You expect people to use complete sentences, in the middle of a game where people need to talk and explain how they'd play their roles as the characters? That makes too much logical sense! Must be racist or something!
True story: I was running a D&D campaign with a few kids at my table, and the session involved fighting a giant spider complete with a prop on the board. The youngest of the girls was creeped out and didn't like spiders, but she continued playing. I definitely played it up even more to get a reaction out of her. Everyone at the table was getting pretty wigged out by the whole scenario. But they defeated the spider. The next day, I see the kids again and the older sister tells me that when they got home, her little sister saw an actual spider and smashed it, yelling "I'm sick of spiders!" The moral of the story is that if a 12-year-old girl can face something she's afraid of in fiction and then be able to face that same thing in reality, then I don't want to hear any excuses from so-called adults who can't handle fiction.
There's a lot of overlap between the scenes - more from one side than the other. Problem is, there's a lot more overlap involving the people who run the system.
Because we all want to play a medieval fantasy where people killing each other, and dark lords trying to take over the world, is a normal weekday, but god forbid someone say "bad words".
thats the 'old school' games. the new cool games are all about interactions, and 'story building'. not much confrontation, more 'baristas' and 'managers'.
@@orbitalair2103 I produce more story and world building, interactions just by going to the bathroom after a heavy meal than most modern writers can put onto paper.
@@orbitalair2103 I saw an online interaction in a group on facebook where these people where talking about their last game. They where all playing as monsters, usually hybrids, and the whole game was them cooking a meal together. I guess they rolled dice to see if the potatoes got burned or how long it took to boil water or whatever. I left that group. I was in another group and they were talking about how they had done an in game protest march against the local Lord. I left that group too.
Right? I know that in my games if there are things like racism and slavery that's a signal to the players to do the right thing, not me enacting some fked up fetish. You're playing as heroes but what good are heroes with no injustices to fight?
I love the comment about "Every person I played with is queer." They can't even comprehend that there are a lot of OTHER people who play it aren't gay. It's a bad echo chamber like Blue Sky.
If I raise my arms in an X in front of that person because I feel that queer is a slur, will my feelings be respected as a same-sex attracted woman who has had that word directed at me, or will I get lectured on how that word has been “reclaimed,” and get an impromptu lesson on all the varieties of queers there are? Cuz I had the latter happen a lot on tumblr back in the day. From the same people who would say stupid is a slur.
Sounds like Twitter of old, several years ago. Instead of flags and "causes" everywhere in their bio, it was just lists of self-evaluated disorders, like badges of honor. How nuts.
Me and my friend, both with DM experience, resd through the safe word/card crap. The ONLY thing we agreed on was the card, and solely because our friend group has some people with serious trauma from their past, so it would be a silent way to let us as DMs know to either ease up or simply call for a quick breather. But that's it, and we know our group is not the norm. And no, none of them agree with any of the nonsense otherwise.
@Psuedo-Nim We don't use the card itself. As we use Discord for our sessions, we simply have them send us a DM if something is wrong. That said, we also have a Pre-Campaign discussion about what things people cannot handle because of the trauma. The lore I'm making for my custom homebrew gets very dark at points, but so far there's been no issues other than entirely unrelated bs that was brought in and quickly squashed. I'm all for making sure no lines are crossed. I however disagree with WotC on HOW to go about it. Yes, the card system has legitimate uses, but they are very rare uses and not WotC's intent.
I have no clue what version you all play that requires cards and to be perfectly honest? I don't want to know. Just adding a card mechanic to a pencil and paper rpg sound like a cash grab for a desperate company that just discovered it had no new ideas.
@@hughdelaterra9004 its not a card mechanic. they just suggest options to silently signal a DM that a plyer may need to talk to them or a break from immediately play. have you tried not overreacting/ also. using the word cash grab is an indication you are clueless.
Dungeon Master: You Cannot Do that..., your Race wouldn't Do that. Player: You're Racist I'm Quitting Dungeon Master: The God of your Race makes A Red Dragon Appears out of Nowhere and Eat you.
DM: And since your character is now dead in this campaign, you are welcome to leave. We'll let you know when a new world session is being formed. See you on social.
And that is why I played Warhammer Fantasy RPG and not D&D. In WFRPG you can reward such a player with a chaos mutation. And then the party will solve your problem. 😜
I'm personally unsure of this one. I don't think I would ever prevent someone from doing something because of their race except for something impossible. For example: Player: "I'm going to jump off the tower and flap my wing to escape." GM: " Are you sure about that, you are human?" Player: "Yes." GM "You jump off the tower flapping your arms and fall 80ft to the ground. Take falling damage." There are always exceptions to the standards of a race and PC are exceptions. I might be tempted to tell a player he can't do something because it is completely out of character for their character and if they need to take a smaller step first. I.e. A character playing a Pacifist, suddenly deciding to become a Murderhobo.
One of my players is really creeped out by zombies and ghouls. That player had a blast with my Halloween night game of clearing zombies, ghouls, skeletons, and green hags out of Valhingen Graveyard because being a little scare is a lot of fun. The same group also happily collected goblin heads for a bounty of a single gold piece each. And that was with the goblins begging and bargaining their coward hearts out. Not all players are thin skinned and lily-livered, thankfully.
@@martabachynsky8545 Ears are a good call, but a tooth won't break down during a long journey. Plus, the smell of rotting flesh won't attract scavengers.
@@xenogorwraithblade2538 Our party spell-caster dries them with a cantrip. Plus, teeth are teeth. You can't tell what creature it's from. Could be a wolf fang.
I've had darker themes in my game as well but tbf. The group is pretty cool and mature about. But either way, if you have dealbreakers for games, let the DM know beforehand and leave.
I’m a dnd player who picked up the game while I was in the Army. Nobody can get offended if everyone around the table is actively offending each other. Equal rights, equal fights😂 In all honesty, I played this with my battle buddies and had an absolute blast. We have an ongoing campaign of two enlisted veterans, two civilians that work in a psych ward and, homeless people and, an active duty NCO. We all play as different playable species. Raciest comments and showcasing racial fantasy tropes are welcome 😂 all of us have a blast and our campaign has been going on for three years. The other campaigns that I’m a part of are with my high school friends and another group that I met online. At the end of the day, it’s just a fever dream that you share with your friends. Play however you want and play with whoever you want to play with. If you’re not comfortable playing with a group of people, find new friends or, bring your digressions up to the group and talk about it like adults. We’ve got Irish, Indians, Koreans, Africa Americans, Native Americans, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Atheists even, Norse believers between my three tables. If we can get along and passively roast each other in the most affectionate ways possible, everyone else can too.
Had an NPC in one of my games named "soboh redrum". he went around grabbing women and killing everything. My players hated him and didnt want him in the game. The entire point of this NPC was to have him get killed as he was the favored son of a noble. Instead my players kept tryin to teach him what he was doing was wrong.
If a player showed ANY of those bullshit behaviors when I was running any RPG game my response would be simple and direct, "There's the door. GET OUT!".
@@lwriker1304 It can spring on you out of nowhere, that's kind of how psychological triggers work, sometimes something sets you off and you don't really know why until after. Managing it in the moment and making sure your player is okay then shifting tracks and continuing is a perfectly fine response, but we're mostly adults playing these games, we don't need a giant X, or safe words, we can see when someone is in distress, we have eyes and ears for that. Really, It's the same issue Paradox has with 5th ed Vampire, by putting the content warnings front and center it shapes people's idea of the game around that.
Wait till you get the Edge lord that wants to R@pe your NPCs and not allow anyone at your table to be like "Hey dude, Thats messed up, lets not do that"
I'm an old gamer. My gaming group is a 20-30 yr old group. My sons and their friends. One of the games they feel is the most fun is when I run original D&D (basic/expert/etc.) and use the actual modules of the era. Horror on the hill. Isle of Dread. Chateau de Amberville. There are enough to mix and match the right ones for the group your running. I've taken a number of them and moved them to a homebrew game world and it's been a home run with my group. No one HAS to buy the new rules. No one HAS to use the new lore even if they play the new system. After all, first credo if TTRPG: If you don't like a rule, change it. It's your game. Just make sure the group knows ahead of time. Second credo: while it is a group storytelling hobby, the Game Master put most of the work in as writer, producer, director, etc. So yes, play by the GMs rules, find another group, or GM yourself. Don't expect them to change for you. Don't be a diva.
In my greyhawk campaign, I played a Half Orc Thief... And captured enemies were interrupted by the wizard, Cleric and Bard ... When they failed to extract information the cleric would say "I shall pray for you." As my character danced in the room with a tray full of implements. Sometimes showmanship cancels out any rolls that could be made. Then I'd tell them the fun that was about to happen and I wonder how much copper wire I can push into their pee hole till they pass out, as I hand the wizard a scroll of shocking grasp. Then I'd fully explain what was about to happen. No rolls ever happened... Showmanship... Always got the information and those that lied.... Well they felt that shock in the worst way possible... They never lied again.
If you aren't comfortable with something, that's fine. You're an adult, you can leave the table and come back when you're feeling up for it. But you don't get to stop everyone else's fun.
