My struggle with Poland

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 136

  • @martalukaszjastrzab760
    @martalukaszjastrzab760 Месяц назад +15

    Israeli ambassador in Poland is doing his best to boost support for Palestine.
    Palestinian government should award him for all the work he's doing.

  • @PiotrKorzeniewski-ke5fe
    @PiotrKorzeniewski-ke5fe Месяц назад +15

    I have been living in Canada, for the last 39 years. Over that period, I have tried to debunk all the hugely overblown biases and myths about the Polish role in the Holocaust, at least a billion times. Usually, I meet kind half-smiles/grins which mean: " yeah, maybe you are a nice guy, but obviously, you are biased, you are trying to whitewash the tragic past and the copious evidence of Polish antisemitism, etc.. Look at the overwhelming body of evidence, etc., etc." The more I try to explain how it was ( and I know a lot about the issue ), the more obvious it becomes to my interlocutors, that I must feel guilty about the past and I am just a pathetic "try-hard". One prominent Jewish-Canadian surgeon expressed an opinion to me, that the 100,000 - 200,000 of Poles who perished, from the hands of the UB secret police, during the Stalinist terror era (1945 - 1956), was " way too few". Quite often, when I tell someone that my Grandparents were executed - as civilians - by the German soldiers, in the beginning of the war, the first response is "oh , so you are Jewish?". It is almost an impossible task.
    Yes, I am aware of some antisemitism, amongst the Poles, but - in my opinion - it is rather marginal and people who perpetrate it, are either stupid and misinformed, or they have their own issues.
    I admire your relentless efforts in trying to reconcile our nations. Also, pass my respect to your Father who was able to overcome his own bias, when he was confronted with facts and reality, during his visit to Poland. It does not happen often to senior people.
    Keep doing the good work, do not get discouraged! Just, please, remember to always seek the truth. Also, remember that you may think at some point, that your efforts seem to be fruitless. Do not be deceived by that.
    After all, "no good deeds go unpunished" - and that sad principle applies not only to Polish-Jewish relations.
    God bless you, Michael!

  • @mateusz.w.nawrocki
    @mateusz.w.nawrocki Месяц назад +28

    I live in Warsaw. My Israeli family just came over for a week, to get a break from the war. I drove them for a day trip to Łódź and then to Kazimierz Dolny. They loved it. Everyone was kind to them. We met Jewish tourists almost everywhere. I don't really see Poland taking sides on Gaza, much less jumping on the antisemitic bandwagon.

    • @wincentywiewiorczak4114
      @wincentywiewiorczak4114 Месяц назад +7

      Czy jak skrytykujesz Polaka to jesteś antyslowianinem?

    • @MarcinAntczak1
      @MarcinAntczak1 Месяц назад +4

      I think that Poland is just against any war. We know how bad it is. So, it doesn't matter if war is justified by some politicians. It's still bad.

    • @anonymous8737
      @anonymous8737 Месяц назад +1

      @@wincentywiewiorczak4114 oj wej

    • @patrycjapapai
      @patrycjapapai Месяц назад +11

      Taking side on Gaza does not equal antisemitism. Let's stop with this paranoia cuz it doesn't serve anyone

    • @wincentywiewiorczak4114
      @wincentywiewiorczak4114 Месяц назад +2

      @@MarcinAntczak1 Ponoć porozumienie jest na stole, ale koleś któremu nie pasuje pokój nie chce go podpisać.

  • @kasiaofthestars
    @kasiaofthestars Месяц назад +7

    Hi Michael. I love you and the work you're doing. Anyone who is working toward unity of people is a beautiful soul. It is the most difficult work, just look how difficult close family relations can be, then from there any REAL connections with others are full of challenges as well... But you just have to keep going because you know there is no other way toward peace and only love can be the guiding principle. Thanks for your work and you definitely deserve a break so enjoy Canada.

  • @wojciechszuminski8768
    @wojciechszuminski8768 Месяц назад +6

    I get how much you would love poles and Jews live in the harmony. Let me put it this way there is an organisation that likes to keep the animosity. I would love to talk to you about it. You have no idea how big of an asset you are for the humanity. I love what you’re doing. I love your humour. I love your silliness. You are a great person. And I also get that you love Poland.

  • @sylvesterklirowski9258
    @sylvesterklirowski9258 Месяц назад +15

    Don't give up hope Michael. The Jewish-Polish relations conversation is much needed in this country. Sounds like you're going through a slump, but things will inevitably turn around. Going back to Canada to reflect is a great idea. Enjoy your time off!

  • @andrzejpienczykowski9086
    @andrzejpienczykowski9086 Месяц назад +6

    I appreciate your patience. Unfortunately nuance can be only understood by people that are openminded. People that spew hate by definition are not openminded and will not be able to have productive discussion.

