At least three (3) occasions were celebrated on this day: (1) the Roman Catholic Church had a new Supreme Pontiff, (2) the Archdiocese of Rome had a new bishop, and (3) the State of the Vatican City had a new Sovereign.
@@icycatholic (1) new pope for the Catholic Church, (2) new patriarch for the Latin Rite Church, (3) new archbishop for the Archdiocese of Rome, (4) new sovereign for Vatican City
@@joelbascombe9671 that makes sense. I'm not Catholic, but I respect this Pope a lot. He seems to have a heart for people as well as God - even non-Catholics.
@@tthinker9897 Indeed. This pope loves the people. And that's how Jesus was portrayed in the bible and I think it's a humble trait to have. I've been catholic from birth and I am in awe of it's history and traditions, in spite of our bad moments. It's nice to see a non catholic like yourself view a historic moment like this with such openness. Our church's arms are open for all who are interested.
@@giangra92 You just said that the Church has been overcome by the devil. Congratulations, in other words, the Christ's words are incorrect. May God have mercy upon us.
I went to Rome and the conclave as a pilgrimage. It rained for two days, but when his Holy Father spoke the rain stopped. And i went to my knees when he praid with us. This is the biggest thing of my life. Gott sei dank!
A maior graça que Jesus fez entre os doze após a Instituição da Eucaristia é sem dúvidas a eleição de um Papa na pessoa de Pedro e seu sucessir Pp Franciscus
Without God, no one can bear such responsibility. He surrender himself to God totally starting from that night. with God, nothing is impossible. ❤️ Pope Francis
@@rodri6095 hahaha when the Cross of Saint was describe as Satanic Cross what an Insult to a Disciple of God. Illuminati is Also an insult to God. You describing the Eye of God for he can see everything you just Insulted..
@@davidmella1174 Because a Higher Power wants us to see something that soon may not exist anymore. Very, very dark times are coming for our Mother Church. We must see this for when its no more, it will be engraved in our souls and hearts so deep that it will give us the strength to overcome all the coming ordeals and to build up again what will be broken but not killed.
On that evening I ran to the house of a good friend. She has television, I don't. When Francis appeared on the balcony I felt such a great joy, indescrible.A friend smsed me: I think you are dancing on the table. Well not quite, but it felt that way!
I witnessed this when I was in third grade. My father woke me up at 5am (Philippine Time) and said a new pope has been chose. I watched the announcement while eating breakfast before going to school.
No soy católico y suelo ser muy crítico con la Iglesia, pero igual me gustaría estar en la Plaza de San Pedro en ese momento. El espectáculo social de fe es impresionante. He visitado hermosas e impresionantes catedrales góticas, apreciando esas maravillas arquitectónicas.
The Holy Father. What were his thoughts and what was going on in his mind as he stepped forward and looked down at the mass of people? What a glorious yet frightening moment that must have been. I wonder what his thoughts are today, 5/23/2020? God bless our Holy Father and give him strength and excellent health! 🌈
A Igreja Católica é muito bonita. Tudo impecável nessa cerimônia. Não somente por isso, mas pela força e por Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, sem dúvidas, uma das bases de toda a civilização ocidental.
Just Curious? I Noticed That There's More Than 1 Military Unit, And Just Curious On What Each Unit Is At All? I Noticed That One Of Em Is The Swiss Guards
Na madrugada da eleição do Papa Francisco, sonhei que alguém me dizia que o Papa era argentino. Acordei e achei sem sentido o sonho. Á tarde escutamos o "Habemus Papam" e que ele era argentino. Louvado seja Deus!!
Incrível ler o seu relato porque eu tbm costumo ter sonhos premonitórios relacionados à igreja, apesar de nem ser praticante. Moro numa cidade cuja igreja pertence à Diocese de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, que passou mais de 2 anos com a sede episcopal vacante. Em janeiro de 2021, sonhei que um bispo louro e de barba viria assumir. Uma semana depois do sonho foi anunciada a nomeação do novo bispo, que é realmente louro e tem barba! Até parte do nome dele me foi mostrada no sonho! Sonhei que viria um bispo que se chamaria Dom Luiz Antônio, veio Dom Luiz Fernando!