I run WoD games and I did accidently trigger a panic attack in someone at an Orpheus game by the main villain being a doctor abusing his patients which had come exceedingly close to some of her experiences. We stopped the game for a bit to let them calm down and have some water, talked it through, and I sped through the rest of the scene and into a bit of combat to help warm the mood back up. Overall it was a great oneshot but its the kind of thing that really can spring on you out of nowhere especially if your game is inherently dealing with dark themes such as Wraith, Vampire, Orpheus, Dark Sun, some Shadowrun games, etc.
@@jadak100 They did not, it didn't come up in our session 0 either. I warned them that I would be going into some dark places and they had a couple of requests like no sexual stuff (which is fine, I wasn't planning to anyway) and no drowning (also easy enough to work with). As for how the table dealt with it, it was about halfway through a oneshot, people either took it as a chance for a breather or stayed and helped talk her through it until she felt better, then we continued. I've chatted with most of them since that game and they all really enjoyed it and want to play some more. This is, however, a very different kind of situation than the big "hold up your hand if someone does something that makes you uncomfortable" that WoTc is pushing, it was a proper panic attack that came out of nowhere for her and we dealt with it like adults and then continued.
@@VallornDeathblade That sounds so retarded. I miss when people kept shit to themselves. I haven't met one person that wasn't traumatized in some way; that's the point of pretending your a goddamn dragon slayer...
I said it before and I'll say it again, RPG games only need 3 things: 1-Pen & paper 2-Basic rules 3-Imagination We don't need hypocritical d-bags to tell us how to play this type of games. Edit: 4 things actually, I forgot to mentions dices.
These "rules" have existed since the 80s, only they weren't codified in any book. We just called it "maturity". It seems the current generation of gamers need it spelled out to them "don't be an asshole to your friends" for some reason.
My kids tell me that a lot of the woke D&D games they get involved with turn "erotic" because the DM is often a creep with issues. There's a lot of grooming going on. The comparison to BDSM is valid because these DMs try to slowly introduce kids to more "erotic" elements, so the signaling let's them back off if they're moving too fast and they can keep the game going while also identifying those players more open to "erotic" encounters. Then they invite those players to more extreme games, with the ultimate goal of getting some real world action.
Well damn. Yeah, all and any adult stuff needs to be discussed and told before hand, specifically to avoid stuff like this. Also, adult stuff should be in adults only games
Isn't a session 0 meant to be about letting people know what the game is going to be about? Honestly, there shouldn't be any left over issues if it's done right
DM has the power of the mighty boot. If you're showing up to a game and just want to complain because it's a bloody dark fantasy instead of a lighthearted shopping sim full of gumdrops and rainbows, get your own group of losers and quit ruining everyone else's good time.
Boy, I am triggered by this. Can I sue Hasbro for hurting my feelings? I am being kind of serious. After all, if I recall, they passed laws making it illegal to hurt people's feelings. Sooooo....
We can make it a joint suit. I have the gay and woman victim cards if your low. We could even get a few other people to up the victim cards so we win 😊
Actually. I think a more plausible suit would be going against sharholder interests. Im no lawyer so this could be entirely wrong. But given logic, epuldnt make wwy more sense to just class act and be like hey, your stake holders ar3 noticing ya arent doing stuff that makes money. Hpw about you fix that?
The game that literally uses themes like body horror, evil sadistic creatures and black magic like necromancy is somehow less disturbing than calling someone by their wrong pronoun
TPCI took away every player's Pokémon's overworld effects from Abilities. Pocket Pair even went after the human characters to call them "Type 1/2" while hypocritically sexing the pals. Dragon Quest III the port used "Apearance A/B" while having "women" and "dress". These are enough to show that the bloat went after merit.
@@karlthorsten9118 unfortunately our orks aren't any safer, still worried I'm gonna wake up one day to a headline complaining they are not feminine enough
Very much the same. I never got the 50th, but I saw a lot of review vids from D&D content creators and a few of them were just as upset about that. It would be the same as Hollywood crapping on Stan Lee in Marvel stuff.... it's just not going to end the way they hope.
Mister DM, I'm triggered and don't want to play anymore. DM: Suddenly a huge boulder falls from the ceiling on top of you. You're dead. Please leave your character sheet and go.
@@Psuedo-Nim , This is a statement by a player that has never DM. I've had people attempt to tell me how magic works in my world. This is my world, not theirs. You want to dictate how a world works, than you sit on the DM side of the screen and run the game.
As someone who GMs Pathfinder, I can state emphatically that people coming in from D&D are the worst. They don’t even want a game, they want a tea party. It’s insufferable and girly, including the guys.
I've been warning the Pathfinder crowd that Pathfinder is NOT safe from these people and that they very much are pushing their way in. I've been told almost ad verbatim "You're worrying too much. We'll never go the way of D&D." Basically every single time. Hubris truly is going to be the downfall of our hobbies.
@@CommanderRedEXE Oh I know. And if Paizo goes totally woke, that's fine, I won't buy any more books. But 2e is an excellent system (D&D 5e is a joke). And I already own enough 2e adventure paths to last a decade. So it almost doesn't matter what happens from now on.
@ I mean the problem is that the game primarily appeals to people with mental illness. It used to be nerdy guys with no social skills. Now it’s theater kid rejects. But it was never going to be normal, so it was never going to be gatekept.
@@aiodensghost8645 true, but I learned on 5e, its the easiest to find things for and introduce to new people because its simple. Its issue its too simple which is solved by homebrew.
Sooooo... I guess it works both ways ? Player 1 : my character is gay Player 2 : *cross his arms* I don't want his character to be gay. Or even better Player : *cross his arms* I don't like that thing. DM : *cross his arms* I don't like when players cross their arms.
I didn't think of it that way. The DM crossing arms to cancel out the player crossing their arms. But seriously DMs put a lot of work into their preparation for the games. To just say a player can derail everything is just not going to work with some people. In m home game I know my players and none of them object to my descriptions or play style. I use to DM for Adventure League D&D. I stopped due to not wanting to buy and re-read all those rule books again. But with this added into the mix, I don't need a player that just sat down at my table crossing their arms and expecting me to change the game to suit them. Especially if I don't even know this person.
Reminds me of that clip of the US socialists convention, where they kept having to stop proceedings because members of the audience were getting triggered by everything.
100% agreed! I think critical role might have been around before or around the same time, and that would have definitely brought people in, but it was nowhere near the introductory point to D&D that Stranger Things was. Stranger things absolutely glorified the ND to the normies and brought all of the weirdos flooding into the subculture.
The campaign I played in college, the inn keeper said it would be best if you stayed inside at night. The two halflings in the party said, "nah it will be fine" and go out into the night. The DM says "so the next morning everyone ELSE who stayed inside over night is enjoying breakfast and the inn keeper asks 'how do you like your halfling pie?" then turns to the two halfling players and say "roll new characters". Modern players would probably cry
in my case that set up would scream obvious trap with maximum gotcha potental, stay at the inn and bad things happen. ignore the warning bad things happen. it seems like a loose loose.
Players now a days act like social workers. NOT my characters. All my Elves hate dwarves because they are dwarves!!!! 44 year of playing will never play a dwarf. The rat bastards.
@camembert101 they basically don't. They actively always try to "friendship wins out" method and kill as minimal as possible. They've also been spurred on by DMs too spineless to upset them, or of the same ilk who don't understand D&D is DARK fantasy and turn it into rainbows and sunshine with zero dark. It's disgraceful.
I had to end many games because of this nonsense (I'm the DM). I had one player ask why I don't use safety tools and I responded "I have never had someone use them for a legitimate reason" I then cited some of my horror stories like players saying that nobody is allowed to die in my game and a few others. Anyway when I realized that he wanted me to use them I quickly ended the game, unfortunately these people won't leave a group so you have to end games to get rid of them.
I had a similar issue. The stress caused me to see a cardiologist. I did not know it was the game. It ended my 42 year career as a DM. They do NOT deserve a DM.
@CharlesCranford-y9k I'm so sorry to hear that. You probably ran some good old grognard style D&D! These people are the worst they have ruined what used to be a great gentleman's game because they can't grow up. Again so sorry to hear that I hope you do find a good none stressful group someday.
Never ran into SJW's in my games but if I have to interrupt a session to give you the talk, chances are you are not coming back to my table. There is a time and a place to talk these things, the middle of the session in front of alk the players is not it.
I gave up running a game in 2022 after 42 years NO decent players left. I now actually get to play with adult players in an adult violent heroic dark gritty game.
I’ve never wanted to join a D&D group as badly as I do now. I would stop the game for literally everything. *pulls DM aside, stopping the game for everybody* “Do we really need to kill these giant rats? While they may not be the cuddliest of creatures, they serve an important purpose in our world, and therefore, must serve a similar purpose in this fictional one.”
Words are already safe. Actions hurt people. Words can never break anything. Saying "Censorship is no big deal" should mean it is fine to remove censorship.
This stuff should just be posted as articles on their website, where they can promote safe game play. They shouldn't be having us pay $ for this. If they CARED about players, they would offer these gems FREE. They don't, they're stuffing their books with content that actually doesn't help the DM create and run a campaign. If you think THIS is help... then they should have an entire section on techniques to create game schedules and how to communicate between games to ensure you have enough players on game day.
