Uwielbiam oglądać pani filmy,przypominają mi moje dzieciństwo,a że pochodzę z wioski,podobnie przygotowywaliśmy potrawy z tego co sobie sami wyprodukowaliśmy np.sery.maślanke,masło,chleb,i różnego rodzaje przetworów, które były chowane w piwnicy,chciałabym jeszcze raz przeżyć takie życie ❤️
I love watching her so much, she has such a rich beautiful heritage, no matter all of the negativity I admire the lady everything she does she does herself, it is such a joy to watch I’ve learned a lot I’ve even learned how to canned from you. Keep showing us great stuff
looks like generations before her laid the foundations for this life. much hard work there, but rich rewards. Close to nature and a simple life depending on God.
Es sorprendente cuán valiosa es esta señora. Tiene mucho vigor y es muy organizada en sus labores domésticas. Soy una admiradora de ella. Soy de nacionalidad chilena. Ubicado mi país en américa del sur.
Как красиво в горах, уютно, свежо. Мне напоминает мое детство, только не в горах, а в простой деревне у речки. Все точно также делали моя мама и бабушка. Какая приятная женщина, делает сразу несколько дел: и заготовки , и кашу варит, и пироги печет. И ничего не подгорает, не ,, убегает,, из кастрюль. Жаль, я так не умею. г. Новороссийск, Краснодарский край, Россия
I hope you are safe and far away from the fighting. I wish the recipe was noted so we can try to make at home. Thank you and God Bless the people in Ukraine,may peace once again come .
Dear lady, I enjoy watching all your video. God bless you. So hardworking and the way you work in the kitchen is so captivating. You move with ease. Regards from Arizona.
Maria! You inspire me so much and I respect you for the woman that you are! God bless you and keep you safe , happy and healthy! I remember you in my prayers at night! ❤❤❤
Нужно выбирать тяжёлый труд,,либо гробы для мужиков после 50,,---,в городе,,там труд лёгкий ,но мы дольше не живем,,или есть другое мнение,,???мои вокруг умирают
Hello from The UK, I love the way she cook and is very clean, remind me to my grandma with this pumpkin food. I hope you keep uploading more videos, thank you for this wonderful video.
As usual, this is an wonderful video about Maria's life and cooking. Maria grew such a large and heavy pumpkin! It is interesting that she used most parts of the pumpkin for different purposes (the seeds, the pulp, and the fibrous strands). I like the way Maria called her beautiful cow to give her the pumpkin fibrous strands.The pumpkin porridge looked really rich and delicious. The meat and noodles soup also looked so palatable and nutritious. I love the way she prepared the two aforementioned interesting dishes for the meal. It is also amazing to see her make her own pasta/egg noodles in a simple and easy way.
Така наша Україна, з прекрасними людьми! Марія- красуня, розумниця, все вміє, всюди гарно, чисто. Дякую Вам за позитив, просто за те, що душа радіє! Слава Україні!
Honneur à cette femme 💕👏💕 Vous devez être extrêmement fière car je ne connais personne qui aurait le courage de faire ce que vous faites! Que Dieu vous protège 🙏❤️🙏
Маріє, ми з дружиною любимо твої відео, ми любимо сільське життя, сподіваюся, одного дня я зможу дати їй спокійне життя, на яке вона так заслуговує, вітаю з Аргентини.
I love this, this shows us we are alike in many ways and that we do the same as you are doing here in this video, we have soo much in common outside of the government fighting, that's because of beliefs that are different, and there is difference in the world, we all live and breath, love the taste of food, enjoy the outdoors, lay down and sleep just the same and dream, hoping better days come for the world and peace will be made, life is short and we really don't have time for upset, but have all the time to do something good, and here it is just the way I have done before, as my parents and my grandparents,and all those before them, we had gardens and animals, milked the cows, made butter and some delicious meals, we took the pumpkin cut and cooked, with sugar, cream, eggs, pinch of salt, and the home made butter, mashed pumpkin and added all this with some spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and ginger to season it, it was thick enough to put in a pie shell or from the same pastry as the pie we made tarts that was a round cut out of the dough with the pumpkin mixture in and fold the edges to seal them, fry or bake till light brown, cool and eat with milk or coffee, we all know the taste of good things no matter where we live in life, we can food to put away for winter some we will not be hungry, smart idea, keep doing it, I enjoyed this video and it reminds me of my grandparents ways of life, we are American Indian and still live like this and love it. We love to hear the rain on the roof at night in a storm sleeping peacefully, waking to the morning sun and fresh air, we TRUELY all want the same and I pray for peace in the world, have a great day because you work Soo hard take time to rest.
I,m from Korea Very interesting, Deeply impressed about country life, And I think she is very skillful at kooking. I hope to visit there someday. Hope to meet her someday.
Yes...This is hard work, but work that is appreciated. I never had to work this hard, because of the year I was born. But I can remember this was the same "hard work" that my Parents and Grandparents endured, and they survived peacefully. My siblings and I were not taught how to live off the land, because our Parents were focused on our getting an education. I appreciate both my Parents for wanting to make life easier for us. We all are educated to have better jobs than our Parents, but as I mature, I wished that they prepared me (I am only speaking for myself) with the knowledge that they had (they are both deceased) to live off the land. I am 63 years of age, and I know that it's never too late to learn. I admire and respect those of you who learned from a young age how to live off the land...you are blessed to have these skills, instilled. Before it's all over, WE ALL will need the skills to know how to do ALL the "hard work" this Lady is doing in her videos. It's just a matter of time. And she is soooo beautiful, to me 💖
My parents also live this kind of life,I also remember very well and learn such a lot of things from tham,but yes when is cold,and snow,it is not so easy,but it is also beautiful becouse is the simple life
I've been binge-watching Maria's videos, it's so amazing how she lives her life up in the mountains of beautiful Ukraine. It would be nice if can write the ingredients to put in the dishes. She working so hard! Beautiful country!!