Me he vuelto cristiano Dios es poderoso Él puede cambiar cambiar las vidas de la personas Sólo hay que arrepentirnos de corazón Él está vivo y presente en toda la humanidad Hay que clamarle a voz en cuello y Dios nos escuchará Dios es Poderoso
@jose arteaga José, Ser Católico es ser un verdadero cristiano al pertenecer a la única Iglesia fundada por nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Dios bendiga tu discernimiento.
🇻🇦💐✝️💐🇻🇦DIEU VOUS PROTÈGE CHER Matheus💞⛑,Vous et toute votre famille💞🥰🌿 !!!JE VOUS SOUHAITE UN JOUR DE VISITER💞🇻🇦 L'ÉTAT PONTIFICAL🇻🇦💐 de la Cité du VATICAN💞🌿💞🇻🇦 !!!RUclipsur franck 🙋♂️de Paris (France 🇨🇵)
Padre nostro che sei nei cieli, sia santificato il tuo nome, venga il tuo regno, sia fatta la tua volontà, come in cielo così in terra. Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano e rimetti a noi i nostri debiti come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori e non ci indurre in tentazione ma liberaci dal male. Amen. 10 Ave Maria Ave Maria, piena di grazia, il Signore è con te. Tu sei benedetta fra le donne e benedetto è il frutto del tuo seno, Gesù. Santa Maria, Madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, adesso e nell’ora della nostra morte. Amen. Gloria Gloria al Padre al Figlio e allo Spirito Santo, come era nel principio e ora e sempre, nei secoli dei secoli. Amen.
Dovevi scrivere come bergoglio ha modificato il padre nostro visto che lui si crede Dio e può modificare quello che vuole. Pure il gloria lo ha modificato. E ora toccherà l'Eucarestia. Stai alla larga dai suoi insegnamenti eretici
Lui è il successore di Pietro, è quello che legherà sulla terra Sara legato anche nei cieli, e ciò che sleghera sulla terra Sara slegato anche nei cieli,wwww il papa, uomo di poca fede per non dire senza
@@DamaskinosofAZ could u please shut up? pope francis is not a heretic. y'all just full of bullshit and conspiracy theories, and very bigotedly sectarian. if anything, pope francis is one of the best popes the church ever had.
Tu amado solo como de otros millones lastimosamente. No te enteraste nunca de todas las herejías que ha hecho? Mira el video sobre lo que dijo sobre el calvario y su muerte en la cruz.Dijo que es el fracáso de Dios, y mira su cara escucha su manera de decirlo. Completamente satánico. Documentate y no te hagas tomar del pelo por satanás que confunde las mentes también del que pueda ser un buen cristiano.
@@rodri6095 Tus palabras sólo demuestran los perjuicios que gobiernan tu razón. ¿Recuerdas estas palabras divinas? ▪︎MATEO 16, 18 18. Yo te digo que tú eres Pedro y sobre esta piedra edificaré MI IGLESIA, y las puertas del infierno NO prevalecerán contra ella. ¿Cuántas? ¡UNA SOLA IGLESIA! ▪︎JUAN 17, 21 21. para QUE TODOS SEAN UNO. Como tú, Padre, en mí y yo en ti, que ellos TAMBIÉN SEAN UNO en nosotros, para que el mundo crea que tú me has enviado. ¿Cuántas? ¡UNA SOLA IGLESIA! Mira lo que te dice San Pablo, inspirado por el Espíritu Santo: ▪︎1 TIMOTEO 3, 15 15. Pero si me demoro, para que sepas cómo debes portarte en la casa de Dios, que es LA IGLESIA DEL DIOS VIVO, PILAR Y BASE DE LA VERDAD. ¿Cuántas? ¡UNA SOLA IGLESIA! MÁS AÚN: La Iglesia Católica fundada por Jesús nunca podrá caer en el error, pues el Paráclito está siempre morando en Ella. ▪︎JUAN 14, 16-17 16. y yo pediré al Padre y os dará otro Paráclito, PARA QUE ESTÉ CON VOSOTROS PARA SIEMPRE, 17. El Espíritu de la VERDAD, a quien el mundo no puede recibir, porque no le ve ni le conoce. Pero vosotros le conocéis, porque MORA CON VOSOTROS. ¿Cuántas verdades? ¡UNA SOLA VERDAD! ▪︎JUAN 14, 26 "Mas el Consolador, el ESPÍRITU SANTO, a quien el Padre enviará en mi nombre, él os ENSEÑARÁ todas las cosas, y os recordará TODO