"The person who invokes the signals can comment on what they want adjusted but doesn't have to explain why the content is objectionable." So... many questions arise. What's the point of a DM if the players get to dictate the terms of the experience? What's to stop a player from "objecting" themselves to an easy victory if they don't even have to explain themselves? What if another player raises an objection to the original player's objection? Who gets priority? How about the only thing a player gets to decide is whether to play or not? How about we stop catering to the weakest and most pathetic among us? Sick of this "race to the bottom" bull permeating every layer of society.
Older millennials are similar to gen x as we don't give a shit about this dumb crap just play thr game and have fun... it seems so hard for people after 1987 to figure that out haha😂
I could see some players using this nonsense to stop a combat not going their way, or to bypass a puzzle or riddle, or any other way to game the system.
That entire commune-ity is ridiculous. They need a manual or divisional section in each manual focused on what you CAN'T do. I just do not see how imagination can flourish under such conditions. A fractional niche population has rendered "D&D" into a farcical and flippant therapy session. OMG they would be terrified of me! And I'm harmless.
Who is more likely to demand an all powerful state that takes care of him, the resilient and well-adjusted normal person or the hyper-sensitive emotional wreck and victim by choice? They know what they are doing: They are trying to destroy western civilization and establish tyranny. They are still mad that the red revolutions failed 100+ years ago and now do what Gramsci & co were thinking about in the aftermath of that failure.
The reason for safe words in BDSM is that in certain forms of play the word stop might be part of the fantasy. Let's say you're doing the ye olde Barbarian Princess and Imperial Inquistor routine her saying "Stop!" might be interpreted as her engaging with the fantasy but if she says "Pumpernickel!" that's obviously such a non-sequitur that there is no confusion. If you're playing DND with a group of people who are decent human beings, saying "This is making me uncomfortable." should be more than enough.
@@NPC-1337 Well, I'll try to keep it clean here, but ja, it's definitely one of "those" things that you might regret if you look up the whole story. TL;DR: it involved a couple of guys, a cardboard toilet paper tube, a gerbil, and a match. I'm not sure how much detail I can use here without making my reply get removed, and there are certain words that would make this much easier to explain, but the story went around back in the late '80s (or early '90s?) involving Richard Gere, but it's changed in one version or another. Long story short, the "safe word" was "Armageddon".
@NPC-1337 My reply to you went away anyway, but I'll try gin with a copy-and-paste of it: Well, I'll try to keep it clean here, but ja, it's definitely one of "those" things that you might regret if you look up the whole story. TL;DR: it involved a couple of guys, a cardboard toilet paper tube, a gerbil, and a match. I'm not sure how much detail I can use here without making my reply get removed, and there are certain words that would make this much easier to explain, but the story went around back in the late '80s (or early '90s?) involving Richard Gere, but it's changed in one version or another. Long story short, the "safe word" was "Armageddon".
@@RighteousJ Yup, mine too. It happens lot, so I keep replied-tabs open and open them in new tb to see if the reply's still there a minute or two later. Also: your reply that I'm replying to now already went away on the actual page, so I'm replying to you only through my notification drop-down.
I know a dude who was asking for feedback about that very concept a year ago, that he wanted to implement into his seassions. I told him it's one of the stupidest things I have heard. And here we are.
I wonder how will the remaining woke staff would handle if Elon actually Buys Wizards of Coast which would include the DnD IP. Hopefully that would Sink In.
Heavy Metal magazine was great. It had some excellent artwork, and reading it was probably the closest you could get to being high without using drugs. The movie was fun as well.
You know, maybe we need safe words 😅 I attended a D&D event night a couple of years ago, and it was certainly an experience, but not in the way I expected. I noticed a surprising number of people with bright hair, obese, half shaved hair, and the atmosphere was like a kids' daycare to say the least. The storytelling and roleplay quickly escalated into uncomfortable territory. One player kept trying to push for our characters to "hook up," and, shockingly, the DM encouraged it. I made it clear multiple times that I wasn’t interested, but it didn’t stop until my character ended the conversation quite definitively-with my dwarf dropping her on my anvil shapped warhammer (yes people were upset with me and yes I was told to F off). It felt like many of the players were using their characters as self-inserts to act out inappropriate behaviour, and unironic power fantasies, which made the whole event feel more like a personal soap opera than a collaborative game. I was asked to leave halfway through because, "This is a safe space." it just wasn’t the kind of adventure I was looking for 😂
Nothing makes a game that depends heavily on player immersion better than real world rules to allow anyone to break immersion at anytime, for any reason, without any explanation.
I don't necessarily think at least a short discussion of boundaries is a bad thing. I've had players who wanted to roleplay sexual encounters (instead of "fade to black" for example) and neither I, nor some of my other players were comfortable to do that at the table. Just be an adult about the situation and don't freak out about every little thing (ie. Players that don't like it if a villain is "mean" or that a game mostly about combat has combat in it).
The safe word / communication is fine. I as a dm have had to set boundaries with players being creepy and overly sexual or trying to push fetishes but i always run through expectations in session zero so people know the lines ahead of time. So if the group wants a signial to stop something and change the direction i dont see a huge issue. I dont want a detailed dicription of a npc getting raped by an wearwolf ( iv seen a dm try to describe that ) of course this olny becomes sn issue on online group. Never an irl group
I think this whole thing about stopping the game came about because of GMs using their NPCs or personal characters to "sexually" hit on or "Grape" player characters and making the players uncomfortable because it was not spoken about privately beforehand. This type of thing has happened a few times on live-streamed TTRPGs that I can think of. The most memorable and the most egregious was of a player's robotic type (artificial) of character being "Graped" by a "mechanic" (artificer) NPC played by the GM. I can't remember if it was done intentionally by the GM, he was trying to spice up the game, rolling with the scenario and coming up with descriptions on the spot, or if he was attracted to the player, and it was an unconscious/subconscious (Freudian slip) event.
That's an incredibly rare thing to occur to the point it's not feasible to assume it's the cause. No, these are the same people who forced the change of racial ability score modifiers now being chosen by the player instead of "hardcoded" to specific scores because to them the latter "killed creativity by forcing certain races to only use certain classes." Funnily, someone proved my point trying to argue it by going into how he had to use items to get around the -2 int on an Orc mage. Infinitely more creative than "Grognar was born far more intelligent than any Orc before and was naturally gifted in the use of magic." No amount of good writing can disguise the fact they want to put minimal effort into their character and want it as streamlined as possible from the start. I cut them out of my life after they continued growing more insufferable.
I don't use Safewords in my games, but my players know that if I'm going into areas they don't like, they can message me, and I will tone it down or move on. We are all adults but we generally play darker fantasies which can include war, rape, slavery, etc. and I can sometimes get drawn into my own narration of the situation going into too much detail. I will also discuss with my players beforehand anything that could result in forced changes to their characters. I won't not do it, but they should be aware that it could happen if they still go ahead with their current actions. Of course, this had led to some interesting game sessions. Regardless I don't think this needs to be instructed in the book. I was taught this when I first started playing back in the 80s and I have explained it to my nephews and nieces when I was teaching them to play.
Geez, my Barbarian used to collect the heads of defeated monsters and mount them on a wall of his hangout that used to be an evil temple before he crucifed the sorcerers and brned them alive. Ah, the good times kids will never knw...
Honestly, if I'm a DM or a player, and someone at the table does that X crap, I'm not gonna double-down, or triple-down, I'm gonna 100000000000000000000x-down out of pure, spiteful FU energy.
@prydzen NO sorry rhe idea is absurd and rediculous. You feel horrible about a theme or story point. Get out! Leave! GO!!! I WILL NOT change my DMing style of 42 years, which has had people waiting of a spot in my game, or my player have to endure this stupidity. You go find your happy, sunshine, unicorns, no villians, we are are virtuous and socially game somewhere else. Most REAL DMs and players hate the very concept. Bye good luck and GOODBYE!!!
ROFL! The ONLY "safe words" that my old DM's used to understand were "F*** this BS, you cheating bastard! I f***ing hate this campaign!" In short, you were only "triggered" AFTER your character got killed doing some BS attempt to do something stupid that got you or your entire party killed while trying to outsmart the DM. And my DM's were BRUTAL in regards to stuff you had to put up with. Just ONE example was a torture session that ended up taking my rogue and losing not just a few fingers, but a complete hand AND a foot as well. Forcing my character to switch from "rog" to "bard" after an extensive 3-week (in real life) process of training.... OR accepting being tortured to death and having to re-roll a whole new character.
The old method was to sell magazines. That added content and updated the reader without having to buy a new print run of the same edition. Then, when enough articles have been made. A new supplement could be released, so you didn't have to track down all those articles.
TTRPG player since 1982! Real Kobolds are scaly dog people! Back in the 80's and 90's, D&D was played by the outcasts of society, Drama kids, Band kids, Nerds, Geeks, Females, LGBTQIA+ people and us Choir kids! Hell, we even allowed normal people play with us! We were very inclusive! WotC did fire one of the Coolest, Nerdiest and Creative Bisexual women in the just before Christmas firing spree! I am a proud sexist, because as leaving a store i held open the door for a man, and then waited a few seconds to hold the door open for a woman who called me sexist for doing it, about a decade ago!
