Wait,but isn't the whole butterfly thing a bit flimsy? She days considering how many times Max rewinds it's possible she ended up screwing up the timeline in a sense and that's why the butterfly was there. But that wouldn't make any sense,she would need to rewind first for that even to happen,so how would she even get her powers in the first place? It's a time paradox if we go by this
@@AndrejZzzz Butterfly is Chloe's soul. Chloe got her powers first, after William died. Right before Chloe dies, a part of her (butterfly) flies to Max to help pretend it.
Frank has those dreams too, he dreamed that a cloud was swallowing the whole town (the storm or smoke) and started looking for the meaning of his dream on the internet, then Chloe uses that information to manipulate him and tell him that she dreamed the same and so you get information about Sera. Maybe even David also had those dreams and that's why he keeps a lot of food, because he senses that something is going to happen.
i like what you said about those who die tragically in arcadia bay. ive always thought the raven was the spirit of william, the deer for rachel, and then eventually the butterfly for chloe. since all do appear around (chloe) or after (rachel, william) the deaths of those characters.
So the butterfly (Chloe) gave Max her powers so she could spend some time with her best friend before her actual death and be at peace for abandoning her. If that was the plan all along then maybe Max lost her powers at the end of the game ¿?
This is my read of the game. When Chloe (demonstrating some character growth) asks Max to sacrifice her, she emphasizes that the time they had together was real, Max will always have those memories, etc. Thematically I think this was supposed to be a story about Max facing the loss of her best-friend-and-crush, and all the guilt etc she felt. Her powers were there for two reasons: (1) to give her something we often long for when a loved one dies: a few more days of time together, (2) to find the truth about Rachel's death (a mystery that also would become meaningless if all living villians and victims get killed in a storm). My headcanon is that Arcadia Bay gives temporary powers to people struggling with grief, through the spirits of their lost loved ones. Just don't know what to make of Samuel, who apparently has prophetic dreams for ~3 years?
Epic Glitter Sorry for my bad english, but I dont can understand for one thing: why Max dont save Chloe on end of 5 season again, but they really can save full town Arcadia Bay? They can only to print many papers with beware of great storm (like a paper with Rachel) and print instructions for all people to evacuations to save zone. Than tell this David, and he can to call in 911and others departaments and say about great storm and ets. And the game have a happy end where Chloe is alive, where Max have a power and (important) where all people of Arcadia is evacuated and too alive. Its all! The gamemakers dont want to open all aspects and great power of time rewind. This power really imbalance, with her helps they can to solve all problems and troubleshootings, what they should did in end of 5 season. Why the gamemakers solve dont open and push down the great potential of this game? Its my IMHO. PS: Reality and the universe dont crack if Max can to rewind time and change some timeline, because Max dont get a power if the universe dont give her this. Its two thing where the logic of this game crack if we will look to real universe.
Sergiy Radonezhski It´s a nice analogy (and don´t worry your english is understandable). I think however that very few people would have believed the girls of the storm, even with David by their side. Also by the time of the final choice if Max wanted to save both Chloe and the town she would have needed to go back and live those days again and a lot would have changed anyway, maybe for the worst... when she tries to fix one thing, two things get messed up.
Thank you for your comment Sergiy Radonezhski! My comment was just talking about the theme. I believe it's "a game about grief" and that means it's OK if some issues are never explained. It's OK if some things don't make sense. I don't know how the game creators would answer your question. Max is just 18 years old, and by Episode 5 she has experienced incredible trauma, shock, and loss- maybe she's just not thinking clearly? Doesn't see all of the options and choices available to her? And, this is a supernatural storm. Maybe it would kill everyone even if they had warning? Maybe it would follow Max or Chloe (or both) wherever they went, until Max stops altering the timeline? No one really knows the "rules" behind the storm, but my guess is that the town would not be abe to outsmart it or outrun it. I could be wrong though! And even if Max would not be successful, you're right that it's strange she didn't even try to warn the town.
I love this theory for no other reason that fits with mine that Rachel met William in the afterlife and they've both been trying to help their favourite punk girl from beyond the grave. It also sort of ties into how William reacts to seeing Max in the alternative timeline (he's pretty happy to see Max back in Chloe's life); whereas Rachel never knew Max as anyone but someone who betrayed Chloe, it would make sense for William to vouch for her. Also, if powers are specifically tied to AB, this brings up a bump for the "Chris wasn't the one with powers" theory (since he's the only character with an explicit connection to the town, via his mum, in Captain Spirit -- then again, the backpack might imply that the neighbour kids have been travelling from somewhere...).
Oooh - I love your theory! I like this video and the timing of it specifically because it'll let me/us hold onto all the cool theories we had in case LiS 2 ends up definitively canonizing a completely different origin for the powers. For three years my interpretation has been that it's specific to AB, it's largely about the spirits of loved ones helping people deal with grief and helping them find the truth - I guess I've gotten attached to seeing it this way. So I'm kinda bracing for LiS 2 to crush my dreams, lol :'-(
While I like the theory that the blue butterfly is Chloe's spirit, and there's a lot of evidence to support the idea, it only really works if the ending where Chloe dies is canon. In the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending, she's still alive, and therefore didn't die tragically in the future. So her spirit wouldn't be able to become part of the Arcadia Bay "Great Spirit". Also, while Rachel being the doe is the most popular interpretation, Rachel's animal symbolism is also tied to the blue jay that Max saves, as she has a blue jay feather as an earring in Before the Storm. So we likely won't know more unless Life is Strange 2 expands on the series' mythology.
Just wanted to add, I'm pretty sure she's also wearing the [possibly appropriative] blue feather earring in the missing person posters & photos throughout Life is Strange (season 1). See, for example, the moment in Episode 1 where Max finds the photo of Chloe and Rachel under Chloe's bed, with Chloe flipping off the camera.
