Imamology in Twelver-Shi’ite Islamic Thought

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • Hadi Qazwini, Ph.D. candidate at the University of Southern California, presents an overview of the multifaceted doctrine of Imamology in Twelver-Shiʿite thought. Specifically, he explores Imamology’s relationship to Divine Grace and Prophetology, and the ways in which this relationship produces several major doctrines that Twelver-Shiʿites would come to regard as “essentials of faith.”
    This lecture is supported by the Imam Ali Chair for the Study of Shi’i Islam and Dialogue Among Islamic Legal Schools.

Комментарии • 26

  • @abdullaahbinbaroos6096
    @abdullaahbinbaroos6096 3 года назад +4

    The Awliyah which are more emphasized in the Sunni Sufi tradition are mostly Ahlul Bayt from Imam Hassan Ibn Ali a.s..

  • @abdullaahbinbaroos6096
    @abdullaahbinbaroos6096 3 года назад

    Why is that according to Twelver Shia that the Imams only descend from Imam Husayn a.s. and not Imam Hassan?

    • @amink6291
      @amink6291 3 года назад

      @Abdullaah Bin Baroos
      The Imams descend from Imam Hasan (a.s.) as well. The mother of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.)
      is the daughter of Imam Hasan (a.s.). So?

    • @abdullaahbinbaroos6096
      @abdullaahbinbaroos6096 3 года назад

      @@amink6291 Thank you

    • @amink6291
      @amink6291 3 года назад

      You're welcome.

    • @belhazardiman5359
      @belhazardiman5359 3 года назад +1

      @@amink6291 with your permisdion i would like to add.. The 9 Imams were descended both from IMAM HASSAN AND IMAM HUSSAIN, Imam Al Sajjad ibn Hussain the 4th Imam married her first cousin the daughtetr of Imam Hassan thus all the 9 Imams were from IMAM HASSAN AND IMAM HUSSAIN.

  • @maranathavictory9963
    @maranathavictory9963 4 года назад

    Good Effort by Hadi

  • @imranahmed1542
    @imranahmed1542 6 лет назад +6

    What's the point of This, it's just to justify their created sect belief, no proof, only using their own made up weak narrations. If their in sahih hadiths with authentic chain of narration then why not mention in detail and put up these links

    • @RUNESCAPER123
      @RUNESCAPER123 4 года назад +5

      You're an idiot lmao.. imagine following the prophets friends/companions instead of his IMMEDIATE FAMILY. Enough said.

    • @UMAIRRAJA90
      @UMAIRRAJA90 4 года назад

      adkl96 yeah sure imagine following the cousin more then wife who until death was with him.

