The 10 Commandments Vs The Law Of Moses

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Here we have my response to a popular video by "TangleSpar" dealing with Christians and the commandments of the creator. I agree with the gentlemen on many, many points. However, on this one point, we definitely disagree. This disagreement is no small thing, either. It is absolutely HUGE to one's understanding of the creature's relationship to the creator.
    Hope it doesn't stir up too much dissention in the ranks. Just think about it, and check 'yer Bible to see if what I am saying is true!
    Music, "Cool Jam," by Izzy Epstein, Copyright 2006

Комментарии • 36

  • @FurikuriYugi
    @FurikuriYugi 10 лет назад

    Thank you for sharing, I know you speak the truth. But like you said read for your self and share.

    • @2HrLunch
      @2HrLunch  10 лет назад +1

      Thanks. Good to hear from like minds. Izzy

  • @jorgeburton5183
    @jorgeburton5183 Год назад

    Divine laws are universal and eternal made laws can become irrelevant with time and culture.

  • @Jesusandbible
    @Jesusandbible 8 лет назад

    If the 10 commandments are not changed
    1) Is polygamy now adultery?
    2) Is divorce for adultery and then remarriage NOW permitted
    3) Is "a life for a life" still law?
    4) Can you kill in a war if a Christian?

    • @2HrLunch
      @2HrLunch  8 лет назад

      +Jesusandbible 1.) Polygamy never was adultery. There is no law in the Bible anywhere about a man having more than one wife, with two exceptions: [rival sisters and local congregation ministers, according to Paul] 2.) Divorce for adultery was never permitted. Adultery is punishable by death. 3.) Not in America much any more. There are several capital crimes in the Bible. 4.) You can kill for many reasons. Self defense, the avenger of blood, idolatry, witchcraft, etc.

    • @Jesusandbible
      @Jesusandbible 8 лет назад

      +2HrLunch So you are saying the full OT law is here today? That means you are a preacher of the Jezebel False Gospel, mixing licentiousness and so called "salvation". Jesus NEW law on adultery now forbids remarriage for believers. So what exactly are you saying??? That Governments should stone people for adultery? MUSLIMS will oblige you. Is that RIGHT? If USA and Europe etc BAN stoning, OT Law would PERMIT divorce and remarriage for the believer if adultery happens. In the new covenant that is adulterous remarriage.
      On polygamy Matt 5:32 BANS polygamy, you just are not seeing it. So its a change in the law.

    • @2HrLunch
      @2HrLunch  8 лет назад

      +Jesusandbible Absolutely, the words that Jesus gave to Moses are completely still in effect. Have heaven and earth passed away? Is "ALL" fulfilled? There's your answer. On this polygamy thing, are you saying that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, are all "licentious"? I never said that polygamy was a good idea, just that it's not forbidden in the Law of God. It comes with lots of trouble. As the Bible teaches us. Jesus didn't teach any NEW laws. I challenge you to find me one? Everything that Jesus taught was already taught by him to Moses. Do I believe in the death penalty? Absolutely. Do I think that we should stone people? Well, I think you have a misunderstanding of ancient practices of stoning. They didn't literally throw stones at people until they were dead, as the muslims do. They pushed them off a cliff, and threw stones on top of them to "bury" them. Matthew 5:32 is discussing the law of remarriage. It's in the Torah. Not new at all. You really aught to look into the back of the book. You can get real confused, real fast, if you read 2/5ths of a book, and think you know what it's saying. . .

    • @Jesusandbible
      @Jesusandbible 8 лет назад

      The very thing we discuss in NEW law. Jesus BANNED polygamy in Mattew 5:32, as it does not matter HOW trivial, silly or unbiblical it is to divorce, it is NEVER adultery to remarry if a man can commit polygamy, PROVING Jesus banned polygamy. The word "porneia" also DEFINITELY does not and CANNOT mean "post marital adultery", thus OT divorce law is now ADULTERY. You sound more like a Muslim with your polygamy junk.
      Jesus forbad war and capital punishment. As for your zany "push them off a cliff and bury them with stones" its clear you have a guilt complex about the severity of the old law.
      YOU are in Hagar not the bride of Christ (Gal 4). You are part of the fulfilment of the "doctrines of devils" cult. Is "a life for a life" still the law? Do you believe then in executing doctors who do abortions? You are under the VEIL.