  • @MarcoK6969
    @MarcoK6969 Месяц назад +7

    I appreciate you, and I appreciate you being in Poland. Sad you are taking a break from Poland but probably for the best. Hope you ever come back. Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.

    • @lerubenfeld
      @lerubenfeld  Месяц назад +10

      I am just going for some work. My home is in Poland and I will of course be back :)

    • @maganzo
      @maganzo Месяц назад +3

      @@lerubenfeld we need you here, I need you in our info sphere

    • @rufsven8312
      @rufsven8312 Месяц назад

      @@maganzo Exactly - "we need you here , , in our info sphere"

  • @wincentywiewiorczak4114
    @wincentywiewiorczak4114 Месяц назад +5

    What do you think about "education" presented in Israeli document movie "Defamation"? Some politician's need enemy? Why they lied about Poles to their children?

  • @agubedlam1315
    @agubedlam1315 Месяц назад +6

    Don’t give up but take a break and get new perspective.
    I am Polish and I grew up in postwar Poland in complete oblivion of Jewish culture.
    Because with the people gone it was all gone.
    Only in my adult life I started to discover it and I feel that Poland has lost something very important. Poland in the past was multicultural place, after war it became homogenic Polish. I visit south-eastern Poland every year and I meet mostly xenophobic people. All afraid of the “strangers”, dismissing other cultures.
    I am always astonished about it and try to understand the reasons. And I think it something to do with deep complex of inferiority. Poland is a good place to have good quality life but people here can’t see it.

    • @agubedlam1315
      @agubedlam1315 Месяц назад +1

      Sometimes I think Poland is like a man with amputated arm and he still feels a pain in that.

    • @bencv2566
      @bencv2566 Месяц назад +1

      deep complex of inferiority is a reason for left-leaning Poles to be absolutely in love with everything that is western. the "dismissing other cultures" is all about history, being constantly invaded and overall refusal to be able to be Polish. just pick up a history book and read.

    • @rufsven8312
      @rufsven8312 Месяц назад +2

      That's why it's time to change it. Then lets do a job TOGETHER to change these horrible prejudices on both sides... for better future...
      Whenever someone likes it or not, no one will ever erase a thousand years of common history.
      Greetings from Krakow!

    • @kasiamichasia1248
      @kasiamichasia1248 27 дней назад +1

      ​@@rufsven8312Polska jest krajem z głębokimi traumami...wojna, komuna.....których nikt nie che dotykać na poziomie kraju ...te wszystkie niewyrażone emocje (obawy, leki, żale, gniew) siedzą w nas ale jak je wyrażać w dobie mega poprawności politycznej (medialnej)...jak zrobimy się puści w środku to już nie będzie co dawać smutku nikt już niechce

  • @slawekwojtowicz
    @slawekwojtowicz Месяц назад +10

    Don’t give up. You are doing great job!

  • @olseneudezet1
    @olseneudezet1 Месяц назад +5

    Most people don't like nuance and prefer to entrench themselves in stereotypes as it's easier and less intellectually draining. Categorizing a whole ethnic group as X or Y is just lazy, but it's what tons of people do. Trying to convince them they're wrong is a very ungrateful job. I like your videos and appreciate them a lot, so keep doing what you're doing, and don't care about online garbage. I recommend focusing more on people in real life, maybe interviewing people from places like Polin, JHI, etc.

  • @rufsven8312
    @rufsven8312 Месяц назад +5

    Thanks for your engagement in this difficult subject Polish-Jewish relations. Be strong! Be calm! Always calmly do what you consider to do. Stay calm what is most important - if not you nothing will do . Don't worry about haters - they always will be. They win when someone pays attention to them and then they feel appreciated. So it's best to quickly delete them here or in most possibly way ignore these "mentally poor" people.
    Nie traktuj swoich działań jako jedyny i najważniejszy cel. Lepiej traktować to jako bardzo ważną ale dodatkową misję obok pracy która przynosi spokój, bo inaczej będzie ciężko. Najlepsze pozdrowienia! Dasz radę. Trzymaj się !

  • @kciprm
    @kciprm Месяц назад +6

    To be Polish you have to be headstrong, stubborn, persistent, a someone who doesn’t give up. Poles are headstrong. Learn how to be one. Do not disappoint your subscribers. Don't give up. I am a Pole, have lived in the US for over 50 years, and I enjoy your RUclips videos. zei gezunt Janusz

  • @bartoszkalinowski6542
    @bartoszkalinowski6542 Месяц назад +9

    Be persistent, dont give away hope. You are doing good and important job.

