kawg, peb sawb raws nrog koj quaj kawg li... vam tias koj Zaj neej neeg no yuav ua tau ib qhov kev kawm rau peb sawb dawb. ...
Kuv saub tau ib Zaj Nkauj hu tias "Kwv Tij Txoj Hmoo" nyob rau kuv qhov RUclips Channel no, thaum kuv hnov txog koj Zaj neej neeg no, ua rau kuv Nco txog Zaj Nkauj ntawv heev li..
I just want to say to the owner of this story or the older brother in this story that you did what you tried your very are my role model big brother...I hope that all older brothers have such a nice heart like you.....thank you for sharing your story...I also hope you stopped crying because I want your little brother to be able to light his candle and go play with many others who are in similar situation....please imagine this big brother...there's a group of little boys trying to light their candle every morning before they go out to play...all the rest of the little boys lighted their candle and left except one...and the teacher said to him "I noticed you are always here usually the last to go play"...the little boy responded "because every time I light my older brother's tears wet it off" big brother...everyone responded and cried with you including me...your story inspired me for I have 10 younger are role model for trying to save and be there for him by running back to him to carry him....I love your story...God bless you and all the ones crying listening to this story and God bless everyone
If I were the elder brother these days, kuv yuav mus muab niam tshiab thiab txiv LOM KOM TUAG QEEB QEEB kom nkawd paub tias kev txom nyem zoo licas.
Thomas Simneej no need to go spent the rest of your life in jail for 2 piece of shit. When you can easily report them for murder and torture of a disabled child? Let those 2 piece of shit suffer for harming the little brother, this is a better revenge and his brother’s death would not swept under the rug?
@@thomassimneej7921 txhob mus lom mog kev phem ces nws yeej yv tau phem xb thaum lub caij los txog lm. Koj yog neeg zoo hv koj thiaj xav li tabsis tus zoo2 li koj tuav txoj kev zoo tauj mus ntxiv nb mog.
How could you not cry to story like this. You are only human. No medicine can stop you from crying 😢 to a sad story. I love when you cry with the story as you tell it. It makes the story so much better. Don’t stop telling story like this
Wow..... niam Neejvam aws, zaj dab neeg nov mas tus siab tiag2 li os! Kuv mas nim nrog koj quaj2 pov khawv tag li os! Ua neeg nyob yog yus hlub tsis tau luag tej menyuam, yus kuj tsis txhob mus ua luaj niam los pob. Kuv mas hlub 2 tug menyuam nov tiag2 li os! Txhob tus siab mog, tshuav koj lawm xwb los koj yuav tau lub neej zoo mus rau tom ntej,es koj tus me kwv mus tau zoo lawm os!
Ua tsaug koj hais tau zoo thiab tu siab kawg li os. Lub neej ntsuag yeej tsis muaj leej twg xav tau li... hlub koj tus me kwv tuag tau txom nyem dhau.
This is one of my saddest yet best ones I have heard. I appreciate you narrating this one. I want to give him a hug. He and his brother had gone through so much. Many blessings to him ❤️ Thank you for doing this one.
cas yuav hlub neb ua luaj os tij laug
My boyfriend and I were on the road and I had this playing. I pulled out some tissue to wipe away my tears and as I turned my head to look at my boyfriend, he was bawling. He cried out. I’ve never seen him cry before.
He too is an orphan and with the help of his older brother, he made it to the US.
To the Uncle: Your story was very difficult to listen to, but needed to be heard. Our hearts ache for you and your brother. We hope that wherever you are today, that you are happy.
I am sure your younger brother would have wanted that.
To May: Thank you for sharing this story. I know it was hard to narrate, but you were able to bring the story to life, and tell it in a way where we of all ages can relate to. No need to apologize for the tears.
Lub neej no yog leej twg tsis ntsib yeej tsis paub txog. Txaus tu siab heev.
Ua tsaug os Tus muam uas koj tham tau zoo heev li. Yeej txaus tub siab tiag tiag.
Thanks to the author for his relentless pursuit to have May share his story. It is a sad story yet display strength, courage, and a self-less and sacrificial love; It’s something the world needs to hear and learn from.
May you are seriously one of the best story tellers! Your tone, the way you put yourself in their shoes and you cry with them. 😭
His dad deserved to be blind, for treating his sons shit. He did the right thing by distancing himself from his father. Much love to the brother. ❤ Rest in peace to the little angel.