    • @IslamOriginal14
      @IslamOriginal14 4 года назад +1

      Tarikh Bukhari and Sahih Muslim #31.5920
      One day Allah's Messenger stood up to deliver sermon at a watering place known as Khumm situated between Makkah and Medina. He praised the God, extolled Him, delivered a sermon, exhorted us, and said, "now to our purpose. O people, I am a human being. I am about to receive a messenger from my Lord and I, in response to God's call, bid good bye to you, but I am leaving among you 2 weighty things--the one being the book of God in which there is right guidance and light so hold fast to the book of God and adhere to it. He exhorted us to hold fast to the book of God and then said the 2nd are the members of my household. I remind you of your duties to the members of my family."
      Mustadrak Hakim #47576 certifies this next tradition as authentic by the criteria of Bukhari and Muslim.
      Zayd ibn Arqam said,
      When the messenger of Allah was returning from the farewell pilgrimage he arrived at Ghadeer Khumm. He stood between two trees and said, "I have been called to deliver a message, so I have responded. I have left among you 2 weighty items, one of which--the book of God--is greater than the other, and [the second is] my close family ('itrah). Watch how you succeed me with respect to the two of them, as the two will not separate until they come to me at the fount." He then said, "Allah the Great and Glorious, is my master (mawla), and I am the master of every believer." He then grabbed the hand of Ali and said, "Whosoever master I am, this is his master. O Allah, be guardian (wali) of his devotee, and be the enemy of his enemy."
      According to Musnad Hanbal #18502 , Bara' ibn Azib said,
      We were with the messenger of Allah on a trip when we arrived in Ghadir Khumm. Congregational prayers were called for us, and the Messenger of Allah swept an area between two trees and prayed the noon prayers there. He then held the hand of Ali and said, "Do you not know that I am more of a master (wali) over the believers than their own selves?" They replied, "Yes!" He said, "Do you not know that I am more of a master over each believer than his own self?" They replied, "Yes!" He held the hand of Ali and said, "Whosoever master I am, Ali is his master. O Allah, be the guardian (wali) of his devotee, and be the enemy of his enemy." Umar went to him after this and said, "Congratulations, O son of Abu Talib, for you spend your days and nights as the master of every believing man and woman."
      See the following sunni historical and biographical texts, tafseer, and hadith below where the Prophet said: "Whosever mawla I am, Ali is his mawla." Or alternatively, "whosever wali I am, Ali is his wali. O Allah! Take as wali he who takes Ali as wali and be the enemy of his enemy." They are:
      Tarikh Bukhari vol 1 #1191 (Isma il ibn Nashit), vol 4 #2458 (Sahm ibn Husayn), vol 6 #2277 (Uthman ibn Asim).
      Sahih Muslim #31.5920
      Sunan Tirmidhi #3712 and #3713
      Sunan Ibn Majah #121
      Mustadrak Hakim #2589 and #4576 are authentic by the criteria of Sahih Bukhari and Muslim. (That means Mustadrak Hakim graded the hadiths by the standards of Bukhari and Muslim and it came out authentic).
      Mustadrak Hakim #4577-8, #4601, #4652, #5594, #6272. (#4578 is authentic by the criteria of Muslim and #4652 and #6272 are authentic by Hakim al-Nisaburu himself).
      Musnad Hanbal #641, #950, #961, #1310, #3062-3, #18502-3, #19298, #19321, #19344, #19347, #22995, #23078, #23107, #23156, #23192, #23609.
      Jami al-Saghir Suyuti #5598, #9000, #9001.
      Sunan al-Kubra Nasa'i #8144, #8145, #8148, #8399, #8409, #8464-73, #8478, #8480, #8483, #8484, #8542.
      Khasa'is Nasa'i 93-97 (ten chains of transmission).
      Fada'il Hanbal #947, #959, #967, #989, #991, #992, #1007, #1016, #1017, #1021, #1042, #1048, #1093, #1167, #1168, #1206.
      Fath al-Bari #3503, #4093.
      Umdah al-Qari 18:206.
      Fayd al-Qadir #10, #5598, #9000, #9001.
      Majma' al-Zawa'id #10978, #14610-22, #14626-36, #14696, #14965-6. Certifies those in the chains of transmission of traditions #14610, #14614, #14615, #14620-2, #14626, #14628, #14632, and #14696 as trustworthy (thuqat); certifies tradition #14627 and #14634 as good (hasan); and certifies tradition #14613 as authentic.
      Kanz al-Ummal #950, #953, #957, #958, #12911, #31662, #32904-5, #32916, #32945-6, #32949-51, #36340, #36342-4, #36417-8, #36420, #36422, #36425, #36430, #36433, #36485-7, #36495, #36511, #36514, #36515.
      Tabaqat al-Kubra 5:320
      Isabah 2:1296 #5690 (Ali ibn Abi Talib).
      Isti'ab 3:203 #1875 (Ali ibn Abi Talib).
      Usd al-Ghabah 3:294 #3789 (Ali ibn Abi Talib).
      Ibn Abi al-Hadid 2:289, 3:208, 4:74, 6:168, 8:21, 9:28, 12:88, 17:174, 19:217.
      Dhakha'ir al-Uqba 67, 88.
      Riyad al-Nadirah 3:126-128 (numerous traditions), 3:175, 3:232-3.
      Tarikh Baghdad #3024 (Muhammad ibn Abd Allah ibn Muhammad), #3905 (Hasan ibn Ali Ibn Sahl), #4392 (Habshun Ibn Musa), #6785 (Fadl ibn Rabi'), #7545 (Yahya ibn Muhammad ibn Umar).
      Tarikh Damishq 13:69-71 (several traditions), 18:138, 25:108, 38:414, 42:99, 42:100, 42:102, 42:114, 42:116, 42:117, 42:119, 42:120, 42:187, 42:188, 42:191, 42:192, 42:193, 42:194, 42:205-238 (numerous traditions), 45:344, 65:324.
      Tarikh Ibn Kathir 5:228-33 (numerous traditions), 7:370, 7:374, 7:376, 7:379, 7:380, 7:383-7 (numerous traditions), 9:194, 11:409.
      Tarikh al-Khulafa 151.
      Tafsir Razi, verses 5:67 and 57:15.
      Tafsir Ibn Kathir verse 5:3.
      Tafsir Shawkani verses 5:67 and 33:6.
      Tafsir Tha'labi verses 5:67 and 70:1-3.
      Tafsir al Durr al-Manthur verses 5:3, 5:55, 5:67, 33:6.
      Tafsir Nisaburi, verses 5:67 and 57:15.
      Shawahid al-Tanzil #210-215, verse 5:3. #1030-34, verses 70:1-2.
      Lisan al-Mizan vol 1 #1215 (Isfandyar ibn Muwaffaq).
      Tafsir Qurtubi verse 70:1-3
      Sirah Halabiyyah 3:337
      Tafsir Alusi verse 70:1-3

