Hello classical music lovers! you can now discover unknown masterpieces, create lists, discuss and review works/composers on our new website classicalmusiconly.com
@@diretoriadiretoria2963 some would say that Von Weber was the predecessor to that movement whereas some would say he actually was the first in that category . ... you do realize classical music embraces many forms ... just wondering therefore how you would classify Allen Hovhaness
I'm from former Soviet Union have some music education. And I know he was opera composer and they very long not like regular for example 2 hours and much longer and we were learning just like touch... I'm very interested in libretto or sujet of one of the famous one please
Die Ouvertüre zum Freischütz ist sagenhaft schön und beruhigend. Unsere ganze Familie ist von dieser gesamten Oper immer wieder beeindruckt. Schade die komische Zeit lässt keine Theaterbesuche mehr zu. Alles Liebe und Gute für Sie persönlich.
@@cwd2856 Wozu ins Theater gehen, wenn man das größte Theater seit 2020 in ganz Deutschland hat? Die politischen Schauspieler sollten sich jedoch mehr Mühe geben, weil es nicht überzeugt und ermüdend ist. Aber vielleicht ist der Effekt, den es hat, so gewollt. Gott segne alle Menschen, die sich dagegen stellen oder langsam aufwachen und möge dem Rest beim Aufwachen helfen.
Carl Maria Von Weber Soweit ich weiß haben die Leute in Bayern auch die NSDAP gewählt, außerdem: Bier gab es schon vor Bayern, Bretzeln gelten immer noch aus Bayern stamment und in Lederhosen will hier im Norden nichtmal wer begraben werden. Wie gesagt: Nicht richtig Deutsch können, bildungsferne Kommentare abgeben aber ersntgenommen werden wollen XD Bayern eben
Carl Maria Von Weber Mit den Worten Mark Twains, mit denen ich jedes Gespräch mit 12-jährigen beende: "Streite nie mit einem Idioten, er zieht dich auf sein Niveau und schlägt dich mit Erfahrung"
Carl Maria Von Weber As an American who spent two years in the Army in Germany, why am I not surprised that self proclaimed "Germans" can engage in an infantile public squabble over such beautiful music? Please spare me the reflexive infantile anti-Americanism. (Really, it there any other kind?) If it wasn't for us, you two, like everyone else in Germany, would be bastard children of the Red Army. (Oops, that was infantile.)
I love classical music, I'm 16, whenever I've had my friends over and it's been playing they can't stand it, even the climactic parts. They can't see the light, I guess people are musically deaf to anything but modern music these days, which becomes old in a week, but classical is timeless.
It is interesting to see a discussion about the usage of this song on an anime show and how people are being directed to it from there. I would like to share what brought me here: Wikipedia: Semperoper / Bombing of Dresden The Semperoper is the opera house of the Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden.. the building is located near the Elbe River in the historic centre of Dresden, Germany... In 1945, during the last months of World War II, the building was largely destroyed again, this time by the bombing of Dresden and subsequent firestorm, leaving only the exterior shell standing. Exactly 40 years later, on 13 February 1985, the opera's reconstruction was completed... The Semperoper reopened with the opera that was performed just before the building's destruction in 1945, Carl Maria von Weber's "Der Freischütz".
people are also brought here by a french music group named stupeflip so there is french people, and mostly american people brought here by a japanese cartoon to a german music funny
Mi padre Manuel me introdujo en la obra de Weber. Su creación me ha acompañado siempre y forma parte del recuerdo de mi padre que se despierta cada vez que lo escucho. Esta ópera me fascina en su totalidad
Der Freischutz was also a seductive inspiration for Ennio Morricone, when he was a child. At the age of 10 Morricone composed some Weber-style "Hunts", compositions for two horns. Before the age of 11, when Morricone began studying the trumpet, he destroyed all his childhood compositions
Le passage où l'on entend la clarinette me rappelle que von Weber est le seul après l'illustre Mozart à avoir composé sérieusement pour cet instrument sublime.
Daran sieht man das die Welt nicht verloren ist nichts gegen den heutigen Musik Geschmack aber Klassik bzw. Barok finde ich persönlich immer noch schöner
As a lover of Beethoven I've always had an affinity for von Weber's music. His music is probably as close to sounding like Beethoven of any other composer I've heard.