No matter how many times I listen to this stories it always made me cried.
Tu tu siab thiab chim chim siab kawg lis os. This story made my blood boil and my tears fall 😭😭 😭 Your dad and step mom had failed on you two loving brother. You are a very brave and kind brother ♥️ I'm so happy that you took your brother with you. He is very blessed to have you by his side. 😭😭♥️
Sister May, when you cried as you are telling the story, it shows that you are a human being with feelings like the rest of us. Thank you!!! I was crying with you too from the beginning of the end!!! Thank you, again for telling such a touchy very saddest story!!! Love to listen and looking forward to every day to hear you tell more stories.
Niam tsev koj hais zaj neej neeg no tu kuv siab kuv tsis pom kev ua hauj lwm li lawm tu siab tshaj plaws 3 cov tub ntsuag no.
Koj hais tau tu siab thiab hais tau zoo heev o Sis
Tsawg tsawg zaus thiaj muaj tej zaj li no es ua rau kuv chim siab, tu siab, quaj heev, thiab txaus siab tasnrho uake li. Zoo mloog kawg li os. Ua koj tsaug, tus txiv tsev, rau koj zaj neej neeg no. Pab hlub koj thiab koj tus kwv kawg li os. Txawm li cas los, yuav tau zam txim rau koj txiv thiab niam tshiab es thiaj li muaj ib qho kev kaj mentsiv hauv koj lub neej thiab mog. Tswv Yexus hais tias nws twb zam txim rau peb tej kev txhaum lawm, es kom peb yuav tsum zam rau luag thiab os. Ua li no thiaj zoo nawb.
Thank you big brother for sharing your story! I cried listening to it, my heart goes out to you and your little brother. May your story continue to touch people's heart. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Thank you for your story brother. Don't ever forgive them. They are evil and doesn't deserve your love. God blessed you.
Tu siab rhau lawm os! Too sad....had me crying the whole time. Thank you for sharing. I am sure this was a sense of closure for them. You are a vessel for all to not just share their story but for them to have closure and peace. Thank you!
Niam Ntsuab Teev kuv thov txhawb koj zog nawb mog. Kuv txaus siab heev rau koj cov neej neeg kawg li. Kuv mloog tsis paub dhuav thiab nws raug kuv siab heev li. Kuv nyiam mloog tej kev txomnyem tu siab li no kawg li. Kuv mloog ces kuv yeej los kua muag kawg nkaus li los kuv yeej tseem nyiam mloog kawg nkaus. Kavtsij hais koj muaj hmoo kawg tibneeg thiaj xaiv koj los hais lawv tej mi kev tu siab os. Txhob xav dabtsi yeej meem peb yuav txhawb koj zog os. Ua tsaug
Pab neb 2 kwvtij tu siab heev os tijlaug, koj txiv tsis yog txiv neej yawg..
May, you are an awesome story teller. Out of everyone who tells sad stories like this, do not compare to the way you tell them. Yes, these stories are sad I am sure everyone cries when they hear others tell about their lives too. Dont be embarrassed when you are expressing your feelings to sad stories, keep it up may! You are my #1 story teller!
Niam ntsuab teev koj yuav Tau hais cov dab neeg zoo li no nawb vim nws us Tau peb tus siab thiab quaj nrog koj. Peb nyiam mloog cov dab neeg zoo li no tshaj nawb.
Tu siab tshaj plaws. Mus zoo tus me kwv. Them tej kev txom nyem tag lawm, mus kom tsuas muaj zoo xwb. Tus me tij laug los, yeej hlub tus me kwv tshaj plaws li. Pab tu siab mob siab ua luaj.
Foom koob hmoo zoo rau neb ob kwv tij mus rau txhua txhua tiam.
I’m crying at work listening to this... my heart aches for you, Brother 💔💔😭😭😭 I can not imagine losing my brother or my sisters when at the lowest in this world
Peb mas nrog koj quaj tas mav li thiab os niam Ntsuab Teev aws. Neeg tsis muaj siab muaj ntsws thiab tsis yog neeg thiaj li tsis quaj xwb mog. Koj txawj txawj hais koj tau mas khw kiag li uas yog koj zaj ntag es sawv daws thiaj li nyiam nyiam kom koj hais. Leej twg hais los tsis zoo npaum li niam Ntsuab Teev hais kuv Guarantee 100% ntag nawb. Ua koj tsaug thiab tus txiv tsev tsaug rau zaj neej neeg.
