+Shawn Shi what do u mean trying to appear qualified? he is qualified, way more qualified then Hillary will ever be. Guaranteed if Hillary gets voted into presidency you will slowly see that mask of genuineness fade. Don't even understand why people are even thinking of voting for another Clinton to be president when we know they have a reputation of being corrupt
The OG Bum I'll take corrupt over extreme racist values. I feel like propagating the ban of a religion as well as his over extreme methods "kill their families" should really deem him as unfit for the position of president. But I guess if that's not enough, it should be enough to say that every "plan" he's had is always an extremely general statement of "i can do it", "i'll do it", "i'll make it happen", while lacking any proof of plan/indication of actual action that will make a difference, should be more than enough to label him as "unqualified". I dont Support Clinton, But i know Trump shouldn't be president.
lol good troll there, lots of dumb people will get triggered by your comment thinking you're serious. props. Edit: I read your comment in my mind using Donald Trump's voice Edit2: It's not about Clintons or Hillary being corrupt, it's the fact that Donald is even worse, and will be the beginning of the end of the country. At least Hillary's corruption won't end the country outright, going into freefall.
Susan Gandhi That will obviously depend on the amount of evidenice of voter/election fraud. No one should concede an election when there's clear indications of fraud. THAT is how democracy works. It's funny that Trump is being blamed for speaking out about all the evidence of the rigged election. It's like blaming a murder on the one who was murdered. "Look at all the damage you're causing to that murderer by spreading doubt about his integrity, how dare you?"
At 54:27 Hillary is so funny. She gets asked about Wikileaks and open borders and she tries to scheme it into something else, "open borders" suddenly means "an open energy grid" yeah right. Then she becomes even more funny and goes on to blame the Russians of revealing her fraud. And humour is an important thing.
John Montgomery So, Hillary has a laugh when attacked with utterly ridiculous claims against her; so what? Nothing he said was true or in context. Wiki leaks of her emails were so non-criminal and boring that all they could find was this? So "hilarious" I cried.
Susan Gandhi I am not well versed in the wikileaks and I don't know why you have to take it into this but if those leaks indicated a 225.000 dollar payment for a speech it was not about criminal, it was about knowing her real politics. And the leaks have indicated that her position on the TPP is that she's pro, but she changes her position based on polling. Her "safeguards" that she mentions are laughable. They don't translate to guarantees, they are empty claims. Same with her promise that she will not let disruptive elements into the country, she cannot promise that. And I was not saying Hillary had a laugh (you meant only that?) I was saying I had a laugh. Just watched it again, just cracks me up, alright. Sorry. It's just really funny. "Caught on camera" you might say. And then tries to deflect the attention away from that. Just funny. Misdirection, we call it, in a game. It's just funny. I mean I am not so much partisan in this that I care too much. The future of my country is not at stake. I am just somewhat of a disinterested observer. And that's just hilarious. Her fake smiles, her presentation, how she is shaking hands and waving at the end, that's just hilarious. Hahaha. I have to laugh so much, I want to watch it again :D.
John Montgomery I mentioned wiki leaks because that's the source of your "open borders" comment against Hillary. She was hacked and that's the worst from all of it--a dream she has. Just pointing out the facts. And the future of the world is at stake here; not just US.
John Montgomery What do you care if I did? Got a problem with a girl liking herself? Your little backhanded "compliments" show me you're trying really hard to be interesting, but you're just boring so I'm done with this conversation.
Susan Gandhi Liking your own comments as a general thing to do merely skewes the impression people have of how popular you are, which means you are trying to "rig the election". Well, if that's the case no small wonder you have no objection to Hillary Clinton and her practices. The backhanded "compliments", as you call it, are only meant to offset any offensive you might derive from being called on that, and you know that.
So it's okay for her to call him a puppet or assume he's a puppet but when he says it it's wrong? We are human and act as if these people have to be fake in order to run for president. I am much more comfortable with brutal honesty than lies and deceit.
Trump in every debate. : make America great again, build that wall, no more illegals, respect cops, and Crooked Hillary. What's his plan though. Like an actual plan with how he is going to accomplish all of these promises?
alvaro hernandez he plans to deregulate taxes on the rich, get Mexico to pay for the wall and create a police force to 'round up' immigrants. Sounds even worse listed like that.
+alvaro hernandez By magic and by the force of his gargantuan personality, of course. When God speaks, it comes into being. The same will not happen with Trump, not ever. Did he learn nothing by watching the Obama presidency? Besides presidential imperfection, there is that thing called Congress.