Im a huge classical music fan, being a musician myself in the orchestra genres in addition to being a huge Hellsing fan as well so this is the music I live for :D
That one time when you're chilling in your captured aircraft carrier with vampire krauts while shooting up anti-ship missiles and fighter jets, then suddenly you sense Alucard coming directly into you while doing a nosedive at Mach 2.8 in a SR-71 Reconnaissance Aircraft...
Seriously, classical music requires a wise, intellectual, sentimental mind therefore this beautiful and emotionally filled music is not just for anyone's ears. Classical music is beautiful music. Now, as for the cartoon depiction of classical music the cartoonist were keeping great music alive in the mind of kids and our society. These composers put much thought and feelings in this music that's why it's so lovely and psychologically touching.
We’re playing this in my local youth orchestra at the moment, and I’m the only horn player there, which makes the horn quartet at the beginning quite interesting
Der Freischütz Prononciation du titre dans sa version originale Écouter (op. 77) est un opéra allemand en trois actes de Carl Maria von Weber, qui connut un triomphe lors de sa première le 18 juin 1821 au Königliches Schauspielhaus de Berlin. Considéré aujourd'hui comme l'un des premiers opéras romantiques avec Fidelio de Ludwig van Beethoven (1805), son livret fut écrit par le poète Johann Friedrich Kind d'après un conte populaire germanique (dans la version publiée en 1811 dans Das Gespensterbuch), et une première ébauche de Weber et d'A. de Dusch. Historique C'est lors d'un séjour en 1810 au château de Neubourg que Weber, impressionné par la récente création du Fidelio, premier (et unique) opéra de Beethoven, arrête son choix sur le conte Des Jägers Braut comme sujet d'opéra. Mais d'autres engagements l'accaparent et ce n'est qu'en 1816 qu'il demande au poète Johann Friedrich Kind d'en tirer un livret. La composition commence en juillet 1817. Créée le 18 juin 1821 à Berlin, en raison de tensions politiques à Dresde où Weber est officiellement en poste, l'œuvre rencontre un succès immédiat, qui se propage rapidement dans toute l'Europe et devient le symbole de la naissance de l'opéra romantique allemand. Parmi les nombreux artistes qui ont été influencés par Der Freischütz figure le jeune Richard Wagner, qui sera considéré par beaucoup comme le successeur de Weber. La création de la version française a lieu au théâtre de l'Odéon le 7 décembre 1824 dans une adaptation de Castil-Blaze et Thomas Sauvage - très éloignée de l'original - intitulée Robin des Bois ou les Trois Balles, et qui sera reprise régulièrement par la suite, notamment à l'Opéra-Comique le 15 janvier 1835 et au Théâtre-Lyrique le 24 janvier 1855. La création parisienne de la version originale en allemand a lieu, quant à elle, au Théâtre-Italien (salle Favart) le 14 mai 1829 par une troupe allemande qui permet au public parisien de découvrir également les deux autres chefs-d'œuvre de Weber, Euryanthe (1823) et Oberon (1826). Une deuxième version française, plus fidèle, est réalisée en 1841 par Hector Berlioz et Émilien Pacini pour l'Opéra de Paris sous le titre Le Freyschütz. Pour le ballet du deuxième acte de cette représentation, exigé par la forme « grand opéra » imposée par la « Grande Boutique », Berlioz orchestre l’Invitation à la danse de Weber, refusant d'écrire lui-même la musique de ce ballet et restant fidèle à l'écriture du compositeur du Freischütz, même si l'on y reconnaît les couleurs du « Bal » de la Symphonie fantastique. .................................................................... Der Freischütz is a three-act German opera by Carl Maria von Weber, which premiered on 18 June 1821 at the Königliches Schauspielhaus in Berlin. Considered today as one of the first romantic operas with Fidelio by Ludwig van Beethoven (1805), his libretto was written by the poet Johann Friedrich Kind after a Germanic folk tale (published in 1811 in Das Gespensterbuch) , and a first outline of Weber and A. of Dusch. Historical It was during a stay in 1810 at the castle of Neubourg that Weber, impressed by the recent creation of Fidelio, the first (and only) opera of Beethoven, decided his choice on the story Des Jägers Braut as an opera subject. But other commitments took over and it was not until 1816 that he asked the poet Johann Friedrich Kind to draw a booklet. The