Beans Theorem same for When something bad happends, If you can think in a way where u realise it was just an event that made it Harder for you to reach the objective, and channel your energy Into «Whats Next, what are the actions i can do to win» instead og resentment and anger, Its going to skyrocket your individual performance.
Beans Theorem i kind of learned How to do it during a few months where i had a heartbreak, and needed to shift my mind away from it, for a few hours everyday i would be so far gone Into the game i wouldnt notice somone talking to me or entering the room, and i went from being stuck ranked as a top 25% player to a top 0,9% in a few weeks. If u can reach flow, Its really op.
Bruh I do this shit to my friends who are better at smash than me. Normally I’m getting my ass kicked, but then for like half a match I’ll just beat them into a pulp in a mindless trance and then snap out of it and be like wait what and then start losing again
That's a good way to describe it a few times I remember entering it with a clear memory I remember not feeling anything didn't feel my controller didn't feel air and was just playing there's very little time between thoughts and action
Soccer for me. Only one that has the ball and can get it so I just go ultra instinct and murdered multiple children and ran at light speed. Also baseball base running and hitting happens a lot
As a competitive swimmer, I can’t even imagine or try to come up with the number of times this has happened during or right before a race. Normally I’d enter the zone the second I head the beep signaling to go sounded. The second my hands touched the water all I could feel was how it moved around me. Didn’t have to think about breathing, or about my aching muscles. It’s like when I dove in everything about me would just kind of fall away and I’d just be there swimming as fast as I could. It really is such an amazing feeling. Man I miss the water and the tension of seeing who you’d swim against before a race. Those were some amazing times in my life. Hopefully I can swim again soon haha
I had this happen to me several times in basketball. It's very similar to how they depict it in movies in some regards. With the muffled sounds and time slowing. It seems the brain goes into some very selective type of awareness, since it feels like you're actually tunneling, but you're aware at the same time. Weird sensation. Also, in some of those instances, I did things I couldn't before, like grab a rebound at a "near impossible" height. It reminded me of those events where mothers would lift cars that pinned their child and things like that. When it comes to games, even though the only game I played at a competitive level was Quake, I rarely reached flow state in it. HOWEVER, I can reach it every time in a bullet hell game lol. I don't even play those often and I am bad at them, but somehow, every time I play, I just get in that slowed down, gliding type of gameplay where I avoid everything. I think I had that in guitar hero as well. Perhaps the format helps.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.
@@dembi2770 so it's like going try hard produces immediate results, but your max skill is only 60-70% of your actual skill. Yet when you get into the flow, overtime, you reach your maximum power 100% hahahahaha
My “The zone” moment was when I got 100% hooks with roadhog (Overwatch) in a game, against a really really good tracer to the point she called me a hacker, never again I’ve been able to predict or play as good as that match
Me on siege. There's games I can predict, almost feel enemies on the map and like my mind is simulating them for me. To the point I don't realize what's happened until the rounds over.
@@kiryu4708 lol I used to get 50 kills in blacks ops 2 tdm on a consistent basis back when that game was hot. Dying under 10 times at a maximum. The peacekeeper was heaven sent 🙏
@@fluG4M3 bo2 is a whole another story 😈 i always be playing dom and drop like 50-60 kills but I just can’t get used to Cold War idk there’s something about it
@@kiryu4708 I haven't played cod in a minute tbh. I've heard cold war multi-player is just off as well, so it's probably not anything you're doing lol I've been playing assassin's creed 3 and 4 like they were college assignments 🤣
When your playing a competitive game and go into flow state but you going into flow state causes the enemy player to enter flow state. Creating for a match between gods.
I've had this happen a few times when playing UFC 3 but my most memorable moment was in elementary when I played Dodgeball I was doing amazing that day and everyone was out but me and I caught the ball and everything was history
we had a 4 team ffa at my last school and i remember being the only one left against the best team. dude i was like in the matrix dodging all over the place but in the end i couldnt kill any of them and i died Xd
I remember that I accidentally busted another kids nose because I was threw the ball in the right spot and I felt quite bad afterwards but hey at least I didn’t lose
the true zone is when you are on your 20th try in that dark souls boss and you say "whatever, one more try and ill go to sleep" *No damage taken* *perfectly dodge all attacks* *wins*
@@siokaokeabin492, to be honest, that happens way more but I will be like " ok this is the last one so I'm going to do better than the rest" and then do completely horrible.
@@jackofalltradesprepping9611 have you ever been in the zone, that shii feels like you traveling through dimensions, not paying attention to your surroundings, and getting super natural powers *on god🚫🧢*
A character in a historical fiction book I read referred to it as “battle joy” or “the joy”: Just fighting without thinking, feeling as if you can do no wrong, and no opponent can stand before you. Nowadays we don’t need to hunt or go to war, so why NOT use it for League?
Manuel Villacarillo Eh, sort of. That might be a version of it, but rather than blind rage it’s more of a simple certainty. Like his body just knew what it had to do to kill and not be killed.
@Cameron Brown gang gang yes sorry I meant to say... You're all your egos and you all don't have higher selfs. You're your thoughts and nothing else!!!1!!!!!!
I remember when I was in 4th grade during reading time I had this “spot” and for me it was the most comfortable spot in the class so one day while I was sitting in that spot during quiet reading I was reading this good book and then all the sudden the whole class was in the computer lab and I hadn’t even realized it
bro shit’s crazy once i was reading a book in kindergarten and the teacher turned the lights back on as a signal to stop reading and i didn’t notice and then by the time i noticed her calling my name she’d already given me a red card
@@yurrr1211 messing around with customizations, loadouts, settings, and never called me... Starts gams 0.1 seconds of joining the server my mom calls me. Not even a joke btw.
I love flow state when gaming. It’s like my consciousness flows through the game and my instincts take over allowing me to go hard with little effort while being able to read and feel the Environment as if I was literally there in the game. It’s a weird feeling but a good feeling
Никола Стојков yeah sometimes it's good to just chill me take everything in. Flowing for too long seems stressful cause you're putting all your effort into something always.
Banana!!!! !! I feel flow state burns me out, after being in flow state for a while, I feel i snap out and become lazy. I think that’s just coz the skill to difficulty changed, it just probably got to easy
There have been certain days when I’m gaming where I just KNOW I’m in the zone. Most days I can’t achieve that, but random days it will happen and I play like a beast. I think being in the zone doesn’t make me faster, but it improves my IQ and decision making drastically
Same, I notice when I'm having those days where I'm playing very well, I'm also really relaxed and not really that focused. I usually fuck myself over the moment I start over focusing or tensing up.
yup same for me but its frustrating not being able to achieve that same state and potential especially at decently high level cs where if your not on point and in that zone your gonna get destroyed.
