The bouquet bar is an AMAZING jdea. Loved you collaborated with a local for it and the bouquets are beautiful. How fun! Love the live singing and samplers too wowow
I love everything about this event! I love the idea of a bouquet bar, all of the coffee and non- coffee options sound amazing, and you got recognition for bringing the croffle to your town! Everything about what you do seems so cozy, I wish I lived nearby so I could visit your cafe.
Beautiful cafe and content. It’s awesome you have a team and family to pitch in. This was a really cool event! Owning a cafe is a dream of mine. This was just the channel I needed to help keep my dream alive. Thanks for sharing! New subbie 🤗
I recently found you channel and this was my fav video so far BUT ALL OF THEM ARE SO GOOD! I love the heart of you, your husband and the staff. ❤ Love your channel! Y’all are awesome! God bless you all!
I just found your account and I am now binge watching all your videos, I love your content/Videos so so much! Keep going! I wish you all the best for your coffee shop ☺️
The bouquet bar is an AMAZING jdea. Loved you collaborated with a local for it and the bouquets are beautiful. How fun! Love the live singing and samplers too wowow
Thank you!! It was so much fun!
I love everything about this event! I love the idea of a bouquet bar, all of the coffee and non- coffee options sound amazing, and you got recognition for bringing the croffle to your town! Everything about what you do seems so cozy, I wish I lived nearby so I could visit your cafe.
Thank you so much!! That means a lot! 🥺 Hopefully someday we can meet! 😊
Beautiful cafe and content. It’s awesome you have a team and family to pitch in. This was a really cool event! Owning a cafe is a dream of mine. This was just the channel I needed to help keep my dream alive. Thanks for sharing! New subbie 🤗
Omg what a sweet comment. Thank you for sharing!! Could not do this without a great support system for sure! I am rooting for you!! 🤍
I recently found you channel and this was my fav video so far BUT ALL OF THEM ARE SO GOOD! I love the heart of you, your husband and the staff. ❤ Love your channel! Y’all are awesome! God bless you all!
🥺🥺🥺 thank you!! I worked the hardest on this one so that means a lot! God bless!!
I just found your account and I am now binge watching all your videos, I love your content/Videos so so much! Keep going! I wish you all the best for your coffee shop ☺️
Thank you!!! That means a lot! 🤍🤍😭🥺
We won't miss to visit your lovely cafè when we'll be there :)
Thank you so much!! 🥺🥺🤍🤍