lo que YO os HE DICHO." ¿Cuántas verdades? ¡UNA SOLA VERDAD! ▪︎JUAN 16, 13 "Pero cuando venga el Espíritu de VERDAD, ÉL OS GUIARÁ A TODA LA VERDAD; porque no hablará por su propia cuenta, sino que hablará TODO lo que oyere, y OS HARÁ SABER las cosas que habrán de venir." ¿Cuántas verdades? ¡UNA SOLA VERDAD! ▪︎LUCAS 12, 12 "Porque el Espíritu Santo os enseñará en la misma hora lo que debáis decir." MATEO 28, 19 19. VAYAN, pues, y hagan que "TODOS LOS PUEBLOS" (καθολική Ó katholikí) sean mis discípulos. Bautícenlos en el Nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, ¿Cuántas verdades? ¡UNA SOLA VERDAD! Que Dios bendiga tu discernimiento.
Vedere una piazza così piena di persone emozioni e sentimenti ed ora tutta vuota senza nessuno se non dei poliziotti speriamo che tutto finisca per rivedere questo a piazza di nuovo così 😄😄
Vedrai che dio benedira questo mondo, mentre chiedamo perdono a Dio per tutte le cattive azioni che abbiamo fatto e speriamo che entro il prossimo tutto finisca,
@@transistor7679 I am a bible believer and my bible tells me that God only instigated one religion in human history and that was when He called out the nation of Israel to be His First Born. When they fell the new Gospel of the mystery was given to Paul by which all men could be saved. It was not a religion He gave to Paul it was a new and better way available to all men. That of course was hijacked very early on after the death of Paul and with your first pope constantine and the formation of the roman catholic church. Institutions that promote men wearing dresses i suspect are even more susceptible to attracting men of perverted ideas.
Recuerdo ese día en mí país acaban de terminar las noticias y anunciaron luego luego la fumata blanca y le estaba diciendo a mí mamá que lindo sería que el nuevo papa fuera latino y cuando anunciaron el nombre le digo a mí mamá es latino y luego dijeron que era argentino y todo no hacía más que llorar muy hermoso
Molto interessante, come tutto il cerimoniale prima dell'annuncio.....e soprattutto senza il commento di qualche giornalista che.....bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.....
At least three (3) occasions were celebrated on this day: (1) the Roman Catholic Church had a new Supreme Pontiff, (2) the Archdiocese of Rome had a new bishop, and (3) the State of the Vatican City had a new Sovereign.
*Catholic church* he is also in charge of the non Latin Catholic Church, like the Byzantine rite of the church.
@@icycatholic (1) new pope for the Catholic Church, (2) new patriarch for the Latin Rite Church, (3) new archbishop for the Archdiocese of Rome, (4) new sovereign for Vatican City
*Bishop of Rome
*Diocese of Rome
Rome is only a diocese
@@GlesherDeLemosCabalida the more you know
@@GlesherDeLemosCabalida Rome is also an ecclesiastical province which has a metropolitan. So the "bishop" of Rome is also a metropolitan archbishop.
19:05 The Pope was given a microphone and within seconds the whole crowd silenced… what a powerful sign of respect
Worship of the Pope?
@@tthinker9897 I think he used the wrong word.
@@tthinker9897 I think he meant a sign of respect rather.
@@joelbascombe9671 that makes sense. I'm not Catholic, but I respect this Pope a lot. He seems to have a heart for people as well as God - even non-Catholics.
@@tthinker9897 Indeed. This pope loves the people. And that's how Jesus was portrayed in the bible and I think it's a humble trait to have. I've been catholic from birth and I am in awe of it's history and traditions, in spite of our bad moments. It's nice to see a non catholic like yourself view a historic moment like this with such openness. Our church's arms are open for all who are interested.