composition begins in July 1817. Founded on June 18, 1821 in Berlin, due to political tensions in Dresden, where Weber is officially in office, the work was immediately successful, spreading rapidly throughout Europe and becoming the symbol of the birth of the opera romantic German. Among the many artists who were influenced by Der Freischütz is the young Richard Wagner, who will be regarded by many as the successor of Weber. The creation of the French version takes place at the Théâtre de l'Odéon on December 7, 1824, in an adaptation of Castil-Blaze and Thomas Sauvage, very different from the original, entitled Robin des Bois or Les Trois Balles, in particular at the Opéra-Comique on 15 January 1835 and at the Théâtre-Lyrique on 24 January 1855. The Parisian creation of the original German version takes place at the Théâtre-Italien (Salle Favart) on 14 May 1829 by a German troupe that allows the Parisian public to discover also the other two masterpieces by Weber , Euryanthe (1823) and Oberon (1826). A second French version, more faithful, was made in 1841 by Hector Berlioz and Émilien Pacini for the Paris Opera under the title Le Freyschütz. For the ballet of the second act of this performance, required by the "grand opera" form imposed by the "Grande Boutique", Berlioz orchestrates the Weber Invitation to Dance, refusing to write the music of this ballet himself and remaining faithful to the composer's writing of the Freischütz, even if one recognizes the colors of the "Bal" of the Fantastic Symphony.
I think he/she means that classic music is underrated and forgotten by young people nowadays. Even if there are other good musical genres, it's a shame that classics are being ignored while they are one of the most complex and expressive kinds of music out there. I'm no connoisseur, but there are a few classic tracks I really like.
That's great! Keep exploring classical music, there is something for everyone...most people think of Bach, Handel or Haydn when they think of classical music...I'm a connoisseur of the music, but even I find them boring at times as well! Most people are unaware of 20 century composers that really stepped the game up!
the french band Stupeflip sampled the moment at 4:13 and the result is crazy, listen to the song “Stupeflip Vite !!! » you will necessarily like it. btw Von Weber was a genius
The 'Jaegerchorus' does rule them all :P I & my mother bought my grandparents a ticket for the performance in the Semper-Oper (the thing, which was bombed during the 2nd WW in Dresden) and she was so frigging happy.
pour ceux qui vont comprendre love sur vous :) Moi je suis Rascar Capac et je t'attaque avec mon Mac La vie une chausse-trappe Pas de quartier quand les lyrics frappent Mon sourire te glace Comme un clic-clac qui grince Le voilà qui revient, mince !
The thing is, this particular song was intended to be quite simple and more like patriotic since it was inspired on famous folk songs of the time. It was intended for the general public i guess and also, the french horns werent very developed at that time which meant that they could only play simple parts thus limiting the chords being used. I hope it helps!
Beethoven gets the credit for breaking the ground for the Romantic era, but Karl Maria von Weber was a greater influence on that movement than Beethoven ever was...
Here because I hunt with flintlock Jäger rifles and I just happened to be out casting lead shot for one today!!! A great opera. ( One of my Jäger’s is called Annchen ;) ).
Just recently I've watched the Opera Der Freischutz. I thought the overture was interesting as it shows both themes of the paranormal and German's culture. I don't care how other people got to this video. I actually searched it up. There's no need to go dissing music such as this. If you try please know that you are dissing a culture. Der Freischutz is based on a German folktale, the music is that from the Romantic Period and is German Folk Music. So if you got beef, deal with it, by yourself.
Hello classical music lovers! you can now discover unknown masterpieces, create lists, discuss and review works/composers
on our new website classicalmusiconly.com
Classical Music Only Mondscheinsonate
Classical Music Only v
Tinis nor clássicas. It ia romantic period
@@diretoriadiretoria2963 some would say that Von Weber was the predecessor to that movement whereas some would say he actually was the first in that category .