    • @IslamOriginal14
      @IslamOriginal14 4 года назад +1

      Sahih Bukhari #9.89.329 & Tarikh Bukhari vol 8 #3520 (Yunus ibn Abi Ya fur)
      Narrated Jabir ibn Samurah: I heard the Prophet saying, "There will be twelve Muslim rulers." He then said a sentence which I did not hear. My father said, "All of them will be from Quraysh."
      Sahih Muslim #20.4477-84 and Sharh Sahih Muslim of Nawawi 12:201
      Jabir ibn Samurah narrates: The Messenger of Allah said, "The affairs of the people will continue to be conducted well as long as they are governed by twelve men/caliphs among them." Then he said something that I could not follow. I said to my father, "What did he say?" He said: He has said, "All of them will be from the Quraysh."
      Also in:
      Sunan Abu Dawud #4279-81
      Sunan Tirmidhi #2223 (certifies as hasan-sahih)
      Musnad Hanbal (32 traditions) #3781, #3859, #20824, etc.
      Mustadrak Hakim #6586, #6589
      Kanz al-Ummal #30929, #33848-61, #39657 says
      "Ibn Abbas, who quoted the Prophet as saying, "There will remain twelve rulers (amirs) and then the Hour will come."
      Majma al-Zawaid #8967, #8968 (certified authentic)
      Fath al Bari #6796
      Tarikh ibn Kathir 6:215, 6:221, 6:278-9
      Tarikh al-Khulafa 16-18 says:
      "Ibn Masud was asked, "O Abu Abd al Rahman, did you ask the Messenger of Allah how many khalifs this nation will have?" He said, "Since I have come to Iraq, no one has asked me this but you. We asked the Messenger of Allah this question, and he said, 'Twelve -- the same number as the chiefs of the [twelve tribes of the] Children of Israel.'" (Certified as authentic)."
      Fara id al-Simtayn of Juwayni pg. 160.
      --NOTE: Juwayni was a leader of the Asharis and also one of the teachers of the famous Sunni scholar Dhahabi. At the conclusion of Tadhikirah al Huffaz, Dhahabi lists his masters and says about Juwayni, "The imam, preeminent and outstanding scholar of tradition, the pride of Islam, the heart of religion." END OF NOTE.
      Faraid al Simtayn pg. 160 says:
      "Abd Allah ibn Abbas said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: "I and Ali and Hasan and Husayn and the nine of the offspring of Husayn are pure and protected from sin."
      Yanabi al-Mawaddah 3:281-3, 3:284-5, and 3:380-1. This source some say is from a Shia. But the author of this says he is Sunni but has intense love for Ahlul Bayt.
      In Yanabi al-Mawaddah 3:284-5, regarding the 12 Imams:
      "According to Jabir ibn Abd Allah al Ansari, the Messenger of Allah siad my executors are 12... the first of them is the chief of the executors (sayyid al awsiya), the father of the imams Ali, he his two sons, Hasan and Husayn, so stick to them and do not allow the ignorance of the ignorant to deceive you... when the time of Husayn passes, the imam will be his son Ali, entitled Zayn al-Abiden. After him will be his son Muhammad, entitled al-Baqir. After him will be his son Jafar, called As Sadiq. After him will be his son Musa, called al Kazim. After him will be his son Ali, called al Rida. After him will be his son Muhammad, called al Taqi or al Zaki. After him will be his son Ali, called al Naqi and al Hadi. After him will be his son Hasan, called al-Askari. After him will be his son Muhammad, called al Mahdi, al Qaim, and al Hujjah. He will go into occultation and then come out. When he comes out, he will fill the earth with righteousness and justice the same way it was filled with oppresion and injustice. The patient oness during this occultation will be blessed with the blessings of the pious for their love of these imamas. Allah has described them in His Book, where He says, 'a guide for the pious--those who believe in the unseen."