Back in the days of basic, 2ed, third and 3.5 we had a session zero. Where you created characters and got to know your players. The Dm could then curate their campaign for everyone. Also we used DM’s notes between players and DMs to speak in confidence. Since 4th and 5th D&D has become over sexualised and constantly online allowing predators to insinuate themselves and corrupt this beloved ttrpg.
When i went to PAX earlier this year, the DM handed us a card with an X on it. Said it was for "if the descritions get too scary or you no want to fight a certain type of monster, use this card." My inner thought was, "why the hell play if you are that triggered?"
His entire process is a substitution for honest and earnest conversation and dialogue about your game table between players and DMs. It's not WoW, you can press pause, you can talk it out. You dont need a secret handshake to signal that you're uncomfortable with something.
Honestly most modern RPG's have a whole section on 'safe words' or 'safety cards.' This isn't new, it's the trend. The TTRPG space is terribly infected by the woke.
@@LuigiTheMetal64 safety cards aren't about the gameplay though. They spend like, 2-4 pages per RPG talking about how everybody is sensitive to something and this is a safe way to say you don't like what's going on so the GM can stop and do something different"
@@CharlesCranford-y9k I legit dislike how much paper or pdf space is devoted to it between my collection of books. I feel a little cheated since I can't look through them to find this stuff before I buy them a lot of the time.
As a DM, I use safety tools. A card with a fast forward button and one v with a pause symbol. Or I should say I make them available. I have only ever had them used once. It was a girl who was arachnophobic and asked me to swap the Retriever miniatures for something else. Later she thanked me for having the card because it gave her something to reinforce that it was OK to ask for a change.
Considering there are Orcs in this game, yeah, I can understand having Orc as a trigger word for those with WarHammer 40K PTSD. don't wanna send retired marines into a mad rage like Mermaid Man.видео.htmlsi=Q2wEgiuO7LC4hkAY&t=25
@@tskwerl I wouldn't, I would stay and get "triggered" about every other thing until they see how ridiculous and not fun this and Wokeism is OR they PHYSICALLY toss me out!
@@ygonzalez4134 While fun, I'd have way more fun downing a bottle of rum in the woods or an empty park somewhere and blasting death metal at about a billion decibels while making demon noises with my face.
I need a safe word to indicate I don’t want to play anymore?
How about if you are offended using a simple “That’s messed up. I’m out.”?
Too many words. Maybe a simple "IQuit" said real quickly will work.
I agree with Charles that's a safe sentence.
You expect people to use complete sentences, in the middle of a game where people need to talk and explain how they'd play their roles as the characters?
That makes too much logical sense! Must be racist or something!
Who are actually playing the current version of D&D? Are these actual players or just activists looking for the next thing to destroy?
I'm still playing 5th edition and don't care about 2024 edition.
True story: I was running a D&D campaign with a few kids at my table, and the session involved fighting a giant spider complete with a prop on the board. The youngest of the girls was creeped out and didn't like spiders, but she continued playing. I definitely played it up even more to get a reaction out of her. Everyone at the table was getting pretty wigged out by the whole scenario. But they defeated the spider. The next day, I see the kids again and the older sister tells me that when they got home, her little sister saw an actual spider and smashed it, yelling "I'm sick of spiders!" The moral of the story is that if a 12-year-old girl can face something she's afraid of in fiction and then be able to face that same thing in reality, then I don't want to hear any excuses from so-called adults who can't handle fiction.
With all this going on it nice to get a reminder that TTRPGS ARR AWESOME.
With all that’s going on it’s nice to get a reminder that TTRPGS ARE AWESOME.
Great true story, brilliant!
That's awesome 🤣
One of the many benefits of D&D.
"Safe words." When did Dungeons & Dragons turn into a BDSM session?
when the weirdo Leftists got involved?
When Tumblrites with their coomer-brain infected the creative-control positions in the company.
Guess the greater emphasis of "DUNGEONS" is there
BDSM session a good time.
1st 2nd 3rd edition D&D a good time.
There's a lot of overlap between the scenes - more from one side than the other. Problem is, there's a lot more overlap involving the people who run the system.
Because we all want to play a medieval fantasy where people killing each other, and dark lords trying to take over the world, is a normal weekday, but god forbid someone say "bad words".
thats the 'old school' games. the new cool games are all about interactions, and 'story building'. not much confrontation, more 'baristas' and 'managers'.
@@orbitalair2103 I produce more story and world building, interactions just by going to the bathroom after a heavy meal than most modern writers can put onto paper.
@@orbitalair2103 I saw an online interaction in a group on facebook where these people where talking about their last game. They where all playing as monsters, usually hybrids, and the whole game was them cooking a meal together. I guess they rolled dice to see if the potatoes got burned or how long it took to boil water or whatever. I left that group. I was in another group and they were talking about how they had done an in game protest march against the local Lord. I left that group too.
Right? I know that in my games if there are things like racism and slavery that's a signal to the players to do the right thing, not me enacting some fked up fetish.
You're playing as heroes but what good are heroes with no injustices to fight?
What about those of us with PHYSICAL limitations? Rising our arms in an "X" motion is HIGHLY -IST. How DARE THEY assume all of us are able to do this.
I have 1 arm, so hateful.
What about the people who don't have hands? Uh oh! D&D is being bigoted. Should have focused on fantasy being separate from reality.
Just tell them it's the Elon X lol
No shit! My neck is screwy right now and I can't raise my right arm above my head without pissing myself! Triggered!
Best I can manage is two fingers.
I love the comment about "Every person I played with is queer." They can't even comprehend that there are a lot of OTHER people who play it aren't gay. It's a bad echo chamber like Blue Sky.
they are more likely to have played with homosexuals then actual queers.
It like there sexual preferance is there whole identity.
Exactly, they live in a bubble of delusional cultism.
RUclips has one again censored my reply.
If I raise my arms in an X in front of that person because I feel that queer is a slur, will my feelings be respected as a same-sex attracted woman who has had that word directed at me, or will I get lectured on how that word has been “reclaimed,” and get an impromptu lesson on all the varieties of queers there are? Cuz I had the latter happen a lot on tumblr back in the day. From the same people who would say stupid is a slur.
Modern D&D is when you sit around and read a list of disorders to each other. Not even your characters disorders.
Sounds like Twitter of old, several years ago. Instead of flags and "causes" everywhere in their bio, it was just lists of self-evaluated disorders, like badges of honor. How nuts.
💯 %
Derangements & Disorders
Miserable piles of secrets
@@redrum3405 I practice my magic incarnations from reading the ingredients on a bag of potato chips
Any player who requests a safe word for a game session?
Leaves my game and never returns.
This isn't B&D.
It's RPG.
Me and my friend, both with DM experience, resd through the safe word/card crap. The ONLY thing we agreed on was the card, and solely because our friend group has some people with serious trauma from their past, so it would be a silent way to let us as DMs know to either ease up or simply call for a quick breather. But that's it, and we know our group is not the norm. And no, none of them agree with any of the nonsense otherwise.
@@CommanderRedEXE You just said you did, you use a system, a card. They just discussed different ways to do it in game.
@Psuedo-Nim We don't use the card itself. As we use Discord for our sessions, we simply have them send us a DM if something is wrong. That said, we also have a Pre-Campaign discussion about what things people cannot handle because of the trauma.
The lore I'm making for my custom homebrew gets very dark at points, but so far there's been no issues other than entirely unrelated bs that was brought in and quickly squashed.
I'm all for making sure no lines are crossed. I however disagree with WotC on HOW to go about it. Yes, the card system has legitimate uses, but they are very rare uses and not WotC's intent.
I have no clue what version you all play that requires cards and to be perfectly honest?
I don't want to know.
Just adding a card mechanic to a pencil and paper rpg sound like a cash grab for a desperate company that just discovered it had no new ideas.
@@hughdelaterra9004 its not a card mechanic. they just suggest options to silently signal a DM that a plyer may need to talk to them or a break from immediately play. have you tried not overreacting/ also. using the word cash grab is an indication you are clueless.
Dungeon Master: You Cannot Do that..., your Race wouldn't Do that.
Player: You're Racist I'm Quitting
Dungeon Master: The God of your Race makes A Red Dragon Appears out of Nowhere and Eat you.
[Rolls 1]
That is amazingly fantastic!! Want to see it at a table!
DM: And since your character is now dead in this campaign, you are welcome to leave. We'll let you know when a new world session is being formed. See you on social.
And that is why I played Warhammer Fantasy RPG and not D&D. In WFRPG you can reward such a player with a chaos mutation. And then the party will solve your problem. 😜
I'm personally unsure of this one. I don't think I would ever prevent someone from doing something because of their race except for something impossible.
For example:
Player: "I'm going to jump off the tower and flap my wing to escape."
GM: " Are you sure about that, you are human?"
Player: "Yes."
GM "You jump off the tower flapping your arms and fall 80ft to the ground. Take falling damage."
There are always exceptions to the standards of a race and PC are exceptions.
I might be tempted to tell a player he can't do something because it is completely out of character for their character and if they need to take a smaller step first. I.e. A character playing a Pacifist, suddenly deciding to become a Murderhobo.
One of my players is really creeped out by zombies and ghouls. That player had a blast with my Halloween night game of clearing zombies, ghouls, skeletons, and green hags out of Valhingen Graveyard because being a little scare is a lot of fun.