... you do realize classical music
embraces many forms ... just wondering therefore how you would classify Allen Hovhaness
Cette ouverture est déjà majeure et grandiose, mais le passage Stupeflipant me donne des frissons à chaque écoute! 10 secondes d'une rare intensité!
mon sourire te glace comme un sourir qui grince
I'm from former Soviet Union have some music education. And I know he was opera composer and they very long not like regular for example 2 hours and much longer and we were learning just like touch... I'm very interested in libretto or sujet of one of the famous one please
Et tressaillez d'allégresse car votre récompense sera GRANDE dans le ciel.
Seul ceux qui cherchent loin tomberont sur ce morceau
Et tressaillez d'allégresse, car votre récompense sera grande dans le ciel...
Stupeflip vite
L'âme sœur existe ! 😅🤜
@@NiborZz ça c’est beau ça 🤛
Les français qui cherche le sample ;) : 4:13
Merci mon reuf
Mec t un amour
Aussi à 6:16
La commu du grand JD on est làààà
@@a.caroll5570 heureux de voir des nouveaux lapins :)
Araki (Jojo) introduces us to groups from the 70s and 80s, Hirano (Hellsing's mangaka) introduces us to classics.
Ah yes, my favorite animes
3:30 à partir de là j'ai des frissons ✨✨✨
Ich war psychisch krank, dieser Ouverture habe ich viel an meiner Gesundung und an meiner jetzigen Stabilität viel zu verdanken !!!
Sven-Olaf Kahl Freut mich für dich! :)
Die Ouvertüre zum Freischütz ist sagenhaft schön und beruhigend. Unsere ganze Familie ist von dieser gesamten Oper immer wieder beeindruckt. Schade die komische Zeit lässt keine Theaterbesuche mehr zu. Alles Liebe und Gute für Sie persönlich.
@@cwd2856 Wozu ins Theater gehen, wenn man das größte Theater seit 2020 in ganz Deutschland hat? Die politischen Schauspieler sollten sich jedoch mehr Mühe geben, weil es nicht überzeugt und ermüdend ist. Aber vielleicht ist der Effekt, den es hat, so gewollt. Gott segne alle Menschen, die sich dagegen stellen oder langsam aufwachen und möge dem Rest beim Aufwachen helfen.
Diese Harmonien, speziell beim Hornmotiv, da könnte ich Rotz und Wasser heulen bei dieser Interpretation. Danke von Herzen!!
Im coming for you. Rip...Van...Winkle... *crazed laughter*
I'm here for the same reason
I love this overture. Such a great combination of the romantic, the folk, and the creepy mysterious. Irresistable.
This is the clearest interpretation of the very confusing 3:30 bit, and I have looked through a lot of recordings. Great job
nice comment
I came because of Hellsing Ultimate it's one of my favorites
anime is for dums
@@dariodx1222 Right?
I, as German, of course knew this Opera before watching Hellsing...was hell of a suprise to hear it in one of my favourite Animes XD
diese Oper ist bayerische statt Deutsch und wir beide wissen, es gibt eine riesige Lücke zwischen Deutsch und bayerische
Carl Maria Von Weber Stimmt, die einen haben nen Sprachfehler und wählen die CSU ;-)
Carl Maria Von Weber Soweit ich weiß haben die Leute in Bayern auch die NSDAP gewählt, außerdem: Bier gab es schon vor Bayern, Bretzeln gelten immer noch aus Bayern stamment und in Lederhosen will hier im Norden nichtmal wer begraben werden.
Wie gesagt: Nicht richtig Deutsch können, bildungsferne Kommentare abgeben aber ersntgenommen werden wollen XD Bayern eben
Carl Maria Von Weber Mit den Worten Mark Twains, mit denen ich jedes Gespräch mit 12-jährigen beende:
"Streite nie mit einem Idioten, er zieht dich auf sein Niveau und schlägt dich mit Erfahrung"
Carl Maria Von Weber As an American who spent two years in the Army in Germany, why am I not surprised that self proclaimed "Germans" can engage in an infantile public squabble over such beautiful music? Please spare me the reflexive infantile anti-Americanism. (Really, it there any other kind?) If it wasn't for us, you two, like everyone else in Germany, would be bastard children of the Red Army. (Oops, that was infantile.)
Simply magnificent is the beauty of this piece.
This piece was a turning point for me in deciding to become a composer. Still brings tear to my eyes. Nice recording.