    • @IslamOriginal14
      @IslamOriginal14 4 года назад +1

      Sahih Muslim #31.5920-3
      The Prophet said, "I am leaving among you two weighty things, one being the Book of Allah in which there is right guidance and light, so hold fast to the Book of Allah and adhere to it... The second are the members of my household (Ahl al-Bayt; Quran 33:33). I remind you of the members of my family."
      Sunan Tirmidhi #3788; Musnad Hanbal #11147 and #11119; and Fada il Hanbal #1382
      The Prophet said: I leave for you that which, if you stick to it, you will never be misguided after me. One is greater than the other. The Book of Allah, which is a rope extending from heaven to earth, and my close family (itrah), my Ahl al Bayt. They will not separate from one another until they come to me at the fount. So watch how you succeed me (takhlufuni, form the same root as khalif) in the two."
      Other prominent sunni works this tradition is mentioned:
      Musnad Hanbal #11578, #19332, #19285, #21618, #21697
      Kanz al Ummal #872, #873, #944, #946, #951-3, #957, #958, #1657, #12911, #36340, #37620-1, #39192
      Fada il Hanbal #968, #1032, #1383
      Majma al Zawa id #14957-9, #14962 (certifies the chain as excellent)
      Mustadrik Hakim #4576 and #4711 (certifies the tradition authentic by the criteria of Bukhari and Muslim)
      Mustadrik Hakim #6272 (certifies as authentic)
      Sunan al Kubra Nasa i #8175
      Sunan al Kubra Bayhaqi #2679, #13017, #20122
      Khasa is Nasa i 93
      Jami al Saghir Suyuti #2631
      Khasa is al Kubra Suyuti 2:395
      Fayd al Qadir #1608, #2631
      Usd al Ghabah 2:16 #1165 (Hasan ibn Ali)
      Tarkh Ibn Kathir 5:228, 7:386
      Tarikh Damishq 19:258, 41:19, 42:216, 54:92
      Ibn Abi al Hadid 6:375, 9:133, 10:270, 18:43
      Tafsir Ibn Atiyya, verse 55:29
      Tafsir Baghawi, verses 42:23 and 55:31
      Tafsir Baqa i, verse 55:31
      Tafsir Durr al Manthur, verse 3:101 and 3:103
      Tafsir Abu Hayyan, verse 55:31
      Tafsir Ibn Kathir, verse 33:33 and 42:23
      Tafsir Khazin, verses 42:23 and 55:31
      Tafsir Nisaburi, verses 3:101 and 3:103
      Tafsir Razi, verse 3:103
      Tafsir Thalabi, verses 3:132, 33:33, and 55:31
      And more

  • @mohammedfaruquzzaman9487
    @mohammedfaruquzzaman9487 4 года назад

    I don’t even understand why discussion about this. What is actual mission ⁉️ What they want to earn⁉️