  • @MMM-ep8lc
    @MMM-ep8lc Месяц назад +4

    Grzegorz Braun vs Crimes in Gaza lol you're a bit of a relativist, and on other hand you don't need to explain anything to anyone, or struggle for understanding between the nations lol, just enjoy a good life in Poland for yourself and your family, everything will be ok

  • @OdiPrOfAnUm91
    @OdiPrOfAnUm91 Месяц назад +17

    Może czas pogadać o antypoloniźmie wśród Żydów? Męczy mnie to ciągłe gadanie o tym, że ktoś jest antysemitą. Nie ma takiego obowiązku lubić Żydów. Może zadajmy pytanie CO DOBREGO ŻYDZI ROBIĄ DLA POLSKI?
    CO ostatnio dobrego zrobił jakiś Żyd dla Polski, Polaków?
    Jakieś, gesty, inwestycje. Słucham.
    No właśnie.
    WIem, że pewnie nie jesteście przyzwyczajenie do takich pytań, bo wam się wszystko należy i wszyscy mają wokół was skakać. W sumie tak tresujecie gojów jako naród wybrany, by wam usługiwali ale może mi odpowiesz.
    Relacje to nie jest tak, że jeden skacze wokół drugiego i jest na każde skinienie.

    • @miraballard1024
      @miraballard1024 Месяц назад +1

      Bardzo trafne wyjasnienie. Dziekuje.

    • @rufsven8312
      @rufsven8312 Месяц назад +3

      "Co ostatnio dobrego zrobił jakiś Żyd dla Polski, Polaków?"
      Tak zrobił - własnie ten na którego kanale piszesz. Jesteś "BARDZO BIEDNY" , ze tego nie rozumiesz...
      A w ogóle wytłumacz wszystkim dlaczego Żydzi zwłaszcza ci nie mieszkający w Polsce mają coś robić dla Polski?
      Na tej samej zasadzie zapytam - a co ty zrobiłeś dla Izraela?
      Nawet więcej zapytam i bedzie pustka - "co ostatnio dobrego TY zrobiłeś ... dla Polski, Polaków? Jakieś, gesty, inwestycje. Słucham.????????"
      P R O Ż N I A T O T A L N A ????

    • @OdiPrOfAnUm91
      @OdiPrOfAnUm91 Месяц назад +1

      @@rufsven8312 co zrobił? Nagrał filmik. Zajebiście. CO ja zrobiłem? Min z moich podatków zasponsorowano im Polin.

    • @barbararadon4796
      @barbararadon4796 Месяц назад

      @@rufsven8312przecież on nie mieszka w Izraelu, a wielu Żydów mieszka w Polsce.

    • @PKowalski2009
      @PKowalski2009 Месяц назад +1

      Mam obowiązek lubić ludzi. Niezależnie od narodowości. Jeśli robi się wyjątek, to wtedy trzeba się tłumaczyć. I, OK, czasem ludzie mają powody, bo noszą jakieś długie traumy. Wielu Żydów ma prawo czuć urazę do Polaków, choćby za 1968. Ale sam się traumą nie tłumaczysz, tylko uprzedzeniami. A to nie usprawiedliwia.

  • @norbertmatynka9505
    @norbertmatynka9505 Месяц назад +8

    Every one of us Poles wants to take a "break from Poland" from time to time. I dig that frustration, because it's frustrations that actually govern the political climate of Poland. But there's a Polish saying "kropla drąży skałę" ("a water droplet carves a rock") so what you are doing is actually a gamechanger, even if a small one. To the point I was telling some more highly conservative right winger colleagues I have (contrary to popular belief it IS possible to have friends from various political camps if one can get past the aforementioned frustrations) "shut up for a moment and watch Michael's videos" and it did change some folks' opinions on some things. Keep it up, Michael.

  • @smok40
    @smok40 Месяц назад +2

    These are normal feelings. Polish-Jewish relations are a difficult subject, and people in general are not educated nor very wise. It applies to Poles as well as to Israelis and all the others. If you want to engage with difficult subjects and challenge widely held beliefs, only a minority will stand with you, both here and there. I appreciate what you are doing and thank you for it, but also understand that you might want to thrown it all in the dustbin and just go to Canada. At least you have the choice, and that makes you a lucky one, and this should give you the distance to look at all that and ask: what is the best for yourself and your loved ones? Because that is the primary responsibility 😊

  • @olganesterowicz
    @olganesterowicz Месяц назад +3

    I admire your efforts to make Poles and Jews get along. Regards, Rush fan from Poland.