The same group also happily collected goblin heads for a bounty of a single gold piece each. And that was with the goblins begging and bargaining their coward hearts out. Not all players are thin skinned and lily-livered, thankfully.
Goblin heads? Too heavy to lug around. We collect goblin ears, and have done so for 30 years (my husband is the DM I met in college).
@@martabachynsky8545 Ears are a good call, but a tooth won't break down during a long journey. Plus, the smell of rotting flesh won't attract scavengers.
@@xenogorwraithblade2538 Our party spell-caster dries them with a cantrip. Plus, teeth are teeth. You can't tell what creature it's from. Could be a wolf fang.
I've had darker themes in my game as well but tbf. The group is pretty cool and mature about. But either way, if you have dealbreakers for games, let the DM know beforehand and leave.
*The term “Trigger Warning” triggers me* 😒
lol 😆
It actually triggers a lot of people. Including the people who originally wanted trigger warnings.
It triggers a certain finger in my case.
@@HenshinFanatic Bird is the word!
I’m a dnd player who picked up the game while I was in the Army. Nobody can get offended if everyone around the table is actively offending each other. Equal rights, equal fights😂 In all honesty, I played this with my battle buddies and had an absolute blast. We have an ongoing campaign of two enlisted veterans, two civilians that work in a psych ward and, homeless people and, an active duty NCO. We all play as different playable species. Raciest comments and showcasing racial fantasy tropes are welcome 😂 all of us have a blast and our campaign has been going on for three years. The other campaigns that I’m a part of are with my high school friends and another group that I met online. At the end of the day, it’s just a fever dream that you share with your friends. Play however you want and play with whoever you want to play with. If you’re not comfortable playing with a group of people, find new friends or, bring your digressions up to the group and talk about it like adults. We’ve got Irish, Indians, Koreans, Africa Americans, Native Americans, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Atheists even, Norse believers between my three tables. If we can get along and passively roast each other in the most affectionate ways possible, everyone else can too.
RIP D&D now your just a game I used to know.
"You didn't have to cut THACO out. you could simply added another system." Added lyric.
Had an NPC in one of my games named "soboh redrum". he went around grabbing women and killing everything. My players hated him and didnt want him in the game. The entire point of this NPC was to have him get killed as he was the favored son of a noble. Instead my players kept tryin to teach him what he was doing was wrong.
Those are REALLY useless players!!
Oof, an open invitation for killing, and no takers? Yikes
@@climid Clever name
Maybe it's still in their nature to still find hope in redeeming people in a fantasy world unlike the real one. 🤔
Yet another DM complaining about players not following their own plan.
If a player showed ANY of those bullshit behaviors when I was running any RPG game my response would be simple and direct, "There's the door. GET OUT!".
Perfectly said!!!!!
As you should
Session 0, if done right, prevents this from escalation.
@@lwriker1304 It can spring on you out of nowhere, that's kind of how psychological triggers work, sometimes something sets you off and you don't really know why until after. Managing it in the moment and making sure your player is okay then shifting tracks and continuing is a perfectly fine response, but we're mostly adults playing these games, we don't need a giant X, or safe words, we can see when someone is in distress, we have eyes and ears for that.
Really, It's the same issue Paradox has with 5th ed Vampire, by putting the content warnings front and center it shapes people's idea of the game around that.
Wait till you get the Edge lord that wants to R@pe your NPCs and not allow anyone at your table to be like "Hey dude, Thats messed up, lets not do that"
I'm an old gamer. My gaming group is a 20-30 yr old group. My sons and their friends. One of the games they feel is the most fun is when I run original D&D (basic/expert/etc.) and use the actual modules of the era. Horror on the hill. Isle of Dread. Chateau de Amberville. There are enough to mix and match the right ones for the group your running. I've taken a number of them and moved them to a homebrew game world and it's been a home run with my group.
No one HAS to buy the new rules. No one HAS to use the new lore even if they play the new system.
After all, first credo if TTRPG: If you don't like a rule, change it. It's your game. Just make sure the group knows ahead of time.
Second credo: while it is a group storytelling hobby, the Game Master put most of the work in as writer, producer, director, etc. So yes, play by the GMs rules, find another group, or GM yourself. Don't expect them to change for you. Don't be a diva.
Safe words?! What sort of dungeon are we talking about here?
I think someone mistook "binding spells" with "bondage"... Cheers!
"Dare you enter my magical realm?" -- suspiciously Ed Greenwood-looking whizzard
One with lots of Bad Dragons.
@@cattrucker8257 They probably thought the 'Dragons' meant the ones from the Dragon Maid anime xD
A wheel chair accessible one, duh.
In my greyhawk campaign, I played a Half Orc Thief... And captured enemies were interrupted by the wizard, Cleric and Bard ... When they failed to extract information the cleric would say "I shall pray for you." As my character danced in the room with a tray full of implements.
Sometimes showmanship cancels out any rolls that could be made.
Then I'd tell them the fun that was about to happen and I wonder how much copper wire I can push into their pee hole till they pass out, as I hand the wizard a scroll of shocking grasp.
Then I'd fully explain what was about to happen.
No rolls ever happened... Showmanship... Always got the information and those that lied.... Well they felt that shock in the worst way possible... They never lied again.
If you aren't comfortable with something, that's fine. You're an adult, you can leave the table and come back when you're feeling up for it. But you don't get to stop everyone else's fun.
or at least explain why it's uncomfortable and most people assuming it's a reasonable opinion will navigate around it.
I run WoD games and I did accidently trigger a panic attack in someone at an Orpheus game by the main villain being a doctor abusing his patients which had come exceedingly close to some of her experiences. We stopped the game for a bit to let them calm down and have some water, talked it through, and I sped through the rest of the scene and into a bit of combat to help warm the mood back up. Overall it was a great oneshot but its the kind of thing that really can spring on you out of nowhere especially if your game is inherently dealing with dark themes such as Wraith, Vampire, Orpheus, Dark Sun, some Shadowrun games, etc.
@@VallornDeathblade did they knew that before playing? How did the rest of the players reacted to that sudden halt to the game?
@@jadak100 They did not, it didn't come up in our session 0 either. I warned them that I would be going into some dark places and they had a couple of requests like no sexual stuff (which is fine, I wasn't planning to anyway) and no drowning (also easy enough to work with).
As for how the table dealt with it, it was about halfway through a oneshot, people either took it as a chance for a breather or stayed and helped talk her through it until she felt better, then we continued. I've chatted with most of them since that game and they all really enjoyed it and want to play some more.
This is, however, a very different kind of situation than the big "hold up your hand if someone does something that makes you uncomfortable" that WoTc is pushing, it was a proper panic attack that came out of nowhere for her and we dealt with it like adults and then continued.
@@VallornDeathblade That sounds so retarded. I miss when people kept shit to themselves. I haven't met one person that wasn't traumatized in some way; that's the point of pretending your a goddamn dragon slayer...
I said it before and I'll say it again, RPG games only need 3 things:
1-Pen & paper
2-Basic rules
We don't need hypocritical d-bags to tell us how to play this type of games.
Edit: 4 things actually, I forgot to mentions dices.
Magic the Noah is the best example of exactly that
Well said. Probably a lot of pens and a lot of paper though. Also maybe a board and character pieces
And dice.
What about dice though
you do not need dice you can make an RPG without randomness.
Did they think that the players were chained to the gaming table before this change?
These "rules" have existed since the 80s, only they weren't codified in any book. We just called it "maturity". It seems the current generation of gamers need it spelled out to them "don't be an asshole to your friends" for some reason.
My kids tell me that a lot of the woke D&D games they get involved with turn "erotic" because the DM is often a creep with issues. There's a lot of grooming going on. The comparison to BDSM is valid because these DMs try to slowly introduce kids to more "erotic" elements, so the signaling let's them back off if they're moving too fast and they can keep the game going while also identifying those players more open to "erotic" encounters. Then they invite those players to more extreme games, with the ultimate goal of getting some real world action.
Well damn. Yeah, all and any adult stuff needs to be discussed and told before hand, specifically to avoid stuff like this. Also, adult stuff should be in adults only games
I'll take things that didn't happen for $400 Alex.
I thought D&D was a game that you can do whatever you can imagine.
But now they made rules telling you what you’re not allowed to imagine.
And as I think the rules telling you what not to imagine are stupid I'll chose to ignore those rules and DM as I see fit.
Fortunately as a DM you can totally ignore these rules if you don’t make the mistake of playing (or running) in an official game.
@@EyeOfMagnus4E201 Ignore this edition entirely. Dont even give Hasbro money for it. They 'Didn't Earn It'.
Isn't a session 0 meant to be about letting people know what the game is going to be about? Honestly, there shouldn't be any left over issues if it's done right
just fork D&D.
The moment I see this as a DM, I tell that person to Fing leave. This is stupid.
It's his turn Vegeta! I have to wait!
- TFS Nappa
Remember when D&D was about designing a dungeon?...
And players exploiting the rules?...
I remember
Peperidge Farm Remembers.
I have yet to play a TTRPG, but that would be nice
@@TheKageRyu Beat me to it! Lol.
no safe words!! We're not snowflakes FFS!!