Its actually the only thing that is holding me back, because once I played on a lan match it was so much fun and so much more enjoyment than normal video gaming in your own house. I started to lose enjoyment playing normally online now though. I yearn for more esports environment but I dont even intend to play professionally but the esport environment is so much fun. Probably because it actually puts you into the flow state most of the time unless a brain dead team is actually smurfing the whole rookie tournament.
@@rattango9819 The lag stuff is always brought up. Unless it's very infrequent lag which even the pros get, the solution to shitty internet is money. You want to upgrade your internet? You need to pay for it. Still on wifi? Costs money to get wires installed. LAN houses can be expensive to set up. If you're at home playing on wifi you will never have that similar gaming experience.
@@Jawwnn ahahaha sure that is fun to talk about if you have the choice. The assumption that upgrading your internet is always available is very presumptuous of you. Upgrading internet is not a choice, when the location itself is not supported by the internet provider or deemed as a risk or a lost for the company. switch to another provider? what other provider? Switch to 5g broadband? Out of the frying pan and into the fire? Internet service provided in my area is still using copper cable while the town across the small river is already using optic fibre. It's not that I don't upgrade. It's I CAN'T. So no money doesn't solve everything.
Flow state is so addictive, it's like all your worries in the world are gone and it usually makes you perform so much better it's like a real life cheat code
On the flow state you are at your strongest, but also at your weakest Once you let the current take you, you will be unstoppable, but if you realise that you entered it, you will become anxious and get killed
This makes so much sense. Whenever I died in R6 I was one of those people who said "I play better in the morning" or "I didn't eat yet" without actual evidence. I guess knowing this I can stop making shitty excuses lol
Bruh i was doing so shit in a match today and i had to go eat. So in my mind finishing up quickly was my main focus. Somehow i got a 4k and won the game. I was like, "well thats convient." this explains it i guess
Bruh just click on their heads. That's my motto and I make it to plat 1 pretty much every season. So just click heads and you'll be diamond, because I have no brain so I'm only plat 1.
I really like how he introduced this seemingly unrelated idea to the gaming community. It was a good way to take two different lines of thought and combine them to benefit the thinking people and the playing people, many times both are exercised by the same person.
"water can become the bottle, teapot, pool, ocean, earth, moon, Mars, sun, supernova, black holes, galaxy, galaxies, and last but not least THE UNIVERSE" -bruce lee I entered flow when writing this comment tho
I've found that this mental state can be easily unlocked through sports like skiing and snowboarding when you're skilled enough. You're naturally reacting to your environment at high speed without actually thinking about it, and it requires your entire body to be perfectly coordinated. I love the feeling
I have only been snowboarding once which was last year but after learning the basics it was a lot easier and I noticed I was going faster then I would have normally and reacted to obstacles such as a crash ahead of me more easily
@@CaffreyPlays that's not true. he never said what game he plays. even if he did play a game where it has sbmm. that's deadass just him losing focus of the game. SBMM doesn't change on a game-to-game basis it changes over a few games because it's the consistency, not the 1 game skill.
i was thinking abt it and actually every time my brain goes auto pilote i get easy 5 kills in diamond games; but then when i think abt it i might fuck up in a gold game with a blade
I have entered flow state once in a game called destiny 2, I was in a 1v4 (gambit invasion for any destiny players) my mind stopped thinking about the next move to make my fingers moved over the controller on their own and every move I made was perfect. I picked of each player one by one with a bow and used the natural cover to perfection each kill was fluid and my movements where without fault, I won the 1v4 whilst taking little to no damage and doing it all in around 20 seconds. It was incredible and afterwards I couldn't believe what happened
Kinda the same for me except I was playing Smash Bros and I was really only able to do it for a few seconds I literally just stopped thinking and pulled off one of the best combo's I've ever done and I literally didn't even realize it after I had already won the match
I get into this reading books. Sometimes the imagery becomes so immersive I can hear and see the scenes in my head. The emotions of the characters faces, the items in their hands. It's unreal, then many days or weeks later I remember the book not by the words, but by the memory of the scene in my head and people are shocked about how much I remember. It's beautiful.
@@youssafsu2307 I can do this too but not always. Some people dislike reading so obviously it isn't for everyone lol. You have to enjoy it to experience it like that.
When me and my friends play rainbow and everyone enters the zone. Totall silence, The only thing that you hear is a constant flow of information. It feels great when everyone is in the zone
Ikr, i remember one time when i was playing CSGO and i was alone vs 4 CTs , I planted the bomb on site A of Dust 2 and then the 4 CTs came at almost the same time 1 from long 1 from short and 2 from the CT spawn ,somehow "The Flow" just kicks in and I killed every single one of the CTs with perfect movements and accuracy without even thinking about doing it and when the round is over and my teammates are losing their shit on the chat I am just like: "Wait what the fuck just happened there?".
One time had two teammates I was playing siege with and we were getting absolutely shit on and everyone started to argue and in the midst of everyone arguing I spaced out and aced it was crazy because they were yelling and I didn’t realize till after the game lol
I remember entering this state several times after fighting some of the more difficult fromsoft bosses such as O&S and Isshin. Makes the games so much more engaging
Yes, highly agree. I played every last souls games From software threw at us and enjoyed every last minute of me getting my ass kicked. Its those small tweaks you adjust to improve yourself in situations every time you failed lol and in the end, once you beat a boss that feeling is the best ever.
as a pianist and someone that loves music, If i'm listening to music or playing a rythm game I basically automatically go into the flow state if I like the music, I don't even focus on the game, I focus on the music and I'll usually notice that I'm playing the game purely through my peripheral vision, but for games like COD, rocket league etc, I can only seem to go into the flow state for brief moments... ok I'm done and thank you for coming to my ted talk
I believe "Flow State" is never something you can manually enter, no matter how great you are at any game. Despite how hard anyone could try, Flow State manifests on its own, when you stop thinking about the outside world, and the game essentially becomes your universe.
when i’m in my flow, i’ll get like 15 kills then i’ll realize how good i’m doing, then my brain keeps saying “don’t mess up. don’t mess up. don’t mess up.” and then i mess up
Kamrkaptain this just happened to me kind of, i was playing attack on csgo and popped off with over 20 kills then it went down second because i realized how good i was doing
Whenever I play search and destroy and I see 1v5 or 1v6 I’m just so accustomed to it that I almost automatically go into flow state. The speech over the game becomes gibberish, everything goes blank other than the game. My friends say I’m clutch but I just enjoy that feeling, at this point I almost like the pressure it almost pushes me to do better. I do fail a lot and there’s always room for improvement but it’s a lesson I learned in gaming that I brought into the real life and has helped me all the way. Never let your ego get the best of you, it might’ve been the best clutch or the best sale you ever made and it’s good to be happy that’s part of the natural high but don’t get cocky, be humble and put in the work. Life will treat you well even with the guaranteed ups and downs.