Beautiful tradition, love from roman catholic croatia 🇭🇷
This my church. This is, where I heal my hurts. May the Lord bless You all. Greetings from Hamburg/Germany
God is good all the time love from LA Union; Philippines
@@ekim9934 My dear friend in Christ. Thx for this comment. May the Lord bless You ! Best wishes from Hamburg/Germany
Oh really? You may want to know the so called "Pope" (anti-Pope) Francesco is a Satanist.
@@giangra92 You just said that the Church has been overcome by the devil. Congratulations, in other words, the Christ's words are incorrect.
May God have mercy upon us.
I went to Rome and the conclave as a pilgrimage. It rained for two days, but when his Holy Father spoke the rain stopped. And i went to my knees when he praid with us. This is the biggest thing of my life. Gott sei dank!
Who still watch this video in 2020 ??? Amos Simuk from Indonesia 🇮🇩🙏
me :D
Me too! By the way: It should be "Who watches..." Learn decent English and be Catholic.
Nenhuma instituição se compara a Santa Igreja Católica. Simplesmente única.
A maior graça que Jesus fez entre os doze após a Instituição da Eucaristia é sem dúvidas a eleição de um Papa na pessoa de Pedro e seu sucessir Pp Franciscus
Sim, depois de roubar tudo do Império Romano e o derrubar...
One can only imagine the thoughts and emotions going through his mind while standing there looking out on St Peter's Square.
The emotions going to his mind while standing in a place where thousands of chrishtians died 2000 years ago, including Saint Peter.
yup its really creepy
Without God, no one can bear such responsibility. He surrender himself to God totally starting from that night. with God, nothing is impossible. ❤️ Pope Francis
Where has this part of Catholicism been all my life
It has always been there, deep, deep, far away perhaps but the deepest spark and essence have never left.
My Church my home:)I was born to be a Catholic and die being a catholic:)Blessed be our Pope and Roman Catholic Church:)
from: Philippines
🙏🙏🙏May almighty Jesus christ bless us all.
Die following Jesus and not religion. The prostitute of the book of revelation is the catolic church. Open your eyes
@@henriquealberguini5748 our eyes are already open, yung eyes and brain mo, eopen din😒😒
@@henriquealberguini5748 be blessed !
@@samaritain16 PORCODIO 🙏🏻
It's a truly Universal church
Satanic church, illuminati and masons
@@rodri6095 really?? your soul must be so hungry now. repent and worship God now.
@@rodri6095 hahaha when the Cross of Saint was describe as Satanic Cross what an Insult to a Disciple of God. Illuminati is Also an insult to God. You describing the Eye of God for he can see everything you just Insulted..
@@rodri6095 fuck off!
@@rodri6095 The Church historically had conflicts with certain free masonic groups.
Eu estava aí nesta praça de São Pedro em Roma. Foi muito bonita e emocionante.
Deve ter sido lindo mesmo presencialmente ♥️😍
Nossa que legal
Eu assisti pela TV, foi muito emocionante.
😭😭😭 i love Catholic. Indonesian
Sama juga bro.
Why did it appear to me seven years later? '-'
@@davidmella1174 Because a Higher Power wants us to see something that soon may not exist anymore. Very, very dark times are coming for our Mother Church. We must see this for when its no more, it will be engraved in our souls and hearts so deep that it will give us the strength to overcome all the coming ordeals and to build up again what will be broken but not killed.
@@jphalsberghe1 You are right. In Chile churches were burn today. These are dark times.
Como se llama la banda que están al principio,
Que tienen un gorro con pluma.?
On that evening I ran to the house of a good friend. She has television, I don't. When Francis appeared on the balcony I felt such a great joy, indescrible.A friend smsed me: I think you are dancing on the table. Well not quite, but it felt that way!
I witnessed this when I was in third grade. My father woke me up at 5am (Philippine Time) and said a new pope has been chose. I watched the announcement while eating breakfast before going to school.