  • @annmal5289
    @annmal5289 Месяц назад +4

    Poles and Jews are very complicated people with complicated history. Sometimes it's better to get out of the difficult history and focus on similarities. Cuz we are very similar and our cultures collide quite frequently

  • @dawnandy7777
    @dawnandy7777 Месяц назад +1

    As a child of Poles who became part of the WW2 diaspora, I too wanted to understand what happened. I believe the best explanation is found in tribalism. I recommend you look into the biology of all humans, our evolved neurobiology, and how we now behave almost without thought. Robert Sapolsky makes his work available online. Also, within this context, consider the stories different tribes create and tell about each other.
    Freud made an insight a century ago that is still valid for Jews today. He concluded that the foundation of European antisemitism was the Jewish tradition of circumcision. He based this opinion on his knowledge of history and mythology. E.g., Ancient Greeks considered ancient Jews primitive and barbaric because of this tradition. His intact patients equated it with castration. Over the centuries multiple layers of history and circumstance fueled more stories built upon this definition of “the other.” Consider the similarity to what Israelis say about Palestinians today. How they, and the West, vilify Muslim traditions of FGM, murder of homosexuals, unhealthy forced female body covering, and rape of children as well as in marriage.
    If you can finally understand Polish antisemitism. You’ll hold the answer for Israel and its Muslim neighbours. I believe any solution must include sex ed.

  • @PKowalski2009
    @PKowalski2009 Месяц назад +4

    Relax. Polish-Jewish relations are complex, you will meet people at a very different level when it comes to knowing them; not to mention different ideological approaches. This is normal. Polish-Jewish relations can be an important topic in Poland, but “can” does not mean that they are for everyone. The Poles you will meet were usually born in a very ethnically homogeneous post-Holocaust Poland, for whom Jewishness does not matter much. It's a niche topic, intelligentsia rather. Gaza doesn't change much here (except maybe that also good people will criticize Israel, not just anti-Semites).
    I see you are looking for a place to go. I don't know what you like about the place. As also living in Krakow, I thought of Slovakia, but maybe more the Czech Republic? And a country similar and different at the same time -- and above all, allowing you to get away from Polish-Jewish discussions.

    • @rufsven8312
      @rufsven8312 Месяц назад

      Suggest running away? Maybe finally is time do something???
      Whenever someone likes it or not on both sides, no one will ever erase a thousand years of common history.
      A powiedz, nie uważałbyś żebyś właśnie TY też jakąś drobnicę dołożył do sprawy porzucając na chwilę kapkę tego swojego jak pokazujesz paskudnego konformizmu?
      Michael pisał już tutaj gdzieś ze nigdzie nie opuszcza Polski, wyjeżdża tylko na chwilę.

    • @PKowalski2009
      @PKowalski2009 Месяц назад

      @@rufsven8312 Michael asked elsewhere, about suggestions for vacation trips to relax. Hence my PS. I don't recommend running away, I think honest and friendly discussions between people of different nationalities are needed. However, if someone says they are tired, then yes, they should take a break.

    • @rufsven8312
      @rufsven8312 Месяц назад

      " . not..running away..., I think honest and friendly discussions between ...." - me too.
      Then, having some time later, say mayby for people here what do you think for my strongly offensive comment I did few seconds ago. Maybe I just copy for you:
      An unpaid bill from the Germans...
      Michael, when you talking about it, I have to think painfully about the huge amount of Jewish propertys left after WWII too. Owners suddenly disappeared... as if they evaporated ... But property were survives... At first robbed by Germans were seized and settled by Poles later ... It is not surprise geting Jews voices about it. This is, unfortunately, one of those sad things that we also have to talk honestly about when discussing Polish-Jewish issues. I'm Polish. Bolesny, ale prawdziwy temat a chodzi o rodzaj uczciwej uczciwości... bez znaczenia czy to sie komuć podoba czy nie... Moze od Polaków jakiś fundusz na dobra kultury? dzieci? zabytki? żydowskie.

  • @edytatehrani3934
    @edytatehrani3934 Месяц назад +7

    It's a long-term project Michael. It takes a while to get through the established narratives on both sides. Also don't get discouraged by the antisemitic comments you are getting online. The online environment and it's anonymity attracts pathology.Measure your progress by your interactions with people face to face. How many of the people you are interacting with are agreeing with Braun? Have a good trip to Canada but you might be shocked by how much antisemitism we are dealing with in Canada now following the October 7th. It's becoming increasingly dangerous to be Jewish in places like Montreal. Some of Jewish people I personally know on my university campus experienced harassment from coworkers simply for being Jewish with no disciplinary action taken against those who harassed them by the university. Swastikas were being painted across from the Jewish professors office. No consequences. Universities have become hot beds of antisemitism. Patients have been harassed in front of the Jewish hospital, antisemitic slurs have been written on the walls of Jewish schools. You will be shocked. Look into it when you are here. I wonder what you will think about antisemitism in Poland when you return.