I think she made the pudding with pumpkin, rice, milk and sugar, then she added some butter and cinnamon on top of it. The other dish she made it with chicken, pasta and lots of dill and a cross cross cut onion (and some spices of course). Everything organic! Looks simple and delicious.
Que interesante!! Sería bueno que en cada video explicaran los ingredientes, la preparación y la forma de conservación de los alimentos para poder hacerlo en casa y así degustar esos manjares que ella prepara a diario y que difieren mucho de la forma como comemos aquí en Colombia. Gracias por compartir toda su actividad. Es una belleza!!!
Мария достойная свох предков .Старенький дом наполнен и переполнен, благодоря Марии,жизнью .Это большое уважение предкам ,кто жил в этом доме ,очаг в этом доме играет яркими красками благодаря трудолюбию и мастерству Марии ! Низко кланяюсь Вам за это .Якутия ,фермер .
Прекрасна природа наших Карпат, а повітря кришталево чисте і такаж чиста вода надихає цю прекрасну Україночку на такі кулінарні шедеври, де немає букви Є і слова Гемео, а чистота і смак від Матінки Природи. Здоров'я Вам пані Марія і мпогія літа.
I am very grateful that you showed me the potential of Ukrain. Whenever I hear from you guys' efforts, it makes me very happy. Just like you guys, I have a fear deep inside my mind that they may use something that hearts everyone in earth. Carefully cheering you. I hope you finally find your independent peace forever.
@@carolpoole2220 Eu também percebi outras casas por perto. E também a quantidade de comida que preparou não é só pra uma ou duas pessoas, é pra bem mais
Kjo grua eshte vertete per tu atmiru grua me zemer te madhe respekt kjo eshte shembull per te gjithe grate botes jetone e qete large shurmes urbane me nje nature te mrekullushme gzone shendet te plote pa strese pa thashetheme pa mashtrime pa dishim qe i uroje nje jete gjate Dhe te lumtur te pergezoje respekt moter ke behe zgjethjen e duhur
Sen birde Türk kadınlarını görsen.bizimkiler olmayan kıt kanaat şeylerle neler yapıyorlar .bu çakma hissi verdi bana eve yapabiliyor ama ellirinize sağlık bu kabak tarifini deneyeceğim gerisini yapıyoruz bizlerde tabiki ama artık yemek yapanda az tembel dolu her yerde doğası cennet gibi.
@@hauzihosi1475 Hauzi edhe un te pershendes nga shqiperia shume faliminderit te uroje shendet ne jeten e perditshme zoti te rujte familjarisht respekt per suprzen qe me Bene zoti te rujte familjarisht Amin
Wonderful, she is a blessed woman. In this material world of today, we can never go back to this wonderful life. We are stuck. Look good around you, when we think, we have it all. This peace we can not have. We only hunt for more and more.
We chose this life. Consumerism is killing us and the planet. We need to control population growth and stop this insane materialism, or the planet will not be worth living on. We could all live like Maria if we chose to but our government prevents this with the insanity of breeding more and more onsumers. And if we don't breed fast enough, they import high breeding third worlders to keep the population growing. It is pure madness.
Na wsi nic się nie zmarnuje, wszystkie produkty są mądrze i dokładnie wykorzystane. Gospodyni zawsze dzieli się ze zwierzętami, które są traktowane jak domownicy, przyjaźnie.🌹
A gdzie bylo pokazane ze dzieli sie z zwierzetami??Ona nawet nie udzielila pomocy dla kotka ktory ma zlamana lapke??2 easy widzialam jak Kotek prosil o pomoc…ona obojetnie przeszla obok jak osoba bez serca👎👎👎
This is a wholesome life! Free from the media, the Internet, she is living life on her terms. The sounds of nature is so soothing and she has a way with animals too. This is a far better life than living like a Royal or a billionaire if you ask me.
Very peaceful and calming video. A fascinating look into a life that lives in tune with the natural world and which supplies all needs. (Pretty lady, too!)
Ésta sí es una mujer en toda la extensión de la palabra, mis respetos, me gustaría saber hacer todo lo que ella hace, hoy en día ,hay mujeres que ni cocinan, por falta de tiempo o porque no le echan ganas.saludos desde México
Непринужденными людьми 😳😳😳да это тяжелая жизнь !!! Мало того что нет элементарных условий так еще и горная местность. Никакой тренажёр не нужен 😳целый день бегать туда сюда да еще и по холмам. Дааааа тут жирным не станешь если даже и кушать такую калларийную пищу. 👍
😍👌👍💙💛Nice video, from a great country with wonderful people who are very hardworking and just want to live in peace and freedom. My respect for this woman, because she masters her life. I hope with Ukraine that this insane war by the Russian aggressor has run out, can be ended quickly. Long live freedom, long live Ukraine. Take care, God be with you.🙏
I find this mesmerizing. Not a movement is wasted. It would take me forever to do all of that, and I would make a mess. It looks like delicious, wholesome food, too.
Meus pais trabalham na roça plantando milho,feijão abóbora,arroz,trigo, centeio,tinha criação de gado,de porcos e galinhas 🐔 sempre tinha a mesa farta eu peguei esta época e foi muito bom ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Que hermosura ese lugar! Que lindo todo lo que muestra está señora! La comida se ve exquisita.Todo se elabora ahí mismo! Ver cosechar sus verduras,ese paisaje! Lo miro desde Argentina!!! Bendiciones!