Kuv nias rau koj lawm.koj hai tau txau tu siab tiag2 li os phooj ywg
I would love to put this into film. Great story.
😭😭😭😭😭 cas kuv yuav mob siab rau koj zaj neej neeg no ua luaj li os tu Siab heev li os
This is my favorite all time of the year. Cried at work so many times. Paused so many time . Love ❤️
Tu siab heev li os niam laus a
Cas tu siab ua luaj lios hmoob. Thov kom koj niag niam tshiab thiab txiv npam lau
Niam laus aw kj zaj dab neeg tu siab heev os
Niam ntsuab teev koj hais lawv cov neej neeg koj yeej tu siab li tus neeg tiag2 hais
Coworkers: why r u crying? Did something bad happen?
Me: Allergies. 😭
Me right now 😭😭😭
Zaj neej neeg no tu siab heev
This story gets me everytime in listen to it.. 😢😢😢 i love the way you still stories keep it up may!!
My brother put this one on purpose a while back. It hit me like a brick wall. It's some real brother love for real sure.
I sometimes come back to listen to this one just to feel human sentiment here and there. I know the situation is fucked up, but during a perilous time like those, I can't imagine what he must have gone through. He must still be traumatized with so much hatred towards the dad and breaking all ties. That's some real deep shit. Overall, fantastic job on conveying the story; I felt the resentment and melancholy tone throughout your voice👏💯.
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us and the community. May you are so strong and brave I appreciate your tears and the person you are! Thank you for taking your time and making this Hmong story for us. Happy holidays 💝
Kojthiaj yog ib tug hais neej neeg peb xav mloog nrog luag tu siab nrog luag hlub nrog luag quaj tiag2 li ko peb tsoom hmoob haj yam yuav txhawb nqa ko rau yav to ntej o mog tug zoo niam tsev.
Niam tsuab teev koj hais tau tu siab heev kuv los yeej nrog koj quaj...kawg li thiab mog yeej pab hlub..kawg koj siab thiaj quaj...mog yog tus hais tsis quaj ces yog neeg siab tsis zoo li koj mog ,,
I still come back to replay this story and I still cry. I'm not a orphan but I can't imagine seeing anyone go through this.
Omg, this is one of the saddest stories I had heard,,, brother I am so glad that you didn't left your brother behind..I am glad that you did what you did to your father. No karma should come on to you,,,because your a good brother even you didn't give life to your brother, but you still love him more then your father. .I'm pretty sure your brother is watching and greatly appreciated for what you done....
I didn't know we had this kind of heartless parents. Thanks for the story. I couldn't control my flowing tears.
Brother koj ua yog kawg lawm, cas neb lub neej yuav tu siab ua luaj, kuv ntseeg koj tus kwv lub neej tshiab ces yeej zoo tshaj lawm, yog koj niam tshiab thiab koj txiv nkawd lub siab txhob nyoos li no ces koj tus kwv twb tsis tau txais txojkev txom nyem li no os , cas yuav txaus hlub ua luaj,
Tu siab dhau li lawm os tij laug hlub koj thiab koj tus kwv heev li os
Dont worry sister. We are human. We're not perfect. Even a listener as myself I cry also. Thank you for the great story.
I cried my heart out, and even shedding tears as I write this post. No children should have to endure this much. Their father is a selfish, heartless bastard. Karma got him in the end and he still expected sympathy. I would hate my father my entire life too for being and abetting the murder of my brother. This character is a true hero, he never left his brother. What he did to be able to carry his brother is heartbreaking. It is true love between brotherhood that many people today don’t even possess.
May, thank you for sharing this story.
Me tub tuag los tsim txom koj niam tshiab mas metub koj dig koj ceg tawvlos Tim niam tshiab
Nco ntsoov 10 tiamnawv mog
Hais tau tu siab ua luaj!!!! Pab hlub nkawv ob kwv tij tshaj li os!