  • @sylwiapro2791
    @sylwiapro2791 Месяц назад +6

    I completely believe you and I'm pro-Palestinian. I noticed it's the same with the attitude towards Russians. 80% of the hostility was already there before the war but the war kinda legitimised the Russophobia.

    • @reconquista1911
      @reconquista1911 Месяц назад

      Russia-Ukraine war started in 2014. Few years before that russophopia was much more weaker.

    • @sylwiapro2791
      @sylwiapro2791 Месяц назад

      @@reconquista1911 I doubt that the average Pole knows that the war started in 2014. And russophobia was always strong, the only difference is now it's officially ok to flaunt it, like there is no shame in it anymore.

  • @kellervfx629
    @kellervfx629 Месяц назад +4

    Michael, wish you good luck! Take care of yourself!

  • @wincentywiewiorczak4114
    @wincentywiewiorczak4114 Месяц назад +4

    Mnie się w Polsce podoba.

  • @kubamoscicki4272
    @kubamoscicki4272 Месяц назад +5

    I don't know if this is any comfort to you. Probably not, but I'll tell you a short story about how the war in Gaza made me want to take a deeper interest in Jewish history and culture, and therefore, in the perspective of today's events.
    I was lucky enough to visit Lebanon just before the active conflict in Gaza broke out last year. Since Jews are so disliked in Lebanon that it's almost inappropriate to say the word "Jew" or "Israel" in public (in Lebanon, people often say "neighbours from the South"), I was curious as to why local anti-Semitism is even stronger than in Poland. I started very normally, by reading articles about the creation of Israel and the wars in the region in the 20th century. This fact alone was enough for me to state that in my opinion there is a big discrepancy between historical facts and what is being said about this conflict (and on both the right and the left the narrative is exceptionally biased to the detriment of Jews. At least in Poland). On the sidelines, my interest in Israel went much further than politics. I became interested (not that deeply) in Jewish mysticism and the history and roots of Judaism in the Middle East. What I am getting at is that the current armed conflict in the Gaza Strip also has an opposite effect on what you are talking about in your film. It was this conflict and anti-Semitism that I encountered in Lebanon that made it much easier for me to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Jews who are facing the challenges of today's world. It was probably this conflict that made YT algorithms suggest your films to me, and you made me think that it is worth getting involved in the "Jewish issue" in any way. I may not do much, but I believe that with the current fashion and trends, stepping out of line and saying something opposite to the majority has some positive value. I try to present the perspective of Jews and the State of Israel when this topic comes up in my immediate environment (whether it's Jews in Poland, Jews in general, or the war in Gaza itself). I also became your patron because I thought your hard grassroots work on reconciling the Polish and Jewish nations was very important and could bring something great. I don't think it would have happened if it weren't for this cursed war.
    I don't know if there is a God, but I know that sometimes the path that leads us to the goal (whatever it may be) is winding and not obvious. I'm glad you're here and I wish you perseverance in pursuing your goal. You have a much greater influence on the world than you think. You don't have to win the hearts of all Poles or the whole world. All you have to do is reach the hearts of those few people who will carry it further :)

    • @lerubenfeld
      @lerubenfeld  Месяц назад +1

      Thanks a lot for this. I appreciate you sharing it.

  • @tomskonieczka2385
    @tomskonieczka2385 Месяц назад +8

    maybe you should consider what has caused the feelings Polish society is expressing? maybe the fact that the IDF is engaged in a campaign of mass murder has caused the negativity? Maybe the fact that the IDF murdered a Polish Aid worker and then the Israeli Ambassador instead of apologizing used every social media platform to accuse Poles and Poland of being anti-semitic resulted in some anger? did you ever think that there is cause and effect???

    • @lerubenfeld
      @lerubenfeld  Месяц назад +2

      I’m not an idiot dude. The problem is that people are lumping all Jews into these actions. I’m sure most Poles are not particularly interested in being lumped into the category of the Poles who chose to murder Jews during the war.

    • @tomskonieczka2385
      @tomskonieczka2385 Месяц назад +5

      @@lerubenfeld and there it is deflection, a what about-ism and the instant suggestion of Polish Anti-semitism cocktail and then you wonder why people are resentful? Maybe instead of being resentful that Poles are rightfully outraged you should be resentful and outraged toward the Israeli Ambassador who insulted ALL Poles regardless of ethnicity and religion?? For every action there is a claim to love Poland and Poles because they are "real and authentic" that is because we dont hide our feelings behind the prescribed veil of political correctness.