Wait... are people seriously debating BTS's canonicity? There's a difference between 'fanon discontinuity' and actual discontinuity. BTS is canon unless a future installment retroactively removes it by introducing deliberately (and yes, it must be deliberately) contradictory information. Until such a thing happens, BTS is canon. That's how it works for all properties.
I always thought of it as a more scientific solution. Similar to X-men, Max as well as others have a gene that is activated in times of stress, like seeing a close friend get shot and killed. This is supported in Captain spirit when Chris gets his powers after a fight with his dad, and falling out of a tree. Though I'm usually just the kind of guy who looks more to science for answers, rather than the supernatural. Then again this is a work of fiction so who knows.
And captain Spirit? Because he can move matter... And Max too! She rewind time bc she can move matter so fast that cause the reset of recent events to a certain point ( her point of view ) that explain the limit of time in her rewind. Also, the focus rewind is what it's action says, she acumulate all her power in one single point and uses the rewind ( moving all the space and bending time ), appearing in the physical form that she have at that time but mainteining her conscious intact.
Just gonna mention it's probably not Captain Spirit who can move stuff. I dunno if you've been watching some theory videos lately, but there's a lot of evidence to suggest it's not him but one of two neighbour kids.
Just my guess, but I think part of the point here is to express her theories based on info from the games set in Arcadia Bay, since when LiS 2 comes out, it may prove her right or wrong (or most likely, partially-right-partially-wrong). It's a chance to flex theorycrafting in the limited time we have left before the next game might give definitive answers (or not).
I think it's an incipient superhero universe with some mystical elements. Lol. 😛But we're seeing it in its earliest days, before anybody gets the idea to throw on a costume.
if Chloe gave Max her time travel powers, then that could be how the other characters got their powers too--Esteban gives Daniel telekinesis to protect himself and his brother, Wendy gives Alex empathy because she thinks that's what Alex needs to keep the family together.
I personally believe these abilities are asleep within certain people and get activated in traumatic situations. However! I really like the idea of powers being given to others by prophecy, mystical beings or the person earning them.
Here is my simple theory about how people gain their powers in LiS if you will bear with me. Firstly, a lot of people theorized that (in one way or another) the blue butterfly gave Max her power in the first game. I think it is false for 1 good reason: Max had the vision of the storm BEFORE she used her rewind power in the bathroom. Also, let's say the vision is granted by Rachel and is not connected with Max's powers, if that was the case, how did the others got their powers without a spirit animal? Here is my theory: OK, so how did Max, Rachel and Daniel got their powers? My short answer is they DIDN'T. They are all latent, and they are just revealed later on. I think the real question here should be: How did they learn to use their powers? Through traumatic experience! Max, Rachel and Daniel always had their powers. They just never used them before the certain events in the games. Max uses her power for the first time by accident upon seeing a girl shot. It is because she 'freaked out'. Rachel uses it out of anger and Daniel out of fear (maybe). The common point is that the first time they did it, they did it while in a not clear state of mind. So, I say the powers are inherent. Thank you for reading.
It seems more like these people discover their powers due to stress or some kind of trigger, much like the mutants in some x-men movies, like Deadpool. There's always a trigger. It also seems that a lot of these things like ghosts and whatnot is the game trying to get as much references as possible, like the bleeding nose from Stranger Things. Season 1 was weird, "we're going to give you these powers, but using them is going to kill everyone", it's not a very good idea but the games were good. They should've gone some Heroes direction where they discover a huge event in the future and have to stop it, and I think it should've been season 2's Daniel who did it (if they adjust the timing a little bit), none of this butterfly effect crap.
Honest, i understand where your coming from but i would personally disagree , i agree there is something about the Arcadia bay area brings out a lot of weirdness,but i don't think its totally caused by the spirits leaking through . Observation wise the powers seem to be linked to extreme emotional distress , Max seeing Chloe get die , Rachel letting out years worth of frustration after a the event near the tree, Chloe having her dad die , With Samuel it could of been bullying of some form just from how he is treated in the main game by some people. Chloe had the power of 'Prophetic Dreams' and can remember those dreams ,though she didn't really realise i guess, she was also able to directly communicate with spirits in the dreams her dad communicated with her to give her vague advice ,it was likely vague because of how dreams themselves work in the human mind . Samuel had domain over animals most predominately squirrels letting him see ,feel and hear what the Animals did and maybe even tell them what to do , couple animals natural ability to sense disasters and unbalances with a low level version of what Chloe had this would explain a lot . Max's is a whole can of worms but its safe to say hers was the most complicated and potentially destructive , the whole events of life is strange 1 come as a poetic consequence of a time loop 'My only issue with the Chloe ending is that its hinted in the last dream that if she doesn't die breaking Fixed event itself would cause a total event collapse , i mean times a tricky thing , though i find it a little poetic as well , the Universe lets you break it a little while just so you can have a little more time but it also gives you the responsibly to fix it when your done , like a last goodbye . '
YESSSSS! A new Geek Remix LiS theory video = made my day! :-D I pretty much agree. Based solely on pre-Captain-Spirit games, I believe when someone in AB dies a tragic death, their spirit kinda merges with the spirit of that area/region and it's a special place. They can communicate with the living via animal spirits* and dreams, and sometimes they can grant powers, though I believe the powers may be temporary. I think the thematic purpose for spirits to do this, has been 1) help a grieving young person to cope with loss and/or 2) find truth & bring closure surrounding the tragic death (e.g. finding out what happened to Rachel). I think they kinda muddied-up my theory with BtS and the raven though (note: despite this comment, I liked BtS episodes 1,2, and Farewell). William was not a trickster, wasn't someone to be "respected, never trusted." To this day I'm confused about what the raven represented, how it fit into the theme(s). *saying "animal spirit" instead of spirit animal is my weak attempt to minimize appropriation....