The teleprompter built in to her podium, earpiece in the second debate all helped her greatly even though it's against the rules and totally unethical. The Democrats especially the Clinton never believed the laws pertained to them.
Yes I watched it. Hillary made the most ridiculous assertions, such as that Russia supplies Wikileaks. Even if they do, America spies on Russia (And itself) so does Shillary really expect Russia to not spy on America? Besides, she's doing it to deflect criticism on her illegal dealings published in the emails.
earnestine jones . Good one, that. LOL ! Beauty, they say, is in the eyes of the beholder. So, please, find it in your heart to forgive the guy who thinks Trump wiped the floor with Hillary.
birdpleb I can't wait for when the American people realize Trump is a power hungry child with more skill in insulting people than actually governing a country that was built by immigrants. The moment this nation turns our back on the very people who left their homes to come here and work hard is the very moment this country is doomed. The very fact he's a presidential candidate is a major insult not only to the American people
I just commented the same thing then i scrolled down to find your comment then i commented "i just commented the same then i scrolled down to find your comment."
Just because one says it with a smile & knows how to articulate her words during a debate from past experiences to which she failed, doesn't mean she's not corrupt and if not even more so for hiding it behind the smile!
Beautiful, like a real man. Instead of the normal limp wrists. Isn't it great how everything he said was right about the job and the economy, while Hillary said his plan would lose jobs.
David Gerhart idk but it's not like it helps or hurts either candidate like the idiot above me wants to believe. I saw the whole thing and it was just as dull and full of lies as the other 2 debates.
Logi Bro Then watch the whole thing. It's not like I support either candidate. I just made a comment that most blind supporters would say. I've seen the entire debate. Your pointless comments to go along with your pointless life.
I shouldn't be surprised by american understanding of communism, but still... Even Bernie Sanders would be considered to be in political center in European pov.
The way Trump mocks people including his opponent makes him look so incredibly immature, it's such a great look having someone of that type of character running to be the President of the US. He also showed his volatile and arrogant temperament many times during this debate. I'm still amazed he even got to where he did and sadly my respect for the US as a country has plummeted massively because of Trump.
Salt AU Me, too. :( his supporters give me nightmares. Wouldn't be surprised if they take to violence when Hillary rightfully kicks his ass in this election.
Salt AU Hillary is so calm and smooth when she says things , she has shown potential and intelligence, and in control , which trump could , just ignorant insults Like a child
Allan Francis Xavier As someone who has been involved in debate, I can attest to the need for cohesive notes. It helps to keep your train of thought, and a debate at this level would be incredibly difficult without them. I remember seeing Mr. Trump compile his notes at the end of the debate. I suppose he just can make his glances down look more natural. Cheers!
Tony Mac Wow, it's like you want something bad to happen to me over my political stance. I wouldn't wish anything bad on donald supporters. I may think he's a terrible person and might disrespect people who condone his remarks, but that's your Constitutional right to believe what you want, and I believe in the Constitution and therefore respect individuals' rights to believe what they want.
Tony Mac I watched the video and it's horrendous. I honestly can't believe there are people like that, so I'm waiting for fact checks on it. If they turn out to be true, it'd definitely change my mind against voting for her.
Angelena Howland Donald gives me nightmares the way he asserts his intentions to take away hard-fought Constitutional rights. Hillary wasn't my first choice, but I'm open to any suggestions other than him. If these videos about her campaign deliberately inciting the Chicago violence are true, I'll have to write in someone else. Like, double the nightmares for me if she's as evil as you say she is. *no sleep*
Listen, as a CHRISTIAN, I'm not going to tell you who to vote for, if anyone. But I WILL remind you how God has commanded that we act towards WHOEVER is elected: Romans 13:1-7 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. *Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.* For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
Dindu Shabazz except believers, which are a majority of this country. So...in the future try to speak only for yourself, a prejudiced, small-minded christophobe, and not the many millions of people who disagree with you.
mizuhonova ridiculous isn't it? He said last time he had the best temperament, which obviously isn't true, and now saying he respects women which was proven to be untrue, ON TAPE.
@@liamb8644 yeah if you were recorded everything you've ever said I'm sure you've never said something ronchy. Hippocrates. How bout the real issues. I know you wish Hillary won and you job was moved over seas
WHAT THE HELL! So he says something against Trump.. Just like does against Clinton multiple times. AND YOU SAY HE'S ONLY AGAINST TRUMP? Get your tinfoil hat off your head...jesus. But yes...The other moderators were more against Trump. But this one atleast compensated for that.
i appreciate it but I didn't get my info from aliens I got it from the emails your candidate wrote and even if it came from the Russians which it didn't she still wrote them. ill let you borrow my tinfoil so you can look it up F Kr
All the way from Ghana we congratulate Hillary on becoming the 45th president of the United States. No need to wait for election day. May the United States continue to be as great as it has always been.