Soms kan ik niet zo goed slapen. Dan kijk ik deze video' s van haar het liefst. Het geeft zo veel rust: de kookgeluiden en de kleuren van de heuvels, de tevreden kat in de wei. Ze is ook zo zorgzaam en handig met alles. God zegene haar!
El gatito siempre se ve muy triste y hambriento Yoli y tiene una patita lesionada qué pena me da,yo vivo en Venezuela el país más pobre y a la vez más caro y yo alimento mis gatitos 2 y a mi perrito,yo,me acuesto siempre tarde y de verdad no me gustaría vivir sola en esa montaña porque con quien compartiría tantas cosas?
I live in the mountains of Colorado, I love those canning jars, and the lids. Being self sufficient is a must in the mountains, and having great friends. Where I live, help is 45 minutes away, and you have to deal with whatever comes your way. Canning is a big part of food storage, as well as a proper storage room, underground is best here in the United States, it also gives a place of refuge against storms, and the Rockies can pack a punch at times. I use a N.A.S.A. approach in living out here, I " Double Up " on everything, backup generator, inverter, cords, and so on... out here a person cannot be overly prepared... Now that I'm in my silver years, I found a young man to take over when I'm called home. A hard working young man, with a vision I like and believe he can achieve... Don't forget to take time to enjoy life, and the many Blessings the Heavenly Father gives. ✨️
loving the expression "when I'm called home". I myself have a mountain hut, got a 1 hectare private land with fencing so nothing intrudes. Loving the nomadic life up there, got myself a Lada Niva with which we drive up there. Hopefully in my senior years I will still be able to use it for my family. Wishing you lots of good health and blessed days! from rural Transylvania
Очень красиво,все нравится,чудо,но вот думаю горная река круглосуточно шумит,наверное привыкли, а хозяюшка молоденькая совсем,просто прелесть, умничка,красавица,восторгаюсь, мира тебе и всем людям.
Обожаю наблюдать за работой горных женщин! Они умелые мастерицы на все руки! Утварь как в музее, доколе знакомо! Все прелести сельской жизни , не тронутая цивилизацией! Горожанки за день загнутся.Вот где настоящие женщины! Браво!!!❤
ДВС. Уверенно так тачку покатила а ведь это не так легко как кажется. Привет с Харькова. Мирного неба. Классные семечки в тыкве огромные и наверное вкусные а вот тыква по-моему зеленовата.
Schweet,Very amazing and great cook,hope you and your family and friends are all safe from this terrible tragedy that is taking place in your country,be safe and continue to share your great videos and cooking experience's with the rest of the world,Thank you.
Arroz con leche y calabaza 🤤 k delicia y que hermoso lugar y La Paz k transmite la naturaleza ciertamente nuestra alma anhela esa tranquilidad con nuestro Señor Jesucristo❤
Assista os vídeos de Chico Abelha, temos mulheres aqui no Brasil, que vivem da mesma forma e fazendo comidas maravilhosas também , assiste lá, creio que vc vai gostar também.....abraços
Olá eu estou simplesmente encantada com esta mulher de fibra Que deus te proteja e te abençoe Sempre amém abraços Francisca de Assis 🌷🌹 De Olinda Pe ❣️❣️❣️
MARIA la hermosa y bella dama que vive solitaria en una montaña en algún y lindo lugar del planeta ... Como me encantaría que me enseñará el arte de conservación de alimentos ... su casita de madera donde tiene su cocina es muy lindo por dentro ... Dios ! ... Que vídeo tan hermoso con MARIA y todo lo que la rodea ... Que buen vídeo ... me encanta mirarlos ... Saludos a MARIA desde mi querida VENEZUELA ... Que Dios la bendiga y la cuide ... 🌹🌻🌼😇😇
Bonjour ; moi je suis de France . Je suis en adoration devant le mode de vie de Maria .... cet endroit incroyable ... cette richesse ... elle a tout . Nous avec notre modernisme nous sommes pauvres comparés à elle ! .
Uwielbiam oglądać pani filmy,przypominają mi moje dzieciństwo,a że pochodzę z wioski,podobnie przygotowywaliśmy potrawy z tego co sobie sami wyprodukowaliśmy np.sery.maślanke,masło,chleb,i różnego rodzaje przetworów, które były chowane w piwnicy,chciałabym jeszcze raz przeżyć takie życie ❤️
Więc kiedyś trzeba wrócić do tego co smakowało najlepiej i czego sie nie zapomina, pozdrawiam.
Ella sí es un gran ser humano digno de admirar no como las influencers artificiales y sin valores. Hermosa mujer. La vida te bendice siempre.
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂Harika Güzellik Süpersin süper Görüntü Ellerine yüreğine sağlık Maşallah Yer Bereketi Maşallah
me relaga ver éstos vídeos de Esta chica como puede vivir sola si es guapa 😊
Mulher empoderada, no mais amplo e verdadeiro sentido da palavra, parabéns!
O lugar é maravilhoso, que paisagem!
MARIA,, you make me so hugary when i watch your videos, but thank you it is nice and peaceful to watch you.......😃😃😃
You have a wonderful life and channel. Thank you for sharing 🙏
¡Esa mujer vale oro! Thank you!
Parabéns a essa Senhora ,Deus abençoe sempre a sua vida ,muito trabalho e coragem ,admirável!!!
Deus abençoe sua vida ❤
Maria your positive energy flowes over the mountains and to the sun
Love watching Maria here. She stays so busy and doesn’t waste a thing. She uses that whole pumpkin. Good job, Maria. Fun for me to watch her. Thanks 😊
Чудова, мила Господиня. Дуже талановитий оператор. Дуже і дуже цікаво. Це якась особлива країна у нашій Україні
J’🫶 !🌾💐🌷🌺🌻🌸🌼 Québec 🇨🇦
Thanks for the post. May Ukranians have peace and prosperity.