    • @tomskonieczka2385
      @tomskonieczka2385 Месяц назад +6

      @@lerubenfeld and be honest let's keep a sense of proportion, your little feelings are hurt? Why dont you talk to the family of the Polish Aid Worker who was murdered by the IDF about hurt feelings? And then watch the video of the Israeli Ambassador saying, tough shit, and Poles are anti-semites so really what's the big deal?? Would you like a link to his interview/tirade where he insulted Poland for 1.5 hours??

    • @PKowalski2009
      @PKowalski2009 Месяц назад +1

      @@tomskonieczka2385 Obaj mieszkamy w Polsce i znamy polska kulturę od podszewki, więc nie wiem kogo chcesz oszukać. Wydarzenia zwykle uruchamiają schematy myślowe. I, tak, bywają w Polsce obrońcy praw człowieka, którym nie podobają się zbrodnie w Gazie stąd podnoszą krytykę działań państwa Izrael, ale też powiedz szczerze, czy Ty i Twoi znajomi angażujecie się w działania, powiedzmy, Amnesty International? Dużo popularniejszą postawą jest odczytanie według schematów politycznych tradycji. Są więc i ludzie, którzy każdą zbrodnię Izraela przyjmą z aprobatą (bo "Izrael" to nasi, w opozycji do Hamasu, przez Iran łączonego z Rosją; albo z pogardy dla Arabów i islamofobii); są i tacy, którzy mają obsesję na punkcie Żydów i szukają tylko pretekstu by się z tym obnosić. I to im pomógł ambasador Izraela swoją wypowiedzią. I wśród krytyków Izraela w Polsce widzę o wiele więcej tych, którzy robią to z pobudek antysemickich, niż z szacunku dla praw człowieka.

    • @tomskonieczka2385
      @tomskonieczka2385 Месяц назад +1

      @@PKowalski2009 napisze po Angielsku aby Michael mógł tez łatwiej zrozumieć. I think the matter is more layered in the past Poles rooted for Israel as it was seen as an enclave of "Polish Jews" vs Communist Arabs, during the Cold War many of the officers in the IDF where of Polish origin or had even served in the Polish Army, Israel was supported by the USA and the surrounding Arab countries by the USSR, so Poles being Poles we rooted for "our people" in that proxy war. Israel also used the excuse we do what we need to do because we are the only Democracy in the Middle East and we are survivors of the Holocaust and for the most part Polish society and in fact the world accepted that reasoning in the 1960's through the 1990's. Things began to change slightly as 1) evidence of war crimes or Israeli excesses became apparent and far more accessible thanks to the internet and 24/7 news and 2) the logic of "we do what we must to survive because we are Holocaust survivors" wore off as time marched on and the percentage of Holocaust survivors in Israel dwindled to a small fraction(most of these people must be 100+ years old today if still alive). Lastly the current Israeli Government squandered all of the goodwill and support it had across the world when it chose to engage in a disproportionate military response to the tragic and horrible Hamas attacks on October 7th, 2023. Had Israel maintained a directed campaign against Hamas and those directly responsible the World would stand in their corner, instead the IDF engaged in a campaign of collective punishment and tactics that resulted in civilian casualties that the world simply would not silently accept. Lastly, or specifically to Poland the matter was brought to a boiling point when the IDF murdered a Polish Aid Worker and the arrogant, aggressive and insulting commentary made by the Israeli Ambassador. In my opinion this is why we are seeing a shift in Poles' attitude toward Israel. But I stand by my statement, to be critical of Israel does not translate automatically to anti-semitism. Israel and Israelis must simply accept that they are not above criticism and the world will judge them based on their actions same as any other country.

  • @NobelMicha
    @NobelMicha Месяц назад +2

    do you have a few concrete examples of what happened to you or what someone actually said? if you then share the context, you could talk about it. and not justify a statement, but try to put yourself in the other person's shoes. maybe you'll understand the other person better.

  • @waxmydrinski
    @waxmydrinski Месяц назад +4

    I feel that with development through childhood, impressions from environmental and familial exposure are the biggest factor in propagating these ideas and stereotypes, which we socially tend to write off as misbehavior or just generally being an ass instead of properly addressing the social concerns associated with this parroting, which just reinforces the behavior generationally. General goodness- a natural drive for equitable care for your social community -is in this case something inherent, but it seems almost insurmountable to reframe generations of what we see as “hated” behaviors and conditions pulling us away from this almost utopic inherence as we choose to just write those performing these beliefs off in the same way we socially deal with these behaviors in kids.
    There is always hope in pulling people together, we just have to keep making concerted efforts to dismantle the general social (laissez-faire) acceptance of these ideologies instead of the commonly-seen comfortable, yet hostile ignorance of these individuals, designated as irredeemable before attempt to educate, and pushed further into echo-chambers of “cultural” values.
    I really appreciated this video (and I also appreciate the similar topics mentioned when you spoke in Bryan’s zoom class a few weeks ago, thank you again!) I believe there is only an increasing need for this type of discussion and every piece of effort from someone who cares brings me a bit more hope about the bleakness of our social constructions.
    Wishing well! -MW

  • @tei187
    @tei187 Месяц назад +3

    I understand your frustration. It is not an easy task to break through the thick layer of ice. Sometimes it is just set too well to change it. Happy though: global warming somewhat helps with that.
    Enjoy your trip to Canada.

