Moby Dick is a real treat. I hope you enjoy it. I've read all of Hardy's novels, and I'm wracking my brain to think of one that doesn't have anything wildly dramatic - and I can't think of one. He went for unexpected, crazy drama. Far From the Madding Crowd is a great choice, but do be prepared for some drama. 😅
I loved Moby-Dick! It's a very rich reading experience. Hope you like it too.
Jude the Obscure traumatized me so much that I haven’t been able to read any of my other Hardy books…and I have several!
Moby Dick is a real treat. I hope you enjoy it. I've read all of Hardy's novels, and I'm wracking my brain to think of one that doesn't have anything wildly dramatic - and I can't think of one. He went for unexpected, crazy drama. Far From the Madding Crowd is a great choice, but do be prepared for some drama. 😅
I don't mind drama. What I mind is drama that I don't believe in, which has been the case with Hardy.