I feel it may not be about dying but instead reaching a pivitol traumatizing expirience that really changes your life, then the powers are given to people in that universe depending on their situation. So it isn't really an Arcadia Bay thing, it can happen anywhere.
I wonder what spirit animal will guide the next protagonist is? I really liked that aspect of LiS. I guess if the spirit is Chris he might not take animal form. Anyways, we’ve seen a doe, a butterfly, a squirrel, and a raven. First ep that comes out I’m on the lookout for transparent animals
TWIN PEAKS + LIFE IS STRANGE 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 And where did you see the developers from LiS 1 approving all the story point of Before The Storm? Cause when Michel Koch was talking about Captain Spirit and stuff, he made sure not to mention anything about BtS, like it doesn't even matter.. He talked more about the universe in LiS 1 and Captain Spirit. I like BtS and everything (it could been so much better) but the creators of LiS make it seems like it doesn't matter, so I consider its not canon. I think your theory makes sense tho, and I love all your crazy theory about LiS even the ones that didn't come true .. Can't wait to see more and more theories when LiS 2 its finally out :33 💙💙💙
Maybe the wielder of superpowers needs always a medium to activate it and the emotional feelings should be high enough of the medium. In the bathroom Chloe activaed Max's Powers because because of the Shock Chloe gone though facing death. She changed her whole tone with nathan after he draw the gun. SPOLERS OF CAPTIAN SPIRIT AND THE LAST LIS 2 TRAILER: The same could be seen in Captain Spirit's adventure. Chris was very hurt and feld left alone in the finals scene. So he was already pushed emotionally. Then he fell and was frightend and right then super powers saved him. On the other hand we knew from the last trailer, that the powers were there before the happenings with Chris. I hope we will get more answers to the supernatural powers and how it works.
Gotta go against one point you made. I don't think the developers actually consider BtS Canon to S1. S1 devs didn't know anything about the game until Deck Nine visited them and let them play episode 1. There are also a lot of continuity issues. Plus, I don't even think Square really refers to it as a prequel to S1. They just say it's set before the first game.
I believe it isn't just Arcadia Bay but instead the whole world instead due to use of powers outside Arcadia Bay. A person who meets an extreme internal or external crossroads or has seen death or come near it may gain a symbolic yet useful power to their being and their oneness with this power decides if it stays or not. But that's just a theory, MY THEORY aaaaand bring on the angry MatPat comments.
I wonder if Life Is Strange might be connected to Beyond Two Souls with how Jodie's twin brother, Aiden died at birth and then was attached to Jodie, giving her powers to do things that most can't. Maybe depending how close you are to the person that died changes what power you get.
Life Is Strange would be easy to crossover with Silent Hill. Towns built on native land, big drug problem, the "town" responds to the people living in it (SH reflects inner worlds in the fog plain or deeper, AB gives prophetic dreams and spirit guides), Bay doesnt have a weird cult going on and Max never had to abort god but eh details.
Just wanted to ask for your opinion on this but do you think this is why Episode 3 was heavily edited from its original content? Because it was supposed to be implied that Rachel had some sort of powers in episode 3 of Before the Storm but never happened along with other things that were cut from the episode like the Eliot scene was supposed to have Rachel save Chloe from his psychotic rampage but it wasn’t put into the final cut and it makes sense if they didn’t want to go with the Rachel has no powers approach. Either way I kind of wanted to see how episode 3 would of played out if they didn’t remove such content and maybe a game that gave us Rachel’s point of view of events since we now have one from Max and Chloe’s although at this point I doubt will happen.
I love the analysis, but do you have a source on Dontnod actually getting to approve the plot points of BtS? I think Deck9 did an amazing job of building their story into LiS1, and I hold it canon, but I had thought all of Dontnod’s statements of support are a bit suspect simply because SE must have them contractually obligated not to badmouth it.
For all we know, Deck Nine had shown Dontnod a demo of ep1 before release, and Dontnod liked what they saw. That's all the feedback D9 ever received from Dontnod. It doesn't look like a close collaboration for me (like, frequent discussion, or a checklist of every story choice for Dontnod's approval). Actually, it seems that even Ashly Burch has more influence on the script than Dontnod did, since she got to edit Chloe's lines. I do believe that Dontnod liked BTS's story line (of ep1 at least), but in a way of "Oh, look they made such an amazing adaptation of our work!" most likely.
I'd argue that even Ashly Burch didn't have much influence. Maybe they listened to her a bit for Chloe's lines but at the end of the day they only brought her in because they wanted fan support and Ashly could provide that.
From an interview last summer (2017), this is David Hein (Deck 9 BtS Producer) answering [so, not DONTNOD, but anyway:] "Q: Did you have any kind of interaction with DONTNOD to prepare yourselves to develop this game? A: Life is Strange: Before the Storm from concept to production, is entirely the product of Deck Nine Games. However, we’ve been in contact with DONTNOD for some time. We were very proud to send our lead writer Zak Garriss to the DONTNOD studios with our first episode for the Life Is Strange team to play. From that session, we gained a lot of great feedback that has gone on to influence our story and gameplay"
I'll tell you where everyone's powers are really coming from: hotdog man. It's all hotdog man. He is the only thing constant throughout each game so it must be him :p
you know the one thing i've never really understood is why max doesnt use her powers to save both rachel and chloe......let me explain max can time jump through photos correct? since max is a photogeek shouldnt she have a photo of her way before rachel dissapeared as in just time jump from oct 2013 back to march 2013 with her memories intact since we know max won her scholarship to blackwell yes? if max could timejump all the way to her childhood to save william couldn't she just time jump into her old timeline to save rachel and bust jefferson while she was still alive all she had to was just arrive a month before her dissapearance as in while chloe was still searching for sera (spoiler for thos who haven't played Lis B4 Dawn) rachels mother since we know that after we choose to tell rachel the truth or hide it from her and the scene where they were taking photos in the booth were days before her dissapearance so my burning question is why the devs didn't just fully utilizes max power to time jump? and just made a third option in the games ending where max actually fully utilize her time jump powers? to actually get a good ending for arcadia bay and keep chloe though there is a chance they wont be pricefield huh?