Like Jaguar and Bud Light, those products cater to the "modern audience".
I'm glad there are alternatives to this junk. 🤔
@@mewletter The "Modern Audience" seems to be Reddit and BooHooSky.
Every DM is like:
"You mean, you've created a way for my most troublesome player to self eject from the game by pulling the "safe word" cord? Yesss!
All adjustments will be to thine facial features.
aaand this is why you dont play with randos :P
DM has the power of the mighty boot. If you're showing up to a game and just want to complain because it's a bloody dark fantasy instead of a lighthearted shopping sim full of gumdrops and rainbows, get your own group of losers and quit ruining everyone else's good time.
At this point, Elon buying Hasbro doesn't sound that bad
Might get me back into D&D
It’s how I feel really, because there’s no way Elon can make it any worse than the direction is going
No, thanks. Nobody is interested in cyber cars in D&D.
Super idea make OSR official again and the mandatory norm!
@@LuigiTheMetal64 I'd take cyber cars over mexican orcs and wheelchair fighters. He can put them in Spelljammer.
I hear in the trunk of every Faguar is a copy of Dungeons & Dragons and a 6 pack of bud lite.
and a Gillette razor for your arsehole.
Boy, I am triggered by this. Can I sue Hasbro for hurting my feelings? I am being kind of serious. After all, if I recall, they passed laws making it illegal to hurt people's feelings. Sooooo....
But only if you are in a “victimized” group.
Only if it's done in certain ways
Well, I am technically apart of those "victim groups". Still, I am being sarcastic.
We can make it a joint suit. I have the gay and woman victim cards if your low. We could even get a few other people to up the victim cards so we win 😊
Actually. I think a more plausible suit would be going against sharholder interests. Im no lawyer so this could be entirely wrong. But given logic, epuldnt make wwy more sense to just class act and be like hey, your stake holders ar3 noticing ya arent doing stuff that makes money. Hpw about you fix that?
The game that literally uses themes like body horror, evil sadistic creatures and black magic like necromancy is somehow less disturbing than calling someone by their wrong pronoun
Causes for headaches, number I don't frickin' keep count
And the "wrong pronoun" is usually the pronoun they should be called
Sad Waaagh...
I know, wrong franchise, but still applicable.
But they're so hot.
TPCI took away every player's Pokémon's overworld effects from Abilities. Pocket Pair even went after the human characters to call them "Type 1/2" while hypocritically sexing the pals. Dragon Quest III the port used "Apearance A/B" while having "women" and "dress". These are enough to show that the bloat went after merit.
@@karlthorsten9118reedin dis makes me want to get a shoota with lots a dokka and slauter da hoomies wif da pink an da purple hairs.
@@karlthorsten9118 unfortunately our orks aren't any safer, still worried I'm gonna wake up one day to a headline complaining they are not feminine enough
I’m so done with modern d&d. When Hasbro discredited the creators of the game for its 50th anniversary it was disgusting and disgraceful.
Very much the same. I never got the 50th, but I saw a lot of review vids from D&D content creators and a few of them were just as upset about that. It would be the same as Hollywood crapping on Stan Lee in Marvel stuff.... it's just not going to end the way they hope.
Remember that SJW meeting that couldn't get anything done b/c members were complaining every other minute? That's how a D&D game will go now.
Are you talking about that socialist convention lol.
Point of privilege 😂
@@mistermizzle420 Yes, that one!
That kind of thing was starting when I was a con DM . . .
Have seen it in action!!!
Who's making us play with SJWs? Last I checked we're still free to play DnD and ignore or house rule away the garbage we don't like in our game....
Mister DM, I'm triggered and don't want to play anymore.
DM: Suddenly a huge boulder falls from the ceiling on top of you. You're dead. Please leave your character sheet and go.
Pretty much
glad all the jerks who should never DM are identifying themselves
@@White6Rock6Shooter6 is an example of people too crappy to DM
@@Psuedo-Nim , This is a statement by a player that has never DM. I've had people attempt to tell me how magic works in my world. This is my world, not theirs. You want to dictate how a world works, than you sit on the DM side of the screen and run the game.
My safe word. "Non-Buy-nary."
My safe word: "Go-To-Hell."
As someone who GMs Pathfinder, I can state emphatically that people coming in from D&D are the worst. They don’t even want a game, they want a tea party. It’s insufferable and girly, including the guys.
I've been warning the Pathfinder crowd that Pathfinder is NOT safe from these people and that they very much are pushing their way in.
I've been told almost ad verbatim "You're worrying too much. We'll never go the way of D&D." Basically every single time.
Hubris truly is going to be the downfall of our hobbies.
@@CommanderRedEXE Oh I know. And if Paizo goes totally woke, that's fine, I won't buy any more books. But 2e is an excellent system (D&D 5e is a joke). And I already own enough 2e adventure paths to last a decade. So it almost doesn't matter what happens from now on.
@bmardiney That's fair. I just wish people took gatekeeping more seriously in Pathfinder with what's happening to D&D.
@ I mean the problem is that the game primarily appeals to people with mental illness. It used to be nerdy guys with no social skills. Now it’s theater kid rejects. But it was never going to be normal, so it was never going to be gatekept.
@@bmardiney Paizo lost me in the lead up to 2e. It wasn't as bad as current day WotC, but enough to make me feel unwanted as a player/customer.
Remember Kids! If you don't buy it, it goes away!
Alternatively, you can sail the seven seas.
@@CountKibblesNBitsif you do that, just get the older stuff
@@aiodensghost8645 true, but I learned on 5e, its the easiest to find things for and introduce to new people because its simple. Its issue its too simple which is solved by homebrew.
@@CountKibblesNBits Why would you?
@@Rathkryn Readily available, I learned on 5e, easy to modify and intro to new people. if i see anything from older additions I like I homebrew it in.
Sooooo... I guess it works both ways ?
Player 1 : my character is gay
Player 2 : *cross his arms* I don't want his character to be gay.
Or even better
Player : *cross his arms* I don't like that thing.
DM : *cross his arms* I don't like when players cross their arms.
I didn't think of it that way. The DM crossing arms to cancel out the player crossing their arms.
But seriously DMs put a lot of work into their preparation for the games. To just say a player can derail everything is just not going to work with some people. In m home game I know my players and none of them object to my descriptions or play style.
I use to DM for Adventure League D&D. I stopped due to not wanting to buy and re-read all those rule books again. But with this added into the mix, I don't need a player that just sat down at my table crossing their arms and expecting me to change the game to suit them. Especially if I don't even know this person.
Reminds me of that clip of the US socialists convention, where they kept having to stop proceedings because members of the audience were getting triggered by everything.
“We’re Hasbro and WOTC, out of touch with greed…” 🤑
Yet they don't know how to actually make money.
@ Ironic, isn’t it? 🤔
In the Grim present of 2024/25, there is only THAC0.
Ah, THAC0. How I adore thee. ❤
The fifth edition mind cannot conceive of its beauty
THACO is a clown in 5e d&d I remember seeing him in one of the books.
I am so glad I'm not at these tables. This is how we get cowboy orcs. I mean WTF
Yeah, how dare they portray an orc any way than a mindless, savage? Stop smashing my stereotypes!!!!!! Waaaah!
I blame the lack of drinking from our enemies skulls
LMAO. LOL Brilliant. 42 year DM here well done
And the poor quality of the rum.
Stranger Things was the worst thing to happen to D&D. I don't remember any of this happening before then.
100% agreed!
I think critical role might have been around before or around the same time, and that would have definitely brought people in, but it was nowhere near the introductory point to D&D that Stranger Things was. Stranger things absolutely glorified the ND to the normies and brought all of the weirdos flooding into the subculture.
Wolfgang Van Halen is right that people are mad when seeing child musicians in the 1970s setting. He knows it is history revising.
Sorry it all goes back to at LEAST 2008.
It's not Stranger things. It's the woke cult. If you haven't noticed they infect everything to turn it into their ideology.
@@CharlesCranford-y9k Big Bang Theory and its consequences.
The campaign I played in college, the inn keeper said it would be best if you stayed inside at night. The two halflings in the party said, "nah it will be fine" and go out into the night. The DM says "so the next morning everyone ELSE who stayed inside over night is enjoying breakfast and the inn keeper asks 'how do you like your halfling pie?" then turns to the two halfling players and say "roll new characters". Modern players would probably cry
So amazing!!!!
Oh, dayum! That's dark!
brilliant, you even included local, controlled food sources in the breakfast menu 😂
in my case that set up would scream obvious trap with maximum gotcha potental, stay at the inn and bad things happen. ignore the warning bad things happen. it seems like a loose loose.
That is some bullshit on the DM's part, I have to say.
At this point,why are characters using any weapons ingame?
Their weapons are, using the wrong pronouns very painful.
Players now a days act like social workers. NOT my characters. All my Elves hate dwarves because they are dwarves!!!! 44 year of playing will never play a dwarf. The rat bastards.
The cis white male uses the wrong pronouns, roll for intellect.@@leatherguru8904
@camembert101 they basically don't. They actively always try to "friendship wins out" method and kill as minimal as possible. They've also been spurred on by DMs too spineless to upset them, or of the same ilk who don't understand D&D is DARK fantasy and turn it into rainbows and sunshine with zero dark.