    • @IslamOriginal14
      @IslamOriginal14 4 года назад

      Tarikh Bukhari and Sahih Muslim #31.5920
      One day Allah's Messenger stood up to deliver sermon at a watering place known as Khumm situated between Makkah and Medina. He praised the God, extolled Him, delivered a sermon, exhorted us, and said, "now to our purpose. O people, I am a human being. I am about to receive a messenger from my Lord and I, in response to God's call, bid good bye to you, but I am leaving among you 2 weighty things--the one being the book of God in which there is right guidance and light so hold fast to the book of God and adhere to it. He exhorted us to hold fast to the book of God and then said the 2nd are the members of my household. I remind you of your duties to the members of my family."
      Mustadrak Hakim #47576 certifies this next tradition as authentic by the criteria of Bukhari and Muslim.
      Zayd ibn Arqam said,
      When the messenger of Allah was returning from the farewell pilgrimage he arrived at Ghadeer Khumm. He stood between two trees and said, "I have been called to deliver a message, so I have responded. I have left among you 2 weighty items, one of which--the book of God--is greater than the other, and [the second is] my close family ('itrah). Watch how you succeed me with respect to the two of them, as the two will not separate until they come to me at the fount." He then said, "Allah the Great and Glorious, is my master (mawla), and I am the master of every believer." He then grabbed the hand of Ali and said, "Whosoever master I am, this is his master. O Allah, be guardian (wali) of his devotee, and be the enemy of his enemy."
      According to Musnad Hanbal #18502 , Bara' ibn Azib said,
      We were with the messenger of Allah on a trip when we arrived in Ghadir Khumm. Congregational prayers were called for us, and the Messenger of Allah swept an area between two trees and prayed the noon prayers there. He then held the hand of Ali and said, "Do you not know that I am more of a master (wali) over the believers than their own selves?" They replied, "Yes!" He said, "Do you not know that I am more of a master over each believer than his own self?" They replied, "Yes!" He held the hand of Ali and said, "Whosoever master I am, Ali is his master. O Allah, be the guardian (wali) of his devotee, and be the enemy of his enemy." Umar went to him after this and said, "Congratulations, O son of Abu Talib, for you spend your days and nights as the master of every believing man and woman."
      See the following sunni historical and biographical texts, tafseer, and hadith below where the Prophet said: "Whosever mawla I am, Ali is his mawla." Or alternatively, "whosever wali I am, Ali is his wali. O Allah! Take as wali he who takes Ali as wali and be the enemy of his enemy." They are:
      Tarikh Bukhari vol 1 #1191 (Isma il ibn Nashit), vol 4 #2458 (Sahm ibn Husayn), vol 6 #2277 (Uthman ibn Asim).
      Sahih Muslim #31.5920
      Sunan Tirmidhi #3712 and #3713
      Sunan Ibn Majah #121
      Mustadrak Hakim #2589 and #4576 are authentic by the criteria of Sahih Bukhari and Muslim. (That means Mustadrak Hakim graded the hadiths by the standards of Bukhari and Muslim and it came out authentic).
      Mustadrak Hakim #4577-8, #4601, #4652, #5594, #6272. (#4578 is authentic by the criteria of Muslim and #4652 and #6272 are authentic by Hakim al-Nisaburu himself).
      Musnad Hanbal #641, #950, #961, #1310, #3062-3, #18502-3, #19298, #19321, #19344, #19347, #22995, #23078, #23107, #23156, #23192, #23609.
      Jami al-Saghir Suyuti #5598, #9000, #9001.
      Sunan al-Kubra Nasa'i #8144, #8145, #8148, #8399, #8409, #8464-73, #8478, #8480, #8483, #8484, #8542.
      Khasa'is Nasa'i 93-97 (ten chains of transmission).
      Fada'il Hanbal #947, #959, #967, #989, #991, #992, #1007, #1016, #1017, #1021, #1042, #1048, #1093, #1167, #1168, #1206.
      Fath al-Bari #3503, #4093.
      Umdah al-Qari 18:206.
      Fayd al-Qadir #10, #5598, #9000, #9001.
      Majma' al-Zawa'id #10978, #14610-22, #14626-36, #14696, #14965-6. Certifies those in the chains of transmission of traditions #14610, #14614, #14615, #14620-2, #14626, #14628, #14632, and #14696 as trustworthy (thuqat); certifies tradition #14627 and #14634 as good (hasan); and certifies tradition #14613 as authentic.
      Kanz al-Ummal #950, #953, #957, #958, #12911, #31662, #32904-5, #32916, #32945-6, #32949-51, #36340, #36342-4, #36417-8, #36420, #36422, #36425, #36430, #36433, #36485-7, #36495, #36511, #36514, #36515.
      Tabaqat al-Kubra 5:320
      Isabah 2:1296 #5690 (Ali ibn Abi Talib).
      Isti'ab 3:203 #1875 (Ali ibn Abi Talib).
      Usd al-Ghabah 3:294 #3789 (Ali ibn Abi Talib).
      Ibn Abi al-Hadid 2:289, 3:208, 4:74, 6:168, 8:21, 9:28, 12:88, 17:174, 19:217.
      Dhakha'ir al-Uqba 67, 88.
      Riyad al-Nadirah 3:126-128 (numerous traditions), 3:175, 3:232-3.
      Tarikh Baghdad #3024 (Muhammad ibn Abd Allah ibn Muhammad), #3905 (Hasan ibn Ali Ibn Sahl), #4392 (Habshun Ibn Musa), #6785 (Fadl ibn Rabi'), #7545 (Yahya ibn Muhammad ibn Umar).
      Tarikh Damishq 13:69-71 (several traditions), 18:138, 25:108, 38:414, 42:99, 42:100, 42:102, 42:114, 42:116, 42:117, 42:119, 42:120, 42:187, 42:188, 42:191, 42:192, 42:193, 42:194, 42:205-238 (numerous traditions), 45:344, 65:324.
      Tarikh Ibn Kathir 5:228-33 (numerous traditions), 7:370, 7:374, 7:376, 7:379, 7:380, 7:383-7 (numerous traditions), 9:194, 11:409.
      Tarikh al-Khulafa 151.
      Tafsir Razi, verses 5:67 and 57:15.
      Tafsir Ibn Kathir verse 5:3.
      Tafsir Shawkani verses 5:67 and 33:6.
      Tafsir Tha'labi verses 5:67 and 70:1-3.
      Tafsir al Durr al-Manthur verses 5:3, 5:55, 5:67, 33:6.
      Tafsir Nisaburi, verses 5:67 and 57:15.
      Shawahid al-Tanzil #210-215, verse 5:3. #1030-34, verses 70:1-2.
      Lisan al-Mizan vol 1 #1215 (Isfandyar ibn Muwaffaq).
      Tafsir Qurtubi verse 70:1-3
      Sirah Halabiyyah 3:337
      Tafsir Alusi verse 70:1-3