Аябай сонун видео! Коргон сайын эс аласын Мариянын ден-соолугу бекем болсун! Дуйнодо тынчтык болсун!
I love watching her so much, she has such a rich beautiful heritage, no matter all of the negativity I admire the lady everything she does she does herself, it is such a joy to watch I’ve learned a lot I’ve even learned how to canned from you. Keep showing us great stuff
Its amazing how she does everything all by herself
I can't even work so hard like that
@@Tarotrider-w6m im tired already 😁 but she's very good
No doubt her food and simple life is worth it! Thank you for taking the time to video this.
What negativity?
Спосибо вам за видео.Эти горы прикрасная природа шум реки свежий воздух какихочется там побывать.Мари вы прикрасная хозяйка вам респект
I am happy to learn about Maria living in the mountains and thriving on her own home grown food. Magnificent.
looks like generations before her laid the foundations for this life. much hard work there, but rich rewards. Close to nature and a simple life depending on God.
Maria thank you for your delicious food you cooked today and Slava Ukraine !!!!!
from Belgium...wow, that's life. that must be sweet. No stress , beautiful nature , healthy air . I love these videos
Endlessly talking to yourself
From Indonesia...like 👍👍
De México 🇲🇽 que felicidad vivir allí en la naturaleza!!
Que relajante ver a esta dama trabajando en su cabaña. Y los sonidos de sus laboriosa labor tambien me relaja. Desde Lima Perú un abrazo !!!
يرحم والدين واش من بلاصه هادا لجبل كاين الولاية والبلديه سخفتيني بالريف نحب بعدا نزوركوم
Какая милая, хозяюшка, труженица ! Мира и добра, Вам! Пусть Вас радует все, что Вы с такой любовью делаете !
Eu amo ver esses vídeos, do Brasil
Es sorprendente cuán valiosa es esta señora. Tiene mucho vigor y es muy organizada en sus labores domésticas. Soy una admiradora de ella. Soy de nacionalidad chilena. Ubicado mi país en américa del sur.
а почему нету хозяина? или он, как оператор...
Как красиво в горах, уютно, свежо.
Мне напоминает мое детство, только не в горах, а в простой деревне у речки.
Все точно также делали моя мама и бабушка.
Какая приятная женщина, делает сразу несколько дел:
и заготовки , и кашу варит, и пироги печет. И ничего не подгорает, не ,, убегает,, из кастрюль.
Жаль, я так не умею.
г. Новороссийск, Краснодарский край, Россия
@@ЛюдмилаФазлиахметова-у2м 🌹
A hard working woman so resourceful with life survival skills .
She is inspirational and industrious .
Enjoys life living on his own .
Це ввс не дівчата які ходять по дорогам та плакатами за лгбт, здорове життя такої дурості не створює
I hope you are safe and far away from the fighting. I wish the recipe was noted so we can try to make at home. Thank you and God Bless the people in Ukraine,may peace once again come .
I hope so,, want to try the amazing recipe
Mi pregunta es porque cocinan mucha comida si viven solas y porque no tienen refrigeradora?
@Ольга Ольга лише в твоїй хворій голові. Україна була, Україна є, Україна буде
@user-fu4yy1sx9zУкраїна була, є і БУДЕ ЗАВЖДИ!
Dear lady, I enjoy watching all your video. God bless you. So hardworking and the way you work in the kitchen is so captivating. You move with ease. Regards from Arizona.
Mais alguém que conheceu o canal e não larga mais? 😂❤
Me. She is wonderful. Who lives in the blue house? And, whose children came to sing for her at Christmas? I thought they were her children. 😊
Це правда, вона створює комфорт при перегляді, та тишу на душі,
то вам не гучний тік-ток
Maria! You inspire me so much and I respect you for the woman that you are! God bless you and keep you safe , happy and healthy! I remember you in my prayers at night! ❤❤❤
Looks so easy but hard works. She’s amazing lady . God bless you!
What a wonderful woman!! Fresh air and natural life! Those where the days!!!! Back to life! big thanks from MALTA 🤍❤
Me encantó la vida de esa Señora en el Campo. Todo lo hace con mucho AMOR. Bendiciones desde ARGENTINA.
ela é um exemplo para todos nós. Aproveita tudo, é organizada, limpa, adoro assistir
У этой красоты и чистоты есть и обратная сторона ,ежедневный тяжёлый физический труд .Моё уважение вам
Нужно выбирать тяжёлый труд,,либо гробы для мужиков после 50,,---,в городе,,там труд лёгкий ,но мы дольше не живем,,или есть другое мнение,,???мои вокруг умирают
@@СергейВолодин-м1в ruclips.net/video/JSdxPO8ByPk/видео.html
Nossa que delícia parabéns Brasil
Tak to clovek robi i na vesnici pokud neco chce musi se starat bez prace nejsou koláče
Typical US woman. Fly me to NY for lunch!
Hello from The UK, I love the way she cook and is very clean, remind me to my grandma with this pumpkin food. I hope you keep uploading more videos, thank you for this wonderful video.
Clean? Not once have she washed her hands. That's just plain nasty. And you through your grandma into it. Wouldn't eat either cooking. Nasty.
Руки моются между кадрами, а вот тыква не помылась ни разу
As usual, this is an wonderful video about Maria's life and cooking.
Maria grew such a large and heavy pumpkin! It is interesting that she used most parts of the pumpkin for different purposes (the seeds, the pulp, and the fibrous strands).
I like the way Maria called her beautiful cow to give her the pumpkin fibrous strands.The pumpkin porridge looked really rich and delicious. The meat and noodles soup also looked so palatable and nutritious.
I love the way she prepared the two aforementioned interesting dishes for the meal. It is also amazing to see her make her own pasta/egg noodles in a simple and easy way.
