Yeees - indeed, if you take it literally. But in Klingon, it is allowed to reduce affixes as long as context still makes it clear. {tlhIngan maH} cannot mean "We IS Klingon". So the plural suffix is not necessary. BTW, {tlhIngan maH} is such a common phrase among klingons that they do not think about this.
i have just set my "wake up" command to;
tachDaq maghom!
God bless you klingon master!
Yeees - indeed, if you take it literally.
But in Klingon, it is allowed to reduce affixes as long as context still makes it clear. {tlhIngan maH} cannot mean "We IS Klingon". So the plural suffix is not necessary. BTW, {tlhIngan maH} is such a common phrase among klingons that they do not think about this.
I need a short meaningful speech in klingon for my science professor for he was a HUGE star trek fan
hm....surely "we are Klingons" would be "tlhingan'pu maH" ?
keep teaching, i'll add klingon in my cv
Take me to your Litaer 👽
Woah... Best word play ever! I love it.😂
nuqDaq 'oH tach'e'? maghom vIneH...
boch ghIchraj