    • @IslamOriginal14
      @IslamOriginal14 3 года назад +1

      @Angie J oh its my pleasure. Here's more.
      Sahih Bukhari #9.89.329 & Tarikh Bukhari vol 8 #3520 (Yunus ibn Abi Ya fur)
      Narrated Jabir ibn Samurah: I heard the Prophet saying, "There will be twelve Muslim rulers." He then said a sentence which I did not hear. My father said, "All of them will be from Quraysh."
      Sahih Muslim #20.4477-84 and Sharh Sahih Muslim of Nawawi 12:201
      Jabir ibn Samurah narrates: The Messenger of Allah said, "The affairs of the people will continue to be conducted well as long as they are governed by twelve men/caliphs among them." Then he said something that I could not follow. I said to my father, "What did he say?" He said: He has said, "All of them will be from the Quraysh."
      Also in:
      Sunan Abu Dawud #4279-81
      Sunan Tirmidhi #2223 (certifies as hasan-sahih)
      Musnad Hanbal (32 traditions) #3781, #3859, #20824, etc.
      Mustadrak Hakim #6586, #6589
      Kanz al-Ummal #30929, #33848-61, #39657
      Ibn Abbas, who quoted the Prophet as saying, "There will remain twelve rulers (amirs) and then the Hour will come."
      Majma al-Zawaid #8967, #8968 (certified authentic)
      Fath al Bari #6796
      Tarikh ibn Kathir 6:215, 6:221, 6:278-9
      Tarikh al-Khulafa 16-18
      Ibn Masud was asked, "O Abu Abd al Rahman, did you ask the Messenger of Allah how many khalifs this nation will have?" He said, "Since I have come to Iraq, no one has asked me this but you. We asked the Messenger of Allah this question, and he said, 'Twelve -- the same number as the chiefs of the [twelve tribes of the] Children of Israel.'" (Certified as authentic).
      Fara id al-Simtayn of Juwayni pg. 160.
      Abd Allah ibn Abbas said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: "I and Ali and Hasan and Husayn and the nine of the offspring of Husayn are pure and protected from sin."
      Yanabi al-Mawaddah 3:281-3, 3:284-5, and 3:380-1
      In Yanabi al-Mawaddah 3:284-5, regarding the 12 Imams
      "According to Jabir ibn Abd Allah al Ansari, the Messenger of Allah siad my executors are 12... the first of them is the chief of the executors (sayyid al awsiya), the father of the imams Ali, he his two sons, Hasan and Husayn, so stick to them and do not allow the ignorance of the ignorant to deceive you... when the time of Husayn passes, the imam will be his son Ali, entitled Zayn al-Abiden. After him will be his son Muhammad, entitled al-Baqir. After him will be his son Jafar, called As Sadiq. After him will be his son Musa, called al Kazim. After him will be his son Ali, called al Rida. After him will be his son Muhammad, called al Taqi or al Zaki. After him will be his son Ali, called al Naqi and al Hadi. After him will be his son Hasan, called al-Askari. After him will be his son Muhammad, called al Mahdi, al Qaim, and al Hujjah. He will go into occultation and then come out. When he comes out, he will fill the earth with righteousness and justice the same way it was filled with oppresion and injustice. The patient oness during this occultation will be blessed with the blessings of the pious for their love of these imamas. Allah has described them in His Book, where He says, 'a guide for the pious--those who believe in the unseen.'