Great theories as always, but um.... WTF was that at the end of the video? Can't tell if you were just being weird or all the clips have some deeper meaning that went blasting over my head like a 747 😂
If chloe gave max the powers, as a butterfly then for her (chloe) to do that she must have died and then sat on the coffin etc.. so... how could she exist in the spirit form AND actual chloe form at the same time? Also, if we apply circular time logic here. Even then chloe giving powers to max would mean max has no other choice but to follow the events in the exact order. Anyway excellent explanation you girls. Keep it up. I just want to wrap this in my head in form of a logical timeline.
So in your mind ( won’t see Chloe until she’s dead) is Life is Strange perhaps all an attempt by the entity to give Chloe’s death meaning and/or give Chloe a chance to redeem her friendship and a chance to live again with her oldest friend? ( perhaps due to Rachel’s spirit in Arcadia bay?) ( beyond the possible need to find Rachel’s body and the serial killer/ rapist, of course)
Thematically, I've always thought this is kinda what the game is "about"- at least with the Save Arcadia Bay ending. Coming-of-age, but specifically, Arcadia Bay spirit(s) helping Max face all her grief, shock, and guilt surrounding Chloe's death, while also bringing closure/truth around Rachel's death. The many Chloe/Max scenes are Max getting what so many of us wish we could have with lost loved ones: a few more days together. I say all this despite the fact that I liked Chloe's character, strongly related to her, and so longed for a world where her and Max could be alive and happy together. I found both endings heartbreaking.
Just to spread knowledge ; Life is strange 2 takes place in Seattle in 2016 and it's about teenagers with powers + police is onto them (hyped af) Source :official trailer
Fun fact: Arcadia is the daughter of Diana, the goddess of witchcraft, and lucifer the Morningstar. She was sent to earth to teach witchcraft and magic to humans. I wonder if that'll have a role in the story🧐🤔🤨
Do people who die only become ghosts in specifically Arcadia or could this apply to chris’s mom in a way (does that take place in Arcadia I don’t remember)
His mom was from Arcadia Bay and went to Blackwell, so even if she didn't die there, her death was tragic and she was connected to the Bay. Personally I don't think Chris has powers, but maybe in LiS 2 we'll learn he has prophetic dreams?
Remember when we thought Rachel had powers because she was yelling at a tree
Alex Dash lmao I feel attacked
Ahhhh good times
Remember when she was stabbed in episode 3 and the firefighters said the fire somehow extinguished itself
Alex Dash I still stand up for that
Thank the writers of before the storm for that one lmao
Power of friendship=Chloe does say “without me you would’ve never discovered your power right?”
good point!
Wait,but isn't the whole butterfly thing a bit flimsy? She days considering how many times Max rewinds it's possible she ended up screwing up the timeline in a sense and that's why the butterfly was there. But that wouldn't make any sense,she would need to rewind first for that even to happen,so how would she even get her powers in the first place? It's a time paradox if we go by this
Friendship is magic 😂
@@AndrejZzzz Butterfly is Chloe's soul. Chloe got her powers first, after William died. Right before Chloe dies, a part of her (butterfly) flies to Max to help pretend it.
Frank has those dreams too, he dreamed that a cloud was swallowing the whole town (the storm or smoke) and started looking for the meaning of his dream on the internet, then Chloe uses that information to manipulate him and tell him that she dreamed the same and so you get information about Sera. Maybe even David also had those dreams and that's why he keeps a lot of food, because he senses that something is going to happen.
I live for this omg
Carmen King hey Carmen I didn’t expect to see you here!
legends supporting legends
i like what you said about those who die tragically in arcadia bay. ive always thought the raven was the spirit of william, the deer for rachel, and then eventually the butterfly for chloe. since all do appear around (chloe) or after (rachel, william) the deaths of those characters.
Can’t wait for theories like old 2015 time when the new one come out.
Dreyahz H I remember werewolf Jefferson theory
Thank you for the shoutout Mari!
So the butterfly (Chloe) gave Max her powers so she could spend some time with her best friend before her actual death and be at peace for abandoning her. If that was the plan all along then maybe Max lost her powers at the end of the game ¿?
Mr. A9X3L I don't think that is how. Because it would just mess up max more then if she didnt have time to hang out with Chloe
This is my read of the game. When Chloe (demonstrating some character growth) asks Max to sacrifice her, she emphasizes that the time they had together was real, Max will always have those memories, etc. Thematically I think this was supposed to be a story about Max facing the loss of her best-friend-and-crush, and all the guilt etc she felt. Her powers were there for two reasons: (1) to give her something we often long for when a loved one dies: a few more days of time together, (2) to find the truth about Rachel's death (a mystery that also would become meaningless if all living villians and victims get killed in a storm).
My headcanon is that Arcadia Bay gives temporary powers to people struggling with grief, through the spirits of their lost loved ones. Just don't know what to make of Samuel, who apparently has prophetic dreams for ~3 years?