It's disgraceful.
I had to end many games because of this nonsense (I'm the DM). I had one player ask why I don't use safety tools and I responded "I have never had someone use them for a legitimate reason" I then cited some of my horror stories like players saying that nobody is allowed to die in my game and a few others. Anyway when I realized that he wanted me to use them I quickly ended the game, unfortunately these people won't leave a group so you have to end games to get rid of them.
I had a similar issue. The stress caused me to see a cardiologist. I did not know it was the game. It ended my 42 year career as a DM. They do NOT deserve a DM.
@CharlesCranford-y9k I'm so sorry to hear that. You probably ran some good old grognard style D&D! These people are the worst they have ruined what used to be a great gentleman's game because they can't grow up. Again so sorry to hear that I hope you do find a good none stressful group someday.
Oh, geez…
Never ran into SJW's in my games but if I have to interrupt a session to give you the talk, chances are you are not coming back to my table. There is a time and a place to talk these things, the middle of the session in front of alk the players is not it.
Players like that are not welcome at my table. Oh well not inclusive enough.
You make the right call!!
I gave up running a game in 2022 after 42 years NO decent players left.
I now actually get to play with adult players in an adult violent heroic dark gritty game.
I hope Elon buys D&D and just resets the game to be "inclusive" of normal people.
Oh no! Not if he use right wing propaganda about racism and sexism.
Which I don't like Elon Musk's plans!
@@brentdye1504 are you serious or sarcastic
@@lordhelwintr283 I'm serious because no one want to turn Dungeons & Dragons into right wing propaganda!
I’ve never wanted to join a D&D group as badly as I do now. I would stop the game for literally everything.
*pulls DM aside, stopping the game for everybody*
“Do we really need to kill these giant rats? While they may not be the cuddliest of creatures, they serve an important purpose in our world, and therefore, must serve a similar purpose in this fictional one.”
Words are already safe. Actions hurt people. Words can never break anything. Saying "Censorship is no big deal" should mean it is fine to remove censorship.
Exactly. Though words can break things, mainly patience, minds, delusions, and relationships. Words can't break anything physically, though.
The thing that should not be tolerated is deception because oh boy does it break things that should not be broken
The only things words break are weak people. And there's a lot of fucking weak people out there, unfortunately.
This stuff should just be posted as articles on their website, where they can promote safe game play. They shouldn't be having us pay $ for this. If they CARED about players, they would offer these gems FREE.
They don't, they're stuffing their books with content that actually doesn't help the DM create and run a campaign.
If you think THIS is help... then they should have an entire section on techniques to create game schedules and how to communicate between games to ensure you have enough players on game day.
I was a 90s kid. DnD was just an excuse to hang out and eat pizza.
"The person who invokes the signals can comment on what they want adjusted but doesn't have to explain why the content is objectionable." So... many questions arise.
What's the point of a DM if the players get to dictate the terms of the experience?
What's to stop a player from "objecting" themselves to an easy victory if they don't even have to explain themselves?
What if another player raises an objection to the original player's objection? Who gets priority?
How about the only thing a player gets to decide is whether to play or not?
How about we stop catering to the weakest and most pathetic among us?
Sick of this "race to the bottom" bull permeating every layer of society.
I can’t stand how soft my generation Gen Z is.
Congratulations, you 2 just graduated to Gen X, where it's OK to not give a f@$k. Lol
Older millennials are similar to gen x as we don't give a shit about this dumb crap just play thr game and have fun... it seems so hard for people after 1987 to figure that out haha😂
Sorry my Gen X isn't and we don't care. No one cared for us but us.
I could see some players using this nonsense to stop a combat not going their way, or to bypass a puzzle or riddle, or any other way to game the system.
How to get kicked from my table 101
The DM then also has the right to signal the triggered player to STFU and toughen up, this signal should be a raised middle finger.
That entire commune-ity is ridiculous. They need a manual or divisional section in each manual focused on what you CAN'T do. I just do not see how imagination can flourish under such conditions. A fractional niche population has rendered "D&D" into a farcical and flippant therapy session. OMG they would be terrified of me! And I'm harmless.
*Laughs in B/X*
Jeremy Crawford drives a new pink Faguar
Jeremy Crawford lied about long rest rules and elven trance. He doesn't even read the books he writes.
These people have no idea what they are doing.
Who is more likely to demand an all powerful state that takes care of him, the resilient and well-adjusted normal person or the hyper-sensitive emotional wreck and victim by choice? They know what they are doing: They are trying to destroy western civilization and establish tyranny. They are still mad that the red revolutions failed 100+ years ago and now do what Gramsci & co were thinking about in the aftermath of that failure.
ldeologs know EXACTLY what they are doing.
Keep your wallets closed.
@@disenfranchisedver1tech598 My point is that they don't know how to make money.
@@wesmcinerny4524 I know that.
But they fiend for E S G money and sociaI kredit - they don't give a shlt about actual consumers.
@@wesmcinerny4524 Scr3t00b is deleting my comments. And yes, I agree with you. But for them, its never been about money - just corrupting culture.
The reason for safe words in BDSM is that in certain forms of play the word stop might be part of the fantasy. Let's say you're doing the ye olde Barbarian Princess and Imperial Inquistor routine her saying "Stop!" might be interpreted as her engaging with the fantasy but if she says "Pumpernickel!" that's obviously such a non-sequitur that there is no confusion. If you're playing DND with a group of people who are decent human beings, saying "This is making me uncomfortable." should be more than enough.
Always remember: when the gerbil tickles too much, just cry out "Armageddon!" (for those of you old enough to remember this urban legend...).
I'm going to probably regret this but, please elaborate.
@@NPC-1337 Well, I'll try to keep it clean here, but ja, it's definitely one of "those" things that you might regret if you look up the whole story. TL;DR: it involved a couple of guys, a cardboard toilet paper tube, a gerbil, and a match. I'm not sure how much detail I can use here without making my reply get removed, and there are certain words that would make this much easier to explain, but the story went around back in the late '80s (or early '90s?) involving Richard Gere, but it's changed in one version or another. Long story short, the "safe word" was "Armageddon".
@NPC-1337 My reply to you went away anyway, but I'll try gin with a copy-and-paste of it: Well, I'll try to keep it clean here, but ja, it's definitely one of "those" things that you might regret if you look up the whole story. TL;DR: it involved a couple of guys, a cardboard toilet paper tube, a gerbil, and a match. I'm not sure how much detail I can use here without making my reply get removed, and there are certain words that would make this much easier to explain, but the story went around back in the late '80s (or early '90s?) involving Richard Gere, but it's changed in one version or another. Long story short, the "safe word" was "Armageddon".
@@charlesrockafellor4200 yours too?
There's a few old videos on this platform that have the audio of some sort of radio broadcast telling the story.
@@RighteousJ Yup, mine too. It happens lot, so I keep replied-tabs open and open them in new tb to see if the reply's still there a minute or two later.
Also: your reply that I'm replying to now already went away on the actual page, so I'm replying to you only through my notification drop-down.
I know a dude who was asking for feedback about that very concept a year ago, that he wanted to implement into his seassions. I told him it's one of the stupidest things I have heard. And here we are.
I wonder how will the remaining woke staff would handle if Elon actually Buys Wizards of Coast which would include the DnD IP. Hopefully that would Sink In.
Could potentially save/ fix both DnD and MTG
Heavy Metal magazine was great. It had some excellent artwork, and reading it was probably the closest you could get to being high without using drugs. The movie was fun as well.
It's just so sad what's happened to d&d I used to love playing that game all the time with me and my friends.
Nothing happened to it. It's your game. Play it how you want. There are no police in your own house.
It still is, dummy.
You know, maybe we need safe words 😅
I attended a D&D event night a couple of years ago, and it was certainly an experience, but not in the way I expected. I noticed a surprising number of people with bright hair, obese, half shaved hair, and the atmosphere was like a kids' daycare to say the least. The storytelling and roleplay quickly escalated into uncomfortable territory. One player kept trying to push for our characters to "hook up," and, shockingly, the DM encouraged it. I made it clear multiple times that I wasn’t interested, but it didn’t stop until my character ended the conversation quite definitively-with my dwarf dropping her on my anvil shapped warhammer (yes people were upset with me and yes I was told to F off). It felt like many of the players were using their characters as self-inserts to act out inappropriate behaviour, and unironic power fantasies, which made the whole event feel more like a personal soap opera than a collaborative game. I was asked to leave halfway through because, "This is a safe space." it just wasn’t the kind of adventure I was looking for 😂
Was it Cinnamon, or Pineapple? 🤣🤣🤣
Imagine S1 Tomb of Horrors and your players do the X sign with their arms… haahahahaha.
Good lord Elon musk please buy them. Just reprint old stuff and you be doing better than this.
yeah, this is why Home brwing is always the best choice.
"at Apature we make our own rules, no hand holding!"
Can someone remind me why any of these rule changes even matter? They're unenforceable.
Nothing makes a game that depends heavily on player immersion better than real world rules to allow anyone to break immersion at anytime, for any reason, without any explanation.