Alec’s Stuff bro, the whole point of lucid dreaming is that you know you are in a dream. When you are taken out from it, when you realize you‘re in a dream then you can’t dream lucid.
Jimmy Glitchy beginners usually have trouble lucid dreaming cz when they realize theyre in a dream they get overexcited and wake up. thats probably what he was probably saying
Real Thanos shitty internet ruins the possibility of flow state, it causes to much inconsistency. When I was a kid with perfect internet I lived in the flow state😢
@SGRP 270 dude i can't even get electodynamix. but i have a buddy that completed legit over 80+ demons (even some hard demons) so he gives me tips and stuff
I always do this when playing ffa games, especially when I'm forced to fight many players at once, the concentration is so high that even my frienss on voice chat know when I'm like that because I completely silence myself and don't even hear what they're saying.
i always was in the flow/control state, while playing rl, and quickly ranked up. It was as if I "knew" how everything is working. thanks for this great video.
I'm only champ 2 but when I was near champ 3 I was in flow state for like a whole day, and half the game's were long overtimes, all of which being incredibly exhausting due to the sheer speed of both sides.
I've reached flow state a few times while playing Siege. Exactly like the video says, everything else falls away and my entire focus was on listening for movement, making smart movements, being aware of callouts, etc. During said state I noticed my aim, recoil control, and movements improve drastically. I didn't have to think about any of the moves I was making, I just made them as if it was second nature to peek that corner or frag that doorway or blow that wall.
I entered a flow state once while I was playing a game called Combat Arms, about ten or so years ago. Capture the flag on the snowy map; I had the default, free, crappy gun and gear, and I had the flag and was returning to capture it for the game-winning point. I spin around on a hunch so I'm walking backwards to make sure nobody is about to shoot me. The entire enemy team converges on me from the same direction all at once, all shooting. I took hits, but I didn't die, and I don't know how I did it, but I started firing and got five consecutive headshots in rapid succession. I don't know how I did it, but I know that it wasn't just luck - I just sort of knew how much to move the mouse to get a perfectly aimed headshot. I was called a hacker, of course. Up until that point, I had been doing poorly. But in that one moment, I was totally in the zone - I remember only what I was seeing on the computer screen, and it almost felt like I was in the game for a moment. Shit's real, yo.
Yo deadass... I haven't even gotten in the zone yet, but I feel like the nigga goku and I could hit new heights and potentials I can just feel it. I've been training on my mechanical skills for too long it's time for an awakening(ugly ah boi)
Macabre Mage Dang, good old days of Combat Arms. Lord was it a great FPS game, despite the hackers (Nexon did do better holding them down though) Sadly, only to want to try it again after all these years, Nexon sold off the rights to the game. Memories :,)
Thank you for this ! I've been actually doing this for a while now for gaming and I TRULY noticed the difference. I was kind of skeptical about this before but oh man it really works. I love you all!
Rank up Faster and Upgrade your FPS Skills with the Aiming Formula System:
The worst thing is when you enter the flow state, outplay someone, and then break yourself out of it accidentally by thinking how good that play was.
And then you try repeating what you did but by trying to force it you end up messing up and dying for it
Beans Theorem same for When something bad happends, If you can think in a way where u realise it was just an event that made it Harder for you to reach the objective, and channel your energy Into «Whats Next, what are the actions i can do to win» instead og resentment and anger, Its going to skyrocket your individual performance.
Beans Theorem i kind of learned How to do it during a few months where i had a heartbreak, and needed to shift my mind away from it, for a few hours everyday i would be so far gone Into the game i wouldnt notice somone talking to me or entering the room, and i went from being stuck ranked as a top 25% player to a top 0,9% in a few weeks. If u can reach flow, Its really op.
Bruh I do this shit to my friends who are better at smash than me. Normally I’m getting my ass kicked, but then for like half a match I’ll just beat them into a pulp in a mindless trance and then snap out of it and be like wait what and then start losing again
TheCrunchLog big same
This explains all those “bro idk how I’m doing this either” moments
Edit: I see you guys flexing your achievements in the comments
yes, those shots that was LITERALLY your extinct because of the Flow State.
Like when I killed the entier t team no scoping with an awp
@@andygamer5585 Gosh heah i already did that, but it was on silver and was only a 4k XD
Now we need to learn the water breathing technique
denzyl casuela hammon
@@benzukkerman4996 You well for it fool! Thunder Cross Split Attack!
10th water breathing form
Dead Calm
11th water breathing form 🌊🌊
I would describe flow as being so focused on something that you forget about your own existence.
ive accidentally been in it alot of times, i just stare at something and try not thinking about anything
This is what dragon ball super described when goku goes ultra instinct , it’s insane and interesting
@@clorzy4166 that's just called zoning out haha
@@Burntayo figured that out 😭
That's a good way to describe it a few times I remember entering it with a clear memory I remember not feeling anything didn't feel my controller didn't feel air and was just playing there's very little time between thoughts and action
I’m just here tryna learn how to tap into ultra instinct
u gotta scream for like 27 minutes
@@1zohp actually goku didn't nade a sound in ui
@@FXAAMM22 yes he super strong man he just do it its so cool idc i didnt watch it
When I smoke good+ quality Weed I enter the Flow state while gaming. I become cracked! With my pinpoint accuracy and extreme focus.
@@1zohp smh that's an overrated opinion
I remember entering “the zone” while playing kickball in the 4th grade, fastest I’ve ever ran in my life
Dodgeball for me. Survival mode when you’re the last one in.
Soccer for me. Only one that has the ball and can get it so I just go ultra instinct and murdered multiple children and ran at light speed. Also baseball base running and hitting happens a lot
Why do we have the same profile pic
I occasionally get in the flow state when playing Titanfall 2, those games are the best.
E Cen me too, I’m a really good dodger
Pro tip:
Put water into a cup.
Now drink it.
Stay Hydrated while gaming my friend.
God bless you my friend
Become water.
Jeric Gambon r/hydrohomies
@@aidancampos5706 way to spread the word homie
You a Hydro homie?
As a competitive swimmer, I can’t even imagine or try to come up with the number of times this has happened during or right before a race. Normally I’d enter the zone the second I head the beep signaling to go sounded. The second my hands touched the water all I could feel was how it moved around me. Didn’t have to think about breathing, or about my aching muscles. It’s like when I dove in everything about me would just kind of fall away and I’d just be there swimming as fast as I could. It really is such an amazing feeling. Man I miss the water and the tension of seeing who you’d swim against before a race. Those were some amazing times in my life. Hopefully I can swim again soon haha
It's called focusing on one task. It's not hard.