    • @2HrLunch
      @2HrLunch  8 лет назад

      +Jesusandbible Paul in Romans 7:12: "So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good." Jesus in Matthew 5:19: "Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these
      commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in
      the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be
      called great in the kingdom of heaven." The testimony of Luke in Act 6:13 "and they set up false witnesses who said (of Stephen), “This man never ceases to speak words against this holy place and the law, for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this
      place and will change the customs that Moses delivered to us.”My brother, you seem to not have read the righteous instructions of the Law! What do you find, specifically, in these righteous instructions, to be so offensive?I do not, nor have I ever, advocated either polygamy or stonings. Those are against the law of the United States, I am NOT a law-breaker. Why do you think the Jews could not stone Jesus? It is because they did not have the civil authority to do so under Roman law. It is the same today. I will practice the instructions in righteousness as taught by Jesus and Moses, to the extent that I can in this godless world, and you can practice whatever it is that you want to practice. If you want to beat your wife, and claim that she can't divorce you because that would be adultery, then you go right ahead. . .

  • @jborg980
    @jborg980 9 лет назад

    The law was given to the house of Israel not to the Gentiles. In the first synod that had petrer james john and Paul it was agreed that they should not burden the Gentiles with laws that not even Israel could keep. I'm sure you know where to find this text 📓📓

    • @iheartart9954
      @iheartart9954 7 лет назад

      Joe Borg It couldn't be any more clearer than Jesus' own words, "I did not come to abolish the law of Moses but to fulfill (pay the penalty of) it. If you get a ticket for speeding, do you go to court and ask for the law of speeding to be done away with? No! You simply pay the fine for breaking the law and you don't break it again! Matthew 7:21 "not everyone who says to me 'Lord Lord', will enter the kingdom of heaven... many will say to me, "did we not prophecy in your name and cast out demons?" And I will declare to them, I never knew you, depart from me you workers of LAWLESSNESS". Matthew 4:4 man does not live on bread alone but on EVERY word that comes from the mouth of God. John 14:15, if you love me, keep my commandments. The law has not been abolished and those who follow the law do so because they love Yahweh. Paul said there was 1 body, 1 spirit, 1 Lord, 1 faith, 1 baptism and 1 God. Ephesians 4:4-6. We are all under the same law, but in God's mercy, he sent his Son to redeem us not exempt us. Search the scriptures, pray for wisdom. If you're wrong, there are many consequences to not keeping God's perfect and unchanging law. God bless.

  • @davealthoff1712
    @davealthoff1712 10 лет назад

    Thank you my friend!!! Enjoyed listen to you. Take care!!!

    • @2HrLunch
      @2HrLunch  10 лет назад

      Thanks, Dave. Have a great day. Izzy

  • @Jesusandbible
    @Jesusandbible 8 лет назад

    word for word! drag and drop!
    "Do I think that we should stone people? Well, I think you have a misunderstanding of ancient practices of stoning. They didn't literally throw stones at people until they were dead, as the muslims do. They pushed them off a cliff, and threw stones on top of them to "bury" them."
    JOHN 8:59 "Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by."
    JOHN 10:31-32 "Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?" JOHN 10:31-32
    ACTS 7: 57-59"At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul. While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” "

    • @2HrLunch
      @2HrLunch  8 лет назад

      +Jesusandbible Sorry, I couldn't resist feeding this troll just one more tasty bite: I hope you'll remember that your beloved Holy Mother Church has killed MILLIONS of people in far worse ways than stoning. Did the law about not killing just change in the last few hundred years? ? ? ?

    • @Jesusandbible
      @Jesusandbible 8 лет назад +1

      Oh thank you so much for PROVING yet another teaching of demons, FRAMING evangelical Christians with the sins of the Whore of Rome, when WE were the ones burnt to death by her in Foxes Book of Martyrs, not you, because you lot never existed then. Just like the Pharisees framed both Jesus and Stephen.

    • @Jesusandbible
      @Jesusandbible 8 лет назад

      After the first ten trillion years in Hell, you will wonder why you justified polygamy.

    • @2HrLunch
      @2HrLunch  8 лет назад

      +Jesusandbible Did I justify polygamy? I must have missed that. Ya know. I just noted that you almost never actually quote any scripture to justify your wackadoo religious nonsense. Must be because there isn't any. I can quote you hundreds of scriptures from both the old and new testament that prove beyond any doubt that you are required to regulate your behavior according to the Laws that God gave to Moses, and that Jesus came to illuminate and teach. I'd like to have you show me just ONE actual scripture that shows that the Laws of Righteousness have been abolished by God (who NEVER changes, by the way. . .)Go ahead. Wow me with your Bible knowledge. . .

  • @robinthompson5026
    @robinthompson5026 9 лет назад