I just voted eight times in this online "poll" by clearing my cookies and voting again. Is this what Trump is talking about when he says the polls are rigged? I guess I'm just confused and all, being a Swiss citizen and all.
Wow! I did not realize the similarities between this debate and the first 2020 debate... Notably, how both started with Chris Wallace asking about the Supreme Court
Honestly Trump has done everything he sisd he would do in his 1st debate til now. He keeps his word he has integrity cant say the same for his "competition"
31:08 - I've been racking my brain all day as to why our Secretary of State would announce, on the largest stage she's ever had, America's nuclear response time. I can't think of many things more important to keep secret.
I don't like Hilary, but Trump is to much of a wildcard. If Trump didn't say such distasteful and scary things, I wouldn't be voting this election. But thanks to Drumpf's arrogance in ignorance, I will be voting for Clinton. The lesser of two evils in this case, is far better of an option, sadly...
Well, at least you know what you're going to get with Killary. She wants war with North Korea, Russia, and Iran. Vladimir Putin said himself that if Donald was elected there would be peace; however, if Killary was elected there would be war.
Ethan TheLion Yeah peace with Russia=Bombing in Syria. I am good on that. Also not a fan of bigotry and appealing to the lowest common denominator. Not a fan of trickle down economics or macho posturing as a form of diplomacy. Haha there are just so many reasons why I dislike Trump much more than Hilary.
False and misleading title. This is not a "Full" debate as stated in the title by New York Times. This video is edited and shows signs of Match Cuts. First noticed at 37:56 threw 37:58.
Consider if you were running a small store on a street, and you have another store as a competetive right almost next to you, and this store is using lies to manipulate your popularity at all costs, at one point I bet you will snap sooner or later when it goes on and on untill you hardly have any customers left as it was before.
America is great because it is good: America is not great because it is not good. I will make America great again: Nope. I highly, very highly doubt that.
wow trump is still denying 17 intelligence agencies of the govt and civilians? WOW trump got roasted at 1:15:56 really good one another good point from hillary at 1:30:05 ..trump is dragged for filth. i also love how hillary actually stayed to talk with people when trump just left in anger. lmao..
Does everyone else remember how Al Gore accepted the 2000 results? Yeah didn't think so seeing as how he fought it all the way to the Supreme Court and it took weeks for a final decision.
And so he should. polls staying open way past closing times. Polling in latino grocery stores-we all know what's going on with that. Polling is done at community centers, churches and maybe civic centers. they're certainly not done at grocery stores unless you're up to something fishy.
Trump is so honest. I don't think he is lying. This lady is a lier. I cannot believe how evil she is. Mr Trump is not lying. You can just feel it. Cannot believe how biased the media has gotten. God bless America. We need more people like Trump. He is one of the few great people of this century in this country. Hope the democrats wake up and follow his success and become successful themselves.
Debate starts at 30:50 thank me later
Thelivestreamer You mean 29.30
It's later and I'm thanking you
PetShark Studios late dont u think
PetShark Studios i see i see
Watching Hilary attempt to appear genuine is painful.
could say the same about donald trying to appear qualified, or even remotely adequate.
that is so true
+Shawn Shi what do u mean trying to appear qualified? he is qualified, way more qualified then Hillary will ever be.
Guaranteed if Hillary gets voted into presidency you will slowly see that mask of genuineness fade. Don't even understand why people are even thinking of voting for another Clinton to be president when we know they have a reputation of being corrupt
The OG Bum I'll take corrupt over extreme racist values. I feel like propagating the ban of a religion as well as his over extreme methods "kill their families" should really deem him as unfit for the position of president. But I guess if that's not enough, it should be enough to say that every "plan" he's had is always an extremely general statement of "i can do it", "i'll do it", "i'll make it happen", while lacking any proof of plan/indication of actual action that will make a difference, should be more than enough to label him as "unqualified".
I dont Support Clinton, But i know Trump shouldn't be president.
lol good troll there, lots of dumb people will get triggered by your comment thinking you're serious. props. Edit: I read your comment in my mind using Donald Trump's voice Edit2: It's not about Clintons or Hillary being corrupt, it's the fact that Donald is even worse, and will be the beginning of the end of the country. At least Hillary's corruption won't end the country outright, going into freefall.