Daniel Nowland What he just said feels like literally the opposite of focus
@@jackofalltradesprepping9611 you're stupid, but it's ok.
school's opening back up soon
@@jackofalltradesprepping9611 youre such a fuckin bum bro lmfao.
I had this happen to me several times in basketball. It's very similar to how they depict it in movies in some regards. With the muffled sounds and time slowing. It seems the brain goes into some very selective type of awareness, since it feels like you're actually tunneling, but you're aware at the same time. Weird sensation. Also, in some of those instances, I did things I couldn't before, like grab a rebound at a "near impossible" height. It reminded me of those events where mothers would lift cars that pinned their child and things like that.
When it comes to games, even though the only game I played at a competitive level was Quake, I rarely reached flow state in it. HOWEVER, I can reach it every time in a bullet hell game lol. I don't even play those often and I am bad at them, but somehow, every time I play, I just get in that slowed down, gliding type of gameplay where I avoid everything. I think I had that in guitar hero as well. Perhaps the format helps.
*me enters flow state*
Ping: "am about to end this man's whole career."
bravosar gaming LMFAOOO FELT THAT😂😂
This happens so much to me lol
Lag enters the chatroom
“Is it possible to learn this power?”
“Not from a jedi.”
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.
@@tolleyt8270 Wow, i didn't knew that, thanks, great story.
@@firewolf9493 it's the quote from palatine lol
@@MrQWEEEERTY *Palpatine
Actually, no. This is what i means to feel, but not dominate the will of the force. You are exactly wrong. The Sith are incapable of this serenity.
This brings a whole new meaning to “I’m going try hard”
Sometimes it's easier to flow when trying less :P - like flowing with the current
@@ronrambokim yeah, when I try hard I do better than normal, but at the same time I can't enter the flow state while try harding.
Now he will try
It's just like relaxing and go with the flow
@@dembi2770 so it's like going try hard produces immediate results, but your max skill is only 60-70% of your actual skill.
Yet when you get into the flow, overtime, you reach your maximum power 100% hahahahaha
"Get out of your own way" was the most powerful quote for me in this video. Thank you!
Yeah because everything else was just over describing what it's like to just focus on something.
@@jackofalltradesprepping9611 nah it wasn't
@@jackofalltradesprepping9611dude you’ve just never experienced the zone 😂
when youre normally terrible at the game and then suddenly kill the whole team without thinking about it
Yeah, those russian kids. They get some lucky kills then just sit there and compliment themselves
I love Todoroki
Then after you eliminate the enemy team, become self-aware and immediately go back to being nothing more than mediocre.
This be the utmost inspiring!
Thank you, very much!
then you accidentally killed your whole team😂
*when you get 10 kills immediately but realize teamkills don’t count*
Lmao your pfp could be the meme for this comment
@@Mahones_ have you eaten your cereal?
@@masamigameon I ate my cereal it was tasty yummy yum yum
@@antonio-df7lj i-
“Friendly last operator remaining”
All it takes
*Dies on the last enemy operator remaining*
Gabriel Henrique my rainbow six gameplay says it all my friend. Come learn a thing or two
"Last op-four remaining"
Rohan Sharma OPFOR*
Is this from r6 :D?
My “The zone” moment was when I got 100% hooks with roadhog (Overwatch) in a game, against a really really good tracer to the point she called me a hacker, never again I’ve been able to predict or play as good as that match
Me on siege. There's games I can predict, almost feel enemies on the map and like my mind is simulating them for me. To the point I don't realize what's happened until the rounds over.
On Cold War I dropped 53 with the lw3/Pellington class I never even got over 40 kills with a normal gun
@@kiryu4708 lol I used to get 50 kills in blacks ops 2 tdm on a consistent basis back when that game was hot. Dying under 10 times at a maximum. The peacekeeper was heaven sent 🙏
@@fluG4M3 bo2 is a whole another story 😈 i always be playing dom and drop like 50-60 kills but I just can’t get used to Cold War idk there’s something about it
@@kiryu4708 I haven't played cod in a minute tbh. I've heard cold war multi-player is just off as well, so it's probably not anything you're doing lol I've been playing assassin's creed 3 and 4 like they were college assignments 🤣
This state not only applies to gaming it works in life and other sports. Definitely saving this video!
Felt this in basketball.
I downloaded
The zone is different. It's when you start to use adrenaline into gaming. You can use adrenaline in all things. Google adrenaline and you'll see
ATL and clutch don’t go together man lol
I usually enter "the zone" when writing a long essay on an exam.
i feel this too sometimes, i crank out paragraphs really quick and it feels so fast. I almost get into the rhythm of a song with my typing.
Yeah an time flies
Same but i drop out at around the second to last body paragraph but its not hard to get back in
When your playing a competitive game and go into flow state but you going into flow state causes the enemy player to enter flow state. Creating for a match between gods.
I've had this happen a few times when playing UFC 3 but my most memorable moment was in elementary when I played Dodgeball I was doing amazing that day and everyone was out but me and I caught the ball and everything was history
i think it happened to me a few times . those are matches where you can't help but admire your enemy's skills and say gg . RARELY .
The feeling is so intense you forget about everything around you but it is mentally exhausting doing it for a long while tho
Also known as top level smash Bros melee
that's called esport
*"You'll be able to unlock the deepest part of Flow State if you possess the power of friendship"*
- Inuyasha the Last Airbender
Wait what?
I'm dead.
bruh xD
No that was Vegeta from street fighters
Nah that was Patrick from elsa
*adjust foot slightly just how i like without realizing it*
Enemy team: Why do i hear boss music?
Aw shit
The moment your entire body is comfortable even in the most rigid and awful chair...
oh, the enemy team best start a-runnin'.
Underated comment💎
@@bevgilmore1996 when you are the character
Me :*enters flow state*
Dark souls: “you died”
Me: *Enters rage state*
Then you didn't tap into the flow state.
Dark Souls : Win
Me : Enter Flow State
Ping : imma end this man’s whole career
i felt this all too hard lol
Stick a 5g tower up your fucking ass!
