putting yourself in the feet of an enemy against a blade user is crazy Imagine fighting in a war then one of your enemies pulls up wearing SLIPPERS on his feet, You go to attack, thinking he isn't much. *"Karasu"* A VOID of FEATHERS APPEARS BEHIND THIS GUY OUT OF NOWHERE. HELL NAH
Proceeeeeeed!, is definitely my favorite meme out of Kagurabachi so far. Something I also love is how Hokazono is writing Hakuri. At first, I thought he was gonna be a wimp sidekick that constantly messes up. Or that he will be a Zenitsu, but he is far from that. He actually shows up when it matters and isn't annoying the rest of the time. His character writing was also so good in the Rakuzaichi arc.
I think the black feathers act as sensors for Samura, like look at how they were spread throughout the air, maybe they help with Samura’s detection of movement.
Samura put his everything in to break the elite squad curse
I hope the ninjas survive and become recurring side characters that back Hakuri and/or Uruha.
exactly, YES!!!
putting yourself in the feet of an enemy against a blade user is crazy
Imagine fighting in a war then one of your enemies pulls up wearing SLIPPERS on his feet, You go to attack, thinking he isn't much.
Proceeeeeeed!, is definitely my favorite meme out of Kagurabachi so far. Something I also love is how Hokazono is writing Hakuri. At first, I thought he was gonna be a wimp sidekick that constantly messes up. Or that he will be a Zenitsu, but he is far from that. He actually shows up when it matters and isn't annoying the rest of the time. His character writing was also so good in the Rakuzaichi arc.
I think the black feathers act as sensors for Samura, like look at how they were spread throughout the air, maybe they help with Samura’s detection of movement.
In all honesty every double spread panel in kagurabachi go hard
Glad Hokazono is giving his side characters more focus but man 2 chapters of no Chihiro is killing me💔
Yo Daffy, i was wondering could you review a manga like Gachiakuta in the future.
So is Cloud Gouger the only enchanted blade that isn't based on animals ?
I mean...a Dragon is an animal.
@therealogdaffy I really need to reread the manga then, my bad ! I forgot about that part 🤔
Y is everyone calling him hatshaku was that said to be his name
chirhiro vs boruto?
As much as I love chirhiro, boruto solos
what’s up w that red tint.. trash
It's to help the review not get taken down