. 96 . Das
Така наша Україна, з прекрасними людьми! Марія- красуня, розумниця, все вміє, всюди гарно, чисто. Дякую Вам за позитив, просто за те, що душа радіє! Слава Україні!
Everybody knows Ukrainians are fantastic humans except their rotten politicians .
She is happy and peaceful. I love that she picked flowers and displayed them on the window seal.
She live pecealy and happy I like that
Beautiful,and nothing like it ! I bet ,Brutal weather it can be.
Thanks,God Bless,always,forever!❤❤🌎
Honneur à cette femme 💕👏💕
Vous devez être extrêmement fière car je ne connais personne qui aurait le courage de faire ce que vous faites!
Que Dieu vous protège 🙏❤️🙏
Souper.evxaristo polli😃👍
Маріє, ми з дружиною любимо твої відео, ми любимо сільське життя, сподіваюся, одного дня я зможу дати їй спокійне життя, на яке вона так заслуговує, вітаю з Аргентини.
I love this, this shows us we are alike in many ways and that we do the same as you are doing here in this video, we have soo much in common outside of the government fighting, that's because of beliefs that are different, and there is difference in the world, we all live and breath, love the taste of food, enjoy the outdoors, lay down and sleep just the same and dream, hoping better days come for the world and peace will be made, life is short and we really don't have time for upset, but have all the time to do something good, and here it is just the way I have done before, as my parents and my grandparents,and all those before them, we had gardens and animals, milked the cows, made butter and some delicious meals, we took the pumpkin cut and cooked, with sugar, cream, eggs, pinch of salt, and the home made butter, mashed pumpkin and added all this with some spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and ginger to season it, it was thick enough to put in a pie shell or from the same pastry as the pie we made tarts that was a round cut out of the dough with the pumpkin mixture in and fold the edges to seal them, fry or bake till light brown, cool and eat with milk or coffee, we all know the taste of good things no matter where we live in life, we can food to put away for winter some we will not be hungry, smart idea, keep doing it, I enjoyed this video and it reminds me of my grandparents ways of life, we are American Indian and still live like this and love it. We love to hear the rain on the roof at night in a storm sleeping peacefully, waking to the morning sun and fresh air, we TRUELY all want the same and I pray for peace in the world, have a great day because you work Soo hard take time to rest.
👍👍 в следующий раз тыкву приготовлю с приправами, которые вы упомянули.
И вам мира и добра! ❤️🌾
Well done, home sweet home
I,m from Korea
Very interesting, Deeply impressed about country life,
And I think she is very skillful at kooking. I hope to visit there someday.
Hope to meet her someday.
Me too wants to meet her ♥️🇮🇳 india
I want to live in this place
Yes...This is hard work, but work that is appreciated. I never had to work this hard, because of the year I was born. But I can remember this was the same "hard work" that my Parents and Grandparents endured, and they survived peacefully. My siblings and I were not taught how to live off the land, because our Parents were focused on our getting an education. I appreciate both my Parents for wanting to make life easier for us. We all are educated to have better jobs than our Parents, but as I mature, I wished that they prepared me (I am only speaking for myself) with the knowledge that they had (they are both deceased) to live off the land. I am 63 years of age, and I know that it's never too late to learn. I admire and respect those of you who learned from a young age how to live off the land...you are blessed to have these skills, instilled. Before it's all over, WE ALL will need the skills to know how to do ALL the "hard work" this Lady is doing in her videos. It's just a matter of time.
And she is soooo beautiful, to me 💖
My parents also live this kind of life,I also remember very well and learn such a lot of things from tham,but yes when is cold,and snow,it is not so easy,but it is also beautiful becouse is the simple life
Living a peaceful life in the cradle of mother nature......Well..some are truly lucky and blessed !!
I've been binge-watching Maria's videos, it's so amazing how she lives her life up in the mountains of beautiful Ukraine.
It would be nice if can write the ingredients to put in the dishes. She working so hard! Beautiful country!!
I think she made the pudding with pumpkin, rice, milk and sugar, then she added some butter and cinnamon on top of it.
The other dish she made it with chicken, pasta and lots of dill and a cross cross cut onion (and some spices of course). Everything organic! Looks simple and delicious.
Por favor que escriba los pasos que va haciendo , y diga que es lo que está haciendo. Gracias
what a biggggg pumpkin...my God!!
And she is quite a beautiful woman too
That’s what I thought .. who else is she feeding ?? She is a wonderful cook!!
Que interesante!! Sería bueno que en cada video explicaran los ingredientes, la preparación y la forma de conservación de los alimentos para poder hacerlo en casa y así degustar esos manjares que ella prepara a diario y que difieren mucho de la forma como comemos aquí en Colombia. Gracias por compartir toda su actividad. Es una belleza!!!
Ну видно же на видео , какие продукты и приправы используются .Смотрите внимательно и вы все поймете .Удачи !
Nadie habla xq? se torna aburrido asi
@@patriciaquezada640 а мне наоборот нравится.) Живой звук, звук природы и умиротворения.
@@patriciaquezada640 Ahí está la respuesta, min 4:55... Quién entiende lo que habla la tía??... las vacas nomás poh...☺☺☺
María Cecilia, de acuerdo!!!!!! deberían explicar
какая она чистоплотная. дай Аллах вам 🌹❤здоровье милая Мария. ❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Узбекистондан салом жуда ажойиб боргим келяпти таомлари хам ажойиб аллох рози болсин сиздан
Мария достойная свох предков .Старенький дом наполнен и переполнен, благодоря Марии,жизнью .Это большое уважение предкам ,кто жил в этом доме ,очаг в этом доме играет яркими красками благодаря трудолюбию и мастерству Марии ! Низко кланяюсь Вам за это .Якутия ,фермер .