This comment makes me wanna cry😂
Yep. Every god damn time
Honestly when you’re flowing you’re going with the lag and all. You’re flowing bro
Kuroko no Basket makes a lot of sense now
As a basketball player it's always made sense lol
@@Darklord_tK As a soccer player it made sense for me as well I didn't know it was actually called The Zone tho
@ItsStormz-_- yup, but when you experience it yourself is when you start to believe
The Flow State: Something the last kid standing in dodgeball has in concentrated amounts
Yeah that was always me in my class. Probably one of the first times I realized what that kind of experience was like
Same and then end up winning and everyone on your team cheered for you :') good moments
we had a 4 team ffa at my last school and i remember being the only one left against the best team. dude i was like in the matrix dodging all over the place but in the end i couldnt kill any of them and i died Xd
I treated that shit like I was on a battlefield lol
I remember that I accidentally busted another kids nose because I was threw the ball in the right spot and I felt quite bad afterwards but hey at least I didn’t lose
the true zone is when you are on your 20th try in that dark souls boss and you say "whatever, one more try and ill go to sleep"
*No damage taken*
*perfectly dodge all attacks*
" one more and then I quit" instantly wins
when you lose when you say it
"okay just one more and i finally quit"
@@siokaokeabin492, to be honest, that happens way more but I will be like " ok this is the last one so I'm going to do better than the rest" and then do completely horrible.
Please don't do this to me I beat ds1 and now I have to beat ds3 and think about that shit smh
I got entranced for a while against Gale I destroyed his ass.
Guys easy step to enter “the zone”
Step 1: go silent
Step 2: sit forward at the edge of your chair
Step 3: nothing else matters
thats basically it
so nickmercs?
Nope. You need to sit comfortably
I can't do step 3, cuz my body forces me to actually play the damn song on guitar
@@ladasodaexplains3355 fingerstyle intro i n t e n s i f i e s
When you're supposed to be in a flow state of studying but are instead in a flow state of watching youtube videos
It's called paying attention. It's not special.
@@jackofalltradesprepping9611 have you ever been in the zone, that shii feels like you traveling through dimensions, not paying attention to your surroundings, and getting super natural powers *on god🚫🧢*
@@juaquiqui-kun4333 ✔
@@jackofalltradesprepping9611 lmao you're everywhere; get a life
I always called the flow state "the clutch mode"
I used to call it "god mode" 🤣🤣
I call it sicko mode lmao
i call it ultra instinct
@@ultra_01 the man of culture
I call it focusing on what your doing like any average human ever in the existence of mankind.
I like to think this was a trait used by our ancestors for hunting or war.
And now I use it for league
A character in a historical fiction book I read referred to it as “battle joy” or “the joy”: Just fighting without thinking, feeling as if you can do no wrong, and no opponent can stand before you.
Nowadays we don’t need to hunt or go to war, so why NOT use it for League?
Yo I just started playing league and I wanna main tank what toon I should run?
@@gido9467 like the vikings vanguard warriors allegedly going berserk as a result of bloodlust?
Manuel Villacarillo Eh, sort of. That might be a version of it, but rather than blind rage it’s more of a simple certainty. Like his body just knew what it had to do to kill and not be killed.
Your average crusader qiyana is bae. Even tho she’s not tank.
Ah I get it. I’m not actually good at the game I just tricked my mind into being good at it.
Or it could the inverse, you actually are really good at the game, your brain tricked you into thinking you are bad.
@@CinnamonByte that's so sad cus thats LITERALLY what it is...
YOU are good, but the person that you think is "you" that prevents you from being good isn't good.
@Cameron Brown gang gang yes sorry I meant to say...
You're all your egos and you all don't have higher selfs. You're your thoughts and nothing else!!!1!!!!!!
Or just use drugs. 1000% for sure itll follow thru
This 100% applies to creative fields like art / animation as well.
I remember when I was in 4th grade during reading time I had this “spot” and for me it was the most comfortable spot in the class so one day while I was sitting in that spot during quiet reading I was reading this good book and then all the sudden the whole class was in the computer lab and I hadn’t even realized it
izay I once had a spot for reading in 2nd grade I believe and I read for 3 hours skipping out on the math test and I didn’t know until it was lunch
bro shit’s crazy once i was reading a book in kindergarten and the teacher turned the lights back on as a signal to stop reading and i didn’t notice and then by the time i noticed her calling my name she’d already given me a red card
@@ansharyan710 Not the RED CARD!!!
@@TheLMMCProgram damn bro ikr anything but the red card
Ansh Aryan THE RED CARD 😭😭😭😭😭😭
An enemy has been slain
Double kill
Triple Kill
Quadra kill
"Wait, how df?"
*Loses Flow state*
You have been slain
(True story)
No penta ~
Just uninstall
The more you do it the longer you can keep it up
An enemy has been slain
True af
you probably got killed by a jax. presses q and deletes you feelsbadman
**Enters flow state**
**Mom with dishes request incoming**
Swear to God it's always at the worst time
@@Mr.Goosenhand I'll never get called when in a menu or AFTER a game it's aaalllwwwaaayyysss gotta be in the middle of one 🤦🏿♂️
@@yurrr1211 messing around with customizations, loadouts, settings, and never called me... Starts gams 0.1 seconds of joining the server my mom calls me. Not even a joke btw.
Literally happened to me today
Oh, the pain
I love flow state when gaming. It’s like my consciousness flows through the game and my instincts take over allowing me to go hard with little effort while being able to read and feel the Environment as if I was literally there in the game. It’s a weird feeling but a good feeling
If you could stay in the flow state for your entire life, imagine how relaxed and skillful you could be at anything
And you wouldn't get to look at the bigger picture
Никола Стојков yeah sometimes it's good to just chill me take everything in. Flowing for too long seems stressful cause you're putting all your effort into something always.
@@banana4132 cheers
Banana!!!! !! I feel flow state burns me out, after being in flow state for a while, I feel i snap out and become lazy. I think that’s just coz the skill to difficulty changed, it just probably got to easy
You would literally be in constant ultra instinct
Wait a minute, this flow state is just sicko mode for gamers
It's sicko mode in general
Sicko mode for hardcore gamer
More like zenitsu's lighting breath
D N A ah yes, when zenitsu sLEEpS
@@zeroday5441 LoL
Man's whole career*?
This though. Lag is the thing that takes the immersion out the most, at least for me.
@@gringojr1900 especially playing Moba's...
If you get mad at lag your not in the flow state in the flow state nothing can bother you no crazy bitch can stop my happiness
Play melee competitively. Lagless game setups are standards at all tourneys
There have been certain days when I’m gaming where I just KNOW I’m in the zone. Most days I can’t achieve that, but random days it will happen and I play like a beast. I think being in the zone doesn’t make me faster, but it improves my IQ and decision making drastically
Same, I notice when I'm having those days where I'm playing very well, I'm also really relaxed and not really that focused. I usually fuck myself over the moment I start over focusing or tensing up.
yup same for me but its frustrating not being able to achieve that same state and potential especially at decently high level cs where if your not on point and in that zone your gonna get destroyed.