💐🇻🇦✝️🇻🇦💐DIEU VOUS PROTÈGE CHER Rowane🌿💐 Vous et toute votre famille🌿💐🥰!!!RUclipsur franck🙋♂️🌿🦁 de Paris (France 🇨🇵)
Good Memories 👍
@@franckranaivo666 thank you sir. God bless us all.
@@indiantiger699 indeed.
April 2020: 1 week before Easter. San Pietro square is empty. I get sad
It deserves
No u
@@rodri6095 it's deserve an short break cuz on Covid 19🙄
October 2020: churches were burn in Chile
E g sa vist u buonaser!!!!
No soy católico y suelo ser muy crítico con la Iglesia, pero igual me gustaría estar en la Plaza de San Pedro en ese momento. El espectáculo social de fe es impresionante. He visitado hermosas e impresionantes catedrales góticas, apreciando esas maravillas arquitectónicas.
Cada eleição papal uma emoção Jesus é nossa força...
I love my church ❤️
Thank you for this beautiful video, Greetings from Argentina
Thank you for sharing the event without distracting commentary or translations.
Right. We do not want to understand what´s realy going on. We only want to be part of a fary tail. Doe not distroy our illusion....
What is the name of the march played between 2:02 and 5:37?
What a bless moment!
May Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady protect always our dear Pope Francis!
You never known about how many heretical acts he made against God. The first comment is completely a very poor man
@@rodri6095 Jorge Bergoglio is an enemy of the true Faith
@@rodri6095Nonsens, nonsens and nonsens!
So many people together. Is it possible to see something like this in future?
Still here on 2021, praying for the Church, for the Pope !
The Holy Father. What were his thoughts and what was going on in his mind as he stepped forward and looked down at the mass of people? What a glorious yet frightening moment that must have been. I wonder what his thoughts are today, 5/23/2020? God bless our Holy Father and give him strength and excellent health! 🌈
Standing in St. Peter ‘s Square is awesome !
A Igreja Católica é muito bonita. Tudo impecável nessa cerimônia. Não somente por isso, mas pela força e por Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, sem dúvidas, uma das bases de toda a civilização ocidental.
Ich war damals dabei. Es war unglaublich emotional, man kann es nicht beschreiben. Und noch immer trägt mich dieser Abend.
"Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy." (from the Diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska; 300)
God always Bless his Church
🥰🇻🇦✝️🇻🇦🥰DIEU Vous protège Bernie💞💐 ainsi que toute votre famille💐🌿💞 !!!RUclipsur franck🙋♂️ de Paris (France🇨🇵)
Que hermoso! Ví todo el vídeo con lágrimas en los ojos ¡Viva el Papa y viva la Santa Iglesia!
What a blissful ceremony....i am proud of my Catholic Church
"He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice..." (from the Diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska; 1146)
Whoah, this is very good. Who wrote this??
@@johannesnicolaas the statement Jesus dictated to His secretary of Divine Mercy. from the Diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska; 1146
@@iwogajda5253 Thank you so much, I had her painting of Jesus for many years on my desk.
16:28 ahí está lo que querés ver
Gracias esclavo de los tiempos
Una reverenda cagada que aparece
El peor Papa de todo los tiempos es lo que se pasa!
¡Por supuesto! ¡Francisco "es" peor que Alejandro VI! ¡Es peor que Stephen VI! ¡Ve a estudiar la historia de la Iglesia Católica!
Catholicism is so beautiful and abundant.
Foi um momento inesquecível, muito belo e promissor para a humanidade.
Tuhan Yesus Kristus
Não, é engano.
We proved Pope Francis from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
The French cardinal who announced Pope Francis wasn’t having it
He was sick
Indeed, he looked sick... & perhaps already a bit senile.
@@willylao5430 Jean-Louis Tauran french cardinal. He was 70 and he had Parkinson. He died in 2018.
@@willylao5430 No, not senile but he had Alzheimers decease.
Ah, it was Parkinson. so sorry.
Feel touching and emotional when watching this historical moment. God bless Papa🥰
Just Curious? I Noticed That There's More Than 1 Military Unit, And Just Curious On What Each Unit Is At All? I Noticed That One Of Em Is The Swiss Guards
É sem dúvidas um dos momentos mais lindos da Santa e Madre Igreja: a eleição de um Papa. Habemus Papa!