Epic Glitter Sorry for my bad english, but I dont can understand for one thing: why Max dont save Chloe on end of 5 season again, but they really can save full town Arcadia Bay? They can only to print many papers with beware of great storm (like a paper with Rachel) and print instructions for all people to evacuations to save zone. Than tell this David, and he can to call in 911and others departaments and say about great storm and ets. And the game have a happy end where Chloe is alive, where Max have a power and (important) where all people of Arcadia is evacuated and too alive. Its all! The gamemakers dont want to open all aspects and great power of time rewind. This power really imbalance, with her helps they can to solve all problems and troubleshootings, what they should did in end of 5 season. Why the gamemakers solve dont open and push down the great potential of this game? Its my IMHO.
PS: Reality and the universe dont crack if Max can to rewind time and change some timeline, because Max dont get a power if the universe dont give her this. Its two thing where the logic of this game crack if we will look to real universe.
Sergiy Radonezhski It´s a nice analogy (and don´t worry your english is understandable). I think however that very few people would have believed the girls of the storm, even with David by their side. Also by the time of the final choice if Max wanted to save both Chloe and the town she would have needed to go back and live those days again and a lot would have changed anyway, maybe for the worst... when she tries to fix one thing, two things get messed up.
Thank you for your comment Sergiy Radonezhski!
My comment was just talking about the theme. I believe it's "a game about grief" and that means it's OK if some issues are never explained. It's OK if some things don't make sense.
I don't know how the game creators would answer your question. Max is just 18 years old, and by Episode 5 she has experienced incredible trauma, shock, and loss- maybe she's just not thinking clearly? Doesn't see all of the options and choices available to her?
And, this is a supernatural storm. Maybe it would kill everyone even if they had warning? Maybe it would follow Max or Chloe (or both) wherever they went, until Max stops altering the timeline? No one really knows the "rules" behind the storm, but my guess is that the town would not be abe to outsmart it or outrun it.
I could be wrong though! And even if Max would not be successful, you're right that it's strange she didn't even try to warn the town.
Honestly Samuel's "just the beginning" line could be foreshadowing for the whole series.
i love your theory videos your amazing geek remix:D
I love this theory for no other reason that fits with mine that Rachel met William in the afterlife and they've both been trying to help their favourite punk girl from beyond the grave. It also sort of ties into how William reacts to seeing Max in the alternative timeline (he's pretty happy to see Max back in Chloe's life); whereas Rachel never knew Max as anyone but someone who betrayed Chloe, it would make sense for William to vouch for her.
Also, if powers are specifically tied to AB, this brings up a bump for the "Chris wasn't the one with powers" theory (since he's the only character with an explicit connection to the town, via his mum, in Captain Spirit -- then again, the backpack might imply that the neighbour kids have been travelling from somewhere...).
Oooh - I love your theory!
I like this video and the timing of it specifically because it'll let me/us hold onto all the cool theories we had in case LiS 2 ends up definitively canonizing a completely different origin for the powers. For three years my interpretation has been that it's specific to AB, it's largely about the spirits of loved ones helping people deal with grief and helping them find the truth - I guess I've gotten attached to seeing it this way. So I'm kinda bracing for LiS 2 to crush my dreams, lol :'-(
While I like the theory that the blue butterfly is Chloe's spirit, and there's a lot of evidence to support the idea, it only really works if the ending where Chloe dies is canon.
In the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending, she's still alive, and therefore didn't die tragically in the future. So her spirit wouldn't be able to become part of the Arcadia Bay "Great Spirit".
Also, while Rachel being the doe is the most popular interpretation, Rachel's animal symbolism is also tied to the blue jay that Max saves, as she has a blue jay feather as an earring in Before the Storm.
So we likely won't know more unless Life is Strange 2 expands on the series' mythology.
Just wanted to add, I'm pretty sure she's also wearing the [possibly appropriative] blue feather earring in the missing person posters & photos throughout Life is Strange (season 1). See, for example, the moment in Episode 1 where Max finds the photo of Chloe and Rachel under Chloe's bed, with Chloe flipping off the camera.
The world of life is strange needs more world building.
I really appreciate these theories, Mari!
Wait... are people seriously debating BTS's canonicity? There's a difference between 'fanon discontinuity' and actual discontinuity. BTS is canon unless a future installment retroactively removes it by introducing deliberately (and yes, it must be deliberately) contradictory information. Until such a thing happens, BTS is canon. That's how it works for all properties.
Except Chloe doesn't die. Nope. Doesn't happen. DOES. NOT. HAPPEN.
wow thanks for treating us to so much content lately!
trying to make a new video every week. i hope you all enjoy!
Wow that with the Futur prediction by the raven about max surprised me
I always thought of it as a more scientific solution. Similar to X-men, Max as well as others have a gene that is activated in times of stress, like seeing a close friend get shot and killed. This is supported in Captain spirit when Chris gets his powers after a fight with his dad, and falling out of a tree. Though I'm usually just the kind of guy who looks more to science for answers, rather than the supernatural. Then again this is a work of fiction so who knows.
Yay a new video I basically live for your guys video
And captain Spirit? Because he can move matter... And Max too! She rewind time bc she can move matter so fast that cause the reset of recent events to a certain point ( her point of view ) that explain the limit of time in her rewind. Also, the focus rewind is what it's action says, she acumulate all her power in one single point and uses the rewind ( moving all the space and bending time ), appearing in the physical form that she have at that time but mainteining her conscious intact.
Just gonna mention it's probably not Captain Spirit who can move stuff. I dunno if you've been watching some theory videos lately, but there's a lot of evidence to suggest it's not him but one of two neighbour kids.