Ok so basically
On smurf account: relaxation
On main account: anxiety
no life so true lol
Even the smurf starts anxiety when skill based kicks in
I literally feel this when I hop on my alt on any game idk why
So true haha on my main accnt in overwatch I cant get past silver, but I placed high plat after my first set of placement matches on my smurf 😂
My best method for getting into the flow is taking a lethal dosage of adderall
hol up
Hahahahaha a lethal dosage hahaha
Blake Acosta I took 100mg once😬
It's funny because Adderall is basically weak meth( i used to be prescribed it and it was super addictive for me and it felt horrible I hated it)
my brain: *enters flow state*
my brain: im gonna do whats called a pro gamer move
Well done.
Throw frag at wall, bounce back, land at my face, Pikachu face
Well. That's... A Lot of likes, didn't expect that but ok
This man is popping off he keeps getting on my recommendations despite me already having watched the video.
It all fun and games until the lag kicks in
lag switching my body to yo mummas house
Its actually the only thing that is holding me back, because once I played on a lan match it was so much fun and so much more enjoyment than normal video gaming in your own house. I started to lose enjoyment playing normally online now though. I yearn for more esports environment but I dont even intend to play professionally but the esport environment is so much fun. Probably because it actually puts you into the flow state most of the time unless a brain dead team is actually smurfing the whole rookie tournament.
@@rattango9819 The lag stuff is always brought up. Unless it's very infrequent lag which even the pros get, the solution to shitty internet is money. You want to upgrade your internet? You need to pay for it. Still on wifi? Costs money to get wires installed. LAN houses can be expensive to set up. If you're at home playing on wifi you will never have that similar gaming experience.
Oh damn 😂
@@Jawwnn ahahaha sure that is fun to talk about if you have the choice. The assumption that upgrading your internet is always available is very presumptuous of you. Upgrading internet is not a choice, when the location itself is not supported by the internet provider or deemed as a risk or a lost for the company. switch to another provider? what other provider? Switch to 5g broadband? Out of the frying pan and into the fire? Internet service provided in my area is still using copper cable while the town across the small river is already using optic fibre. It's not that I don't upgrade. It's I CAN'T. So no money doesn't solve everything.
I only reach this occasionally and it’s so satisfying
Daegan idk why but taking a shower almost always makes me reach flow
O_ryx YT I just figured it out just bring your games into the shower
@@Sdfjklllyy HAHAHA bro you cracked the code
Same iv reached it a few times and its amazing i can literally land every single one of my shots.
incredibly well done, thank you for this
Glad you enjoyed it!
hi daniel
hello hanieldarrison
Daniel out here trying to figure out how to win Valorant games
Flow state is so addictive, it's like all your worries in the world are gone and it usually makes you perform so much better it's like a real life cheat code
All this “entering flow state” talk makes it sound like were unlocking our avatar state potential
Open yo chakras
@@JayPatil123 but you must let go of all your earthly desires 🧘♂️
The interesting thing is, this isn't just fiction.
It can become your natural state
In fact it is the natural state
You can actually feel the part ur focusing on while meditation ngl
On the flow state you are at your strongest, but also at your weakest
Once you let the current take you, you will be unstoppable, but if you realise that you entered it, you will become anxious and get killed
This makes so much sense. Whenever I died in R6 I was one of those people who said "I play better in the morning" or "I didn't eat yet" without actual evidence. I guess knowing this I can stop making shitty excuses lol
Bruh i was doing so shit in a match today and i had to go eat. So in my mind finishing up quickly was my main focus.
Somehow i got a 4k and won the game. I was like, "well thats convient." this explains it i guess
Lol I wish I was better in the mornings considering I always want to get on in the morning
Once I had a pretty chill day and I was so good in R6. I just didn't think about it.
I play best at like 3 In the morning when I'm really tired, idk
Bruh just click on their heads. That's my motto and I make it to plat 1 pretty much every season. So just click heads and you'll be diamond, because I have no brain so I'm only plat 1.
It's just like dreaming, as soon as your realise your doing it, you stop.
What about lucid dreamers? Does this mean there are people that consciously flow :0
Tyler facts lmao
This analogy is bad
This analogy is shit*
Ive had a dream i knew i was dreaming and it kept resetting so nah not like this
This man is really teaching us how to achieve Ultra Instinct. Nice work Whis👍🏾
How to enter flow state in quarantine:
You don’t. Your family is constantly distracting you and pestering you to do things
quarantine changed my life 0% tbh. its not even mandatory in some parts of germany. Distancing yes but otherwise not much changed haha
Yeah, sucks
Let's just say I discovered what is the name of my normal life style
Me: *enters flow state in online game
Mom: pause it
Ugh, i know this pain.
don't worry, you won't even notice becausr you're in the flow state she will just come and kick your ass
@@hnl5100 lol
Babadook pfp very good
Everybody gangster until the anime kid turns ultra instinct
Every body?
Jelly Joker shhhh you saw nothing
@@caseohsbellyy I saw the body
Zeta Null shhhhhh
FBI open up, this is FBI... We saw a body.
This video gave me chills because it describes perfectly how I get sometimes while playing smash
Me: *entering flowstate*
My dog: time to break EVERYTHING
why did i laugh so much
truly a battle of flow v. flow
when lee said "be water my friend" i was so waiting for the song to start lmao
I thought about it :P
Lmao yea
Caleb Belkin?
I thought of the jojo song for a sec
If anyone is wondering what song hes talking about its this oneвидео.html
I really like how he introduced this seemingly unrelated idea to the gaming community. It was a good way to take two different lines of thought and combine them to benefit the thinking people and the playing people, many times both are exercised by the same person.
The zone isnt unrelated to gaming.. i think gaming coined the phrase "the zone" but i see whachu mean
"But they weren't counting on one thing. I slept 9 hours last night!"
I see you like LazyPurple as well.
Lazy purple sniper vid I see
Bruce lee sounds like he's a salesman trying to make me buy their new water product
"Buy Bruce Lee Water today. BECOME THE TEAPOT"
Lee sprin water
"water can become the bottle, teapot, pool, ocean, earth, moon, Mars, sun, supernova, black holes, galaxy, galaxies, and last but not least THE UNIVERSE"
-bruce lee
I entered flow when writing this comment tho
So if we drink water, does water become us?
@@TheGamer-hl5cn yes obviously
This is just post-nut clarity with extra steps.
yo true
Nah homie post-nut clarity hits too different sometime
Jack off mid game for that top tier skill
Lupin UwU porn on my second monitor csgo on my main
@@ghostofcow thought you did that you were looping uwu porn
I've found that this mental state can be easily unlocked through sports like skiing and snowboarding when you're skilled enough. You're naturally reacting to your environment at high speed without actually thinking about it, and it requires your entire body to be perfectly coordinated. I love the feeling
Same pfp gang
Exactly !!! And then I broke my knee lol never trust loose ice
I have only been snowboarding once which was last year but after learning the basics it was a lot easier and I noticed I was going faster then I would have normally and reacted to obstacles such as a crash ahead of me more easily
Is long boarding also valid?