@PdoPtr bla bla bla VIVA CRISTO REI🇻🇦🇻🇦🇻🇦🇻🇦✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️👑👑👑👑
Kesini gara2 bapa paus dri kunjungan ke INDONESIA,,😍
Na madrugada da eleição do Papa Francisco, sonhei que alguém me dizia que o Papa era argentino. Acordei e achei sem sentido o sonho. Á tarde escutamos o "Habemus Papam" e que ele era argentino. Louvado seja Deus!!
Sim, papa da teologia da libertação, eleito com golpe interno. Grande papa...🦧
Incrível ler o seu relato porque eu tbm costumo ter sonhos premonitórios relacionados à igreja, apesar de nem ser praticante. Moro numa cidade cuja igreja pertence à Diocese de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, que passou mais de 2 anos com a sede episcopal vacante. Em janeiro de 2021, sonhei que um bispo louro e de barba viria assumir. Uma semana depois do sonho foi anunciada a nomeação do novo bispo, que é realmente louro e tem barba! Até parte do nome dele me foi mostrada no sonho! Sonhei que viria um bispo que se chamaria Dom Luiz Antônio, veio Dom Luiz Fernando!
Sonho cumprido, mas não significa que iso seja bom 💁🏻♂️
Que buen video.
Muchas Gracias.
Amo ser Católica. Sou apaixonada pela nossa igreja. Viva a Igreja de Cristo! ♡♥
kami rindu berjumpa denga Bapa Paus di Indonesia
Me he vuelto cristiano
Dios es poderoso
Él puede cambiar cambiar las vidas de la personas
Sólo hay que arrepentirnos de corazón
Él está vivo y presente en toda la humanidad
Hay que clamarle a voz en cuello y Dios nos escuchará
Dios es Poderoso
@jose arteaga
Ser Católico es ser un verdadero cristiano al pertenecer a la única Iglesia fundada por nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Dios bendiga tu discernimiento.
Como se llama la cancion que toca la guardia suiza?
12:09 Nombre de la marcha/himno?
O Felix Roma
Como tu Dios , no hay .Tu grandeza es infinita!!
Whats song title 4:00 8:00?
Muito bonito. Essa alternância entre latim e italiano me encanta.
Watching this in 2023.12.11
2013-2020 7 years, quickly time.
The Catholic mas
The Catholic mas match 22.2020
The Catholic mas match 22.2020
May the Good Lord continue to bless this holy man and our good shepherd.
Rivedo spesso questo momento solenne. Viva Papa Francesco
Não sou católico, mas acho isso muito lindo e emocionate, hei de conhecer o Vaticano um dia.
Você é, sim. 🙂
🇻🇦💐✝️💐🇻🇦DIEU VOUS PROTÈGE CHER Matheus💞⛑,Vous et toute votre famille💞🥰🌿 !!!JE VOUS SOUHAITE UN JOUR DE VISITER💞🇻🇦 L'ÉTAT PONTIFICAL🇻🇦💐 de la Cité du VATICAN💞🌿💞🇻🇦 !!!RUclipsur franck 🙋♂️de Paris (France 🇨🇵)
Proud to be Roman Catholic
Padre nostro che sei nei cieli, sia santificato il tuo nome, venga il
tuo regno, sia fatta la tua volontà, come in cielo così in terra. Dacci
oggi il nostro pane quotidiano e rimetti a noi i nostri debiti come
noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori e non ci indurre in tentazione ma
liberaci dal male. Amen.
10 Ave Maria
Ave Maria, piena di grazia, il Signore è con te. Tu sei benedetta fra
le donne e benedetto è il frutto del tuo seno, Gesù. Santa Maria,
Madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, adesso e nell’ora della nostra
morte. Amen.
Gloria al Padre al Figlio e allo Spirito Santo, come era nel principio e
ora e sempre, nei secoli dei secoli. Amen.