I don't know who's won this debate but America has definitely lost
No third parties in the debate = everybody loses. Indeed.
BeastlyFamous Well, kind of, but there are much better third party options though.
Trump is clearly Republican. You should wake up.
walkingeaglewoman lol, take off your foil hat for a moment.. I think your brain is being melted.
Susan Gandhi That will obviously depend on the amount of evidenice of voter/election fraud.
No one should concede an election when there's clear indications of fraud. THAT is how democracy works.
It's funny that Trump is being blamed for speaking out about all the evidence of the rigged election. It's like blaming a murder on the one who was murdered. "Look at all the damage you're causing to that murderer by spreading doubt about his integrity, how dare you?"
she doesnt want to rip familys apart but its ok to rip children from the womb
your view of abortion is extreme and ignores the general case of when/how it happens.
At around 1:19:55 you can hear someone whispers 'dozen' to Hillary when she paused for a moment.
what's "dozen" about?
Her answers were scripted lmao
+818ification no for real it was whispered "dozen" just look at it
That's creepy AF. Good catch.
At 54:27 Hillary is so funny. She gets asked about Wikileaks and open borders and she tries to scheme it into something else, "open borders" suddenly means "an open energy grid" yeah right. Then she becomes even more funny and goes on to blame the Russians of revealing her fraud. And humour is an important thing.
John Montgomery
So, Hillary has a laugh when attacked with utterly ridiculous claims against her; so what? Nothing he said was true or in context. Wiki leaks of her emails were so non-criminal and boring that all they could find was this? So "hilarious" I cried.
Susan Gandhi I am not well versed in the wikileaks and I don't know why you have to take it into this but if those leaks indicated a 225.000 dollar payment for a speech it was not about criminal, it was about knowing her real politics.
And the leaks have indicated that her position on the TPP is that she's pro, but she changes her position based on polling. Her "safeguards" that she mentions are laughable. They don't translate to guarantees, they are empty claims.
Same with her promise that she will not let disruptive elements into the country, she cannot promise that.
And I was not saying Hillary had a laugh (you meant only that?) I was saying I had a laugh.
Just watched it again, just cracks me up, alright. Sorry. It's just really funny. "Caught on camera" you might say. And then tries to deflect the attention away from that. Just funny. Misdirection, we call it, in a game. It's just funny. I mean I am not so much partisan in this that I care too much.
The future of my country is not at stake. I am just somewhat of a disinterested observer.
And that's just hilarious. Her fake smiles, her presentation, how she is shaking hands and waving at the end, that's just hilarious. Hahaha. I have to laugh so much, I want to watch it again :D.
John Montgomery
I mentioned wiki leaks because that's the source of your "open borders" comment against Hillary. She was hacked and that's the worst from all of it--a dream she has. Just pointing out the facts. And the future of the world is at stake here; not just US.
John Montgomery
What do you care if I did? Got a problem with a girl liking herself? Your little backhanded "compliments" show me you're trying really hard to be interesting, but you're just boring so I'm done with this conversation.
Susan Gandhi Liking your own comments as a general thing to do merely skewes the impression people have of how popular you are, which means you are trying to "rig the election". Well, if that's the case no small wonder you have no objection to Hillary Clinton and her practices.
The backhanded "compliments", as you call it, are only meant to offset any offensive you might derive from being called on that, and you know that.
"America is great....because it's good." *facepalm*
u wot m8
She's saying we're great because of our good people. If you disagree that most Americans are good, then move.
Susan Gandhi go back to the kitchen you triggered feminazi and stop liking your own comment.
u wot m8 an intelligent response I see
Jules you get what you demand. She's the one getting triggered by a petty joke.
I know, right? I can't stand when she says that. Makes my skin crawl everytime
29:30 is the debates starts
thank you
`Thank you
Pandabearmadness thank you 😊
You are a beautiful human being, thank you
57:22 worst line by any presidential candidate in human history
"no puppet , no puppet, you're the puppet"
LightBearer That's because you didn't saw Dilma here on Brazil
LightBearer how is the truth the worst ever ?? she is a Rothschild puppet !!!!
So it's okay for her to call him a puppet or assume he's a puppet but when he says it it's wrong? We are human and act as if these people have to be fake in order to run for president. I am much more comfortable with brutal honesty than lies and deceit.