I love classical music, I'm 16, whenever I've had my friends over and it's been playing they can't stand it, even the climactic parts. They can't see the light, I guess people are musically deaf to anything but modern music these days, which becomes old in a week, but classical is timeless.
Now you would be 25.But I hope that your love for the timeless classics remains undiminished as it was 9 years ago?
This is actually a piece from the Romantic period not the classical period
@@scarlettclark8473 relax, some people often call all orchestra and piano classical music, this one at least not that far from the classical
@@peterasp1968 i have been playing music for 15 years, and some pieces never gets old or boring for me
It is interesting to see a discussion about the usage of this song on an anime show and how people are being directed to it from there. I would like to share what brought me here:
Wikipedia: Semperoper / Bombing of Dresden
The Semperoper is the opera house of the Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden.. the building is located near the Elbe River in the historic centre of Dresden, Germany...
In 1945, during the last months of World War II, the building was largely destroyed again, this time by the bombing of Dresden and subsequent firestorm, leaving only the exterior shell standing. Exactly 40 years later, on 13 February 1985, the opera's reconstruction was completed...
The Semperoper reopened with the opera that was performed just before the building's destruction in 1945, Carl Maria von Weber's "Der Freischütz".
That was very intersting, thank you fine sir.
Alan D. It's been 3 years
thank you for pointing the obvious
people are also brought here by a french music group named stupeflip
so there is french people, and mostly american people brought here by a japanese cartoon to a german music
@@Lidavaz_ Japanese cartoon? If you don’t know shit about the thing you are talking about, just keep your mouth closed
Mi padre Manuel me introdujo en la obra de Weber. Su creación me ha acompañado siempre y forma parte del recuerdo de mi padre que se despierta cada vez que lo escucho. Esta ópera me fascina en su totalidad
Mi padre también me inculcó este tipo de música y la verdad es una de las mejores cosas que me a pasado en la vida
Magnífico, realmente. Este tipo de música nos faz sentir a essência das coisas.
This is so freakin amazing
Weber's Der Freischutz overture is one of my favorite masterpieces :)
*der Freischütz
@@foooooof *Der Freischütz
I´ll never forget the sensation this overture brings me...this was my first opera.. =)
If you're wondering about the French comments, it's about a song called "Stupeflip Vite!!!"
Huge inspiration for Wagner who heard this when he was eight years old and had a profound influence on his later work.
I'm here after having read that in his biography
Wow! Had no idea about that--thanks for sharing that interesting info!
What else is a little girl my mother told me some opera composer named Von Weber is one of her ancestors on her mother's side .
Der Freischutz was also a seductive inspiration for Ennio Morricone, when he was a child. At the age of 10 Morricone composed some Weber-style "Hunts", compositions for two horns. Before the age of 11, when Morricone began studying the trumpet, he destroyed all his childhood compositions
j'ai les yeux qui brillent avec des vagues d'émotions en écoutant ce chef d'oeuvre..et pourtant je n'écoute pas de classique ..
I've heard of this opera before I watched Hellsing, and thought of finding it. But it was Hellsing that got me to really look for it. ;P
Le passage où l'on entend la clarinette me rappelle que von Weber est le seul après l'illustre Mozart à avoir composé sérieusement pour cet instrument sublime.
Ludwig van Beethoven STUPEFLIP VITE
La beauté est là, dans les bois, les forêts et dans mon coeur en émoi blotti.
Quite the song, always enjoyed it from:🇩🇪
Dopo 200 anni è ancora meravigliosa!!!
Der Freischutz is one of my favorite masterpieces by Carl Maria Von Weber :)
Daran sieht man das die Welt nicht verloren ist nichts gegen den heutigen Musik Geschmack aber Klassik bzw. Barok finde ich persönlich immer noch schöner
Love the way it alternates back and forth between C minor and C Major.
I have played this before, and I had so much fun playing this. Der Freischutz is one of my favorites
As a lover of Beethoven I've always had an affinity for von Weber's music. His music is probably as close to sounding like Beethoven of any other composer I've heard.
Way different, dude...early Schubert is much closer to Beethoven
cand ascult invitatie la vals ma simt altfel revin la la vremurile calne si mai romantice a anilor 60
Beautiful, wonderful !!!
I love it
4:13 Le Stupeflip Crou ne mourra Jamais !