Me nus aw!!! Cas yauv hlub koj tus me kwv li os Uatsaug rau koj txoj kev hlub os
May, no need to apologize for crying. You have a good soft heart and you have empathy for others.
hai tau tu siab ualuaj li os niam lauj pab nia rau kvthiab os
Niam Ntsuab Teev kuv muaj lub neej zoo kiag li koj txoj neej neeg no thiab, kuv hmoog mas wb ob Niam txiv nim quajx nrog koj thiab os nawb mog.kuv qhia rau Koj hais tias txhob qaug zog hais cov neej neeg tus tus siab li no nawb. Hais cov no es koj thiaj tau Koob hmoov mog es Thov Vajtswv nrog nraim Koj tsev neeg thiab Vajtswv txhawb koj lub zog rau xyoo Thiab nawb mog.
😭😭😭😭😭😭I cried till end. Yog hkub g taus luag tej menyuam thov txhob mus yuav luag txiv los luag niam os hmoob aw. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nyob zoo os .tu phooj ywg ..kuv xav thov koj pab mu nia subcriber rau kuv qhov RUclips os .koj pua kam os
nyob zoo os niam hlaus ca kj hai tau tu siab ua luaj li os
Cas yuav hlub neb ob kwv tij ua luaj..... txoj kev phem ua neb tau rau tiam no tsua tag li no lawm xwb.... txua no mus tus me nus koj lub neej yuav zoo thiab lub ntuj yuav foom coob hmoov rau koj nawb mog. Koj tus me kwv ua tau ncaim lawm los nws yuav yug rau tus tus niam tus txiv ua hlub nws lawm. Ua tsaug rau koj ua tseem muab koj lub neej coj tuaj qhia pub rau peb ib tsoom hmoob tau mloog nawb.
Niam Ntsuab Teev, you did great job telling the story os. Kuv los yeej tu2 siab quaj2 ib yam li koj thiab. Yus yeej tsis tau ua ntsuag tabsis xyov ua cas yus cia li tu siab thiab hlub cov menyuam ntsuag heev. Koj hais cov neej neeg li no los qhia peb hmoob zoo dua li koj hais txog cov niam txiv sib nrauj tsis txawj sibhlub. I prefer this better os. Thank you nawb.
Yesss.. I cry with you everytime you cry May! It's such a heartbreaking story 💔💔💔😢😢😭😭😭
May, you are a very compassionate person who feel deeply for others. I applaud you for that. People like me regardless of how emotional the stories are, I do not cry easily. Thank you for your effort in the stories.
It's ok to tear up. We're human. Many need to be informed on how cruel others are. Being old & understanding now don't make up for the torture they had done when they were...adults. Thank you brother for sharing.
😭😭😭😭 such a sad sad dab neeg. I hope u will continue to tell these stories even tho ur emotionally affected by these heartbreaking stories... it’s a good change from all the divorcees/cheating stories.
niam ntsuab teev yaj, you got to keep these story coming, the reason why we followed you on here was because of these kind of stories. Please keep it coming. Thank
feeling sad today, so I'm listening to this story again
Tu siab heev, ua neej laus li no yeej tsi tau hnov txog tias niam tshiab hlub me nyuam ntsuag li os, pab hlub koj tus kwv kawg li mog
Kuv quaj nrog koj thiab os, cas zaj neej neeg no tu siab ua luaj,
Dear brother, you are a saint to your little brother. I'm sure he loves you as much as you love him. May, Thank you for sharing this story. Please don't stop telling these stories. No need to be sorry, you have a heart, like us who are here crying with you.
I love these kind of story!! So true and no filter!! Keep it up!
Hey don’t be cry n u make us cry too. I love this story.
Such a sad story, pls tell story like this because it touches our heart and we know such stories exist.
Ohh my heart hurts so much for these two brother, I would never understand how you can be so cruel to a kid, thank you brother for fighting and loving your baby brother till the very end.
Zaj neej neeg no yog ib zaj uas kuv quaj thaum pib txog thaum xaus. Tsis Tau quaj ib zaug li no li. Tu siab tshaj. Hlub ob kwv tij no tag Nrho lub siab. Thov Vajtswv tsom kwm Tus tijlaug mog.
Omg.. I am bawling. 😭
Me too😢
Hlub koj tus kwv dhau lawm os😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Yayyy the song is back! Very sad story🤧
Hai tau tu siab heev li
Good job, you told the story well with the tears.