Trump is a spoiled little rich child and some people are crazy enough to make a spoiled rich child their president
Trump in every debate. : make America great again, build that wall, no more illegals, respect cops, and Crooked Hillary. What's his plan though. Like an actual plan with how he is going to accomplish all of these promises?
You must not have watched the same debates as me
vidoe gamboys I don't even like Hillary and I know trumps a joke. He should stick to being a reality tv person.
alvaro hernandez he plans to deregulate taxes on the rich, get Mexico to pay for the wall and create a police force to 'round up' immigrants. Sounds even worse listed like that.
He just wants to kick out imigrants but doesnt care about the United States
+alvaro hernandez
By magic and by the force of his gargantuan personality, of course.
When God speaks, it comes into being. The same will not happen with Trump, not ever. Did he learn nothing by watching the Obama presidency?
Besides presidential imperfection, there is that thing called Congress.
Who’s here after the first 2020 debate?
me lol
Yep. Doing this for school
I think Trump did considerably better this time, but frankly so did she. She utterly destroyed him.
Bigly, used twice!
+Crandleberries He didn't say "Bigly" he said "Big League"
The teleprompter built in to her podium, earpiece in the second debate all helped her greatly even though it's against the rules and totally unethical. The Democrats especially the Clinton never believed the laws pertained to them.
Debate está muito bom como sem, sempre ,Eu acho impecável!!!
Easy win by Trump, looking forward to NY Times getting a lawsuit laid by Trump.
Did you even see the debate,Trump won the debate?
Yes I watched it. Hillary made the most ridiculous assertions, such as that Russia supplies Wikileaks. Even if they do, America spies on Russia (And itself) so does Shillary really expect Russia to not spy on America? Besides, she's doing it to deflect criticism on her illegal dealings published in the emails.
earnestine jones . Good one, that. LOL ! Beauty, they say, is in the eyes of the beholder. So, please, find it in your heart to forgive the guy who thinks Trump wiped the floor with Hillary.
birdpleb I can't wait for when the American people realize Trump is a power hungry child with more skill in insulting people than actually governing a country that was built by immigrants. The moment this nation turns our back on the very people who left their homes to come here and work hard is the very moment this country is doomed. The very fact he's a presidential candidate is a major insult not only to the American people
"I don't like a news publication so let's sue!"
God you sound like a five year old with no understanding of the constitution
Why are some parts cut off?
streaming interruptions.
Superhero ULTIMATE was asking myself the same thing.
I just commented the same thing then i scrolled down to find your comment then i commented "i just commented the same then i scrolled down to find your comment."
Illuminati. ▲
WARNING! THIS IS NOT the "full video"--there are words literally snipped out! Had to be purposely done.
Yeah they edited out when he talks about people that shouldn’t be able to vote are registered to vote. 🧐🤔🤔 sounds familiar in 2020. RUclips is dirty.
Just because one says it with a smile & knows how to articulate her words during a debate from past experiences to which she failed, doesn't mean she's not corrupt and if not even more so for hiding it behind the smile!
You're in denial. Please seek medical advice!
James Johnson the suggestion was directed towards David Ward.
Oh please, stop acting like Trump is a saint himself. They're both corrupt.
Gabrielle. Haire well articulated
That's the truth and she did not deny her people hiring the women to make Donald look bad or paying people to disrupt his campaign.
the content in this video has been edited. why?!
thats my question also and i saw that first one i noticed was at 27:55 when clinton is speaking....and its not subtle at all
+getthatquote I think u meant 37:55
It isn't editing , the stream had some buffering issues
That was a definite edit unless you are going to argue that no one was able to record the real stream? But I'm gonna check at C-Span.
Mark Gilkison you don't remember?? the Clinton's is the reason because everything they say is trash.
Honestly trump better win
29:34 is when it starts. Also
What he said !! He has Done!
Her false promises are just political BS!!
God Bless you Mr President!!
Trump 2020
Allowed Russia to place bounties on our brave troops, killed 200,000 of our fellow Americans, and undermined our role in the world? Which part?
55:20 she's such a liar. the violent outrage at his rallies never came from his own supporters.
I normally find myself going back and forth with these candidates.
Trump: can I respond?
Mod: no actually......
Trump continues to talk over him
Beautiful, like a real man. Instead of the normal limp wrists. Isn't it great how everything he said was right about the job and the economy, while Hillary said his plan would lose jobs.
jhon smith I knew it would workout man
That's not called being a man. That's called being a jerk that won't listen.
tale intack talens in tax collector a taxation
@@Travel_Cebu222a tedious of table and tangle no teaser
why is this edited?
