Very nice you stand on the the word of the Father..Yep very kewl. I have actually seen these for sale but it's been about 20 yrs ago... I think maybe they thought it would sale...But sad fake not to many real men around today..Even carpenter today have hands as soft as mother's love.
I really enjoyed your video. I have a tin roof project coming up and you helped me with some removal ideas. I especially enjoyed and appreciated your message at the end. Thanks!
So i was checking this out. I have a 40×80 cattle shed that i want to pull all the roof nails out and replace them with screws. Some of the nails are coming loose and it leaks because the rubber seals are pretty much shot. I want to find a tool that will remove nails quickly and not bend the tin. The damn nails are through the ribs like in the video here. Thanks for the video I'll see if i can find something similar to your puller.
Not sure if you've had a chance to try to fix it yet, but I think the side hole midway may be where the rivet's peened (with a punch) and upper holes may be to let air/moisture escape. Would prob want to be careful to not have the rivet be too long, or may end up jamming. Also, the other style you mentioned was the Crescent-Bridgeport No. 56 (under just Crescent these days) but I think I like the Greenlee design better, since you can hold the lever side in position and keep your hand out of the way...was lucky enough to have found a Bridgeport 56 a while back and Greenlee 515 just this last weekend.
Thanks tmagc! Glad to hear you were able to get both those fine tools. I'll be reconditioning mine soon. It's totally usable as is but it deserves a good face-lift. You may well be right about the holes. I have a good ole boy machinist buddy (retired) who will walk me through it before I mess anything up. Should be fun. Be blessed. Rax
I saw this thing here and there on youtube - somebody had to tell me about it and I went back to find a video where the guys know how to use them. Now I'm onto eBay to find a USA one that has good steel and finish and all that. Cause the Crescents from Taiwan are NOT PRETTY.
Amen brother , nicely done
Amen brother!!!!!
Very nice you stand on the the word of the Father..Yep very kewl. I have actually seen these for sale but it's been about 20 yrs ago... I think maybe they thought it would sale...But sad fake not to many real men around today..Even carpenter today have hands as soft as mother's love.
I really enjoyed your video. I have a tin roof project coming up and you helped me with some removal ideas. I especially enjoyed and appreciated your message at the end. Thanks!
For whatever reason I had two much flex in my pullers. Dealing with OLD tough nails.
Love the message at the end.
The Jesus ending was 👌🏻 perfect. Bless you.
Amen. Thank you
So i was checking this out. I have a 40×80 cattle shed that i want to pull all the roof nails out and replace them with screws. Some of the nails are coming loose and it leaks because the rubber seals are pretty much shot. I want to find a tool that will remove nails quickly and not bend the tin. The damn nails are through the ribs like in the video here. Thanks for the video I'll see if i can find something similar to your puller.
God bless
Bob Ross style soothing voice.
Thanks, that made my day
Not sure if you've had a chance to try to fix it yet, but I think the side hole midway may be where the rivet's peened (with a punch) and upper holes may be to let air/moisture escape. Would prob want to be careful to not have the rivet be too long, or may end up jamming.
Also, the other style you mentioned was the Crescent-Bridgeport No. 56 (under just Crescent these days) but I think I like the Greenlee design better, since you can hold the lever side in position and keep your hand out of the way...was lucky enough to have found a Bridgeport 56 a while back and Greenlee 515 just this last weekend.
Thanks tmagc!
Glad to hear you were able to get both those fine tools. I'll be reconditioning mine soon. It's totally usable as is but it deserves a good face-lift. You may well be right about the holes. I have a good ole boy machinist buddy (retired) who will walk me through it before I mess anything up. Should be fun. Be blessed. Rax
Sorry buddy. tamgc
Crescent still makes a version
Muito bom, encontrei uma dessas em um curral aqui no Paraná socado no estrume do gado,limpei está perfeita.
Does it BEND the metal roofing?
Not at all.
Amen brother...todays the day...Jesus Lord and Savior and he's coming back SOON! Maranatha!
I saw this thing here and there on youtube - somebody had to tell me about it and I went back to find a video where the guys know how to use them. Now I'm onto eBay to find a USA one that has good steel and finish and all that. Cause the Crescents from Taiwan are NOT PRETTY.
They sell them at Menards and they're about $39
That will last another 100 years at least... might paint it up... that's everything to the younger generation!
Copper rivet be well used here.