@@ruizfuentebella51 course lol, I love longboarding
Focus yourself on the task at hand , all worries are gone , no outside thoughts interfere , it’s just you and the fight, thank you for this video.
So you’re telling me “The Zone” exists 🤔 I knew it man, there’s no way I pop off one game for 30 kills and then the next I just throw completely
Facts, hard cold facts
Its called SBMM jk jk lol
Na dude that's skill based match making
@@CaffreyPlays that's not true. he never said what game he plays. even if he did play a game where it has sbmm. that's deadass just him losing focus of the game. SBMM doesn't change on a game-to-game basis it changes over a few games because it's the consistency, not the 1 game skill.
@@ahmetozkurt1257 Yes but no .
The second any good genji player starts to ult
Why is this so true
Then bastion gets play
i was thinking abt it and actually every time my brain goes auto pilote i get easy 5 kills in diamond games; but then when i think abt it i might fuck up in a gold game with a blade
Mars On Earth if he doesn’t get cc’ed to another planet
@@asherw4352 That's why it's not a good genji player if he doesn't wait for enemies cooldowns!
>Flow State [On] Off
Wtf dude you still haven’t turned on Flow state yet?
lol it's easy to turn the flow state on!/.
@@l1ghtN1ng 431 sad
> disable VSync
There is a secret button in ur asshole. If u flip it, it auto activate this... Try it out guys!!!
I have entered flow state once in a game called destiny 2, I was in a 1v4 (gambit invasion for any destiny players) my mind stopped thinking about the next move to make my fingers moved over the controller on their own and every move I made was perfect. I picked of each player one by one with a bow and used the natural cover to perfection each kill was fluid and my movements where without fault, I won the 1v4 whilst taking little to no damage and doing it all in around 20 seconds. It was incredible and afterwards I couldn't believe what happened
Kinda the same for me except I was playing Smash Bros and I was really only able to do it for a few seconds I literally just stopped thinking and pulled off one of the best combo's I've ever done and I literally didn't even realize it after I had already won the match
I get into this reading books. Sometimes the imagery becomes so immersive I can hear and see the scenes in my head. The emotions of the characters faces, the items in their hands. It's unreal, then many days or weeks later I remember the book not by the words, but by the memory of the scene in my head and people are shocked about how much I remember. It's beautiful.
damn. How do you do that. I always fall asleep
Isn't that how everyone reads...
@@youssafsu2307 I can do this too but not always. Some people dislike reading so obviously it isn't for everyone lol. You have to enjoy it to experience it like that.
Yess! Its so crazy sometimes I can't even tell if it was a movie or a book I had read
Some people actually can't visualize anything inside their mind if they have Aphantasia
*Puts Bruce Lee in the Intro*
*Everyone liked that*
I cant tell exactly how many times i have enter flow state, it kinda kicks in randomly when im playing in total silence
I know what you mean same for me
When me and my friends play rainbow and everyone enters the zone.
Totall silence, The only thing that you hear is a constant flow of information. It feels great when everyone is in the zone
Said every archon ever
@@wiihackerkris35000vr you mean ankor? or ancor?
Ikr, i remember one time when i was playing CSGO and i was alone vs 4 CTs , I planted the bomb on site A of Dust 2 and then the 4 CTs came at almost the same time 1 from long 1 from short and 2 from the CT spawn ,somehow "The Flow" just kicks in and I killed every single one of the CTs with perfect movements and accuracy without even thinking about doing it and when the round is over and my teammates are losing their shit on the chat I am just like: "Wait what the fuck just happened there?".
Routine really does help, when i woke up early, took a walk, and ate a good breakfast was when i hit my peak rank.
So this is the power of ultra instinct...
Xenos so this is the language of the gods...
@@Mahones_ y'all are such memes 😂
Anyone else get happy when imagining themself in the flow state
One time had two teammates I was playing siege with and we were getting absolutely shit on and everyone started to argue and in the midst of everyone arguing I spaced out and aced it was crazy because they were yelling and I didn’t realize till after the game lol
ツnam what do u play on
Yeh, why is that ?
@@nam-xv9oe siege is the best game for flow state
@@walidstowel2200 there are a lot of games for flowstate/zone.
Rocket League, Call of Duty, League of Legends etc etc
Dark Souls games taught me how to do this very well lol
I remember entering this state several times after fighting some of the more difficult fromsoft bosses such as O&S and Isshin. Makes the games so much more engaging
Yes, highly agree. I played every last souls games From software threw at us and enjoyed every last minute of me getting my ass kicked. Its those small tweaks you adjust to improve yourself in situations every time you failed lol and in the end, once you beat a boss that feeling is the best ever.
snakewynd +1
Fuck off scaley
as a pianist and someone that loves music, If i'm listening to music or playing a rythm game I basically automatically go into the flow state if I like the music, I don't even focus on the game, I focus on the music and I'll usually notice that I'm playing the game purely through my peripheral vision, but for games like COD, rocket league etc, I can only seem to go into the flow state for brief moments... ok I'm done and thank you for coming to my ted talk
Really great explanation on the flow subject. I've achieved this state several times, and it always feels amazing!
You've achieved a level of smart I never thought could exist (sarcasm don't ever feel special)
I believe "Flow State" is never something you can manually enter, no matter how great you are at any game. Despite how hard anyone could try, Flow State manifests on its own, when you stop thinking about the outside world, and the game essentially becomes your universe.
Professional e-sport players: hold my mouse.
Kind of like when you try to fall asleep you can’t but out of nowhere you just fall asleep
@@CocoPerk usually that involves chloroform but great analogy 🤣
@@CocoPerk It's kind've exactly like that. It's a matter of letting go, you can't force yourself to go to sleep, your body does it for you.
What do you think about going into a slump in your game?
when i’m in my flow, i’ll get like 15 kills then i’ll realize how good i’m doing, then my brain keeps saying “don’t mess up. don’t mess up. don’t mess up.” and then i mess up
Kamrkaptain this just happened to me kind of, i was playing attack on csgo and popped off with over 20 kills then it went down second because i realized how good i was doing
Yyess i always like tht after i realized i play so good i feel pressured
Same but my wifi disconnected
That’s exactly how it goes you dont notice you are in “the zone” until you are out of it
I think the solution to this is to just chill and not care, just be in the moment
Whenever I play search and destroy and I see 1v5 or 1v6 I’m just so accustomed to it that I almost automatically go into flow state. The speech over the game becomes gibberish, everything goes blank other than the game. My friends say I’m clutch but I just enjoy that feeling, at this point I almost like the pressure it almost pushes me to do better. I do fail a lot and there’s always room for improvement but it’s a lesson I learned in gaming that I brought into the real life and has helped me all the way. Never let your ego get the best of you, it might’ve been the best clutch or the best sale you ever made and it’s good to be happy that’s part of the natural high but don’t get cocky, be humble and put in the work. Life will treat you well even with the guaranteed ups and downs.