Im a huge classical music fan, being a musician myself in the orchestra genres in addition to being a huge Hellsing fan as well so this is the music I live for :D
Un modèle du genre, qui reste inégalé à ce jour ....
Nice reference to Mozart's 40th symphony on 3:55.
That one time when you're chilling in your captured aircraft carrier with vampire krauts while shooting up anti-ship missiles and fighter jets, then suddenly you sense Alucard coming directly into you while doing a nosedive at Mach 2.8 in a SR-71 Reconnaissance Aircraft...
That is such a great overture !!! I love "Der Freischuetz" by Carl Maria von Weber !!!
Playing this in my city's symphony brought me here. I had no idea it was featured in a film.
meine Heimat Dresden.klasse!wunderbar.
Seriously, classical music requires a wise, intellectual, sentimental mind therefore this beautiful and emotionally filled music is not just for anyone's ears. Classical music is beautiful music. Now, as for the cartoon depiction of classical music the cartoonist were keeping great music alive in the mind of kids and our society. These composers put much thought and feelings in this music that's why it's so lovely and psychologically touching.
We’re playing this in my local youth orchestra at the moment, and I’m the only horn player there, which makes the horn quartet at the beginning quite interesting
lemonmiranda respeck 👊🏼
Too, same situation 😂
Ich liebe dieser Musik ungemein.
Que música impresionante !!
Der Freischütz Prononciation du titre dans sa version originale Écouter (op. 77) est un opéra allemand en trois actes de Carl Maria von Weber, qui connut un triomphe lors de sa première le 18 juin 1821 au Königliches Schauspielhaus de Berlin.
Considéré aujourd'hui comme l'un des premiers opéras romantiques avec Fidelio de Ludwig van Beethoven (1805), son livret fut écrit par le poète Johann Friedrich Kind d'après un conte populaire germanique (dans la version publiée en 1811 dans Das Gespensterbuch), et une première ébauche de Weber et d'A. de Dusch.
C'est lors d'un séjour en 1810 au château de Neubourg que Weber, impressionné par la récente création du Fidelio, premier (et unique) opéra de Beethoven, arrête son choix sur le conte Des Jägers Braut comme sujet d'opéra. Mais d'autres engagements l'accaparent et ce n'est qu'en 1816 qu'il demande au poète Johann Friedrich Kind d'en tirer un livret. La composition commence en juillet 1817.
Créée le 18 juin 1821 à Berlin, en raison de tensions politiques à Dresde où Weber est officiellement en poste, l'œuvre rencontre un succès immédiat, qui se propage rapidement dans toute l'Europe et devient le symbole de la naissance de l'opéra romantique allemand. Parmi les nombreux artistes qui ont été influencés par Der Freischütz figure le jeune Richard Wagner, qui sera considéré par beaucoup comme le successeur de Weber.
La création de la version française a lieu au théâtre de l'Odéon le 7 décembre 1824 dans une adaptation de Castil-Blaze et Thomas Sauvage - très éloignée de l'original - intitulée Robin des Bois ou les Trois Balles, et qui sera reprise régulièrement par la suite, notamment à l'Opéra-Comique le 15 janvier 1835 et au Théâtre-Lyrique le 24 janvier 1855.
La création parisienne de la version originale en allemand a lieu, quant à elle, au Théâtre-Italien (salle Favart) le 14 mai 1829 par une troupe allemande qui permet au public parisien de découvrir également les deux autres chefs-d'œuvre de Weber, Euryanthe (1823) et Oberon (1826).
Une deuxième version française, plus fidèle, est réalisée en 1841 par Hector Berlioz et Émilien Pacini pour l'Opéra de Paris sous le titre Le Freyschütz. Pour le ballet du deuxième acte de cette représentation, exigé par la forme « grand opéra » imposée par la « Grande Boutique », Berlioz orchestre l’Invitation à la danse de Weber, refusant d'écrire lui-même la musique de ce ballet et restant fidèle à l'écriture du compositeur du Freischütz, même si l'on y reconnaît les couleurs du « Bal » de la Symphonie fantastique.
Der Freischütz is a three-act German opera by Carl Maria von Weber, which premiered on 18 June 1821 at the Königliches Schauspielhaus in Berlin.