Dovevi scrivere come bergoglio ha modificato il padre nostro visto che lui si crede Dio e può modificare quello che vuole. Pure il gloria lo ha modificato. E ora toccherà l'Eucarestia. Stai alla larga dai suoi insegnamenti eretici
Lui è il successore di d Pietr
Lui è il successore di Pietro, è quello che legherà sulla terra Sara legato anche nei cieli, e ciò che sleghera sulla terra Sara slegato anche nei cieli,wwww il papa, uomo di poca fede per non dire senza
I just liked the way he said "Habemus Papam"
ric david
nah, it means "choir boi, you come to me, especially if ur youtube username is ric david" or sth close
u r why not?
u r Well how is he a heretic?
@@DamaskinosofAZ could u please shut up? pope francis is not a heretic. y'all just full of bullshit and conspiracy theories, and very bigotedly sectarian. if anything, pope francis is one of the best popes the church ever had.
What is music from 2:50?
Oh que maravilla, recordar ese momento, y con lágrimas y mucha emoción, gracias Señor por darnos a nuestro amado Papa Francisco🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
Tu amado solo como de otros millones lastimosamente. No te enteraste nunca de todas las herejías que ha hecho? Mira el video sobre lo que dijo sobre el calvario y su muerte en la cruz.Dijo que es el fracáso de Dios, y mira su cara escucha su manera de decirlo. Completamente satánico. Documentate y no te hagas tomar del pelo por satanás que confunde las mentes también del que pueda ser un buen cristiano.
Ele é maravilhoso, um grande presente de Deus para os nossos tempos 🇧🇷🇧🇷
RODRI D.S con que te drogas??
Tus palabras sólo demuestran los perjuicios que gobiernan tu razón.
¿Recuerdas estas palabras divinas?
▪︎MATEO 16, 18
18. Yo te digo que tú eres Pedro y sobre esta piedra edificaré MI IGLESIA, y las puertas del infierno NO prevalecerán contra ella.
▪︎JUAN 17, 21
21. para QUE TODOS SEAN UNO. Como tú, Padre, en mí y yo en ti, que ellos TAMBIÉN SEAN UNO en nosotros, para que el mundo crea que tú me has enviado.
Mira lo que te dice San Pablo, inspirado por el Espíritu Santo:
▪︎1 TIMOTEO 3, 15
15. Pero si me demoro, para que sepas cómo debes portarte en la casa de Dios, que es LA IGLESIA DEL DIOS VIVO, PILAR Y BASE DE LA VERDAD.
La Iglesia Católica fundada por Jesús nunca podrá caer en el error, pues el Paráclito está siempre morando en Ella.
▪︎JUAN 14, 16-17
16. y yo pediré al Padre y os dará otro Paráclito, PARA QUE ESTÉ CON VOSOTROS PARA SIEMPRE,
17. El Espíritu de la VERDAD, a quien el mundo no puede recibir, porque no le ve ni le conoce. Pero vosotros le conocéis, porque MORA CON VOSOTROS.
¿Cuántas verdades?
▪︎JUAN 14, 26
"Mas el Consolador, el ESPÍRITU SANTO, a quien el Padre enviará en mi nombre, él os ENSEÑARÁ todas las cosas, y os recordará TODO lo que YO os HE DICHO."
¿Cuántas verdades?
▪︎JUAN 16, 13
"Pero cuando venga el Espíritu de VERDAD, ÉL OS GUIARÁ A TODA LA VERDAD; porque no hablará por su propia cuenta, sino que hablará TODO lo que oyere, y OS HARÁ SABER las cosas que habrán de venir."
¿Cuántas verdades?
▪︎LUCAS 12, 12
"Porque el Espíritu Santo os enseñará en la misma hora lo que debáis decir."
MATEO 28, 19
19. VAYAN, pues, y hagan que "TODOS LOS PUEBLOS" (καθολική Ó katholikí)
sean mis discípulos. Bautícenlos en el Nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo,
¿Cuántas verdades?
Que Dios bendiga tu discernimiento.
Vedere una piazza così piena di persone emozioni e sentimenti ed ora tutta vuota senza nessuno se non dei poliziotti speriamo che tutto finisca per rivedere questo a piazza di nuovo così 😄😄
Io spero proprio di no
RODRIGO D.S perché?