Just my guess, but I think part of the point here is to express her theories based on info from the games set in Arcadia Bay, since when LiS 2 comes out, it may prove her right or wrong (or most likely, partially-right-partially-wrong). It's a chance to flex theorycrafting in the limited time we have left before the next game might give definitive answers (or not).
The smaller kid was the one who levitated him
I think it's an incipient superhero universe with some mystical elements. Lol. 😛But we're seeing it in its earliest days, before anybody gets the idea to throw on a costume.
I clicked away from Shane Dawson's new video for this
thanks for doing that!
Geek Remix of course, I love you two and your content :)
literally same! lol
Absolutely love watching your theories on Life Is Strange ^^, can't wait to see more.
if Chloe gave Max her time travel powers, then that could be how the other characters got their powers too--Esteban gives Daniel telekinesis to protect himself and his brother, Wendy gives Alex empathy because she thinks that's what Alex needs to keep the family together.
You really put word to all the impressions that I had about all these powers and foreshadowing +1 sub
What nostalgia. I found this channel looking for LIS theories. I think I'm looking forward to more of your theories as much as LIS2 itself!
subscribed, I like this type of videos
thanks jed!
Max - rewind powers.
Chloe - maybe she has dreams that guide her.
Rachel- something bird-like.
I haven’t got far.
Love these theories, Mari!
I honestly love your theories. 😍
Names for the powers to me would be Butterfly effect, Inertia , Foresight , Elemental, and Flip of Coin
Amina gaming
Aun Ali thanks
Undeawolfife Gamer ok😂😂
2 seconds in, I like your voice, subscribed.
I love your LIS videos so much!! Please continue to do these awesome theories😁💙
I love your vids 💙
I love you for these videos
I'm convinced Samuel has Powers too
I love Life Is Strange. It’s my second favorite game.
That twin peaks music at the beginning tho!!!!
Well, then who gave the (most probably) power to Rachel? Has she seen someone dying too ?
Not to answer your question, but, I like how I found this comment one day after it was posted. When this comment section is as dead as Latin.
I personally believe these abilities are asleep within certain people and get activated in traumatic situations.
I really like the idea of powers being given to others by prophecy, mystical beings or the person earning them.
Ohhhh my God that twin peaks music though.
The spirit animal references and the totem pole make me wonder if it has something to do with Native American mythology and spiritualism.
Here is my simple theory about how people gain their powers in LiS if you will bear with me.
Firstly, a lot of people theorized that (in one way or another) the blue butterfly gave Max her power in the first game. I think it is false for 1 good reason: Max had the vision of the storm BEFORE she used her rewind power in the bathroom. Also, let's say the vision is granted by Rachel and is not connected with Max's powers, if that was the case, how did the others got their powers without a spirit animal?
Here is my theory: OK, so how did Max, Rachel and Daniel got their powers? My short answer is they DIDN'T. They are all latent, and they are just revealed later on. I think the real question here should be: How did they learn to use their powers? Through traumatic experience! Max, Rachel and Daniel always had their powers. They just never used them before the certain events in the games. Max uses her power for the first time by accident upon seeing a girl shot. It is because she 'freaked out'. Rachel uses it out of anger and Daniel out of fear (maybe). The common point is that the first time they did it, they did it while in a not clear state of mind. So, I say the powers are inherent.
Thank you for reading.
This woman should be the Game Theory of Life is Strange.😃
This is so nostalgic cause it was LiS theories that brought me in and i am 100% on with this theory!
All power come from pain, tragedy, and a deep inner need to have them.
I always thought of the butterfly as Chloe’s spirit animal,Doe is Max’s and raven is Rachel’s
It seems more like these people discover their powers due to stress or some kind of trigger, much like the mutants in some x-men movies, like Deadpool. There's always a trigger.
It also seems that a lot of these things like ghosts and whatnot is the game trying to get as much references as possible, like the bleeding nose from Stranger Things.
Season 1 was weird, "we're going to give you these powers, but using them is going to kill everyone", it's not a very good idea but the games were good. They should've gone some Heroes direction where they discover a huge event in the future and have to stop it, and I think it should've been season 2's Daniel who did it (if they adjust the timing a little bit), none of this butterfly effect crap.
I know this video is old imagine if Samuel was the one who killed Rachel
Rachel's spirit animal: a raven
Chloe's: a butterfly
Max's: a doe
Aah, the Twin Peaks theme!
why would BtS not be canon?
great theory vid as always mari, glad i kept your channel whitelisted on adblock since like 3 years ago so you can get that COIN
i do life is strange videos and this is a great video!
Honest, i understand where your coming from but i would personally disagree , i agree there is something about the Arcadia bay area brings out a lot of weirdness,but i don't think its totally caused by the spirits leaking through . Observation wise the powers seem to be linked to extreme emotional distress , Max seeing Chloe get die , Rachel letting out years worth of frustration after a the event near the tree, Chloe having her dad die , With Samuel it could of been bullying of some form just from how he is treated in the main game by some people.
Chloe had the power of 'Prophetic Dreams' and can remember those dreams ,though she didn't really realise i guess, she was also able to directly communicate with spirits in the dreams her dad communicated with her to give her vague advice ,it was likely vague because of how dreams themselves work in the human mind .
Samuel had domain over animals most predominately squirrels letting him see ,feel and hear what the Animals did and maybe even tell them what to do , couple animals natural ability to sense disasters and unbalances with a low level version of what Chloe had this would explain a lot .