Considered today as one of the first romantic operas with Fidelio by Ludwig van Beethoven (1805), his libretto was written by the poet Johann Friedrich Kind after a Germanic folk tale (published in 1811 in Das Gespensterbuch) , and a first outline of Weber and A. of Dusch.
It was during a stay in 1810 at the castle of Neubourg that Weber, impressed by the recent creation of Fidelio, the first (and only) opera of Beethoven, decided his choice on the story Des Jägers Braut as an opera subject. But other commitments took over and it was not until 1816 that he asked the poet Johann Friedrich Kind to draw a booklet. The composition begins in July 1817.
Founded on June 18, 1821 in Berlin, due to political tensions in Dresden, where Weber is officially in office, the work was immediately successful, spreading rapidly throughout Europe and becoming the symbol of the birth of the opera romantic German. Among the many artists who were influenced by Der Freischütz is the young Richard Wagner, who will be regarded by many as the successor of Weber.
The creation of the French version takes place at the Théâtre de l'Odéon on December 7, 1824, in an adaptation of Castil-Blaze and Thomas Sauvage, very different from the original, entitled Robin des Bois or Les Trois Balles, in particular at the Opéra-Comique on 15 January 1835 and at the Théâtre-Lyrique on 24 January 1855.
The Parisian creation of the original German version takes place at the Théâtre-Italien (Salle Favart) on 14 May 1829 by a German troupe that allows the Parisian public to discover also the other two masterpieces by Weber , Euryanthe (1823) and Oberon (1826).
A second French version, more faithful, was made in 1841 by Hector Berlioz and Émilien Pacini for the Paris Opera under the title Le Freyschütz. For the ballet of the second act of this performance, required by the "grand opera" form imposed by the "Grande Boutique", Berlioz orchestrates the Weber Invitation to Dance, refusing to write the music of this ballet himself and remaining faithful to the composer's writing of the Freischütz, even if one recognizes the colors of the "Bal" of the Fantastic Symphony.
R.I.P Van Winkle.
I think he/she means that classic music is underrated and forgotten by young people nowadays. Even if there are other good musical genres, it's a shame that classics are being ignored while they are one of the most complex and expressive kinds of music out there. I'm no connoisseur, but there are a few classic tracks I really like.
One of the under-rated composers
Stop discussing and enjoy this artistic work. Amazing.
6:15 « Stupeflip Vite » !!! 🤗❤️
Simplemente mi favorita, magistral, genialidad por parte de Von Weber.
Vous êtes venus pour 4:12
Remerciez moi plus tard :)
Le truc est vivant dans les têtes même s'il est cramé dans les fnacs !
Merci reverb man
That's great! Keep exploring classical music, there is something for everyone...most people think of Bach, Handel or Haydn when they think of classical music...I'm a connoisseur of the music, but even I find them boring at times as well! Most people are unaware of 20 century composers that really stepped the game up!
von Weber composed it in the 19th tho
04:13 c est l instru de stupeflip!!!
truc de fou, j'ai fait cette découverte auj' aussi ( et je te soupçonne d'être dans la même promo que moi)
hahahah alors non, c 'est un mec dans les commentaires de la video qui l' a dit
Bgsic Théo RPZ JMJ.
perso je l'ai lu sur rapgenius
"l'intru de stupeflip" ... heu tes sur que c'est d'eux ? :P
This is so incredible
I love it :)
the french band Stupeflip sampled the moment at 4:13 and the result is crazy, listen to the song “Stupeflip Vite !!! » you will necessarily like it.
btw Von Weber was a genius
4:13 "mais trésaillez d'allégresse car votre récompense sera grande dans le ciel..." pour les chers petits lapins ^^
The section between 1:00 and 3:30 is beautiful. The rest is noise.
The books im reading at the moments of Tess Gerritsen and its brought me here.. lovely....i love this...
The 'Jaegerchorus' does rule them all :P I & my mother bought my grandparents a ticket for the performance in the Semper-Oper (the thing, which was bombed during the 2nd WW in Dresden) and she was so frigging happy.