    • @IslamOriginal14
      @IslamOriginal14 3 года назад

      @Angie J no problem. I have a glossary of proofs from Quran and hadith verifying Islam Original is Quran and Ahlul Bayt. All sunni sources.
      Im shia. Not one source I've referenced is from shia literature. Which goes to show the truth. We shia follow Aale Muhammad, who is Aale Ibrahim. Ill leave you with this, wa assalam.
      Quran 42:23 and 25:57. Loving the Prophet's close ones is the way to Allah. Quran 34:47 its not for the Prophet's sake, but for our own selves.
      --Tafsir Razi, Tafsir Thalabi, Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthur, Tafsir Qurtubi, Tafsir Zamakhshari for 42:23
      --Sahih Bukhari #4.56.701
      --Kifayah al-Talib by Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Ganji al-Shaf'i 90, chapter 11
      --Dhakha ir al-Uqba by Muhibb al-Tabari 26
      --Majma al-Zawa'id wa Manba al Fawa'id by Ali ibn Abi Bakr al-Haythami #14798
      --Sahih Bukhari #5.57.94

    • @IslamOriginal14
      @IslamOriginal14 3 года назад

      @Angie J of course sister. It would be my pleasure to help if I can.

    • @IslamOriginal14
      @IslamOriginal14 3 года назад

      @Angie J yes, the Ali the tradition refers to is Imam Ali, husband of Lady Fatima. He was the Prophet's first cousin as well.
      The Prophet said "Verily Ali is ftom me and I am from him." He told Ali, "You are from me and I am from you." The Prophet also told Gabriel, "Verly Ali is from me and I am from him."
      --Sahih Bukhari #3.49.863, 5.59.553
      --Sunan Tirmidhi #3712, #3716, #3719
      --Sunan Ibn Majah #119
      --Musnad Hanbal #931, #17545-7
      --Mustadrak Hakim #4621 (authentic by the criteria of Bukhari and Muslim)
      The Prophet said to Ali, "You are in the same position in relation to me as Aaron was in relation to Moses, except that there will be no prophet after me."
      --Sahih Bukhari #5.57.56, #5.58.700
      --Sahih Muslim #31.5913-6
      --Sunan Tirmidhi #3724, #3730, #3731
      --Sunan Ibn Majah #115, #121
      --Musnad Hanbal #1463, #1490, #1505, etc.
      --Mustadrak Hakim #4576 (certifies this tradition authentic by the criteria of Bukhari and Muslim)
      --Sunan al-Kubra of Nasa'i #8138-43, #8398-9, #8409, #8429-49