Max's is a whole can of worms but its safe to say hers was the most complicated and potentially destructive , the whole events of life is strange 1 come as a poetic consequence of a time loop
'My only issue with the Chloe ending is that its hinted in the last dream that if she doesn't die breaking Fixed event itself would cause a total event collapse , i mean times a tricky thing , though i find it a little poetic as well , the Universe lets you break it a little while just so you can have a little more time but it also gives you the responsibly to fix it when your done , like a last goodbye . '
YESSSSS! A new Geek Remix LiS theory video = made my day! :-D
I pretty much agree. Based solely on pre-Captain-Spirit games, I believe when someone in AB dies a tragic death, their spirit kinda merges with the spirit of that area/region and it's a special place. They can communicate with the living via animal spirits* and dreams, and sometimes they can grant powers, though I believe the powers may be temporary. I think the thematic purpose for spirits to do this, has been 1) help a grieving young person to cope with loss and/or 2) find truth & bring closure surrounding the tragic death (e.g. finding out what happened to Rachel).
I think they kinda muddied-up my theory with BtS and the raven though (note: despite this comment, I liked BtS episodes 1,2, and Farewell). William was not a trickster, wasn't someone to be "respected, never trusted." To this day I'm confused about what the raven represented, how it fit into the theme(s).
*saying "animal spirit" instead of spirit animal is my weak attempt to minimize appropriation....
I feel it may not be about dying but instead reaching a pivitol traumatizing expirience that really changes your life, then the powers are given to people in that universe depending on their situation. So it isn't really an Arcadia Bay thing, it can happen anywhere.
I wonder what spirit animal will guide the next protagonist is? I really liked that aspect of LiS. I guess if the spirit is Chris he might not take animal form. Anyways, we’ve seen a doe, a butterfly, a squirrel, and a raven. First ep that comes out I’m on the lookout for transparent animals
It's going to be a horse.
Just putting it out there. Maybe Chris is alive, Daniel's dad was killed, and Daniel's dad = spirit horse?
aaaannndddd, there were wolves! 🐺🤍
wooooouuu!!!...all this time...i nvr knew these
And where did you see the developers from LiS 1 approving all the story point of Before The Storm? Cause when Michel Koch was talking about Captain Spirit and stuff, he made sure not to mention anything about BtS, like it doesn't even matter.. He talked more about the universe in LiS 1 and Captain Spirit.
I like BtS and everything (it could been so much better) but the creators of LiS make it seems like it doesn't matter, so I consider its not canon.
I think your theory makes sense tho, and I love all your crazy theory about LiS even the ones that didn't come true ..
Can't wait to see more and more theories when LiS 2 its finally out :33 💙💙💙
i remember reading it somewhere but i cannot remember.
Maybe, just maybe it was because Lis 1 and Capitan Spirit are their games and BtS is not, so why talking about it.
Maybe the wielder of superpowers needs always a medium to activate it and the emotional feelings should be high enough of the medium. In the bathroom Chloe activaed Max's Powers because because of the Shock Chloe gone though facing death. She changed her whole tone with nathan after he draw the gun.
The same could be seen in Captain Spirit's adventure. Chris was very hurt and feld left alone in the finals scene. So he was already pushed emotionally. Then he fell and was frightend and right then super powers saved him.
On the other hand we knew from the last trailer, that the powers were there before the happenings with Chris. I hope we will get more answers to the supernatural powers and how it works.
LisDraconis22 kinda like mutants where their power manifests in times of heightened emotion or trauma
Gotta go against one point you made. I don't think the developers actually consider BtS Canon to S1.
S1 devs didn't know anything about the game until Deck Nine visited them and let them play episode 1. There are also a lot of continuity issues. Plus, I don't even think Square really refers to it as a prequel to S1. They just say it's set before the first game.
that doesn't invalidated the Max and Samuel evidence.
Geek Remix That's why I didn't go against that. Just saying that it's kinda obvious that Square and DONTNOD have separated the two games.
Honestly, this video made me go "why do I exist" if that makes sense.
I believe it isn't just Arcadia Bay but instead the whole world instead due to use of powers outside Arcadia Bay. A person who meets an extreme internal or external crossroads or has seen death or come near it may gain a symbolic yet useful power to their being and their oneness with this power decides if it stays or not. But that's just a theory, MY THEORY aaaaand bring on the angry MatPat comments.
Stop Me Oh is great! Like someone else in the comments, I recommend Anima Gaming; I've really enjoyed all of her LIS related videos.
I wonder if Life Is Strange might be connected to Beyond Two Souls with how Jodie's twin brother, Aiden died at birth and then was attached to Jodie, giving her powers to do things that most can't. Maybe depending how close you are to the person that died changes what power you get.
Life is Max and Chloe.
People in the LIS world main trigger or get powers when they experience a traumatic event, Ex. Death of a person jus like in LIS2
Spicy video mannn
Life Is Strange would be easy to crossover with Silent Hill. Towns built on native land, big drug problem, the "town" responds to the people living in it (SH reflects inner worlds in the fog plain or deeper, AB gives prophetic dreams and spirit guides), Bay doesnt have a weird cult going on and Max never had to abort god but eh details.
Just wanted to ask for your opinion on this but do you think this is why Episode 3 was heavily edited from its original content? Because it was supposed to be implied that Rachel had some sort of powers in episode 3 of Before the Storm but never happened along with other things that were cut from the episode like the Eliot scene was supposed to have Rachel save Chloe from his psychotic rampage but it wasn’t put into the final cut and it makes sense if they didn’t want to go with the Rachel has no powers approach. Either way I kind of wanted to see how episode 3 would of played out if they didn’t remove such content and maybe a game that gave us Rachel’s point of view of events since we now have one from Max and Chloe’s although at this point I doubt will happen.
Are you sure that's not just made up rumors?
I love the analysis, but do you have a source on Dontnod actually getting to approve the plot points of BtS? I think Deck9 did an amazing job of building their story into LiS1, and I hold it canon, but I had thought all of Dontnod’s statements of support are a bit suspect simply because SE must have them contractually obligated not to badmouth it.