Прекрасна природа наших Карпат, а повітря кришталево чисте і такаж чиста вода надихає цю прекрасну Україночку на такі кулінарні шедеври, де немає букви Є і слова Гемео, а чистота і смак від Матінки Природи. Здоров'я Вам пані Марія і мпогія літа.
Sou do Brasil e admiro este canal
I am very grateful that you showed me the potential of Ukrain. Whenever I hear from you guys' efforts, it makes me very happy. Just like you guys,
I have a fear deep inside my mind that they may use something that hearts everyone in earth. Carefully cheering you. I hope you finally find your independent peace forever.
She is not alone I see there are other houses around.
Eu também percebi outras casas por perto.
E também a quantidade de comida que preparou não é só pra uma ou duas pessoas, é pra bem mais
Moslman good
@@mariadagloriacoutinho9965 también creo que es mucha comida para una sola persona. Quien cortará la leña para cocinar?
Kjo grua eshte vertete per tu atmiru grua me zemer te madhe respekt kjo eshte shembull per te gjithe grate botes jetone e qete large shurmes urbane me nje nature te mrekullushme gzone shendet te plote pa strese pa thashetheme pa mashtrime pa dishim qe i uroje nje jete gjate Dhe te lumtur te pergezoje respekt moter ke behe zgjethjen e duhur
Sen birde Türk kadınlarını görsen.bizimkiler olmayan kıt kanaat şeylerle neler yapıyorlar .bu çakma hissi verdi bana eve yapabiliyor ama ellirinize sağlık bu kabak tarifini deneyeceğim gerisini yapıyoruz bizlerde tabiki ama artık yemek yapanda az tembel dolu her yerde doğası cennet gibi.
Aunque el azúcar es el veneno de la civilización aún así me gusta su trabajo
Jam shum i lumtur që në këtë emisjon gjeta dhe lexova gjuhën Shqipe...
@@hauzihosi1475 Hauzi edhe un te pershendes nga shqiperia shume faliminderit te uroje shendet ne jeten e perditshme zoti te rujte familjarisht respekt per suprzen qe me Bene zoti te rujte familjarisht Amin
Gostaria muito de ter uma vida assim tranquila viver em plena harmonia com a vida e viver para Deus é muito maravilhoso 🙏
Wonderful, she is a blessed woman. In this material world of today, we can never go back to this wonderful life. We are stuck. Look good around you, when we think, we have it all. This peace we can not have. We only hunt for more and more.
We chose this life. Consumerism is killing us and the planet. We need to control population growth and stop this insane materialism, or the planet will not be worth living on. We could all live like Maria if we chose to but our government prevents this with the insanity of breeding more and more onsumers. And if we don't breed fast enough, they import high breeding third worlders to keep the population growing. It is pure madness.
Na wsi nic się nie zmarnuje, wszystkie produkty są mądrze i dokładnie wykorzystane. Gospodyni zawsze dzieli się ze zwierzętami, które są traktowane jak domownicy, przyjaźnie.🌹
A gdzie bylo pokazane ze dzieli sie z zwierzetami??Ona nawet nie udzielila pomocy dla kotka ktory ma zlamana lapke??2 easy widzialam jak Kotek prosil o pomoc…ona obojetnie przeszla obok jak osoba bez serca👎👎👎
This is a wholesome life! Free from the media, the Internet, she is living life on her terms. The sounds of nature is so soothing and she has a way with animals too. This is a far better life than living like a Royal or a billionaire if you ask me.
There is a satellite dish on the end of the house.
@@bigteddy66 LOL
От интернета 😂🤣🤣???
well, I know where you are coming from but keep in mind that this lifestyle is a crazy amount of hard work...
@@pdb4016 indeed
Прекрасная Мария, как приятно на вас смотреть, Вы, чудесная женщина. Мои предки, тоже из Украины, не могу оторваться от вас, пересмотрела все видео.
Дякую щиро!
Яка ж смакота!
I господиня гарна!
What a beautiful place to live.❤ praying that the war between Ukraine and Russia will end. God be with you.❤
Hebat,luaar,biasa..seperti,hidup,di,negeri ,Dongeng,....👍😬
@@blakasadut1457 .
@@cristinalizano8063 👍👍👍😉
Better to say the war between NATO and Russia🤷🏻♀️
Beautiful nature and beautiful woman🌹
Dikampung disini seperti idaerah villa. Rumput yg bagus dan rumah tertatarapih..
Very peaceful and calming video. A fascinating look into a life that lives in tune with the natural world and which supplies all needs. (Pretty lady, too!)
she would outwork both of us, Roy
@@brilheaint I expect you're right!
I love it when you sing your songs !!!!
Хозяюшка, как юла вертится в течение дня. Но такая жизнь лучше городской, я только недавно это стала понимать. Здоровья вам и сил, милая женщина!
Ésta sí es una mujer en toda la extensión de la palabra, mis respetos, me gustaría saber hacer todo lo que ella hace, hoy en día ,hay mujeres que ni cocinan, por falta de tiempo o porque no le echan ganas.saludos desde México
Dar nu e sexy deloc
@@cozmin6564 ruclips.net/video/q3cW59XLUkM/видео.html
A mi también
⁰ up
Du bist ein Idiot.
Esses vídeos nesse lugares e com pessoas assim tao simples e de bem com a vida.,..me transmite Paz..amo assistir..💖
Непринужденными людьми 😳😳😳да это тяжелая жизнь !!! Мало того что нет элементарных условий так еще и горная местность. Никакой тренажёр не нужен 😳целый день бегать туда сюда да еще и по холмам. Дааааа тут жирным не станешь если даже и кушать такую калларийную пищу. 👍
Eu também gosto muito de assistir vedeos vendo as maravilhas da natureza
Gente, também amooo.