I didn’t cry, I was bawling nonstop from start to finish. Idk how can the father be this cruel to his own flesh and blood. This hits me hard! To the uncle that shared his story. Thanks you so much for sharing this heart broken story. This must be very hard for u to wittiness ur brother died right before ur eyes. Burying him with ur own hands too as u cried. U did ur best to protect him and now he is with ur mother in a better place. He would always be with u, Uncle. Many people r crying with u as we heard this story. Thanks you again for sharing this lovely and sad story.
Ua koj tssug os thov koj ua tiag pab hais cov dab neeg no txhob muab tso pov tseg sawv daws tos tos koj hod koj yog ib tug uas sawv daws cia cia siab nawb thov pab sawv daws thiab
พี่น้องม้งเอ้ยให้รู้จักทำบูญบ้างนะ บูญทำไว้ไม่เสียหายบูญจะเป็นตัวนำพาให้ได้ดี พี่น้องเอ้ยให้เกรงกลัวการทำชั่วคิดชั่วทำบาปเถอะนะชาติหน้าย่อมมีจริงหากคุณทำอะไรไว้คุณจะได้รับผลนั้นนะ
Kuv nyiam koj cov neej neeg koj tham tau zoo kawg sib pab o phooj ywg
I cried from start to finish. 😩😿
Tu siab heev li os niam laug kuv mloog swb ua rau kuv lub kua muag los los li cheem tsis tau lub siab mob heev li os
😭😭😭😭 omg I don't know how many time I had to go to the bathroom to cry at work
Hmoob os cov me phooj ywg😭 txiv neej ces thaum tsis muaj leej niam lawm ces
Me nyuam y txom nyem heev li zaj dabneeg ntawm no. Tusiab tiag li os zaj dabneeg no. Leej niam leej txin no mas
Yuav npam nkawv thaum nkawv laus nkawv yuav npam nkawv ib hnub xwb thiaj y tag nkawv lub neej. Koj zaj dab nedg tu siab dhau tus kwv aws😭😭😭😩😩
One whole tissue roll gone 🤧🤧😢😢 This is so heartbreaking 😢 The big brother’s love for his baby brother is “unconditional love”. Ob tug kwv tij zaj neeg no tu siab kawg tiag tiag li. 😢🤧
Zaj no koj hais tau tu siab ua luaj li os.
Kuv los yog me nyuam ntshua thiab os ua tsaug rau lub ntuj e kuv ua me nyuam ntshua tau lub neej txom nyen siab tsi txom nyem ceb os.😥😥😥😥
Awe, this story is so sad! 😢😭 💕💕💕
Mloog quaj mloog quaj g pom kev ua paj ntaub li o tu siab nrho rau nws txiv lm o ... hlub2 kj tu me kwv li o 😭😭😭 kav tsij hais o peb xav2 mloog thiaj paub txog neeg ntiaj teb lub siab
J'ai écouté deux fois cette histoire. S'il vous plaît, continuez à raconter des histoires. Je suis une grande fan.
Lorsque vous pleurez, nous aussi, nous pleurons.
Je suis très triste pour ce grand frère.
Merci beaucoup pour cette émouvante histoire.
Tus siab ua lj li o niam laus koj txob neej neeg no ua rau kv mj kev xav ntau yam 😢😭😭😭
To all that are single parents, if you are not strong enough to love your kids, Do Not ever remarry. To those who are still married, appreciate and love one another so your kids do not have to experience life like the kids in this story.
Cas neej neeg no tu siab thiab kua muag los2 li o hmoob
May, having passion in story telling is always the best. Like a singer who sings with passion, makes that song better and genuine. Anyone having passion in whatever they do, seems to attack viewers/customers/clients/fans.
Yg lawm o tu siab heev li o lub neej ntsuag yeej zoo li no o ua tsaug nawb
Omg... I cry from the beginning to the end 😢😢😢
Dab neeg log sis saum neej no Tiah oh tu siab heev 😭
As the youngest son in our family, this story hit the spot....the whole time I was listening, I was seeing the younger brothers side of the story...wat he had to endure, the pain, the suffering, and the heartache...yet the older brother was always matter wat...makes me miss my older brothers....
I bawled my eyes out through out the story lost my voice due to the sadness of this story thank you Niam ntsuab teev and the owner of this story
Cas yuav tu siab ua lauj li. Zag no mas zoo li kv tus dab laug ua of niam tais lawv tso kv ib tus dab laug tseg Tim nplog cia nws taug tim.