I thought the same thing! But I dont thing BtS is canon
For all we know, Deck Nine had shown Dontnod a demo of ep1 before release, and Dontnod liked what they saw. That's all the feedback D9 ever received from Dontnod. It doesn't look like a close collaboration for me (like, frequent discussion, or a checklist of every story choice for Dontnod's approval). Actually, it seems that even Ashly Burch has more influence on the script than Dontnod did, since she got to edit Chloe's lines. I do believe that Dontnod liked BTS's story line (of ep1 at least), but in a way of "Oh, look they made such an amazing adaptation of our work!" most likely.
I'd argue that even Ashly Burch didn't have much influence. Maybe they listened to her a bit for Chloe's lines but at the end of the day they only brought her in because they wanted fan support and Ashly could provide that.
From an interview last summer (2017), this is David Hein (Deck 9 BtS Producer) answering [so, not DONTNOD, but anyway:]
"Q: Did you have any kind of interaction with DONTNOD to prepare yourselves to develop this
A: Life is Strange: Before the Storm from concept to production, is entirely the product of Deck
Nine Games. However, we’ve been in contact with DONTNOD for some time. We were very
proud to send our lead writer Zak Garriss to the DONTNOD studios with our first episode for
the Life Is Strange team to play. From that session, we gained a lot of great feedback that
has gone on to influence our story and gameplay"
I'll tell you where everyone's powers are really coming from: hotdog man. It's all hotdog man. He is the only thing constant throughout each game so it must be him :p
Is Life is Strange a superhero origin story disguised as a schmaltzy teenage drama?
Rewind is a real power
Interesting how samuel says "all i can tell you..." in that conversation as if there are things he isnt allowed to say or interveine with 🤔
you know the one thing i've never really understood is why max doesnt use her powers to save both rachel and chloe......let me explain max can time jump through photos correct? since max is a photogeek shouldnt she have a photo of her way before rachel dissapeared as in just time jump from oct 2013 back to march 2013 with her memories intact since we know max won her scholarship to blackwell yes? if max could timejump all the way to her childhood to save william couldn't she just time jump into her old timeline to save rachel and bust jefferson while she was still alive all she had to was just arrive a month before her dissapearance as in while chloe was still searching for sera (spoiler for thos who haven't played Lis B4 Dawn) rachels mother since we know that after we choose to tell rachel the truth or hide it from her and the scene where they were taking photos in the booth were days before her dissapearance so my burning question is why the devs didn't just fully utilizes max power to time jump? and just made a third option in the games ending where max actually fully utilize her time jump powers? to actually get a good ending for arcadia bay and keep chloe though there is a chance they wont be pricefield huh?
Great theories as always, but um.... WTF was that at the end of the video? Can't tell if you were just being weird or all the clips have some deeper meaning that went blasting over my head like a 747 😂
It's from tv show Twin Peaks, creators of LiS were influenced by this show and in game are many references to TP.
If chloe gave max the powers, as a butterfly then for her (chloe) to do that she must have died and then sat on the coffin etc.. so... how could she exist in the spirit form AND actual chloe form at the same time? Also, if we apply circular time logic here. Even then chloe giving powers to max would mean max has no other choice but to follow the events in the exact order.
Anyway excellent explanation you girls. Keep it up. I just want to wrap this in my head in form of a logical timeline.
So... They're basically just like quirks, except their quirk comes from spirit animals?
Imagine this in vr
William Hella! My boy, yay!
So in your mind ( won’t see Chloe until she’s dead) is Life is Strange perhaps all an attempt by the entity to give Chloe’s death meaning and/or give Chloe a chance to redeem her friendship and a chance to live again with her oldest friend? ( perhaps due to Rachel’s spirit in Arcadia bay?) ( beyond the possible need to find Rachel’s body and the serial killer/ rapist, of course)
Thematically, I've always thought this is kinda what the game is "about"- at least with the Save Arcadia Bay ending. Coming-of-age, but specifically, Arcadia Bay spirit(s) helping Max face all her grief, shock, and guilt surrounding Chloe's death, while also bringing closure/truth around Rachel's death. The many Chloe/Max scenes are Max getting what so many of us wish we could have with lost loved ones: a few more days together.
I say all this despite the fact that I liked Chloe's character, strongly related to her, and so longed for a world where her and Max could be alive and happy together. I found both endings heartbreaking.
Ok... Don't blame me for saying this.
But what if Max dies in LiS2 in the same way as 4:06?
Just to spread knowledge ;
Life is strange 2 takes place in Seattle in 2016 and it's about teenagers with powers + police is onto them (hyped af)
Source :official trailer
Love you mari and stacy
Lif is strange is Twin Peaks huh?
Omg I’m so early 😛
I feel kinda bad, I've played LIS dozens of times but i never bothered to talk to Sam much, so I never heard most of this dialog before. mind = blown
Oregon, home of weed and now helpful spirits
170th like, This Game is too LIT!
Have y’all not heard of the butterfly effect? That’s literally what this game is, look it up 🦋
Fun fact: Arcadia is the daughter of Diana, the goddess of witchcraft, and lucifer the Morningstar. She was sent to earth to teach witchcraft and magic to humans. I wonder if that'll have a role in the story🧐🤔🤨
Do people who die only become ghosts in specifically Arcadia or could this apply to chris’s mom in a way (does that take place in Arcadia I don’t remember)
His mom was from Arcadia Bay and went to Blackwell, so even if she didn't die there, her death was tragic and she was connected to the Bay. Personally I don't think Chris has powers, but maybe in LiS 2 we'll learn he has prophetic dreams?
i want your voice to narrate my life
Why havent you played the walking dead season 3? And will you play season 4 too?