Flow state is like lucid dreaming.. whenever I think “oh shit I’m in it” I yeet from it
That's the exact opposite of lucid dreaming
@@ishaboy5090 yeah ik but its the same in terms of stopping it when u think about it
Alec’s Stuff bro, the whole point of lucid dreaming is that you know you are in a dream. When you are taken out from it, when you realize you‘re in a dream then you can’t dream lucid.
Jimmy Glitchy shit true, but what I meant was whenever you do something that triggers it to stop, like tryna get laid with a girl in the dream
Jimmy Glitchy beginners usually have trouble lucid dreaming cz when they realize theyre in a dream they get overexcited and wake up. thats probably what he was probably saying
Me : trying to enter the flow state
My shitty internet: hold my beer
it's a small price to pay for salvation.
I can relate to this
Become the shitty internet.
Real Thanos shitty internet ruins the possibility of flow state, it causes to much inconsistency. When I was a kid with perfect internet I lived in the flow state😢
I guess I now know why im in a constant state of anxiety
It's very important to try to keep out of your head
Skydog07 your mental state is your biggest flaw I reckon
Not to say it’s not the biggest strength aswell imo
Yes, now I know...
When into the zone last week and remembered this was on my favourites/playlist for my most interesting videos
This how you beat levels in geometry dash
Nope I'm just very good at games
@@HishighnessMrL ok
@@thegoated2965 😂😂
So true
I bet deadlocked twice, now I play many times a day and can't reach 30%
@SGRP 270 dude i can't even get electodynamix. but i have a buddy that completed legit over 80+ demons (even some hard demons) so he gives me tips and stuff
I think we’ve all done this tbh, especially anyone who has played competitive video games
I always do this when playing ffa games, especially when I'm forced to fight many players at once, the concentration is so high that even my frienss on voice chat know when I'm like that because I completely silence myself and don't even hear what they're saying.
I do this in minecraft survival games
Guilherme Serra fr I don’t hear what people are saying either
Geometry dash is hella competitive
if you ever played a competitive game on acid you will literally enter ultra instinct lol
This guy has changed my perspective of everything for the rest of my life
The 50th like!!
Must not be hard.
@@jackofalltradesprepping9611 💀😂
i always was in the flow/control state, while playing rl, and quickly ranked up. It was as if I "knew" how everything is working. thanks for this great video.
Going 5+ minutes into overtime on Rocket League when everyone in the match is in flow state, exhausting!
Exxle2 Bruh it was like that for me in diamond 2
I had a 8min OT yesterday with insane saves in both sides. Until a teammate shot an owngoal
I was in a 300 credit tourney finals and we had a 7 minute overtime until my friend crashes
I'm only champ 2 but when I was near champ 3 I was in flow state for like a whole day, and half the game's were long overtimes, all of which being incredibly exhausting due to the sheer speed of both sides.
@@SteveBearscemi i don't think a flow state a whole day is possible
Easiest way to engage flow mode?
Activate the song on kino Der toten.
Can confirm this works.
Can also confirm lol
It's called 115 by Elena Siegman:видео.html
Yoo thats hella true
I do it every time
This person's wake up routine: is good and healthy
My wake up routine: flop out of bed at around 11, eat four poptarts, play videogames
Are we the same person? Lmao
im so glad im not alone
No wonder you aren't happy
Pfft only 11? Amateur
Imagine Bruce Lee in csgo lmao
Imagine Mr. CS in CSGO
@@theseangle that is what they named the game off of, Mr. CS GO /s
"Be wAtEr 💧 my friend"
@@CMIW344 drop me an ak 🔫 my friend
He would play for Team Liquid
just entered the zone while playing basketball, crazy experience bro
@@biganon1620 It's not the Flow State... it's the Bro State
I have blue hair, quite tall and dark brown skin and entered the zone while playing basketball
I have blue hair, quite tall and dark brown skin and entered the zone while playing basketball
CTGaming and you have a dream
Ever play Tetris?
You’ve experienced “The Flow”.
Just keep placing... just keep placing...
Im playing tetris while listening to this
I wish i had a suitable computer to play more tetris
Yea I watch high level tetris, one of my favorite tetris players streams ( and he places pieces so fast lol, must be in the flow
And then you get 3 'S' pieces in a row and it all goes downhill.
I'm willing to bet that I've entered flow state during some intense Tetris 99 matches.
I've reached flow state a few times while playing Siege. Exactly like the video says, everything else falls away and my entire focus was on listening for movement, making smart movements, being aware of callouts, etc. During said state I noticed my aim, recoil control, and movements improve drastically. I didn't have to think about any of the moves I was making, I just made them as if it was second nature to peek that corner or frag that doorway or blow that wall.
*gets comfortable in chair*
*enemies* “why can i hear the ultra instinct theme playing?”
actually some people play lazy when they get comfortable
The “zone” is pure existence.
I entered a flow state once while I was playing a game called Combat Arms, about ten or so years ago. Capture the flag on the snowy map; I had the default, free, crappy gun and gear, and I had the flag and was returning to capture it for the game-winning point.
I spin around on a hunch so I'm walking backwards to make sure nobody is about to shoot me. The entire enemy team converges on me from the same direction all at once, all shooting.
I took hits, but I didn't die, and I don't know how I did it, but I started firing and got five consecutive headshots in rapid succession. I don't know how I did it, but I know that it wasn't just luck - I just sort of knew how much to move the mouse to get a perfectly aimed headshot.
I was called a hacker, of course. Up until that point, I had been doing poorly. But in that one moment, I was totally in the zone - I remember only what I was seeing on the computer screen, and it almost felt like I was in the game for a moment.
Shit's real, yo.
Combat Arms?
lit AF, I remembered that game long ago too x)
Yo deadass... I haven't even gotten in the zone yet, but I feel like the nigga goku and I could hit new heights and potentials I can just feel it. I've been training on my mechanical skills for too long it's time for an awakening(ugly ah boi)
That's not the zone, you broke into the matrix there
Macabre Mage Dang, good old days of Combat Arms. Lord was it a great FPS game, despite the hackers (Nexon did do better holding them down though)
Sadly, only to want to try it again after all these years, Nexon sold off the rights to the game. Memories :,)
People say I am a hacker in Gears of War 4 as well. I just kept playing and eventually discovered competitive tuning 😂😂😂
Thank you for this ! I've been actually doing this for a while now for gaming and I TRULY noticed the difference. I was kind of skeptical about this before but oh man it really works. I love you all!