I don't necessarily think at least a short discussion of boundaries is a bad thing. I've had players who wanted to roleplay sexual encounters (instead of "fade to black" for example) and neither I, nor some of my other players were comfortable to do that at the table. Just be an adult about the situation and don't freak out about every little thing (ie. Players that don't like it if a villain is "mean" or that a game mostly about combat has combat in it).
The safe word / communication is fine. I as a dm have had to set boundaries with players being creepy and overly sexual or trying to push fetishes but i always run through expectations in session zero so people know the lines ahead of time. So if the group wants a signial to stop something and change the direction i dont see a huge issue. I dont want a detailed dicription of a npc getting raped by an wearwolf ( iv seen a dm try to describe that ) of course this olny becomes sn issue on online group. Never an irl group
I think this whole thing about stopping the game came about because of GMs using their NPCs or personal characters to "sexually" hit on or "Grape" player characters and making the players uncomfortable because it was not spoken about privately beforehand. This type of thing has happened a few times on live-streamed TTRPGs that I can think of. The most memorable and the most egregious was of a player's robotic type (artificial) of character being "Graped" by a "mechanic" (artificer) NPC played by the GM. I can't remember if it was done intentionally by the GM, he was trying to spice up the game, rolling with the scenario and coming up with descriptions on the spot, or if he was attracted to the player, and it was an unconscious/subconscious (Freudian slip) event.
That's an incredibly rare thing to occur to the point it's not feasible to assume it's the cause. No, these are the same people who forced the change of racial ability score modifiers now being chosen by the player instead of "hardcoded" to specific scores because to them the latter "killed creativity by forcing certain races to only use certain classes."
Funnily, someone proved my point trying to argue it by going into how he had to use items to get around the -2 int on an Orc mage. Infinitely more creative than "Grognar was born far more intelligent than any Orc before and was naturally gifted in the use of magic." No amount of good writing can disguise the fact they want to put minimal effort into their character and want it as streamlined as possible from the start.
I cut them out of my life after they continued growing more insufferable.
I was in a game where one player would only ever talk about fetishes and used the game to make furry sex fantasies with the DM.
Fair enough. Though it should really be capable of being talked about, without requiring specific instructions on how to express dissatisfaction
I don't use Safewords in my games, but my players know that if I'm going into areas they don't like, they can message me, and I will tone it down or move on.
We are all adults but we generally play darker fantasies which can include war, rape, slavery, etc. and I can sometimes get drawn into my own narration of the situation going into too much detail.
I will also discuss with my players beforehand anything that could result in forced changes to their characters. I won't not do it, but they should be aware that it could happen if they still go ahead with their current actions. Of course, this had led to some interesting game sessions.
Regardless I don't think this needs to be instructed in the book. I was taught this when I first started playing back in the 80s and I have explained it to my nephews and nieces when I was teaching them to play.
Congrats! You get the point.
Many others don't and need things made explicit. That's what the safety tools are. That's it.
Geez, my Barbarian used to collect the heads of defeated monsters and mount them on a wall of his hangout that used to be an evil temple before he crucifed the sorcerers and brned them alive. Ah, the good times kids will never knw...
Love the part where basically the DM is given no choice, debate is not allowed you must "set the scene right and move on"
Why are the palms and eartips HUMAN COLOR!!! God i hate ai art
Wicked warned us about you. Greenist!
Honestly, if I'm a DM or a player, and someone at the table does that X crap, I'm not gonna double-down, or triple-down, I'm gonna 100000000000000000000x-down out of pure, spiteful FU energy.
Of if a DM and or the players want this just leave. It is a terrible game enviroment.
x marks the spot you know.
@prydzen NO sorry rhe idea is absurd and rediculous. You feel horrible about a theme or story point.
Get out! Leave! GO!!!
I WILL NOT change my DMing style of 42 years, which has had people waiting of a spot in my game, or my player have to endure this stupidity.
You go find your happy, sunshine, unicorns, no villians, we are are virtuous and socially game somewhere else.
Most REAL DMs and players hate the very concept.
Bye good luck and GOODBYE!!!
@@CharlesCranford-y9k seems like you need your safe space buddy.
ROFL! The ONLY "safe words" that my old DM's used to understand were "F*** this BS, you cheating bastard! I f***ing hate this campaign!"
In short, you were only "triggered" AFTER your character got killed doing some BS attempt to do something stupid that got you or your entire party killed while trying to outsmart the DM. And my DM's were BRUTAL in regards to stuff you had to put up with.
Just ONE example was a torture session that ended up taking my rogue and losing not just a few fingers, but a complete hand AND a foot as well. Forcing my character to switch from "rog" to "bard" after an extensive 3-week (in real life) process of training.... OR accepting being tortured to death and having to re-roll a whole new character.
D&D, a BDSM session combined with a therapy session. We are the overripe fruit laying on the ground rotting in the sun.
I'm convinced this is all a ploy to reprint books over and over to sell different editions of the same ruleset to make more money off collectors.
Great idea to get old Great material out. I have mine though sorry.
The old method was to sell magazines. That added content and updated the reader without having to buy a new print run of the same edition. Then, when enough articles have been made. A new supplement could be released, so you didn't have to track down all those articles.
Joke’s on them. We switched to getting our content from the High Seas. 🏴☠️
TTRPG player since 1982!
Real Kobolds are scaly dog people!
Back in the 80's and 90's, D&D was played by the outcasts of society, Drama kids, Band kids, Nerds, Geeks, Females, LGBTQIA+ people and us Choir kids! Hell, we even allowed normal people play with us! We were very inclusive!
WotC did fire one of the Coolest, Nerdiest and Creative Bisexual women in the just before Christmas firing spree!
I am a proud sexist, because as leaving a store i held open the door for a man, and then waited a few seconds to hold the door open for a woman who called me sexist for doing it, about a decade ago!
It's all a result of all the reddit people making up "nightmare DM" and "player from hell" stories for clout that absolutely never happened.
💯 RPG horror stories BS.
Back in the days of basic, 2ed, third and 3.5 we had a session zero. Where you created characters and got to know your players. The Dm could then curate their campaign for everyone. Also we used DM’s notes between players and DMs to speak in confidence. Since 4th and 5th D&D has become over sexualised and constantly online allowing predators to insinuate themselves and corrupt this beloved ttrpg.
Man, Elon can't swoop in fast enough to buy Hasbro, through those Wizard clowns out the window and safe the IP. What a circus.
Unfortunately, it won't happen.
When i went to PAX earlier this year, the DM handed us a card with an X on it. Said it was for "if the descritions get too scary or you no want to fight a certain type of monster, use this card." My inner thought was, "why the hell play if you are that triggered?"
His entire process is a substitution for honest and earnest conversation and dialogue about your game table between players and DMs. It's not WoW, you can press pause, you can talk it out. You dont need a secret handshake to signal that you're uncomfortable with something.
If tou are offended or upset just leave. Find the imaginary game that will not offend you. It does not exist.
My game table is NOT your therapy session. If you need therapy then go away and get therapy.
the problem is therapists are not allowed to cure their patients anymore, just to enforce their dissorders by telling them they're not dissorders...
The game shouldn't CAUSE someone to need therapy. It's supposed to be fun... for everyone. Not just for a sadistic GM or a pervert player.
Reject D&D, join Pathfinder.
Or or Shadowdark
do they still have evil races that are actually evil?
Or Knave, Swords & Wizardry, or DCC....
Or play older d&d
Pathfinder isn't that much better. And I say this as some one who loves Pathfinder 1e.
Never an issue since these types of people don't get invited to my table.
Honestly most modern RPG's have a whole section on 'safe words' or 'safety cards.' This isn't new, it's the trend. The TTRPG space is terribly infected by the woke.
The fact that they feel that they "Need" safewords and other such nonsense tells you that these people shouldn't be playing RPGs in the first place.
Safety Cards makes sense when relating to the gameplay. It is like Trap Card.
@@LuigiTheMetal64 safety cards aren't about the gameplay though. They spend like, 2-4 pages per RPG talking about how everybody is sensitive to something and this is a safe way to say you don't like what's going on so the GM can stop and do something different"
Any player needing ANY of this safety is TOLD to get out.
@@CharlesCranford-y9k I legit dislike how much paper or pdf space is devoted to it between my collection of books. I feel a little cheated since I can't look through them to find this stuff before I buy them a lot of the time.
As a DM, I use safety tools. A card with a fast forward button and one v with a pause symbol. Or I should say I make them available. I have only ever had them used once. It was a girl who was arachnophobic and asked me to swap the Retriever miniatures for something else. Later she thanked me for having the card because it gave her something to reinforce that it was OK to ask for a change.
Considering there are Orcs in this game, yeah, I can understand having Orc as a trigger word for those with WarHammer 40K PTSD. don't wanna send retired marines into a mad rage like Mermaid Man.видео.htmlsi=Q2wEgiuO7LC4hkAY&t=25
But those are Orks, not Orcs.
Still the same xenos filth
If I'm ever playing this and the DM mentions it in 0, I'm straight up walking out.
@@tskwerl I wouldn't,
I would stay and get "triggered" about every other thing until they see how ridiculous and not fun this and Wokeism is OR they PHYSICALLY toss me out!
@@ygonzalez4134 While fun, I'd have way more fun downing a bottle of rum in the woods or an empty park somewhere and blasting death metal at about a billion decibels while making demon noises with my face.