Ella no está sola como dicen… ahí hay gente que con ella que la está grabando…
I watched this video from Indonesia. I really like Maria, because she is good at cooking, beautiful and independent.
Bless this lovely women who cooks such an amazing pumpkin porridge ! May God bless with peace and abundance 🙏
I love the chemistry in that couple_each knows their place.Perfect pair!
I agree. It makes me admire my European relatives in Italy and Belgium who are the same. God save the Ukraine, and bring the country peace!
I'm from the Philippines.. I love watching videos like this..
I love these videos. I watch them all the time..3 to 4 times daily.
I love saving seeds from the vegetables I grew every year. These would be some awesome seeds to save for next year‘a garden!
Me encanto la vida que lleva ella, muy tranquila sin ruidos ni contaminación, voy a regresar a mi naturaleza que es maravilloso😊
llevame contigo.😁
Yo también
No se espliqua los ingredientes si es dulce o salado
Yo en un lugar asi me deprimo 😭😭😭
@@marialuciacastillo1379 ruclips.net/video/q3cW59XLUkM/видео.html
😍👌👍💙💛Nice video, from a great country with wonderful people who are very hardworking and just want to live in peace and freedom. My respect for this woman, because she masters her life. I hope with Ukraine that this insane war by the Russian aggressor has run out, can be ended quickly. Long live freedom, long live Ukraine. Take care, God be with you.🙏
hh9696969que mujer huapa como yods mujer
que hermoso zapallo para comer
Как вы надоели и тут про агрессор...ненадо сидеть под Америка
@@ΜαριναΛουκασεβιτσ 🧿
Ну и флаг руки , в Польшу клубнику собирать...бред ...здесь про еду , а не про Бандеру .
Ale ty kobieto masz siłę ja już jestem po sześćdziesiątce i nie mogła bym sama tak pracować powodzenia i zdrowia jak najdłużej
миру Божого вам бажаю❤
Video muy inspirador y de gran enseñanza de otras posibilidades en el arte de cocinar!
Muchas gracias,eres una mujer fuerte y valerosa!🌺
🌻 Amazingly delish! My respect to these hardworking women I myself cook so I know the love & work that goes into it. Hugs from Oklahoma USA. Vivian
Ik right me 2 From Edinburg Texas
@@isabelespejo7566 To get her through the WINTER!
@@paulthescorpio Yup that's true
Вот такие женщины сохраняют жизнь человеческую. Жизнь на планете, браво и поклон
Не думаю ,что она одна живёт .
I find this mesmerizing. Not a movement is wasted. It would take me forever to do all of that, and I would make a mess. It looks like delicious, wholesome food, too.
me too she is amazing. She has such a nice life. I wonder who she cooks all that food for though?
Right, that is A LOT of food. People in the area must help her eat it, maybe in exchange for their help with chores???
@@TTowners22 Ja też zastanawiam się do kogo gotuje takie wielkie ilości ?
@@TTowners22 she cooks for her Family! They are lying 🤥 to us! She doesn't live alone bull shit!
Po lo lo bp
Meus pais trabalham na roça plantando milho,feijão abóbora,arroz,trigo, centeio,tinha criação de gado,de porcos e galinhas 🐔 sempre tinha a mesa farta eu peguei esta época e foi muito bom ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Meu Deus que mulher corajosa e de muita habilidade Deus abençoe e proteja sempre ela
Que hermosura ese lugar! Que lindo todo lo que muestra está señora! La comida se ve exquisita.Todo se elabora ahí mismo! Ver cosechar sus verduras,ese paisaje! Lo miro desde Argentina!!! Bendiciones!
Soms kan ik niet zo goed slapen. Dan kijk ik deze video' s van haar het liefst. Het geeft zo veel rust: de kookgeluiden en de kleuren van de heuvels, de tevreden kat in de wei.
Ze is ook zo zorgzaam en handig met alles. God zegene haar!
Yes, absolutely. So peaceful and enjoyable to watch
El gatito siempre se ve muy triste y hambriento Yoli y tiene una patita lesionada qué pena me da,yo vivo en Venezuela el país más pobre y a la vez más caro y yo alimento mis gatitos 2 y a mi perrito,yo,me acuesto siempre tarde y de verdad no me gustaría vivir sola en esa montaña porque con quien compartiría tantas cosas?
Svaka cast,lijepa,vrijedna i pametna djevojka,dao joj Bog zdravlje
Da,predivna,ali sigurno ne zivi sama,sprema za desetoro
Beautiful and quiet mountain scenery, I like it very much 👍
I live in the mountains of Colorado, I love those canning jars, and the lids. Being self sufficient is a must in the mountains, and having great friends. Where I live, help is 45 minutes away, and you have to deal with whatever comes your way. Canning is a big part of food storage, as well as a proper storage room, underground is best here in the United States, it also gives a place of refuge against storms, and the Rockies can pack a punch at times. I use a N.A.S.A. approach in living out here, I " Double Up " on everything, backup generator, inverter, cords, and so on... out here a person cannot be overly prepared... Now that I'm in my silver years, I found a young man to take over when I'm called home. A hard working young man, with a vision I like and believe he can achieve... Don't forget to take time to enjoy life, and the many Blessings the Heavenly Father gives. ✨️
loving the expression "when I'm called home". I myself have a mountain hut, got a 1 hectare private land with fencing so nothing intrudes. Loving the nomadic life up there, got myself a Lada Niva with which we drive up there. Hopefully in my senior years I will still be able to use it for my family. Wishing you lots of good health and blessed days! from rural Transylvania
Привет из Крыма 👍🖐️❤️😘🙏
Praying war with Ukraine and Russia ends soon.God bless you and keep you safe
Dieser Krieg geht noch lange. Putin soll der Teufel holen.👹👹👹👹👹Viele Grüße aus Germany
Очень красиво,все нравится,чудо,но вот думаю горная река круглосуточно шумит,наверное привыкли, а хозяюшка молоденькая совсем,просто прелесть, умничка,красавица,восторгаюсь, мира тебе и всем людям.