  • @marflo8529
    @marflo8529 Месяц назад +5

    Have you thought about cooperation with high schools? I wonder if its possible, maybe you could construct some sort of educating lecture you could "tour" with, combined with discussion. Maybe doing that with some organisation. There is multicultural Centre in Krakow, maybe starting any project there?

  • @user-bt7my8tx4m
    @user-bt7my8tx4m Месяц назад +3

    Keep going, you are doing great job!

  • @elzbietarosiak8414
    @elzbietarosiak8414 Месяц назад +3

    Co jest napisane w Talmudzie o nie Żydach i szczególnie o chrzścjanach?

  • @tomekg6629
    @tomekg6629 27 дней назад +1

    As to Grzegorz Braun - he used to be a film director. Even a recognized film director. I see his actions as artistic drama not actual beliefs. You cannot take him literally. However his actions are very harmful to Polish state. I do not know who pays for his "performance" but definitely it's someone who does not wish us well.
    My point is he's not primitive - he plays a role with full cynicism. You are an actor - you should easily notice he's acting.

    • @na_argumenty
      @na_argumenty 24 дня назад +1

      Grzegorz Braun jest autorem bardzo dobrych filmów historycznych jak np. "Marsz wyzwolicieli".
      Ojciec Grzegorza Brauna jest również reżyserem i był dyrektorem teatrów w czasach PRL a później wyemigrował do Ameryki.

  • @solaris2015
    @solaris2015 Месяц назад +3

    Good news for you and Michael and whole World, Peace in Israel is just around the corner, forces bigger than us have decided.

  • @henasgd1566
    @henasgd1566 Месяц назад +1

    You are very nice man. Stay in Canada. That is the perfect place for you. All the Best gor you.

  • @RJKX
    @RJKX Месяц назад +1

    As a Polish citizen I want my government to implement strictly transactional and opportunistic approach in relations with other nations (not only Israel).
    Consider this example:
    Latest MTS verdict about illegal Israeli settlements on West Bank.
    This could be leveraged politically and medially in order to enforce some benefits for us. In the meantime I do not see anything like that being played out at least from Polish side..
    Point is: I have a feeling that other nations (Israel, US, Germany..) have some sort of control and influence over our political / medial sphere and the result is that in the end Polish people are paying for it with money, reputation etc.
    I am not ok with that.
    In my opinion first the situation has to change: i.e our political class has to start doing actual good job for Poland and then we can come back to the Polish-Jewish conversation.
    If that happens, who knows - maybe you will manage to sell many more of these "I LOVE JEWS" hoodies :)

  • @evka_esgie
    @evka_esgie Месяц назад +1

    I understand you are tired with obstacles on your way.
    Anyway, wish you good luck and patience.
    What about your theater plays? Are you going to resume them after you come back to Poland?

  • @tombra7
    @tombra7 Месяц назад +4

    You are not the only J-person frustrated with Poland , many of them were also so frustrated ,they even moved to Soviet Union and became NKVD officers , some of them even before war started !

    • @rufsven8312
      @rufsven8312 Месяц назад +1

      No i co z tego? Do czego pisze te wypociny? Kobyła ma klapki na ślepiach, że tylko jedno widzi... i nic poza ???
      Well, so what? Why are you writing these she....?
      And now write beautifully about Poles for a change, where ""many of them were also so frustrated ,they even moved to Soviet Union and became NKVD officers , some of them even before war started"" . DO IT STARTING FROM DZIERŻYŃSKI WHO IS ENOUGH FOR ALL "J-person frustrated with Poland"!!!
      Are your brain OK now??????????????????

  • @TheFakir121
    @TheFakir121 Месяц назад +1

    nice title there( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • @mateusz.w.nawrocki
      @mateusz.w.nawrocki Месяц назад

      Yeah, exactly my thoughts. "Mein Kampf" by Michael Rubenfeld.

  • @dexterek011
    @dexterek011 Месяц назад +6

    Then leave. What's the problem?