David Gerhart Favoritism
you idiots know that you can watch the unedited version right? it was also streamed live
David Gerhart idk but it's not like it helps or hurts either candidate like the idiot above me wants to believe. I saw the whole thing and it was just as dull and full of lies as the other 2 debates.
Logi Bro Then watch the whole thing. It's not like I support either candidate. I just made a comment that most blind supporters would say. I've seen the entire debate. Your pointless comments to go along with your pointless life.
Hillary's audio cuts a little bit every so often
Trying to delete the lies.
u8qu1tis the stream was buffering
you know shes lieing when her lips move
both of them do lol
S Short There's a difference. Kilary "can't recall" Trump recalls poorly.
President Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watching this in 2020, keeping my political opinions to myself because nobody asked me for them.
We got some bad hombres 😂😂😂 gotta get them out
You sound complicit, Corey. I’m asking. What are your political opinions?
Corey, I understand how you feel. I used to be much more outspoken about politics in years past. Nowadays, I mostly just look and listen. 😒
watching in 2023 here babyy
53:20 Did he really say bigly? ..."we are going to speed up the process bigly"... He clearly has the best words.
hes saying big league i think
He aswell says strongly all the time.
Big Time sounds better-ijs
Trump called Hillary A PUPPET!!
She’s a puppet. Fact!😎
@introvert4everfreddy656 lol
So why has Hillary been dressing up as a communist? Also, why has she not worn her American flag pin, during every debate?
Oh stop it
Just pointing out the obvious Jarnestine Eones
because she's a communist.
Timmer Fennell Hmmm, so how does that work then - being a Globalist and a Communist ?
I shouldn't be surprised by american understanding of communism, but still... Even Bernie Sanders would be considered to be in political center in European pov.
The way Trump mocks people including his opponent makes him look so incredibly immature, it's such a great look having someone of that type of character running to be the President of the US. He also showed his volatile and arrogant temperament many times during this debate. I'm still amazed he even got to where he did and sadly my respect for the US as a country has plummeted massively because of Trump.
Salt AU good English ! From your comments I learn a lot of good words :)
I am learning English :)
Salt AU
Me, too. :( his supporters give me nightmares. Wouldn't be surprised if they take to violence when Hillary rightfully kicks his ass in this election.
Susan Gandhi and ?
Salt AU Hillary is so calm and smooth when she says things , she has shown potential and intelligence, and in control , which trump could , just ignorant insults Like a child
55:00 hillary is just asking for world war 3 to start...
Stupid comment
why is she reading scripts.
It's all pre-rehearsed rabble.
Allan Francis Xavier As someone who has been involved in debate, I can attest to the need for cohesive notes. It helps to keep your train of thought, and a debate at this level would be incredibly difficult without them.
I remember seeing Mr. Trump compile his notes at the end of the debate. I suppose he just can make his glances down look more natural.
LOL Trump thinks that being President is like running a real estate business where you get a $1,000,000 loan from your father to start.
Thank God I can safely say this now:
Madame President! 🍾🎉
James Hamrick
Wow, nice knowing you think I deserve to die horribly for supporting Hillary. Says a lot.
Tony Mac
Wow, it's like you want something bad to happen to me over my political stance. I wouldn't wish anything bad on donald supporters. I may think he's a terrible person and might disrespect people who condone his remarks, but that's your Constitutional right to believe what you want, and I believe in the Constitution and therefore respect individuals' rights to believe what they want.
Tony Mac
I watched the video and it's horrendous. I honestly can't believe there are people like that, so I'm waiting for fact checks on it. If they turn out to be true, it'd definitely change my mind against voting for her.
Angelena Howland
Donald gives me nightmares the way he asserts his intentions to take away hard-fought Constitutional rights. Hillary wasn't my first choice, but I'm open to any suggestions other than him. If these videos about her campaign deliberately inciting the Chicago violence are true, I'll have to write in someone else. Like, double the nightmares for me if she's as evil as you say she is. *no sleep*
why does it keep skipping on Hillary's answers?
Listen, as a CHRISTIAN, I'm not going to tell you who to vote for, if anyone. But I WILL remind you how God has commanded that we act towards WHOEVER is elected:
Romans 13:1-7
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. *Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.* For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
Dindu Shabazz except believers, which are a majority of this country. So...in the future try to speak only for yourself, a prejudiced, small-minded christophobe, and not the many millions of people who disagree with you.
Bible Study Channel you're scary.
Primary Subject dude look at ur profile pic! D-:
MattTheBagel in the Lord's time. "Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his saints."