영상이 얼마나 아름다운지
영화보다 훨씬 좋군요 ㆍ
저 아름다운 여인이
이곳에서 혼자 산다니요 ?
Yo tengo plantaciones de esas y muchasbariedades y todas son ricas y ña sra esta haciendo para guardar que bueno es muy previsora
This woman is so efficient, i love it. God bless her and god bless Ukraine
Not ukraine
Vive la Russie
Обожаю наблюдать за работой горных женщин! Они умелые мастерицы на все руки! Утварь как в музее, доколе знакомо! Все прелести сельской жизни , не тронутая цивилизацией! Горожанки за день загнутся.Вот где настоящие женщины! Браво!!!❤
Какой они цивилизацией не тронуты?😂это ютуб проект обычный, чтоб людей на проживание затаскивать
Por favor me puedes decir qué país es gracias saludos
@@maricarmengonzalez5974 Ukraine
Maravilhoso sítio animais um paraíso parabéns irmã deus te abençoe sempre com saúde pra gravar esses vídeos maravilhoso pra nos ❤
Meu Deus que lugar lindo. Deve ser de uma felicidade todos os dias acordar e olhar em volta dessa vista
Lugar muito lindo. Viver num lugar deste é muito bom para saude do corpo e da mente.
Stay healthy..
Stay strong..
And most of all..:
Peace on Ukraine..
Peace on earth..
ДВС. Уверенно так тачку покатила а ведь это не так легко как кажется. Привет с Харькова. Мирного неба. Классные семечки в тыкве огромные и наверное вкусные а вот тыква по-моему зеленовата.
God love you Maria feeding those beautiful cows!!!!! You work so hard God bless you dear!
Isso que é mulher de fibra !
Deus te proteja ,e abençoe sempre 🙏
Si que el Señor de Señores vendiga mary
Te vendiga
Никак не могу налюбоваться на природу, такое умиротворение, покой и услада. Мира и добра Вам! Храни, Господь!
Красивая хозяюшка!!! Не испорченные Цивилизацией ЖЕНЩИНЫ!!! Как приятно смотреть на красивых, трудолюбивых, хозяйственных женщин!! Счастья тебе красотка!!!🌈
Eres una genio en la cocina sabes mucho María tu admirador de acá de México José Juan Cabrera Dios te bendice saludos
Schweet,Very amazing and great cook,hope you and your family and friends are all safe from this terrible tragedy that is taking place in your country,be safe and continue to share your great videos and cooking experience's with the rest of the world,Thank you.
I had been so worried on seeing where you live you're solitude life and pray that soldiers of the enemy cannot reach you!
Красивая природа, красивая женщина- труженица. Мира, любви, здоровья.
@Ольга Ольга у тебя не хватит извилин, чтобьі понять😁😀
Arroz con leche y calabaza 🤤 k delicia y que hermoso lugar y La Paz k transmite la naturaleza ciertamente nuestra alma anhela esa tranquilidad con nuestro Señor Jesucristo❤
I wish I could come and apprentice under you! So much to learn from you. Beautiful farm and country. Bless your home.
Encantada com esse lugar 😍
E o Brasil babando por essa comida maravilhosa e esse lugar encantador
Assista os vídeos de Chico Abelha, temos mulheres aqui no Brasil, que vivem da mesma forma e fazendo comidas maravilhosas também , assiste lá, creio que vc vai gostar também.....abraços
Olá eu estou simplesmente encantada com esta mulher de fibra
Que deus te proteja e te abençoe
Sempre amém abraços
Francisca de Assis 🌷🌹
De Olinda Pe ❣️❣️❣️
Not.Good to stay alone in house what if-you-sick.where is-the family-kids-grandchildrens to-assits.her
MARIA la hermosa y bella dama que vive solitaria en una montaña en algún y lindo lugar del planeta ... Como me encantaría que me enseñará el arte de conservación de alimentos ... su casita de madera donde tiene su cocina es muy lindo por dentro ... Dios ! ... Que vídeo tan hermoso con MARIA y todo lo que la rodea ... Que buen vídeo ... me encanta mirarlos ... Saludos a MARIA desde mi querida VENEZUELA ... Que Dios la bendiga y la cuide ... 🌹🌻🌼😇😇
Bonjour ; moi je suis de France . Je suis en adoration devant le mode de vie de Maria .... cet endroit incroyable ... cette richesse ... elle a tout .
Nous avec notre modernisme nous sommes pauvres comparés à elle ! .
Cool But no.
I'm is
Todo no es la tecnología y vivir en una ciudad esta señora es admirable. Beli desde Alicante España
Fuerza ucraniana,en estos momentos dificiles para tu país,saludos desde chile.
k hermosa vida libre de toda contaminación Dios le guarde su vida y salud k hermoso campo desde colombia
Це не Україна. Можливо це Румунія. Я українка і я почула її мову. Вона говорила до корови не українською.
@@НаталияМансур-б2в Україна ІВАНО ФОАНКІВСЬКА ОБЛ
@@НаталияМансур-б2в ,
@@larysanychai6172 її мова геть не українська
Você é uma mulher guerreira de fibra. Vc não tem preguiça de nada. Muito difícil encontrar uma mulher assim. Parabéns muitas felicidades bjaooooo
من الارياف وليس الالياف