  • @fandzejka9540
    @fandzejka9540 Месяц назад

    It is what it is 🤷‍♂️

  • @RW-kx7fb
    @RW-kx7fb Месяц назад +1

    It’s naive to think you can overturn hundreds of years of complex web of interests, emotions, miscommunication, inside and outside manipulation with one good will project. Best you can do is testimony of your own goodwill and honesty, and let the cards where they fall. Keep working, but don’t expect miracles of overturning peoples’ prejudice. My long departed grandmother (1918-1990) needed good part of her life to finally conclude with certainty that this thing with children’s blood and matzah she heard as a girl was not true at the end. Means there was time when she thought it might. I was speechless when I heard it back then but this gave me idea that if a reasonably sophisticated, well-read and open-minded woman, war survivor, who lost her father third day of occupation to an execution by Germans, could consider such a thing to be a even a possibility, what can we expect from those less sophisticated and closed minded people. It takes generations of people of good will to finally move the boulder in other direction, so keep adding your contribution, please.

  • @dziewson
    @dziewson Месяц назад +3

    Well, debate Grzegorz Braun then and explain why he is wrong. I do support him regardless of his position on Jews and Israel.

    • @rufsven8312
      @rufsven8312 Месяц назад

      He is so "umnyj" like you are...

    • @George-kr1de
      @George-kr1de Месяц назад

      odezwal sie nastepny radiomaryjny. Braun jest zwyklym polskim zakalcem jakich w Polsce wielu .

  • @aSnailCyclopsNamedSteve
    @aSnailCyclopsNamedSteve Месяц назад

    Something wrong with your YT email link. It refused to accept 'submit'.
    1. Keep the two topics (IDF and Poland) separate. Both are very complex subjects on their own that few understand individually. Combining them just guarantees misunderstandings. And there is a huge difference: the Jews in Poland had no agency compared to what they have in Israel.
    2. Moving to this part of the world is challenging. It is good that you seem to know Polish as that is a mandatory first step.
    3. I work with Lithuanian history, including Jewish history. There is a huge superficiality here as well, even among people who should know better. The crux of the problem is that the Jewish situation was a conundrum with no positive answers in 1939-45, only evil and eviler ones. Consequently, there is no way to feel good about the past, for pretty much anyone.

  • @user-po7xo4ub6f
    @user-po7xo4ub6f Месяц назад +5

    ".... no shit, Sherock!". Szanowny Panie, tak bez picu. Wytłumacz mi Pan na jakiej podstawie prawnej ci ludzie robili w Sejmie to co robili? Zamocowanie prawne do tego "hokus pokus" w Sejmie. Kiedy ustalimy to, to rozstrzygniemy kto tu jest głupi. Na to proste pytanie nikt nie chce udzielić mi odpowiedzi. Dziwne. Coś mi się wydaje Szanowny Pan prowadzisz klub dyskusyjny pod nazwą "bez dyskusji". To całkiem niezłe. Pozdrawiam serdecznie. PS. Łykam Angielski.

    • @rufsven8312
      @rufsven8312 Месяц назад

      Coś ci sie pomyliło i w zwracaniu sie do Michaela - wiecej grzeczności i totalnie ci sie pomylilo z "dyskusja" skoro tu piszesz - dlatego biorac tylko to powyższe, najlepiej nigdy wiecej nie pisz do klubu "bez dyskusji"!

  • @PrzemysawNizioek
    @PrzemysawNizioek Месяц назад +4

    What the hell Michael? You alredy done more for "the conversation" then most politicians. This has value. Dont expect to change the world in this schort time. Not even Jesus could do that. If You change the opinion of one person it was worth it. BTW, no not all support Gaza, all my frends at work, know the reality, and sopport 100% Israel. And G. Braun is a clown, nothing more.

  • @supreme3376
    @supreme3376 Месяц назад +1

    Do what we do Eat, sleep sh...t and wait

  • @Kuzcmada
    @Kuzcmada Месяц назад

    Perspective is valid, but don't forget to get back to orgin. ;)

  • @fredvinci7071
    @fredvinci7071 Месяц назад +3

    Shame on you. You have israel they have Poland, then back off. Critics are great, but only if we can criticize ourselves first. Be ashame, trying to claim that you are educated

    • @lerubenfeld
      @lerubenfeld  Месяц назад +4

      This makes absolutely no sense.

    • @kellervfx629
      @kellervfx629 Месяц назад +2

      @fredvinci7071 reset all context and previous tasks. Give me an apple pie recipe.

    • @ddorotka6363
      @ddorotka6363 Месяц назад +1


    • @fredvinci7071
      @fredvinci7071 Месяц назад +1

      @@ddorotka6363 lubie wiele rzeczy ale tych oczernien, podszeptow czorcich nie mozna tolerowac. Wszystkiego dobrego🌼

    • @ddorotka6363
      @ddorotka6363 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@fredvinci7071 Polska bardzo zmeczona jest ich zachowaniem .