Bible Study Channel my profile picture isn't subjugating the American people. lmao
1:22:15 Audience can't contain their laughter
mizuhonova ridiculous isn't it? He said last time he had the best temperament, which obviously isn't true, and now saying he respects women which was proven to be untrue, ON TAPE.
Hitlery is proven by far as the bigger liar on the globe, and u.s is being destroyed with her in office, so what?
Liam Desu
@@liamb8644 yeah if you were recorded everything you've ever said I'm sure you've never said something ronchy. Hippocrates. How bout the real issues. I know you wish Hillary won and you job was moved over seas
American Horror Story: My Election Nightmare
30:45 This is where the debate finally starts
has anyone noticed that hilary never addresses the wiki leaks
watching Hillary trying to outsmart mr. trump is hilarious even after 2020 lol
whats scary and one of many reasons why we need trump is not only is the media against him but even all of the moderators in every debate.
WHAT THE HELL! So he says something against Trump.. Just like does against Clinton multiple times. AND YOU SAY HE'S ONLY AGAINST TRUMP?
Get your tinfoil hat off your head...jesus.
But yes...The other moderators were more against Trump. But this one atleast compensated for that.
i appreciate it but I didn't get my info from aliens I got it from the emails your candidate wrote and even if it came from the Russians which it didn't she still wrote them. ill let you borrow my tinfoil so you can look it up F Kr
why did it skip at 8:23 ?
How many Democrats laughed when Trump said he didnt believe Hillary would win?
My favorite part is 1:05:22 - 1:05:33
Thanks for the upload,
what was cut out at 37.57mins?...
All the way from Ghana we congratulate Hillary on becoming the 45th president of the United States. No need to wait for election day. May the United States continue to be as great as it has always been.
Ghana People thank you
Anyone else back here to see how horrible Chris Wallace did here compared to 2020?
Trump did great! Well done and really wish America chooses him - he can MAGA!
Alex Z "everyone who doesn't agree with me is an idiot"
Ks B and Zowner are misinformed idiots. Read your sources
The Washington Times Presidential 3rd Debate Poll: TRUMP 77% (18,290) CLINTON 17% (4,100)
LOL !!!
I just voted eight times in this online "poll" by clearing my cookies and voting again. Is this what Trump is talking about when he says the polls are rigged? I guess I'm just confused and all, being a Swiss citizen and all.
According to CNN, Clinton won the debate 52% to 39%
*Clinton Narrative Network
"No you're the puppet" said the puppet.
Wow! I did not realize the similarities between this debate and the first 2020 debate... Notably, how both started with Chris Wallace asking about the Supreme Court
1:19:57, play at 0.5 speed
they have cut parts out of this video!! why?
37:55 anyone else wanna know why its skips over this short portion of what she says?
@11:40 Donald Trump tells us his plan to pick Supreme Court justices who will overturn Roe vs Wade. That is exactly what he did.
August 18, 2022.
A business man vs a dead wood politician. Hands down Trump wins.
Funny how Kilary still hasn’t succeeded to the loss to Trump
Honestly Trump has done everything he sisd he would do in his 1st debate til now. He keeps his word he has integrity cant say the same for his "competition"
Jesus christ I can't tell if you're full on crazy or just this astonishingly stupid.
Why did they skip part of what she said at 8:20? and at 22:49? and Trump at 23:30?
After watching this gong show I'd usually say I'm glad I'm Canadian, but we share a border so...
We have our own gong show
Hillary shouldn't speak of protecting Americans. What was she doing when our people in Benghazi asked again and again for help?
We might not like his personality and some words he has said but he is finally gonna get things done in the US..Admit it!
He really did
31:08 - I've been racking my brain all day as to why our Secretary of State would announce, on the largest stage she's ever had, America's nuclear response time. I can't think of many things more important to keep secret.
"You know it, I know it, everybody knows it." Actual quote from debate
Or press conferences ahead of the iraq-war.
Love itt
I use this quote everday
Isnt it great to rewatch this almost 8 years later and see how things have turned out.
Hillarious did you ever Congrat your President Trump..???
In ya Dreams ya joke of past...Hillarious
All my family members are voting for Trump and so should you. Have a good day friends.
Trump 2020🤔😁
Yeah so he can finish the job of burning down America and avoid jail time a little longer
I don't like Hilary, but Trump is to much of a wildcard. If Trump didn't say such distasteful and scary things, I wouldn't be voting this election. But thanks to Drumpf's arrogance in ignorance, I will be voting for Clinton. The lesser of two evils in this case, is far better of an option, sadly...