4:13 definitely my favorite part
Srupeflip vite ;)
@@ashmoth8 Je ne casse pas, je n'me marre pas, je n'espère pas
@@LeReferee tu l’as séquestré bâillonné ligoté
@@LeReferee J'observe les gens partir en couille ou en chipolata
Excelente compositor, na linha de Mozart... ainda familiar por parte da mulher. Bela Música.
pour ceux qui vont comprendre love sur vous :)
Moi je suis Rascar Capac et je t'attaque avec mon Mac
La vie une chausse-trappe
Pas de quartier quand les lyrics frappent
Mon sourire te glace
Comme un clic-clac qui grince
Le voilà qui revient, mince !
Tout les mardis pour te serrer la pince !!
@@eliannavanius donne moi l' courage d'aller manger tout les nuages
@@Prettyyvampp Écoute mon cœur, écoute la rage, écoute ce texte anthropophage ✨
she is Rib Van Wingle??
Qui est là pour écouter le passage à 4:13 que King Ju a pris pour son morceau Stupeflip Vite ?
200 años? Que obra maestra
Que belleza.
The thing is, this particular song was intended to be quite simple and more like patriotic since it was inspired on famous folk songs of the time. It was intended for the general public i guess and also, the french horns werent very developed at that time which meant that they could only play simple parts thus limiting the chords being used. I hope it helps!
I can't believe I am related to him! So talented!
Thank you .
Beginning with 3:30, i can't help myself to think about Beethoven. Sounds like a piece from his middle era.
Canberk Duman glad you noticed that too, dude. Ironic thing was Carl Maria wasn't too fond of Beethoven's music. haha
Beethoven gets the credit for breaking the ground for the Romantic era, but Karl Maria von Weber was a greater influence on that movement than Beethoven ever was...
Edgar Allan Poe brought me here. What a wonderful masterpiece.
5:05 love the harmonies between the woodwind
Der Freischütz ist eine schöne Theateraufführung
Thank you very much!
you welcome
this masterpiece made modern legends like stupeflip vite (stupeflip)
J.R.R Tolkien brought me here, thank you sir. May you RIP
@@amagiordi2615 he mentioned this composer very briefly in an interview which is why I am here now
Stupeflip vite ! Le crou ne mourra jamais
Here because I hunt with flintlock Jäger rifles and I just happened to be out casting lead shot for one today!!! A great opera. ( One of my Jäger’s is called Annchen ;) ).
Very much Wagner style. But the shocking fact is that he's the ages of Schubert. In the Beethoven era, he already created the Wagner sound.
more + more shocking is the fact that the title already said "Carl Marian von Weber wrote this"
Weber was certainly a trailblazer for the likes of Berlioz and Wagner.
Восторг и восхищение ❤
superbe musique ecouter religieusement pensees profondes on pense à une musique et on peut l'ecouter sur you tube genial
Ces cors d'harmonie au début, c'est ça le début de l'Opéra Allemand : des Ouvertures, préludes exceptionnels !!!
Je tréssaille d'allégresse.
Albert Wesker Car ta récompense sera grande dans le cieeeel
Such tremendous intensity
4:13 Stupeflip vite !!!
J'vais faire un film. Ce sera citron mécanique, j'irai prôner la "super-violence" en écoutant du Weber.
Faut pas fumer d'la....
+Eol.minecraft Tkt, j'fume pu d'shit,... Ah merde, c'est vrai, j'refume du shit
***** Camel > All xD
Eol.minecraft xD
Stupeflip > All
My homework brought me here
Bogi car same
@@veronikagaase7279 my professor of music of history brought me here
@@ssj4vegetto817 same :d
mine too haha
sublime concierto
Just recently I've watched the Opera Der Freischutz. I thought the overture was interesting as it shows both themes of the paranormal and German's culture. I don't care how other people got to this video. I actually searched it up.
There's no need to go dissing music such as this. If you try please know that you are dissing a culture. Der Freischutz is based on a German folktale, the music is that from the Romantic Period and is German Folk Music. So if you got beef, deal with it, by yourself.
Thanks for "enlightening" me. I'm always glad if misunderstandings are cleared up ,-)
Anybody (2024)🥹
Me too!
Yeah me too 😂❤
Herzliche Geburtstagswünsche, Carl Maria...
Stupéflip vite: 4:13 certes, mais n'oubliez pas 6:15 ! ;)
You know it's a good piece when Hellsing has it in the show.