Vedrai che dio benedira questo mondo, mentre chiedamo perdono a Dio per tutte le cattive azioni che abbiamo fatto e speriamo che entro il prossimo tutto finisca,
@@rodri6095 finché ci sarà il falso Papa e meglio che rimanga vuota.
I know I am always a sinner
God bless the Pope! 🇻🇦🇲🇽
🇻🇦💞💐✝️💐💞🇻🇦DIEU VOUS PROTÈGE CHER Silver Phoenix 397🥰🇲🇬💞💐🥰🤍🦁💮!!!RUclipsur franck 🙋♂️de Paris (France🇨🇵)
@@franckranaivo666 thanks! God bless you too
Alguém do Brasil, assistindo em 23/10/2020???
Very beautiful. Catholics make beautiful /divine ceremonies and celebrations.
@@ricdavid7476 It's not an exclusive catholic problem, in other churches, this happens too. Benedict XVI wrote about this.
@@transistor7679 I am a bible believer and my bible tells me that God only instigated one religion in human history and that was when He called out the nation of Israel to be His First Born. When they fell the new Gospel of the mystery was given to Paul by which all men could be saved. It was not a religion He gave to Paul it was a new and better way available to all men. That of course was hijacked very early on after the death of Paul and with your first pope constantine and the formation of the roman catholic church.
Institutions that promote men wearing dresses i suspect are even more susceptible to attracting men of perverted ideas.
@@ricdavid7476 u a hater bro.
@@themaverick778 What have i said that is not true? Is it to hate to tell the truth or to lie?
ric david Take your Protestant views elsewhere.
12:08 what hymn is this?
Im think thats fanfare for Italy Anthem, same case as Russia Anthem
@@anthemninditochannel8396 Aah ... Ok, thank you very much
@@anthemninditochannel8396 yes is it
The cardinals picked the right man!
16:54 Look at that smile .That is an adorable Cardinal .He knows they are happy and he loves it .
From Peter the fisherman to Franciscus, the “boat” will never sink
The Boat went down with this False Prophet.
@@vintarusproximus2854 well, Pope is not a prophet, FYI!!!!! Idiot
@@vintarusproximus2854 Shut up heretic...
Viva a Igreja Católica
Viva o papa
Greetings from Borneo
qual a música em 12:30??
Italian national anthem🇮🇹
Anthem of Italy
Cenas inesquecíveis!Goianinha,RN.
God bless you
E maravilhoso ver a nossa igreja , Jesus escolhendo o seu servo o Santo Padre o PAPA FRANCISCO, é muito emocionante ver e rever esse vídeo
Muy emocionante
Que momento histórico increíble parara todos nosotros Argentinos una emisión inmensa
Great!😍👍 Wow!😍👍 halellujiah, halellujiah, Amen...Amen!!!😍😁👍 bravo, bravo welcome Pope Francis!!!😍👍 a round of applause...❣❤
Pray for Pope Francis and the one and only Apostolic Church. The Bride of Christ is under attack from within.
VIVA CRISTO REY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
❤️❤️. Praise the lord ❤️❤️
Oh the heavens rejoices with us too..god bless you Pope from Shillong diocese..,👏👏👏
Grazie per aver fatto rivedere questo momento.
despues de nueve años, lo veo y me sigue emosionando.
Bellissimo ricordo ❤️
The uniforms and the marching and the pageantry and the music is fab
What is the music from 17:56? thank you
its the pontifical Anthem of vatican city.
Sri Lanka also there
Recuerdo ese día en mí país acaban de terminar las noticias y anunciaron luego luego la fumata blanca y le estaba diciendo a mí mamá que lindo sería que el nuevo papa fuera latino y cuando anunciaron el nombre le digo a mí mamá es latino y luego dijeron que era argentino y todo no hacía más que llorar muy hermoso
This is my church thank you Santo Padre Papa Francisco
The opening graphic didn't seem to show the two fountains in St.Peter's Plaza.
Habemus Papam!. Amén.
Is this John in Louisville?
Molto interessante, come tutto il cerimoniale prima dell'annuncio.....e soprattutto senza il commento di qualche giornalista che.....bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.....
Cual de ellos.?
Grazie Signore per questo dono 💖💖💖💖