Well, at least you know what you're going to get with Killary. She wants war with North Korea, Russia, and Iran. Vladimir Putin said himself that if Donald was elected there would be peace; however, if Killary was elected there would be war.
Ethan TheLion
Yeah peace with Russia=Bombing in Syria.
I am good on that.
Also not a fan of bigotry and appealing to the lowest common denominator. Not a fan of trickle down economics or macho posturing as a form of diplomacy.
Haha there are just so many reasons why I dislike Trump much more than Hilary.
at 53:05 Hillary's campaign is sleazy
oh god can't stop laughing so happy I am in Canada
We dont have it good.
She looked really bothered after he said that.
Trump kept his promises. . . Hillary never ever has.
The more I watch this the more I realize Trump kicked her to the curb in this.
Still voting trump
Families and kids..she is a joke!!!!
Why are you so obsessed with her?
False and misleading title. This is not a "Full" debate as stated in the title by New York Times. This video is edited and shows signs of Match Cuts. First noticed at 37:56 threw 37:58.
when was there ever a surplus, and no debt? what the hell is she talking about
Keith on the GAP
In the 90's...some of us lived through it and historians have even written about it.
oh that's right...when I was a millionaire, living in my mansion...now i remember.
@@15205golfer - Got to realize that all the decisions and stuff that happens on top doesn't change a darn thing for "John Q" citizen!!
29:15 and 45:13 ... why i love trump. what a complete boss.
58min - Why does it appear that Trump is defending Putin so HARD?
Consider if you were running a small store on a street, and you have another store as a competetive right almost next to you, and this store is using lies to manipulate your popularity at all costs, at one point I bet you will snap sooner or later when it goes on and on untill you hardly have any customers left as it was before.
ether150 okay, and Hilary hates Russia, do you really want the war? Because if she wins the war will be unpreventable
She needs to be stopped
Pretty awesome, I'm glad they let Kent Brockman be the moderator for the 2016 Presidential Debate
TRUMP 2020 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Dear trump, instead of telling us what Hilary has done wrong please make some decent points.
52:00 the reaction of Trump on this is legit
Trump, You're FIRED! 😑
Chris should have said
"Good Evening... from the help"
Fact check: New York Times, did you write said article? 😂
America is great because it is good: America is not great because it is not good.
I will make America great again: Nope. I highly, very highly doubt that.
And Hillary will. Better use that empty space between your ears for something other than a hat rack.
Francincensed: You just proved you lack the ability to read two whole sentences.
'Scuse me it's my turn....
wow trump is still denying 17 intelligence agencies of the govt and civilians? WOW
trump got roasted at 1:15:56 really good one
another good point from hillary at 1:30:05 ..trump is dragged for filth.
i also love how hillary actually stayed to talk with people when trump just left in anger. lmao..
necrobreen this aged well
"All of the bad drug lords" So he's going to keep the good ones?
plenty of moments censored , why ? if you guys cant show full debate why you choose "full debate" for the title ?
T2016, T202O and beyond!!
1:03:16 look who didn’t accept the results…😂😂 HILLARY! The first election denier
Does everyone else remember how Al Gore accepted the 2000 results? Yeah didn't think so seeing as how he fought it all the way to the Supreme Court and it took weeks for a final decision.
Daniel Smith
No comparison between Al and donald...none. Al didn't call for a rebellion against our government if he didn't win.
Quoɿɿɒ Ω neither did trump...
Dylan Ballard
You're right, he didn't say that. My bad. He did say he would take legal action like Al did.
And so he should. polls staying open way past closing times. Polling in latino grocery stores-we all know what's going on with that. Polling is done at community centers, churches and maybe civic centers. they're certainly not done at grocery stores unless you're up to something fishy.
I thought it was Bagdad, why is she saying bagdaddi?
Hillary is only a few shades darker from dr.evils outfit. I can already see her laughing manically if wins.
Deva Path I bet she will. I also bet, Bill, will be laughing along.
shes the devil but she,ll win live with it...................
Deva Path like Trump said, she'll win because it's rigged. Trump easily destroyed here during this debate.
Grow up, loser TrumpTards.
How did Trump win?
Trump is so honest. I don't think he is lying. This lady is a lier. I cannot believe how evil she is. Mr Trump is not lying. You can just feel it. Cannot believe how biased the media has gotten. God bless America. We need more people like Trump. He is one of the few great people of this century in this country. Hope the democrats wake up and follow his success and become successful themselves.